#Pokes Harder
emj4yart · 5 months
Calling all Oncelings! I need your help!
Greetings, Onceler fandom! Tis I, MJ, just a little guy who wants your help on a big project I'm planning!
Here's the rundown: I want to do a deep-dive video on the Lorax, from its origins to its adaptations, to the cultural phenomenon that it has become, including a HUGE dedicated section to the fandom and its history! And I need your help with it! Keep reading if this interests you :D Rough outline of topics that I'm plannning on addressing:
The Original 1971 Book
The 1972 Short
The 2012 Illumination Movie (And what went WRONG, the cut content, analysis)
The 2015 Musical
The Onceler Fandom's Beginnings and Early Years (2012)
Shipping (Oncest, Normaler, the like)
Onceler OCs and aus! (Possibly an OC feature from those in the fandom!)
The Lorax in Meme Culture
The Resurgances of the Fandom (2015, 2021, 2023 Tiktok Boom)
Where's the fandom at now?
It's a huge project and that's why I want you all to help me with it! What do I want your help with? At the moment this is my list!
Research and Fact Checking on the "Content" Section, especially on lesser known topics like the musical or the cut content! (Pspspsps calling the five of you who actually know what the musical is)
RESEARCH AND FIRSTHAND EXPERIENCES OF THE ONCELER FANDOM'S EARLY DAYS!! I joined this place in 2023 so I don't know much about the early days of the fandom, and I want to know SO much more than I do! I want to know the scope, everything from the in-jokes to the aus to the deoncelerization. If you've been in this fandom since 2012 I would LOVE to hear from you!
Last but not least, I want the end of this video to be a love letter to this community, sharing firsthand experiences of what the Onceler as a character and the fandom means to you! I want to conduct interviews with people over discord (which is going to be a lot less fancy than it sounds so dw, it's not going to be an interrogation LMAO)
Specifics are subject to change but one thing will stay, I want to end the video to be made out of raw Love and Appreciation for this fandom, showcasing the side of this little corner of the internet that people who brush it off as mindless cringe don't see. All I've seen from this community is love and support and I want to be the video essayist who shows it for what it is!
At the moment I don't really have much of a plan (I'm not a very good planner lol), but if enough interets garners I know it'll help me streamline my motivation and come up with a game plan!
Feel free to leave me suggestions for where to go from here, maybe give out my discord? Make a Discord Server? Maybe there's something I can do solely on tumblr? I don't know! I don't know at all how Tumblr works! Help Me! Am just a little guy!
Alright that's all from me for now gamers, if this project interests you all in any capacity or you want to help out, please reblog/reply/message/ask/howeveranythingworksonthissite to let me know! Feel free to ask me questions or whatever as well! Peace out for now ✌️
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i think tim is high maintenance the way a boarder collie or austrialian shepherd is. like you have to make sure they're not only given space to expend energy but you have to specifically let them get the herding instinct out and challenge them intellectually or they start destroying ur home
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darkforze · 11 days
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wildflowercryptid · 6 months
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one of the major reasons why i went snooping through tangle tower's steam files is just so i could get hd versions of the map chibis. enjoy the squishies, everyone!
also, here's a few spoilery map chibis under the cut! ⤵
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i had to enlarge the sprite on the right, but here's hunter penelope's map chibis, too.
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artemisia-black · 3 months
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virgincels · 6 months
you think leon has a thing for crying??? or??????? because i do maybe :3 but i don’t mean crying while you give him head… i mean js. crying. like when you’re sad. but i’m unsure how he feels about it
i think re2 leon would feel so bad about it, like you’re crying because of a nightmare or something and he’s there comforting you n he’s like waiiitttt why is this turning me on😭😭 and he feels so guilty because my baby is crying why am i getting hard??!?!?
but then as he gets older he gets cockier (obviously) and stops feeling so bad about it… because it’s YOUR fault that you look so pretty when you’re crying, why should he feel bad?
NOOO BC old man leon ik it gets his cock HARD when he tries to comfort you and you’re just sniffling and blubbering, leaving his shirt wet. and he’s pissed ab it bc you could be walking around in next to nothing and it’s involuntarily soft but he’s turned on but you start crying and he’s hard??? MAKES HIM QUESTION HIMSELF his ass is 46 and still discovering what he likes good on him
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trollbreak · 1 month
Ummm does anyone wanna hear my thoughts on the interactions that could happen in the vulnerability of having your emotions on show for anyone who knows how to read the colors and also the trained-in need to shield yourself by taking on someone else’s appearance, and even when you’re yourself, remaining concealed and tucked away behind an enchantment to keep someone else from taking your face in turn,
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beautifulterriblequeen · 10 months
reflect before you act
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I wonder if Callum will remember this moment
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would that do anything, d'you think 👀
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faunandfloraas · 4 months
Honestly a fun thing about going all the way through a kpop groups catalogue and seeing all the hair colours they've had over the years is seeing which colours certain members end up going back to again and again, it's cute.
