rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
Concept, Skull gets hella drunk one night, and the others are doing general drinking games/teasing type of stuff. They decide to crack on Skull cause he's the youngest and so he's probably not got much experience. Cue Skull whipping out an unnecessarily erotic comparison between what he's like as a sex partner and his abilities with a motorcycle.
Reborn refuses to let Skull get on a motorcycle around him ever again, he can't embarrass himself with his thirst like that in front of others.
So I, of course, had to tweak it just a bit:
The thing is, Skull's never been much of a drinker.
And, despite what Reborn and Colonnello like to say, it's not because he's a lightweight.
No, it's always been the opposite problem with Skull.
It takes a staggering amount of dangerously high-proof alcohol to get him actually drunk.
So much so that Skull had only ever been actually and fully drunk once in his life. He'd never bothered again because, well, most bars wouldn't serve that amount of alcohol to a single person and, most importantly of all, it was an outrageously expensive ordeal.
He'd always had better things to spend whatever money he might have on than trying to get wasted.
Skull's long suspected some kind of Flame fuckery at work but hasn't bothered to really look into it.
Still, whenever drinking had come up with the Arcobaleno before the curse Skull either hadn't bothered to drink at all or had gone for the kind of fruit-filled or extravagant cocktail that always got him a lot of ribbing.
Because if he wasn't going to be able to get drunk but they weren't going to let him leave, then he should at least be able to drink something interesting that doesn't taste like actual paint thinner.
But now? After a handful of decades in the Mafia and with all of the money he's actually managed to accumulate plus an entire case of the specially formulated liquor Verde had cooked up?
Now Skull is well and truly on his way to being wasted.
Which is the perfect time for Skull to remember that, unlike what most would probably think, he's not the loud and overly obnoxious or casually violent type of drunk.
No, that's Colonnello and Fon in order.
Instead, Drunk Skull tends to be way more honest and mouthy than Sober Skull.
"Boo," Colonnello tosses a handful of pretzels in Skull's direction even as he folds yet another hand of cards to Reborn. "You suck Skull, thought you'd be more interesting than this when we finally got you wasted. Come on, be entertaining."
Skull's not sure why anyone's willing to play poker, even Mafia Poker, with Reborn when the fucker so obviously counts cards no matter how many decks are used.
"Save the pigtail pulling for Lal, okay Nello?" Skull finds himself saying, eyes on his own game of Mafia Solitaire and one hand playing with his glittery purple crazy straw. His tall glass of violently green alcohol is a little less than half full and Skull is feeling more than a bit loose. "I'm not gonna fuck you no matter how drunk I get, you're not really my type."
"Hey!" Colonnello squawks, the beer bottle in his hand suddenly hurtling in Skull's direction. "My heart and body belong to Lal alone, asshole."
Skull catches the bottle and then casually tosses it toward the recycling bin that's just visible in the kitchen from where he's sitting. It goes in of course, Skull hadn't filled in for the knife-throwing act as a teenager more than once without learning how to aim his projectiles.
"I've seen your dick, Nello," Skull can't help but tease as he lays down an Ace Of Knives, "that's not as much of a flex as you think it is. Be happy to give you some tips though if you're ready to stop disappointing Lal."
Colonnello looks appropriately scandalized, Reborn's sporting that little smirk of his that's basically a laugh, and beside Colonnello Lal Mirch just snorts into her whiskey tumbler, obviously amused.
Which is both true and false. Skull's absolutely seen Colonnello's dick enough to last him a lifetime but he's not actually as tragic as Skull's making him out to be. Not that Skull will ever admit that.
If there's one thing he's good at after all it's committing to The Bit.
"Brave talk from the group baby," Colonnello cuts back. "Bet you've never even touched a woman, and no your mom doesn't count."
There's a round of immature snickers around the table that Skull honestly can't find fault in since even Verde, Viper, and Fon had joined in.
But, for once, Skull is nowhere near ready to back down.
"Well if my mom doesn't count, then your mom probably doesn't either huh?" Skull bats his lashes at Colonello. "If so then you should probably tell her to stop calling me."
He gets a fist full of peanuts thrown at him this time.
