pettirosso1959 · 7 months
Dedicato alle capre antisemite.
Di Indro Montanelli
Nel 1876, assai prima dunque della nascita del sionismo, vivevano a Gerusalemme 25.000 persone, delle quali 12.000, quasi la metà, erano ebrei, 7500 musulmani e 5500 cristiani. Nel 1905 gli abitanti erano saliti a 60.000. Di questi 40.000 erano ebrei, 7000 musulmani e 13.000 cristiani. Nel 1931 su 90.000 abitanti, gli ebrei erano 51.000, i musulmani 20.000 e i cristiani 19.000. Nel 1948, alla vigilia della nascita dello Stato ebraico, la popolazione di Gerusalemme era quasi raddoppiata: 165.000 persone, di cui 100.000 ebrei, 40.000 musulmani e 25.000 cristiani. La presenza ebraica a Gerusalemme ha sempre costituito il nucleo etnico numericamente più forte. Di nessun altro popolo Gerusalemme è mai stata capitale. E’ quindi una leggenda l’affermazione che gli ebrei siano stati assenti da Gerusalemme per quasi venti secoli o che costituissero una insignificante percentuale della popolazione.
Prima che scoppiasse la seconda guerra mondiale, il nazismo in Germania già perseguitava i suoi 500.000 cittadini ebrei. Le disperate richieste di quegli ebrei di essere accolti nei paesi democratici al fine di evitare quello che già si profilava chiaramente come il loro tragico destino, vennero respinte.
Nel luglio 1938, i rappresentanti di trentuno paesi democratici s’incontrarono a Evian, in Francia, per decidere la risposta da dare agli ebrei tedeschi. Ebbene, nel corso di quella Conferenza, la risposta fu che nessuno poteva e voleva farsi carico di tanti profughi. Dal canto suo la Gran Bretagna, potenza mandataria della Palestina, venendo meno al solenne impegno assunto verso gli ebrei nel 1917 di creare una National Home ebraica in Palestina, nel 1939 chiudeva la porta proprio agli ebrei con il suo Libro Bianco, nel vano tentativo d’ingraziarsi gli arabi.
E’ stata questa doppia chiusura a condannare a morte prima gli ebrei tedeschi e poi, via via che la Germania nazista occupava l’Europa, gli ebrei austriaci, cechi, polacchi, francesi, russi, italiani, e così via. Il costo per gli ebrei d’Europa, che contavano allora una popolazione di dieci milioni, fu di sei milioni di assassinati, inclusi un milione e mezzo di bambini. Appena finita la seconda guerra mondiale i 5/600.000 ebrei superstiti, in massima parte originari dell’Europa orientale, si trovarono senza più famiglia, senza amici, senza casa, senza poter rientrare nei loro paesi, dove l’antisemitismo divampava (in Polonia ci furono sanguinosi pogrom persino dopo la guerra, e nell’Unione Sovietica Stalin dava l’avvio a una feroce campagna antiebraica).
Tra il 1945 e il 1948 nessun paese occidentale, Gran Bretagna e Stati Uniti in testa, volle accogliere neanche uno di quel mezzo milione di ebrei “displaced persons”, come venivano definiti dalla burocrazia alleata. La Palestina, malgrado la Gran Bretagna e il suo Libro Bianco, sempre in vigore anche dopo la fine della seconda guerra mondiale, non fu quindi una scelta, ma l’unica speranza, cioè quella del “ritorno” a una patria, all’antica patria, una patria dove da tempo si era già formata una infrastruttura ebraica.
