#RJ Brickowski
lavendercakesverse · 4 months
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Happy Valentine's day have some old gay men (ft @askthechronoverse's RJ)
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lilacs-stash · 11 months
Shout out to RJ love that guy. And Null. And the Chronoverse Unigang. And also ever other character Ditto's ever written.
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erin-epica-art · 2 months
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Contest entry that I did for @feelthekenergy's AU, @askthechronoverse! Figured I'd post it here, too.
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askthechronoverse · 1 month
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Happy Mother's Day, if you celebrate.
Have Doris Brickowski, retired Master Builder, The Special contender, and mother of Emmet and RJ.
I'll make her an askable character for today only.
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ask-coppertop · 4 months
Connecting to the dimension of metal ponies wasn't on my Year 25 bingo card. How wild are you parties?
- Commander RJ Brickowski
This isn’t my home dimension actually, and I’m ok I guess!
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Huh. Well Armommageddon is the end of the world. Where everybody gets sent to the Bin of Storaj. But I hate talkin' about that.
Yeah, probably should introduce myself. Just got a little excited. You're talkin' to Commander Rex Brickowski, but most people call me RJ. Nice ta meetcha, kid.
Is everyone gettin' along in this merged world? I'm sure 16 realms suddenly becomin' one is gonna cause one heck of a ruckus.
"Nice to meet you too, I'm Lloyd Garmadon. And, well, if that was happening anywhere near here, I think I'd know about it."
"And, on one hand, a lot of cultures from different realms came together in a really nice way, but on the other hand, there were, uh, certain people that were ruining things for everyone else. But, right now, it's pretty peaceful."
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asktherexsquad · 2 years
M!A: Rem is a kid again for five asks
Rem, spluttering and disheveled and dripping wet, clambers out of the pool and is helped up by Rocket (Rex is too busy splashing his shirt with water). He, understandably, looks extremely disgruntled, and... Slightly more clean shaven than when Rocket had last seen him? Either way Rocket quickly leads him over to the towels.
Sorry Rem! I didn't know it was you! RJ says, though he's too amused by watching Rex to show his remorse on his face. I wouldn't have thrown you around if I knew it was you.
I... It's okay, RJ, you've never seen that... h-happen before so... i-it makes s-sense you wouldn't know it was me, Rem stammers through chattering teeth, wrapping the large towel tightly around himself and sighing in relief. Geez. Boy, am I glad that's over th--
These boys should know when to stop taking at this point.
There's another flash of light, and Rem is gone again-- oh wait no he's just short. So much shorter that he's swallowed by the towel now. And... he has different proportions now...?
Ah. He's about five years old now. Right.
... REM?!?
Rem looks up at Rocket in terror, wide eyes swimming with tears. Had he done something wrong?? Why was Rocket yelling at him???
Rex glances over, just to groan in despair. "God fucking damn it, not again...!"
"Hey, Rex, language!" RJ barks in a perfect imitation of Rocket's voice, before diving back under the water.
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shadowfear-art · 5 years
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RJ from @asktherexsquad​ as he may go through some changes
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Who knows how much tho...
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lilacs-stash · 1 year
Happy pride month RJ and Chrono!Emmet's vague relationship.
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askthechronoverse · 2 months
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Last Chapter •||• Next Chapter
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Kit wanted to run home the whole day at school, but she knew her father would be disappointed if she skipped again. The gross feeling she had that her father was not going to be home when she got home had to be set aside. She almost could sense that Bellamy had an inkling of her feelings as well, considering how many times the chimera continued to glance over to her with reassuring winks and smiles with every shared class they had. They helped her keep her emotions down and allow her to outwardly appear sunny and cheerful.
The bell to herald the beginning of the lunch period had barely sounded before a bored, completely checked out sounding voice sounded over the tinny loudspeaker:
"Catherine Brickowski and Bellamy Fox, please report to the main office."
Bellamy couldn't register that Kit had flown out the open classroom door until she was already halfway down the hallway. The chimera followed their friend, knowing that she was probably thinking of the worst case. When they caught up with Kit, it was clear that she was having issues keeping a monsoon of emotions at bay. When she finally stopped, Bellamy slammed into her. This pushed her into her father's arms.
"Thank you, Mrs. Punchberry. I'll take them from here. Kids, let's go. I'll explain as we head to the truck." RJ's voice felt frantic, but somehow managed to be subdued. Kit wasn't sure if he was trying to hide how he was feeling from her or from the secretary. If it was from the secretary, she didn't pick up on it and chose instead to return her focus back to her puzzle book.
