#Police Vacancy 2020
rudrjobdesk · 2 years
SSC Delhi Police Constable Notification 2022: आज दिल्ली पुलिस में निकलेगी कांस्टेबल व हेड कांस्टेबल की बंपर भर्ती
SSC Delhi Police Constable Notification 2022: आज दिल्ली पुलिस में निकलेगी कांस्टेबल व हेड कांस्टेबल की बंपर भर्ती
SSC Delhi Police Constable Notification 2022: कर्मचारी चयन आयोग आज दिल्ली पुलिस में कांस्टेबल और हेड कांस्टेबल की बंपर भर्ती निकालेगा। एसएससी कैलेंडर के मुताबिक 8 जुलाई यानी आज दो भर्तियों का नोटिफिकेशन जारी किया जाएगा। पहली दिल्ली पुलिस में कांस्टेबल (ड्राइवर) और दूसरी दिल्ली पुलिस में हेड कांस्टेबल (एडब्ल्यूओ/टीपीओ) की है। इन दोनों भर्तियों के लिए 29 जुलाई तक आवेदन लिए जाएंगे। दोनों भर्तियों की…
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mariacallous · 3 months
San Francisco made history in 2019 when its Board of Supervisors voted to ban city agencies including the police department from using face recognition. About two dozen other US cities have since followed suit. But on Tuesday, San Francisco voters appeared to turn against the idea of restricting police technology, backing a ballot proposition that will make it easier for city police to deploy drones and other surveillance tools.
Proposition E passed with 60 percent of the vote and was backed by San Francisco mayor London Breed. It gives the San Francisco Police Department new freedom to install public security cameras and deploy drones without oversight from the city’s Police Commission or Board of Supervisors. It also loosens a requirement that SFPD get clearance from the Board of Supervisors before adopting new surveillance technology, allowing approval to be sought any time within the first year.
Matt Cagle, a senior staff attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California, says those changes leave the existing ban on face recognition in place but loosen other important protections. “We’re concerned that Proposition E will result in people in San Francisco being subject to unproven and dangerous technology,” he says. “This is a cynical attempt by powerful interests to exploit fears about crime and shift more power to the police.”
Mayor Breed and other backers have positioned it as an answer to concern about crime in San Francisco. Crime figures have broadly declined, but fentanyl has recently driven an increase in overdose deaths, and commercial downtown neighborhoods are still struggling with pandemic-driven office and retail vacancies. The proposition was also supported by groups associated with the tech industry, including the campaign group GrowSF, which did not respond to a request for comment.
“By supporting the work of our police officers, expanding our use of technology, and getting officers out from behind their desks and onto our streets, we will continue in our mission to make San Francisco a safer city,” Mayor Breed said in a statement on the proposition passing. She noted that 2023 saw the lowest crime rates in a decade in the city—except for a pandemic blip in 2020—with rates of property crime and violent crime continuing to decline further in 2024.
Proposition E also gives police more freedom to pursue suspects in car chases and reduces paperwork obligations, including when officers resort to use of force.
Caitlin Seeley George, managing director and campaign director for Fight for the Future, a nonprofit that has long campaigned against the use of face recognition, calls the proposition “a blow to the hard-fought reforms that San Francisco has championed in recent years to rein in surveillance.”
“By expanding police use of surveillance technology, while simultaneously reducing oversight and transparency, it undermines peoples’ rights and will create scenarios where people are at greater risk of harm,” George says.
Although Cagle of the ACLU shares her concerns that San Francisco citizens will be less safe, he says the city should retain its reputation for having catalyzed a US-wide pushback against surveillance. San Francisco’s 2019 ban on face recognition was followed by about two dozen other cities, many of which also added new oversight mechanisms for police surveillance.
“What San Francisco started by passing that ban and oversight legislation is so much bigger than the city,” Cagle says. “It normalized rejecting the idea that surveillance systems will be rolled out simply because they exist.”
The San Francisco Mayor’s Office hasn’t said which type of drone, surveillance, or body-worn cameras police might use under the new rules. Anshel Sag, a principal analyst at Moor Insights & Strategy, a tech research firm, notes that almost all newer drones on the market have forms of face recognition technology built in. Some of Insta360’s action cameras include this, he says, as well as drones made by DJI, the world’s largest commercial drone maker. “DJI’s cameras use it to track a person and stabilize the video capture,” he says.
In some cases, the customer may be able to toggle off tracking options. And, Sag adds, the video-capture technology may be more coarse and not specifically track a face. But this isn’t always clear to users of the technology, he says, “because the object-tracking algorithms operate like a black box.”
