pistomashortmovie · 7 months
Dimitrios Apostolopoulos – Pistoma ( Face Down ) ( Audience Choice Award & Interview )
We invite you to watch the interview of the award winners from the Lift-Off Global Network of London, including the director and screenwriter, Dimitrios Apostolopoulos, who won the Audience Award, among 140 films in his category.
We look forward to seeing you at the Lift-Off's Sessions Audience Choice Filmmaker Roundtable!
#DimitriosApostolopoulos #shortmovie #Pistoma #filmfestival #AudienceChoiceAward #Interview #London #PinewoodStudios #LiftOffGlobalNetwork #LiftOffFilmFestivals #LiftOffSessions #FirstTimeFilmmakerSessionsAugust #SupportIndieFilm
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444names · 9 months
the entire article on "glass" from bosnian wikipedia
Aklekti Aktin Aktruktu Amira Amolog Ampašene Ampiće Anapisno Anicio Arava Ardnje Atalavla Atima Austva Berinim Bijednoji Bileksidi Biliciju Bilija Biodi Bičnu Bocje Bogima Bogog Brass Brzicijen Brzirava Brzormo Davno Defini Deftion Dejavlja Dinih Disili Dogipti Doksi Drukteper Dugonskih Dvidira Dvinu Ednog Ekimjeski Eksilizne Emera Fajanata Fajnost Faziciji Faziniju Fazinje Forana Formistom Forskih Fulka Gašenja Gdjeno Grana Gravlje Hiperišu Hiptivno Hipće Hlacti Hlast Imatalno Imeta Istako Istao Istiraća Isuđu Izmije Izveze Izvoj Izvoli Izvostoj Jalađevoj Janjedi Javazno Jedodiji Jemehrati Jemet Jenje Kacija Kacijačka Kacimata Kadaju Kadreživa Kaleku Kalnih Kanje Karanja Karcao Karinte Katane Kaznimato Kojih Kombe Komunici Kopiće Kraju Kravarebu Krheme Krhemen Krhkomuni Krhkovima Krija Krijeda Krimpiće Kroneri Krudi Krukran Kućoja Kvanzin Lađenik Lenog Linitika Lizveće Lokarom Majskima Matno Matura Matureble Metežnom Metpolja Metravana Miranja Misti Mjekućina Modična Molika Mormo Mrefle Munatalno Nadugoda Najposto Najsko Najče Nakologim Nalicu Naspoda Nastačno Nasti Nazgra Načkim Nađenja Nađenu Neekući Nekući Neterana Netiva Njajnolik Nukti Obijsko Obliken Oblikoj Oblikrhem Obljem Obrza Obrzivne Obsilim Odefigura Odekri Odisnih Odičnu Ohlasili Ojima Okadi Opisiju Opiće Oplje Opljenim Opoja Opojimenu Opostoka Opotako Optično Ostati Pacijske Panazuje Panukteko Panzi Pašeno Perišu Piraži Pisiline Pistoma Plearcao Plinječe Podit Podnje Podno Pojem Poldajum Polinika Polizvez Polja Ponski Pontrave Popti Popća Poski Poskona Poterim Potra Potranje Potranjem Potri Potronska Potručji Povan Pozicu Poznao Poždaraje Požegog Prajenca Pranet Pranje Pranskona Prava Pravarca Praćanato Praži Prebazna Prebu Prednom Prefiko Prelje Premeti Prečeni Prije Priji Prileće Primaciji Primajno Primatoga Priodim Priodisto Prion Prirada Prisko Prkog Proid Proida Proidarca Proiz Proiznass Proizno Proizvoj Prokara Propska Prozna Prozom Prvoje Pustakoj Pustava Pustos Radijeno Raničke Ranja Ransforim Ranzi Ranzini Redvida Rehlaktu Remen Ređenja Sadajenog Salne Satati Sature Sifinje Sijeri Silearija Silicija Silija Siliz Silog Sirno Sičnolo Skanja Skerenih Sklika Sklizna Skopst Smiron Smično Snija Snivoj Snoslja Sobsid Sokavlaz Sokozno Sokstest Soligog Spancija Spocje Sprede Sreda Sremajući Sremenišu Sređentim Stakogi Stalim Stalje Stalna Stalne Stežavlje Stika Stiki Stinedost Stipće Stičaju Stička Stoja Sugonu Sujenu Svednika Svezo Svodini Svodit Svodnom Svogiptu Svoja Taklava Talikati Talike Taloškim Tamodnit Tanjeme Temir Temirnog Tempaše Tempićeno Tenje Teoligog Teorati Teorfne Teorfni Teorijih Teormira Teowie Teperiji Teraturim Terboceno Terebičke Terija Termine Tetivanja Tečegove Tečene Tečnoji Tečnolno Težegovu Težno Težnoste Tiroizvo Tokih Tokojiti Tolaci