Nel passato la vita degli ebrei nei paesi islamici e negli stessi paesi arabi è stata nell’insieme sopportabile. Di serie B, ma sopportabile. Gli arabi hanno incominciato a sviluppare in Palestina un odio “politico” nei confronti degli ebrei pochi anni dopo l’inizio, nel 1920, del Mandato britannico. L’odio, sapientemente fomentato dai capi arabi, primo tra i quali il Gran Muftì di Gerusalemme (che durante la seconda guerra mondiale avrebbe raccolto volontari per formare una divisione SS araba andata poi a combattere a fianco dei tedeschi contro l’Unione Sovietica), doveva culminare, dopo molti altri gravi fatti di sangue antiebraici, nella strage perpetrata a Hebron nel 1928 contro l’inerme, antica comunità religiosa ebraica.
Chiunque abbia viaggiato e vissuto nei paesi arabi durante le guerre del 1947-1973, sa che l’intera coalizione araba (Egitto, Siria, Iraq e Giordania) con il sostegno dei paesi arabi moderati, avevano un solo scopo che non veniva tenuto celato: il compito non era dare una patria ai palestinesi. Era cancellare ed annientare lo Stato di Israele. Le tragiche vicende che hanno successivamente tormentato il popolo palestinese sono state sempre per mano araba. Due i fatti impossibili da dimenticare: lo sterminio dei palestinesi in Giordania per mano di re Hussein e delle sue artiglierie, dove, solo il primo giorno del terribile “Settembre Nero” si contarono 5.000 morti; le stragi nel Libano, dove i palestinesi sono stati assediati ed attaccati, distrutti e costretti alla fuga dai miliziani sciiti di “Amal” e dai siriani.
Così scriveva Montanelli: “Che i profughi palestinesi siano delle povere vittime, non c’è dubbio. Ma lo sono degli Stati Arabi, non d’Israele. Quanto ai loro diritti sulla casa dei padri, non ne hanno nessuno perché i loro padri erano dei senzatetto. Il tetto apparteneva solo a una piccola categoria di sceicchi, che se lo vendettero allegramente e di loro propria scelta. Oggi, ubriacato da una propaganda di stampo razzista e nazionalsocialista, lo sciagurato fedain scarica su Israele l’odio che dovrebbe rivolgere contro coloro che lo mandarono allo sbaraglio. E il suo pietoso caso, in un modo o nell’altro, bisognerà pure risolverlo. Ma non ci si venga a dire che i responsabili di questa sua miseranda condizione sono gli «usurpatori» ebrei. Questo è storicamente, politicamente e giuridicamente falso.”
(Dal «Corriere della Sera», Indro Montanelli, 16 settembre 1972).
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casavanse · 2 months
Palestine is a country. but I do get if you need to eradicate it for your colonial project.
My dude, just look at the notes of the fucking post where I explained that there was no country named Palestine.
No Palestine -> no state before Israel -> Israel is not an occupation.
And why did you even use the word "colonial"? Do you even know what that word means? Yeah, that's right, not Israel.
And, again: who was the leader? What was the government? WHEN WAS IT ESTABLISHED?
At this point I'm convinced half of y'all can't read.
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goatfactsofficial · 12 days
Honestly, I consider my self "pro-israel" but still very critical about Bibis goverment, specially since fuckers like Gvir ad Smorvtich are in charge. I think that with Hamas finally gone and this fuckers either jailed for good or gone since they are actually hated by the Israeli population rn (The only reason they havent kicked them to kingdom come is because its the middle of a war) a good faith peace plan for both sides can be established with a third party of trust.
This being said, why the fuck do people root for Hamas? Ive seen this so called progressive even calling them 'resistance'. These fuckers are the main cause that palestinians are in the situation they are in. They use all the money they get from aid to try to attack israel, use their own population as shields because they dont care about them and indoctrictnated them to hate since children. Do they really want to leave them opressing Gazans like nothing happened after oct 7th? Because Ive havent seen any goverment willing to do this dirty work because, sadly, Hamas wont reliquinsh their "power" peacefully.
Honestly, in a past I considered my self pro-palestinian and pro-israel, at least publicly, but these loud minority of Hamasinks seemed to have hijacked a movement that started with good intentions. But sadly it appears that this minority is becoming the majority.