"Dad?" As RJ hurried the two teenagers toward his truck, Kit noticed that there were suitcases in the bed. Did her father already pack for them? Despite what he had said in the school, RJ didn't speak again until everyone was in the truck and safely in motion.
"Kit. My raptors were attacked last night. I think whoever trashed the office did this." His voice was unstable as he turned towards the space port. "They took my flux capacitor and… I don't know what the extent of the damage they did to my crew is right now."
"Where are we going?" Kit watched the spaceport get closer and closer, seeing a launch in process as well as a few planes coming and going.
"I'm taking you to New Bricksburg. Whoever is doing this is attacking everything I love. I can't let that include you. Your father is already on his way to the embassy down there." RJ parked the truck and practically jumped out, taking no time at all to grab the suitcases in the back. "Let's make tracks. The faster we get out of here, the faster I know you're safe."
Kit took her retreating father's hand as he flashed three tickets to the playing card woman at the gate. She noted that two tickets were blue and one was green. She wasn't sure what that could mean, so she made a note in her head to ask her father about that when he was less frantic.
It felt like a moment of calm came when they finally approached the ships. People in flashy and colorful space suits hustled around the large and sleek monochrome ship which was fitted with large wings and jet boosters you could get lost in. Kit wanted to stop at this moment and take the ship and her surroundings in. This was something that her father had said he was going to do for as long as she was able to remember. He told her that they were going to go to Syspocalypstar together. She just wished that there wasn't so much uncertainty hanging over their heads.
It didn't take too much longer for them to be sitting in their seats, waiting for the flight to begin. Bellamy's arms were folded as they sat across from father and daughter.
"Why am I here, Mr. B?" Their tone was blunt.
"You keep saying that you're going to be her bodyguard. That's what you're going to do. You're going to protect her if I can't." He looked out the window for a brief moment, then at the tickets he held in his hand. "No. When I can't." He looked away again as a crane flight attendant began checking seats for valid tickets.
"Oh! Green ticket, huh? Are you moving?" Kit turned to the sound of the fluttery voice of the crane flight attendant, who somehow snuck up on the three travelers.
"No. I just don't expect to come back right now." RJ's voice was muffled as he sank a little in the chair.
"That's too bad but I'm sure we'll see you again real soon." The crane slid off to the next set of seats.
"One way ticket," was all RJ said in response. Before Kit could ask more, the crane's voice could be heard from a speaker.
"Welcome aboard Futuron's jewel of space, the Solar Butterfly! My name is Carrie and I will be your ever attentive attendant for the duration of this flight to Syspocalypstar. Please remain seated during takeoff and keep in mind that, in the event of an emergency, we are unable to provide full spacesuits at this time. You will need to rely on the oxygen mask and oxygen tanks that are found under your seat. This flight will not be providing any meals. I hope you enjoy your flight with us." RJ sank even lower as she walked to her seat at the front of the ship.
"Wait. Do they not sing the airplane safety song on intergalactic flights?" Bellamy scratched their head as the ship took off and rocketed off at an unknowable speed through space.
"Futuron is run by minifigures, kid. We ain't known for whimsy." He glanced over to Kit, who bounced in her seat. He kept his eyes for a moment at Carrie, who was whispering something to someone that looked like an authority figure who was seated next to her. She showed the slender figure a holographic photo of him. He swallowed hard before putting his attention back to his daughter. "Hey, Kitten. Ya wanna see somethin' cool?" She nodded with zeal. "Sit in the window seat across from me." Kit hopped to the seat next to Bellamy. He kept his eyes on the flight attendant as she picked up a communication device that looked like a radio microphone. She talked for a few moments to someone, with the occasional look back to him. His stomach was in knots by the time he could hear the attendant's voice fully again over the speaker.
"Attention guests. We are about to go through the Stairgate. Please fasten your seatbelts and stay in your seats." The attendant's voice broke through the idle chatter of the passengers around them.
"That's the portal between the Old Systar System and the United Planets of Syspocalypstar, right?" Kit looked out the window at what she could only describe as something vaguely doorlike. Well, it sometimes looked like that, if she squinted.
"Yep. The Stairgate. I flew a ship made out of a yellow house through that thing… at least twice. In different timelines." RJ leaned back in his chair now, unable to keep sitting low in the seat because of the seatbelt. "It ain't as bumpy a ride as it was back then. Most ships are built to survive the trip now."
