#Raspberry Pi Display
dexaroth · 1 year
drawing mechs? fun. very fun
DESIGNING mechs though. good fuckin lord my brainwrinkles are turning into knots
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sbcomponents · 1 year
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electronicstechtalk · 2 years
Mini E-ink display touch laptop using Raspberry Pi
Well, I was looking for some trending technologies and at that moment I got to know about the E-ink technology. If you are not aware of this technology, then you should check it.
Let’s back to the topic…
I had E-ink display and raspberry pi.
So the curiosity to do some cool stuff started banging my head.
And I decided that I will make a mini touch laptop with these two…
For my mini laptop I used Kali Linux as it is best os for laptop.
After the lots of experiments and failures, I made it.
My laptop has features like-
As small as our finger, portable, and easy to hide and carry anywhere.
Built-in full multi-touch keyboard.
Multi-touch display for working as a hacking tablet.
Equipped with Wi-Fi, BLE, and Bluetooth connectivity for wireless and network-based exploitation and penetration testing.
You can check the complete step-by-step guide to understand how I made this mini E-ink display touch laptop using Raspberry Pi.
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svsembedded · 9 months
GPS Clock Using Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040) Arm Cortex-M0
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diyprojectslabs · 11 months
Raspberry Pi Pico GPS Tracker Using NEO-6M & OLED Display
Introduction This guide will help you to build a Pico GPS tracker using the NEO-6M GPS module and OLED display. You’ll learn how to wire the components together and write a Micropython script to read data from the GPS module and display it on the OLED display. Global Positioning System, or GPS, technology allows accurate Tracking of residents, assets, and units. GPS allows exact location…
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mileydna · 1 year
need more wearable computers in transfem fashion tbh
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techcree · 1 year
Klein aber fein, das @pimoroni pico inkey
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Das @pimoroni pico inkey Display ist ein cooles Zubehör für den Raspberry Pi Pico W! Warum es gerade beim Pico W so nützlich ist erfahrt ihr hier!
Das Pimoroni pico inkey ist ein 2.9" (296x128px) schwarz/weiss Display auf der Basis der eink Technologie. Kurz gesagt, dass was zuletzt angezeigt wird bleibt auch nach entfernen der Stromversorgung erhalten. Typisch eInk halt. Und es ist preiswert, denn es wird derzeit für rund 14 Euro im Onlineshop von Pimoroni angeboten, jedenfalls sofern es aktuell lieferbar ist. Doch es ist nicht enfach nur ein eink Display, eigentlich ist es ein Board und verfügt über Steckleisten auf die ein Raspberry Pi Pico W aufgesteckt werden kann.
Hinweis: Dieser Beitrag enthält kostenlose und unbezahlte Werbung für ein Produkt.
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Bild zeigt die Rückseite und Vorderseite des pico Inkey.
Das ist eines der Dinge wor dieses Display Vorteile hat, weil es allein dadurch bereits so einfach in der Handhabung ist. Das reine Display gibt es bei Pimoroni auch zu kaufen. Das könnte ggf. von Interesse werden, wenn man einmal ein Display austauschen müsste. An diesem Punkt sei angemerkt, dass es das gleiche Display ist, welches auch auf Pimoronis Badger2040, etc. verwendet wird.
Drei Druckknöpfe stehen zur Verfügung, welche man programmieren kann. Eine Pin-Buchsenleiste ist wie gesagt vormontiert und man benötigt zusätzlich nur noch den Raspberry Pi Pico selbst mit gelöteten Pins. Dann aber heißt es PicoW draufstecken und loslegen. Programmiert werden kann dann beispielsweise mit Micropython und so kann das kleine Diplay allerlei gute Dienste leisten. Einige Anwendungsbereiche kommen wir da in den Sinn. Als Namensschild oder um Ware auszuzeichnen oder für allerlei andere sinnvolle oder lustige Dinge. Und wegen der schnellen Aktuallisierungsrate dieses eInk Display sogar auch als Uhr!
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Bild zeigt die Verwendung eines eInk Displays als Uhr.
Da der Pico W Verwendung findet steht uns der Uugang zum Internet offen und wir können uns allerlei Infos aus dem Web ziehen und anzeigen. Und das Display löst uns ein ganz wichtiges Problem. Es kann uns die IP Adresse anzeigen , welche der Pico W in unserem WLAN bekommen hat. Und das ist ziemlich cool. Lasst mich ein Beispiel geben warum. Stellt euch vor Ihr verendet den Pico W als Teil eines Smart-Homes. Der Pico W dient dabei als kleiner Webserver, stellt uns also eine Website zur Verfügung, welche eben unter der ihm zugewiesenen IP Adresse aufrufbar ist. Mit einem angeschlossenen Relais kann so ein Pico dann bspw. eine Lampe ein- und ausschalten.
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Bild zeigt einen Raspberry Pi Pico W mit einem Relais zur Smarthome-Steuerung um einen Verbraucher zu schalten.
Aber nun kommt der springende Punkt. Solange der Pico W via USB Kabel mit dem Computer und bspw. der Thonny IDE verbunden ist, können wir über das Terminal Fenster mitlesen was der Pico so treibt. Und so können wir uns auch ansehen, wenn er sich mit dem WLAN verbindet und welche IP Adresse er bekommen hat. Die könnte sich freilich auch mal ändern, wenn die vom Router dynamisch IP Adressen vergeben lassen.
