#Procedure Approval of Bills in the Philippines
unbiasedph · 2 years
With divorce bill refiled in House, lawmakers urged to make procedure free
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For the nth time, a bill seeking to legalize divorce in the country was once again filed in Congress. Rep. Edcel Lagman (Albay, 1st District) early this month filed House Bill No. 78 or “an Act Reinstituting Divorce as an Alternative Mode for the Dissolution of Marriage” in the 19th Congress. The bill reinstituting absolute divorce is an apt sequel to the Reproductive Health Act, as the central figure in both measure is the woman, Lagman said in a statement released on Monday, July 4, 2022. In the 17th Congress, the House of Representatives approved a similar measure on the third reading, but the Senate did not act on it due to time restrictions. In the 18th Congress, another identical bill was approved by the Committee on Population and Family Relations but was stalled in the Committee on Appropriations because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Through House Bill No. 78, the Albay solon is hopeful that “beleaguered and tormented wives can soon be liberated from irretrievably dysfunctional marriages or inordinately abusive marital relations.” Filipinos have varied feelings over the reintroduction of the divorce bill. Many showed support for the bill while others disagreed. Those who supported the bill voiced out a suggestion: Make the procedure inexpensive and less complicated. “Yes congressman, it is high time to have this law as we need it badly, but it should not be a difficult, complicated and an expensive process to file and have it, for the deserving partners,” a Filipino said on a Facebook comment. “Please, lay out and stress a simple and costless procedure, otherwise it will be useless, if the majority of suffering people would not be able to benifit from it,” he added. “Sana nman po free ang deborsyo sa Pilipinas dahil hindi po lahat may kakayahang magbayad sa Atty,” another Filipino urged. (I hope divorce would be free in the Philippines because not everyone can afford to pay for a lawyer.) Filipinos who opposed the bill, meanwhile, cited the sanctity of marriage as their main argument. “Sorry, but I disagree. Marriage is not a game that can be played and stopped whenever you want. This is a serious matter that everyone should take seriously and select the best partner to spend his entire life with,” a user tweeted. “Nope! Dvorce desecrate the sanctity of marriage which GOD Himself established!” another Filipino argued. Apart from the Vatican, the Philippines is the only country that continues to prohibit absolute divorce even if the Catholic hierarchy allows for canonical dissolution of marriage. Read Full News @ Interaksyon Read the full article
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blogginghands · 2 years
Procedure on Approval of Bills in the Philippines (with Comments)
Hey Guys, if you want to know about the Approval of Bills in the Philippines, here's the post.
A bill is introduced by any member of the House of Representatives or the Senate except for some measures that must originate only in the House of Representatives. (Note: Most of the Bills should come from the House of Representatives, Why? Because the House represents the sectoral, marginalized, local and under represented, the House of Representatives knows the real problems that needs to be…
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sleepysera · 2 years
Dec 16 Headlines
Australia: Five children killed in bouncy castle fall (BBC)
“Five children have died and four others are injured after falling from a bouncy castle that was blown into the air in Australia, police say. The accident - caused by a wind gust - happened on Thursday at a primary school fun day in Devonport, Tasmania. Police said the children had fallen from 10m (32ft), with two boys and two girls among the victims. The children were in grade six, meaning they were probably 10 or 11 years old. A fifth child died later in hospital.”
Philippines: Super Typhoon Rai makes landfall as tens of thousands evacuate (CNN)
“Super Typhoon Rai, known locally as Odette, slammed into the eastern coast of the Philippines on Thursday afternoon, bringing torrential rain and the threat of widespread flooding across the archipelago. The storm intensified rapidly as it approached the coast, strengthening from a Category 1 to a Category 5 storm in just 24 hours. By the time it made landfall on Siargao Island, a popular tourist and surfing destination on the central east coast, the storm had reached sustained winds of 260 kilometers per hour (160 miles per hour) with gusts over 300 kilometers per hour (185 miles per hour).”
Syria: RAF Typhoon jet shoots down ‘small hostile drone’ (BBC)
“A Royal Air Force Typhoon jet has shot down a "small hostile drone" over Syria, the Ministry of Defence says. It is the first time the British military has downed another enemy aircraft since the Falklands War nearly 40 years ago. The MoD said the drone - which was shot on 14 December - "posed a threat" to coalition forces fighting the Islamic State group in southern Syria. It did not say which hostile group was operating the drone.”
EPA: Details push to tighten rules for lead in drinking water (AP)
“The Biden administration took steps Thursday aimed at reducing lead in drinking water, announcing plans to release $2.9 billion in infrastructure bill funds next year for lead pipe removal and impose stricter rules to limit exposure to the health hazard. Vice President Kamala Harris made the case for the administration’s push to eliminate every lead service line in the country, reiterating the administration’s pledge that the effort would create jobs across the country and begin to undo the harm pollution has caused in poor, often minority communities.”
China: US Congress approves import ban targeting forced labor in China (AP)
“The measure is the latest in a series intensifying U.S. penalties over China’s alleged systemic and widespread abuse of ethnic and religious minorities in the western region, especially Xinjiang’s predominantly Muslim Uyghurs. The Biden administration also announced new sanctions Thursday targeting several Chinese biotech and surveillance companies, a leading drone manufacturer and government entities for their actions in Xinjiang.”
Covid: Across services, troops face discipline for refusing vaccine (AP)
“On Thursday, the Marine Corps said it has discharged 103 Marines so far for refusing the vaccine, and the Army said it has reprimanded more than 2,700 soldiers and will begin discharge proceedings in January. The Air Force said earlier this week that 27 airmen had been discharged for refusing the vaccine order. And the Navy laid out its new discipline procedure this week, and has already fired one sailor from his command job for refusing to be tested while he pursues an exemption.”
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nooooah · 3 years
2nd Trimester Examination - “Gender Discrimination”
 Gender discrimination is a discrimination caused my a mere difference of gender that leads to a gap in equal status and right. And the discrimination is made in economic, political, social and cultural aspects. Most of the victims of gender discrimination is described as women. In agrarian society, men who are comparatively stronger have been plowing the fields and farming. The idea of male preference and male-dominant, which started from then, has been the cause of the tasks that we have to solve so far. Instead of accepting the biological differences between the two genders as they are, some are planting a mind of discrimination by mixing individual subjective ideas into it, and such old notions are spreading to the belief or unprovoked favoritism that specificity of the role of a particular gender is superior. This contemporary issue is worldwide, and there are movements of women's organizations everywhere. 
 Although, to compare with other nations, the Philippines is one of the countries where women’s rights are quite well-developed. The Philippines have been trying to reduce the rates of disparity between the genders and among the Asian countries, rank higher in low gender discrimination rate. However, there are still some problems unsolved and needs of government’s intervention. According to CNN Philippine News in Manila, Sittie Norhanie Hamdag Lao, the youngest member of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao(ARMM) legislature, has expressed his ambition to become the female president of the Philippines. “When I expressed my intention to run for the student body, people kept on pounding on me being a woman, on my gender, instead of focusing on my merits,” she says. “I didn't really intend to win but at the back of my mind, I just wanted to challenge the status quo.” She challenged politics as a natural-born woman, but is being treated with implicit discrimination just because of her gender. As a matter of fact, in a survey of the president, the majority of the participants answered that the male president was more reliable than the female president when all conditions were the same. Society's perception of women has created preconceptions for women and is suppressing the development of our country. In 2017, CNN even proposed a news article titled "The Philippines' Sexual Discrimination Makes Women Hungery." In addition, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has even recently made sexist remarks, saying, "Isn't it a woman's job to be president?" sparking controversy. He has been embroiled in controversy for making disparaging remarks about women several times.
 In this age of gender discrimination all over the world, what should we do and what should the government do? First of all, there is a ‘One Billion Rising’ campaign as a representative of society, or individual efforts. This movement has been going on for 10 years around the world to create a world where nuns and girls raise their fingers to the sky, hoping the world without violence and no sex discrimination against women and children. This worldwide movement has also been held in the Philippines at the Catholic University of St. Scholastica in Manila. However, on this planet, where there are half men, individual efforts are bound to be limited. So this individual's efforts are to shout women's minds to the state, and the country must come up with a practical alternative to solve the fundamental problem.
 Then, what can the government do? It is the legislation for the practical solution of contemporary issues. Legislative procedures mean a series of procedures from drafting to promulgating a statute. The Philippine legislative process begins with a proposal by a senator or a member of the House of Representatives (the agenda or draft of the law). According to the Constitution of the Philippines in 1987, both the Senate and the House of Representatives can propose legislation. The Constitution itself may be amended or amended. However, a bill proposed by the Senate or the House of Representatives must go through a long process to become a Republican Act. After three rounds of reading, the law is reviewed and approved, and even if the bill is approved by the National Assembly, the president must agree to it and sign it to complete the legislative process. As an example of a practical legislation for gender discrimination in employment, a blind recruitment and women assigning system can be some solution for the ‘Glass Ceiling’. The meaning of the glass ceiling is an invisible barrier that prevents women from entering high-ranking positions, figuratively referring to Blind recruitment aims to eliminate gender discrimination in recruitment and only see job performance. Except for jobs that require a lot of power, such as courier services and factories, the system gives opportunities to men and women regardless of gender. It is actually a system that is implemented in South Korea. The women assigning system is a system that legally allocates opportunities to women, and by boosting women's employment, competent women are given the opportunity to rise to executives and management. I think it can contribute not only to the development of the country by actively utilizing women with abilities, but also be a great help by gathering small strength.
 Conflicts between men and women and people's misconceptions about women are slowing the progress of the world. We are all the same creatures and it is the world's right to live in harmony with each other. I think that only small attention from individuals and government efforts are the power to change the world. The unconditional exclusion and denunciation of relative gender should be stopped. Everyone is equal, precious, and lovely, regardless of gender.
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 AUTHOBIOGRAPHY Mei Joy Flamiano is the daughter of Melchora Flamiano and Joly Flamiano. She was born on June 2,1991 in the Sitio military, Bahay Toro Quezon City. She started her early education in Toro Hills Elementary education and graduated in Kindergarten as top of her class. She and her family then transferred to their hometown in Idio, Sebaste, Antique to cotinue her studies as well as her sibling Jomel Flamiano. She was a studious student and consistent honor student from grade 1 to grade 6. She is also constant participant in all extra curicular activities, particular in declamation and singing contest. She excelled in math and science and graduated valedictorian of her batch 2003. Her parents decided to let her study in a private school for her secondary education where she learned about leadership. She is still a consistent topnucher of her batch and always grabs the first place year after year. She studied in St. Blaise High School and during that time after grade 4, her mother went to Taiwan to help send them to school. Her grandmother is the one who took care of them during those times. She learned a lot I St. Blaise High School especially about leadership being the ten elected governor of SSG ( Supreme Student Government) she passed the UPCAT for BS fishermen in UP Ilo-ilo. After four years of learning at school, she graduated valedictorian of the batch 2007. Her mother went home for her to continue her tertiary education. She left her grandparents in their hometown and she was very saddened because she was developed close relationship to her grandmother especially. She wanted to be a teacher or an engineer but her parents want her to be a nurse. She then followed her parents dream for her. She tried to enroll in UP Manila but was not accepted due to late enrollment. She enrolled in Our lady of Fatima University which is the top producers of nurses that time. Her mother went back to Taiwan and she was left with her aunt. She pursued her nursing studies even though it was not her first choice. She came to love nursing as she grew in the field. She got a scholarship due to her valedictorian certificate in High School. She was able to maintain her scholarship all throughout 4 years in nursing and even with difficulties in areas like RLE due to her fear and hesitancy to perform nursing procedures, she graduated with latin honor as Magna Cum Laude. Not long after she also passed the nursing board exam, and got the tenth place over all examine in the Philippines.
