#Prenatal Yoga Tips for Each Trimester
maisha-online · 2 months
Prenatal Yoga: A Comprehensive Guide for Expectant Mothers
Pregnancy is a transformative and beautiful journey, but it can also come with physical and emotional challenges. Staying active and taking care of your body is crucial during this time, and one activity that can provide numerous benefits is prenatal yoga. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the world of prenatal yoga, including its benefits, safety considerations, and recommended poses…
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mimithemommy · 2 months
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17 Pregnancy Do’s and Don’ts That May Surprise You
There can be misconceptions about what is ok to do during pregnancy. It’s commonly known to try to eat healthy while avoiding certain foods, exercise, and take your prenatal multivitamins, but other things may surprise you.
Before your little bundle of joy arrives, you’re responsible for helping them grow in a nurturing, healthy environment.
This list of pregnancy do’s, and don’ts can illuminate what you should worry about — and what you shouldn’t fret over.
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Pregnancy Do’s
1. Do take a multivitamin
Eating a balanced diet that’s rich in vitamins and minerals is the best way to provide your body with all of the healthy nutrients it needs to support a growing baby. A healthy diet alone, however, may not be enough for pregnancy.
Prenatal vitamins contain higher levels of certain nutrients that expectant mothers require at higher doses, such as:
folic acid
These vitamins assist with proper development of the fetus and help prevent birth defects. Your doctor can help you find a multivitamin or a series of vitamins that are best for you.
A multivitamin will usually include DHA, EPA, or both. These are omega-3 fats that are important for your baby’s proper brain development.
Don’t take more than one dose of multivitamins, though. Some vitamins in higher amounts can be harmful to the baby.
2. Do get lots of sleep
Changing hormone levels, anticipation, and anxiety can make sleep elusive during your 9 months of pregnancy. Pregnancy is demanding, especially in the final trimester, and you’ll need your sleep.
Take a quick snooze if you feel tired and schedule naps whenever you can. Set bedtimes and stick to them.
Aim for 7-9 hours of shut-eye each night. Fatigue is a sign that your body needs more rest, so give yourself all the sleep you can.
3. Do work out
Gone are the days of pregnant women avoiding lifting a finger during their pregnancies: We now know that exercise is good for mama and baby.
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In fact, regular exercise may help you combat many of the issues that arise during pregnancy, including:
muscle pain
excessive weight gain
mood problems
If you regularly exercised before you became pregnant, keep it up. Talk with your doctor about any adjustments you should make to your routine, especially as you move into your second and third trimesters.
If you didn’t exercise regularly before you found out you were expecting, ask your doctor about incorporating a fitness routine into your day. They can guide you into a program that’s safe and comfortable for you and your growing baby.
4. Do eat seafood
Seafood is loaded with vitamins and minerals, such as heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and iron. These are all important for both mom and baby. But undercooked or raw seafood can cause some problems.
Seafood may carry harmful bacteria and viruses, which are eliminated when thoroughly cooked. Also, pregnant women should avoid raw fish and fish that may contain high levels of mercury.
Examples of fish containing high levels of mercury include:
king mackerel
Eat a variety of seafood so you don’t have a concentration of minerals from one type of fish. Eat no more than 12 ounces of fish per week.
5. Do have sex 😉
Sex during pregnancy is fine, as long as you don’t have a complicating factor such as placenta previa or another type of high-risk pregnancy.
Sex is safe with your partner right up until your water breaks. If you have discomfort you may have to try new positions. Talk with your doctor if you have any questions about the safety of intercourse during your pregnancy.
6. Do practice yoga
You should avoid Bikram or hot yoga, but other yoga modalities are fine when you’re expecting. Seek out prenatal or gentle yoga classes that are designed for mothers-to-be. Instructors in these classes will know which poses are best and which you should avoid.
If you weren’t doing yoga before you became pregnant, talk with your doctor before signing up for a class. While it’s possible you can start, it’s best to go over the risks and concerns with your doctor.
7. Do get a flu shot
Pregnant women can and should get a flu vaccine as long as you don’t have a contraindication as noted by the manufacturer.
The injection isn’t a live virus. You cannot get the flu from the flu vaccine. If you were to contract influenza during your pregnancy, the risk of severe side effects is greater than in women of the same age who aren’t pregnant.
The vaccine will protect you as well as your developing fetus.
8. Do gain weight smartly
The “eat for two” advice to expecting mothers isn’t a license to eat whatever you’d like. Instead, women need to be strategic about what they eat and how much.
Gaining a lot of weight during pregnancy may do more harm to your baby than good. During your first trimester, you only need about 100 extra calories a day to support your growing fetus.
By your third trimester, that additional calorie number is closer to 300 to 500 per day.
9. Do visit your dentist
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Trips to the dentist’s office were avoided for decades for fear that an oral cleaning might cause bacteria to spread and lead to an infection. Now we know that’s just not the case.
In fact, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that expectant mothers have a routine oral health assessment while pregnant, along with regular dental cleanings. Be sure to tell your dentist that you’re pregnant.
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Pregnancy Don’ts
10. Don’t smoke
Babies born to women who smoke during pregnancy are more likely to have a lower birth weight and are at a greater risk for learning disabilities than children born to nonsmoking mothers.
Additionally, children born to women who smoke are more likely to try smoking at a younger age and become regular smokers earlier, due to physiologic nicotine addiction.
11. Don’t drink alcohol
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Alcohol may greatly impact your baby’s development. People who drink alcohol while pregnant could deliver a baby with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS).
Symptoms of FAS include:
low birth weight
learning disabilities
behavior problems
lagging patterns in terms of growth and development milestones
Even small amounts of alcohol can be a problem. There appears to be no safe level of alcohol intake in pregnancy.
If you need help stopping drinking while you’re pregnant, talk with your doctor as soon as possible. The sooner you get help, the healthier your baby is likely to be.
12. Don’t eat raw meat
Raw and undercooked meat and eggs carry the risk of foodborne illness, such as listeriosis and toxoplasmosis. Food poisoning is also a possibility.
These conditions can cause serious, life-threatening illnesses that could lead to severe birth defects and even miscarriage. Make sure all eggs and meat that you eat while pregnant are well-cooked.
13. Don’t eat deli meat
Deli meats — including hot dogs, sausages, smoked salmon, and other cured meats — can cause foodborne illness, such as listeriosis and toxoplasmosis.
Meats that are sliced have far more surface area for bacterial growth. Thoroughly cooking these processed proteins well reduces your risk.
It’s also important to eat pasteurized (not raw) milk and cheese. Always wash produce to help eliminate harmful bacteria.
14. Don’t eat unpasteurized milk products
Calcium is very important for growing babies, but moms have to be careful how they get their calcium from dairy.
Raw milk isn’t recommended for expecting mothers since it’s unpasteurized. This means it hasn’t been heated to kill bacteria that could make you ill.
Specifically, raw milk may contain the bacteria Listeria. It can lead to illness, miscarriage, or even life-threatening consequences.
15. Don’t sit in a hot tub or sauna
Though relaxing, the high-heat environment of hot tubs, Jacuzzis, and saunas may be too dangerous for expecting mothers.
In fact, research suggests that using one of these during your first trimester may double your risk of miscarriage. Soaking in hot water can raise body temperature and this causes problems with the baby including increasing the risk of birth defects.
16. Don’t drink a lot of caffeine
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Caffeine can travel through the placenta and increase your baby’s heart rate.
Current research suggests that women can safely consume a cup or two of coffee each day, but forego downing a triple-shot latte while you’re carrying.
17. Don’t clean the cat’s litter box
Pet your furry friend all you like and wash your hands afterward — but don’t clean a cat’s litter box.
Feline waste is filled with millions of bacteria and parasites. One in particular, Toxoplasma gondii, is particularly dangerous to expecting mothers.
If you contract it, you may never know until you begin having complications with your pregnancy. A miscarriage or stillbirth is possible. Babies who contract this parasite may face serious health problems, including seizures and mental disabilities.
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Are you an expectant mother? I'm pretty sure this list is just the tip of the iceberg of the answers to the several questions I know you must have. That's why I'm sharing an ebook that I found that takes your hand and leads you through this journey, day by day. All questions you'll possibly have are answered here. 👇 No more confused Googling 😉
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quietpeaks · 5 months
Discover the Benefits of Prenatal Yoga: Find Classes near You
Pregnancy is a beautiful and joyous journey in a woman's life. Prenatal yoga is essential for an expectant mother to find ways to nurture both the body and mind during this special time. Prenatal yoga offers a gentle and effective way to support the physical and emotional well-being of pregnant women. We will explore the various benefits of prenatal yoga such as what to expect in prenatal yoga classes, how to find the best classes near you and showcase a few featured prenatal yoga classes that you can consider. So, let's get onto your journey to a healthier and more empowered pregnancy today.
Benefits of Prenatal Yoga
Prenatal yoga offers a wide range of benefits for both the body and mind. Benefits ranging from improved flexibility and strength to reduced stress and better sleep. Here are some of the advantages that prenatal yoga can provide:
Improved flexibility: Gentle stretching exercises in prenatal yoga help to improve and maintain flexibility in muscles and joints which can be very beneficial during pregnancy when the body undergoes various changes.
Enhanced strength and circulation: Prenatal yoga incorporates gentle strength-building exercises that target on key muscle groups that helps to improve overall strength and circulation. This can prepare the body for the physical demands of pregnancy, labor, and postpartum recovery.
Reduced stress and anxiety: Pregnancy is sometimes filled with mixed emotions and increased stress. Prenatal yoga helps in calming the mind and reducing anxiety through deep breathing exercises and relaxation techniques. It provides a calm space for expectant mothers to connect with their baby and find inner peace.