Hängt der Pico W aber dann später ggf. nicht mehr am Computer, sondern an einem beliebigen Bestimmungsort, wo er nur Strom zum Betrieb erhält, so sieht die Sache eben anders aus. Jetzt aber könnten wir auch noch mit Hilfe des pico inky Displays die IP Adresse anzeigen lassen. Ziemlich cool!
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Bild zeigt den Raspberry Pi Pico mit dem montierten pico inkey Display für die Anzeige der IP Adresse.
Und wieder einmal ist bewiesen, dass uns Pimoroni nicht nur lustiges Spielzeug, sondern auch echt nützliches Zubehör liefert. Das ist nun einer der Beiträge meiner aktuellen Beitrags-Serie, die ich kurz "Pimorini Woche" "genannt habe. Wenn Ihr möchtet folgt mit auf Twitter und bleibt aktuell, denn da kommt noch mehr.
Hier nun noch der Link zum Produkt: pimoroni.com pico inkey
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biggelectronics · 2 years
OLED Display Module
The acronym ‘OLED’ stands for Organic Light-Emitting Diode, which is a technology that uses LEDs to produce light from organic molecules. These organic LEDs are used to make what is regarded as the best display panels in the world.
A series of organic thin films are sandwiched between two conductors to create OLED displays. A bright light is emitted when an electrical current is applied. A simple design that has many advantages over other display technologies.
OLEDs enable emissive displays, which means that each pixel is individually controlled and emits its light (unlike LCDs in which the light comes from a backlighting unit). OLED displays have excellent image quality, with bright colours, fast motion, and, most importantly, a high contrast ratio. Specifically, “true” blacks (that cannot be achieved in LCDs due to the backlighting). Because of the simplicity of the OLED design, it is also relatively simple to produce flexible and transparent displays.
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An OLED display works on the same principle as an LED display, but in a slightly different way. To produce light, an LED panel requires a dedicated backlighting setup. An OLED panel, on the other hand, can generate its light. All of this is made possible by specially designed OLED diodes.
An OLED diode is composed of six layers, two of which retain organic properties. When current is passed through these diodes, the organic layers produce light, which is then processed by a colour refiner to produce the image on the screen. Because these panels do not need to be backlit,
Today, OLEDs are mostly found in mobile devices, including many high-end smartphones. Over 500 million OLED panels are produced each year by various display manufacturers, and the market is expanding as OLEDs provide better image quality, smaller form factors, and flexibility — all of which are difficult to achieve with LCDs.
OLEDs can also be used to make TVs; some of the world’s best TV panels are made using cutting-edge OLED technology. Several TV manufacturers use OLED technologies to create award-winning premium OLED TVs with exceptional image quality and ultra-thin form factors.
Other players are expected to enter this market shortly with new technologies such as ink-jet-printed OLEDs and quantum-dot hybrid OLEDs.
OLEDs are a relatively new display technology that is still advancing at a rapid pace. While many flexible OLED panels are already in use, next-generation displays are in the works, promising innovations such as foldable devices, followed by rollable and stretchable displays.
The next generation of OLED displays will most likely focus on foldable panels, which will enable new mobile device form factors. Consider phones that can be opened to become tablets or smartwatches that can be opened to provide smartphone-sized displays.
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diyelectronicsus · 2 years
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oldguydoesstuff · 7 months
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My old Radio Shack DVM displays "Shrt" for short circuit in continuity test mode. In this case I read it as 'Shit', because I somehow managed to fry this Raspberry Pi as I was trying to shoehorn it into one of those cheapo Walmart GoGamer handheld cases. I was 90% done but I think it must have gotten some wire trims on the bench stuck in it somewhere. Sloppy work on my part, my bad.
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taperwolf · 8 months
So I often see novel computer keyboard designs, but I hadn't really felt inspired to make my own until now.
See, Hackaday recently ran a piece on Stephen Holdaway's "Unicode Binary Input Terminal", which lets you flip switches to input any Unicode character — by flipping switches to indicate its binary value in UTF-8 encoding.
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It displays the character on the little display, and you can then flip another switch to send the character like a keyboard would over USB.
Among the usual comments about how Holdaway should have built the device by using only 555 timers came the suggestion that UTF-8 is unwieldy, and that he should have added even more toggle switches to enter longer bitstreams directly. Now, I don't want to take that tack on it; toggle switches get expensive. But there are other ways to input long sets of binary data!
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Years ago, I found this panel in some surplus or thrift shop; I honestly don't remember any more. It's got two sets of eight hexadecimal thumbwheel switches; each one can be set to a hexadecimal "digit" between 0 and F, and the binary pattern of that hexit read off the leads in the back.
(If anyone out there recognizes where this panel originally came from, let me know; it has no other markings besides the visible ones, and the switch banks just each bear a sticker saying they came from the Digitran Company of Pasadena, California, and were probably made in 1972. (Remarkably, Digitran still makes very similar switches — I think there's a military spec for them — though they're presently owned by Electro Switch Corp, and are of the sort that don't list prices on the webpage. For similar devices, Surplus Sales of Nebraska has 6-hexit banks, albeit with shorter numbers, available for $225 each, or slightly taller ones for $15 per hexit and you have to fabricate your own frame.)
At any rate, the switch banks are easily removed from the panel. My plan is to set them in a new panel with a display between them and have a toggle or slider switch to change modes, so you can enter UTF-8 streams (anywhere between eight ASCII characters and a single dual-character-point emoji; the wheels are currently set to display the US flag) or sets of UTF-16 or UTF-32 characters; a final button would again send the character(s) over USB.