Tomsko Topadaju Toplja Topti Tosje Točan Točnu Tranjem Trijevolo Troid Tropljno Trozicim Truktem Truktički Trume Trumenje Tvanje Udajče Udavlje Udereme Uderio Uobileća Uplje Upodari Upojala Uponter Upozi Uproku Upsta Vajući Vansmaci Vanzicija Vardnih Velirnost Vezori Visakte Vista Vistalama Vistalaze Vlazi Vljali Vljačnali Vranu Vrebičkim Vredodit Vrehani Vrečeni Vrijom Vrozicija Vrskućine Vrsteri Vrsti Vrstom Vršće Vulka Zagme Zagmet Zagri Zametička Zapancija Zapaše Zastalni Zastomski Zbomunitd Zdjenalno Znatno Znatog Zneeka Čajerle Čarbom Češće Činih Činime Činitrem Čistan Čvrane Čvrijim Čvrio Čvriše Čvrske Čvrst Čvrstom Čvršći Širanja Širednje Široka Štada
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pistomashortmovie · 8 months
Dimitrios Apostolopoulos’s film, “Pistoma”, receives the Audience Choice Award in its category, at the “Lift-Off First-Time Filmmakers Showcase 2023” film festival in London.
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We are very happy to announce, that Dimitrios Apostolopoulos's film, “Pistoma”, has been distinguished among 140 films in its category, and has received the Audience Choice Award at the “Lift-Off First-Time Filmmakers Showcase 2023” film festival. For everyone who supported us, a big thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
#LiftOffGlobalNetwork #LiftOffFilmFestivals #LiftOffSessions #FirstTimeFilmmakerSessionsAugust #SupportIndieFilm #Pistoma #pistomashortmovie #shortmovie #DimitriosApostolopoulos #director #screenwriter #PinewoodStudios #London #UK #English #filmfestival #audiencechoiceaward #thankyou
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pistomashortmovie · 8 months
 “Lift-Off First-Time Filmmakers Showcase 2023” distinction for “Pistoma” film in London.
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We are very happy to announce, that Dimitris Apostolopoulos' film, “Pistoma”, has been distinguished among 140 films in its category, by finishing first in the audience choice at the “Lift-Off First-Time Filmmakers Showcase 2023” film festival.  For everyone who supported us, a big thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
#LiftOffGlobalNetwork #LiftOffFilmFestivals #LiftOffSessions #FirstTimeFilmmakerSessionsAugust #SupportIndieFilm #Pistoma #pistomashortmovie #shortmovie #DimitriosApostolopoulos #director #screenwriter #PinewoodStudios #London #UK #English #filmfestival #audiencechoice #distinction #thankyou
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pistomashortmovie · 9 months
“Pistoma” short movie by Dimitrios Apostolopoulos selected by UK London film festival
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“Pistoma” short movie, by director and screenwriter Dimitrios Apostolopoulos, is selected by UK London film festival Lift-Off First-Time Filmmakers Showcase 2023 of the Lift-Off Global Network.
The festival is hosted by Pinewood Studios in London, the place where movies like James Bond, Star Wars, Alien 3 and many more were filmed.
As an artist, Dimitrios Apostolopoulos creates films to express his inner self and to connect on a deeper spiritual level with the audience.
Movie Synopsis:
A man who was missing for years in a war, suddenly returns home knowing that his wife has a child with another man and seeks revenge. Based on the short story of the same title by Konstantinos Theotokis, the story focuses on the three fundamental ancient Greek concepts karma, hubris, nemesis. Cain's primitive first murder is preserved and brought to life through the central hero of this story.