Saira Hussain, a senior staff attorney for the the Electronic Frontier Foundation, notes that San Francisco’ previous ban on face recognition allows the police department to possess devices with the technology built in if it’s a manufacturer-installed capability. (San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors had to update the law to make iPhones, which use face recognition technology to unlock, legal.) The law stipulates that these devices not be acquired for the basis of using them in policing functions.
More concerning to the EFF specifically is how Proposition E allows for a certain level of secrecy around surveillance technologies trialed by SFPD, for as long as a year without being disclosed, Hussain says. "It’s about making sure the police stick to the contours of the law."
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beardedmrbean · 10 months
A Portland doctor said a homeless man knocked her unconscious while walking in the city, and then she waited more than 20 minutes without a police response. 
"I do not hold the police accountable for this at all — I hold our city accountable for defunding the police," Mary Costantino, a radiologist, told Fox News. "We don't have enough police force to protect our citizens, and we did this to ourselves."
The attack happened shortly after 10:30 Friday night. One minute, Costantino was walking in Southwest Portland with a friend. The next, she woke up on the ground, blood pouring out of her mouth. She was sure she was about to be killed and immediately dialed 911.
"I thought we were still being sort of attacked in some way," Costantino said. "I was like, 'I'm going to just try to verbalize a report of what's happening, so there's some record of how I died.'"
As the situation cleared, Costantino realized she was not dying. She had been struck in the face by an aluminum water bottle hurled by a man, she said. There had been no yelling, no sign of danger to give Costantino time to defend herself. She credits her friend with saving her from further harm.
"He said that the perpetrator … was still coming towards me," she said. "And he turned around and really aggressively yelled at him and the guy ran away."
"Had it not been for this person being with me, it would have, I think, been a lot worse," Costantino added.
A spokesperson for the Portland Police Bureau confirmed the incident, telling Fox News in an email that TriMet surveillance video "captured what appears to be the unprovoked and brutal attack." Officers were dispatched at 10:55 p.m. — about 20 minutes after Costantino says she was struck — and arrived at the scene eight minutes after that, according to Sheppard.
By then, Costantino had already given up and gone home.
"If we don't have police officers to come to the side of somebody who is under attack, then we're all on our own," Costantino said.
Her situation is not unusual. Portlanders have faced increasingly long police response times for years. The average for a high-priority call was 23.7 minutes in July, according to PPB data, the longest wait in more than a decade.
"Our goal is always to help as much as we can, as quickly as we can. But with our staffing being at historic lows, this has become a challenge for us," Lt. Nathan Sheppard told Fox News in an email.
"At the time this call came in, our officers were actively on 26 calls throughout the city," he wrote. "There were 0 free officers and another 52 calls holding."
The bureau has about 80 sworn vacancies, down from more than 100 in September.
"Our officers joined the Police Bureau to help people, and when they are unable, it takes a toll," Sheppard wrote. "We’re continuing to hire, so there’s definitely hope, and things WILL get better."
"I am heartbroken that my dear friend Mary was so badly hurt," said Kristin Olson, an outspoken critic of Oregon politics who first shared Costantino’s story on her podcast, "Rational in Portland." "Portlanders have a right and a reasonable expectation to peacefully move about this city without fear that they will be assaulted as they walk down the street."
Costantino said seeing the deterioration of public safety in Portland "100%" changed her voting habits.
"I absolutely did not vote for Jo Ann Hardesty," she said, referring to a previous city commissioner who supported defunding the police in 2020. In the governor’s election, she cast her vote for Republican Christine Drazan.
To hear more from Costantino, click here. 
