#Project opunita
joyousnudibranch · 2 years
Project Opuntia -10 Giant-killing, everywhere!?/ Project ウチワサボテン-10- 下剋上の季節到来か!?
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We had a four-month hiatus making necessary arrangements required by new rules in getting permission to remove opuntia here. Yep, paperwork is always a bummer to do something in a special protection area of a Quasi-national park and nationally-designated place of scenic beauty. Anyway, it was done, and yesterday (Apr. 17, 2022) we re-started removing opuntia along the coastal trail at the tip of Cape Muroto! :D
And when we got to the same place we left off at the end of last year, we were surprised!!  :O
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Opunita, which dominated the area in November last year, is almost covered by other plants!  去年の11月には、ここの場所を征服していたウチワサボテンが、なんと、他の植物に埋もれかけている...!!! 
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As we witnessed how resilient and fast-spread they were, we thought that opuntia was the final boss. But see? Now it’s giant-killing taking place everywhere!!! Coastal evergreen trees like Japanese cheesewood, Japanese spindle, etc., and other vines including climbing buckwheat(?) are almost winning the race here. The struggle for survival. Very keen, indeed. WOW! ウチワサボテンのしぶとさと広がりの速さを見るにつれ、もうコイツがここのラスボスだと思ってた私たちですが。 いやいや。この、あちこちで下剋上が次々起こってる様を見て下さい。トベラやマサキ、蔓性の植物特にツルソバ!完全にサボテンを覆いつくしてる場所もあり。@@
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We, of course, didn’t forget to enjoy bento on the beach.  :) 
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 I made and brought orange poppyseed cupcakes for dessert, but forgot to take a photo. Then we started our heroic effort of removing opuntia WITHOUT harming the vigorously growing coastal plants (most of which are designated as “natural monument” by the national government). かなり日差しの強い浜で岩の上で干物化しながらも、これはゆずれません。^^)ちなみに私は、ウチの冷凍ポンカンジュースでオレンジ・ポピーシードカップケーキを作って来て食べてもらったけど、写真は撮り忘れ。
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We could only remove the ones growing too close or into the trail and causing danger to the passers-by. 頑張ったけど、遊歩道にはみ出して通行人にとってアブナイ部分だけを取り除くので精一杯。
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Yep, we did make a difference, even small... ま、やった感はありますネ、なんとか。
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Our job was not over until we packed up the removed opuntia for pick up by the garbage truck.
BTW, this time I managed to harvest some opuntia fruits. ところで今回は、ワタシ駆除しながら、これだけ実を集めることができました。
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And I was stupid enough to handle them with my bare hands!! They didn’t have obvious spikes so I forgot about how dangerous they can be. My right hand has been feeling terribly prickly since then. OH, is THAT why they’re called “prickly pears?!!”
どんくさいことに私、これを素手で触ってたんですワ~!(TT) トゲがないもんで、つい気を許してしまったんですが。その後から翌日の今日もずっと、右手に何か所もチクチク感が。見てもトゲは見当たらないんですよ。でも痛い。泣きそうなくらい。 いや勉強になりました。(TT)
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                                  Opuntia removed at these locations
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