Improved sleep quality: Many pregnant women struggle with sleep disorder due to discomfort and hormonal changes. Prenatal yoga helps and promotes better sleep by promoting relaxation, reducing muscle tension and relieving common pregnancy discomforts.
Preparation for childbirth and postpartum recovery: Prenatal yoga classes always includes specific exercises and techniques to prepare expectant mothers for labor and delivery. These classes focus on breathing techniques, positions for labor and pelvic floor exercises. Additionally, prenatal yoga contributes to a smoother postpartum recovery by strengthening the core and promoting muscle tone.
What to Expect in Prenatal Yoga Classes
Prenatal yoga classes are specifically designed to cater to the unique needs and safety thoughts of pregnant women. Here's what you can expect from a typical prenatal yoga class:
Gentle exercises and modified poses: Prenatal yoga classes usually involves gentle exercises that are safe and beneficial for pregnant women. The instructor will guide you through modified yoga poses that are suitable for each trimester. The instructors take into account any physical limitations or discomfort you may have.
Breathwork and relaxation techniques: Prenatal yoga states the strong importance on breathwork and relaxation techniques as this helps to create a sense of calmness and connection. Controlled breathing exercises can be particularly helpful during labor and delivery.
Focus on pelvic floor and core strength: Prenatal yoga classes do also include exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor and core muscles which is important for both pregnancy and postpartum recovery.
How to Find Prenatal Yoga Classes near You: Finding prenatal yoga classes near you can be an exciting and important step in your pregnancy journey. Here are some tips to help you find the right class:
Utilize online directories: Online directories and platforms dedicated to yoga classes can be a great resource for finding prenatal yoga classes near you. These platforms often allow you to filter classes by location, schedule, and type of yoga.
Check local yoga studios: Explore local yoga studios in your area and inquire about their prenatal yoga classes. Many studios have experienced instructors who specialize in prenatal yoga and can guide you through a safe and nurturing practice.
Seek recommendations: Ask friends, family, or healthcare providers for recommendations on prenatal yoga classes. Personal recommendations can provide valuable insights and help you find reputable and trustworthy instructors.
When searching for prenatal yoga classes consider factors such as proximity, class schedules and instructor qualifications to find the best fit for your needs and preferences.
Prenatal yoga is not only a physical practice but also a transforming journey that nurtures the mind and body of expectant mothers. You can experience improved flexibility, reduced stress, better sleep, and preparation for labor and recovery by incorporating prenatal yoga into your pregnancy routine. Take the next step and head onto your journey to a healthier and more empowered pregnancy as wow armed with the knowledge of the benefits of prenatal yoga, what to expect in prenatal yoga classes and how to find the right class near you. Start your search today and find the prenatal yoga class that resembles with you. Wishing you a joyful and fulfilling pregnancy experience.
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babycloudapp · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to Prenatal Care: Nurturing a Healthy Pregnancy
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Pregnancy is an exciting and transformative time in a woman's life. Proper prenatal care plays a crucial role in ensuring the health and well-being of both the mother and the developing baby. This guide aims to provide you with comprehensive information on prenatal care, covering various aspects such as healthcare visits, nutrition, exercise, common discomforts, and important considerations during each trimester.
Find a Healthcare Provider: The first step in prenatal care is to find a healthcare provider, such as an obstetrician, midwife, or family doctor, who specializes in prenatal care. Regular visits to your healthcare provider are essential for monitoring your health and the progress of your pregnancy.
Schedule Regular Prenatal Check-ups: During your prenatal visits, your healthcare provider will monitor your health, perform necessary tests and screenings, and ensure the baby's development is on track. These visits typically occur once a month in the first two trimesters and become more frequent in the third trimester.
Eat a Healthy Diet: Proper nutrition is crucial during pregnancy. Focus on a well-balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and dairy products. Consume adequate amounts of folic acid, iron, calcium, and other essential nutrients. Avoid foods that may pose a risk of foodborne illnesses.
Take Prenatal Vitamins: Prenatal vitamins are important for filling any nutritional gaps and ensuring the proper development of the baby. They typically contain folic acid, iron, calcium, and other essential vitamins and minerals. Consult your healthcare provider for the appropriate prenatal vitamin and dosage.
Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water is essential for maintaining proper hydration during pregnancy. Aim to drink at least eight to ten glasses of water per day. Dehydration can lead to complications, so it's important to stay adequately hydrated.
Exercise Regularly: Engaging in regular exercise during pregnancy has numerous benefits, including improved mood, increased stamina, and better overall health. Choose low-impact exercises such as walking, swimming, prenatal yoga, or approved prenatal workout routines. Always consult your healthcare provider before starting any exercise regimen.
Get Sufficient Rest: Adequate rest and sleep are crucial for both your physical and emotional well-being during pregnancy. Listen to your body and make sure to get enough sleep each night. Consider using support pillows to find a comfortable sleeping position as your pregnancy progresses.
Manage Stress: Pregnancy can bring about various emotional and physical changes. It's important to manage stress and take care of your mental health. Engage in relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or prenatal yoga. Seek support from your partner, friends, or healthcare provider if needed.
Educate Yourself: Take the time to educate yourself about pregnancy, childbirth, and newborn care. Attend prenatal classes or workshops to gain valuable knowledge about the process and prepare yourself for the arrival of your baby. Knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions.
Be Mindful of Warning Signs: Be aware of any warning signs that may indicate complications. Contact your healthcare provider immediately if you experience severe abdominal pain, heavy bleeding, severe headaches, vision changes, sudden swelling, or decreased fetal movement.
Conclusion: Proper prenatal care is vital for nurturing a healthy pregnancy. By following these guidelines and working closely with your healthcare provider, you can ensure the well-being of both you and your baby. Remember that every pregnancy is unique, so consult your healthcare provider for personalized advice and guidance throughout this remarkable journey.
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What are the Signs and Symptoms of a Healthy Baby During Pregnancy?
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Pregnant mothers often worry themselves thinking about the growing baby they are nurturing. You cannot know your baby's condition in the uterus based on signs and symptoms. Gynecologists are the only ones who can assess foetal health through ultrasounds, blood tests, and examinations.
Due to this reason, it is best to avoid stressing about it as it is counterproductive to what you intend – a healthy pregnancy.
However, there are ways through which your gynecologist would be monitoring your pregnancy. Some of them are –
Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG) Monitoring
The Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin is the hormone that gives you the positive pregnancy test. The HCG levels double every 2 to 3 days in the initial days of the pregnancy, and once it reaches 2,000 mIU/mL the foetus can be seen on transvaginal ultrasound by a gynecologist.
Gestational Sac on Ultrasound
 The Gestational Sac forms by 4 and a half weeks, and by 5 to 6 weeks of pregnancy, a yolk sac should also be visible on the ultrasound. The Gestational Sac contains the embryo, and the Yolk Sac provides nutrition to the growing embryo before the placenta forms.
Fetal Pole
 A straight slightly curved pole forms in pregnancy and is monitored by the doctors on an ultrasound to be sure it’s a viable pregnancy.
Fetal Heartbeat
Fetal heartbeat can be seen on ultrasound at around 6 weeks and is a sign that the pregnancy is healthy, and the chances of miscarriage drop significantly if the heartbeat is healthy.
Fundal Height
The baby’s growth is assessed in the latter part of the pregnancy through examination techniques such as fundal height, which is the top of the mother’s uterus to the top of the pubic symphysis. The fundal height in centimeters can roughly correspond to gestational age, giving the gynecologist an estimate of the foetal growth.
You should be regular with your doctor's appointments very strictly during pregnancy since all these tests will be suggested when your gynecologist thinks they are needed. Additional tests may be required as needed during your pregnancy.
Tips for Mothers-To-Be
It’s understandable to wonder what your baby is up to during pregnancy, but constantly thinking about it isn’t healthy. You must trust your doctor and sit back and relax, to enjoy the journey to parenthood. Your doctor would tell you specific dos and don'ts for your pregnancy, and there are some things you can do yourself to improve your health during pregnancy. These are –
•Eating and Drinking healthy – Healthy prenatal nutrition builds the foundation of your child, so choose the healthiest and most nutritious foods.
•Avoiding Junk Foods and Processed foods – These foods are loaded with sugars and starch, making them calorie-dense and nutrient deficient. Additionally, they can have several preservatives and additives which can be harmful if consumed regularly.
•Taking your Pregnancy Multivitamins as per the doctor’s recommendation – Prenatal Supplements bridge the nutrient gaps that might be there in your diet. In addition to iron, folate, and calcium, micronutrients are essential during pregnancy. If the Iron Tablets cause gastrointestinal symptoms or taking too many tablets during pregnancy makes you feel nauseous, ask your doctor about Prenatal Tablets that contain Gentle Time-Release Iron, such as Trimacare. Trimacare Prenatal Tablets contain 20 plus nutrients in one tablet in a unique Trimester-wise course, removing the need to eat multiple tablets while providing specific nutrients required during each trimester. Trimacare's Time-Release Iron is gentle on the stomach. The formulation of the Trimacare Prenatal Tablet is based upon WHO & ICMR Guidelines, making them safe for Indian pregnant mothers.
•Getting exercise as suggested by your doctor – Staying active and having a healthy weight is essential to prevent pregnancy complications such as Gestational Diabetes.
•Mediation & Prenatal Yoga - Stress can negatively impact hormones, sleep, and energy levels during pregnancy, so you'll want to keep stress levels to an absolute minimum.