Is there anything that can be done to revert this? To alianeate these extremist from the reasonable voices?
First of all, hell of an anon to get. If you're baiting, nice job. Otherwise I'm going to assume this is a good faith ask. (Though I'm still confused as to why you asked me.) So re: why do people support Hamas. I'm assuming you're referring to the Pro-Pal Left that has reared its head since October 7th. Honestly I think it comes down to the privilege that almost everyone in the Imperial Core has: Freedom from War. These folks learned about War Crimes in highschool or whatever, never bothered to learn what they actually were and the how and why of their drafting, and now they hear about Israel bombing hospitals and they can't imagine any possible scenario where that could be justified. To these folks War is two armies marching at each other in block formations in an open field. And perhaps their only conception of Urban War is the civilian-less and consequence-free set pieces of modern warfare shooters. And it shows! I've seen people praising the Mujahideen in Gaza as brave and noble heroes for slapping the side of a Merkavah with a tandem charge RPG all while ignoring the fact that the person firing the RPG isn't wearing any sort of distinguishable uniform and are therefore committing the crime of perfidy. And it drives me insane because perfidy is such a fucking poisonous thing to do. Any action which erodes a belligerents ability to read actions in good faith is horrific, and actions like that are exactly what Hamas' strategy and tactics are based on and around. To break it down for the pissing on the poor crowd: 1: Hamas plans operation and bases soldiers in hospital 2: Israel bombs that hospital, whichever officer in charge has made the hard decision that the number of military casualties is worth the number of civilian collateral casualties, as well as damage to the hospital infrastructure. (THIS IS LEGAL AND NOT A WAR CRIME) 3: Hamas makes up death count and has their media corps play corpse jenga 4: useful idiots in the Imperial Core see that Israel bombed a hospital (no possible reason for doing that other than killing innocents!) and the 3000 years of antisemitism thats hardcoded into their brains kicks in and all the blood libel floods out. As for alienating the extremists from the moderates. I have no idea. Frankly I could care less about what Johnny Jihad or his leftist brownshirts care about Palestine or Israel or Jews or Palestinians. I give far more of a fuck in making the world a better place where I can. And that takes many forms. Including skipping out on my draft service because I didn't want to risk being a part of the apparatus that does in fact contribute to the oppression of Palestinians. What have any of these "Pro-Palestine" leftists ever done for the Palestinian cause that comes anywhere near that level of direct action?
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hemlockdrunk · 5 months
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furrysmp · 26 days
congrats to everyone that is still following me after I saw I had way too many followers to not have at least one antisemitic person following me, the fact that you don't think I murder children for fun is truly a comfort
#I wish this was /s but no genuinely#Had 22 followers. Every time I reach past 20 at least one is antisemitic#I now have 15 followers#thanks for not hating me for being born in a country once btw#Like listen I don't mind if you mass reblog propal stuff. That's good#Just please make sure it's not the posts that talk about how israelis are all evil and want to murder everyone#And maybe reblog. One post about how there's a lot of antisemitism in propal spaces#And how you don't want to make the jews on your blog scared or uncomfortable over that#Just one post. It doesn't have to be praising israel bc fuck knows I hate our current government so much#But I see posts about how secular jews in israel are actually european colonizers roleplaying#And I think about how 100 years ago my great grandparents moved here#And how I'm genuinely scared for my sister who is visiting friends in the uk in a month#And how I'm scared for myself if I ever leave this country again#Because apparently me not wanting to die is controversial in all my political spaces#Except for pro israelis leftist spaces#And that's really sad#That I don't feel safe with yall anymore#Idk#I once joined a mcytblr discord server#The first day I'm there someone asks to “censor i/p” and gets the response “just don't look at the vent channel”#So. I looked.#Not a single person in that server cared enough to say “but it's not all israelis” at the people raving about i/p#Like people out there saying I on a personal level would be happy to murder people because of where I was born#I still get squirmy killing spiders that have rather painful bites. I could never hurt another human on purpose#And they just kept agreeing with each other in the most echo-chamber-y way#So. I left that server#And now I barely do mcyt fandom stuff because I'm scared of getting attention#I don't want attention on my blog or on me as a person#Because at least one in 20 followers will cheer if I get murdered#And that's fucking heartbreaking
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archtroop · 1 month
Ilan Peppe is to History what Andrew Wakefield is to Immunology.
