#RF Wooly
runefactorynonsense · 4 months
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In memory of all the snow that melted today!
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aashiyancha · 9 months
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durotoswrites · 1 year
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I think Arthur would make a good magician 💖
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rune-factory · 2 days
I didnt mean to reblog that one music post to this blog but you know what?? I actually do want to recommend y'all look at the overlap between music history and black history because it's fascinating stuff. Sister Rosetta Tharpe and her influence on rock and roll is a good place to start.
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lunarcry · 2 years
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doodlefoxart · 1 year
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Ive been playing rf5 a uh *looks at the almost 200 hrs i have for the game* you know a normal amount, anyways i wanted to draw and share my own interpretations of some of the monsters in the game so lets start off with a wooly and a fleecy shall we lol (aka my personal headcanons woop woop):
- fleecys are just woolies with a rare and unique genetic mutation that has given them pretty pink fur and are highly sought out by monster tamers, woolies are also popular pets as their natural docile nature makes them easy to tame and get along with, kids love them!
- woolies are one of the most common monsters found in the wild, they live in herds in fields and forests alike, and despite their sheepy look woolies are very much opportunistic omnivores (can and will eat carrion and hunt animals if they need to, many do not know this and can end up stumbling across a poor chipsqueek being chowed down by a herd of woolies)
- naturally curious to a fault, their curious nature makes it easy for orcs, goblins and human hunters to lure and hunt them for their meat and pelts
Thats all i have for rn, probably going to do chipsqueeks and their “sub species” next
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darkacey · 8 months
Divine Dragons, Gods, Demons, and Monsters in the Rune Factory series
So, I’ve been kicking around some worldbuilding thoughts about what connects magical beings/creatures in the RF universe. (General spoilers ahead).
We’re told that all monsters go back to the Forest of Beginnings when they’re killed because all weapons are enchanted with tamitaya. However, Divine Dragons also go there just when they straight up die, but they can be reborn?
I know some folks consider the Forest of Beginnings as RF’s version of heaven, which I think is partially true — except it’s specifically for non-mortal beings. I think mortal races go to an actual Heaven, and that’s just because Lucas specifically mentions it when he almost accidentally kills Alice/Ares while singing. (I like to think their heaven is still different from ours too, in that mortals can be reincarnated similarly to monsters. They’re just reborn instead of coming through gates).
Lucas’ existence in the RF universe also introduces us to the concept of positive and negative runes. Since the series’ inception, we’ve had seven magic elements (fire, water, earth, wind, light, dark, love), and four runey types (grass, water, rock, tree). It’s easy to assume positive/negative runes are just synonymous with light/dark runes, but I don’t think that’s the case — I think they’re normal runes of any element (or pure/not elementally connected runes) that have been charged with divine/harmonious energy or demonic/corrupted/chaotic energy. These energies are drawn to each other like magnets and cancel each other out. Gods/Divine Dragons can produce positively charged runes, or in Lumenivia and Umbradea’s case, they can purify/convert corrupted runes.
Monsters are essentially neutrally aligned deities, except in the case of boss monsters that have been corrupted. Some seem more “good” like woolies and others “evil” like ghosts/reapers, but they don’t actually affect people’s fortunes on Earth like gods or demons.
Demons aren’t mentioned much in RF, but I’m thinking specifically of the black drake that hunted Fuuka and the Fathomless Dread. The former is a weak demon, whereas the latter is on the same level or higher than the Divine Dragons. Both of them cause strife with their existence.
Gods/divine dragons and demons are essentially opposites: one produces positively charged runes and attracts negative runes, the other vice versa.
While deities have the most control over people’s fortunes, I also think mortals can create positive/negative runes by their own actions too. Working hard literally makes you luckier, essentially.
Since positive/negative charges in runes aren’t really visible unless you’re using something like the Soulsphere reader, I don’t think mortals generally know about the magi-science behind how fortune works. Instead, they’re just aware that gods bring them good luck, and demons curses.
As an aside, I’m not sure how Mother Earth fits into this deistic theory. We know She’s the force behind the power of the Earthmates’ abilities, and it’s implied She’s just the Earth itself, but She’s probably neutrally aligned. If She produced positively charged runes, there’d be an imbalance.
I have a lot more thoughts about runes in general (including why they’re called that and not mana or whatever), but that’s a post for another day.