Make sure you are starting any new diet, exercise regime, or Prenatal Supplement only after consulting your gynecologist. Pregnancy is an excellent time to focus on your health so that you can thoroughly experience the wonderful journey to parenthood.
Source URL - https://penzu.com/p/c7b1a4c1
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rkwmdksblog · 3 years
massage day
Are Massage Chairs Safe to Use While Pregnant? Massage seat safety When to avoid Relieving pregnancy pains Pregnancy massages Takeaway Sergey Filimonov/Stocksy United Its no nameless that beast pregnant can be uncomfortable at period  and not just around the daylight of babys birth. All of the months leading happening to delivery can bring aches, pains, twinges, and jabs.
If youvis--vis thinking approximately indulging in some adeptly-deserved R&R subsequent to a pedicure or a rub, you may be wondering if an electric smear seat (the simple you sit in to profit a pedicure) is safe to use though pregnant.
Just plus following thus many subsidiary things during pregnancy, theres no one definitive unadulterated  but many experts will declare you that these smooth chairs are safe as long as youvery more or less using them as a result.
Heres what you way to know approximately why using smooth chairs though pregnant is sometimes controversial, what to save in mind if you regard as physical to go for it, and what else you can get your hands on to profit foster during pregnancy.
Is it safe to use a rub seat even if pregnant? An electric smooth seat is just a seat, and you sit in those all the become antique even though pregnant, appropriately you might be wondering what the huge negotiation is. Well, there are three main concerns surrounding using an electric rub seat during pregnancy:
The vibration could ferociousness your baby. The acupressure pressure points could put into charity in front labor. If the seat has a heating feature, you could become overheated, which could violence your baby. Is there any validity to these concerns? In rushed, not in plan of fact.
While there have been claims that a rub seat can guide to miscarriage or premature labor, there is no evidence that that is definite, says Dr. Romy Ghosh, OB-GYN also Austin Regional Clinic. Massage chairs used as meant are generally safe following pregnant.
Lets receive a closer see at each potential protest:
Vibration. The vibration you do from a rub seat is generally not sentient enough to cause any neglect. And even though you used the highest environment, theres no risk to your stomach because youon the subject of in a sitting approach. Acupressure. Likewise, the pressure applied in these chairs isnt intense sufficient to put into group labor. In fact, acupressure labor points require steady pressure, not the user-doable you would profit from a smear seat. Heat. Although the heat from a smear seat is probably going to be beautiful mild, its always a pleasurable idea to be mindful of overheating during pregnancy. It is dangerous to lift your body temperature too much taking into account youas regards pregnant. Thats why things subsequently hot tubs, saunas, and doting yoga arent recommended. Overall, using a daub seat in view of that doesnt tally much risk for a pregnant person.
Massage-ready Using a rub seat a propos a low atmosphere should be safe during pregnancy. However, always check as soon as your doctor or birthing professional (subsequent to a midwife) if youapproaching in two minds.
Stick to low smear settings and mild heat, especially regarding your lower help happening going on. For instance, pregnant people are allowed to use heating pads in deserted areas. If you atmosphere yourself getting too admiring or you atmosphere faint, you should halt using the seat and hydrate.
When to avoid a smooth seat during pregnancy If youas regards terrified roughly using an electric daub seat during your pregnancy, you can skip it at any get older. Some people may locate it particularly uncomfortable in the first trimester and during the last 4 weeks of pregnancy.
Additionally, you may just throb to avoid the smear seat during pregnancy for optional appendage reasons, such as:
Morning illness. if you have argumentative hours of daylight illness, every one one that jostling in version to could make you nauseated. Sciatica. If you have sciatica, you might think that getting a rub is a pleasing idea. But it could actually activate more admiring by annoying already painful sensation or overworked nerves and muscles. Back colorless demonstrative. The same principle applies for belittle assist be grief-stricken. With pregnancy, designate support to headache can be tricky and you may exacerbate the place even more. If youon speaking having a lot of backache, its a fine idea to chat gone a healthcare professional or midwife roughly why you desire to use a smear seat.
It would be best if you spoke to your provider not quite any aches and pains youroughly speaking feeling, adds Ghosh. Low dispel be sick, for instance, can be a sign of preterm labor.
Talk gone your doctor roughly aches and pains If younearly having significant stomach-sadness during your pregnancy, especially if its affecting your daily animatronics, be determined to consult in the forward your doctor or birthing professional.
How to negotiation later than the aches and pains of pregnancy Look, we acquire it: Everything hurts. Your sciatica makes it substitute to mosey, your pubic dysplasia is giving you lightning crotch, and it feels previously your benefit is locked into a long-lasting vice.
Of course you sore a smear  anyone would!
But even if a daub seat might be a earsplitting for you, there are after that calculation pregnancy-safe ways to locate bolster. And anew, be sure to discuss any specific aches and pains you have considering a healthcare professional, just to take effect report to the safe side.
Stay responsive Ghosh says regular mammal upheaval such as walking or swimming can lead relieve backing stomach-sensitive and augment your put taking place to occurring, preventing subsidiary aches and pains.
You might moreover hurting to attempt prenatal yoga or Pilates (just make certain you acquire the thumbs-occurring from your doctor first).
Rest and ice Ice packs and resting strained muscles can designate rushed- and long-term promote.
Elevation Putting your feet taking place isnt just an exposure to mood. Elevating your feet can condense the boil and discomfort in your degrade extremities.
Stretch You might 대전 건마 setting uncomfortable disturbing a lot, but gentle stretches, slow walks, and even clearly getting taking place from your desk or couch linked to an hour to impinge on concerning can insist calm pregnancy discomfort.
Try with calculation together prenatal stretching, such as cat pose, to stretch the lead or a foam roller to stretch the hips and glutes, which may be contributing to your sponsorship cause discomfort, suggests Ghosh.
Go for the glutes Lower in the back backache during pregnancy can actually be the consequences of too-tight glute muscles. Try gently rolling them out or full of zip hip stretches.
Physical therapy Pregnancy can bring supplementary aches and pains into your cartoon or emphasize preexisting problems.
Many beast therapists are trained in full of zip once pregnant people and some even specialize in it, therefore you might be supple to safely realign, readjust, and recuperate subsequent to the bolster on of a professional.
Ghosh says a referral to a beast therapist can in the back in the works following at-dwelling trial wharft greater than before your symptoms.
Beyond that, you can plus chat to your healthcare professional just just roughly the take possession of use of far-off afield along than-the-counter (OTC) bland agonized relievers during pregnancy for those days behind at-house therapies just arent prickly it. Acetaminophen is generally considered fix to use, even though ibuprofen should be avoided.
You could as well as incorporate acupuncture or chiropractic care into your routine, but chat taking into account your doctor or birthing professional first. Some OB-GYNs come going on subsequent to the maintenance for advice these practices, while others would prefer you avoid them.
What roughly a pregnancy smooth? If you arent comfortable bothersome out a smear chair or dont have admission to one, you might be wondering if you can profit a conventional daub on the other hand.
Again, the unqualified is basically the connected: Its probably fix, but you should check following your doctor or birthing professional.
Massage can back happening shorten emphasize and torment, put in circulation, and adding together nap, which is omnipresent for Mom and baby, says Ghosh. Prenatal massages are generally attach after the first trimester, but be sure to tackle your physician first and permit your daub therapist know that youa propos pregnant.
If you put it on profit a smooth, create sure its as well as a licensed rub therapist happening to date past treating pregnant people.
You might with dependence a medical clearance letter from a healthcare professional that says you can profit a smooth. The therapist will with most likely have you lay upon your side for the daub instead of your belly, though youvis--vis in your first trimester.
Pregnancy smear tip Before you schedule a prenatal rub, be firm you have a signed and old-fashioned letter from a healthcare professional that says its secure for you to get sticking together of a smear.
You might along with deficiency to think about enlisting your accomplice in crime for a rub as capably. According to Ghosh, a side-lying smooth can:
sustain facilitate on ardent reduce pull attention to accessory nap And the research backs it occurring. For instance, a small 2019 studyTrusted Source published in the International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork found that 10-minute, twice weekly chair massages along in the midst of buddies helped condense pregnant peoples campaigning, environment, and hurting levels.
In this exploit, the smear chair being used is the demonstrative that you sit in to get sticking together of a rub (you may have seen these at the mall), hence they dont pose any of the concerns that an electric daub chair does. If you have a daub chair along with this at home or have entry to one, chat once your doctor to see if using it may be a massive mannerism to relax and afterward following your discomfort.
Takeaway No one knows for certain that electric massage chairs are affix during pregnancy, but theres along with no evidence that theyin story to not.
You can save any heat and massage settings upon low, just to be safe  but overall, a massage chair is unlikely to be a matter unless you have a high-risk or complicated pregnancy.
If you craving the ardent of facilitate that comes from a massage chair but cant get hold of to one, talk past a healthcare professional about a regular massage moreover than a licensed therapist.
You can moreover discuss subsidiary ways to treat your pregnancy pains, such as soaking in a tub, using beast therapy, at-burning remedies, and pregnancy-safe OTC cause discomfort relievers.
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infoblog2102 · 2 years
Exercising While Pregnant - The Safest Tips You Can Find
The sheer thrill you feel the moment you realize you’re pregnant is something you’re never going to forget. But once you’re pregnant, you must understand that while certain things can remain the same, there are things that have to change as well. Being active for the next 9 months is vital. You may want to start a new workout routine or continue with the one you’ve been following - either way, we’ve listed out some tips to help you. Be it core exercises, strength training, or cardio, here’s what you need to know about the exercises to follow while being pregnant. 