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leehamwriting · 7 months
Meurtres aux Kerguelen - Olivier MONTIN & Sophie LAURENT - 2020 - Ed. L'Harmattan
Quatrième de couverture Maël, commissaire de police expert en criminologie, est en vacances à La Réunion lorsqu’il est soudain missionné pour se rendre sur l’île de Kerguelen _ en plein cœur du sud de l’océan Indien _ à la suite d’un horrible homicide. L’histoire se déroule à bord du navire La Curieuse, sur les “bases vie” des 3 îles de Kerguelen, d’Amsterdam et de Crozet ou encore sur le…
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pdj-france · 10 months
L'infirmière américaine Alix Dorsainvil et sa fille ont été libérées 13 jours après avoir été enlevées du ministère communautaire où Dorsainvil travaille en Haïti, a indiqué l'organisation."C'est avec un cœur de gratitude et une immense joie que nous, à El Roi Haïti, confirmons la libération sain et sauf de notre membre du personnel et amie, Alix Dorsainvil et de son enfant qui ont été retenus en otage à Port-au-Prince, Haïti. Aujourd'hui, nous louons Dieu pour prière exaucée", indique le déclaration.L'organisation a demandé que personne ne contacte Dorsainvil ou sa famille en disant: "Il y a encore beaucoup à traiter et à guérir dans cette situation."Alix Dorsainvil, une infirmière d'El Roi Haïti (à droite), et sa fille ont été enlevées jeudi, a indiqué l'organisation dans une déclaration samedi. (CNN)Le département d'État américain a affirmé qu'il "accueille favorablement les informations provoquant état de la libération de deux citoyens captifs en Haïti", a affirmé mercredi un porte-parole à CNN, ajoutant qu'ils "n'ont pas de plus grande priorité que la sûreté et la sécurité des citoyens américains à l'étranger".La police nationale haïtienne a affirmé à CNN qu'elle ne pouvait pas commenter l'affaire car elle fait toujours l'objet d'une enquête.L'enlèvement – ​​y compris un homme sortant une arme à feu – s'est déroulé sous les yeux d'un patient attendant un examen médical, a affirmé le patient à l'Associated Press."Quand j'ai vu l'arme, j'ai eu tellement peur", a affirmé Lormina Louima à AP."J'ai dit : 'Je ne veux pas voir ça, laisse-moi partir.'"Le même jour, le Département d'État américain a ordonné le départ du personnel gouvernemental non urgent d'Haïti tandis que la situation sécuritaire dans le pays se détériore.Port-au-Prince et ses environs sont en proie à une épidémie d'enlèvements à but lucratif qui dure depuis des années, avec des centaines d'Haïtiens ciblés par des gangs cherchant chaque année à payer une rançon.La coque d'une voiture de police carbonisée, incendiée par des membres de gangs, se trouve dans le bidonville de Drouillard à Port-au-Prince, en Haïti. Le gouvernement américain a exhorté les ressortissants américains à quitter Haïti au milieu de la violence croissante entre les gangs et les autorités. (PA)Une femme devant sa maison de fortune construite après que des gangs eurent incendié sa maison, dans le bidonville de Cité Soleil à Port-au-Prince. (PA)La majorité des victimes sont locales, mais des étrangers ont été saisis dans le passé.En 2021, 17 missionnaires des États-Unis et du Canada ont été emmenés par un gang local alors qu'ils voyageaient sur la route au nord de la capitale et détenus pendant plus d'un mois.Les autorités ont relevé 1 014 enlèvements en Haïti de janvier à juin de cette année - dont 256 femmes, 13 filles et 24 garçons - d'après un rapport de l'ONU.Dorsainvil, originaire du New Hampshire, fait partie du personnel qui s'occupe des écoliers en tant qu'infirmière depuis 2020 et a épousé Sandro Dorsainvil, directeur d'El Roi Haïti en 2021, d'après l'organisation à but non lucratif.Elle s'est rendue pour la première fois en Haïti après le séisme de 2010 alors qu'elle était encore à l'université et "est tombée amoureuse des gens", a affirmé l'organisation à but non lucratif dans une déclaration.Elle a ensuite passé des vacances scolaires et des étés à visiter Haïti, économisant son argent et payant son propre chemin vers la nation des Caraïbes aussi souvent qu'elle le pouvait.L'enlèvement de Dorsainvil a incité les étudiants d'El Roi Haïti et d'autres résidents à organiser une manifestation exigeant la liberté de l'infirmière bien-aimée et de sa fille.Inscrivez-vous ici pour recevoir nos newsletters quotidiennes et nos alertes d'actualité, envoyées directement dans votre boîte de réception.
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news24fr · 1 year
Un commandant supérieur de la police métropolitaine qui fait l'objet d'une procédure d'inconduite pour sa consommation présumée de drogue a appelé les membres du comité d'audience à se retirer de l'affaire en raison d'un parti pris présumé.Julian Bennett, qui a déjà présidé des audiences pour inconduite, a rédigé une stratégie de dépistage de drogue pour le Met et a supervisé le licenciement de deux officiers pour usage abusif de drogue, fait face à trois allégations de conduite déshonorante.En février dernier, il a été révélé lors d'une première audience qu'il était accusé d'avoir pris du cannabis, du LSD et des champignons magiques lors de vacances en France entre février 2019 et juillet 2020.Stuart Cundy, le sous-commissaire adjoint de la force, était présent à l'audience de mardi, qui s'est tenue à distance. Il est resté silencieux, sauf pour confirmer qu'il était présent en tant qu '«ami de la police» – un terme utilisé pour décrire un représentant de la police qui soutient une personne faisant l'objet d'une procédure pour