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knightlysong · 4 months
Going back and revisiting old RF posts on both this blog and my previous from the past decade. It's a bit sad to see so many old moots I used to be friends with and see active all the time have either left the fandom or disappeared entirely. I remember spending so many late nights still awake and yelling over RF4 with them, as well the excitement of sharing our art and writing. I hope all of them are doing well these days.
It's also unfortunate to see a lot of regulars in the tags no longer posting. I'll never forget the RF4 ask blogs and the Royal Woolies one lol. Miss 'em already.
On the other hand, it's nice to see some of you still around. The passage of time is bittersweet, but at least there's still some familiarity present. And it's nice to see new folks getting into the games and stick around for the fandom currently.
I just feel. So freaking old seeing how different and unfamiliar the tags are these days, but eh, that's okay lol. It's fun seeing how the fandom is like these days.
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loraluna · 9 months
~Rune Factory 3 Special Golden Memories Edition ~
I shared my pics from the unboxing of RF5, so I figured, why not do it again? Also, I just love talking about Rune Factory~ X3
First off, the special edition case and the beautifully sunny box art. Micah and his wooly form are cute as ever, along with four potential brides (I feel like they specifically chose the girls who were the most popular from the original game, though I'm surprised Daria didn't make the cut)
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Next is the actual game case, which seems to share the same cover art as the original DS game only on a golden backdrop. Very classic~
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Another CD, I've yet to listen to the CDs from RF4S or RF5. Maybe they're still big overseas, but if I'm listening to a game soundtrack, I'm doing it online, ya know? Still very pretty though.
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This addition is pretty cute. The planner includes both a real week by week calendar AND an in game calendar with tips and birthdays for the characters~ X3
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And now my favorite part of the whole set, the standees! My shelves were severely lacking in RF merch so I friggin love this set. It seems you can display them in any order you want, promo pics have Micah up front, but I thought it looked more balanced with Frey in the center. I really hope they release more of these~
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Lastly the XSEED order bonus, the golden wooly keychain. I...Don't think it's quite as cute as the RF5 one ngl. No one's fault, but I just don't think Micah's wooly self translates to plushie form that well, at least not one this tiny.
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I'd definitely recommend this set for any Rune Factory fan or just fans of fantasy or farming rpgs in general, if anyone's on the fence deciding, I'll answer any questions about the special edition to the best of my abilities. Happy farming~
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kindlystrawberry · 19 days
top 5 rune factory character designs :)
Hi anon THANK YOU FOR THIS QUESTION omg this is wonderful and I have so many opinions. I’ve played various amounts of the 5 main games but I’ve mostly played 1 & 4 so pls note that my opinions will probably be biased. Ok let’s go:
Runner-ups (forgive me, there are SO many good designs I had to include this section):
-I ADORE the butler outfits in rf4. They make so little sense practically, but they are so fun and communicate their design style so well. I also am obsessed with the color scheme.
- FORTE!! She nearly made it to this list but got bumped out my the other rf4 bachelorette designs here. I adore her armor and how it’s relatively practical as far as anime style armor goes (I’m looking at you, armor bikinis), I love the cohesive color palette, and I love all the details of the fabrics.
- literally just. All the rf1 bachelorette. They are so underrated and their shit is SO COOL. Melody?? Adorable. Mist?? Iconic. Lynette?? The eye patch?? The Heterochromia?? Serving. They are all fantastic.
- Karina. Her outfit is cute as hell, and feels pretty unique for rf while still being very much of the series’ style. I love that little bandanna, and as you’re gonna see in this list I’m a sucker for the silver/white/blue palette.
- Beatrice !! She nearly made it on here, but alas. I love her cool regal design, I love her color palette (blue/white anyone?) and I love the shape of her silhouette, but imo her design gets a bit muddled/overcrowded which takes her off the list.
Now for the main list! I’ll include pics at the bottom because I’m on mobile and it won’t let me insert them where I want (I’m at work, maybe I’ll fix this later lol.)
5. Sharon - RF1: my icon, my queen, my first girl, literally instrumental to my queer awakening when I was 10. I love her extremely limited color palette and simplistic design when compared to other RF designs. It makes her look so elegant and ethereal, which really communicates her vibes. I’m also obsessed with her jewelry, and which RF would use that more frequently as centerpieces of designs. She’s number 5 bc her design is a tiny bit TOO on the simple side, as much as I also love that about her. I would have loved if they had added just a bit more to her dress, like maybe some subtle lace so it’s not just long shapes of pure white.