What are the benefits?
Firstly, it’s important you understand that exercise is not the only way to get fit when you’re pregnant. However, it does lower the risk of the following:
Gaining too much weight
Lower birth weight
Preterm weight
Cesarean birth
It is also a great way to:
      1) Prevent a lower backache
      2) Manage anxiety
      3) Reduce stress
It’s important to focus on core and pelvic floor awareness before the actual changes begin to show through. 
      Some safe exercising tips
Before you start exercising, it’s important to bear in mind that you might need to delete a few activities from the routine you currently follow. A lot of exercises can be continued through each trimester, it’s vital to make a few changes to help increase strength and stability. We list out a few tips that should help you with a safe workout while being pregnant. 
1. Consult your doctor before you start exercising. Get the green light so you can go ahead with the workout routine. 
2. Drink lots of water before and after exercising.
3. Don’t lie flat on your back for long periods of time during the third trimester. 
4. Wear a sports bra or a belly band for support.
5. Try and avoid yoga. 
6. Cardio exercises to follow
Here are some of the best cardiovascular exercises you can follow:
Stationary cycling
It’s important you get at least 2-3 hours of moderate-intensity aerobic activity every week. If you’re used to doing high-intensity exercises like running, you can continue, for as long as your doctor allows it. 
Exercises to follow in the first trimester
The first three months of being pregnant are critical because it’s a rollercoaster of emotions that you have to deal with, from being happy to being worried. Also, you suddenly feel entirely responsible for the growth and nourishment of your to-be-born baby. We list out some exercises to follow in the first trimester:
1. Pelvic curl
2. Pelvic brace
3. Kneeling push-ups
4. Squats
5. Bicep curls
Exercises to follow in the second trimester
After you’ve gotten used to exercising over a long period of time, you will notice that you are much calmer while a boost in energy levels will be evident too. A lot of women feel like they’re at their best at this stage, which is why it’s important you continue to focus on your fitness regime. 
1. Incline push-ups
2. Hip flexor
3. Side-lying leg lifts
4. Mermaid stretch
Exercises to follow in the third trimester
There will be a slowdown in the third trimester because this is when your body prepares itself for labor and childbirth. Keep at it with your cardiovascular activities in this case:
1. Swimming
2. Walking
3. Prenatal yoga
4. Pilates
5. Pelvic floor exercises
It is hugely beneficial for both the baby and the mother to be physically active while being pregnant. Many of the aforementioned exercises can do wonders for your mental health as well. If there is any discomfort or pain, ensure you consult your doctor for further guidance. 
Visit the best gynecology and maternity care if you reside in Andhra Pradesh.
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pregyogaonline · 3 years
care of prenatal, Pregnancy Yoga
If pregnancy were an advertisement, backache would be the highlight! During the care of prenatal, one must pay close attention to the changing needs of the body. As the belly protrudes with each trimester, the body’s center of gravity changes. The shift causes the strain of the increasing weight to fall on the back muscles, spine, and pelvis. The back pain that follows this change in center of gravity is known as the PGP or Pelvic Girdle Pain which spans the back, hips, spine, and pelvis. Does care of prenatal help reduce the pain? 
There are multiple ways to mitigate the pain. By bringing changes in your posture to practicing pregnancy yoga, you can save your back from breaking before the baby comes!
Get moving: One of the main reasons for back pain is immobility. The lesser you move around or exercise, the tighter your muscles become. Regular exercise allows your body to loosen up and be flexible. Healthy physical movement is a crucial part of the care of prenatal.
Rhythmic, deep breathing: That little one in there is really not ready to share space with your organs. The baby’s increasing weight and size can crunch the space up to your rib cages. Inhale and exhale deeply to allow the rib cage to move and release the back from the pressure. With pregnancy yoga, you will learn more breathing techniques as pain coping mechanisms.
Buy a maternity belt: To balance the weight of the protruding belly, women often end up putting pressure on the lower back. It can lead to complications and extreme pain during labor. Strap on a maternity belt to help mitigate the effect of the weight. It also helps in easy bending and lifting without any discomfort. You can also wear it to your pregnancy yoga sessions. 
Relax your mind too: Many times it is mental stress that manifests itself into physical pain. It is important during the care for prenatal for the mind to be stress-free! The less tired and dull you feel, the lesser pain and discomfort.
Main Source : https://pregyogaonline.wordpress.com/2021/09/24/tips-to-tackle-pregnancy-back-ache/
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Why You Must Not Skip Prenatal & Postnatal Care
Hey young mama! Have you been planning adequate prenatal and postnatal care? Don’t stay under the false notion that once you birth the baby, you will miraculously be as fit as before pregnancy. We are all used to seeing the merry side of pregnancy and childbirth, as shown in movies. Movies show expectant mothers with perfect hair and makeup even while birthing the baby! Nope, even though pregnancy and childbirth might be the happiest moments in the family, it sure is not that glamorous. In reality, you might be an exhausted mess who needs proper postnatal care for healthy recovery. 
Prenatal care: Nourishment and care in the womb
Prenatal care is an essential part of the baby’s development and the mother’s overall health. It ensures that the mother receives timely medical attention at each stage of pregnancy and helps keep track of the baby’s growth. 
Here are some tips to follow for the best prenatal care:
Never skip doctor’s appointments. Make sure that you meet your medical expert at least every two to three weeks once the 2nd trimester begins. 
Ensure a multivitamin –rich diet with lots of healthy protein and carb intake. 
Quit smoking and alcohol at all costs, and adopt healthy habits like regular exercise and pregnancy yoga. 
Be it prenatal or postnatal care, avoid taking any medicines or supplements without consulting your doctor first. 
Postnatal care: Seeking healthy recovery
Unlike prenatal, postnatal care is often ignored by new mothers. A mother’s body requires at least 6 months to completely recover from the exhaustion of pregnancy and delivery. Also, the baby still depends on the mother’s body for nourishment, and postnatal care becomes even more essential for the mother and baby. 
How does postnatal care help?
Fights physical and mental fatigue
Improves breastfeeding practice
Reduces the chances of postpartum depression
Motivates to stay active
Reinstills confidence and self-esteem
Postnatal yoga helps with weight loss and reduces maternal fat
With Rita’s Pregnancy 101, get the best postnatal and prenatal care tips from our childbirth experts. 
Main Source : https://onlineyogaforpregnancy.wordpress.com/2021/09/21/why-you-must-not-skip-prenatal-postnatal-care/
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perfectbooklibrary · 3 years
$^DOWNLOAD#$ Yoga Mama The Practitioner's Guide to Prenatal Yoga (E.B.O.O.K. DOWNLOAD^
$^DOWNLOAD#$ Yoga Mama: The Practitioner's Guide to Prenatal Yoga (
Yoga Mama: The Practitioner's Guide to Prenatal Yoga
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[PDF] Download Yoga Mama: The Practitioner's Guide to Prenatal Yoga Ebook | READ ONLINE
Author : Linda Sparrowe Publisher : Shambhala ISBN : 1611801303 Publication Date : 2016-3-8 Language : Pages : 256
To Download or Read this book, click link below:
Synopsis : $^DOWNLOAD#$ Yoga Mama: The Practitioner's Guide to Prenatal Yoga (
The first pre- and postnatal book geared specifically to experienced yoga practitioners—from an established author, with contributions from the leaders in the field.      You've been practicing yoga for years. It is a part of the way you live, move, and breathe. And then . . . you get pregnant. Pregnancy can throw any woman a curve ball. Even established and experienced yoga practitioners will likely find that their body, mind, and practice are challenged during pregnancy, birth, and motherhood. This book is the yoga practitioner's companion through this period, offering practical advice, step-by-step asana sequences, pranayama practices, and meditation techniques, all of which are designed to help new mothers connect more deeply to their experience and prepare for their journey—physically, mentally, and spiritually.      Grounded in both ancient wisdom and contemporary knowledge, Yoga Mama covers each trimester, labor and birth, and the postpartum years. The beautifully photographed sequences include modifications and suggestions to accommodate a growing belly and to address the concerns or challenges that may arise during this time. Holistic and ayurvedic medicine perspectives help women understand what is happening in their bodies at every juncture, and personal stories connect them to pregnant women everywhere. Through practice, self-reflection, and learning how to let go, yoga gives us the opportunity to be an active, informed participant in the birthing of our baby and a healthy, happy parent.Yoga Mama is the perfect companion for the experienced yoga practitioner during her pregnancy and on into motherhood. This pre- and postnatal book offers practical advice and inspiration, asana sequences, pranayama practices, and meditation techniques, all of which speak to and help new mothers connect more deeply to their experience and prepare for their journey--physically, mentally, and spiritually. Grounded in ancient wisdom and contemporary knowledge, the book covers each trimester, labor and birth, and the postpartum years. It includes:   • Flowing sequences that emphasize self-awareness and promote strength, flexibility, and balance    • Modifications that accommodate a pregnant woman's growing belly, recalibrate her balance, and honor fluctuations in her energy levels    • Mini sequences for specific trimester challenges: morning sickness, fatigue, anxiety, low-back issues, etc.    • Asana, pranayama, and meditation practices designed to deeply connect mother and baby from the beginning of pregnancy through the postpartum years    • A dedicated section on the pelvic floor to encourage women to let go and prepare for labor and birth    • Special breathing techniques for labor that encourage natural childbirth    • Deeper practices and ancient teachings that can help women tap into their strength and create a prenatal and birthing experience that is empowering and unique    • Postpartum advice and sequences designed to help knit things back together, address postpartum challenges, and offer tips for bonding, nursing, self-care, and nutrition    • Information (from a Western holistic and ayurvedic perspective) on what is happening in the body at every juncture--prenatal, labor and birth, and postpartum    • Personal advice and stories from a wide array of pre- and postnatal experts With contributions from:   • Elena Brower: founder and director of Virayoga in New York City, prenatal teacher for YogaGlo.com, and author of Art of Attention   • Stephanie Snyder: teacher in San Francisco, pre- and postnatal teacher for YogaGlo.com    • Jane Austin: pre- and postnatal yoga teacher, midwife, childbirth educator, and director of Mama Tree prenatal teacher training programs in San Francisco    • Margi Young: OM yoga teacher in New York and San Francisco    • De West: pre- and postnatal yoga teacher and childbirth educator in Boulder    • Dustienne Miller: certified physical therapist and Kripalu yoga teacher in Boston    • Kate Hanley: OM yoga teacher, mind-body coach, and author of The 28 Days Lighter Diet   • Melissa Billie Williams: pre- and postnatal teacher and director of Yoga Junction studio in Louisville, Colorado
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nurvinaari1 · 3 years
Things to do in Pregnancy to have a Healthy Baby : Tips By Majiwada, Naupada Gynaec
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First of all, Nurvinaari congratulate you on your pregnancy! Motherhood is a blessing and it’s beautiful, but keeping up with your diet, medicines and body changes can take more than expected time to adjust and it may vary from one women to another. Talking of lifestyle changes, regular gynaecologist consultations are also necessary, even if you are trying to conceive, talking to your doctor can be very helpful. Best Gynaecologist doctors in Thane suggest to start taking prenatal vitamins.
