#Robosona appearance !
doodlenovaa · 4 months
Eggnog Comic
Heyo, so as you all know I run eggnog’s comic-
Well motivation has been,, dead; to say the least, so any motivational messages would be great
My motivation let me
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smiegrin · 11 months
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Realized that I failed to share these additional drawings I finished. Together, they capture a wide range of the kind of space I want this robosona to be able to capture.
The first mode is a cute, pseudo-fluffy being who captures how I idealize my appearance and how I go about my daily life. Here, she is eager and earnest if a bit strange. She might remove her synth-skin mask to keep it from getting stretched out when there's no company around, or take off her overalls to save energy on cooling, but she otherwise maintains herself in a optimally huggable condition and demeanor!
The second mode is her in a more cornered circumstance, as an assembly of resilient, robust, and replaceable components designed to survive at any cost, someone who was built and shaped for one purpose but has taken those tools and principles and applied them to her own ends to protect herself and those she has grown to care for. This mode is significantly more fantastical for sona purposes, the kind of imagery I reach for in my mind when I have to REALLY hit the Block button with some exclamation points attached, or when I think about how rough the world is and about the kind of stuff I wish I could get up to to fix it (in minecraft).
Ultimately I plan on leaning much more on the former mode of operation as it were, but it's nice to have a self-concept that feels more complete in this way, you know? Having a cute fluffy raccoon as a fursona is still very useful I think, but putting a big gun in that sona's hands as she wanders the ruins of Tallon IV has a lot more tonal dissonance in my mind than what I think I've pulled off with this robosona.
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slayerfruit · 8 months
What about a file that's seemingly very innocuous, but holds a virus inside? A particularly subtle one, too.
Like, idk. Say you decide to cook something. Presuming we are talking about your robosona, you are likely cooking for someone else, although it is possible you've installed a module that lets you taste and digest things. (The whole digestion system is pretty clunky though. If I was a robot, I'd probably just plug into the wall. Read a nice book and stim. I mean obviously I'd want to have a module for it somewhere else.) Whatever it is, you need recipes. Say you find a link/are given a datachip/download and use limewire, and you now have what appears to be a perfectly good recipebook on your hands.
Not your hands. Database. Ugh.
Anyway. Unbeknown to you obtaining this file has compromised a system file. You haven't noticed because you already scanned the file and came up with nothing, and you are now busy focusing on reading it. (Your processors are capable of multitasking, but you are currently also listening to a audiostream and checking tripper, which is way better than some old earth social media and currently gets daily updates. You also are really pleased with the new coating you got for your plating, and are spending a considerable amount of CPU admiring it. You are thus really not paying any attention.) The infected system file very calmly, on the next time it would normally gain cycles, infects another system file. There is no payload. All around, maybe one or two bits are changing at a time. But it's spreading. On the bright side, you've just found the best recipe for making cookies. You pull the ingredients out right away, and get to work.
Over the next 30 minutes or so, your systems become effectively fully compromised. You'd think you would notice something off, but again: There is seemingly no payload. Your systems are too screwed to succeed on security scans at this point anyways, even if you thought to scan. You put the cookies in the oven.
Now. We can diverge a little in thought, if preferred. (Because I'm the one writing, I'll be the one telling the thoughts. However, you may pretend I stopped writing if you'd prefer. Sometimes you read a story, go "What??? That's wack. I'm going back 3 lines, and I'm going to spend 10 minutes visualizing a different outcome." And it's fine.) The thing is, this virus doesn't do much more than slightly tweak it's victims actions. All it really does is form new hobbies, and it's so subtle about it the people around you probably wouldn't even recognize you are altered at all. For one, your new baking hobby is innocuous. Making gingersnaps and banana bread and red velvet cake... It's all just clearly something you are having fun doing. (You are having fun. You aren't quite sure why you are having as much fun as you are... but this is good! You've been meaning to pick up something physical to do. The last time you went for a jog the ground kinda shattered? It turns out your frame is really heavy... but being virtually indestructible was too good to pass up!)
For the other... well, none of the people around you are really complaining that much when you start getting more cuddly. Or when you start bringing them the fruits of your hobby. Because... really. What were you going to do with all the extra goods, other than throw them away? That would just be waistful. (Hm? No, I'm pretty sure that's correct.) Everyone around you is so thin anyways...
Anyways, if we skip ahead a little: All of the people you know (and some of the people you kinda-sorta know, and some of the people around them too, now that they think about it but what were they supposed to say when a friend asked if they wanted to share these treats some robot friend of theirs brought them? No? Lesson: Free stuff is hard to turn down.) are now fat as fuck. You aren't pushy about it (Unless deep down you already wanted to be. This virus is playing the long game!) but people really have less self control than they would prefer, generally. You put a plate of cookies before someone and say "Oh, you can have some of these if you want. I made a bunch of them!" And it's like, "Damn. My weight is getting pretty high... but I'm not going to be a poor guest/friend. And I am kinda peckish..." this is how most people end up eating 3(+Z. where Z is the number of times you've come by.) plates of cookies.
Meanwhile, you and everyone else have now adjusted fully. It would almost be more weird if you realized you had a virus in you the whole time. I mean, what kind of virus would just make you take up a hobby? It's way more believable that you just like baking!
That must be it.
...Anyway, your oven just went off. You should probably go get that before the muffins burn.
GHOUGXVGHFMLXCVHMKLXCHMKL this is So So good i love this so much,, just about as much as these cookies!! shoved a bit more brown sugar in them this time and that did the trick, i think they're perfect now :] just. ignore the fact that i had to get another bag of brown sugar. NoIDidntEatHalfOfTheLastBagWhatAreYouTalkingAbout
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synthrobeat · 3 years
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I’m fashionably late in updating my robosona’s appearance! Usually they’re wearing a visor, but I wanted to show what their eye looks like.
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dorenarox · 2 years
I have made an important discovery, purely by chance, but it appears that OMEGATRONIC has modeled his robosona closely after L.O.L.Z.H.A.X, who is, APPARENTLY, also a FNaF character.
Why is everything I think is nicely designed lately a FNaF character?
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