rainisawriter · 7 months
Battle of Tokyo 🌸 Masterlist
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🌸 Introduction
Before we begin, I’d like to set the record straight in saying that I do not speak or read Japanese. I bought these books because I’m very interested in the Battle of Tokyo and want to learn more about this amazing world, its story, and its characters.
I went through each book, copying the Japanese onto my computer before translating the text with DeepL. I can’t promise this will be entirely accurate, but I’m trying my hardest to work it in a way where it’s written properly in English.
This list will be updated as I get more stuff posted c:
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🌸 The Characters
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Team Info
Zero ≠ Shirahama Alan
SherRock ≠ Katayose Ryota
Smash ≠ Kazuhara Ryuto
Chatter ≠ Komori Hayato
Masato ≠ Sano Reo
Parte ≠ Sekiguchi Mandy
Rosso ≠ Nakatsuka Yuta
Profile Scans
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Team Info
Hades ≠ Likiya
Goemon ≠ Zin
Bailey ≠ Riku
Mi-ya ≠ Kamiya Kenta
Gusk ≠ Yonamine Rui
Marduk ≠ Yamamoto “Yamasho” Shogo
Lupus ≠ Kawamura Kazuma
Lucas ≠ Yoshino Hokuto
Travis ≠ Iwaya Shogo
Sarutobi ≠ Urakawa Shohei
Kisaragi ≠ Fujiwara Itsuki
Marine ≠ Takechi Kaisei
Q-b ≠ Hasegawa Makoto
Joe ≠ Ryu
A-Not ≠ Suzuki Takahide
Judy ≠ Goto Takuma
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Team Info
Teku ≠ Sekai
Itaru ≠ Sato Taiki
Hajime ≠ Sawamoto Natsuki
Kagura ≠ Seguchi Leiya
Dill ≠ Hori Natsuki
Kane ≠ Kimura Keito
Karasu ≠ Yagi Yusei
Aria ≠ Nakajima Sota
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Team Info
Skeet ≠ Sunada Masahiro
Flory ≠ Kainuma Ryusei
Future ≠ Fukahori Miku
Claude ≠ Hidaka Ryuta
Yuki ≠ Kano Yoshiyuki
Libra ≠ Okuda Rikiya
X ≠ Matsui Riki
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🌸 The Chapters
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Chapter0 🌸 Chapter1 🌸 Chapter2 🌸 Chapter3 🌸 Chapter4 🌸 Chapter5 🌸 ChapterEx.
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Chapter0 🌸 Chapter1 🌸 Chapter2 🌸 Chapter3 🌸 Chapter4 🌸 Chapter5 🌸 ChapterEx.
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Chapter0 🌸 Chapter1 🌸 Chapter2 🌸 Chapter3 🌸 Chapter4 🌸 Chapter5 🌸 ChapterEx.
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Chapter0 🌸 Chapter1 🌸 Chapter2 🌸 Chapter3 🌸 Chapter4 🌸 Chapter5 🌸 ChapterEx.
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Chapter0 🌸 Chapter1 🌸 Chapter2 🌸 Chapter3 🌸 Chapter4 🌸 Chapter5 🌸 ChapterEx.
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🌸 Other Information
World Map & Information
Mechanical Design
Staff Interviews
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rainisawriter · 6 months
Battle of Tokyo 🌸 Bailey {Rowdy Shogun}
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「Battle of Tokyo Masterlist」「back to Rowdy Shogun」
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🌸 CHARACTER NAME: Bailey ベイリー
努力家気質のストリートファイター A street fighter with a hardworking temperament
He specializes in kickboxing and beats his opponents with his well-honed striking techniques. He is a stoic man who never misses his daily training. He’s a genuine battle enthusiast who loves to fight with the best. A wild child who was abandoned in the desert outside of Tokyo and raised by lions. After that, he went down to the city and survived on his own until he met his current friends.
He’s kind to all but his enemies because he knows loneliness and pain.
性格 (Character): 力持ち、キツクボクシングは強い。 He is strong and so are his kick-boxing skills.
好きな色 (Favorite Color): 黒、赤、金 Black, red, gold
好きな食ベ物 (Favorite Food): お肉全般、好き嫌いなし。 Meat in general, no likes or dislikes.