BIOGRAPHY WORDS My name is Mariel Gregorio and I was born on the 30th of September 30,2001 in Idio, Sebaste, Antique. My parents were Joel Gregorio and Maricel Gregorio, and I have two oldest brother and they are Joemar Gregorio and Brian Gregorio. My teenage life was never been easy, when I was 12 years old I’m with my family we are living in a simple house. With three rooms and every room have it own comfort room, one for my parents and one room for my brothers, I have my own room that makes me comfortable, very colorful room with pink bed and has a blue curtain. I have my closet in the left side and many things like guitar and ukulele. In the left side is my cute table with a flower base planted with my favorite flower witch is sun flower. When I open my window you will see a very wide planting area, planted yellowish rice and it smells like fresh greeny leaves. Perfect room didn’t it ? But when I was 17 years old too I’m feeling sad and angry for myself. Because my mama have a favorite child and guess what it’s my  brother Brian his nickname is Yanyan, his skinny, moreno, have a black hair and cute eyes, his hobby is playing basketball, playing guitar he is very sporty person and that’s why I love my brother. He is very supportive to me, but I’m feeling jealous to him. Mama always buying him his a favorite jag and shirt and also his favorite food which is siomai. One day while I’m playing guitar with my friends Jj and Kulot in the sala. I see how my mama pack a lunch for my brother and fix his shirt in his neck and it’s get me jealous. My mama ? She never buy me my favorite shirts, foods and shorts ever. My Mommy do, Mommy is my auntie she is an older sister of my Papa, I love her she making me feel like her own daughter buy buying me my favorite things and by giving me my weekly allowance.I never tell anyone about I’m feeling with my brother except Mommy. She gave me advice like “ Beng don’t get jealous you’re hurting your self your worth of everything so work for that, then one day your mother gonna see your worth” and that words make me a strong and independent woman.
Self-Obituary Melecio “Mileng” Gregorio, age 77, died peacefully on December 26, 2013 in a hospital bed at their hometown Antique, after a courageous battle with different body complications. His passing left his beloved wife Angelina in the care of his 5 grown-up children. Melecio was born on January 6, 1936, and raised in Antique. He focused his life making a living for his 5 children and numerous grandchildren through farming and by serving his townsmen through “Hilot” or massage to treat muscle pain or dislocated joints/bones. Through his skills and passion, he touched many lives and left a legacy not just to his fellow townsmen but for all the people from other cities who sought for his healing. To express condolences, his wake is at their residence in Idio, Sebaste, Antique. Family and friends are also invited to attend a Celebration of Life gathering and burial on January 1, 2014 at Sebaste, Cemetery.
TRAVELOGUE Baguio City, Philippines Baguio City has a low temperature which causes the cold weather. There are deferent kind of crops that can only survive I that kin d of weather like strawberry, lettuce, cabbage, carrots and etc. The livelihood of the people there is wood crafting, paintings, weaving, producing soya products/ jams and growing vegetations. Aside from tourist spots, Baguio also offers zip line, biking and staycation or the family. The first destination that we visited is the strawberry farm. I experience how to pick strawberries and lettuce, it is also a good spot for picture taking. I realize that growing crops like strawberry and lettuce needs delicate care to maintain it’s quality. The second destination that we visited is the Bell House. We entered the abandoned Bell House that has antique furniture and belongings that were left untouched. Some of it is the piano, big mirror and warrior’s armor that has personified notes like “Don’t touch me”, “Don’t sit on me”. There is a graveyard near the Bell House wherein you can bury negative vibes/mindset that you have by reading the noting engraved on the gravestones. The last place that we visited is a place for resting and chilling. The place enables the family to have small talks, get together and reflect. The cold weather help me to unwind take a break from my problems and be free from stressful city life. In addition to my Baguio experience I have learn to be thrifty and be mindful of the things that money should me spent on. It maid me realize that earning money is not a joke, by witnessing how hard it is to work just to earn a living.
Literary Journalism It’s like a crystal glass shattered n pieces A glass that you hold tight but still slipped trough your fingers It’s like an ounce of hope washed away by your tears Where every drop of it, you took years to obtain It’s like feeling the rain after the decades of drought And then suddenly ceases when it touches the ground It’s like a little baby that you cared so much But then leaves you alone when he starts to grow up   It’s like a sharp knife that cuts through your vein It cuts deep, bleeds and causes you pain It’s like a beautiful butterfly that made you so happy But you have to  let go because she needs to be free.
ISSUE: ABS-CBN’s FRANCHISE RENEWAL The Philippine government moved Monday to end the franchise of the country’s leading broadcast network, the latest push by the administration of President Rodrigo Duterte against media outlets that have been critical of his leadership. The Philippine solicitor general, Jose Calida, lodged a complaint with the country’s highest court, accusing ABS-CBN Corp. and its subsidiary, ABS-CBN Convergence, of violating the operating franchise it was granted by Congress, which is set to expire in March. The move comes despite the fact that the House of Representatives has yet to start deliberating several bills supporting the renewal of the franchise. It was not clear how Mr. Calida’s petition would affect that legislation. “We want to put an end to what we discovered to be highly abusive practice of ABS-CBN benefiting a greedy few at the expense of millions of its loyal subscribers,” Mr. Calida said in a statement announcing the move. “These practices have gone unnoticed or were disregarded for years.” But critics of Mr. Duterte say he is on the warpath against media entities that have questioned his drug war, which has drawn international condemnation. ABS-CBN, along with the Filipino online news site Rappler, have been at the forefront of critical reporting about the antidrug campaign, which has left nearly 6,000 people dead since Mr. Duterte took office in 2016. Mr. Calida said the government will prove that ABS-CBN has been broadcasting for a fee, “which is beyond the scope of its legislative franchise.” He also accused the company of hiding behind what he said was an “elaborately crafted corporate veil” by allowing foreign investors to take part in its ownership. He stressed that ABS-CBN “abused the privilege granted by the state” when it introduced a pay-per-view channel without approval by the government’s telecommunications commission. As he has with ABS-CBN, Mr. Duterte has personally gone after Rappler, arguing that it was partly owned by foreign investors. The attempt to shut down Rappler, however, appears to have fizzled after the news site’s foreign investors transferred their shares to their Filipino partners. The National Union of Journalists of the Philippines assailed the move against the network. “This proves without a doubt that this government is hell bent on using all its powers to shut down the broadcasting network,” the union said. “We must not allow the vindictiveness of one man, no matter how powerful, to run roughshod over the constitutionally guaranteed freedoms of the press and of expression, and the people’s right to know.” Mr. Duterte has had particularly tense relations with the media. He and his aides have attacked The New York Times and The Washington Post, and several court cases are pending against Rappler’s chief executive, Maria Ressa. While the Philippine Constitution specifically calls for the separation of powers between the legislative and executive branches, Mr. Duterte has de facto control over the Senate and the House of Representatives through his allies. If the government does succeed in revoking the network’s franchise, ABS-CBN could still most likely operate in some “legal gray zone,” perhaps over the internet, so this would not likely be a death knell for the company, Mr. Heydarian said. “I don’t see any editorial compromise on the part of the ABS-CBN, which is very reassuring in itself,” Mr. Heydarian said. He said that Mr. Duterte appears to have taken from the playbook of President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, who has also been accused of curtailing freedom of the press. “There are just elements of Putinism here,” Mr. Heydarian said. “We can see some Putin-like crackdown on the independent media, which was part of the Russian strongman’s strategy of consolidating power.” MY OPINION: I think that this news really affects the entire nation because Filipinos are very much influenced by television networks especially ABS CBN because this is the giant network that governs that current media platform in the Philippines. As you can read on this news, this is very one-sided. They are exposing that the President wanted to close  and end the franchise of ABS CN because of their stand on the President’s war against drug. And how they deliberately criticize the government on its plans to implement the law. However, the news doesn’t expose the main reason why the network should be closed. Is there really an abuse of power? Is there really a violation of the right and privileges provided to the network? Does the network really an abusive practice that only benefits  the greedy few  at the expense of the networks’ loyal subscriber? I guess these issues need to be addressed as well and should give people transparency. Personally, I like ABS-CBN most specifically on the entertainment sector. They really provide outstanding and very entertaining programs that most of the Filipinos really like but  I have also observed that in the news reporting
Eyes People are unique individuals. Each on of us has characteristics that are different from one another and those characteristics make us stand out. As people as well, we can describe these characteristics  by using our senses. Most of the time we can already imagine and picture out someone from one’s description of his/her qualities. Today I will describe and cousin and will introduce  her to you by describing her and her qualities, and her features. Before anything else, I would just like to let you know that she is one of a kind not only because of her looks but most importantly, because of her personality. I like her because she is very passionate in whatever she does. She also inspires others, very independent and very confident in her abilities. There are so much to be told about her but in this article, I would focus more on her features and what really stands out from her facial feature. I will also let your mind wander as I describe her to you so you can picture her out. She has a very cute face, cute in a sense that I always want to squeeze her cheeks. She has a high cheek bone and a very contagious smile. Whenever she smiles, it hides her eyes and she’s just so cute to look at. She has white straight teeth that adds to the beauty of her smile. For me, the most beautiful part of her face are her eyes. They are almond- shaped. You can easily notice her eyes and when you look at her face that is the feature that is eye-catching.  She has long eyes. The length from inner canthus to outer canthus is much longer than the average person’s eye. But it enhances her look. It doesn’t look awkward  at all. She has big eyes, the one that makes most of the Asians jealous. Asians are known for having small pointed eyes, and therefore most of us wanted to have big eyes because it just looks like extraordinary. Big eyes enhance other facial features as well. Most Asians undergo plastic surgery just to have bigger eyes or use make up just to make eyes bigger. For her, it is a natural. She has mono-lidded eyes.  A monolid is an eyelid shape that doesn't have a crease. An eye that does have a crease is known as a double eyelid. Monolids are beautiful and special. And of course, I will never forget about her long thick lashes. Those lashes no longer need to be curled or be enhanced by a mascara. The one that you will always notice even if you’re a bit far. Those lashes make her eyes more expressive. I guess I have given most of the things that I like about her and emphasized my most favorite facial feature of hers. I hope that you were able to picture out her face by my description. Those characteristics make her unique. Everyone of us is unique. We also have our own favorite facial feature and beauty comes in different structure sized  and features. What’s most important is that we appreciate and love what we have  and also appreciate others as well.
Braver Love is about receiving and giving something on someone. Love can make you strong and weak at the same time, by loving someone is to giving and receiving something. Giving Isn’t easy but it makes you easier when it’s for someone you love, when you fall in love on someone it’s making you brave. Brave of having a commitment, brave on having a responsibility and when you are that kind of brave ? You deserve someone braved too, brave to catch you to hold your hands in front of more people and brave to fight all battles with you, that someone you can talk all of your rants in life. Love is also a truth, being truth of everything that on someone by telling and showing all nothing but a truth. Being in love for me is being safe, being in love is being embrace by a man/woman love, by spoiling her/him your love by giving them your trust and care. For me, love is like a color violet it maybe hurt your eye because it’s too dark but It’s a violet because of how a love shine. Shining by having a very lovable color and a very strong and darker color. Love is like a crystal glass shattered in a pieces, a glass that you hold tight but still slipped through your fingers. It’s like an ounce of hope washed away by your tears where every drop of it, you took years to obtain its like feeling the rain after decades of drought and then suddenly ceases it touches the ground. It’s like little baby that cared too much but then leave you alone when she starts to grow up, that is love.
UNSAFE Unsafe because she didn’t feel the same us before how they love and care for each part of her family. By having a small problems and getting mad for each other. For me isn’t bad for not being part of a family when you can live without them too, I believe that one day all of them will come and asks for your held, come and seek for your help. But now, let them ignore and criticize you, let them compare you to others. Just be true of what you feel, because for now this is their time and tomorrow is yours. Lift yourself up and believe I yourself because if you’re not? Who will, you can’t when they can. Because when the time that you can they can’t and strive for your dreams, because the easier the smallest thing and the biggest is the hardest. Be and do hard today tomorrow will be your easy part of life. But still your family is still your family don’t get mad at them, just let them see how good their daughter is. For now, study hard and it’s for them too. If they never support you, support yourself because you can. Open your wings and fly high but don’t forget on where you going from and now, know you limitations you’re still discovering yourself but this time with your own. Family problem isn’t a hindrance to success your success, because you can if you want.
EVERY DAY In the movie every day it show their on what true love it is. It has been show that a true love is being sacrificing someone you love. It is a movie of a young man who waking up in different bed and body every day and he is getting in love in a girl. Having a situation of a young man is a hard situation, first he don’t know how to explain his situation. Could you explain how you waking up in the morning in different body, personality and gender ? But slowly he  explain how he was born in this world and he slowly in love in the girl too. To the point that he need to become a gay just to stalk and just to talk to the girl that he feeling in love with. In the middle of the movie the girl is slowly getting in love of him too, the girl being curious of a man personality. she always do searching a man’s account and seeing a different pictures but the same spirit. She don’t know what’s her love will be tomorrow, if a girl or a boy or maybe a lesbian and boyish. But still she felt in love of that personality, that spirit who woke up in different body every day. But spirit on his own he know that he is a boy, who needs a girl to love and understand him. But the sense of why his waking up in the different body is to solve a problem that a body’s his waking up with every day. He solved a life of a lady that have a suicidal thought, he also waking up in his girlfriend body and making a conversation to his girlfriend father. That movie really touch my heart because in the end a spirit of a man is need to go in the U.S just to have his love girlfriend free and for her to be found what’s really he is. His girlfriend let him to go and to let herself to have a the same man every day. It’s a beautiful story of love, a story of sacrificing someone you love.
