#Realme X9
darthladyofillusions · 2 months
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Welcome to my unsolicited opinions of how old I think these fictional game characters are. Before I give my long explanation I would like to mention when I say
Early; I mean x0-x3
Mid; I mean x4-x6
Late; I mean x7-x9
With that said I can ramble about my headcanons.
+18 to Mid 20s Crowd
Everyone in this tier seem pretty self explanatory to me. I started the age range at 18 because some agents like Gekko and Neon by their design feel younger in a way that wouldn’t surprise me to hear them being under 20. I would like to think every single agent is recruited when they are over 20 but I wouldn’t be surprised if that wasn’t the case. I did see the leaks for the upcoming agent Clover and I believe she may be grouped with these two as well (my idea on her may change but she is still in this tier regardless.). But since I don’t know for sure I will just say those two are the younger ones on this tier. They are followed by Jett, Iso, Killjoy, Phoenix, Raze and Yoru from youngest to oldest.
Late 20s to mid 30s
This crowd is made up of people that do not feel as old as the agents on lower tiers but seem older than the previous tier considering their previous jobs or expertise on their fields.
The youngest on this tier in my mind is Deadlock, Sova and Astra. Deadlock has been part of her group and seems to have been with them for a while. Sova was in the military (he was right?) and seems to have had experience. Astra feels like she is about to finish her 3rd decade but still hasn’t. So they are the late 20s gang. They seem older than the top tier but not by much.
Skye, Fade and Reyna are the early 30s group. They seem to have been doing their respective shticks long enough to make a name, gain experience, establish connections and achieve stuff in their lives. Skye seems to have been doing her job for a while now, she has made a name for herself. Reyna has her community she protects and I believe that would take time to do. Fade has been a bounty hunter long enough to gain and polish her skills and make connections with other organizations like REALM. These being said Skye doesn’t feel old enough to be in her mid 30s, Reyna has a kid (or maybe she is a tween Idk?) sister and Fade’s sense of style and voicelines stop me from saying she is older.
In the mid 30s duo we have Harbor and Chamber. They are here simply because I think they should be. Moving on.
Late 30s to Mid 40s
I don’t think anyone in this tier is in their mid 40s. I just wrote the name like that when I was making the tierlist and am too lazy to make a new one. From youngest to oldest I believe it goes like Sage, Breach, Cypher and Viper. Sage- Breach and Cypher-Viper can change places between each other, they feel close enough. Breach and Sage are late 30s; Cypher and Viper are early 40s but Viper may be pushing into mid 40s.
Older Than Everyone
Brimstone is the commander and keeps calling himself an old dog so he gets to be the oldest. I think he is in his early 50s. Seems like a good age to still be going on missions.
Does It Even Matter?
The only thing we need to care about them is the fact of them having minds of human adults. If they were to be put somewhere I would choose the second tier earl to mid 30s to place them.
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Blue Addison from Deltarune chapter 2 timeline questions
💙x1.) Did you know Spamtom? If so, how?
💙x2.) Ever meet Kris and the gang?
💙x3.) Did you like your job or was it more of an obligation?
💙x4.) Did you specialize in selling a specific thing?
💙x5.) Did you get along with any of the other Addisons, if there was more than just you?
💙x6.) How'd you feel about the other inhabitants of Cyber World?
💙x7.) Did you ever visit the amusement parks in Cyber City?
💙x8.) Was Queen your, well, queen or was it someone else?
💙x9.) What was your favorite thing to sell, if you had a favorite?
💙x10.) Did you ever get to travel to the other realms?
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johndeerecombine · 1 month
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Enhance Harvest Efficiency: Best Aftermarket Combine Concaves for John Deere X9
In the realm of modern agriculture, the John Deere X9 stands as a testament to innovation and efficiency. Engineered to revolutionize the harvesting process, the X9 model boasts an array of features and capabilities that set it apart from its predecessors and competitors alike. Among the key components that contribute to its exceptional performance are the aftermarket combine concaves designed specifically for the X9, optimizing its functionality across various crops and field conditions.
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xidaax · 2 months
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Ride Asia EV Exhibition 2024: Shaping the Future of Electric Mobility
Introduction: As the world increasingly turns towards sustainable transportation solutions, the Ride Asia EV Exhibition 2024 stands at the forefront of showcasing the latest innovations and trends in electric vehicles (EVs). Scheduled from April 19th to April 21st, 2024, at the prestigious Pragati Maidan in New Delhi, this event promises to be a pivotal moment for both electric vehicle manufacturers and users alike.
Section 1: The Venue and Participants: Pragati Maidan, known for hosting prestigious events, will be the bustling hub of electric mobility enthusiasts, manufacturers, policymakers, and experts during the Ride Asia EV Exhibition 2024. This event is set to attract a diverse range of participants from across the globe, including leading EV manufacturers, startups, component suppliers, government representatives, and passionate EV users.
