#Para is telling his friends *everything* he knows about auroras
veinsfullofstars · 3 months
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🌌 Memories of wonder 🌌
(ID: Kirby series fanart, Childhood Friends AU, of the kids - Bow Dee, Meta, Dedede, and Para Dee respectively - seated side-by-side in their winter garb on top of a snowy hill dotted in footprints, their backs to the viewer, gazing up at the green-blue waves of an aurora glowing overhead across the starry night sky. END ID.)
Part 1 | Part 2 (you're here!)
Sketch started some time in 12/23, render started 01/08/24, finished 03/13/24.
28 notes · View notes
nuka-blackwell · 3 years
A Haunting Past EXTENDED {Tiana/Rora/Marzel/Nuka/Marisa/Ella/Bambi}
The full version including Willa’s capture, Rescue & Bambi’s timely arrival.
+ Memories are stolen and returned. Lives are lost and save.Final goodbyes are given.
Once you get to the battle it’s the same I was just trying to be fancy, so this has everything.
Same TW: Blood, Broken limbs, Death, Wrist Slash (from Sora’s wound when Nuka took the blood) TW are in the para as well.
@truitt-story @aurora-rosewood @cinderellaashbourne
Nuka hadn’t considered his little game with Tiana would ever be useful. Of course he intended for it to be fun and had even gained access to her house because of it. But finding out the princess of the forest lived in the house.
Lucky day for him indeed.
Slipping in even while the house was busy wasn’t difficult, he had passed Aurora by her room and quickly compelled her to forget him before he walked into the room with Willa having her quiet down in a moment.
They didn’t want to draw any attention now did they? Yet it was curious that there were bags packed as if Miss Willa and Ella were about to leave town. A shame for them they hadn’t moved a little quicker. But curious indeed.
Not enough for him to worry about it, not when he heard footsteps and he slipped out the window heading to Talon Manor.
One Sacrifice was in hand and the remaining would walk in by themselves later tonight.
They were pretty much all packed and ready to go. Ella would be a liar if she said she hadn’t been waiting for Aurora and Tiana to tell her that something was happening, after they revealed the truth about themselves. About the knights, and all the rest of it. It seemed like it was building to something, and had she not known about her friends, Ella would never have known about it at all. 
Though at least she and Willa would be out of the way for… whatever it was. She had made a deliberate decision not to ask too many questions, both so that she wouldn’t worry too much about the other girls and so that, should anything happen, she could claim deniability. 
All that was left to do was to collect Willa. Ella had put her down for a nap, hoping she might sleep through the journey out of town, if only because travelling with a baby was difficult at the best of times but made even worse when that baby was fussy. She crept up the stairs with the practised silence of a mother not wanting to wake her child, and peeked into her bedroom, where Willa’s crib was nestled in the corner. She knew where all the creaky floorboards were, avoiding them as she moved through the room, arriving at the side of the crib with a soft smile.
It fell away when she saw that the crib was empty, though.
“Willa?” Ella took a step back from the cot, dread sinking like a stone in her stomach, making her feel cold all over. Willa wasn’t one to climb out and run around, she never had been… “Willa?” Ella called again, louder this time, panic creeping into her tone. Last time she had found Willa gone she had been halfway through the woods, taken by the trolls--
“Tiana! Aurora!” Ella cried, skittering to the top of the stairs. “She’s gone! Willa, she’s-- she’s gone!”
Tiana had barely slept that night, but somehow, in the early hours of the morning, she had managed to drift off. Which meant that she had a harder time getting up than usual. She trusted Ella to take care of the things she needed to get done in the early morning, so she took her time getting out of bed and getting ready. She was just finishing up the sandwich she had made Ella for the road when she heard Ella’s voice. What was that? Gone? Who—
When Tiana saw Ella’s face, though, she understood. A feeling of horror and dread settled in Tiana’s stomach. It was just what they had feared. Willa was gone. They hadn’t moved fast enough.
“Are you— are you sure?” Tiana stammered, though she knew there was no use. Of course Ella wouldn’t have missed her somehow. She looked to Aurora. “I mean— right. We’re going to find her, we have to— did anyone see anything last night?” Her head was spinning, but she had a feeling about who this could be.