好きな音楽 (Favorite Music): POP, R&B
好きな言葉 (Favorite Quote): 諦めは愚か者の結論なり Giving up is a fool’s conclusion.
嫌いな言葉 (Disliked Words): 天才 Genius/prodigy
心躍ること (Exciting Things): 戦っているとき When he’s fighting
うんざりすること (Disgusting Things): 自分と同じ Same as me
動物に例えるなら (If you were compared to an animal…): ライオンまたは犬 Lion or dog
理想の人物像 (Ideal Person): 人に優しく、自分に厳しい人間 A person who is kind to others but strict to themself
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rainisawriter · 6 months
Battle of Tokyo 🌸 Goemon {Rowdy Shogun}
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「Battle of Tokyo Masterlist」「back to Rowdy Shogun」
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🌸 CHARACTER NAME: Goemon ゴエモン
伝説の刀を探し求める剣術の勇士 A brave swordsman in search of a legendary sword
He’s a swordsman who combines roughness and thoughtfulness. He’s a seeker who does not compare himself to others, focusing only on improving himself. He never loses in the world of swordsmanship. While working as a bouncer, he searches for a legendary power. He’s a samurai who is more devoted to others than to himself, with “selflessness and altruism” as his motto.
His favorite horse has a light blue coat and he is proud of the bond between them. He likes Japanese fashion and his favorite food is sushi. However, his choice of ingredients is strange.
性格 (Character): ー人が好き。人と比べることなく常に己を常めることに全神経を使う。真っすぐすぎて周りが見えないことがある。 Loves people. He never compares himself with others, choosing to focus on himself instead. Sometimes he is so straight-forward that he doesn’t see what’s going on around him.
好きな色 (Favorite Color): 銀 Silver
好きな食ベ物 (Favorite Food): 魚 Fish
好きな音楽 (Favorite Music): 特に音楽を聴かない。 He doesn’t particularly listen to music.
好きな言葉 (Favorite Quote): 忘己利他 Selflessness
嫌いな言葉 (Disliked Words): なし None
心躍ること (Exciting Things): 強い相手に出会ったとき When he meets a strong opponent
うんざりすること (Disgusting Things): 他人の力で上にあがろうとする人 Someone who tries to rise to the top with the help of others.
動物に例えるなら (If you were compared to an animal…): 虎 Tiger
理想の人物像 (Ideal Person): 何事においても強い人間 A person who is strong in everything.
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rainisawriter · 7 months
Battle of Tokyo 🌸 Hades {Rowdy Shogun}
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「Battle of Tokyo Masterlist」「back to Rowdy Shogun」
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人望が厚いパワー系指揮官 A powerhouse commander who is well-liked
ROWDY SHOGUNを率いるリーダー。衝の厄介者やはぐれ者をまとめ、現在のチームを創り上げた。責任感が強く、指揮能力に長け、メンバーたちの人望も厚い。金儲けも得意で、自分の才覚を信じ切っている。ファツションは派手なものを好み、歯にはダイアが入っている。街の成功者であり不良たちの希望。
The leader of the ROWDY SHOGUN. He has gathered together troublesome people and outcasts to form the current team. He has a strong sense of responsibility and command of the group while being well-liked. He is also good at making money and believes in his own talent. He likes to dress in flashy clothes and has diamonds in his teeth. He is a successful man and the hope of delinquents.
His fighting style is power-oriented. Boasting the team’s largest physique and muscular strength, he bludgeons his enemies with brute force.
性格 (Character): マイペース。記憶力が弱い。責任感が強い。キキレやすい。 Doing things at his own pace. Poor memory. Strong sense of responsibility. Easily angered.
好きな色 (Favorite Color): 金 Gold
好きな食ベ物 (Favorite Food): 肉 Meat
好きな音楽 (Favorite Music): R&B, HIP HOP
好きな言葉 (Favorite Quote): 闇が星を光らせる Darkness makes the stars shine
嫌いな言葉 (Disliked Words): 死ね、ジワる、草不可能、任せた、心配、恐怖 Death, jittery, impossible, leave it to me, worry, fear
心躍ること (Exciting Things): 料理 Cooking
うんざりすること (Disgusting Things): 神頼み、落ち込む、悩む、運任せ、礼儀がない、自分を見ずに人にものを言う、すぐに諦める、素直に自分の間韋いを認めて謝れない、素直に人を褒められない、同じ誤ちを繰り返す。 Dependency on god, depression, worries, leaving things to luck, lack of courtesy, saying things to others without looking at themselves, giving up immediately, inability to honestly admit and apologize for their mistakes, inability to honestly praise others, repeating the same mistakes.