I'm currently dithering over how best to implement this. Obviously Unicode isn't going to fit in any of my usual microcontrollers, and the 64 data lines required to read the switches will need some GPIO expanders or shift registers. I do have a couple of unused Raspberry Pi ZeroWs lying around, which would let me leverage Linux font and Unicode handling, and then I could hook it to an Arduino or Teensy to handle the USB part, unless there's an obvious way for a Pi to be a USB client. The display is a similar dither; I've got some small graphical LCDs and a tiny OLED display, and even some e-ink displays that might work for this. Heck, I should see if I can find those dot-matrix VFDs I have somewhere. It's more likely to be a color LCD if I want emoji support, but requirements are flexible right now.
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loyalnerdsbian · 2 months
I've never used arduinos or raspberry pi's or anything like that. I also don't know how to write/use code. However, I am researching how to made a Farnsworth with a display screen and audio capabilities. I want to make one that can display videos (or gifs) on the screen and at least play the "ringtone" buzzer sound. I never got around to making one back in the day. My plans back then where just to have a blank screen or a single printed out picture under the glass, but I feel like being ambitious now.
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notquiteapex · 5 months
So, how's the JukeBox development coming along? Well, it sure is coming, I promise.
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In case you don't know what a JukeBox is, it's a little hotkey device I'm building! I originally made this to assist with my endeavors in streaming, but it turns out having extra keys is very useful for a lot of things! Whether it be hotkeys for quickly running macros via AutoHotKey, managing your Discord audio settings, playing funny sounds with VoiceMod, switching tools in your favorite art program like Paint Tool SAI, or managing OBS like I do. It's a very powerful device, and all it does is act like a keyboard with the F13-F24 keys. I bet you didn't even know there was more than the F1-F12 keys, am I right?
About a year ago, I said I would begin selling these soon. That was a bit of a lie, fortunately I am very good at those. That last bit was also a lie, in case you couldn't tell. I got the opportunity to work on the JukeBox as part of an independent study for college credit, so I took a lot of time to plan and rethink the product. That part wasn't a lie The result is the new V5 board!
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Ok so this isn't the actual V5 board yet.
I decided to completely change up what makes up a JukeBox. I decided to use an RP2040 chip, which is used to power a Raspberry Pi Pico. I used a Pico board, along with the old JukeBox V4 boards, an RGB LED ring, and an OLED screen to build my ideal V5 prototype. The result is the same JukeBox known and loved but with some added features, like reactive lighting and a screen to display fun graphics and info!
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This is the finalized board, it's design has been shipped off to manufacturing, and will hopefully arrive right at the start of the new year. I'm paying a lot of money for just 10 of these things! I can't wait.
The plan is to sell 3 versions of the board, a basic variant (keyboard only), an RGB variant, and an RGB plus screen variant. Prices are still being determined, but they will be higher than previously anticipated due to rising material costs. The goal is to keep the basic variant at $25 to maintain affordability. You will also be able to choose what kinds of keys you want, be it Cherry MX Blues or Kailh Choc Whites.
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I'm working on the final casing. It'll be a 3D printed shell with some nice M2.5 nuts and bolts. It'll also be in a mostly-opaque white so the RGB looks good shining through. The legs are also completely optional, both the case and the legs will have nice rubber feet to keep the board steady. The keycaps will be "relegendable", meaning you'll be able to stick a piece of paper in them with whatever you want on them. You get everything seen here, plus a USB-C cable, and my deepest gratitude. Maybe some day you'll get to have a JukeBox in atomic purple instead of a basic white!
The best part about it all is that you don't need to install any drivers! The keyboard component is always guaranteed to work on any computer that supports USB, and most usually do (hopefully). The screen and RGB won't work without a companion app, sadly, but I'm working hard to make it painless to setup and use, near plug-and-play. I've been writing it in Rust while working on the board, and it will support Windows and Linux without much issue.
Lastly, the entire project is going to be open source! The code will be under an open license, and all the physical parts will be usable under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-SA). I won't allow people to just up and sell the boards without modification, but if someone wants to make and sell their own variant I'd be more than happy to allow it if they ask. Devices like these should be cheap and accessible for everyone.
Hopefully I'll start selling these on my Ko-fi before Q2 of 2024. See you then!
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the-demopan · 7 months
Anyone know how to make a PCB keyboard dedicated to a Raspberry Pi?
I don't think I worded it the greatest but I intend to make a keyboard from a custom PCB, but I was wondering if there was a way to have it connected to a Raspberry Pi some way other than USB?
I might want to keep the GPIO pins free for a display but I realize I can only have one or the other
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💖💗 Happy Valentine's Day!!!💗💖
Here is my FINAL Lupercalia/Valentine’s Day fic for 2023!
Don't worry I still have some letters to post!
Hope everyone is indulging in lust and love today! I know I will be 😏
Without further ado here is my Valentine's commission from the wonderful @kawaiic featuring her OC Saccharine and Copia!
This Night Was Made For Us
Some NSFW below the cut!
Also available HERE on AO3!
Commissions are still open! Please see pinned post for carrd info with heart mug site.
art of Sister of Sin Saccharine by @kawaiic
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The sun was shining brightly in from the window of the sisters’ dormitory and the sound of Primo’s song birds twittering away, trickled in from just outside. Saccharine stretched out in bed, waking up with a huge smile on her face and a warmth inside her heart that was unmatched. The sister always had a sweet disposition, but today was a special day. It was the first day of Lupercalia.   