Aurora was dazed, much like when she woke up from a sudden fainting spell, she was curled on her bed, dressed and ready for the day but it took a few moments to remember why she was ready and why Ella was screaming.
When she had though, she jolted out of her room running to Tiana and Ella the dread and heavy weight settling in. They had been too late, they had tried to protect Ella and Willa and they failed. Maybe whoever took her was close, Aurora could do what she did in Elfhame, extend her magic into the earth and see how far she could reach.
“If they are close I can- I can tell-” Aurora stated running back out of the room Lolly close on her heels barking madly at the commotion and the panic. Trying to tell them something no one could understand.
Getting to the backyard wasn’t any help though, whoever it was, was long gone and although Aurora had a feeling of who it was, or at least what family she had no proof.
“It has to be them right? The Blackwell’s.” Aurora stated meeting back up with the girls. “And we’re going to get her back.” 
It took Ella a moment to stumble down the stairs after Aurora; her eyes were fixed on the crib, the empty cot, the room that she had turned upside down when she had looked for Willa. She was just willing her to crawl out from under the bed, or behind the curtain, or something. Or anything. Anything other than the reality she was now faced with.
Was she such a terrible mother? To have her daughter so easily snatched from her not once, but twice? After the first time she had never left Willa alone, she had watched her round the clock, slept with her right by the side of the bed. But time had gone on, and nothing else had happened, and Ella had let her guard down. Things had seemed so normal, but she never should have begun to settle, she could see that now.
“The Blackwells?” She asked, fumbling the words, her throat dry and her mouth feeling like it was full of chalk. “What-- what about the Blackwells?”
Tiana couldn’t bear to look Ella in the eyes. She had failed her. After all the training, all the preparation… even though Tiana had thought living with two Knights would protect Willa, Tiana couldn’t help but wonder if it made her even more of a target. The horrible feeling of guilt in Tiana’s stomach grew.
“Remember when we told you about that… Knights of the Round Table thing?” Tiana started, looking to Aurora for confirmation. “There was a little more to the story. We didn’t get into it because it was still sort of developing, and if anything were to happen, we didn’t want to put you in more danger, having that knowledge. But I think you need to know, now.”
Tiana took a deep breath. “There’s a plot to take over Swynlake. By these people. The Blackwells. It has to do with undoing the charter. And there’s a spell that requires… certain items. And certain people. It’s, er, why I had a weather vane stashed in my room for a little bit, for example. I’m wondering if— it’s possible that Willa was a target.” 
The implication dawned on Tiana: that meant Willa’s life could be in danger. “But we’re going to get her back,” she added quickly, glancing at Aurora again. 
“We never knew who they wanted just they wanted people.” Aurora supplied with a grimace. “We wanted you to get out of town before anything. I’m so sorry.” This was their fault. They should have moved faster, quicker. Done more. Done so much more.
“I don’t care what we have to do to get her back. We will. I promise.” Aurora stated without a second thought, perhaps she considered herself a pacifist, but taking someone she loved meant that she was going to do what she needed to get Willa home. To make this little family whole again.
“I know you weren’t planning to go but are you coming with us? A rescue mission of our own?”
She didn’t blame her housemates for a second. Even if there was more to the story than what they were telling her, it still wasn’t their fault. Ella knew that they would’ve done absolutely everything in their power to protect her daughter if they had known, and now she trusted them to do everything they could to get her back.
But like hell was Ella letting them go without her.
“Of course I am,” She said after a moment, once she had collected herself just a little more. She had to be strong, for Willa. She had to keep herself together until she found her again. “I’m not going anywhere without her. Not without my baby.”
Tiana couldn’t imagine what this was like for Ella. She didn’t have any children. But she knew that her own mother would have done just about anything to keep her safe. So of course they had to get Willa back, and unharmed. She and Aurora had promised Ella that much. And beyond the promise, Tiana couldn’t imagine the house without Willa. She had developed a deep tenderness for Ella’s daughter over the past year, and now Tiana would do what had to be done to save her.