inconduite.L'avocat de Bennett, John Beggs KC, a déclaré à l'audience qu'il y avait eu une "débâcle de divulgation", qui, selon lui, avait causé de longs retards à une audience inscrite pour la première fois il y a près d'un an. Il a déclaré que s'assurer que les messages WhatsApp étaient divulgués était comme "se faire des dents".L'équipe juridique de Bennett a déposé une demande l'année dernière pour que l'affaire soit rejetée, mais le panel l'a rejetée en septembre.Le président du panel, Akbar Khan, a ouvert l'audience de mardi à Londres en déclarant qu'il examinerait une demande demandant la récusation de l'ensemble du panel sur la base de la décision de septembre et des commentaires qu'elle contient.Khan est assis sur un panel de trois personnes aux côtés d'un membre non professionnel, le professeur Brian Gomes Da Costa, et Roy Wilsher, de l'Inspection de la police et des services d'incendie et de sauvetage de Sa Majesté.Beggs a affirmé qu'il y avait "de véritables erreurs et omissions de droit" dans la décision du groupe spécial, "plus particulièrement concernant la divulgation".Khan a demandé pourquoi l'équipe de défense de Bennett avait mis trois mois pour présenter sa demande de récusation. Beggs a déclaré que cela aurait dû être plus rapide, mais a déclaré que les autres retards dans l'affaire étaient la faute du Met.Beggs a déclaré que la partie chargée des poursuites avait échoué à plusieurs reprises à s'assurer que la valeur d'un an de messages WhatsApp était divulguée, qualifiant la situation d '"absurde". Il a accusé le Met d'être "sélectif" avec les messages, divulguant des WhatsApp de 2019 et 2021 mais "aucune de la viande du sandwich de 2020" jusqu'à la fin de l'année dernière.L'avocat a affirmé que l'agent-détective chargé de la divulgation avait en fait délégué le devoir au témoin principal et avait donc fait une "grave omission - une incapacité totale à comprendre le devoir de divulgation".Il a ajouté: «C'était un gâchis de divulgation. Au mieux un gâchis parce qu'au mieux c'était de l'incompétence. Nous suggérons respectueusement qu'en fait, il a été étudié le refus de divulguer.Beggs a déclaré que la composition actuelle du panel n'avait pas fait « même la critique la plus légère » de la position de la police sur la divulgation, la décrivant plutôt comme « fondée sur des principes ». "Cela seul sape l'apparence d'impartialité et donne l'apparence de parti pris", a-t-il déclaré.Les soumissions pour le Met ont été présentées à l'audience par écrit.La première allégation contre Bennett l'accuse d'avoir consommé des drogues contrôlées alors qu'il n'était pas en service entre février 2019 et le 21 juillet 2020. La deuxième allègue que l'agent a refusé de fournir un échantillon de drogue en 2020, et la troisième qu'il a menti sur les raisons pour lesquelles il ne pouvait pas donner un échantillon.L'audience a été ajournée jusqu'à une date à fixer pour que la formation rende sa décision sur la demande de récusation.
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cokeefedesign · 2 years
IDA Research
Addressing the Homeless Crisis with Housing First Solutions
Homelessness has been an increasing problem throughout the US, and the current go-to methods are hurting more than helping. Laws that criminalize homelessness by preventing sleeping in parks and other public places serve only to clog up the criminal justice system and bury vulnerable people under unreasonable fines they can’t pay without getting them the help they need.
The best long-term solution is housing first policies. Getting people into permanent housing first and then addressing their other concerns, including not limited to substance abuse, and finding employment opportunities. These policies are shown to be effective in reducing homelessness and are cheaper than the continued criminalization and incarceration of people more likely to be victims than aggressors.
Steps to be taken:
Removing police from situations involving the homeless and replacing them with social workers
Abolishing laws that criminalize homeless behavior (loitering, panhandling)
Prioritizing permanent stable low-income housing over temporary public shelters
Increase the availability of social services and remove any barriers that specifically prevent access by the homeless
Over 580,000 people experience homelessness each night in the US (doesn't include precariously housed or temporarily housed individuals)
Out of every 10 people, 6 stayed in a shelter, 4 were unsheltered
Homelessness has been on the increase since 2016
Nowhere in the US can a full-time minimum wage job support a 2 bedroom apartment
Over 16 million homes in the US sit vacant and unused
Substance abuse and mental/physical disabilities are more common among the homeless than the general population
Minorities are disproportionately impacted by homelessness
Retention rate for housing first permanent housing is very high, 70-80%
2020, HFCM Final Outcomes Report 2020-Final, https://ui.charlotte.edu/sites/ui.charlotte.edu/files/media/HFCM%20Final%20Outcomes%20Report%202020-Final.pdf. Accessed 2022.
“Key Findings of 2020 Point-in-Time Count.” Key Findings of 2020 Point-in-Time Count | United States Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH), 2021, https://www.usich.gov/tools-for-action/2020-point-in-time-count/.
Kolomatsky, Michael. “Vacant Homes Everywhere.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 10 Mar. 2022, https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/10/realestate/vacancy-rate-by-state.html.