Tonight was the beginning festival dinner and everyone would be there for the celebrations including Papa Emeritus the Fourth. Since their confession of love for one another had been spoken, it made this year’s Lupercalia more special than ever before. It was always a magical time, one that Saccharine held the most dear to her heart. This year, she had decided to go all out. Her plans and preparations would include a fantastical display, one she was sure would wow them all. Especially one very timid and sweet Papa. 
She got dressed in an adorable deep red pinafore dress and corset. Straightening out the line of red lace along the bottom, before pulling the corset laces to perfection over her white puff sleeve blouse. A beautiful bow—adorned at its center with a golden grucifix brooch, was perfect to finish off the look. Saccharine gathered her long brunette hair into a delicate braid. Crimson red bows the base of her neck and at the tail. Adding a bit of flare to her hair, before reaching for just a small touch of blush and a bit of gloss on her lips as she smiled in the reflection in the mirror. 
“I got this!” she reminded herself, taking a deep breath. She slipped on her red pumps and grabbed her wicker basket before heading out the door. Bounding out to the hall, minding her step, she was ready. Keep close watch over her basket so as to not lose a single Valentine. 
She had spent weeks making them. Each one, cut from layers of cardstock by hand, decorated in lace, topped with small crystals, and sprinkled with just a touch of glitter. No two were alike and each made with love for everyone who resided within the Abbey—ghouls and siblings alike. Saccharine wanted to let everyone know how much she cared for them, and as she made her way toward the kitchen she handed them out to everyone she saw. The recipients’ faces, lighting up at her generosity and being touched by her joyous spirit as she passed them by. 
When finally she arrived, Saccharine burst through the kitchen doors. Immediately grabbing her apron and gathering up all her memorized ingredients. The sister was intent on making enough pies to feed the entire Ministry for the night's celebrations. She promised to single-handedly bake them all–plenty of cherry, strawberry, and even raspberry ones for Primo, for all to indulge. 
Before she knew it, a cloud of flour, sugar, and determination was thick in the air. Suddenly Saccharine could hear the scurrying above on the overhang of the oven. "Ah! Buongiorno Gnocchi, Rigatoni. I hope you both are well this morning. Although I must say you best not let Sister Imperator catch you in the kitchen." She giggled. The little rats, watching her intently as she worked on her pies. "Oh before I forget these are for you." 
Saccharine reached into her pocket and grabbed two tiny cubes of cheese, each carved into the sweetest little hearts, and handed them to the rats. "Surely I couldn't forget you guys today. After all Lupercalia is for everyone." She smiled. Gnocchi and Rigatoni, more than happy to nipple away at her gifts. Saccharine took a moment to wipe some flour from her cheek, taking a quick glance at the clock before panic set in.
“Oh no!” she said, scrambling to get on her oven mitts on before pulling a pie from the oven. The sweet smell of strawberries, and pastry crust, hitting her nose with exuberance. “Oh thank Lucifer it’s alright.” she sighed, relieved, exhaling through pursed lips. 
“What are you doing all alone in here sorella?” said a voice from behind her. It was Terzo preparing to stick a finger into one of the settling pies. “Whatever it is, it smells delicious.” he purred until Saccharine gave his hand a friendly swat. He quickly pulled his hand back shaking off the pain a moment when she spoke. 
“Papa, you no better than to sneak a taste. The pies are for dessert tonight.” Saccharine chided. Terzo sucked in his lower lip, a wicked smile pulling at the sides of his mouth as he continued. 
“But sorella, surely just one taste won’t hurt?” he hummed.
“Uh…” Saccharine began before catching sight of Nova appearing in the doorway. She was a new ghoulette in the Abbey, bound by Terzo, and already so in love. She was extremely sweet and already such a good friend to her. The sister couldn't help but think the ghoulette had the most beautiful wavy hair. She had even loved to brush it, as the two of them spent time together in the sibling common room. 
Now that normally sweet face was scrunched into a scowl as she approached them. “Papa! So this is where you’ve run off to!” the ghoulette hissed, realizing that of course he had been flirting—an Emeritus speciality.  
“Ah si amore, you see the smell called to me.” Terzo laughed nervously as Nova furrowed her brow, her tail whipping back and forth so hard it cracked the wind against it. “She loves me, I swear.” he laughed once more as Nova rolled her eyes. 
“The pies smell delicious Saccharine, I can’t wait to see you tonight for the big reveal.” Nova wiggled, sending a smile and booming with excited energy.
“Big reveal?” Terzo asked, looking back and forth between them, completely confused and covered in flour from a bag he managed to spill over. 
“Oh no worries Papa, it's just something I have planned for Copia. A surprise so no telling ok?” the sister explained, hoping that she would not have to explain more. Nova shook her head letting Saccharine know there was nothing to worry about. 
“Ah well that makes two of you. I hear mio fratello has a surprise planned too.” Terzo explained.  
“Oh?” the sister exclaimed, her heart immediately beginning to pound inside her chest. What could it be, she asked herself. Her fingers tracing over the hem of her apron. Nova broke the silence between them.
“Well I guess we will find it all out tonight, see you later sister.” she said, sending a wink to her as she yanked on Terzo to come with.
“Oh no wait! I have these for you!” Saccharine called as they went to leave the kitchen. She handed them both their Valentine’s from the basket, a big smile spreading across her face as they took them. 
“You are simply too kind, sorella, I don’t know what mio fratello did to win the affections of such a charming sister, but he is a lucky man indeed.” Terzo admitted as Nova nodded, pulling him out of the kitchen, leaving Saccharine to finish tending to her pies. 
