#Percy believed in selena to go convince clarisse to join the war
people don't talk enough about percy and silena's friendship enough
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gayfrogs03 · 3 years
Spamming about Nico today, let's go.
In my last post I said that Nico has a lot of reasons to believe that people hate him, and I said this because I've seen post saying that he's just a dramatic emo, and that he has no reason to believe that. So here's a long list of reasons why Nico believes people hate him how it's very easy to see why he says that.
Even before Bianca died, people would often call him annoying, told him to shut up, and would ignore him. Like yeah, he talked a lot and asked a lot of questions, but he was a TEN YEAR OLD with ADHD just learning that he was a fucking demigod, what did you expect him to do, just sit silently and obey orders, the fuck?
His own sister, the only family he has left, leaves him to join a bunch of random girls that they just meet a day ago, basically telling him that he was too much to handle and was a burden that she wanted to get away from.
He was continuously left out of the loop and not told what was going on, despite a lot of it being stuff that he had to know in order to stay alive.
He really trusted Percy, and looked up to him a lot (don't know if his crush develops then or later), he saw Percy as someone safe, someone he could go to, but then Percy breaks his promise to him, resulting in the only family he has left being dead (Yes, it wasn't really Percy's fault, but Nico was ten years old and didn't really see it like that).
They gave on trying to find him really quick when he ran away. If he were anyone else, Annabeth, Grover, Tyson, even if it were Conner, Travis, Selena, or even Clarisse, the search wouldn't have stopped until they found them or their body. But with Nico they only search for like what, two months give or take, but deciding that he was dead and basically forgetting about him. And if I'm remembering correctly they didn't even alert they other campers that he was missing, just told Chiron, and kept it between them like he wasn't even worth it. And if they thought he was dead why didn't they have a funeral for him?? They really didn't care that much did they?
Nico spend months, maybe even a year, trying to contact his sister, only for her to ignore his calls completely. Percy comes, tries it ONCE, and she comes running, ignores Nico to talk to Percy, and when she finally talks to Nico it's basically, "Hey, stop trying to summon me I'm not coming back. And stop blaming Percy, idiot." Then leaves. His own fucking sister.
An evil ghost pretends to be his friend and mentor for a year, trying to get Nico to do evil stuff and kill innocent people, which Nico never does, ends up seeing through all his lies and defeating him all by himself, only for people to think he's evil because of it. Like it's not his fault he was tricked, he had absolutely no one, and no answers to his questions, and when someone comes along offering him comfort and answers of course he's going to take it!
Pan, an actual God, acknowledges every single person in that room, telling them how great they all are and stuff, but completely skips over Nico and ignores that he's even there.
Hades tells Nico that Bianca would have been better, and that he wishes he died instead of Bianca, and from the looks of it that's not the first time he's said that, and Nico thinks the same thing. Having Percy stand there, hear that, and not defend him in anyway, it had to of hurt a lot. Like I get that Percy was angry with Nico, but Nico was twelve years old and still planned on taking Percy to the river like he said. Nico even says before that Hades promised him that he won't hurt Percy, and that he only wanted to talk to him. Percy doesn't care that it's not Nico's fault Hades doesn't hold up his part of the deal, didn't even tell him about his mother like he promised, and remains angry with Nico.
When Nico goes against the GOD of the Underworld to save Percy and take him to the river, Percy chokes the twelve year old, and makes it clear that the ONLY reason his isn't KILLING Nico is because he has no other way out.
He then leaves Nico down there with a God that is angry with Nico and could and would kill Nico with no hesitation for disobeying him with even feeling a little guilty about it.
When Nico is at camp after saving them and convincing Hades, Persephone, and Demeter to help in the war, the campers around down even try to hide their thoughts and comments about him. Saying that he was evil, too skinny, smelled like death, was creepy, a freak, made fun of him for having no friends, saying that they don't want him there, that there was a reason there wasn't a Hades Cabin, made it clear that they didn't trust him. And no one defended him. Again, Nico was twelve years old, hearing all this, it was clear that he was unwanted and and didn't belong at the one place all demigods were supposed to feel safe, wanted, and be part of a family, he wasn't wanted there.
And that's only the things that he's seen himself, like imagine if he knew that one of the only reasons Hazel was able to convince the seven to save him was because he had information for them. They were seriously going to just leave him to die. That's absolutely horrible.
So yeah, Nico thinking that people don't like him, and don't want him around isn't just him being an angsty emo teenager. His whole life people have shown him this, and have made it clear that he isn't welcome, so he distances himself from others not wanting to be a burden or make them uncomfortable just from him existing. He's not being dramatic, he's only using what he has been shown his whole life.
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