Olivet, USICH Executive Director Jeff. “COLLABORATE, DON’T CRIMINALIZE: HOW COMMUNITIES CAN EFFECTIVELY AND HUMANELY ADDRESS HOMELESSNESS.” United States Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH), United States Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH), 26 Oct. 2022, https://www.usich.gov/news/collaborate-dont-criminalize-how-communities-can-effectively-and-humanely-address-homelessness.
Schneider, Benjamin. “Why Is Homelessness Such a Problem in U.S. Cities?” Bloomberg.com, Bloomberg, 6 July 2020, https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2020-07-06/why-is-homelessness-such-a-problem-in-u-s-cities.
Simone , Jacquelyn. “State of the Homeless 2022.” Coalition For The Homeless, 2022, https://www.coalitionforthehomeless.org/state-of-the-homeless-2022/.
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nidheeshc8 · 2 years
Indian Army vacancy for Women Military Police Soldier announced for 10th pass candidates; Apply at joinindi... - Zee Business
Indian Army vacancy for Women Military Police Soldier announced for 10th pass candidates; Apply at joinindi… – Zee Business
Indian Army is inviting applications for the posts of 99 Soldier General Duty (Women Military Police) from 10th pass candidates. Interested candidates can fill the applications online for Indian Army Soldier before 31 August 2020. Candidates can apply for Indian Army Women Military Police job opening at official website joinindianarmy.nic.in from 27th  July 2020 to 31st August 2020. Indian Army…
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sarkari-naukri-blog · 2 years
UP Police SI Result 2022 – Final Selection List Released
UP Police SI Result 2022 – Final Selection List Released
Name of the Post: UP Police SI, Platoon Commander & Fire Officer Final Selection List Released Post Date: 14-08-2020 Latest Update: 29-09-2022 Total Vacancy: 9534 ( डाउनलोड करे Govt Jobs Daily Job Alert Android App )     Download Our Android App – Click Here SarkariNaukriBlogspot.Co.in Home – Click here      Subscribe to Our YouTube, Instagram and Twitter – Twitter, Youtube and Instagram.  …
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
Delhi Police Constable , SI Bharti 2022: जानें कब निकलेगी दिल्ली पुलिस कांस्टेबल एग्जीक्यूटिव व एसआई की नई भर्ती
Delhi Police Constable , SI Bharti 2022: जानें कब निकलेगी दिल्ली पुलिस कांस्टेबल एग्जीक्यूटिव व एसआई की नई भर्ती
Delhi Police Constable , SI Bharti 2022: एसएससी ने दिल्ली पुलिस कांस्टेबल एग्जीक्यूटिव व एसआई की नई भर्ती निकालने का ऐलान कर दिया है। एसएससी के ताजा कैलेंडर के मुताबिक दिल्ली पुलिस व सीएपीएफ सब इंस्पेक्टर एसआई  भर्ती परीक्षा 2022 का नोटिफिकेशन 10 अगस्त 2022 को जारी होगा। आवदेन 30 अगस्त तक लिए जाएंगे। नवंबर 2022 में परीक्षा होगी।  इसके बाद दिल्ली पुलिस कांस्टेबल एग्जीक्यूटिव (महिला , पुरुष) भर्ती…
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amantheexplorer · 2 years
Top UPSC Coaching In Dehradun
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), the government's premier examination board, conducts Civil Services examinations every year to select candidates for various civil services posts like Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Foreign Service (IFS), Indian Police Service (IPS) and Central Secretariat Service (CSS).
The UPSC recently announced the pattern for the upcoming examinations in 2021. The first stage of this exam will be conducted on April 12, 2021. This year's exam will be held on May 1, 2020 and the second stage will be conducted on June 5, 2021.
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There are total 597 vacancies in which 120 posts have been reserved for Scheduled Caste candidates, 138 for Scheduled Tribe candidates, 44 for Other Backward Classes candidates and 98 for Physically Handicapped candidates.
The UPSC has declared that it will conduct a special category test (SCT) for candidates who belong to economically backward classes in addition to their regular examination.
Some of the best institutes in Dehradun that offer coaching classes to prepare students for these exams are:- 
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
PORTLAND, Ore. – Portland residents fear being assaulted or encountering people experiencing a mental health crisis while walking around town, according to a recent survey, but those Fox News spoke with had mixed opinions about safety in the city.
"I walk around all the time and during the day I feel fine," said Amber, who recently moved to Portland from California. "I still keep my wits about me and I'm cautious, but I don't feel like I'm really in any danger."
But Brenda disagreed.
"I’m worried about being physically attacked," she told Fox News. "It's not safe. It's just flat not safe."
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler commissioned the survey from local firm DHM Research. Nearly half (48%) of the 500 Portlanders who responded felt unsafe walking alone at night in their own neighborhood. Of those who felt unsafe, 78% told researchers they were afraid of being physically assaulted.