"Is the Rexcelsior built for that, too?" Kit asked, eager. Before he answered, RJ put his fingers to his lips to signal to the girl to keep her voice down.
"Don't know. I never tried it. She's a pretty old ship, so I don't wanna move her to find out." The ship began to rock a little as it entered the Stairgate. "Alright, kids. Look outside."
The two teenagers looked out the window and were rewarded with a psychedelic display of color and light. It was almost as if reality itself was warping and bending to the will of an unknowable and overly imaginative mind. Kit could swear that some parts of the ship looked like they were also warping at the same time, constantly evolving but at the same time remaining stagnant on the inside. Once the space around them turned to a stagnant dark blue, the flight attendant spoke again.
"Welcome to the United Planets of Syspocalypstar. We should be arriving at the lunar spaceport in just a few moments. You are free to take off your seatbelts until entry into the atmosphere."
"That was pretty cool, right?" RJ flashed a nervous but somehow still enigmatic smile. Bellamy nodded slowly while Kit's reaction was more energetic. RJ looked out the window at the slowly approaching planet and his face became more solemn. The grin on his daughter's face disappeared when she saw this, replaced with perplexed worry. She watched him pull out his phone and type something. He spoke, which made Kit jump. "When we get to the spaceport, have a taxi take you to this address." He handed Bellamy his phone. It was open to a note taking app, where an address was written:
20 14th Street, New Bricksburg
"Ya ain't coming with us, Mr. B?" Bellamy tried to hand the phone back, but RJ shook his head.
"Keep the phone. Ya may need it for something." RJ's attention turned back to the window. "Fasten your seatbelts if you didn't keep them fastened. I think we're about to reach our destination." There was something mournful to his voice, more so than there had been the entire flight over. The flight attendant confirmed this, thanking them all for their choice to travel with them. RJ muttered something under his breath, which Kit only caught the words "no other choice".
The ship's landing was a bit rocky, more so than even the experienced pilot of the trio seemed to expect. Before they got up, RJ handed Bellamy the two similarly colored tickets.
"These will take you back home when things are safe. I'm sure Richie will let Emmet know when that is." He got up and took a breath to ground himself. He took his daughter's hand and, with Bellamy behind them, began to leave the spaceship.
They only got as far as the receiving gate. Two men in silver and yellow spacesuits and yellow helmets that hid their facial features stepped out of the shadows with five similarly clad soldiers minus the helmets behind them. One of the helmeted men spoke. The crystal clear voice that came from the helmet authoritative enough to Kit to make her freeze chilled RJ to his core.
"Rex Joseph Brickowski, you are under arrest for war crimes against the Syspocalypstarian crown as well as several counts of larceny, among several other crimes. Will you go quietly?" That voice made his back throb. Of course Unitron would tap Bad Cop to join their ranks. Kit opened her mouth to protest, but Bellamy put a finger on her beak. "Or do we do things the hard way?"
"As long as you let my daughter and her friend go to someplace safe, I won't have a reason to fight." It amazed Kit how close to her uncle RJ sounded just now.
"Bad Cop, search them. Make sure Rex isn't using them to smuggle something to help him escape." The second helmeted man spoke with disdain and disgust behind a voice that could be perceived as one of true authority. His features were obscured by his helmet, but Kit could imagine he had a self-satisfied smirk. His hands were behind his back, which was perfectly straight.
"Touch my daughter and I will tear you apart." RJ growled, his rage instinctive.
“You put yourself in this situation, Dangervest. I would say you should have thought of that before, but I don't think you ever expected to get caught.” He glanced over to Bad Cop. “Hurry it up. We have a strict time schedule to uphold.”
“Yes, Chief." Bad Cop pulled out a handheld metal detector wand and scanned it over both teenagers, as well as RJ. Both Bellamy and Kit were confused, while RJ looked like he was going to rip the old cop limb from limb for not listening to his threat. Kit shouted as Bad Cop reached for her bag, but a sad nod from RJ was enough for her to back off. Bad Cop started to search through the bag and yelled. He pulled his hand out of the bag, revealing that it was caught in a mousetrap. He took the trap off his hand with the help of one of the infantrymen and threw it as far as he could. He shoved the bag in Kit's arms and shook his head. "They’re clean, Chief." His stern face switched to a scribbled on one, which flashed RJ an apologetic frown before returning to its original setting.