動物に例えるなら (If you were compared to an animal…): パンサー Panther
理想の人物像 (Ideal Person): 大富豪 Multi-Millionaire
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rainisawriter · 7 months
Battle of Tokyo 🌸 Rowdy Shogun
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「Battle of Tokyo Masterlist」
“Protecting the weak and your darkest secrets. There’s nothing they’re unable to protect. The ultimate group of bouncers ROWDY SHOGUN.” - Battle of Tokyo Instagram
Rowdy Shogun / 最強の用心棒集団 / The strongest group of bouncers
The most powerful and unrivaled organization of bouncers who use force to control violence. In exchange for a high fee, they protect important people and rare items. Their base is in Roppongi. Despite their dark heroic nature, the team is made up of outcasts from the city so they are kind of weak.
A unique ability to protect oneself and others from enemy attacks. By protecting one's own muscle tissue, it's also possible to draw out one's own physical abilities to the utmost limit.
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「Hades ハデス」
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rainisawriter · 6 months
Battle of Tokyo 🌸 Mi-ya {Rowdy Shogun}
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「Battle of Tokyo Masterlist」「back to Rowdy Shogun」
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幸せを求める天涯孤独のオプチミスト A lonely optimist in search of happiness
He lost his family in a storm 5 years ago and has been a loner ever since. Until he joined his current team, he lived by himself, never relying on anyone or working with anyone. He loves people but hates loneliness. He is an optimist who is not concerned about the past or the future, and thinks that as long as he is happy in the present, that’s all that matters. Although he has strong emotional ups and downs, he has an innocent side and a charm that attracts others.
He is interested in mysterious things, especially magic. He is also fond of the Bible, which he reads regularly.
性格 (Character): 感情の起伏が激しい。 He has strong emotional ups and downs.
好きな色 (Favorite Color): 白 White
好きな食ベ物 (Favorite Food): 餃子 Gyoza/Dumplings
好きな音楽 (Favorite Music): R&B
好きな言葉 (Favorite Quote): 黄金律 The Golden Rule (“do unto others as you would have them do unto you”)
嫌いな言葉 (Disliked Words): ー人きり Alone
心躍ること (Exciting Things): ミスディレクション Misdirection
うんざりすること (Disgusting Things): 礼儀がないこと Lack of courtesy.
動物に例えるなら (If you were compared to an animal…): リス Squirrel
理想の人物像 (Ideal Person): 人の良いところが素直に見えるようになりたい。 I want to be able to see the good in people honestly.
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rainisawriter · 7 months
Battle of Tokyo 🌸 Parte {Mad Jesters}
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「Battle of Tokyo Masterlist」「back to Mad Jesters」
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チーム最年少ながらスキル最強の天才肌 The youngest on the team but the most skilled and prodigious
The young hope of the MAD JESTERS. He is the youngest on the team, but his copying skills are prodigious. He can duplicate even formless objects such as “shockwaves” and “lasers.” He is shy and often teased by the team. However, he is adored by his older teammates who also rely on him.
In public, he works part-time as a delivery man. Because of this, he is familiar with the streets of Tokyo and is highly skilled at operating vehicles. He makes full use of his custom-built delivery vehicle, which looks like an armored car, in order to support the phantom thieves.
性格 (Character): 優しい、引っ込み思案 Gentle/Kind, Shy
好きな色 (Favorite Color): ピンクとグレー Pink and grey
好きな食ベ物 (Favorite Food): 夕タピオカ(いつも飲んでる) Tapioca (I always drink it)
好きな音楽 (Favorite Music): JAZZ (家がない頃JAZZバーの横のゴミ捨て場で夜をやり過ごしていた) JAZZ (I used to spend my nights in the dump next to the JAZZ bar when I didn’t have a house)
好きな言葉 (Favorite Quote): 口癖「頭がガンガンする」 He always says, “My head is killing me.”