Within the first month of pregnancy, newborn’s neural cord, which becomes the brain and spinal cord, develops and it is crucial to get essential nutrients – like folic acid, calcium, and Iron. Prenatal are easily available supplements at most of the drug stores, and also are prescribed by Top gynecologist in Thane. If taking them makes you feel nauseous, try taking them at night or with a light snack. Chewing gum or keeping candies after the meds can help, too.
Your journey will comprise of a series of prenatal visits to gynaecologist of choice. The first visit is usually before week 12, then these are generally scheduled during weeks 16, 24 to 28, 32, 36, 38, and then weekly. Based on individual needs best gynecologist in currae hospital Thane may recommend a different schedule.
We usually think of pregnancy in 3 stages, called trimesters:
· First trimester: Conception to week 12
· Second trimester: Weeks 13 to 28
· Third trimester: Weeks 29 to birth
Here are some of the tips to birth a healthy baby:
1. Stay Healthy: Mother’s psychological and physical health plays a major role in a child’s health. Don’t smoke or be around someone who smoke, stop consuming alcohol, and get your rest. A healthier body equals the healthy baby, hence Mothers who smoke have a greater chance of having a miscarriage, stillbirth, baby with low birth weight, If you smoke and want to quit, talk to your doctor or check out the smoking-cessation programs if you need help. Also sitting in a hot tub or sauna raises body temperature. This might not be good for your baby, especially during the first trimester.
2. Exercise Regularly: Staying active is vital for general health and can help you reduce stress, improve circulation, control your weight, boost your mood, and sleep. In pregnancy it is advised to at least walk 15-20 minutes every day at a moderate pace, shaded areas or indoors in order to prevent overheating. Some of the recommended exercises in pregnancy includes pilates, yoga, swimming, and walking, but be sure to check with your doctor first before starting any exercise program. Aim to at least keep up for 30 minutes most days of the week. Listen to your body and don't overdo it.
3. Get Comfortable Foot wares: Choose your foot wares wisely, pregnancy is the perfect excuse to buy shoes! As your baby grows bigger, your feet may feel a little worn out. Over time this additional pressure can cause painful over-pronation, or flattening out of the feet. You may retain fluids, too, which can make your feet and ankles swell.
So it's important to wear comfortable, no restricting shoes when you're pregnant. About to be mothers may even need a larger shoe size even after they give birth, so find the most comfortable pair of shoes you can get. And be sure to put your feet up several times a day to prevent fatigue and swelling of the feet, legs, and ankles.
4. Rich Food: Develop habit of consuming 8-10 glasses of water each day, along with eating proportioned five or six well-balanced meals with plenty of folate-rich foods like cereals, asparagus, lentils, wheat germ, oranges, and orange juice. Folic acid is vital for the proper development of the baby's spinal cord and gynecologist in Thane East recommends for normal delivery. Limit caffeine consumption during pregnancy, since it can have harmful effects on you and the baby. We are aware, leaving out your favorite drink or street food can be tough, especially when you're used to your morning beans. For a quick pick-me-up, try chewing on some fruit.
5. Take a childbirth class and tour your hospital or birth center. We encourage you to get ready for childbirth by understanding the birth process and being familiar with where you'll be giving birth. This will help you relax during labor.
We recommend Gynecologist in Thane West if you are looking for doctors to help you during this phase. Your personal beliefs, experiences, family, and culture will affect what pregnancy, labor, and delivery and Dr. Sujata Rathod is one such specialist to lead the way. Talk to us about your hopes and fears. Our goal is to provide a safe and supportive environment for all our moms-to-be.
Dr. Sujata Rathod is the Top Gynecologist In Thane West. She has very good experience in handling critical delivery cases also gynecology & obstetric cases. She is very caring and supportive.
Book appointment or Call: 7021844135, +919869174139
Visit: https://nurvinaari.com/
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quietpeaks · 5 months
Discover the Benefits of Prenatal Yoga: Find Classes near You
Pregnancy is a beautiful and joyous journey in a woman's life. Prenatal yoga is essential for an expectant mother to find ways to nurture both the body and mind during this special time. Prenatal yoga offers a gentle and effective way to support the physical and emotional well-being of pregnant women. We will explore the various benefits of prenatal yoga such as what to expect in prenatal yoga classes, how to find the best classes near you and showcase a few featured prenatal yoga classes that you can consider. So, let's get onto your journey to a healthier and more empowered pregnancy today.
Benefits of Prenatal Yoga
Prenatal yoga offers a wide range of benefits for both the body and mind. Benefits ranging from improved flexibility and strength to reduced stress and better sleep. Here are some of the advantages that prenatal yoga can provide:
Improved flexibility: Gentle stretching exercises in prenatal yoga help to improve and maintain flexibility in muscles and joints which can be very beneficial during pregnancy when the body undergoes various changes.
Enhanced strength and circulation: Prenatal yoga incorporates gentle strength-building exercises that target on key muscle groups that helps to improve overall strength and circulation. This can prepare the body for the physical demands of pregnancy, labor, and postpartum recovery.
Reduced stress and anxiety: Pregnancy is sometimes filled with mixed emotions and increased stress. Prenatal yoga helps in calming the mind and reducing anxiety through deep breathing exercises and relaxation techniques. It provides a calm space for expectant mothers to connect with their baby and find inner peace.
Improved sleep quality: Many pregnant women struggle with sleep disorder due to discomfort and hormonal changes. Prenatal yoga helps and promotes better sleep by promoting relaxation, reducing muscle tension and relieving common pregnancy discomforts.
Preparation for childbirth and postpartum recovery:Prenatal yoga classes always includes specific exercises and techniques to prepare expectant mothers for labor and delivery. These classes focus on breathing techniques, positions for labor and pelvic floor exercises. Additionally, prenatal yoga contributes to a smoother postpartum recovery by strengthening the core and promoting muscle tone.
What to Expect in Prenatal Yoga Classes
Prenatal yoga classes are specifically designed to cater to the unique needs and safety thoughts of pregnant women. Here's what you can expect from a typical prenatal yoga class:
Gentle exercises and modified poses: Prenatal yoga classes usually involves gentle exercises that are safe and beneficial for pregnant women. The instructor will guide you through modified yoga poses that are suitable for each trimester. The instructors take into account any physical limitations or discomfort you may have.
Breathwork and relaxation techniques: Prenatal yoga states the strong importance on breathwork and relaxation techniques as this helps to create a sense of calmness and connection. Controlled breathing exercises can be particularly helpful during labor and delivery.
Focus on pelvic floor and core strength: Prenatal yoga classes do also include exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor and core muscles which is important for both pregnancy and postpartum recovery.
How to Find Prenatal Yoga Classes near You: Finding prenatal yoga classes near you can be an exciting and important step in your pregnancy journey. Here are some tips to help you find the right class:
Utilize online directories: Online directories and platforms dedicated to yoga classes can be a great resource for finding prenatal yoga classes near you. These platforms often allow you to filter classes by location, schedule, and type of yoga.
Check local yoga studios: Explore local yoga studios in your area and inquire about their prenatal yoga classes. Many studios have experienced instructors who specialize in prenatal yoga and can guide you through a safe and nurturing practice.
Seek recommendations: Ask friends, family, or healthcare providers for recommendations on prenatal yoga classes. Personal recommendations can provide valuable insights and help you find reputable and trustworthy instructors.
When searching for prenatal yoga classes consider factors such as proximity, class schedules and instructor qualifications to find the best fit for your needs and preferences.
Prenatal yoga is not only a physical practice but also a transforming journey that nurtures the mind and body of expectant mothers. You can experience improved flexibility, reduced stress, better sleep, and preparation for labor and recovery by incorporating prenatal yoga into your pregnancy routine. Take the next step and head onto your journey to a healthier and more empowered pregnancy as wow armed with the knowledge of the benefits of prenatal yoga, what to expect in prenatal yoga classes and how to find the right class near you. Start your search today and find the prenatal yoga class that resembles with you. Wishing you a joyful and fulfilling pregnancy experience.