"I'm not going to live in fear, but we're a lot more aware of our surroundings," Meredith said. "I won't walk alone as often. I used to just walk all over, no thought about it, at night. I think twice now."
There were 5,960 reported crimes in July, the most recent month for which police statistics are available. That's up slightly from 5,618 the same month last year. Theft, vandalism and assault were the most common offenses reported.
People living on the city’s east side were more likely to fear being physically attacked than those in west Portland, according to the survey. Of female respondents who felt unsafe, 81% said they feared being assaulted compared to 74% of males.
"I'm sure a lot of people don't feel safe," said Jon, who was visiting from Seattle. "I do, but I'm not a 120-pound woman walking by herself at night."
Shane agreed that there is a gender divide.
"My partner is physically smaller than I am … she feels completely uncomfortable being out and about downtown," he said. "She started carrying pepper spray with her."
As a "tall guy," Shane said he thinks he’s less of a target.
"Also, I don’t really look like I have a lot of money," he said, laughing.
Amber said she gets nervous at night or in neighborhoods perceived as more dangerous. She said she has been yelled at and followed by strangers and makes sure to stay alert.
"It is the people who have mental health issues because you don't really know how they're going to react," she said. "I don't listen to anything in my headphones. I always have my pepper spray on my keychain.
She added that she constantly looks over her shoulder, "so I'm not oblivious to my surroundings."
Concerns about interacting with people experiencing mental health crises or drug intoxication are front and center on many Portlanders’ minds, according to the survey and residents Fox News spoke with.
"Taking our granddaughters for walks and finding syringes on the ground and things like that, it’s disheartening," Meredith said.
The Portland Police Bureau has suffered from staffing shortages since 2020 and currently has more than 100 sworn police vacancies, according to the bureau. As anti-police protests rocked the city in 2020, the city council voted to cut the department's budget by $15 million, though activists had demanded cuts of $50 million.
Many officers have retired or left to work in other cities, citing dissatisfaction with city leadership and poor morale during the months of nightly protests.
"I think we need more police," Brenda said. She can understand why people don’t want to become officers, but the city isn’t doing enough to promote safety, she said.
More than half of the survey respondents told researchers they did not think police would respond quickly to an emergency, according to the results, which were obtained by Fox News.
"With the police force, overburdened people think they can do anything now," Carol told Fox News. "I feel like it won't always be like this, but right now we're in the midst of … lawlessness."
Portland has seen a sharper increase in violent crime than many other major cities. Homicides in the city increased 83% from 2019 to 2020, while nationally killings increased by an average of about 30%. There were 90 homicides in the city last year, breaking the city's previous record of 66 in 1987, Oregon Public Broadcasting reported.
"They show a lot of stuff I know on the news about the shootings … and I'm sure they're up," Dave said. "But up over what? There used to be very little."
"I think the news has definitely made this area out to be a lot more chaotic," Shane said.
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newstfionline · 2 years
Tuesday, August 9, 2022
Cops combat violent crime as ranks dwindle (AP) Five years after Brian Spaulding’s parents found him fatally shot in the home he shared with roommates, his slaying remains a mystery that seems increasingly unlikely to be solved as Portland, Oregon, police confront a spike in killings and more than 100 officer vacancies. The detective assigned to investigate the death of Spaulding—a chiropractic assistant who didn’t do drugs, wasn’t in a gang and lived close to the house where he was born—left in 2020 in a wave of retirements and the detective assigned to it now is swamped with fresh cases after Portland’s homicide rate surged 207% since 2019. From Philadelphia to Portland to Los Angeles, killings and gun violence are rising at the same time officers worn out by the pandemic and disillusioned over the calls to divest from policing that followed George Floyd’s murder are quitting or retiring faster than they can be replaced. Departments are scrambling to recruit in a tight labor market and also rethinking what services they can provide and what role police should play in their communities.
Trump says FBI conducted search at his Mar-a-Lago estate (AP) The FBI searched Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate as part of an investigation into whether he took classified records from the White House to his Florida residence, people familiar with the matter said Monday, a move that represents a dramatic and unprecedented escalation of law enforcement scrutiny of the former president. Trump, disclosing the search in a lengthy statement, asserted that agents had opened up a safe at his home and described their work as an “unannounced raid” that he likened to “prosecutorial misconduct.” The search intensifies the months-long probe into how classified documents ended up in more than a dozen boxes located at Mar-a-Lago earlier this year. It occurs amid a separate grand jury investigation into efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election and adds to the potential legal peril for Trump as he lays the groundwork for another run.