"Surprising." The chief sniffed as he pulled RJ's arms behind his back and cuffed him. "I guess we can let the rugrats go." He shook his head as Bellamy pulled Kit away. "You must not be thinking right to come here with your daughter, Dangervest. I thought Unikitty was going to keep you safe. You basically did my job for me. Would have taken me months to get you out of that candy covered kingdom you found yourself in."
"Don't know whatcha know about chess, but sometimes ya need to make a sacrifice to put more valuable pieces in a safer position.” RJ spoke softer now. “Let's just get this over with. Hope you bring the Business brothers in, too. Last I checked, one of them still owns us tacos." He looked once more to his daughter's retreating back. "Love you, Kitten. Please be safe."
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askthechronoverse · 2 months
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According to reports from Syspocalystar, Commander RJ Brickowski was arrested today at the space port. This is the latest arrest in Unitron Chief Blaise Starhawk's Operation: Clean Sweep. What fate awaits the Commander is unclear, but what is clear is that the kingdom is behind him because of everything he's done to protect us all. Truly, this is a sad day for the Unikingdom.
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Due to the arrest, RJ is no longer in ask rotation. All other characters are available.
Any currently running plots with RJ will be considered as happening in the past.
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askthechronoverse · 6 months
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I have been told by Doctor Fox that Rex Joseph Brickowski has been intimidating others and acting inappropriately when working as a government official. As the ambassador to the Unikingdom, I would like to apologize on the kingdom's behalf. RJ is... Used to a certain amount of freedom when it comes to his mannerisms and his actions in our universe. He can also be abrasive. I will not get into his history as he is taking steps to improve himself. He will be informed tonight when I get home of any complaints that we have received so we can further address any steps he needs to take.
We do appreciate hearing how he has helped as well. He has been under probation with the Syspocalypstarian government for a long time and the more evidence we have that he is improving, the more we can prove that he is no longer a threat to the universe at large.
As for any requests to adventure with him or see his mothership, those will need to be filed with him at a later date. The Rexcelsior is currently property of the Unikingdom government and he would need to go through the necessary steps to hold a tour or take the ship out of orbit.
If you have any questions or further comment, feel free to address them with me or the queen. Thank you.
As a post script: any power crystals that were found in RJ's possession are considered property of the Unikingdom government. Please return any power crystals you find to either myself or RJ.
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askthechronoverse · 4 months
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Nicknames for each other
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Mourning Dove
My Little Cloud
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My Beloved
Love of my life
My Hero
The Special (always refuted, but then reinforced with a sterner version)
Blue Jay
My King (which confuses RJ because he does not realize Rex is Latin for king)
Mon Coeur
Rex Joseph Brickowski (when angry at him)
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askthechronoverse · 1 month
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RJ: In the Brickowski family, we believe in a five-fingered intervention: Awareness, education, control, acceptance and punching.
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askthechronoverse · 10 months
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Spoilers are ahead. If you haven't read the fics and are interested in doing so, please click here for my latest master list of AO3 links
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It all started with an experiment. Doctor Scarlett Fox was doing some experimental research into time and space. This caused Rex Dangervest, a threat from prior to the Unikingdom's founding, to rematerialize. The Unigang doesn't trust him for the most part, for very obvious reasons, so they throw him in an improvised dungeon in Dr Fox's lab. There would be no real way of escape for him anyway if he broke out of the dungeon because his ship is no longer in the timeline.
He starts to form a bond with Puppycorn, who reminds him a bit of Emmet, and Unikitty makes it her goal to help him be less gloomy. His true nature as Emmet's future self is eventually revealed to her, and Unikitty updates her goal to make him more like Emmet. Rex, who is still learning who he is and who he wants to be now that he's no longer out of the timeline, really doesn't want this. In her desperation, she uses one of Dr Fox's experimental devices, the happy horn. This changes his brain waves to be more like hers, but it only lasts so long. By this point, the unigang trusts him enough to have his own room in the castle. However, with his trust broken, he leaves the castle to find another place to live and explore the kingdom. He eventually settles on the Action Forest and invites Unikitty to come find him when she's no longer stuck in the past.
Meanwhile, the timeline begins to loop. It's eventually revealed that the timeline loop is at its most intense on the planet Undar, with time looping to the point where Rex crash landed there. By the time this is known, time is looping all over the galaxy. Rex realizes the timeline is looping because of him and his actions and ends up building a time machine with Dr Fox's help, Unikitty going between the two of them to deliver and gain supplies and information. After the time machine is built, Rex leaves to solidify the timeline as something a little bit more than Emmet's future self, since his exposure to the magic of the Unikingdom changed him enough to stabilize him on the timeline. He promises he'll see the others again someday.