BIG GIRL Throughout my 18 years of existence in this world I’ve learned many things on my own self and experiences. But one thing really hit me hard and I really learned as I grow up is how to become independent standing on my own is my greatest achievements in my life. Not because I am independent I don’t sick help from my parents or eldest. It’s just that I don’t easily seek help for my small problems or small things. I learned not to be so independent on my parents if I know that I could do things on my own. When I entered grade XII I have to live with my auntie, she is the oldest sister of my father so I have to leave my hometown Idio, Sebaste, Antique just to seek more opportunity here on the City of Imus. That day I knew that I have to live my life not being used to have my parents by my side. At first I really made a big adjustment not just on my surroundings but also waking up everyday I can’t longer see my parents early in the morning helping me do my stuffs as I will go to school. I do really appreciate my mama and papa but I want to stand in my own too, I want to discover new things without them because I believe in the saying “There is no permanent in the world except changes’’. So I need to stand in my own without them and live a life without them too
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dipeseya-blog · 5 years
Who Else Wants to Learn About Uganda Visa Application?
More information will be released about the chance of incorporating more countries in the internet visa for Thailand system.  To learn more you can get in touch with your regional Rwanda embassy.  Financial crime is not uncommon in Uganda.
It's also essential to note that Kampala is a tremendous place for picking up visas to other countries since there are usually no queues at the many embassies.  Other foreign currencies might also be accepted in some places in the big cities, although visitors may struggle with different currencies in more compact towns.  Travelers who are from visa-exempt countries will merely call for a visa if they're traveling for over 30 days.
From January 2014 you're going to be able to purchase a single tourist visa which will be valid for Uganda, Rwanda and Kenya.  Uganda Philippine passport holders may acquire an e-Visa for as much as 90 days.  Micronesia is situated in Oceania and it is among the visa free countries for Nigerians.
This e-visa on-line application doesn't be eligible for a visa.   Normally a valid credit card is sufficient.  Germany Visa fees differ based on the sort of visa you're applying for thus the motif of your trip.
American citizens who have regular passports do not have to have a visa to go to the UAE.  The customs official will subsequently issue the true visa in your passport.  Within both of these general categories, there are several kinds of visas.
Up in Arms About Uganda Visa Application? The internet application does not permit you to save your information and go back to the screen later.  You have to give out your charge card information for billing when you begin the telephone inquiry.  A list of local medical providers can be discovered on the U.S. Embassy site.
A Startling Fact about Uganda Visa Application Uncovered Tour operators lodging applications will be held responsible for the information that they provide on behalf of applicants.  Most aspect of the united kingdom tourist visa application method is online.   Nonimmigrant visas are for people that want to visit the usa on a short-term foundation for tourism, business, short-term work, study, or medical therapy.
A Nonimmigrant Work petition isn't required.  Immigration policies aren't always consistently applied and might change without notice.   Bank Statement for the past six months.
Presently there isn't any central East African Visa application online it must be done via the Country you will initially visit.  Remember you could download the Germany Visa Application form right here in our site.  A comprehensive set of forms that you will have to fill out to receive your J-1 Temporary Exchange Visitor Visa Application.
When you have completed your on-line application, all you need to do is submit it to your community visa centre.  When approved you'll observe the letter below.  No, NDA cadets aren't permitted to continue to keep phones.
You need to finish the on-line application in one sitting.  In some instances, you're expected to print the form twice.   Another application form has to be completed by every applicant.
Type of Uganda Visa Application Passport and other travel documents ought to be valid for three or more months. Tour operators would submit an application for an extension for the entire group at the 1 time.
| As soon as your application was submitted, track its progress and see how and when you're able to collect your passport and how to get ready for your visit to France.  The conventional UK visa processing time is 15 days, though at times it can take over 30 days.  Because of long processing times and deficiency of proper tracking, it is a good idea to apply for UK visa at least two months ahead of your travel date.
The Bad Secret of Uganda Visa Application France-visas is a single portal including all the info you require process and assist you every step along the way (preparing the program, entering details, submitting and tracking the application).  You'll only have to present your return tickets.  It is possible to download the application form from our site.
Uganda Visa Application Fundamentals Explained The united kingdom visa application center is going to keep the passport during the entirety of the visa procedure, which might be up to 30 days in some instances.  The original passport is needed during the full application procedure.  You might also make your NEFT payment through internet banking or mobile banking meaning that you do not have to go to your nearest bank branch.
Please be aware that the minor may sign her or his own visa application form.  You don't require a return ticket too.
Uganda Visa Application Can Be Fun for Everyone TVP's Concierge Service is the excess care you're searching for.  To learn more you can get in touch with your regional Rwanda embassy.   Financial crime is not uncommon in Uganda.
Tourists from the rest of the nationalities must submit an application for a visa before they enter the nation.  All travelers must be aware that a visa doesn't guarantee admission into the usa.  The visa can be bought at the point of entry into one of these nations.
Tanzania is an East African country famous for its vast wilderness locations.  Uganda Philippine passport holders may acquire an e-Visa for as much as 90 days.   Micronesia is situated in Oceania and it is among the visa free countries for Nigerians.
The Hidden Secret of Uganda Visa Application The united kingdom tourist visa application procedure is long.   Migration and visa applications can be a trying experience.  If you would like to enter the US, determine whether you want a visa.
Do have your Travel Itinerary on you, just in the event you want to demonstrate proof of Travel intentions.  Therefore, Travel Visa Pro works to assist you in the pre-approval procedure of a Uganda visa, thus creating your trip a success.  A comprehensive set of forms that you will have to fill out to receive your J-1 Temporary Exchange Visitor Visa Application.
The Basic Facts of Uganda Visa Application The Schengen visa application has numerous strict guidelines that should be followed in regards to passport photographs.  When you have confirmed that you require a visa, you can finish your application on our on-line portal.  It's going to be cheaper that you find an entry visa on arrival.
The rest of the nationals listed in the chart must get a visa beforehand.  Complete and thorough visa requirements can be seen within this application kit.  Within both of these general categories, there are several kinds of visas.
New Questions About Uganda Visa Application Tour operators lodging applications will be held responsible for the information that they provide on behalf of applicants.  Most aspect of the united kingdom tourist visa application method is online.  Read my article on how best to receive a travel itinerary for visa application for more details.
| Therefore, you must complete a web-based application prior to your arrival in the nation.  The original passport is needed during the full application procedure.  You might also make your NEFT payment through internet banking or mobile banking meaning that you do not have to go to your nearest bank branch.
You need to finish the on-line application in one sitting.  The application procedure may differ based on the sort of visa you're obtaining.  Only the most recent form is going to be accepted.
Vital Pieces of Uganda Visa Application The internet visa application for Thailand is intended to be straightforward and quick to finish.  Please confirm whether you will need to submit an application for a visa.  A US visa is normally a stamp or authorization within a passport.
The rest of the nationals listed in the chart must get a visa beforehand.  Complete and thorough visa requirements can be seen within this application kit.  Within both of these general categories, there are several kinds of visas.
The Chronicles of Uganda Visa Application Please note that in the event that you are coming from the United States, you will require a paper visa as the airline staff is not going to accept the tourist card.  Concierge Team members have years of knowledge and can produce the complex simple for you.
A Nonimmigrant Work petition isn't required.  UK Visas and Immigration may request additional documentation if necessary.  Visa Fees aren't refundable.
Do have your Travel Itinerary on you, just in the event you want to demonstrate proof of Travel intentions.  Remember you could download the Germany Visa Application form right here in our site.  A comprehensive set of forms that you will have to fill out to receive your J-1 Temporary Exchange Visitor Visa Application.
Travel Visa Pro agents are on call to assist you through each stage in the procedure, and you need to not face any challenges in this respect. You are able to re-apply for UK visa by making certain you have all of the documents, funds or proofs which were lacking previously.  Read my article on how best to receive a travel itinerary for visa application for more details.
Up in Arms About Uganda Visa Application? If you cannot open or see the fee payment slip, please download and install the newest version of Adobe Reader from the Adobe site.  The wizard will also tell you exactly what documents have to be enclosed with your application, alongside the appropriate fee.  Open a tab below to observe different varieties of documents required for your specific visa.
It's not difficult for you to find a visa since Uganda is increasing becoming a favorite tourist destination.  It's true, you are going to need a visa to stop by Uganda as a UK citizen.  The best and simplest way to have a Uganda Tourist Visa is upon your arrival in the nation.
Tourists from the rest of the nationalities must submit an application for a visa before they enter the nation.  All travelers must be aware that a visa doesn't guarantee admission into the usa.  The visa can be bought at the point of entry into one of these nations.
Tanzania is an East African country famous for its vast wilderness locations.  Uganda Philippine passport holders may acquire an e-Visa for as much as 90 days.  Micronesia is situated in Oceania and it is among the visa free countries for Nigerians.
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softwaredd · 2 years
Introduction to BIR Computerized Accounting System
The Philippines Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) through Revenue Regulations No. 09-2009 regulates the registration of Computerized Accounting Systems (CAS) for certain taxpayers.
Computerized Accounting System (CAS) is the integration of different component systems to produce computerized Books of Accounts and computer generated accounting records and documents. For companies categorized by the business style BIR meaning as "large taxpayers", the adoption of a current CAS is mandatory. For some businesses that voluntarily choose to register, a computerized accounting system is, in many ways, beneficial in the preparation and maintenance of accounting records.
To meet accreditation requirements, a business must submit the following documentation requirements:
1. Completion of BIR Form 1900 Request for Permission to Use Computerized Accounting System and/or Components thereof/Loose Leaf Account Books, 2002 Enhanced Version and/or BIR Form 1907 (Request for Permission to Use Cash Register /Point of Sale Machine, 2002 Upgraded Version;
2. Company Profile, such as a photocopy of the BIR Registration Certificate, Previously Issued Permit, if applicable, and Current Registration Fee Payment;
3. Location map of the place of business;
4. Inventory of previously approved unused bills and receipts, if applicable;
5. List of branches that will use CAS BIR, if any;
6. For the technical requirements are as follows:
a. Name of the application and software used (development and database)
B. Functions and features of the application.
C. System flow/s
D. Process Flow
E. Backup Procedure, Disaster and Recovery Plan
F. Affidavit and Proof of Ownership of the System
G. List of Reports and Correspondences that can be generated from the system with their description, purpose and sample format
H. Facsimile of system-generated loose-leaf account books and list of same/receipts/invoices
7. Additional requirements in case of affiliated/sister companies, franchisees and branches:
A. Photocopy of the previously issued permit from the parent company, another branch that uses the same system, if applicable; and
B. Certification from the Computerized System Evaluation Team (CSET) that previously evaluated the approved system, if applicable.
 The BIR SAWT will check the validity and completeness of the submitted requirements. If the requirements are complete, the application is endorsed to the CSET for review. The assessment is done through an actual system demonstration that focuses on how transactions are entered into the system, the mechanisms involved, and reporting as required by the business style BIR. This includes a summary of sales and purchases, journals, ledgers, transaction records, etc. After the demonstration, the CSET will raise the points of concern regarding the proposed CAS and these matters must be met. When met accordingly, the National Accreditation Board will approve and award a CAS accreditation certificate. Somehow adapting an accounting system needs to be carefully considered by a company, whether it is required to maintain CAS or plans to register voluntarily. An integrated accounting system must have the ability to address the needs of the business in running its day-to-day operations, whether domestically or internationally, as well as the ability to meet regulatory requirements. If the CAS accommodates both internal and external reporting, it will be valuable in contributing to the success of the company. One of the leading CAS-ready accounting platforms on the market today is mcframe GA. This system built by Business Engineering Corporation (BENG), a successful company from Tokyo, Japan, has arrived in the Philippines. Configured to suit different reporting requirements, mcframe GA has been dominating companies that are expanding their business globally. With a suite of strategic tools and features, meeting system-related CAS requirements has never been easier.
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winwiki · 2 years
National Patient ID
In 2021, the US Senate has progressed on its initiatives on national patient ID. It has encouraged innovation by removing the "antiquated" legislative barriers blocking research into new strategies for unique patient identification from its most recent appropriations bill. It is said, in the long run, having a national patient identification (ID) number will contribute greatly in the provision of quality healthcare services. The implementation of national patient ID is also anticipated to resolve the following: misidentification; duplication, incomplete and inaccurate health records; unnecessary cost from patients; slow turnaround time in medical transactions. All for the provision of best care and to further facilitate continuity of care.  