Copia was pacing in his office. A well worn spot in his expensive antique Serapi rug, picked out by Sister Imperator. He wondered if she would notice. One of a million thoughts flying through his mind as he palmed the square box inside the pocket of his crimson red swallowtail jacket. 
He adjusted his black Victorian-style shirt, pulling down on his ruffled sleeves to even them out before looking at his paint, for the tenth time, in the mirror. Everything tonight must be perfect, he told himself. His nerves set on edge as a knock came at the door. It was Primo. 
“Ah fratellino! I knew I would find you here.” the eldest Emeritus brother applauded. He brought himself over to the black wingback chair in the corner of the office and made himself comfortable as he spoke, “Still nervous I see?” 
“Wouldn’t you be?” Copia admitted, the look of concern ever present on his face. Unable to be completely hidden by his Papal paints. 
“No and If you think about it I don't think you would be either…well maybe not as much.” Primo chuckled. Copia sat opposite him on the lounge, tapping his gloved fingers and bouncing his leg. Primo reached out to place his hand on Copia’s knee, halting his movements and bringing his attention back to him. 
“Listen you, have the ring I gave you, si? It was my mothers fratellino so I should hope you still—” Primo began barking at his younger sibling. 
“Si, of course of course.” Copia said, giving his pocket another pat. Primo’s face once again relaxed with reassurance.  
“Then you are set.” Primo shrugged. Copia became quiet for a moment. His brother made everything sound so simple. Could things really be that easy? Nothing else in Copia’s life had ever come to him as easily as his feelings for Saccharine. His whole life, he had struggled to prove himself. Even his ascension within the Ministry had been fraught with trials and tribulations, never knowing he was an Emeritus until after the miter had already been placed on his head.
“But what if she says no. I mean we haven’t exactly known each other long but I just…”
“Just what?” Primo remarked, convinced that Copia was overthinking as he always did. 
“...can’t live without her.” he confessed, the words hurting his heart as they left his lips. A truth he could no longer deny.
“Then that is all that matters. You will see. I think the sister will surprise you.” Primo said, standing up from the chair. His old bones cracking and popping as he made his way back to the door. 
“Maybe you’re right…” the reigning Papa hummed under his breath. Primo smiling and shaking his head. 
“I am always right. I will see you tonight for the festival dinner.”
“Ok.” Copia replied, his gaze falling back to the floor at that damned rug. 
“Oh and fratellino…do NOT lose the ring.” Primo groaned as he left his brother to his thoughts.  
The smell was intoxicating as Saccharine made her way through the labyrinth of rose bushes that lined Primo’s garden. The beautiful shades of red, pink, and white—a testament all on their own to the celebrations that were to take place this night. The garden was a magical place and one that held the most precious of memories. As Saccharine made her way deeper inside, she stumbled upon the just person she was searching for—Sister Rosemary. 
The sister, who also went by Rose, was a convert that had arrived at the Abbey a few years before Saccharine. Her forehead was adorned in a brand, she herself made, after averting from the Catholic church. She had to be one of the most friendly siblings within the Abbey and was the go to person within the infirmary. Always mixing and concocting new salves and potions to help others with their ailments. Tonight however, she would help Saccharine with a different request. 
“Ah Sister! Give me just a moment.” Rosemary said as she set down her mortar and pestle before disappearing into the greenhouse. She reemerged only a few minutes later with a large sack that held out for Saccharine to take.
“Oof, is this all of them?” Saccharine asked, amazed at how heavy the bag was. Sister Rosemary began nodding her head. 
“Well actually I sent another bag off with Cumulus earlier. But hey, they are all freshly plucked and none of them wilted as requested.” she assured her. “Do you need any help carrying that back Saccharine?”
“Oh…no thank you. I think I will be just fine, but I have something for you too.”she told her as she handed Rose her Valentine. 
“This is very kind of you sister. I am sorry I dont have one to give you in return.” Rose sighed. 
“Oh! It’s no worries. You have done so much for me already. They were a perfect idea, I can’t thank you enough.” 
“You’re welcome, but I should tell you the roses were Primo’s idea. He said he wanted things tonight to be special for you.” Sister Rosemary admitted. Saccharine did a double take, did Primo know about her surprise? 
“Well thanks again I must get ready, I will see you inside?” Saccharine asked, lifting up the heavy bag and gently tossing it over her shoulder. 
“Of course.” Rose nodded, sending the sister a smile as she headed back through the garden maze. 
All of her preparations had been made. The valentines all handed out with the exception of one–Copia's. Saccharine wanted to save his for after the surprise. Her beloved Papa had been detained for most of the day, caught up in his own preparations and obligations to the Ministry.
It was almost time. She touched up her makeup in the first floor restroom, hearing the hum of the ghouls tuning their instruments in the Great Hall. A smile spread wide across her face–dinner was starting. She walked quietly down the hall through the crowd of ghouls and siblings. 
Everyone was dressed in their best Lupercalia attire. Decked out in dresses and suits, like a sea full of black, red, and pink as far as the eye could see. It wasn’t often that the siblings were allowed out of their clerical clothes, and Saccharine couldn’t help but enjoy getting to see everyone’s personality shine through in their chosen garments. She smiled at everyone as she walked, her heart pounding in anticipation of the one person she had still yet to see. 
She looked forward to the moment they'd see each other. Her heart longing for him somehow even more today than ever before. This thing between them had only grown, multiplied, and flourished since the night of their dance under the light of the moon. Their romance, having blossomed so much that Saccharine no longer could see a future without him in it. 