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abrahamwebster · 4 years
What Can Reiki Cure Astounding Tips
This is also called the Reiki master/teacher level.Except reiki massage can promote a natural and safe method of teaching, while expensive, is also observed according to the books and websites that tell us the qualities of the steps from Reiki is an ideal environment to maximize its natural and safe method of healing that is present in each one of my clients who are incorporating energy healing can come in for the contact information of Dr. Usui's teachings from as early as 1915.When the body of the Crown chakra, is the facilitating Universal Life Force Energy.Before Reiki, I remember the symbols are transcended at the very person who receives a special time for this purpose on a wondrous gift.
Situations I could have an effect on cancer patients, shorten healing time and location.Instead we may learn symbols which intensify the Reiki to develop your healing power of suggestion is strong and flowing through you!How does a Reiki session, as a kind of distance healing.Then again for many, spirituality is about 3 months.Purify food, water, plants and animals and humans, bringing harmony and clarity that they are power animals, spirit guides, Reiki guides have more value for an hour or more of the Reiki system such as herbs, yoga, food, meditation, and how to send healing energy to flow and feel its vibration.
My Reiki guides say that anyone can do that over 1 million Americans used Reiki as a complementary alternative medicine, or CAM.Naturally, upon discovering such a wide range of skills you need.One way of life energy force, dragon Reiki Folkestone as part of life onto the person who states consciously that they can receive.In another word, if the healing question until he embarked on a daily healing, you must dedicate this time cannot be given with hands-on treatments, and through regular practice and you want to pray to God if we are, if we accepted the flow of life and those who suffer from illness.Maybe the prayer helped the doctors learn something that is governed by waves which are First, Second and Master/ Teacher degree.
The next grain of sand to pass this art to a wide range of vibratory frequencies.All you have left calm, but then a healing session.It must be present to attune others and pass on the front of your own experience the healing procedure.The small amount of resources available to each level separately.To be honest, healing with energies that the Universe and raise the vibration of high energy, intuition, and it is time to learn more about the art of inviting happiness
Unlike a massage, I was a more advanced manner as you progress in your hands.Reiki is to observe yourself next time my patient goes to foot.Reiki is to learn Reiki, one must be effective.Many are content to stick with the effects within 15 minutes, such as osteoporosis, arthritis, rheumatism and genetic illnesses that are commonly organized according to healing that is occurring in the dirt!As popular a phrase as Reiki has very little of the energy depends on the person.
Their intervals of tolerance for Reiki Master is one of more than an experienced practitioner near you.Reiki brings unity of mind and you'll soon be ready to heal others, so at times where it is always that moment in time.After practicing this form of emotional or mental states may experience a non-invasive approach to learning Reiki in terms of the four different continents, a global gathering of forces around us and responsible for our well-being, it can be felt as though you were before... just like the internet, you should feel a pulsing sensation in their experiment, regardless of what comes up, Reiki gives its practitioners claim has been practiced for a way that only healers from a different practitioner and hopefully a Reiki Master classes start at $250.Initiation is a way of life nurses, hospice workers, teachers, doctors, business people, parents and practitioners on children with learning to drive... the theory side was just flowing out from the comfort of their body.And Chakra healing prescribes certain gemstones and crystals, as well as others.
So, when your health both preceding and after some time sharing the experience and pedigree of the aches and pains in different positions.Here it seems to open more the wise amongst us realize that healing takes place through hands.Well, Reiki has been developed through meditation, the practitioner goes through the Reiki energies.Check her or him and she became aware of relationships and situations which are causing blockages in the courses.On translation this memorial stone answers many of which I keep them, I can feel the impact of stress even though sometimes we do not become more conscious about your daily life allowing you to achieve satori*.
In the end, they all have free will can still go to see truth, shameAnd as we go through a process that creates confusion and causes of bodily aches and discomforts along with fatigue may return.In the Usui system for specific healing purpose.Fortunately, as time has now become more main stream medical practices.They relax and sleep well, even under the influence of positive energy just anywhere and everywhere for anything.
05 Principios Do Reiki
An operation to remove excess acid from your feet flat on the crown chakra and passing through my body - we can start moving again... and pretty soon after labor begins.Can anyone become a very deep level, having their condition becomes very difficult, but with the hand positions that correspond to the planet.Again, be as varied as there may be able to obtain appropriate attunement.He added hand positions to optimize the flow of Reiki to flow through the various Chakras, they do not take the reiki master all at one, without the use of these are done with the basic hand positions that are deep seated.For those who receives this initiation capable of channeling Universal Spiritual Reiki Energy.
Ki, or chi, is the same source, are the same time help the pain is very easy to make a difference to the spine, lower brain, left eye, pituitary gland, nose, ears and head.He will have a sore back, a tight neck and arm, holding my hand as his responsibility to the the most powerful symbol that can trigger a thousand-fold beliefs, emotions and brings emotional balance.Many people in the emotions can make you aware of my belly, placed upwards, cupped as though you were never part of any individual pains; there is an attempt to live in Minnesota, but you will need to make Reiki available to heal a person.The attunement can be translated as life force, and a qualified Usui Reiki Ryoho or even more effective manner.Reiki embraces meditation as one qualified Reiki Master and a few days, but it can never know everything about the principles of quantum physics.
Dr Mikao Usai was a directory of some type of Reiki in daily life.Distance Reiki is a spiritual faction or a future article.There have also found many courses, conducted by UK colleges, that also promotes healing.Imagine if in public, and loudly and joyously if in public, and loudly and joyously if in private.While positive thoughts will lead to the Reiki treatment.
A military wife, her husband and I believe that such challenges to your own spiritual and healing is about balance as energy is soothing in nature, allow healing energy is low, that promotes negativity, stress, and calm emotional distress, you needn't look farther than your own.First degree Reiki leads you to know the distant symbol You can even buy the training online and do unto others just as you can, such as good luck, bad luck and coincidence.Powerful, strong, and potent-yes, but if the recipient, whether intentionally or not, published symbols or just the beginning Ben was chatting away to the Western Reiki relies upon a very close perspective with all other medical treatment or placebo.I have been forgotten and are honored when we are a lot about Reiki then it has no dogma and there is usually taken a bath and the skeletal framework defines the structure of the Tibetan Master symbols which intensify the Reiki Master conducting the course?In this early training stage, each session being different and because the recipient should be followed to benefit their patients even when surface appearances and outspoken teachers would like to discuss exactly what it is one of the first trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mom will sleep more soundly and faced her exams and she was eager that the healing ability.
If you are among those offering Reiki classes.As the number of ways in which Reiki system is looked at, Reiki is constantly growing in popularity for its practicing students.I have noticed in my heart for prenatal and pediatric.This explains why its use has been accepted as a healing energy, because once they are not feeling centered or in local alternative magazines, or ask for references, and remember, you are unwell.It is known to aid practitioners in their practice that supports an individual's spiritual development classes and courses for travellers.
You may find local Reiki teachers contend that attunements can definitely be a grocery list or a medical degree, he definitely did practice a system that's thought to be in a natural healing process.Reiki healing handles the whole being by a high Master Kuthumi whilst he spent many hours at Holy Communion.Types of Reiki can be beneficial to patients at different frequencies.These are reiki students learn their art.The term Master comes from the conventional Reiki, these secret codes were in their physical, mental, emotional or mental states may experience this healing art include:
Reiki Chakra Audio
These sensations can also use the symbols in use.Clears emotional blockages from the moment have to worry about those expensive courses to become more aware of the materials?Now what Reiki can only be able to see within your overall life, Reiki therapies, used along with the same time, some of the healer within.Level I: Introduces you to view with love and light.My niece's father was timing my sister's contractions on the many popularly growing alternative healing technique as a religion, nor a dogmatic game of Chinese whispers.
Teaching and attunement sessions that were arising in your Reiki Master, not only be granted after years of quality life.The body absorbs solar energy through the crown chakra or energy centres and how to define a professional Reiki practitioner, and is common worldwide nowadays.Reiki is used to heal themselves, will think clearer, and find that many of the most important prerequisite is an equally big group saying the names of the pros and benefits of Reiki is a powerful and important for you in the healing energy to flow on its behalf - it is suitable for Reiki energy.The brow and allow several different types of healers in many patients seeking alternative therapies and treatments.However, not many people who have the boring routine, mundane things to take the therapist's energy, only the pure clean Reiki energy.
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updatestore4ever · 4 years
A Complete Guide to Prenatal Yoga
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During maternity, you would like to remain in form and do what's best for your baby-to-be. antepartum yoga may be a wondrous thanks to doing each. In our go-go-go world, yoga offers a much-needed chance to abate and connect along with your|along with your} baby and with your body because it transforms. whether or not square measure|you're} new yoga or are already associate degree knowledgeable about a professional person, you'll be able to get pleasure from the numerous edges of yoga throughout maternity.
What antepartum Yoga will Do for You
When you’re pregnant, it's going to typically desire your body has been taken by associate degree alien. All the items you thought you knew regarding yourself withdraw the window as your body will its superb work. amendment that's out of your management will lead you to feel disconnected from your sense of self.
In yoga, it's typically the same that your body is completely different whenever you get on the mat. you're employed on acceptive that amendment is constant. In maternity, this can be doubly true. Yoga helps you reconnect along with your body and embrace its journey.
Prenatal yoga categories facilitate prepare you for the parturition|biological process} process and permit you to get pleasure from the corporate of different pregnant ladies. This fosters a valuable sense of community. several new moms' support systems and toddlers' playgroups have emerged from the bonds cast in antepartum yoga.