The timeline is repaired, but changed.
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Thanks to another device of Dr Fox's design, a device that makes things more exciting, Rex ends up crash landing on their front lawn. Like in the previous timeline, the unigang doesn't trust him. Unlike the previous timeline, they decide to keep him far away from the castle and allow him to live in the Action Forest. Unikitty tries to learn more about him, but Rex's apprehensive. He refuses to trust her until he has no choice but to reveal that he's Emmet from another timeline. After his true nature is revealed, the Doom Lords start to come out of the woodwork to ask him to join them as a contractor. He refuses multiple times, saying he doesn't want to be the bad guy anymore.
The Unikingdom's first anniversary approaches and Queen Watevra Wa'nabi gifts the kingdom with the Gems of Ackrilique, powerful gemstones from another world that enhance the innate ability of their holder. Around this time, Rex changes his name to RJ Brickowski, because he no longer feels like he's Rex Dangervest or Emmet.
The Doom Lords make a play to steal the gems and succeed, leaving the Unigang with only one. They run the group out of the castle and start to wreak havoc on the kingdom using the gems. The gang attempt to steal the gems back with the help of Captain, a Puppycorn from a future where the Doom Lords succeed and RJ died in the attempt to stop them.
They eventually get back every gem but one and it is revealed that the Doom Lords' ultimate goal is to level the planet and blame everything on RJ. By working together, they manage to stop this plan and save RJ from losing his life.
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Peace eventually settles in the kingdom until Unikitty starts having bad dreams about an Armommageddeon like event. She sees this as visions of the future, but she notices the things don't add up around her as well. She tries to reach out to Richard for guidance, but he's nowhere to be found. The dreams intensify as well as her friends' odd behavior.
Eventually, RJ disappears as well and she has visions of both his and Richard's deaths. She gets assistance from the Score Creeper in the form of a jar that contains what Dr Fox reveals to be a memory from the Memory Machine, a device in her lab she does not remember building. She has been looking into something in her files known as Project Lotus.
As it turns out, Richard is the reason for RJ's disappearance. He's been watching everything play out and kidnapped RJ in the middle of the night to keep him from exposing Unikitty to Project Lotus. He begs him to start Armommageddeon to "fulfill" Unikitty's prophecy. RJ refuses to do that and instead attempts to appeal to Richard's true nature, seeing that he's acting out of desperation. Richard is reluctant, but eventually is talked down enough to agree to let RJ in on what Project Lotus is about.
It's revealed that Project Lotus is a promise to keep the true nature of the Unikingdom under wraps. This kingdom isn't the first version of the Unikingdom that Unikitty has ruled over and not the first time Unikitty has known and befriended the rest of the unigang. The original kingdom was destroyed in an apocalyptic event, one that none of them could fight and ended up sending everyone but Unikitty into the Bin of Storaj. What Unikitty thought were visions of the future was actually her suppressed memories of the past resurfacing due to the stress of the Doom Lords invading and RJ starting a similar apocalyptic event a year prior. Now that Unikitty knows the truth, she is reassured by the fact that RJ is now a true friend and willing to help her through her trauma.
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During a road trip, RJ and Richard grew closer. They started dating, trying to keep the relationship secret. Of course, it's not too hard for their friends to tell what was going on. They get married years later while the kingdom moves into a Crystal Age thanks to special crystals that catch the magic of the world around them which can be converted into a clean energy.
The world was at peace...
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25 years after the Battle for Syspocalystar, RJ and Richard have a daughter: Kit. She and her friend Bellamy are living a typicalish Unikingdomer childhood. All this grinds to a halt when someone mysterious breaks into the Chrononauts HQ to steal a flux capacitor. While this is is being investigated, Kit learns that her father was once Rex Dangervest.
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askthechronoverse · 6 months
🎁 with any Chronoverse/Big Bright World interaction you’d like.
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Hey babe To Richard,
I was asked to contact you by my world's Dr Fox. As someone who would know about the world and its history, we figured you could answer some questions regarding similarities and differences between our worlds. Did Armommageddeon happen for you? Was there ever a place called Bricksburg? I'm attaching a picture of myself. Would you date me if we met in your world? Have you explored other planets? Are minifigures, the Duplons, and minidolls a thing?
Everything you could answer outside of this about your world history would be helpful.
RJ Brickowski, assistant to the Unikingdom Minister of Science
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