Amid crises, the poor and the rich (Washington Post) For months, spiking inflation has roiled poor and rich nations alike. The rising costs, which have reached 40-year highs, are largely thanks to the cascading global effects of the pandemic combined with the sudden supply chain and energy market disruptions that followed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Some countries are already in the grips of painful economic contractions; for others, including the United States, the prospect of recession seems around the corner. Europe, ensnared by its reliance on Russian gas, is bracing for what’s being billed as a “winter of despair.” Aid agencies and U.N. officials warn of hunger stalking the planet, as price rises push staples out of reach for tens of millions of people. The global macroeconomic maelstrom has already collapsed one debt-ridden, developing economy (Sri Lanka), while other nations (Zambia, Laos and Pakistan, to name a few) find themselves on the brink. But for major multinational fossil fuel companies, it’s the best of times. Recent second-quarter earnings reports proffered eye-popping figures: BP posted second-quarter profits worth $8.5 billion, its biggest windfall in 14 years. ExxonMobil went one further—its $17.9 billion in net income was its largest-ever quarterly profit. U.S. company Chevron, London-based Shell and France’s TotalEnergies also recorded blockbuster results. Put together, these five major companies made $55 billion this past quarter.
One year after Afghanistan, spy agencies pivot toward China (AP) In a recent closed-door meeting with leaders of the agency’s counterterrorism center, the CIA’s No. 2 official made clear that fighting al-Qaida and other extremist groups would remain a priority—but that the agency’s money and resources would be increasingly shifted to focusing on China. The CIA drone attack that killed al-Qaida’s leader showed that fighting terrorism is hardly an afterthought. But it didn’t change the message the agency’s deputy director, David Cohen, delivered at that meeting weeks earlier: While the U.S. will continue to go after terrorists, the top priority is trying to better understand and counter Beijing. There’s been a quiet pivot within intelligence agencies, which are moving hundreds of officers to China-focused positions, including some who were previously working on terrorism.
Temperatures rise as France tackles its worst drought on record (Reuters) France on Sunday braced for a fourth heatwave this summer as its worst drought on record left parched villages without safe drinking water and farmers warned of a looming milk shortage in the winter. Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne's office has set up a crisis team to tackle a drought that has forced scores of villages to rely on water deliveries by truck, prompted state-run utility EDF to curb nuclear power output and stressed crops. National weather agency Meteo France said it was the worst drought since records began in 1958 and that the drought was expected to worsen until at least the middle of the month. On average, less than 1 cm of rain fell across France in July. In Italy, the drought-stricken waters of the River Po are running so low they revealed a previously submerged World War Two bomb.
The Suwalki Gap (WSJ) The bucolic region around the Polish-Lithuanian border has long been known for its rolling farmlands, serene lakes and historic cities. To strategists in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, it is now also known as a danger spot. Suwalki, a city of almost 70,000, sits along the 45-mile corridor of NATO territory between two Russian military strongholds. To the southeast is Belarus, a close Russian ally that has served as a base for its invasion of Ukraine. To the northwest is Kaliningrad, a chunk of Russia that was disconnected from the rest of the country by the breakup of the Soviet Union. Western military strategists call it the Suwalki Gap. What worries them is that Russia, having seized the Crimean peninsula in 2014 and invaded Ukraine this year, might resort to force to try to take over the border region, which would link Kaliningrad with Belarus. Threatening comments from the Russian and Belarus governments have increased anxiety in the region, as have moves such as a bill recently introduced in Russia’s parliament to revoke Moscow’s 1991 recognition of Lithuania’s independence from the Soviet Union.
As summer wanes, water crisis looms for east Ukrainian city (AP) The echo of artillery shells thundering in the distance mingles with the din of people gathered around Sloviansk’s public water pumps, piercing the uneasy quiet that smothers the nearly deserted streets of this eastern Ukrainian city. The members of Sloviansk’s dwindling population only emerge—a few minutes at a time—to fill up at the pumps that have been the city’s only water source for more than two months. Fighting between Ukrainian and Russian forces near the key city in the Donetsk region has damaged vital infrastructure that has cut residents off from gas and water for months. The water flows for now, but fears grow that come winter the city only seven miles (12 kilometers) from Russian-occupied territory could face a humanitarian crisis once the pipes begin to freeze over. “The water infrastructure was destroyed by the constant battles,” said Lyubov Mahlii, a 76-year-old widow who gathers 20 liters (around five gallons) of water twice a day from a public tank near her apartment, dragging the plastic bottles up four flights of stairs on her own.