But no matter how much good it will bring, arguments have been also raised regarding: Patient privacy where when the national patient identification number is compromised, the patient’s entire health record would be easily accessible in one location; serious medical issues or mistakes that could arise from erroneous or duplicate number being assigned to patient with a different medical history-- may it be in the form of providing the wrong medications, testing procedures or other medical intervention; huge cost requirements for implementing the system (developing or modifying an existing system is said to be cost-prohibitive); significant amount of time and effort required in building the national system that will carry out such function; level of centralization and efficiency in the process being aspired for since a lot may still lack internet access in the far flung areas or may experience slow system connectivity due to limited signals between the government and health care providers in some remote areas. Simply put it that any information system will not thrive on poor technology settings. There will be huge implication and adjustment on policies and systems (public or private health information systems in place) also when once implemented.
The Philippines approved and issued in 2018, the Republic Act (RA) No. 11055 or “An Act Establishing the Philippines Identification System.” In the declaration of policies, it provides for the promotion of seamless delivery of service by establishing the national identification system. This is to improve the efficiency, transparency, and targeted delivery of public and social services. Likewise, it shall aim to enhance administrative governance, to reduce corruption, curtail bureaucratic red tape, and avert fraudulent transactions and misrepresentation. Moreover, it shall strengthen financial inclusion and promote the ease of doing business which is one of President Duterte’s primary directive.  According also to the National Economic and Development Authority, the lead agency on implementing the System, as a foundational digital ID system, it will accelerate our transition to digital economy that enables a presenceless, paperless and cashless transactions.  
In the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys), the person shall declare his or her name according to his or her birth certificate and other personal information. It will issue a unique serial number, which will be called the PhilSys Number or PSN that shall be issued by the Philippine Statistics Authority. The PSA takes seriously the privacy, security and integrity of the registered persons data. Thus, safeguards are to be set in place in compliance to Data Protection Laws of the country.
In relation to this development, PSN can be one of our best choices to be a national patient identification number in supplementation from the PhilHealth number vice versa, so as to ensure validation and authentication of electronic health or medical records. Moreover, since the National Telecommunication Commission has released the guidelines on RA No. 11202 or the Mobile Number Portability Act, we can also link this records to an individual’s permanent personal mobile numbers to allow authority to access strictly confidential health records whenever necessary or as needed. This gives the Owner of records a heads up for the security of files. Whenever a user is accessing personal files, it will allow immediate feedback/action when unauthorized access is encountered. Although, this may only aid in resolving privacy issues and may only apply to routine or usual daily transactions. Application of this method will differ most likely in emergency situations. To add, that privacy issues is only one concern compared to a lot cited here. I hope, with the COVID Pandemic, people are able to realize its benefit/advantages consequently outweighing its disadvantages. Soon, we would be able to figure out how to best implement this initiative tailor fit to the needs of our citizen and the healthcare delivery system of our country.  
Adrian, M. (2022, March 1). Here’s Everything That You Need To Know About The National ID! Retrieved from imoney Learning Centre: https://www.imoney.ph/articles/national-id-system/
Miliard, M. (2021, October 20). Healthcare groups cheer Senate progress on national patient ID. Retrieved from https://www.healthcareitnews.com/: https://www.healthcareitnews.com/news/healthcare-groups-cheer-senate-progress-national-patient-id
NPI Lookup. (2021, May 11). Should We Implement A National Patient Identifier (NPI) System? Retrieved from NPI Lookup: https://npi-lookup.org/insights/should-we-implement-a-national-patient-identifier-npi-system/#Pros_of_using_NPIs
National Economic Development Authority. (2021, March). Philippine Identification System Act (PhilSys). Retrieved from National Economic Development Authority: https://neda.gov.ph/philsys/
Jason, C. (2020, June 16). What is a National Patient Identifier and Why is It Important? Retrieved from xtelligent HEALTHCARE MEDIA: https://ehrintelligence.com/news/what-is-a-national-patient-identifier-and-why-is-it-important
CNN Philippines Staff. (2019, June 17). NTC issues guidelines on permanent cellphone number. Retrieved from CNN Philippines: https://www.cnnphilippines.com/news/2019/6/17/ntc-implementing-rules-regulation-mobile-number-portability-act-permanent-cellphone-number.html
Republic of the Philippines, 17th Congress. (2018, August 06). An Act Establishing the Philippien Identification System. Philippine Identification System Act. Metro Manila, Philippines.
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kristinebritney · 6 years
Pre-Stem Cell Harvest Thoughts
Forgive me for this long post as I have nothing else to do in the hospital but to wait until my stem cells can be harvested. I am on Day 15 at the hospital and hopefully soon, my stem cells can be harvested already then after a month, the stem cell transplant will happen. I have so many thoughts going on in my head that sometimes I could not sleep.
Will I beat cancer again?
Can my body handle all the toxic chemicals being infused for me to get better?
Will I ever not worry about cancer coming back?
Can my family ever recover from this sickness?
Why is it so hard to beat cancer?
When will I get out of this hospital?
When will I go back to work?
When does the suffering end?
Being diagnosed the first time was the worst day of my life. And being diagnosed the second time around is the hardest and also the worst day of my life. Just after putting all my efforts in rebuilding my life, cancer struck me out of nowhere. I knew I had to be vigilant that’s why I never let a simple pain be forgotten. That’s how life is after cancer. I feel like I am walking on eggshells – I have to be careful not to trigger anything. What triggers cancer anyway? We wouldn’t know. I still don’t know. Since I got better, I have been living a somewhat “stress-free” life. My family and friends are very kind to not let me stress over simple things. I admit, I still eat what I want but I do it in moderation.
The second time I was diagnosed, my first thought was, “What about my work?” Back in 2016, I had to take a 6-month leave to finish my chemotherapy. Some people can still work while having chemo. Me, I can’t even walk on my own that time. I am so fortunate that the company I am staying with is very considerate with regards to my case. The support of my colleagues all over the world were tremendous! When I came back to work on January 2017, I still had to do radiations so what I did was to wake up at 5:00AM then proceed to the hospital so that I can start radiation by 7:00AM, finished by 8:15AM, get to work by 9:30AM just in time for my 10:00AM shift. That was a routine for 19 days straight. I was so relieved that finally, I am done with the treatments!!!! Now, my company is again very gracious to allow me to take a leave again for me to get better. I was devastated to take a leave because I was starting to work on a project, but I had to let it go as health is my priority. Back in my mind, I am feeling guilty for leaving my colleagues for an indefinite time and passing on my work to them. But deep down, I am so thankful for their understanding. I am relieved when they say “Don’t worry, just focus on your health and we’ll see you soon” all the time. You see, it is important for a cancer patient to still look forward for work. This motivates me to heal faster and get back on my feet the soonest.
Having Cancer in the Philippines
Coming from a middle-class family, earning my own money is a big deal. Just a few weeks after graduation, I started working and earning my own money to fund everything I want and need. I was financially independent. I’m not earning a huge amount, but it was enough to live a comfortable life.
My first diagnosis, we were told to prepare PhP750,00.00 for chemotherapy alone (not including other complications of chemo – which I had) I was unfortunately diagnosed with the expensive type of Lymphoma. I don’t even have enough savings to fund 1 cycle of chemotherapy.
My second diagnosis, a stem cell transplant is the recommended second line treatment for relapse in Lymphoma which costs around PhP 2.5 Million. Basically, I will be having an autologous stem cell transplant in which my own stem cells will be harvested, a high dose chemo will be given to kill the cancer cells, then my stem cells will return to me. Seems easy, right? But no, I had to undergo a total of 4 high dose chemo because the transplant can only be successful if I am in Partial or Complete Remission.
We were given two choices -  to go with stem cell transplant or just go with 6 cycles of chemo. In comparison, stem cell transplant has the highest chance of cure compared with chemo alone. However, neither of them guarantees the cancer won’t come back. I asked helped from my friends in making a decision and one answer struck me the most, “No matter what the cost, I would do anything to increase my chances of living.” Although we do not have the money for the transplant, my parents never hesitated to push through with the procedure. “We will make it work,” they said. And for the past months, we did make it work through the help of so many angels.
I have joined many Lymphoma support groups all over the world and I am jealous of their health care system. They don’t have to worry about the cost of the transplant. Having a stem cell transplant in their country is not a question. It’s part of the procedure. While here in the Philippines, you have to think about it because it is not easy to shell out PhP 2.5M.
Here in the Philippines, PCSO gives medical assistance whether you are rich or poor. I believe that when one of your family member has cancer, it will always drain your savings. Processing PCSO guarantee letters is definitely not a walk in the park. I am lucky enough to have a brother and sister-in-law to process my papers instead of me going to PCSO. Imagine how many sick people line up as early as 3:00AM for them to secure the golden ticket in the form of a guarantee letter or medicines. It would take up your whole day! For some people, PCSO is their best way to survive the costly chemotherapy.
Miracles and New Beginnings
I would sometimes wonder what it would feel like to not ever worry about money which is an impossible world. Everyone worries about money. I remember telling my mom that with all the medical expenses we incurred, we could be millionaires right now. But then she told me, “None of them was ours. They were all given and donated for you to get better” Then it hit me how so many people are always willing to help. When I needed my first chemo immediately, my mom’s brother and friends willingly gave us money. When the bill was too high to be paid in cash, my mom’s friend went to the hospital and swiped her credit card. When there was a problem with my health card, my dad’s friends did everything to get it approved. Whenever we are about to be discharged from the hospital, help from my colleagues and friends would always come. I remember a dear friend of mine giving me P50,000.00 just because they have extra blessings in their family. Colleagues from Manila, Amsterdam, and Singapore pooled funds to help me with my medical bills. I receive so many messages saying that the only thing they can do for me is pray. Please know that prayers mean everything! I am blessed to have so many prayer warriors. I am deeply touched with the help I’ve been receiving. Even until now, my friends haven’t stopped creating fundraising events for my transplant. Miracles are indeed everywhere. You just have to stop and realize them.
Series of events led us to losing our house at the same time while I am battling cancer. It was heartbreaking. I kept on thinking why does these have to happen at the same time? With God’s grace, we were able to find a new place to stay immediately – as if it was handed to us without any glitches. I take this struggle as God’s way of telling us to start something new. I read a quote saying “You cannot heal in the same environment where you got sick” so maybe this is my new beginning.
Waiting Patiently
I am currently on my 15th day of confinement. I had 5 days of intensive chemo and now that my white blood cell count is down to 0.15, we are waiting for it to shoot up, so the stem cell harvest can be done. The waiting game is not easy. My counts are low, hence, I had a platelet transfusion and will be having a blood transfusion in a bit. I currently have a fever. My electrolytes are low too. For the past few days, some of you may know that I feel a bit down. I feel like I am not as strong as before when I was first battling cancer. I feel like I am so tired from everything. I just want to go home. But of course I will not stop fighting. I have so many angels standing with me in this fight and I won’t let them down.
I recently had a chat with one of the nurses that will handle my transplant. He was so informative because he told me what I should expect. Hearing his stories scared me. He said that when stem cells are transplanted back to me, I will experience a 40-degree fever, problems with the GI tract (this one is what I’m scared of the most), stomach pains, unable to eat anything to the point that my nourishments have to be given thru IV, that familiar feeling of weakness due to chemo but this time, it is more intense. The good news is, this will not last forever. I just have to endure the pain for a few days or weeks. But I admit, knowing these scared me so much that I had to cry to my parents.
I am almost there! I am wishing and hoping that I will be cured and cancer will never ever come back for my family.
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Progressivism is the Change We Need
We need to change. For the better.
Let's stop being in the past.
I want the Philippines to prosper and become more progressive. Not strictly in an "economic" sense, but in our social issues and worldview.
While we are officially secular, religion remains omnipresent in society, especially in government. Our politicians use the Bible and misquote it to defend their own agenda. Tito Sotto is a prime example.
According to a Global Attitudes study conducted by Pew Research Center in 2015, 87 percent of Filipinos consider religion to be very important. The country was ranked 10th among the countries surveyed.
Our country has no nationwide laws passed protecting our LGBT brothers and sisters, since the SOGIE Bill would have to be debated in the Senate prior to its passage. Human Rights Watch wrote an article about homophobia's prevalence in Philippine institutions, particularly in scbools.