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propall · 2 months
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"Ready to sell your apartment in Bangalore? Get top dollar in no time with Propall, the best real estate websites in Bangalore. Experience efficiency and convenience like never before with Propall, your key to success in Bangalore's booming property market."
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nukeaspen · 5 months
listening to André 3000s new album.... I'm only on the first song but it's quite silly I must say
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jewish-vents · 2 months
i wish some of these young left leaning tiktok activists would get it through their impossibly thick skulls that they sound exactly like neo nazis, and they either don't realize or don't care, and it is fucking horrifying to witness in real time. gen z was supposed to be the generation that wouldn't tolerate racism or discrimination - but only if it isn't antisemitism or involving jewish people. they have gone full mask off recently, too. they're not even bothering to say (((the evil zionist entity))), they're saying The Jews with their whole chest, unashamedly, and getting hundreds if not thousands of people liking their comment, or liking their tiktok, or liking their twitter post. they're regurgitating nazi talking points and phrases like it's nobody's business. they're encouraging YOUNG CHILDREN to join in with them (referencing the tiktok of the propal parade on fucking ROBLOX, with the comments filled with shit like "age is no longer an excuse to stay silent!"). they're saying shit like "i'll only support the good jews, the rest of them can die" with no hesitation. i can't wait until a few years down the line, they'll pick up with their "nooo, we love all people! we don't hate jews! antisemitism is wrong!!" and they'll have to then contend with the fact they wished death and suffering upon the jews they deem as inferior. i hope the guilt eats them alive.
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hilacopter · 26 days
Who gives a fuck what you feel as if you don't despise arabs and islam.
ah, you got me there anon 😔 you're right, I'm an Islamophobic Arabophobic asshole because I view them as people capable of thinking and making rational decisions instead of what we all know they ACTUALLY are: quirky desert people who drink sand and wear funny clothes and have to kill Israelis because they simply don't know any better!!!/s
in all seriousness I assume you're talking about me condemning Hamas because I literally haven't said anything against Palestinian civilians or civilians of any other Arab country (nor am I here). I'm not against Islam, I'm not against Arabs, I'm against an extremist terrorist group who wants me and my family dead. and it just so happens that this group is Muslim and Arab! You know how ProPals always insist criticism of the Israeli government isn't antisemitic (a true statement I wish they'd actually deliver on)? you're basically applying the opposite of that logic here. criticism of Hamas is Islamophobic because, well, they're Muslims! and not treating every Muslim as perfect human being capable of doing no wrong is Islamophobic, actually. istg the way you people talk about Muslims and Arabs is so utterly dehumanising. ever heard of the noble savage trope?
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homochadensistm · 1 month
someone is claiming palestine has existed for 800 years (the mamluks were palestinians..........?????!) I googled it to see where it comes from bc it's... you know.... ridiculous (right??????) and apparently when you google these things one of the top results is some propal propaganda website 😓
Thats where the Qatari aid money goes to, paying adspace on google :^)
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People who were flabbergasted by Germany refusing to condemn Israel are so funny. Like, you really think that the country that's still crawling outta its skin to live down the Nazism was going to stand against the only Jewish state in existence?
Propals have gaslit themselves so hard that the Jews are the real Nazis they can't comprehend how the country that does everything it can to distance itself from its Nazi past supports the "Nazi" Jewish country. It would be sad, if they weren't so dangerous.