Important Notice:
For anyone who wants to vote for the film, as long as they can afford it, it is necessary to buy a ticket for 11 euros at the link below
You will find the film, "Pistoma (Face Down)", in the category Students 3: First-Time Filmmaker Sessions August 2023. The voting process will last, until Monday 21st August 2023, 6pm BST.
Let us clarify that the film's contributors do not benefit from this particular ticket, but your vote counts!
For those who want to support us by voting for us, thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
#LiftOffGlobalNetwork #LiftOffFilmFestivals #LiftOffSessions #FirstTimeFilmmakerSessionsAugust #SupportIndieFilm #Pistoma #pistomashortmovie #shortmovie #DimitriosApostolopoulos #director #screenwriter #PinewoodStudios #London #UK #English #pressrelease #press #filmfestival
https://shorturl.at/ftB69 #English #trailer #Subs
If you publish the English press release, please send us the link of the article @ [email protected] , and we will post it on the social media platforms of the movie.
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pistomashortmovie · 9 months
#Dimitrios Apostolopoulos - #Pistoma ( Face Down ) #Trailer ( #English #Subs )
A man who was missing for years in a war, suddenly returns home knowing that his wife has a child with another man and seeks revenge. Based on the short story of the same title by Konstantinos Theotokis, the story focuses on the three fundamental ancient Greek concepts karma, hubris, nemesis. Cain's primitive first murder is preserved and brought to life through the central hero of this story.
#Pistoma #pistomashortmovie #Πίστομα #ταινία #ταινίαμικρούμήκους #DimitriosApostolopoulos #ΔημήτριοςΑποστολόπουλος #Dimitrios #Δημήτριος #σκηνοθέτης #Director #σεναριογράφος #screenwriter
#EliasApostolopoulos #ΗλίαςΑποστολόπουλος #VickyDriva #ΒίκυΔρίβα #AlexandrosPanagiotou #ΑλέξανδροςΠαναγιώτου #NikosSkoufis #ΝίκοςΣκούφης #VangelisDoukoutselis #ΒαγγέληςΔουκουτσέλης #AnthonyDavid #PanagiotisDedes #ΠαναγιώτηςΔέδες #Gethsemané #Γεθσημανή #CostasDesypris #ΚώσταςΔεσύπρης #AlexandraPolydora #ΑλεξάνδραΠολύδωρα #VictoriaKona #ΒικτωρίαΚονά #AngelosAxarlis #ΆγγελοςΑξαρλής
https://www.facebook.com/PistomaShortMovie https://pistomashortmovie.tumblr.com/ https://www.instagram.com/pistomashortmovie/ https://twitter.com/PistomaM https://youtu.be/GFizxI6ywgw #trailer #English #Subs
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pistomashortmovie · 2 years
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#Pistoma #pistomashortmovie #Πίστομα #ταινία #ταινίαμικρούμήκους #DimitriosApostolopoulos #ΔημήτριοςΑποστολόπουλος #Dimitrios #Δημήτριος #σκηνοθέτης #Director #σεναριογράφος #screenwriter
https://www.facebook.com/PistomaShortMovie https://pistomashortmovie.tumblr.com/ https://www.instagram.com/pistomashortmovie/ https://twitter.com/PistomaM shorturl.at/gnor2
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pistomashortmovie · 9 months
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#Pistoma #pistomashortmovie #Πίστομα #ταινία #ταινίαμικρούμήκους #DimitriosApostolopoulos #ΔημήτριοςΑποστολόπουλος #Dimitrios #Δημήτριος #σκηνοθέτης #Director #σεναριογράφος #screenwriter #αφίσα #poster _______________________________________________________ https://www.facebook.com/PistomaShortMovie https://pistomashortmovie.tumblr.com/ https://www.instagram.com/pistomashortmovie/ https://twitter.com/PistomaM shorturl.at/gnor2
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pistomashortmovie · 2 years
Teaser #trailer για τη μικρού μήκους ταινία, #Πίστομα. Σενάριο - Σκηνοθεσία @Dhmhtrhs Apostolopoulos Απ'το ομότιτλο διήγημα του Κ. Θεοτόκη. __________________________________________________________
Vicky DRiva @AlexandrosPanagiotou @Anthony David Ηλίας Αποστολόπουλος Alexandra Polydora @Panagiotis Dedes Gethsemané Vangelis Doukoutselis Bands Hall
__________________________________________________________ https://www.facebook.com/PistomaShortMovie https://pistomashortmovie.tumblr.com/ https://www.instagram.com/pistomashortmovie/ https://twitter.com/PistomaM shorturl.at/gnor2
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pistomashortmovie · 2 years
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pistomashortmovie · 9 months
Η ταινία «Πίστομα» του Δημητρίου Αποστολόπουλου ταξιδεύει σε φεστιβάλ του Λονδίνου
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Η ταινία «Πίστομα» του σκηνοθέτη & σεναριογράφου, Δημητρίου Αποστολόπουλου, επιλέχθηκε από το Λονδρέζικο φεστιβάλ κινηματογράφου Lift-Off First-Time Filmmakers Showcase 2023 του Lift-Off Global Network. Το Lift-Off Global Network, έχει έδρα τα Pinewood Studios του Λονδίνου, όπου γυρίστηκαν ταινίες, όπως James Bond, Star Wars, Alien 3 και άλλες.