Although the US firm Pew Research Center ranks th PH as one of the most LGBT-friendly countries in the world, 61 percent of Filipinos oppose same-sex marriage in a survey conducted by Social Weather Stations. Our support for LGBTs is inadequate and skin-deep. Many Filipinos still hold traditionalist views on marriage amidst our rapidly changing society.
In a recent survey conducted by the same research firm, only a slim majority (53 percent) of Filipinos approve of the legalization of divorce. Aside from Vatican City, the Philippines is the only country in the world to not have recognized such procedure. Couples have to opt for annulment, which is a lengthy and exorbitant procedure.
The education system in the country must include teaching our students the values of liberty, equality and fraternity. Filipinos must be taught tolerance and open-mindedness at a young age to counter prejudice and bigotry.
We need to strengthen civil liberties and political freedoms. As of late, the state of our nation's democracy is vulnerable because of the pervasiveness of incompetent and unprincipled government officials, corruption, historical revisionism, extrajudicial killings, and the disregard of due process and the Constitution.
Creationism should no longer be taught in our schools. It is an evident fact that the universe did not begin through a "magic wand" or through religious stories. The Pope himself said this at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.
Our society needs to evolve. We need to combat historical revisionism and the threats facing our nation's values and democracy.
The future of the country lies on the Filipino people, especially the progressive youth.
Embracing progressivism is one key action that would bring us forward, and counter traditionalism. Enlightenment is a necessary principle to defeat the omnipresent prejudice. We need become aware of democracy, open to new ideas and unorthodox proposals that would eventually benefit our populace.
There may be no perfect country, but we must seek to create a society that accepts non-conformity, change, and modernity.
Let's move forward and unite for a more tolerant, enlightened, and democratic Philippines.
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phgq · 3 years
House panel OKs tax, duty exemption for Covid-19 vaccines
#PHnews: House panel OKs tax, duty exemption for Covid-19 vaccines
MANILA – A measure seeking to exempt Covid-19 vaccines from duties and value-added tax (VAT) hurdled committee level at the House of Representatives.
During a hearing on Monday, the House Ways and Means Committee, chaired by Albay Rep. Joey Salceda, approved a consolidated substitute bill proposing to make the Covid-19 vaccines tax-free to ensure the fast, efficient, and safe delivery of the vaccines.
Salceda said all economic policy during the pandemic must be geared towards being a bridge to a Covid-19 vaccine.
“One day saved from the tax refund system, and one day of not having to deal with customs procedures is worth billions in economic output. As President Duterte said, when he cited a figure I calculated, we are losing some PHP20 billion pesos in economic output due to delays in vaccination. So, the revenue impact of these bills matters very little to me, in view of their overwhelming economic importance,” Salceda said.
Bagong Henerasyon Party-list Rep. Angelica Natasha Co, an author of the bill, said the government need not gain financially from the importation and distribution of the Covid-19 vaccines because the country's immediate gain is the "further reopening of the economy and onwards to the new normal" with the coronavirus still a lingering threat.
"Public health, public safety, and our economic security require that all impediments, including cost constraints, to the swift and effective implementation of the vaccination program, must be cast aside," Co said. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "House panel OKs tax, duty exemption for Covid-19 vaccines." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1129998 (accessed February 09, 2021 at 12:41AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "House panel OKs tax, duty exemption for Covid-19 vaccines." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1129998 (archived).
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Are you one of those employees who are tired of the daily set-up of their work? Maybe this could be the time to leave your usual job and start a home-based online job set-up.
A home-based online job is a general term for any work completed outside the traditional office—at home, cafes, co-working spaces, or anywhere with an internet connection. It’s also referred to as a work-from-home job, remote job, or virtual online job.
Home-based workers carry out their responsibilities and tasks from home and usually stay in contact with the employer through phone or the internet.
A lot of home-based workers in the Philippines take an independent contractor or consultant role.
As non-employees of the company they’re working for, they have to pay taxes and government contributions on their own. They also aren’t entitled to government-mandated employee benefits such as 13th-month pay and holiday pay.
You can analyze and assess your competence before starting your career on a home-based online job to ensure the higher possibility of succeeding on this path. So, here are some ways on how can you generate profit in working from home.
1. Freelancing
Freelancing includes taking project-based jobs done within a specific period, ranging from less than a month to six months per project.
This work setup is the most flexible because freelancers aren’t tied to a long-term contract. They can choose to work at any time they’re available. Hence, freelancing is for people who want to make money on top of running a business or having an office job.
2. Telecommuting
Telecommuting offers the best of both worlds for employees who want to work from home yet don’t want to quit their day job.
Several companies like Meralco, Aboitiz, and Metro Pacific Investments Corp. implement telecommuting programs for their employees. Hundreds of other employers also allow their employees to telecommute at least one day per week.
Soon, telecommuting will be more of a norm than an exception in the Philippines, as the Telecommuting Act of 2017 or work-from-home bill is just awaiting President Rodrigo Duterte’s approval to become a law.
Work from home simply refers to the type of job wherein an employee is working from their house, apartment, or place of residence, rather working from the office. Just like freelancers, people who work from their homes offer their services as independent contractors or consultants.
The biggest difference is that working from home involves part-time or full-time work instead of project-based jobs.
This setup is ideal for those who want to become self-employed and to fully enjoy the perks of working from home. They earn regular income as opposed to freelancers who receive payments per completed project.
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Here are some of the home-based online jobs available in the Philippines, which could offer a highly profitable income.
1. Software Engineer.
Salary: Php 30,000 – Php 160,000/month.
Required skills: Web development, software development, computer programming, analytical and problem-solving skills, etc.
Minimum qualifications:
Bachelor’s degree in software engineering, computer science, computer programming, mathematics, or any related field
Experience with computer systems and applications
Typical responsibilities:
Design, develop, and install software solutions.
Execute a full software development life cycle
Conduct systems analysis and recommend improvements on policies and procedures
Troubleshoot and upgrade existing systems
I.T. and computer-related jobs are among the highest-paying and most in-demand work-from-home jobs. If you’re a software engineer, you can work from the comfort of your own home while earning big bucks.
2. Web Designer.
Salary: Php 15,000 – Php 169,000/month.
Required skills: A right eye for design, UX, design software (Photoshop, Sketch, etc.), HMTL, CSS, etc.
Minimum qualifications:
Bachelor’s degree in computer science, computer programming, graphic design, or any related field
Three years of digital design experience
With a professional portfolio
Typical responsibilities:
Design websites according to company branding policies
Update websites to improve user experience
Nowadays, Filipino designers are very much in demand as big and small businesses all over the world need people to design and operate the interface of their websites, blogs, and online stores.
Web Developer.
Salary: Php 20,000 – Php 160,000/month.
Required skills: PHP, HTML, Java, .NET, Ruby, Phyton, MySql, SQL, Javascript, and other coding languages.
Minimum qualifications:
Bachelor’s degree in I.T., computer science, computer programming, or any related field
Experience in web programming
Typical responsibilities:
Create websites using standard HTML/CSS practices
Write efficient code using best software development practices
Maintain and update websites
Because of its high-level technical skill requirements, web development is one of the home-based jobs that pay premium rates, even for beginners.
4. App Developer.
Salary: Php 15,000 – Php 160,000/month.
Required skills: Cross-platform app development (for iOS, Android, etc.), mobile U.I., programming languages, Q.A., etc.
Minimum qualifications:
Bachelor’s degree in software engineering, computer science, computer programming, or any related field
Experience in application and software development
Typical responsibilities:
Create and implement the necessary source code for developing mobile applications
Test apps for functionality and errors
Recommend improvements on existing mobile apps
Home-based app developers have a lucrative career, earning an average of $1,000 monthly creating and testing mobile apps for international companies.
5. Human Resources (H.R.) Manager.
Salary: Php 35,000 – Php 150,000/month.
Required skills: Human resources management, recruitment, onboarding, employee relations, etc.
Minimum qualifications:
Bachelor’s degree in human resource management, business administration, psychology, or any related field
Two years of H.R. experience
Typical responsibilities:
Develop and implement H.R. strategy
Establish and post job listings, interview candidates, and endorse qualified candidates to the management
Manage remote H.R. staff
Growing businesses abroad outsource their H.R. processes to the Philippines. They hire H.R. managers who can take care of their recruitment and hiring needs. This home-based job requires a Psychology or Human Resources Management degree and at least two years of experience.
6. Accountant/Bookkeeper.
Salary: Php 15,000 – Php 106,000/month.
Required skills: Bookkeeping, accounting software (QuickBooks, Xero, etc.), payroll management, taxation, invoicing, advanced Excel skills, etc.
Certified public accountants (CPAs) make money online on a part-time or full-time basis for overseas clients. Demand for virtual bookkeepers in the Philippines is also high, so if you have such a skill, you can definitely work from home.
Minimum qualifications:
Bachelor’s/Master’s degree in accounting or any related field
CPA or any similar post-graduate certification (preferred but not required)
Four years of accountancy experience
Typical responsibilities:
Manage bookkeeping, accounts payables, and accounts receivables
Handle payroll processing
Prepare financial reports or statements
7. Telemarketer.
Salary: Php 12,000 – Php 106,000/month.
Required skills: Fluency in English language, sales, lead generation, etc.
Minimum qualifications:
No specific level of education required
Telemarketing/customer service/outbound call center experience
Typical responsibilities:
Find qualified leads online
Make cold calls to sell products, set appointments, etc.
Some companies in the U.S., Australia, and other countries are looking for telemarketers who can make outbound calls to set appointments, generate leads, close sales, request donations for charities, or explain products to potential customers. They pay massive commissions and bonuses for every sale or confirmed appointment.
8. Translator.
Salary: Php 15,000 – Php 100,000/month.
Required skills: Fluency in a foreign language and strong English communication skills.
Minimum qualification: Bachelor’s degree in any field
Typical responsibilities: Translate or convert content from English into a specific foreign language or vice versa
If you’re well-versed in a foreign language, you can earn online with that skill. International clients need remote workers who can translate emails, videos, websites, or articles into English, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, or French, among other languages.
9. Programmer.
Salary: Php 10,000 – Php 100,000/month.
Required skills: inquisitiveness, Mathematical skills, analytical thinking, a keen eye for detail, etc.
Minimum qualifications:
Bachelor’s degree in computer programming, computer science, or any related field
Two years of programming experience
Typical responsibilities:
Write, update, and troubleshoot computer programs
Build and test software programs
Computer programmers are among the highest-paid home-based job in the Philippines, with the more experienced and senior-level guys making over Php 100,000 monthly.
10. Virtual Assistant.
Salary: Php 10,000 – Php 79,000/month.
Required skills: Fast typing skills, advanced data entry, English communication skills, social media and email management, project management, etc.
Minimum qualification: No particular level of education and experience required
Typical responsibilities:
Perform various administrative tasks, including scheduling meetings and events, making phone calls, responding to emails and calls, organize calendars and files, creating presentations, planning travels, etc.
Manage social media accounts
Data entry tasks
Becoming a virtual assistant or V.A. is an easy way to start a home-based job in the Philippines. Also, unlike most online jobs on this list, virtual assistance jobs don’t require technical skills and a college degree. You can be a V.A. even as a student or a stay-at-home mom.
This home-based well-paid job can offer up to a monthly average of Php 15,000 to Php 25,000. Executive assistants to CEOs even earn more than Php 50,000 monthly.
11. SEO Manager/SEO Specialist.
Salary: Php 15,000  -Php 58,000/month.
Required skills: Keyword ideas research, link building, website analysis and optimization, competitor analysis, etc.
Minimum qualifications:
Bachelor’s degree in I.T., marketing, communications, or any related field
Two years of SEO experience
Typical responsibilities: Handle on-page, off-page, and/or technical SEO, along with running site audits, performing keyword research, and developing and implementing link building strategies.
Home-based SEO jobs are in-demand these days, as businesses here and abroad need to boost their websites’ Google rankings. Experienced SEO professionals—particularly those with extra skills such as copywriting and PPC marketing—can earn as much as Php 100,000 monthly.
12. PPC Specialist.
Salary: Php 20,000 – Php 53,000/month.
Required skills: Google AdWords and social media ads account management, math proficiency, analytical thinking, English communication skills, etc.
Minimum qualifications:
One to two years of experience in pay-per-click (PPC) advertising or search engine marketing (SEM)
Google AdWords certified
Typical responsibilities:
Manage and launch paid media campaigns in Google Ads
Perform keyword bidding, A/B testing, and geo-targeting
Gather and analyze data then explain trends to gain insights on maximizing ROI of PPC campaigns
Make recommendations on how to improve PPC campaigns
Remote PPC marketing jobs require at least a year of experience in managing online paid advertising accounts, as well as Google AdWords Certification and Google Analytics Qualification.