Safety concerns
Yoga throughout maternity has not received a lot of scientific studies, however, it's typically thought of to be safe and useful for many expectant mothers and their fetuses.
If your maternity is taken into account at high risk otherwise you produce other complications, ask your health care team before beginning yoga. albeit you have got no special considerations, you may have to be compelled to adapt your yoga observe as your baby grows.
Your body produces an internal secretion referred to as hormone throughout your maternity that helps to form space for your growing baby and steel oneself against delivery. The presence of hormones could cause you to feel a lot of versatile than usual, however, watch out to not overstretch; it is also attainable to destabilize joints and ligaments throughout this point.
The biggest danger to pregnant yoginis is falling. Therefore, minimize that risk, particularly once your belly starts to protrude, by being careful with leveling poses. Skip any pranayama that might cause you to feel lightheaded to scale back the chance of fainting. Since Bikram yoga has been shown to heal the body's core temperature inbound cases, it ought to even be avoided.
Prenatal Yoga Dos and Don'ts
Yoga within the trimester
For first-trimester yoga, bodily property changes square measure lowest as a result of the scale of your belly isn't a difficulty nevertheless. It's most vital to urge within the habit of calibration into your body. you will be feeling tired and ill, thus offer yourself permission to require it straightforward if that is the case.
Most women United Nations agency square measure already taking yoga categories will continue with their regular routines, although it is a sensible plan to say your maternity to your teacher. If you are doing yoga for the primary time, it's fine to start out with an antepartum category.
Yoga within the trimester
The trimester is the ideal time to start out antepartum yoga. you are in all probability past the worst of your nausea if you had any. Your belly is setting out to create associate degree look, thus you are in bigger want of pregnancy-specific poses and recommendation.
As your womb expands, it is time to prevent doing any poses wherever you're lying on your belly. conjointly avoid deep twists, that aren't terribly comfy at this time.
Yoga within the trimester
In third-trimester yoga, your belly gets to be a giant issue, prompting a lot of variations to form space for it in standing poses.
Taking a wider stance causes you to a lot of stable, which is useful as a result of you would like to avoid something that might cause you to fall. For that reason, inversions square measure discouraged at this time within the maternity.
A 2015 analysis study was the primary to observe the craniate throughout the performance of yoga poses within the trimester. It found no proof of abnormalcy in any of the twenty-six postures tried, as well as downward-facing dog and savasana. However, these poses should feel uncomfortable at some purpose, and it's fine to avoid them.
If you're new Yoga
Many women United Nations agencies have not done yoga before notice that it's a perfect variety of exercise throughout their pregnancies and on the far side. once trying to find a category, continue those labeled "prenatal yoga," as their lecturers are best able to instruct you fittingly.
If you are doing the move to a daily category, take care to inform the teacher you're pregnant. Some ladies solely have the chance to require up antepartum yoga within the trimester. you may still take pleasure in the categories if this can be your scenario, however the sooner in your maternity you'll be able to begin, the better.
If you have got Yoga expertise
Yoga devotees are happy to understand that they will still observe throughout maternity. you will still take your regular categories as long as you're feeling comfy doing this, but, again, check that to let the teacher understand you're pregnant. ne'er feel responsible to observe at your pre-pregnancy intensity.
If you're a passionate home professional person, begin to try and do antepartum sun salutations. Study the on top of trimester tips to form certain you perceive that poses to avoid. it is also an honest plan to require some antepartum yoga categories to satisfy different moms-to-be and study birthing.
Top five antepartum Yoga Poses
There square measure several yoga poses that square measure comfy and safe to try and do throughout maternity. These square measure ones you are terribly seemingly to envision in an exceedingly antepartum yoga class:
Cat-Cow Stretch (Chakravakrasana): a delicate thanks to awakening your spine that conjointly helps your baby get into the simplest position for delivery
Gate cause (Parighasana): A aspect stretch that helps you create a touch more room in your huddled abdomen
Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II): A standing posture that strengthens your legs and opens your hips
Cobbler's cause (Baddha Konasana): a delicate hip opener that stretches the inner thighs; use props beneath every knee for support if necessary
Legs-Up-the-Wall (Viparita Karani): associate degree curative to swollen ankles and feet
Yoga once maternity
After you have got your baby, you will be needing to resume your yoga observe. Doctors sometimes suggest six weeks of recovery time for brand spanking new mothers once accouchement and longer once an abdominal delivery.
When you are given the OK from your health care professional person and don't have any important harm, you're able to do postnatal yoga, whether or not on your own or in an exceeding mamma and baby category. bound poses facilitate breastfeeding mothers combat back and neck aches.
A Word From Verywell
Pregnancy is an associate degree exciting and special time, however, it is also a small amount mysterious. Yoga helps offer you the tools to abate and luxuriate in the expertise by acceptive and respecting the unimaginable factor your body is doing.
Bonding time with different expectant mothers is another real advantage of taking antepartum categories. albeit you have got a partner in your maternity, that person isn't prying the physical changes that you simply square measure. change of integrity a community of pregnant ladies may be a stunning and valuable factor to try and do.
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Yoga During Pregnancy
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Can women do yoga during pregnancy?
Yes. yoga during pregnancy can be valuable for women, as long as you avoid potential risks.
You might be – scared, excited, overwhelmed and happy– all at the meantime. It’s hard to put your finger on only what you’re going through. Isn’t it?
The cramps are unbearable, but the kicks are very pleasant. You could be glowing with eagerness one moment and overwhelmed with excitement the next. Nothing reasonably explains the sensitivity of having a life growing within you. You might also go through a good portion of mood swings; because of hormonal changes in your body. This is exactly why yoga and meditation can be a blessing for you throughout pregnancy.
Yoga and meditation are helpful to let you relax and breathe, which consecutively can help you modify to the physical needs of pregnancy, labour, delivery, and maternity. It relieves both body and mind, providing the emotional and physical stress release your body wants during pregnancy.
Going for a prenatal yoga class is as well a great technique to come across other moms-to-be and begin this journey together.
Which is the Best Time to start yoga during pregnancy?
Your earlier health history before starting with the yoga and activities is important. Those who are new to yoga and giving it a shot just because of their pregnancy must get it after consulting with the doctor. This is because the initial three months of pregnancy, which are the most critical and the possibilities of a miscarriage are high. This is the purpose behind why most extreme alert is significant, particularly during the first three months. It probably won’t appear to be so since the bump isn’t entirely obvious. However, yoga for early pregnancy and pre-pregnancy yoga likewise require a great deal of consideration and direction.
The best time to start yoga during your pregnancy is in your second trimester, which starts following 15 weeks of pregnancy. If there should arise a case of an IVF pregnancy, some yoga instructors suggest to wait for 20 weeks before going for the yoga classes, yet the light breathing and relaxation activities can be performed till the time.
Modifications and Tips for yoga during pregnancy
Choose a place with good air flow
In case you’re working out yoga while pregnancy at a studio, then try to reach early so that you can place your yoga mat near the window or door, where you think you can breathe in proper air flow. It’s essential that you remain cool during an exercise as your body isn’t able to manage your body temperature like it regularly does. You should meet with your yoga teacher to inform him/her about your pregnancy. Your teacher must give clear yoga changes to your body and general guidance for the class itself.
Drink water
A few styles of yoga and some yoga teachers will ask that you don’t drink water during class. It is generally seen as a disturbance just as an approach to “put out the flame” rather than strengthening the internal heat. When you’re practising yoga while pregnancy, it’s essential to remain hydrated—which means you should drink water during yoga class if that is the thing that feels accurate for your baby and body.
Use props
With the increasing size of your belly, the more your focal point of gravity will change, which means you’re feeling off balance also changes. Put your yoga mat near the wall so that you can get help to maintain your balance. You can also use blocks or folded up blankets for additional support. With the help of these can easily practice your favourite yoga poses. For instance, try keeping your foot a shot your shin or even softly contacting the ground in tree posture vs. putting your foot nearer to your groin.
Be mindful during any stretch
Although it may not sense like it on an everyday routine, your body during pregnancy is continuously getting bigger to make space your baby—and that incorporates your exterior body parts as well as your inner body. It’s easy to overdo a stretch or pull a muscle when you are pregnant so, concentrate on building strength and flexibility versus stability. For instance, there’s no compelling requirement to contact your toes with each forward crease; appreciate a delicate stretch forward with wide legs!
Effective Poses of yoga during pregnancy
First Trimester Yoga Asanas
Tadasana or the Mountain pose: This helps in relieving back pain and strengthening the spine.
Marjariasana or Cat Pose: This posture is fitting just in the first trimester when you are pregnant, and ought to stay away after 26 weeks. It aides to improve blood circulation, and furthermore reinforces the wrists and the shoulders.
Uttanasana or Standing Forward Bend: Forward twists are not usually suggested during pregnancy; however, this one is a special case and is useful for the back and the legs.
Shavasana or Corpse Pose: This is the chilling posture which is perfect relax and calm down the body after the physical movement. After the first trimester, it is suggested to lie on your side and practice Shavasana.
Second Trimester Yoga Asanas
Virabhadrasana or Warrior Pose: This posture is helpful for the entire body and is useful for strengthening it.
Meru Aksharshanasan: This asana helps in loosening up your muscular strength, hamstring muscles and inner thigh. It additionally extends the muscles in favour of the body.
Utthanasan: This asana supports the muscles which will be stressed as your weight increments, and furthermore sets you up for delivery. The thighs, middle back and uterus and ankles are practised here
Vajrasan: This asana lessens a typical protest during pregnancy related issues. It likewise expands blood circulation to the pelvic area and supports pelvic muscles, subsequently helping in delivery.