"You know, Skull," Reborn practically slinks his way into the conversation, voice sly, "if you're interested in getting some actual experience I'm sure I know a few ways to help you out."
And as is so often the case with Reborn, Skull's not sure if that's an offer or a threat.
Probably both if he's being honest.
Either way it's also a taunt Skull just can't let stand like he normally would.
"Yelena and Drago Marckovich," Skull lets his tongue wrap around the names.
"Oh?" Reborn's attention is, as always, like being put underneath a combination spotlight/microscope. "And who, pray tell, are they?"
Skull leans back in his chair, aware of how he's somehow gathered everyone in the room's attention.
Which, to be fair, is what he does best.
"They were fraternal twins whose parents ran our high wire act," Skull tells them all. "Drago was one of the group's apprentice mechanics and Yelena was a contortionist."
Skull takes a sip of his drink.
"They were eighteen, gorgeous, and never did anything apart. They're the ones who helped me put my first bike together from the ground up too." Skull can't help the happy little sigh he huffs out. Those really had been an excellent six months. "Couldn't have picked a better pair to lose my virginity to. Taught me how to do all kinds of tricks, both on and off the bike."
There's a moment's silence.
"Bullshit," Colonnello barks out, one hand slapping down onto the tabletop. "No way in hell you bagged twins."
"Absolutely not," Skull agrees readily only to cut Colonnello's smug look off at the knees. "I was sixteen and had no idea what I was doing. They bagged me. Wasn't like I was going to say no."
Across the table, Lal actually hoots with laughter.
"They taught me the foundation for everything I know," Skull keeps going. "Yelena? Now she was all about taking those curves and corners you know? Girl could get in and out of the tightest spaces, taught me how to do the same."
Lal is outright giggling now and Colonnello's all flush faced with his mouth hanging open.
"And Drago?" Skull pauses, flicks his tongue out to play with his lip ring. Cuts his eyes just a bit in Reborn's direction. "Well let's just say he really lived up to his name. He helped me with my stamina. Helped me learn how to really ride."
The twins had been kind and fun and when their arrangement had run its course they'd parted as friends which is something Skull will always be thankful for.
"Of course," Skull waves his straw carelessly through the air around him, "when I left to strike out on my own I had to refine my technique on my own, develop my own skills and tricks, that kind of thing. Luckily there was never a shortage of eager and willing volunteers to work with. I learn better by doing and I've always been good with my hands anyways so it was fun, finding new bodies to work with and figuring out all the ways to lay each one of them out and make them purr."
Skull tosses back the rest of his drink and pushes himself up onto his feet.
"I grew up in the circus and had my own traveling stunt show by 19," Skull tells them all, more than a bit amused by the turn the evening had taken. "I've fucked my way across six continents, various oceans, and a wide variety of islands."
Skull shoves his hands into the pockets of his low-hanging sweatpants and ambles towards the veranda door.
The cool grass, wide open sky, and quiet of the garden out back are practically calling his name by this point.
There's a moment's silence and then he hears a chair scrape across the floor loudly behind him.
Skull keeps walking, doesn't bother to look back.
The fedora that drops down on top of his head isn't as much of a surprise to Skull as it might have been five or so bottles ago.
"I could stand to hear a bit more about your ,,, unexpected expertise," Reborn practically purrs from Skull's side, one large, warm hand splaying itself possessively across the small of Skull's back.
"Jealous?" Skull can't help but snip back.
"Oh no," Reborn's grin is more than a bit dark and his eyes are a hawkish sort of golden. "Jealousy implies a lack of skill. And trust me, bellissimo, that's one thing you'll never have to worry about with me."
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rayshippouuchiha · 5 months
now im thinking abt how run for the hills also by tate mcrae is very Reborn and Skull from Skulls pov
oh oh I like that
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Katekyou Hitman Reborn! Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Reborn/Skull (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!) Characters: Skull (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Reborn (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Arcobaleno (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Colonnello (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!) Additional Tags: Pre-Relationship, Pre-Reborn/Skull, Post-Canon, Adult Arcobaleno (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), post-Arcobaleno curse, Comedy, Sassy Skull, Drinking, Alcohol, Skull (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!)-centric, BAMF Skull (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!) Series: Part 6 of Tales From The Void ~ Ray's Multi-Fandom Ficlet Collection Summary:
"Brave talk from the group baby," Colonnello cuts back. "Bet you've never even touched a woman, and no your mom doesn't count."