13. E-Commerce Specialist.
Salary: Php 13,000 – Php 53,000/month.
Required skills: Product listing management on e-commerce platforms like Amazon, eBay, Shopify, etc; PPC; SEO; writing; social media marketing, etc.
Minimum qualifications:
Bachelor’s degree in I.T., business administration, or a relevant business course
Two years of e-commerce and SEO experience
Typical responsibilities:
Check the daily performance of an e-commerce website
Administer the uploading of products on the site
Manage, update, and improve product listings
Coordinate advertising promotions
Earn money at home as an e-commerce specialist for online businesses that need to improve their product listings and increase sales.
14. Social Media Manager/Social Media Marketing Specialist.
Salary: Php 15,000 – Php 38,000/month.
Required skills: Online community moderation, social media monitoring, Facebook ads, social media management tools (Hootsuite, Google Analytics, etc.), email marketing, writing, etc.
Minimum qualification:
Bachelor’s degree in marketing, advertising, public relations, journalism, communications, or any related field
One year of experience in social media marketing
Typical responsibilities:
Plan, implement and monitor the client’s social media strategy
Define social media metrics or KPIs
Manage and oversee social media content
Measure the success of social media campaigns
This home-based digital marketing job doesn’t require much experience and technical skills, but having some will give you an advantage in terms of pay.
15. Content Editor / Proofreader.
Salary: Php 12,000 – Php 64,000/month.
Required skills: Excellent command of English, basic SEO, sharp attention to detail, etc.
Minimum qualifications:
Bachelor’s degree in English, journalism, communications, or any related field
Proofreading experience preferred but not required
Typical responsibilities: Edit or proofread articles and documents for proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation
Content editing and proofreading are specialized skills that can earn you good money working from home. Aside from editing, content editors are also tasked to manage a team of writers and plan content for blogs or online magazines.
16. Video Editor.
Salary: Php 10,000 – Php 55,000/month.
Required skills: Video editing software (Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, etc.), creativity, strong attention to detail, etc.
Minimum qualification: No specific level of education required
Typical responsibilities: Edit product videos for uploading on e-commerce sites or editing vlogs for uploading on YouTube based on the client’s preference.
You need at least two years of experience in online video editing and the ability to produce output fast to work from home as a video editor. You also have to invest in equipment like high-speed internet and computer with advanced specs (a processor of i3 and up, at least 8GB memory, Windows 7 and up, etc.).
17. Writer.
Salary: Php 10,000 – Php 53,000/month.
Required skills: G command of English and basic SEO.
Minimum qualification:
Bachelor’s degree in English, communications, or any related field
With portfolio/writing samples
Typical responsibilities: Research and write content for blogs, articles, e-commerce sites, etc.
Currently, home-based writing jobs, particularly web content and SEO writing, are in-demand in the Philippines. Beginners can easily start working from home even with a bit of experience, as long as they can write in English well.
18. Customer Support/Technical Support Representative.
Salary: Php 10,000 – Php 53,000/month.
Required skills: Good English communication skills, customer service, phone support, email support, live chat, etc.
Minimum qualifications:
No specific level of education required
Two years of experience in the BPO industry (customer service/live chat support/email support)
Typical responsibilities:
Respond to customer queries and complaints
Assist customers to resolve their issues concerning a product
As we know, the Philippines is one of the world’s top call center country. This provides a lot of opportunities to Filipinos because this job offers a competitive salary provided that you have good English communication skills regardless of your educational attainment.
Lead Generation Specialist.
19. Lead Generation Specialist
Salary: Php 18,000 – Php 40,000/month.
Required skills: communicative competence, data mining, appointment setting, research skills, etc.
Minimum qualifications:
Bachelor’s degree in any field
Preferably have experience in Call center/Sales/Customer service/Lead generation
Typical responsibilities:
Reach out to prospects via phone calls and email
Build and update a database of leads
Qualify and process leads for the sales team
Develop and improve lead generation strategies
Want to make money online at home but no experience? Consider starting a home-based job as a lead generation specialist. The job entails finding potential customers for clients. You can easily learn the necessary skills for generating leads as you go along.
20. Graphic Artist/Designer.
Salary: Php 10,000 – Php 42,000/month.
Required skills: Typography, multimedia design, logo design, web design, graphic design software (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, etc.), image editing, creativity, etc.
Minimum qualifications:
Three years of graphic design experience
With a professional portfolio
Typical responsibilities: Conceptualize and create designs for marketing collaterals and digital assets
Graphic artists make money online through designing logos, brochures, flyers, shirts, mugs, and other materials that companies use for their marketing campaigns.
21. Online English Teacher/ESL Tutor.
Salary: Php 15,000 – Php 50,000.
Required skill: Excellent English communication skills
Minimum qualifications:
Bachelor’s degree in any four-year course, preferably English or communications
Experience in teaching children (preferred but not required)
English/ESL teaching certifications (preferred but not required)
Typical responsibilities:
Manage one-on-one online lessons with each foreign student via video call
Assess and evaluate student’s performance and provide constructive feedback
Filipinos who speak English fluently can easily qualify as English as Second Language (ESL) tutors to Korean, Japanese, or Chinese students. Usually, online English teachers can earn up to Php 80 to Php 200+ per hour, making it a worthwhile home-based job if you go full-time.
22. Digital Marketing Strategist.
Salary: Php 15,000 – Php 30,000/month.
Required skills: Sales skills, data analysis, SEO and SEM skills, social media marketing, copywriting, creativity, etc.
Minimum qualifications:
Bachelor’s degree in marketing, advertising, business, or any related field
Two years of experience in digital marketing and social media management
Typical responsibilities: Develop a digital marketing strategy and manage digital marketing campaigns.
This home-based digital marketing job involves overseeing, monitoring, and improving a company’s online marketing strategy. Most clients require a minimum of two-year experience in digital marketing and social media management.
23. Transcriptionist.
Salary: Php 10,000 – Php 27,000/month.
Required skills: Fast and accurate typing skills, good command of the language transcribed, M.S. Word, MS Excel, etc.
Minimum qualification: No particular level of education and experience required.
Typical responsibilities: Listen to recorded audio files and generate written versions of them.
Filipinos who want to work from home but have no experience can apply to remote transcription jobs in the medical, legal, engineering, and other fields provided that they can type fast and accurately in transcribing audio or video files into written form.
24. Blogger.
Salary: Php 5,000 – Php 27,000/month.
Required skills: Writing skills and knowledge in your niche.
Minimum qualification: No particular level of education and experience required
Typical responsibilities: Write, edit, publish, and promote engaging and informative blog content.
A blog is an online journal or informational website exhibiting information. Blogging involves writing blog posts for clients or your own blog. Blogging as an online influencer can be a lucrative job. Clients are willing to pay big bucks for a single post or content.
You can monetize your blog through advertisements, sponsored posts, or selling different kinds of stuff. You can also earn passive income via Google AdSense up to Php 20,000+ every month.
25. Data Entry Specialist.
Salary: Php 15,000 – Php 30,000.
Required skills: Quick and accurate typing skills, M.S. Office, basic computer skills, etc.
Minimum qualification: No particular level of education and experience required
Typical responsibilities:
Collect, compile, verify, and organize data
Enter data into databases accurately and quickly
Data entry or typing jobs may not be as high paying as other home-based jobs in the Philippines, but they’re still a good source of income for newbies.
26. Project Manager.
Salary: Php 25,000 – Php 80,000/month
Required skills: Organizational skills, leadership skills, problem-solving skills, excellent communication skills, strong attention to detail, etc.
Minimum qualification: Bachelor’s degree in I.T., business, management, or any related field.
Typical responsibilities:
Manage projects from planning, budgeting, staffing, and scheduling to implementing
Monitor the progress of a project and provide regular status updates
Make sure the projects are completed on time within budget and scope
Project managers are in-demand in a variety of fields, mostly in I.T., marketing, and engineering. This high-paying home-based job involves managing all aspects of projects such as marketing campaigns, mobile applications, software product development, and graphic/web designs—from start to finish.
27. Business Analyst.
Salary: Php 25,000 – Php 75,000/month
Required skills: Quantitative skills, advanced Excel skills, data-driven, detail-oriented, etc.
Minimum qualifications:
Bachelor’s degree in business, business analytics, or finance
Two years of experience in business, finance, and any related field
Typical responsibilities:
Gather, record, and analyze business needs and requirements of the client to comprehend business problems and come up with solutions
Research companies and business stakeholders to reach out to for conducting market research
Perform market segmentation, competitive analysis, and cost-benefit analysis
Perform accounting, bookkeeping, and financial analysis
Some E-commerce companies normally hire remote business analysts who can help them boost their online sales through their business development and market research tasks. Home-based business analysts may also be designated to administrative tasks like data entry and invoice payments.
28. Data Analyst.
Salary: Php 20,000 – Php 60,000/month
Required skills: Strong analytical skills, advanced Excel skills, proficiency in analytics platforms such as Google Analytics and Facebook Analytics, proficiency in data manipulation, etc.
Minimum qualifications:
Bachelor’s degree in statistics, mathematics, marketing, computer science, or any related field
Experience in data management, digital analytics, and/or campaign reporting
Typical responsibilities:
Manage data collection and data processing on projects
Regularly analyze various digital platform metrics
Interpret trends and provide insights based on available data
Evaluate the effectiveness of campaigns by performing ROI analysis
Identify and solve data issues and develop strategies to improve the quality of data
Businesses need the help of data analysts in understanding their customers better and improving their digital marketing campaigns. Data analytics is a job you can work from home that can pay you well in exchange for your analytical expertise.
29. Content Marketer.
Salary: Php 20,000 – Php 50,000/month
Required skills: Excellent writing skills, a strong command of English, basic research skills, ability to meet deadlines, SEO knowledge (including keyword planning and research), etc.
Minimum qualifications:
Bachelor’s degree in English, marketing, journalism, public relations, or any related communications field
Some writing experience
Typical responsibilities:
Create and implement content marketing strategies
Curate relevant content for social media posts, podcasts, etc.
Write a variety of online content
Content marketing is different from content writing, though they have overlapping tasks. Content marketers do more than just creating online content. Their role help stimulates a brand’s online presence, appointments, leads, and sales. Moreover, it’s a profitable home-based job for Filipinos.
30. Q.A. Engineer.
Salary: Php 25,000 – Php 65,000/month
Required skills: Keen eye for detail, strong communication skills, knowledge of software Q.A. methods, testing tools, techniques, and processes, etc.
Minimum qualifications:
Bachelor’s degree in computer engineering, computer science, or any related field
Three years of experience in software development and software quality assurance
Typical responsibilities:
Develop and implement tests to ensure product quality
Test web applications or software programs to identify and track defects or bugs
Recommend technical and usability improvements
Software and web application development companies hire home-based Quality Assurance (Q.A.) engineers to test their products and ensure their quality. Q.A. engineers identify quality issues, report them to the management, and suggest fixes and additional usability features.
31. Paralegal/Legal Assistant.
Salary: Php 20,000 – Php 50,000/month
Required skills: Analytical skills, writing skills, strong communication skills, detail-oriented, etc.
Minimum qualifications:
Bachelor’s Degree in law, or any related field
Three years of experience in legal services
Typical responsibilities:
Review, research, and write legal briefs
Draft legal documents such as affidavits
Coordinate with lawyers, courts, and court officers regarding updates and legal proceedings
Check emails and respond to them on behalf of the client
You can launch a productive home-based career as a paralegal by providing legal assistance remotely to clients based abroad. You should have the ability to read and understand vast volumes of court cases and evidence to succeed in this job.
32. Marketing Assistant.
Salary: Php 10,000 – Php 40,000/month
Required skills: Excellent communication skills, M.S. Office proficiency, attention to detail, problem-solving skills, etc.
Minimum qualifications:
Bachelor’s degree in marketing or any business-related field
Four years of digital marketing experience (social media, email marketing, SEO, lead generation, etc.)
Typical responsibilities:
Develop marketing plans and strategies
Work with other team members to implement plans
Establish, write and schedule content on social media and blogs
Manage and optimize paid ad campaigns
Experienced digital marketing professionals can start a home-based online job as marketing assistants. Marketing assistants are expected to perform administrative tasks aside from providing the usual marketing support, such as responding to messages on behalf of the client and creating and editing PowerPoint presentations.