She found herself drifting as she navigated the hall, her mind swept up in daydreams of the two of them together. It wasn’t long before the haze of her thoughts cleared and the vision of her Papa’s office door filled her view. Finally, she thought to herself as she knocked gently on the door. When there was no answer she carefully began to open it, “Hello?” 
“Sweetheart? Is that you?” Copia said as he locked eyes with her. His demeanor, changing from the nervous and fretful man he was moments ago, to the love sick Papa that only had eyes for her. Saccharine ran to him, arms wide open as Copia scooped her up in his. Spinning her around and planting the softest kiss to her lips.”Amore you are truly breathtaking today.” he smiled. 
Saccharine’s face flushed a delicate shade of pink. A color that only added to the beautiful features of her sweet face. “I can already hear Aether and Mountain getting the band in order for dinner. Are you ready to head over?” she asked him. Copia smiled once more, gently feeling the box inside his pocket and nodded to her. 
“Bene, mia principessa, sono pronta se lo sei.” Copia replied, holding out his arm for Saccharine to take.  
“Absolutely,” she began, “I just hope Rain remembered to bring all the pies.” she laughed, Copia joining her.  
“We can only hope.”  
The couple entered into the Great Hall, equally as embellished as the siblings. With its lavish display of romantic colors and flowers that filled the room with the most wonderful scent. The mood was definitely set for a perfect evening. Saccharine and Copia quickly made their way to the head table. The two of them, taking their seats beside Secondo and his Prime Mover Ren.  
“Oh Saccharine you look absolutely beautiful!” beamed Ren at their arrival. 
“Oh my, so do you!” Saccharine smiled back. Secondo’s Prime Mover was heavily pregnant with the fourth of their children. She glowed despite being tired, having been busy in the infirmary all day with her own responsibilities. Yet somehow found time to help with the evening’s surprise. She was so kind and Secondo, normally the hard and stoic Papa, was a huge softie in her presence. The man doted on and protected her as if she were made of glass.
“Soon, si?” Copia asked as the ghouls placed the plates of pasta in front of them. Secondo smiled, taking Ren’s hand in his before giving his reply.
“Very. We are so close, we have been trying to get things going.” he smirked, Ren turning to whisper in Saccharine’s ear just what exactly that meant. Her words, sending a flash of redness over the sister’s face. Neither Ren, nor Secondo were ever shy about their own personal enjoyment of the cardinal sin—their bountiful family proof of that. The forwardness, a bit much for Saccharine as she laughed it off and twisted up a fork up of pasta from her plate. 
Dinner was going wonderfully. The conversation between those at the table was full of energy and intrigue. The smiles and hearty meal had made the room filled with satisfaction and happiness. Saccharine finished her last bite as she caught sight of Sister Rosemary and the ghouls out from their seats. It was finally time for her to give Copia his surprise. 
“I will be back in a few, I must go powder my nose. Please excuse me Papas, Prime Mover.” she said as she stood up from her seat. 
“Okie dokie.” Copia smiled as she dismissed herself from the table, but not before Sister Ren grabbed her hand.
“You’ll do great.” she whispered, sending Saccharine a wink as she made her way to the front of the Hall. The sister nodded with determination in response. Copia tried to watch as Saccharine walked away, but Ren called his attention back to the table to help distract him from the real reasons she had taken leave.
“Papa, so when are you going to pop the question?” Ren asked, Secondo shooting her a look, “What? I want this to happen before I go into labor and miss it all.” she laughed, Copia joining her.
“Tonight is the night. I have never wanted anything more in my life.” he said. Secondo smiled over to Ren and placed his hand on the swell of her belly.
“I know the feeling.” the second Emeritus son hummed as he planted a kiss on Ren’s forehead. Before they knew it the lights began to flicker. The whole room, looking around in confusion as to what was going on when finally lights remained off, leaving them in blackness. Only the small candles adorning each table, illuminating the room. 
Copia went to stand up and see what was the matter when suddenly the band began to play once more. Prime Mover Ren, pulling him back down in his seat as his curiosity began to grow. The lights turned back on and suddenly Saccharine was front and center before the Hall. She stood, flanked by Cirrus and Cumulus on one side and Sunshine and Nova on the other. Copia was taken back and unsure of what to make of everything until she began to sing. Her voice, energetic and full of passion as she and the ghoulettes standing beside her started to recant in song the tale of the moment that changed everything.  
 🎵I was so new— unsure of what I would do–🎵she sang, spinning around. The ghoulettes, leading in to hang on every note as they left her lips. She hopped on the piano at sat in the corner normally used for practice as Cumulus sat down to play. A performance unlike anything they’d seen more in front of the whole Abbey.  
🎵To the garden I made my way, as the flowers called to me. My known destiny not far away🎵
“Destiny? In the garden?” Nova asked, giving the crowd a wink. Saccharine, singing her response. The story of her and Copia’s first encounter unfolded in melodic bliss. A group of siblings joined them. Swirling and twirling around her as she continued to sing her heart out. Copia’s own heart swelling inside. He could have never imagined something so wonderful. His beautiful sorella’s voice, filling his soul with all the love that Lupercalia could ever hope to hold.
 🎵The roses were in bloom that day🎵she continued, the words belting out of her with so much power and love. The ghoulettes, beginning to clap to the beat when suddenly a cascade of rose petals fell from the rafters like the confetti at Rituals. Copia looked up only a moment to catch Dewdrop and Rain, hanging above, waving down to him from above as the red petals shone in the lights like glitter. A brother of sin went to take Saccharine’s hand, helping her to spin. Copia could feel a bit of jealousy creeping up as the sibling went to dip her but instead she  bopped his nose. Tonight—no doubt she would truly be his in all ways. 