After China’s Military Spectacle, Options Narrow for Winning Over Taiwan (NYT) China’s 72-hour spectacle of missiles, warships and jet fighters swarming Taiwan was designed to create a firewall—a blazing, made-for-television warning against what Beijing sees as increasingly stubborn defiance, backed by Washington, of its claims to the island. But even if China’s display of military might discourages other Western politicians from emulating Nancy Pelosi, who enraged Beijing by visiting Taiwan, it also narrows hopes for winning over the island through negotiations. Beijing’s shock and awe tactics may deepen skepticism in Taiwan that it can ever reach a peaceful and lasting settlement with the Chinese Communist Party, especially under Xi Jinping as its leader. “Nothing is going to change after the military exercises, there’ll be one like this and then another,” said Li Wen-te, a 63-year-old retired fisherman in Liuqiu, an island off the southwestern coast of Taiwan, less than six miles from China’s drills. “They’re as bullying as always,” he said, adding a Chinese saying, “digging deep in soft soil,” which means “give them an inch and they will take a mile.”
Qantas asks executives to work as baggage handlers for three months (BBC) Australian airline Qantas has asked senior executives to work as baggage handlers for three months as it tries to tackle an acute labour shortage. The firm's head of operations is looking for at least 100 volunteers to work at Sydney and Melbourne airports. Tasks include loading and unloading bags as well as driving vehicles to move luggage around airports. Like much of the global airline industry, Qantas is struggling to resume its services as borders reopen.
Israel and Palestinian Militants Reach a Cease-Fire (NYT) Israel and Palestinian militants in Gaza agreed to a cease-fire late on Sunday night, in a move that was expected to end a three-day conflict that killed dozens of Palestinians, including militant commanders, but which did little to change the status quo in Israel and the occupied territories. The conflict, which began on Friday afternoon when Israel launched airstrikes to foil what it said was an imminent attack from Gaza, paralyzed parts of southern Israel and resulted in the destruction of several residential buildings and militant bases in Gaza. Forty-four Palestinians, including 15 children, were killed in the fighting, according to Palestinian health officials. Scores of Israelis were slightly injured while running for cover from Palestinian rockets, and several were hurt by shrapnel. An unexploded rocket fell in a residential area of Ashkelon, a southern Israeli city, broadcasters reported. The central dynamics of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, including a 15-year blockade of Gaza, nevertheless remain in place, and the escalation this weekend left the two sides as distant as ever from the possibility of peace negotiations. But the fighting revealed simmering tensions between Islamic Jihad, the militia that led this latest battle against Israel, and Hamas, the militia that runs Gaza, which opted to remain on the sidelines of the conflict.
Young aviators (NYT/Seafair) In January, 19-year-old Zara Rutherford became the youngest woman to ever fly solo around the world. Her younger brother Mack, 17, is now trying to make history by becoming the youngest person to ever fly around the world solo. He says it has nothing to do with sibling rivalry bragging rights. Mack got his pilot license at 15 and has been flying with his dad since he was 10. He began his journey in Bulgaria in March, choosing to fly south through the Mediterranean Sea. He's been to India, China, South Korea, Japan, and Alaska. Last weekend, he made a quick pit stop in the Pacific Northwest, where he spoke to a Seattle TV station newsperson at the Museum of Flight's annual Seafair’s Jet Blast Festival. Rutherford said besides becoming the youngest person to ever fly around the world solo, he wants to show that anyone can accomplish their goals, no matter their age. “It’s so often when we’re put into the system where we go to school, then go to high school, then go to university. And after that, you can really do what you want to do,” he said. “But that’s not how it has to be. You can follow what you want to do and do it well.”
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joinnoukri · 2 years
Sarkari Naukri 2020 बिहार पुलिस में भर्ती का सुनहरा अवसर कांस्टेबल के पदों पर निकली वैकेंसी Golden opportunity for recruitment in Bihar Police vacancy left for the posts of Constable
Sarkari Naukri 2020 बिहार पुलिस में भर्ती का सुनहरा अवसर कांस्टेबल के पदों पर निकली वैकेंसी Golden opportunity for recruitment in Bihar Police vacancy left for the posts of Constable
सरकारी नौकरी की तलाश कर रहे उम्मीदवारों के लिए अच्छी खबर है. बिहार पुलिस में शामिल होने का सुनहरा अवसर है. केंद्रीय चयन बोर्ड कांस्टेबल (CSBC) ने बिहार पुलिस कांस्टेबल पदों के लिए आवेदन मंगाए हैं. News Nation Bureau | Edited By : Sushil Kumar | Updated on: 21 Jul 2020, 04:27:23 PM प्रतीकात्मक फोटो (Photo Credit: फाइल फोटो) नई दिल्ली:   Sarkari Naukri, Job, Government job, Naukri, Bihar Police…
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rojgarhunt · 1 year
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barvetips · 3 years
Police Recruitment Suitable Questions 2020 | पुलिस भर्ती उपयुक्त प्रश्न 2020
Police Recruitment Suitable Questions 2020 | पुलिस भर्ती उपयुक्त प्रश्न 2020
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