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fridagentileschi · 3 months
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Ilaria Salis deve rimanere in carcere a vita ..basta! Tolleranza zero verso questi nazisti comunisti feccia: antifa, BLM, ultima generazione, propal, e tutte le.sigle della feccia finanziata da soros Rockefeller e altri nazisti...devono pagare sul serio. Orban butta via la chiave! Non sentiremo la mancanza di questa "persona". Alla sinistra e ai suoi schifosi e imbarazzanti eroi noi rispondiamo: stiamo con le vittime! E anzi ..liberate Assange!!!
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criptochecca · 16 days
Zionists keep saying that leftists “propals” didnt know anything about Palestine until october 7th and only care because they are antisemitic but the most egregious examples of ignorance regarding the region and the situations I’ve seen has always been from western propagandist grifters like Brianna Wu and Destiny
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redjaybathood · 1 month
It's killing me how pervasive russian propaganda is. Propals love to claim that the West is hypocrites bc they support Ukraine but not a variety of countries and people they, themselves being from the West more often than not, did not give a shit about before. They would rather blame anyone else: the government they voted for, the media they are reading, - than look into themselves.
This paradigm also ignores:
Massive anti-Ukrainian russian propaganda campaign that is running for ten years now. Chances are, all they heard about Ukraine before the full-scale invasion is Azov, Bandera, Nazis, and that's what they're running with it (especially leftists/tankies who think Greyzone is a reliable source of information). Despite chances are, there are more far-right in power in their country than there are far-right politicians in Ukraine. Despite the massive reform Azov underwent. Despite the voices of our Jewish citizens and academics, despite Muslim soldiers in Azov;
Massive support russia, russians, russian imperialism still gets. For one example (and there are numerous) Australian ABC TV station recently made a documentary based on the point of view of russian invading forces, and it treated everything they have heard from them or seen as a legitimate point of view. Bucha massacre denial, for example. This is not humanization, this is straight-up genocide denial. And I know that UK TV also showed this documentary, it's side by side on their website with the documentary about Ukrainian abducted children. The children - those of them who survived the deportation anyway - are being indoctrinated against Ukraine, right now, trained as soldiers. If you even care;
The obvious reality that after people realized that there's not going to be a WW3 or a nuclear war anytime soon, they stopped caring all that much, if they ever did. Look at tumblr: any Palestine or even Israel-related post gets 20+k notes easily. That's not something that we see nowadays with Ukraine, if ever. And there is more negativity about Ukraine here, or on other social media, than for Gazans. And this is even counting that Gaza is the base for legit terrorist organization that committed a massive terrorist attack against the civilian population and is currently holding hostages. Which is the justification Israel puts down for their attack, and for their massive infliction of civilian casualties - but it's also what happened. Whereas in Ukraine, what happened was a Revolution of Dignity, where the victims, the dead, were the people who protested against the corrupt government and won. They didn't attack civilians, they didn't kill russians, they didn't even ban a russian language. They just didn't want to live in a corrupt country, in a police state, where children can be beaten up by police forces and be sent to a hospital. That's how Euromaidan started, if you even care. And Euromaidan is exactly the justification russia put up for the invasion back in 2014. You get me? HAMAS terrorist attack spiked huge support for Gaza and the Palestinian cause even before there were 30K Palestinians murdered by Israel. Even before one such death. Ukraine's fight to protect its freedom was met with indifference if not hostility.
Nothing of the above means you should not care about Gaza and Palestine. But somehow, it means that people treat it as a morally superior position not to care about Ukraine, to blame their government, to blame their media, to blame schools and parents and corporations - and, of course, zionists. Which is their dog whistle for Jews.
It deserves another post, how quickly misinformation and antisemitism spreads on tumblr. Holy shit. You guys are fucked up.
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mr-democracy-manifest · 2 months
Actually I think more propals should protest Israel's existence by setting themselves on fire. All of them, actually. It would solve a lot of problems.
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