Section 2: Key Themes and Focus Areas: The Ride Asia EV Exhibition 2024 will delve into various key themes and focus areas shaping the future of electric mobility. From advancements in battery technology and charging infrastructure to innovative vehicle designs and sustainable transportation solutions, attendees can expect to explore the full spectrum of EV innovation. With a spotlight on clean energy initiatives and eco-friendly transportation solutions, the event aims to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles for a greener tomorrow.
Section 3: Featured Exhibits and Attractions: Attendees of the Ride Asia EV Exhibition 2024 can look forward to an array of captivating exhibits, showcases, and attractions. From unveiling cutting-edge electric vehicle models to interactive demonstrations of emerging technologies, there will be something to captivate every visitor. Keynote speeches by industry leaders, panel discussions on the future of electric mobility, and hands-on workshops will provide valuable insights and learning opportunities for all participants.
Section 4: Networking and Collaboration Opportunities: One of the most significant aspects of the Ride Asia EV Exhibition 2024 is the networking and collaboration opportunities it offers. Manufacturers can connect with potential partners, suppliers, investors, and customers, paving the way for strategic alliances and business growth. Likewise, users can interact with industry experts, test drive the latest EV models, and gain valuable knowledge about transitioning to electric mobility.
Section 5: Future Outlook and Impact: As the Ride Asia EV Exhibition 2024 draws to a close, its impact on the electric vehicle industry and sustainable transportation efforts will reverberate far beyond the event itself. By fostering innovation, promoting awareness, and facilitating collaborations, this event plays a vital role in accelerating the transition to electric mobility. With each passing year, the Ride Asia EV Exhibition strengthens its position as a catalyst for positive change in the automotive landscape.
Section 6: Xidaa Moto Pvt Ltd at Ride Asia EV Exhibition 2024: Among the esteemed participants at the Ride Asia EV Exhibition 2024 is Xidaa Moto Pvt Ltd, a trailblazer in the realm of electric mobility. With a commitment to crafting cutting-edge electric bikes that seamlessly blend performance, style, and sustainability, Xidaa Moto Pvt Ltd is set to showcase its flagship model, the Xidaa X9, at the event. Boasting state-of-the-art technology, sleek design, and eco-friendly credentials, the Xidaa X9 exemplifies the future of urban commuting. Visitors to the Xidaa Moto Pvt Ltd exhibit can experience firsthand the thrill of riding the X9, explore its innovative features, and learn about the company's vision for revolutionizing urban transportation. As a driving force for change in the electric vehicle industry, Xidaa Moto Pvt Ltd aims to inspire and empower individuals to embrace electric mobility as a viable and environmentally conscious mode of transportation. Join Xidaa Moto Pvt Ltd at the Ride Asia EV Exhibition 2024 and embark on a journey towards a cleaner, greener future.
Conclusion: The Ride Asia EV Exhibition 2024 promises to be an unparalleled gathering of industry pioneers, enthusiasts, and stakeholders, united in their shared vision of a cleaner, greener future. As electric vehicles continue to reshape the transportation landscape, events like Ride Asia serve as beacons of inspiration and innovation, driving us towards a more sustainable tomorrow. Mark your calendars and join us at Pragati Maidan in New Delhi from April 19th to April 21st, 2024, as we embark on an electrifying journey towards a brighter future.
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7ooo-ru · 9 months
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10 главных новинок августа: робопес Xiaomi, Индия прилунилась, истории в Telegram для всех
Лето уже заканчивается, а новые крутые устройства и события — никогда. Традиционно собрали лучшие инновации августа: от робособаки до самого тонкого складного смартфона в мире.
realme C53 — антикризисный «китаец»
Смартфон получил такое прозвище благодаря низкой цене и неплохим характеристикам. За 14 тысяч рублей пользователи получат большой 6,74-дюймовый IPS с разрешением FHD+ и увеличенной частотой обновления 90 Гц.
Толщина корпуса всего 7,5 мм, зато в него поместился бюджетный процессор Unisoc T612, 6 ГБ оперативки (можно расширить до 12 ГБ) и батарея на 5000 мАч. Причем аккумулятор поддерживает быструю зарядку мощностью 33 Вт — 50% всего за полчаса. Добавляем 50-мегапиксельную камеру и 3,5 мм разъем для наушников, и получаем бодрое антикризисное решение. Наш подробный обзор читайте здесь.
Цена: 13 999 рублейДля кого: для тех, кто боится даже смотреть на курс доллара
Honor Pad X9 — планшет с мощной акустикой
Девайс наконец добрался до России. Возможно, вы даже слышали. В буквальном смысле — аудиосистема у планшета состоит из шести разнонаправленных динамиков, которые выдают объемный и басистый звук. Можно и музыку послушать, и фильм с комфортом посмотреть.