33. Online Community Manager.
Salary: Php 20,000 – Php 60,000/month
Required skills: Excellent communication skills, project management skills, strong interpersonal skills, Excel and Google Suite proficiency, etc.
Minimum qualifications:
Bachelor's degree in relevant fields such as marketing and communications
Two years of experience in community management and customer service
Content writing and editing experience
Typical responsibilities:
Moderate and monitor forums and social media platforms
Respond to fan posts and/or customer inquiries and complaints
Help plan and implement community strategy, engagement, moderation policies, and influencer outreach initiatives
Organize and lead community events
Online community management is a great idea for your home-based career if you are fond of interacting with people online. Help brands expand and maintain their online community by engaging their social media followers or forum members to boost customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. Online community managers are tasked to manage either a brand’s social media pages or assist with any questions, requests, and issues of forum members concerning a product or service.
34. Market Researcher/Market Research Analyst.
Salary: Php 10,000 – Php 30,000/month
Required skills: Accuracy, analytical skills, organizational skills, strong attention to detail, knowledge of data collection tools and methods, etc.
Minimum qualifications:
Bachelor’s degree in marketing, statistics, business administration, communications, or any related field
One year of market research analysis experience
Typical responsibilities:
Collect data on consumers, client’s competitors, and the market
Interpret data, trends, strategies, and competition
Combine information into actionable insights, reports, and presentations
Create recommendations based on market research findings
If you’re good with numbers and interested in psychology and human behavior this home-based job is perfect for you regardless of having the required skills and background.
35. Dropshipper/Dropshipping Manager.
Salary: Php 10,000 – Php 50,000/month
Required skills: Product research skills, organizational skills, attention to detail, knowledge of AliExpress/Amazon/eBay/Shopify analytics tools, competitor research tools, and dropshipping management platforms, etc.
Minimum qualifications:
No specific level of education required
AliExpress/Amazon/eBay/Shopify dropshipping experience
Background knowledge in customer service and order fulfillment
Typical responsibilities:
Perform product research and listing
Assist in set-up and maintain client’s dropshipping store/s
Home-based drop shippers manage their clients’ online stores, from sourcing products to fulfilling orders and handling customer service. They work under strict deadlines and daily quota.
If you want a higher potential income, managing your own dropshipping business is the key. You can earn as much as Php 100,000+ monthly through commissions from sales of products you advertise on your e-commerce store.
36. Real Estate Cold Caller.
Salary: Php 10,000 – Php 40,000/month + commissions/bonuses
Required skills: Excellent English communication skills, interpersonal skills, proficiency in Excel and Google Suite
Minimum qualifications:
Two years of experience in making outbound phone calls
Background in real estate
Typical responsibilities: Communicate with homeowners to see if they’re interested in selling their property or buying a new one, set appointments with potential clients, make follow-up calls and encoding information to Excel or Google Spreadsheet
37. Video Game Streamer.
Salary: Php 50,000/month (with atleast 2,000 views daily)
Required skills: Gaming skills, communication skills, ability to engage audience, etc.
Minimum qualifications: None
You can simply turn your addiction into a money-making hobby which others may also enjoy watching. You can enjoy playing and at the same time, you are earning provided that you have a wide audience watching your game live streaming.
38. Event Planner/Coordinator.
Salary: Php 10,000 – Php 35,000/month
Required skills: Excellent communication skills, organizational skills, detail-oriented, etc.
Minimum qualifications:
Bachelor’s degree in communications, public relations, business, marketing, or any related field
Event planning experience
Typical responsibilities:
Discuss with clients regarding an event’s purpose and budget
Research and book venues for events
Coordinate with venues, trainers, and other stakeholders for an event
Organize and update details for each event
Online event planning can be a work-from-home opportunity. Unlike traditional event planning that involves personally meeting and coordinating with people, a home-based event planner role can be fulfilled without leaving your home. With just a laptop and internet connection, you can get paid to help clients organize and book events.
39. Product Photographer.
Salary: Php 20,000 – Php 35,000/month
Required skills: Creativity, attention to detail, photography and editing skills, proficiency in Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom, etc.
Minimum qualifications:
No specific level of education required
With a portfolio of photography samples
With own high-end DSLR camera and other photography equipment
Typical responsibilities:
Shoot photos of clients’ products in different angles
Control the post-production process, including selecting and editing the best images
Provide captions, tags, or metadata for photos
E-commerce businesses need professional-quality photos of their products for their websites or online catalogs. Product photographers normally receive job orders as one-time projects, but having numerous clients can earn them more than Php 30,000 monthly.
40. Game Developer.
Salary: Php 15,000 – Php 75,000/month
Required skills: Excellent programming skills and knowledge of e-sports, game design, and computer graphics techniques
Minimum qualifications:
Bachelor’s degree in I.T., computer science, or computer engineering
One year of game development experience, from conceptualization to deployment
One year of experience in Android and iOS development
Typical responsibilities:
Build new video games and deploy gaming apps to the Google Play Store and App Store
Update existing games and projects
Work with designers and artists to create features and improve client’s existing games
If you love and have a passion for games, this home-based career as a game developer could be a perfect work for you. This could give you an opportunity to earn and enjoy yourself at the same time.
There are lots of online home-based online jobs available for everyone. As long as you have the drive or motivation and patience to learn, research, and plan on how you could start your preferred job online.
0 notes
politics-jpeg · 4 years
the hills have eyes
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the hills have eyes album art words + art: e1 section: a51
I have been listening to Taylor Swift’s new album--folklore. An artistic masterpiece that was already hailed as a ‘classic’ and Taylor’s best album to date, folklore is possible about Betty and James, the previous owner of her Rhode Island apartment. She discusses the affair that James had with another woman in august, cardigan, mirrorball, illicit affair, exile, and the 1. She then turns to introduce the arch of James with songs, this is me trying, peace, epiphany, my tears ricochet, and hoax. Then towards the aftermath when James died in the war, leaving Betty and the woman that he had an affair with. She then discusses the aftermath of the affair with mad woman, seven (where she introduces herself as a young girl from Pennsylvania), invisible string, and then the last great american dynasty where Betty dies and Taylor buys the Rhode Island home.
I have decided to make my own folklore with the current statement of the PRO-7 chief. It is divided into three acts, each depicting the failure, the solution, and the aftermath. 
The Failure features three different pieces about how the government failed to fight the virus.
stick in the mud: Stick In The Mud is an idiom which translates to a person unwilling to participate. During the first few weeks of quarantining, citizens were seen as the stick in the mud. Without acknowledging their needs and how to put food on their plates, people immediately saw the working class as a nuisance who are unwilling to participate. The elites always told them to be ‘positive’, disregarding the fact that of all the people who are struggling amidst the virus, they were one of the groups who have it the hardest.
This would then translate to the carelessness of the government. As time evolves, people are starting to see that perhaps the government is the problem. They have been focusing on other things such as renaming the airport, shutting down a major media company. Some have also used the pandemic for their political gain--politicising their assistance (when it was their job in the first place). Some also use the public funds to their personal use--they have been pocketing our taxes and try to appear transparent with their faux budget breakdown. Who pays almost (if not more than) 100,000 pesos for a few boxes of bottled water?
possible lyrics include: “I thought you were saving me but you left me in battle to fend for myself,” “I saw every version of yourself and I didn’t like any of them,”
collateral damage: Collateral Damage is a song where the government admits that people who have perished are just collateral damage. It is unintended for the most part but the government continuously believes that it is for the greater good. For the greeted good of what? We can’t consider the death of many as something that’s just there. They are not statistics. They have families and friends around them and no matter how much you put it--the carelessness of the government to the perish of the many is inhumane.
possible lyrics: “You tell me that it is what it is to make me feel better,” “I have lost myself and you’re still careless,” “It’s not collateral damage, it’s me,”
longest time Longest Time is a concept that I got from the official Instagram page of PAGASA. We are currently the country with the longest time in terms of lockdown and quarantine. We see no improvements whatsoever. We already have over 70,000 of COVID-19 cases in the country and the solution of the national government is to quarantine. It’s embarrassing, to be honest. This can also be translated into a different concept wherein a wave of old Duterte supporters and Marcos loyalists turn their backs and start to change their political ideology. They would then be more vocal about the oppressive state and would continuously educate themselves in order to know more about the truth that a lot of people believe in. To be honest, I consider education as a form of political participation because if they do so, then they have the capacity to criticise the government and ask for better plans, better solutions. In simple forms of voting and supporting a politician, they are able to make decisions that have the capacity to shape their lives.
possible lyrics: “I’ve been inside for the longest time and I’m losing my mind,” “Is it possible to change myself if I’ve been this way for the longest time?” “Am I too early or too late?”
ACT TWO: The section of this essay, The Solution, talks about the different problem proposals that the government and the public have.
word on the street Word on the Street is an idea that came to me while I read that the PRO-7 chief said that chismosas help in effective contact tracing. I don’t know why but this concept is so funny to me because even though it is possible that it could work, the idea is wild. It is a mockery of the worry of families. Contact tracing is an effective tool to contain the virus but it shouldn’t be dependent on hear-say alone. It is insulting to women as well because it posits a sexist stereotype that women are only good for gossip. There are smarter solutions to solve the problem we have. There are more scientific and precise ways and relying on gossip is laughable. Let us all quote Latrice Royal on the 4th Season of RuPaul’s Drag Race, “The level of unprofessionalism? Far too much.”
possible lyrics: “You can’t rely on the word on the street, full of lies and deceit,” “She poured her heart out to me but never poured me whiskey,”
gasoline: Inspired by the president’s insensitive ‘joke’ about those who cannot afford face masks, Gasoline interprets the insensitivity of the government and how his words ignite anger. Just this month, the president said that soaking face masks in gasoline is enough to disinfect them. He also recommended the use of bleach and alcohol as other alternatives. When people reacted to it, they said that it was just a joke. It is utter bullshit and it angers me. A lot of these people rely on the president to speak his truth and inform them and joking about that is disgusting. The thing is, I’m not sure if he said it in all seriousness to stop the hate towards him and just said that it was a joke as an excuse. It’s annoying and him continuously saying that doctors and medical practitioners are at fault for their incompetence is maddening to me. My mother and my sister are both doctors and him saying it was a personal attack to my loved ones who tirelessly work and attend webinars about the virus to inform their patients. My mother is a consultant in our provincial hospital and him saying that she was incompetent even though she has a high exposure angers me.
possible lyrics: “You came to me, fire meet gasoline, fire meet gasoline,” “You strike a match but have no fight within you,” “Gasoline, you’re suffocating me,”
ACT THREE: The Aftermath is a two-part section that focuses on the communication cycle between the government and the people.
muted Muted aims to paint a picture of a world with muted colours. It is a reflection of how the voice of the people make up the colours in the world and how muting them makes the world duller. It is also a concept about how freedom of speech is suffocating sometimes. It’s a song about how people are discouraged from political participation because of the reception that they receive from the polarising group. The approval of the Anti-Terror Bill disappointed me. It’s a limit to our freedom of speech. To be honest, I’m scared. I constantly disprove of the government through my social media and real-life interactions. I’m paranoid that someone might be wiretapping me right now. It’s a scary place to live in and nowadays, democracy is just a facade that masks the tyranny of the government. In this day and age, political participation can be unauthentic because we are forced to believe in one ideology. The concept that political participation should be feasible to all remains a concept.
possible lyrics: “I don’t like the bitter taste that wordlessness leaves on my tongue,” “It’s dull in my mind and dull in my eyes,” “Cloak and Dagger meets but I'm still muted,”
sign of the times
Sign of the Times is a song by Harry Styles where a mother dies in childbirth. It’s a sad story but it’s what I feel. With the oppression of the government, its procedures to limit public opinion, I feel as though democracy is dying. Styles didn’t really paint a picture on the topic of the song so I decided to make it more graphic. I will be using the terms “mother” to signify democracy and the Philippines. In this article, this will have the longest ‘possible lyrics’.
Tooth decay, water in your lungs Mother you are dying. You tell me that you wouldn’t be able to make it But I will.
Heart beating fast, thorns inside your body Mother, what’s gonna happen? Tears on your pillow from my eyes I am dying.
If we meet again somewhere, Will you remember me? You told me to be strong, and to be free But I don’t have the money
Smells like death, smells like dying Mother, I am sorry.
I’m wearing your cologne, I’m wearing your perfume
Mother, they're about to take me.