嫌いな言葉 (Disliked Words): 人のせい Somebody else’s fault/People’s fault
心躍ること (Exciting Things): ホラー映画 Horror movies
うんざりすること (Disgusting Things): 虫がいること Insects
動物に例えるなら (If you were compared to an animal…): コアラ Koala
理想の人物像 (Ideal Person): 普通の生活ができる人間 Someone who can live a normal life
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rainisawriter · 7 months
Battle of Tokyo 🌸 Rosso {Mad Jesters}
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「Battle of Tokyo Masterlist」「back to Mad Jesters」
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慈愛に満ちた質実剛健マイスター A compassionate and strong master
MAD JESTERSのバツクアツプ担当。寡黙だが仕事の技術は高く、仲間がピンチに陥ったときなど、的確な援護を行う。だが自分の鮮血を見ると、普段は抑えているカのリミツターが外れ、悪魔じみた戦いぶりを見せる。表の顔は歴史学者。超東京成立以前の「旧世界」について研究している。
He’s in charge of providing backup for MAD JESTERS. He is taciturn but highly skilled at his job, providing backup when his comrades are in trouble. However, when he sees his own blood, the limiter that normally keels him in check comes off and he shows a devilish fighting style. On the surface, he is a historian. He’s researching the “old world” before the establishment of Cho Tokyo.
He has a calm personality under normal circumstances and is kind to the weak. He’s a compassionate man who is fond of saying, “I don’t need a reason to help people.”
性格 (Character): 全部適当。常に笑っている。どんな状況でも余裕の表情。 Everything is appropriate. Always smiling. He looks comfortable in any situation.
好きな色 (Favorite Color): 赤、黒 Red, black
好きな食ベ物 (Favorite Food): ピザ、ハンバーガー、ショートケーキ、ストロベリー Pizza, hamburger, shortcake, strawberries
好きな音楽 (Favorite Music): HARD ROCK, HEAVY METAL
好きな言葉 (Favorite Quote): 目には目を歯には歯を、人助けに理由はいらない An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, You don’t need a reason to help people
嫌いな言葉 (Disliked Words): ダサい Lame/uncool/unfashionable
心躍ること (Exciting Things): 人助けしているとき When you’re helping someone
うんざりすること (Disgusting Things): 雨の日 Rainy days
動物に例えるなら (If you were compared to an animal…): オオカミ Wolf (in sheep’s clothing)
理想の人物像 (Ideal Person): 強くて優しい人間 A strong but gentle person
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rainisawriter · 7 months
Battle of Tokyo 🌸 Masato {Mad Jesters}
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「Battle of Tokyo Masterlist」「back to Mad Jesters」
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🌸 CHARACTER NAME: Masato マサト
特殊な瞳持つ秘密主義者 Secretive with special eyes
He is in charge of gathering information and infiltration within MAD JESTERS. He has special eyes that allow him to see things that ordinary people cannot. He can also see ultraviolet and infrared rays, which allows him to penetrate all kinds of places, bypassing their sensors. Although he is the manager of Cyber Cafe, he has a hidden room in the store that only he can enter which he uses as his home.
A gentleman who is secretive, he is a man of mystery, not revealing his true self even to his teammates.
性格 (Character): 生真面目でどんな難しい仕事もきっちりこなす職人夕イプ。クールで感情を表に出すことは少ないが、内に強い情熱を秘めている。He is a serious and diligent craftsman who can handle any difficult job with precision. He is cool and rarely expresses his emotions, but he has a strong passion for his work.
好きな色 (Favorite Color): オリーブ、ネイビー Olive, Navy
好きな食ベ物 (Favorite Food): セイロンライス、コーヒー Ceylon rice, coffee
好きな音楽 (Favorite Music): ROCK
好きな言葉 (Favorite Quote): 秘密 Secret
嫌いな言葉 (Disliked Words): 諦める、適当でいい Give up, just do what’s appropriate
心躍ること (Exciting Things): 旅行をすること、ハツキング、投資 Traveling, hunting, investing
うんざりすること (Disgusting Things): 流血沙汰 Bloodshed
動物に例えるなら (If you were compared to an animal…): イルカ Dolphin
理想の人物像 (Ideal Person): スティーブ・ジョブズ、イーロン・マスク Steve Jobs, Elon Musk
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rainisawriter · 7 months
Battle of Tokyo 🌸 Zero {Mad Jesters}
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「Battle of Tokyo Masterlist」「back to Mad Jesters」
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寡黙な戦闘プロフェツショ Silent Combat Professional
MAD JESTERSの荒事担当にして、シャーロツクの相棒。戦いを生業とするー族に育ち、幼い頃から殺しの技術を叩き込まれてきた。あらゆる武器の扱いに長け、格闘技術も極めて高い。軍用格闘技「CQC」の使い手で、対人戦では無類の強さを誇る。
He is in charge of roughing people up in MAD JESTERS and is SherRock’s partner. He was raised in a family that made fighting their profession and has been trained in the art of killing since he was a child. He is skilled with all kinds of weapons and has extremely high fighting skills. He is a master of the military martial art “CQC” and boasts unparalleled strength in combat against other people.