There's a round of immature snickers around the table that Skull honestly can't find fault in since even Verde, Viper, and Fon join in.
Proof that, despite all appearances, they’re all the same kind of immature assholes at heart.
But, for once, Skull is nowhere near ready to back down.
"Well if my mom doesn't count, then your mom probably doesn't either huh?" Skull bats his lashes at Colonello. "So you should probably tell her to stop calling me then."
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
consider this - skull using a throwing axe to cut one of reborn's bullets in mid air.
Reborn's next bullet has an engagement ring tied to it
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
Hi ray. you know when you get those excellent, excellent ideas that you just can't write out no matter what? i had one where it's like this hitman duo where one is on the ground and does the luring, while the second is in the roofs waiting for the perfect shot. and they bicker (they're in love). obviously. i was thinking why does this dynamic seem so familiar? then i was like omg reborn and skull. also saw something about referring to snipers as "help from above" so i thought that was super cute
Oh no that's perfect
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years
So..... i saw an ask here re RebornxSkull (my fave pair along with 18x27) and i was wondering if you have any fic recs? Thanks!
Foxtron on AO3 has some excellent fics that haven't been updated in a while but otherwise I'll put it out there for you!
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years
please consider reborn/skull as an omega/omega couple
Oh now that'd be a lot
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years
So what is your rare pair ship that doesn't have a lot of numbers? Or the one you are wishing for right now?
Oh the degree of rarity varies from pairing to pairing but I'd say quality AiDeku, KakaNaru, RebornSkull, Harry Potter/Aizawa (obsessed with this now), and then a variety of cross over pairings that I'm probably gonna end up writing as well.
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years
Oh RebornSkull is my favorite thing rn, except for another ship that has 18 works in ao3 and only one is smut. tho to be fair it's really good smut with all the kinks
RebornSkull grabbed me by my entire soul even though I haven't finished the anime yet.
I just know once i get through it I'm gonna have more fic ideas
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rayshippouuchiha · 3 years
(1/3) I have Opinions about RebornSkull!! There is no audience for this but eh. Anyways their ship has so much potential?? You can reach god-level hijinks with them. You think Reborn is the one to watch out for? This purple man has an Octopus that can and will sit on you. He can and will invade a island filled with the worst of the Mafia just for shits and giggles. They are very enthusiastic about the other's capability for chaos. Oh, your compound is on fire? Yes, it's our two-year anniversary.
(2/3) Isn't it such a sweet gift? On the other hand, their canon relationship is pretty abusive. Just because Skull can and will heal from Death itself, doesn't mean Reborn can just shoot him willy-nilly. This is not a dealbreaker because well, the same can be said for Sefikura, and I love that ship.
(3/3) It just means that it should be treated with a certain delicacy? That in order for me to enjoy their ship the author should have taken a good hard look at canon and said 'I like these parts, but those ones can go fuck themselves'. Not every author does that, so a lot of fanfic accidentally fall into unhealthy territories. Anyways ahaha that's it sorry for rambling (^_^;)
Me being me I already adore Skull and would be into the ship for the angst. Just, the possibilities and the angst. Yes please and thank you.
All the angst, all the chaos, all the possibilities of a Cloud who doesn’t die and what that could mean.
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rayshippouuchiha · 3 years
I feel like when you watch KHR (all the way through cause if you don't know the entire backstory then this ship is really questionable) you'd totally ship R27. It's like Kakanaru but with guns, hot italian men and 10 times the sadism.
yeah I know enough about KHR by now to know I already ship it and need/want all the AUs. Also ship RebornSkull and TsunaHibari.
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rayshippouuchiha · 3 years
The Time Loop Adventure of Skull and Reborn by Carnivorous Usagi is an amazing RebornSkull fic, and it definitely works through the issues they have together. Not as much as I would've liked, but still a wonderful story.
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