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paulbenedictblog · 4 years
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News Hungary's Viktor Orban gets sweeping powers under 'coronavirus bill' - The - The Washington Post
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The Hungarian parliament on Monday handed the country's populist top minister, Viktor Orban, the energy to govern unchallenged for thus long as he sees match, a coast rights groups acknowledged successfully suspends democracy within the European Union member articulate within the title of combating the radical coronavirus.
The “coronavirus bill,” which enables Orban to rule by decree and bypass the nationwide assembly, passed by 137 to 53 votes despite opposition efforts to glue an expiration date on the articulate of emergency. The laws furthermore punishes americans that “distort” or put up “faux” data on the outbreak with five years in penitentiary.
The govt.has acknowledged that the emergency powers are principal to battle the outbreak, but political analysts grunt they've questions about whether or no longer Orban will relinquish them when the smartly being disaster subsides. Hungary has 447 coronavirus cases and 15 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University data.
“He is the usage of this disaster to further enlarge his energy,” acknowledged András Bíró-Nagy, the director of the Budapest-based mostly entirely Coverage Solutions think tank. “The Hungarian top minister enjoys the discipline where he can act as a captain in a disaster. I don’t seek him giving up these powers all all over again with out problems.”
He pointed to the fact that Orban, chief of the merely-wing anti-immigration Fidesz social gathering, smooth holds emergency powers launched in 2016 to tackle the migrant disaster.
Orban does no longer stand on my own in being accused of a coronavirus energy bewitch amid concerns that leaders with authoritarian traits would maybe per chance per chance exploit the brand new disaster.
In Israel, Top Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been accused of undertaking what critics like dubbed a “coronavirus coup” to live chief and extend his impending court docket proceedings. Security companies like furthermore been ordered to song users’ data with out their consent.
Rodrigo Duterte, president of the Philippines, did no longer persuade lawmakers to give him the authority to make a choice out over deepest corporations earlier this month. But even the emergency powers he has been granted like raised concerns given his past file of flouting the guideline of laws.
While tall emergency measures in countries equivalent to Britain, France and Italy would maybe per chance per chance even like an conclude date sooner than they have to develop parliamentary approval for extensions, the lifting of assessments and balances on democracies needs to be carefully monitored, rights activists grunt.
“In states of emergency, there'll probably be a desire to temporarily derogate from particular rights and procedures but any such measures ought to be non permanent, proportionate and fully principal from a public smartly being perspective,” acknowledged Lydia Gall, an Jap Europe researcher with Human Rights Look.
“Vaguely formulated provisions, as would maybe per chance per chance also furthermore be viewed within the articulate-of-emergency laws adopted, make no longer fulfill these criteria and completely no longer as soon as they are enviornment for an indefinite timeframe,” she added.
The vote by Hungary’s parliament successfully leaves the Orban administration free to coast any form of decree it sees match, she acknowledged. “We can have to wait and seek how the govtwill exercise this limitless energy.”
There are fears that this would possibly per chance per chance per chance also be extinct to further curb fair voices and a free press, she acknowledged. Hungary has made several arrests in most recent weeks of americans accused of spreading “fallacious data” over the sequence of coronavirus cases within the country, even supposing many imagine the accurate sequence of infections is elevated.
While the Orban-managed govt says the constitutional court docket can smooth act as a test, observers indicate that it has been stacked with Orban loyalists.
“In note, everybody in Hungary knows the constitutional court docket is in no procedure going to head towards Orban,” Bíró-Nagy acknowledged.
The European Union has already launched punitive measures towards Orban’s govt.
The bloc acknowledged that Orban’s assaults on the media, the judiciary and the rights of minorities pose a “systematic probability” to its core values.
But up to now, it has no longer managed to shift Hungary’s route, and analysts grunt the 27-member bloc will now be distracted with the broader concerns with facing the coronavirus disaster.
Reactions were muted on Monday.
Didier Reynders, the European Union commissioner for justice, acknowledged that the organization evaluates emergency measures taken by member states in terms of major rights.
“This is particularly the case for the laws passed these days in Hungary touching on the articulate of emergency and new criminal penalties for the dissemination of faux data,” he tweeted.
Others, including outmoded Italian top minister Matteo Renzi, known as for decisive action.
“I in actuality were dreaming of a ‘United States of Europe’ for years,” he wrote on Twitter. “Precisely for that reason, I in actuality like the merely, and the duty, to grunt that after what Orban has performed these days, the European Union MUST act and invent him commerce his suggestions. Or, merely, expel Hungary from the Union.”
László György Lukács, a merely-wing parliamentarian with the Jobbik social gathering, suggested the official-govt data region Hungary On the brand new time that he believed in though-provoking measures to battle the virus but “Orbán have to no longer exercise the epidemic to make a kingdom.”
Michael Birnbaum in Brussels and Steve Hendrix in Jerusalem contributed to this characterize.
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globaldominion · 4 years
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Understanding Personal Loans and Personal Loan for OFW in the Philippines
A personal loan is a type of loan used for general purposes. You can use the money for practically anything you want (Some lenders restrict what you do with the funds, though!). If you’re an OFW and you’re a bit short on cash, then you’re in luck. Many banks and firms offer great personal loans for OFWs in the Philippines.
Why Get Personal Loans
Before applying, though, know that personal loans for OFWs in the Philippines are like double-edged swords. True, it can provide substantial financial assistance. But if not used right, it can leave you deep in financial trouble. Thus, proper consideration must be taken before you decide to get a personal loan. In any case, you need to use the funds for the right purposes, such as:
To pay off high-interest credit card debts
To consolidate multiple small debts
To fund home repairs or improvements
To compensate for your children’s schooling
To meet for emergency medical bills
To finance a planned business
To develop yourself professionally
To cover funeral expenses
Where to Get Personal Loans in the Philippines
Once you have decided to apply for a personal loan, the next thing to decide is where to get it. As mentioned above, many leading banks and lending companies offer personal loans in the Philippines for abroad workers. Check out three of them below.
Interest Rate: 1.59% monthly
Minimum Required Income: Php 25,000.00
Collateral or Guarantor: none
Loanable Amount: Php 50,000 to Php 1 million
Chinatrust Personal Loan
Interest Rate: 1.39% monthly
Minimum Required Income: Php 15,000.00
Collateral or Guarantor: none
Loanable Amount: Php 20,000 to Php 1 million
Global Dominion Financing Incorporated
Interest Rate: 1.3% monthly
Minimum Required Income: Php 20,000.00
Collateral or Guarantor: must have a co-borrower
Loanable Amount: up to Php 2 million
How to Get Personal Loans for OFWs in the Philippines
Make a list of personal loans in the Philippines for abroad workers and compare them with each other. That way, you can pick the one that would suit you best. But if you’re already done with that, the next thing to do would be to apply for the loan itself. Now while these steps could vary depending on the lender, they generally follow this 5-step procedure.
Complete the application form (some can be accomplished online).
Get all the requirements (e.g., Filipino citizenship, valid IDs, proof of income, etc.).
Submit the application form and requirements to the bank or lending company.
Wait for the bank or lending company to process and approve your application.
Get the money from the bank or lending company.
Tips to Increase Your Chances of Approval
Take note, though, that while it’s easy to apply for a personal loan in the Philippines for abroad workers, getting it approved is an altogether different story. Still, there are ways for you to increase your chances of getting okay-ed by the bank or lending company. Check them out down here.
Improve your credit score. The stronger your credit score is, the higher your chances of getting approved.
Borrow an exact amount. Aside from making the lenders feel more at ease, applying with an exact amount would also allow you to minimize your interest rates.
Organize your financial paperwork. So the bank or lending company would have all the relevant information needed to approve your loan application.
Be of good character. Because nobody would want to lend money to shady people.
A Must-Read for OFWs
Whether you’re an OFW in the country or out, you need to learn how personal loans in the Philippines work. So educate yourself, and allow this article to bring you up to speed.
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loansolutionph · 5 years
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Be Cash Smart: Compare Top Personal Loan for OFWs Online
Overseas Filipino workers are not exempt from financial difficulties. It could be a medical emergency, costly tuition fee or at times, delayed employment. First time overseas workers may also need placement fee or in some cases, show money. Whatever the reason, they can count on overseas Filipino loans.
Most lenders offer good loan programs for them for they can pay it considering their monthly income. These loans can even be conveniently availed through an online application. Check out some of the OFW financing products you can apply for at the comfort of your home.
Global Dominion Incorporated OFW Loan
Top of the list is Global Dominion Incorporated or commonly referred to as GDFI. Global Dominion offers two types of OFW loans, their standard OFW loan and the “Pinoy Abroad Loan” which is for those who want to apply out of the country. These loan products are offered to land and sea-based workers. Approval for the standard loan can be as fast as within 24 hours.
The maximum amount that can be borrowed is ₱250,000, but it will be computed based on the worker’s salary and guaranteed allowances. The minimum salary requirement for standard OFW loan is ₱20,000 and ₱35,000 for Pinoy Abroad Loan. The interest rate is 2.49% per month, and the term is up to 12 months.
The required documents to qualify for a loan includes:
Employment contract with POEA validation,
Philippine passport
Working visa
OEC or Overseas Employment Certificate
Flight details
Proof of billing such as latest utility bills
Age must be 21 to 59, but borrowers 60 years and above can apply provided they have a special power of attorney.
Also Read: Loansolutions and GDFI Team Up to Offer Pinoy Abroad Loans Online
Balikbayad OFW Loan
Balikbayad solely offers personal loan for OFWs. The maximum amount that can be borrowed is equivalent to the applicant’s 2x monthly salary. They offer flexible payment terms of 3, 6 and 18 months for land-based workers and 3 and 8 months for seafarers. The maximum loan term is equal to the period of employment contract minus one month. For balik-manggagawa, it would be the remaining number of months in the current contract minus one month. Approval period can be as short as 24 hours after all the required documents were submitted. The monthly interest rate is at 4.99%. The required documents are similar with that of Global Dominion’s.
123 Lending
123 Lending Corporation offers OFW loans with current interest rates of 2.9% to 3.7%. The maximum amount to borrow depends on the worker’s income,  but like Balikbayad, the typical amount is equal to 2X the monthly wage. Loan terms can be 6 or 12 months. The company can facilitate out of the country application as well. Once the required documents have been submitted, the final approval will be within 1 working day. The requirements for the applicant and co-maker are the same as the basic requirements for OFW loan application.
PJH Lending
PJH Lending also offers OFW loans for balik manggagawa, direct hire or under agency workers. Within 24 hours, applicants can be approved for their loans provided they submit the necessary documents. Only one co-maker is required, and the first payment is after two months from the date the loan was received. Additionally, the co-maker is not required of any minimum income.
Maximum loan amount is up to ₱500,000. The interest rate is not specified on their website, but they boast of low-interest rates. Loan packages can be paid in 6 to 12 months. The company does not require collateral and advanced interest. For borrowers, the requirements include valid ID’s, passport, contract or offer letter for direct or under agency workers and OEC, visa and ticket for balik manggagawa. Others include the latest original electric bill, marriage contract if applicable and birth certificate. Co-borrowers are only required to submit valid ID’s, birth certificate, marriage certificate if married and the latest electric bill.
Zazu Lending
Zazu offers OFW financing that can serve as show money loan or other purposes if the applicant gets approved. They recognize the need of many Filipino workers for OFW placement loan for many of them lack the funds. The company can offer up to three times their salary as the maximum loanable amount with no cashout and advanced interest. It charges 4% interest rate per month, but no collateral is needed. Terms of payment are from 6 to 12 months. Payments can be processed through cash, post-dated check or door-to-door remittance. Payment can start after 60 days from the date the loan was released. Once all requirements are submitted, approval may take about 24 hours. Co-borrowers are required to have a residence of their own.
What to Expect When Applying for OFW Loans
Typically, lenders need to validate the requirements that applicants submit to verify legitimacy. Borrowers will also be background checked within 24 hours, for the lender to see any record of delinquency regarding loans.
The applicant will be notified immediately once the loan is approved. The company will assist the borrower in opening a checking account, which will be used for payment. But for cases such as with Global Dominion, no PDC or post-dated cheque is required. All the procedures and obligations will be explained upon signing of the agreement.
Finally, the loan will be released, which is usually in full since most lenders do not charge advanced interests.
How to Increase the Chances of Getting the Loan Approved
When applying for a loan, it is best to prepare the necessary documents right away. Find a qualified co-maker by checking the lender’s qualifications. It is best to borrow an amount that is within their amount of salary. If there are no negative records for money or loan related issues, there is a higher chance for the loan to be approved.
Applicants can expect faster processing when all documents are submitted and that all the information they provide are true and correct. It helps to compare OFW loan offers from various lenders as well.
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