He is cool and friendly. He is deeply grateful to the members of his team who rescued him from the war.
性格 (Character): 孤独を好む。怒りっぽい。信頼した仲間を命がけで守る。どんな状況でも最後まで戦う。Prefers solitude. He is quick to anger. He will defend his trusted friends with his life. He will fight to the end, no matter the circumstances.
好きな色 (Favorite Color): 木ワイト、シルバー White(?), Silver
好きな食ベ物 (Favorite Food): 全ての栄養素が入ったタブレツト Nutritional Tablets
好きな音楽 (Favorite Music): DUBSTEP, BASS HOUSE
好きな言葉 (Favorite Quote): 喰われる前に喰う Eat before you’re eaten(?)
嫌いな言葉 (Disliked Words): 敗北 Defeat
心躍ること (Exciting Things): 武器を見ているときやメンテナンスしているとき Looking at or maintaining weapons
うんざりすること (Disgusting Things): 無駄な時間を過ごしたとき When you’ve wasted time
動物に例えるなら (If you were compared to an animal…): 闘犬 A fighting dog
理想の人物像 (Ideal Person): 無駄に人を傷つけない。善悪をハツキリする人間。Doesn’t hurt people needlessly. A person who clearly knows what is good and what is bad.
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rainisawriter · 7 months
Battle of Tokyo 🌸 Mad Jesters
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「Battle of Tokyo Masterlist」
“Faster and more elegant than anyone. They’ll always claim what they aim. The group of seven phantom thieves MAD JESTERS.” - Battle of Tokyo Instagram
Mad Jesters / 7人の怪盗団 / Seven Phantom Thieves
A group of phantom thieves who appear and disappear in Cho Tokyo. They are usually engaged in different jobs, but when working behind the scenes, they make use of each other’s skills and cooperate with each other to accomplish difficult thefts. Their base is a building in Shibuya. All residents are members of the phantom thieves.
「複製(コピー)」「Duplicate (Copy)」
触れたことがある品を、任意に複製する異能。様々な品を組み合わせ、 オリジナルのアイテムを創り上げることも可能。
The ability to duplicate items that have been touched at will. It is also possible to create original items by combining various items.
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「Zero ゼロ」
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「SherRock シャーロツク」
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「Smash スマツシユ」
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「Chatter チャツ��ー」
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「Masato マサト」
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「Parte パルテ」
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「Rosso ロツ���」
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rainisawriter · 7 months
Battle of Tokyo 🌸 Mad Jesters {Images}
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「Battle of Tokyo Masterlist」
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2 notes · View notes
rainisawriter · 7 months
Battle of Tokyo 🌸 Chatter {Mad Jesters}
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「Battle of Tokyo Masterlist」「back to Mad Jesters」
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🌸 CHARACTER NAME: Chatter チャツター
聡明かつ囗が達者な銃使い An intelligent, well-spoken gun-slinger
MAD JESTERSのムードメーカー。明るく元気で囗達者。頭の回転も速く、キレのいい話術を得意とする。表の顔は人気ネツト番組の司会者だが、裏の顔は怪盗団の「銃使い」。様々な銃器をユピーしては、景気よく乱射する。ー見能天気なようだが、意外としっかり者。いつも自分のチーム全体の未来を見据えて動く。
He is the mood maker of MAD JESTERS. He is bright, energetic, and a good liar. He is a fast thinker and a sharp talker. His public face is that of a popular online TV show host, but behind the scenes, he is a “gunslinger” for a group of phantom thieves. He shoots guns in a cheerful manner. He may seem carefree at first glance, but he is a surprisingly solid person. He always moves forward with an eye on the future of his team as a whole.