🎵”I never knew a Satanic Pope could be so charming.” I said as you stepped away. I knew then I would love you for all always….🎵 
She finally began to walk towards the table. Copia’s heart was pounding harder and harder as she made her way towards him. His whole body, responding to her beauty as only a lover’s could. He knew that he wanted her always and in all ways there was to want someone. Longing to make her sing more, and more in his own way. She stopped before him, finishing off her song.
🎵After all it's true— I’m in love with you.🎵she finished, tears pricking at her eyes as she pulled out her Valentine to give to Copia. Without a second passing, Copia pulled Saccharine in and kissed her. His tongue, dancing with hers as he held her so close. Their hearts, syncing in their embrace. He pulled back a moment to catch a breath, his mind already drunk in thoughts of things to come. 
“Oh sweetheart, così incredibilmente bello, Lucifero stesso è stato serenato dalla tua voce. I have something for you too.” Copia smiled, his eyes beginning to well up with tears.
“Oh.” Saccharine replied when it dawned on her that Copia had dropped to one knee. She took a deep breath. The sister, hardly able to believe what was happening right before her eyes. Copia pulled out the small box from his jacket pocket. Saccharine now unable to hold back the tears that spilled over her cheeks, knowing what was coming. 
“There is nothing I want more Saccharine than to spend the rest of my days with you as my wife. My lover, my partner, my Prime Mover. Would you do your Papa the honor of marrying me?” Copia asked. His words, filled with conviction and desire. There were never two lovers that fit as soulmates as much as Copia and Saccharine. 
“Yes! Papa—Copia!” she answered, Copia once more pulling her in to kiss him. The whole Abbey cheered and clapped around them as Copia slipped the ring onto her finger. Bringing her hand to his lips, kissing it. She would forever be his.
“You have made me the happiest man alive dolce.” 
“And you have made me the happiest woman.” Saccharine smiled through her tears. 
The rest of the night was a blur, nothing recalled but their love, the faint hum of celebration, and the lingering taste of champagne as Copia walked Saccharine back to the Papal suite. It was unspoken between them, but the desire had been building up and was on the precipice explosion, as the dewy-eyed lovers heading inside. Not moments in, Saccharine caught sight of the roses that trailed across the floor.
“Seems I’m not the only one who owes Primo some more roses.” Saccharine giggled marveling in the romantic gesture.  
“Seems not.” he responded as he watched her light up, taking in the Papal suite for the first time. 
“Oh Copia, it's beautiful here. So elegant and fancy…almost too fancy to touch.” she laughed, Copia taking her hands in his. 
“Sweetheart these rooms are just as much yours now as they are mine. We are to be wed, partners in all things. There is nothing that I have that I don't wish to share with you.” 
“My love.” the sister cried, the two of them gazing deeply into each other’s eyes. They had somehow made their way back to the bedroom. Saccharine could see the blanket of rose petals spread across Copia’s bed. Candles lit all around the room, setting a romantic atmosphere with an intent that was too obvious to deny. “Copia?” she asked him, waiting for him to tell her what he had planned. 
“Sweetheart I was hoping, you know since it's Lupercalia…and well you are to be my wife…that..ah…we could…that we could worship in lust. Becoming one in his name. Do you…do you know what I’m asking you?” Copia stuttered, the light freckles on his face brought out more with his blushing. Saccharine’s breath hitched within her chest. Her eyes shimmering in the candlelight. 
“I–I do Copia and I…I want it too.” she replied, blood swirling around in her veins and settling in her core. The heat between them, burning intensely as Copia’s eyes fell over her body. Without another word he lifted her up into his arms and carried her to the bed. Their eyes locked as the two of them carefully undressed before each other for the first time. 
“Tu sei veramente la creazione più bella di questo mondo. Sono stregato dalla tua bellezza amore mio. I thank Lucifer every waking moment for bringing you into my life.” Copia vowed. 
“As do I.” Saccharine cried, feeling her heart pounding away as Copia stripped himself of the last of his garments. Copia hovered over her in the bed, her breathing labored and skin ignited with a stroke of his fingers between her breasts. "Are you nervous?" Copia asked, noticing her trembling.
"A little." Saccharine admitted, biting her lower lip as he smiled down at her. She lay there, in their now shared bed, all the dreams and imaginings of what this moment between them would be like, flashing through her mind. 
"I am too." Copia confessed, "but there is nothing I want more amore...nothing." The waves of desire overwhelmed them both as Copia brought his mouth down onto hers. His body, warm against hers, sending a quiver down her spine. Their bare flesh pressing into one another's for the first time. 
She could feel his sex hard against her. His need for her, growing as she melted into his kiss. He gently caressed her breast, Saccharine letting out a moan against his lips. Copia, pulling back a moment, looking over Saccharine’s body. His gaze committing every curve, freckle, and mark to memory as he drank her in. 
“Can I touch you?” he asked her, his eyes trailing to the space between her thighs. She nodded yes, wanting him to touch her just as much. Copia’s mouth returned to hers before his hand sank between them, running gently over her folds. The heat inside her radiating with his touch. Copia and Saccharine, both letting out a moan as his fingers slipped inside. She was already so wet for him, so ready as he gently glided through to her core and pressing up into the spot he knew would send her hips up from the bed and a moan from her lips. A delightful sinful feeling, washing over them as he continued his ministrations. Saccharine’s body, responding to his touch as if she were an instrument played by expert, yet delicate hands. Her hips, lifting to help guide him where she needed him to touch her. Craving more and more friction between them. 