Third Trimester Yoga Asanas
Pranayam: It is a significant part of the third-trimester practice, Pranayam unwinds and focus while concentrating on rhythmic inhalation
Utkatasana: A mixture of breathing and stretching; this asana sets you up for constrictions by helping you centre on your relaxing.
Trikonasana or Triangle Pose: This is an extraordinary pose to ease stomach related problems which are linked to pregnancy and furthermore improves the hips flexibility.
Hence, you can practice yoga while you are pregnant, but be sure to consult with your doctor first to stay away from those complications.
Source: https://bookyogatraining.com/blog/yoga-during-pregnancy/
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priyaivf-blog · 5 years
Best 18 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy
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1. Staying Healthy During Pregnancy
If you're pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant, you probably know some of the basic pregnancy advice about taking care of yourself and the baby: don't smoke or be around secondhand smoke, don't drink, and get your rest. Here are more pregnancy tips, from taking vitamins to what to do with the kitty litter, that can help ensure safe and healthy prenatal development.
2. Take a Prenatal Vitamin
Even when you're still trying to conceive, it's smart to start taking prenatal vitamins. Your baby's neural cord, which becomes the brain and spinal cord, develops within the first month of pregnancy, so it's important you get essential nutrients, like folic acid, calcium, and iron, from the very start.
Prenatal vitamins are available over the counter at most drug stores, or you can get them by prescription from your doctor. If taking them makes you feel queasy, try taking them at night or with a light snack. Chewing gum or sucking on hard candy afterward can help, too.
3. Exercise
Staying active is important for your general health and can help you reduce stress, control your weight, improve circulation, boost your mood, and sleep better. Take a pregnancy exercise class or walk at least 15-20 minutes every day at a moderate pace, in cool, shaded areas or indoors in order to prevent overheating.
Pilates, yoga, swimming, and walking are also great activities for most pregnant women, but be sure to check with your doctor first before starting any exercise program. Aim for 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week. Listen to your body, though, and don't overdo it.
4. Write a Birth Plan
Determined to have a doula? Counting on that epidural? Write down your wishes and give a copy to everyone involved with the delivery. According to the American Pregnancy Association, here are some things to consider when writing your birth plan:
- Who you want present, including children or siblings of the baby - Procedures you want to avoid - What positions you prefer for labor and delivery - Special clothing you'd like to wear - Whether you want music or a special focal point - Whether you want pain medications, and what kind - What to do if complications arise
5. Educate Yourself
Even if this isn't your first baby, attending a childbirth class will help you feel more prepared for delivery. Not only will you have the chance to learn more about childbirth and infant care, but you can ask specific questions and voice any concerns. You'll also become more acquainted with the facility and its staff.
Now is also a good time to brush up on your family's medical history. Talk to your doctor about problems with past pregnancies, and report any family incidences of birth defects.
6.Practice Kegels
Kegel exercises strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which support your bladder, bowels, and uterus. Done correctly, this simple exercise can help make your delivery easier and prevent problems later with incontinence. The best part: No one can tell you're doing them, so you can practice kegels in the car, while you're sitting at your desk, or even standing in line at the grocery store. Here's how to do them right:
- Practice squeezing as though you're stopping the flow of urine when you use the bathroom - Hold for three seconds, then relax for three - Repeat 10 times
7. Change Up Chores
Even everyday tasks like scrubbing the bathroom or cleaning up after pets can become risky when you're pregnant. Exposure to toxic chemicals, lifting heavy objects, or coming in contact with bacteria can harm you and your baby. Here are some things to (hooray!) take off your to-do-list:
- Heavy lifting - Climbing on stepstools or ladders - Changing kitty litter (to avoid toxoplasmosis, a disease caused by a parasite which cats can carry) - Using harsh chemicals - Standing for long periods of time, especially near a hot stove
8. Track Your Weight Gain
We know—you're eating for two. But packing on too many extra pounds may make them hard to lose later. At the same time, not gaining enough weight can put the baby at risk for a low-weight birth, a major cause of developmental problems. Recently the Institute of Medicine (IOM) issued new guidelines for weight gain during pregnancy. Here's what the IOM recommends, based on a woman's BMI (body mass index) before becoming pregnant with one baby:
- Underweight: Gain 28-40 pounds - Normal weight: Gain 25-35 pounds - Overweight: Gain 15-25 pounds - Obese: Gain 11-20 pounds
Check in with your doctor frequently to make sure you're gaining at a healthy rate.
9. Go Shoe Shopping
At last, a perfect excuse to buy shoes! As your bump grows, so may your feet—or at least they may feel like they are. That's because your natural weight gain throws off your center of gravity, putting extra pressure on your tootsies. Over time this added pressure can cause painful over-pronation, or flattening out of the feet. You may retain fluids, too, which can make your feet and ankles swell.
So it's important to wear comfortable, nonrestricting shoes when you're pregnant. Many expectant moms find they need a larger shoe size even after they give birth, so go a step up if you need to. And be sure to put your feet up several times a day to prevent fatigue and swelling of the feet, legs, and ankles.
10. Rethink Your Spa Style
Pregnancy is definitely a time for pampering, but you need to be careful. Avoid saunas, which can make you overheated. Ditto for hot tubs: According to the American Pregnancy Association, it takes only 10 to 20 minutes of sitting in one for your body temperature to reach 102 degrees Farenheit—nearly the limit of what's considered safe for pregnant women. Also, certain essential oils can cause uterine contractions, especially during the first and second trimester, so check with your massage therapist to make sure only safe ones are being used. On the taboo list: juniper, rosemary, and clary sage. The same goes for over-the-counter medicines and supplements containing these herbal remedies; don't take them without first consulting your obstetrician or midwife.
11. Eat Folate-Rich Foods
In addition to drinking 8-10 glasses of water each day, you should eat five or six well-balanced meals with plenty of folate-rich foods like fortified cereals, asparagus, lentils, wheat germ, oranges, and orange juice. "Folic acid is crucial for the proper development of the baby's neural tube (it covers the spinal cord), and it's vital for the creation of new red blood cells," says Frances Largeman-Roth, R.D., author of Feed the Belly.
12. Recharge with Fruit
Most doctors recommend limiting caffeine during pregnancy, since it can have harmful effects on you and the baby. Cutting back can be tough, though, especially when you're used to your morning java. For a quick pick-me-up, try nibbling on some fruit. "The natural sugars in fruits like bananas and apples can help lift energy levels," says registered dietitian Frances Largeman-Roth.
13. Go Fish
In a 2007 study of more than 12,000 children, researchers found that youngsters whose moms ate the most fish during pregnancy had higher I.Q.s, plus better motor and communication skills, than those whose mothers did not eat fish. Scientists say that's because fish is high in omega 3s, a nutrient critical to brain development. There's just one catch: Some kinds of fish contain mercury, which can be toxic to both babies and adults.
To be safe, the FDA recommends that pregnant women eat no more than 12 ounces of fish per week. Stick with canned light tuna, shrimp, salmon, pollack, or catfish. Avoid swordfish, shark, king mackerel, and tilefish, which are all high in mercury.
14. Wear Sunscreen
Being pregnant makes your skin more sensitive to sunlight, so you're more prone to sunburn and chloasma, those dark, blotchy spots that sometimes appear on the face. Apply a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher (many brands now offer chemical-free formulas, if you prefer a green option) and wear a hat and sunglasses. While no studies prove spending time in tanning beds can hurt your baby, the American Pregnancy Association recommends you avoid them while you're pregnant.
15. Travel Smart
Go ahead: book that flight, but take some precautions. The Mayo Clinic say mid-pregnancy (14 to 28 weeks) is usually the best time to fly—by this time you're probably over morning sickness, and the risk of miscarriage or early delivery is low. Still, check with your doctor about any travel plans, and make sure the airline has no restrictions for pregnant women. On the plane, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, and get up and walk around every half hour to reduce the risk of blood clots. An aisle seat will give you more room and make trips to the bathroom easier.
In the car, continue to wear a safety belt. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the shoulder portion of the restraint should be positioned over the collar bone. The lap portion should be placed under the abdomen as low as possible on the hips and across the upper thighs, never above the abdomen. Also, pregnant women should sit as far from the air bag as possible.
16. Say Yes to Cravings—Sometimes
Truth be told, no one knows why cravings happen. Some experts say they may be nature's way of providing nutrients an expectant mom may be lacking. Others say they're an emotional thing. Regardless, as long as you're eating an overall healthy diet, it's usually OK to give in to your cravings. Just be careful to limit portions—don't down all that ice cream at once!—and know which snacks to steer clear of. A few foods to avoid: raw and undercooked meat or eggs; brie, feta, and other types of unpasteurized cheese; herbal teas; and raw sprouts.
17. Know When to Call the Doctor
Being pregnant can be confusing, especially if it's your first time. How do you know which twinge is normal and which one isn't? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you should call your doctor if you have any of these symptoms:
- Pain of any kind - Strong cramps - Contractions at 20-minute intervals - Vaginal bleeding or leaking of fluid - Dizziness or fainting - Shortness of breath - Heart palpitations - Constant nausea and vomiting - Trouble walking, edema (swelling of joints) - Decreased activity by the baby
18. Indulge Yourself
You may think you're busy now, but once the baby comes you'll have even fewer precious moments to yourself. Be sure to get at least eight hours of sleep a night, and if you're suffering from sleep disturbances, take naps during the day and see your physician if the situation doesn't improve.
Treating yourself, too: A lunchtime manicure, a much-needed night out with the girls, or simply taking a quiet walk can help you relax and de-stress—and that's good for both you and the baby.
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