His motto is “be kind to girls” but he is a little too infatuated with them.
性格 (Character): 陽気でおしゃべり。 Jolly and talkative.
好きな色 (Favorite Color): 緑、蛍光色 Green, Fluorescent
好きな食ベ物 (Favorite Food): 蕎麦 Soba
好きな音楽 (Favorite Music): クラシツク Classical
好きな言葉 (Favorite Quote): ローマはー日にして成らず Rome was not built in a day
嫌いな言葉 (Disliked Words): うざい Annoying/Noisy
心躍ること (Exciting Things): ���社仏閣巡り Touring shrines and temples
うんざりすること (Disgusting Things): 朝食が食べられなかったとき When he doesn’t get to eat breakfast
動物に例えるなら (If you were compared to an animal…): 猫 Cat
理想の人物像 (Ideal Person): 発言力と影響力のある人間 Outspoken and influential people
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rainisawriter · 7 months
Battle of Tokyo 🌸 Smash {Mad Jesters}
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🌸 CHARACTER NAME: Smash スマツシユ
筋肉のアクセを纏った漢 A muscular man wearing accessories(?)
He always thinks about fighting, always prepares for battle, and continues to train day in and day out. He is an unyielding character who continues to aim for the top with his fists. He’s a man of natural body structure and he hates synthetic food. His steel body, cultivated by high-protein food, is more powerful than Zero’s.
Perhaps because he grew up with a grandmother, mother, and a younger sister, he is very kind toward women. On the other hand, he is very strict with men.
性格 (Character): 男に厳しく、女性に優しい。なんでも1番が好き。Tough on men, kind to women. Likes to be first in everything.
好きな色 (Favorite Color): 赤 Red
好きな食ベ物 (Favorite Food): 肉 Meat
好きな音楽 (Favorite Music): R&B, JAZZ
好きな言葉 (Favorite Quote): 不言実行 Actions before words/Actions speak louder than words
嫌いな言葉 (Disliked Words): 不可能 Impossible
心躍ること (Exciting Things): 女性と接するとき Interacting with women
うんざりすること (Disgusting Things): 目を見て女性と話せない I can’t look a woman in the eye and talk to her.
動物に例えるなら (If you were compared to an animal…): ゴリラ Gorilla
理想の人物像 (Ideal Person): 負けず嫌い、仲間思いでリーダー的存在。Someone who hates to lose, loves their friends, and is a leader.
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rainisawriter · 7 months
Battle of Tokyo 🌸 SherRock {Mad Jesters}
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「Battle of Tokyo Masterlist」「back to Mad Jesters」
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🌸 CHARACTER NAME: SherRock シャーロツク
冷静沈着な Calm and Collected
怪盗団Mad Jestersの司令塔。表の顔は私立探偵で(めいせき)、ゼロと共に探偵事務所を営んでいる。頭脳明晰で冷静沈沈着。科学者だった父から受け継いだ工学知識を持ち、自ら造った様々なギミツクを駆使して、盗みに活用する。また触れたものを任意に複製する異能を持ち、その精度はチーム内でも随ー。
He is the commanding officer of the Mad Jesters, a group of thieves. On the surface, he is a private detective and runs a detective agency with Zero. He is a clear-headed, calm, and collected man. He has engineering knowledge inherited from his father, who was a scientist, and makes full use of the various gimmicks he has created to steal. He also possesses the unique ability to duplicate anything he touches and is the most accurate in the team.
He is soft-spoken but passionate on the inside. He is a solitary rebel who loves punk rock.
性格 (Character): 寂しがり屋 Someone who easily succumbs to loneliness
好きな色 (Favorite Color): 白、黒、赤、青、紫 White, black, red, blue, purple
好きな食ベ物 (Favorite Food): ビーガン Vegan
好きな音楽 (Favorite Music): PUNK ROCK
好きな言葉 (Favorite Quote): ロツクンロール Rock n Roll
嫌いな言葉 (Disliked Words): 無理、絶対 I can’t, Never
心躍ること (Exciting Things): マリリン・マンソン的なロツクスター Rockstars like Marilyn Manson
うんざりすること (Disgusting Things): 社会の風湖 Social Trends
動物に例えるなら (If you were compared to an animal…): ウサギ Rabbit
理想の人物像 (Ideal Person): 社会を変える人間 Someone who changes society
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