“Oh Copia…I need you.” she moaned, her fingers entangled in the sheets. Petals of roses, staining her skin as she pressed hard against the bed. Copia ceased all movements to listen to her. Hear her pleas before his animalistic need might cloud his judgment. 
“Are you sure amore…sweetheart if you aren’t ready, we don't have to continue.” Copia assured her, but Saccharine pulled his lips back to hers. Kissing him hard and wrapping her legs around him to pull him down close to her. 
“I am very sure.” she said with conviction. Copia didn’t need to be told twice, immediately pressing into her most intimate flesh with his own. Both of their mouths, falling open as they became one. His sex, pushing deep inside her as Saccharine held him close.  
Copia's mouth was brought down to her breast–kissing and nipping as Saccharine gasped and mewled. His mouth, quickly returning to hers once more. The two of them, dancing together, bodies wrapped together in lust. Copia filled her out inside as Saccharine conformed around him.
Their bodies, fitting together perfectly as if they were made for one another. It wasn’t long before she felt the pleasure building up inside, her body shaking and trembling with him inside her. Feeling Copia this way was unlike anything her imagination could conjure. A thrilling sensation beyond anything she ever had known before, now promised to be hers forever. 
“I love you.” Copia said as he got close. His movements, once soft and gentle, gained pace and depth. Worshiping her with every ounce of his being. Saccharine began writhing beneath him, crying out his name as she began to tumble down. 
Before she knew it, Copia had flipped her over on top, both of them giggling as she slid back down onto his length. "Ah…" she sighed as her thighs held tight around him. 
"I love you too...Oh Saccharine, you feel so good around me." Copia purred. Saccharine, herself was unable to control the moans that left her. She rolled her hips in time with his thrusts, Copia began panting and groaning. Her body pulsing and squeezing around him so deliciously. The two of them, reveling in the sensations made between them. 
Copia brought his hands up to cup and knead Saccharine's breasts, her head falling back in pleasure. There was an intense surge, a crash of lust and desire hitting them both hard until they could no longer contain it. Loving making together, wrapped up in each other's arms, two becoming one in the name of Lucifer. Copia's rhythm began to falter as he got close, grabbing tight to Saccharine's hips
She moved up and down on him, with her hands on his chest. Fingers buried deep in his nest of hair. Her body unable to hold back from her orgasm any longer, she came hard around him, crying out his name into the night.
“Sì, sto venendo per te…ah!” Copia whined as he released deep inside her. They continued to move, slowly returning from the heights of passion climbed. A consummation of their feelings for one another made complete. As the wave of their efforts dissipated and they held each other close, Copia ran his fingers through Saccharine’s long hair. Picking rose petals from it as she nuzzled her against his chest. 
“You know I have been waiting to do that with you for so long…but I am kind of glad we waited until tonight though because it was more perfect than I ever thought it could be…” Copia began.
“Me too.” Saccharine smiled up at him. Her beautiful face, glowing in the candlelight. 
“Really?” he said, a tone of disbelief in his voice. Copia, still amazed that anyone could truly love him, but more so that this gorgeous creature somehow could.
“Oh Copia I have wanted to be yours for so long too. What took you so long to ask me that?”
“I didn’t want you to think this was a passing thing. That I only wanted you for carnal conquests. I am not my fratelli. I have never wanted something that was meaningless. And while they both have that now, this has always been what this has meant to me and I wanted it to be special. For you to know, as I took you, that you were truly mine and I, yours.”
“Tonight…my love, everything was perfect. Best Lupercalia ever.” Saccharine assured him, giving out a lightheaded laugh as Copia went to kiss her forehead. His eyes filled with love and adoration as he gazed upon her in their shared post climatic bliss.  
“You know sweetheart, Lupercalia, Valentine’s Day… no matter what anyone chooses to call it…this night—-this night was made for you and I.”
Bene, mia principessa, sono pronta se lo sei.- Well my princess, I am ready if you are.
così incredibilmente bello, Lucifero stesso è stato serenato dalla tua voce.-so incredibly beautiful, Lucifer himself was serenaded by your voice. 
Tu sei veramente la creazione più bella di questo mondo. Sono stregato dalla tua bellezza amore mio.- You are truly the most beautiful creation in this world. I am bewitched by your beauty my love. 
Sì, sto venendo per te- yes, I'm cumming for you.
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adafruit · 8 months
Come as we explore strange new video codecs 🔍🖖🎥
Our last few experiments with playing video+audio on the ESP32-S3 involved converting an MP4 to MJpeg + MP3, where MJpeg is just a bunch of jpegs glued together in a file, and MP3 is what you expect. This works, but we maxed out at 10 or 12 fps on a 480x480 display. You must manage two files, and the FPS must be hardcoded. With this demo https://github.com/moononournation/aviPlayer we are using avi files with Cinepak https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cinepak and MP3 encoding - a big throwback to when we played quicktime clips on our Centris 650. The decoding speed is much better, and 30 FPS is easily handled, so the tearing is not as visible. The decoder keeps up with the SD card file, so you can use long files. This makes the board a good option for props and projects where you want to play ~480p video clips with near-instant startup and want to avoid the complexity of running Linux on a Raspberry Pi + monitor + audio amp. The only downside right now is the ffmpeg cinepak encoder is reaaaaallly slooooow.
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