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ace-and-ranty · 6 months
I loved Project Hail Mary, and I am here to give my funny-pedantic take on it:
Did anyone think of blowing up Jupiter.
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animentality · 5 months
every SINGLE time I manage to clean out my inbox, ya'll send another dozen aaaaaargh.
(i'm not actually complaining, i like when y'all poke my brain with a sharp stick you found)
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witherbythesword · 2 months
I feel like a fucking feral animal that needs to be pinned down by the throat and stabbed.. i mean fucked argh no what i wanted to say.. is i need to be fucking sta
#nsfwtext#loosing my marbles#thinking about fucking provoking them#acting out#scratching them#to make them violate me and fuck me to pieces because i need it so so much#but they just think it's cute#poking fun at me for being so desperate for them#being pinned by the throat i slowly start getting weaker and they praise me for being good and relaxing#fucking me oh so slowly and it's NOT ENOUGH#but it's all I am going to get#struggling#trying to fuck myself back into them#but it just makes them press harder#until I am all still#like a little doll#teary eyed from my endless need and how feeling them rut into me so gently doesn't give me any relief.. it just makes it worse#feeling like going crazy and breaking down while they push a finger into my mouth to suck on#slapping me and then going back to chockeing me.#feeling my arousal built more and more#wanting them so much it doesn't matter if it's pleasure or pain begging to be kicked or fucked harder or cut or punched or skull fucked#just anything to truely feel them#argh#i am about to start biting people i need this#thinking about the times someone made me hurt so bad during a scene i felt like I need to throw up#like me brain was all pain and somehow it still got worse with each hit#that pain is so bad i feel like blacking out#saying yellow and#how just one touch was enough to flip the switch and what was pain just a second before was now arousal uggh am so needy for pain rn#when you are so full of pain in a scene it's like your consciousness morphs and all there is is you and pain and your partner
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clippedwingsmuses · 20 days
@ahogedetective replied to your post “@ahogedetective replied to your post...”:
DFNKDJ he's gonna shake himmm!!!! GOOD!!!!!!! LAUGH!!! FDKNJDJ singular braincelled organism, so true!!!!! the dummiest of stupit dum dumbs!!! sushi brought this on himselfff!!!
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no don't shake him you're gonna scramble his brain!!! he needs that unscrambled!!
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ashtonisvibing · 4 months
made a possible future minecraft skin based on my icon guy :}
i unfortunately can't use it right now cuz i can only play on the switch, but someday hopefully
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i would've done my fursona but, for obvious reasons, an axolotl wouldn't work. but maybe my bunnysona could work, i'd just have to have his ears both flopped down instead of just one. but it's maybe possible...
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doedipus · 4 months
I managed to take a few sets off of one of the people who beat me in bracket next time and I definitely have a lot of notes on the counter-adaptation for next time, so I thiiiink I might have a shot this month if she's there again
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echo-rambles · 4 months
so I'm new to stray kids and i just recently got to know abt the ships cuz like....yk
anyways, i am in love with minsung (obv) and i seem to know a lot abt it now but i am also kind of attracted towards changjin..... if i may hv ur opinion on these... that would really helpp
have I somehow become the expert in changjin because all I do is spam the tumblr tag?? lol my opinion is that there are so many other changbin ships and hyunjin ships, some even more popular, but personally none of them hold a candle to whatever hyunibinnie have going on.
when I first started getting into skz, changjin were the first duo that really caught my attention. I watched so many compilation videos on youtube about their dynamic and I fell in love.
changbin is so Loud with his affection, really playing it up for the cameras. flirting and teasing and wanting all of hyunjin's attention, but it's also very real. hyunjin is quieter with how much he cares, and he pretends like it bothers him but he doesn't do a very good job at pretending.
like, I fully believe hyunjin loves to be fawned over, he loves how loud changbin is and how obnoxious he can get, he eats that shit up. the louder changbin is about his love, the more hyunjin giggles and preens and clings to him. it's ridiculous, they're ridiculous.
they just adore each other so so so much and it means so much to me. they make each other so happy and it's impossible for them to not smile when together.
what more could I possibly say about these two that I haven't already omg I keep typing things out and realizing I already made posts saying almost the same thing.
also their height difference/size difference makes me feel crazy but that's neither here nor there
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