Ως καλλιτέχνης, ο Δημήτριος Αποστολόπουλος, δημιουργεί ταινίες για να εκφράσει τον εσώτερο εαυτό του και για να συνδεθεί σε βαθύτερο πνευματικό επίπεδο με το κοινό.
Λίγα λόγια για την ταινία:
Ένας άνδρας που έλειπε για χρόνια στον πόλεμο, επιστρέφει ξαφνικά στο σπίτι του, έχοντας ανακαλύψει ότι η γυναίκα του έχει κάνει παιδί με άλλον άνδρα και αποφασίζει να εκδικηθεί. Βασισμένη στο ομότιτλο διήγημα του Κωνσταντίνου Θεοτόκη, η ιστορία επικεντρώνεται στις τρεις πρωταρχικές αρχαιοελληνικές έννοιες πεπρωμένο, ύβρις, νέμεσις. Ο αρχέγονος πρώτος φόνος του Κάιν φωτίζεται και ζωντανεύει μέσα από τον κεντρικό ήρωα της ιστορίας.
Για όποιον θέλει να ψηφίσει την ταινία, εφόσον έχει την οικονομική δυνατότητα, είναι απαραίτητη η αγορά εισιτηρίου των 11 ευρώ στον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο
Η ταινία «Πίστομα» { Αγγλικά “Pistoma (Face Down)” } βρίσκεται στην κατηγορία Students 3: First-Time Filmmaker Sessions August 2023 και η ψηφοφορία θα διαρκέσει μέχρι και τη Δευτέρα, 21 Αυγούστου 2023, 20.00, ώρα Ελλάδος.
Να σας διευκρινίσουμε ότι οι συντελεστές της ταινίας δεν επωφελούνται από το συγκεκριμένο εισιτήριο, όμως η ψήφος σας μετράει! Για όσους θέλουν να μας υποστηρίξουν, ψηφίζοντάς μας, ευχαριστούμε από καρδιάς!
#LiftOffGlobalNetwork #LiftOffFilmFestivals #LiftOffSessions #FirstTimeFilmmakerSessionsAugust #SupportIndieFilm #Πίστομα #ταινίαμικρούμήκους #ΔημήτριοςΑποστολόπουλος #σκηνοθέτης #σεναριογράφος #PinewoodStudios #Λονδίνο #Αγγλία #ΗνωμένοΒασίλειο #ελληνικό #δελτίοτύπου #φεστιβάλκινηματογράφου
https://checkout.liftoff.network/students-3-ft-sessions-august-2023/ https://pinewoodgroup.com/ https://www.facebook.com/PistomaShortMovie https://pistomashortmovie.tumblr.com/ https://www.instagram.com/pistomashortmovie/ https://twitter.com/PistomaM https://shorturl.at/ftB69 #English #trailer #Subs
Παρακαλούμε σε περίπτωση δημοσίευσης, στείλτε μας τον σύνδεσμο της δημοσίευσης στο [email protected] για να τον κοινοποιήσουμε στα δίκτυά μας.
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