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2023/08/29/191-10-glavnyh-novinok-avgusta-robopes-xiaomi-indiya-prilunilas-istorii-v-telegram-dlya-vseh-grss-234936827.html
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best-solution0 · 11 months
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Realme X9 Price in Bangladesh (Official)
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slayerfruit · 1 year
Tell us more about your sona! Or ocs if you have them!!!
hell YEAH im down for talkin about my ocs >:] ive done posts on em on my main account, so i'll link to those through the colored names and give further funny thoughts here JADEAPPLE + JADE-LIEN + ROBOJADE ok so. i don't actually have much besides the linked posts for this one NVXHKLXVKL these designs are just a vessel for me to portray myself!! i am jade-lien and jade-lien is me and whatever i draw myself in is just me wanting to be whatever that is at the given moment (and lord do i have Moods sometimes) SAIREN-X9 in the realm of Funny™, sairen is secretive and a denial-holic, much so to the point where if you see them experimenting with themselves in a not-even-barely-disguised-fetish way they will very quickly explain to you how what they're doing is "Not recreational and has real scientific merits that you simply don't currently comprehend" (denial is very cute imo) also that green fuel that they use is SUPER unstable so whatever you do don't mess with it or you'll end up bloating yourself one way or another G-TAAK + TELS (outdated design atm) gay gay homosexual gay G-Taak actually originated as "what's the hottest guy i can design right now" the original drawing i did of him had hips as wide as double doors lmAO he's a switch sure but 80% top 20% power bottom- he Loves messing with people, sairen being frequently very flustered by his antics (hacking into them with knowledge gained from TELS to perform body mods with the fuel or remotely controlling their arms to start caressing their own chest) TELS is like. always super chub nCHKLLKFH i just like big huge soft nerds and love the thought of hugging him CANDYMAN + COTTOLINE candyman and cottoline's relationship horny-wise are sorta a mirror of sairen and g-taaks what with candyman being afflicted by cottoline a lot (and she gets very cutesy about it), but Unlike sairen candyman isn't suppressed in the slightest and moreso is just a heavy first-reaction-then-calms-down-later type of guy (i.e. gets really mad that cottoline made him a busty boy somehow but later he grows to like it a Lot) in other situations candyman is usually either very confident or very oblivious to his current status nXCKHLXC (he loves to wear tons of skimpy outfits but gets confused as to why he can't even put them on anymore after gaining 800 pounds that he barely notices)
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tringpk · 3 years
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mymobilesnews · 3 years
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amithasan2019 · 3 years
Realme X9 May Feature 6.4-Inch AMOLED Display, 4,200mAh Battery
Realme X9 May Feature 6.4-Inch AMOLED Display, 4,200mAh Battery
Realme X9 series has apparently been spotted on China’s TENAA and 3C, just as Russia’s EEC certificate sites. The model number RMX3361, accepted to be of the vanilla Realme X9, has apparently advanced toward TENAA and 3C site, proposing that the telephone may dispatch soon. The postings allude to a portion of the determinations of the telephone including its showcase size, battery limit, and…
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inditechnical · 3 years
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filternewsofficial · 3 years
Realme Buds Q2 TWS ईयरबड्स ANC के साथ जल्द होंगे भारत में लॉन्च
Realme Buds Q2 TWS ईयरबड्स ANC के साथ जल्द होंगे भारत में लॉन्च
Realme Buds Q2 TWS को कंपनी की भारतीय वेबसाइट के इवेंट पेज पर टीज़ किया गया है। बता दें, यह ईयरबड्स पाकिस्तान में अप्रैल में लॉन्च किए गए थे और जल्द ही इन्हें भारतीय मार्केट में लॉन्च किया जाएगा। माना जा रहा है कि भारतीय वेरिएंट का डिज़ाइन पाकिस्तान में लॉन्च हुए मॉडल के समान ही होगा, हालांकि आगामी ईयरबड्स इनवायरमेंट नॉइस कैंसिलेशन की जगह एक्टिव नॉइस कैंसिलेशन (ANC) के साथ आ सकते हैं। इसके…
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johndeerecombine · 2 months
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Innovations in Harvesting Technology: A Deep Dive into John Deere X9 and S680 Models
In the dynamic realm of agriculture, where innovation is paramount to sustainability and productivity, the John Deere X9 and S680 models stand out as paragons of harvesting technology. These models represent the pinnacle of John Deere’s commitment to advancing farming practices through cutting-edge machinery. In this article, we delve into the features and advancements of the John Deere X9 and S680 models and their profound impact on crop harvesting.
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igeekphone · 3 years
Xu Qi Exposed Realme New Phone, Realme X9 Series Estimately
Xu Qi Exposed Realme New Phone, Realme X9 Series Estimately
Previously, it was reported that Realme will usher in a new monthly launch period, and now Realme Vice President, President of China, Global Marketing President Xu Qi suddenly began to warm up the new model, combined with the previous information to see will be the flagship Realme X9 series. Realme has new Snapdragon 870 and Snapdragon 778G phones, according to digital blogger @Digital…
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best-solution0 · 11 months
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Realme X9 Pro Price in Bangladesh (Official)
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apidroid · 3 years
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