4. Alicia - RF2: ok. Right off the bat let me say: yes, her design gets points deducted for the boobs. As a big-breasted woman myself, it always annoys me when I see impractical bra/bust designs with big old anime tiddies. As a queer woman though? I am looking respectfully. Onto the positive: the color palette is SO STRONG, with few colors but the colors they do have are bold and eye-catching. She arguably has the best silhouette of the entire list too, with the big defined shapes of her cape and hat contrasted with her wavy soft hair. I also love her bracelet dangles? She’s an icon.
3. Micah - RF3: he is the PARAGON of RF protagonist design to me. The fluff trim, the boots, the stripy fabrics, the spiky but soft-looking anime hair, the earth-gone palette… he is everything. I also am obsessed with his bare shoulders, those absolutely sell the design for me. Not to mention his wooly design. Mwah. Chef’s kiss. The only reason he’s at 3 is that his design is just a little muddled for me. Fixing up some of the trimmings and adding a tiny bit more cohesion to the color palette (like why black and orange pants??) would fix it for me.
2. Dolce - RF4: At number 2 is Dolce, ghost queen herself. I’m obsessed with her design. She was nearly number 1, but her color scheme and shape design is just a tiiiiny but less interesting to me than number 1. That being said i overall ADORE her red/pink centered palette, I love the overall dark but vibrant colors, and I love how solidly they stick to her design premise. I think the extra details on her dress and the use of jewelry on her, which are attention-catching enough to be so interesting and fun but not so much to totally be distracting.
1. Xiao Pai - RF4: Xiao Pai my BELOVED!!!! I don’t think her design gets nearly enough love. The color scheme is GORGEOUS and fun while still being so coherent, the shapes are a delight, and the details are perfectly balanced to keep her design interesting and unified! I also find her hair adorable, and I LOVE THAT SHE WEARS PANTS. I know that’s kind of silly but I just don’t think enough rf women get to wear pants and they just look SO cute on her. My favorite part of her outfit is either the shoulder pads(??) or the fluff waistcoat (??). Does her design make complete sense? No. But that’s what makes it rune factory, baby!!!!
Anyway, anon thank you so much for asking me this I had such a good (and difficult) time coming up with this list!! I hope this is what you were looking for!
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xpao-bearx · 1 year
Wait... What was I doing again?
Oh, right!
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Here's a custom made crochet plushie Micah in his Golden Wooly form from Rune Factory 3!!! \(☆o☆)/ I commissioned the lovely shop mushgrove on Etsy to create this adorable ✨️masterpiece✨️ and I seriously CANNOT recommend the shop enough! Absolutely PHENOMENAL service and stunning talent, and now I'm the super proud owner of this cute but deadly ass kickin' half monster~ 🙌
Micah and I are SO ready for RF 3 Special and hitting up all the waifus LET'S GOOO!!! 😆
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aashiyancha · 1 year
Reinhardt and the wooly pups from this skit
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flolico · 6 months
The Golden Wooly
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An attempt on drawing Wooly Micah with my finger and phone.
I played the DS RF3 back in mid school and its also my first RF so RF3S is a great experience. Micah is such a cute and amazing MC~!
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dcviated · 10 months
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questions for a bear :: open
@remunporium sent: ⏳ - Is there anything in your muse’s canon history that you wish to change? [you can answer broadly or for raguna]
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The thing about Raguna's canon is I don't have stuff I want to change as much as I want more canon things. The RF series keeps bubbling itself with every entry to be new player friendly, but the mechanics and lore feel so disjointed at times you can barely tell what's real and what's pulled out of the ass to support current entry number.
They've got ideas, somewhere in there, I really liked how Frontier connected and hinted at various locations and things, but there needs to be proper building on it. Maybe the new eastern-themed game will give us something. Or the new game Silent Hope will actually connect to the worldbuilding beyond Woolie cameos (I have doubts).
For the time being, I'm treating him as my own OC anyway. So it'll be what it'll be (and really this only helps me) but I'm at a point of writing canons where I wouldn't mind some history and canon events to work and bounce off of. RF1 was a surface level mess of concepts that could be deepened in fantastic ways.
Maybe next year.
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ana-can21 · 2 years
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🌱✨Raguna & Wooly🐑🌿
💚 Raguna with a fluffy Wooly stealing a turnip. 🤍
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ventus-selphus · 4 years
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