There wasn’t another option. Tiana wasn’t going to think about the alternative. 
“Then that’s what we’ll do,” Tiana said decisively. “If the Blackwells took her, then our best shot at finding her is going to the ball. We’ll search the place, top to bottom. And we won’t leave without her.” She took Ella’s hand. “We’re getting her back, Ella. I promise.”
Nuka watched everyone fall, as he held the unconscious Willa in his arms, her mother was here as expected and so were Tiana and Aurora, what he hadn’t accounted for or expected was both of them to jump into action. He had wanted Tiana to cower in fear like she did every time. He wanted to see Aurora falter the way she had last time.
But it was fine, it didn't matter too much to him. Nuka had all the time in the world for the game. Right now all he needed was a bit of Willa’s blood and with a prick of her finger, Nuka collected it. Abandoning her on a nearby table. 
Don’t worry little Willa, or the girls trying to rescue her. He would be back for her. He still had a game to finish.
So much was happening, and it would be so easy to be distracted, but Ella only had one thing on her mind. She was looking for her daughter - she didn’t even care about the person who had taken her, she only wanted Willa. She just wanted to find her daughter safe and sound, and get her somewhere else - somewhere safe and secure, where they could lie low for a while. She wasn’t thinking too far ahead, admittedly. Her focus was just getting Willa, and keeping her safe.
Ella looked across the room, her gaze moving quickly, like she was pulled towards it, and she saw her: her little baby girl, being set down almost gently, as if the pair of hands holding her actually cared. Ella didn’t even bother to look at whoever it was had set her down, though she was sure Tiana and Aurora would-- she was already pushing her way across the carnage, all but throwing herself towards the table to grab up little Willa where she lay.
“Willa, sweetheart, my poor baby--” Ella shifted her in her arms, brought her close, pressed her ear to her chest until she could assure herself of the beating of her little heart. It was hummingbird fast, but it was there, it was strong. Ella ignored the tears in her eyes and held her daughter close, shielding her with one arm. “She’s alright,” She said, turning back to her housemates. “She’s alright, I think.”
Tiana was surprised that Nuka left Willa without much of a fight. She had been readying herself for a battle, to do anything she had to do to get Willa back in Ella’s arms safely. It almost made Tiana a little nervous. Because Nuka clearly had more up his sleeve. 
But Tiana couldn’t think about that right now. First, she had to make sure Ella and Willa got to safety. As Ella picked up her daughter, Tiana watched Nuka disappear into another part of the ballroom. She stayed there for a moment, her sword raised, until she could be quite sure Nuka was not coming back. He seemed otherwise occupied. For a moment, Tiana wondered if she should go after him, but she had to make her first priority Ella and Willa. If the Knights needed her, she would go help them as soon as she knew her housemates were safe. She turned back to the others. “Is she okay?” Tiana said, rushing over to Ella. “I think— we can try and find someone to check her out, make sure she isn’t hurt?”
OLLIE (TW: Blood, Arm Gash)
His next choice was a human, one he had seen quite a bit at the hospital lately, working with kids. How kind and caring. Not really.
Grabbing Ollie’s right arm he cut horizontally deep enough that it was quite a bit of blood and exactly how Nuka liked it. Really Nuka should have punctured each of the flowers on his chest but he was being nice and time was more important. He could play with his food later.
Aurora followed quickly her hands on her taslisms, ready to make sure she protected the girls. She had failed once already but she wasn’t going to fail again. All of the Blackwell’s were running around quickly and suddenly she wondered why she never figured it out before. 
They needed to stay on guard. And ready for anything. 
Surrounding Ella, Aurora made sure Tiana and herself were the first line of defense as everyone else jumped into battles, Marzel was with his sister. There were so many people unconscious. “We need to figure out if she took the same thing as them or she’s just unconscious.”
They could’ve all been vampires, every single one of them, and it wouldn’t have stopped Ella. She had hunkered down by the table where she had scooped Willa up, clutching her close to her chest; it was the first time she really stopped to look around and even then, it wasn’t to wonder what was going on. It was only to try and find the best way to get them out of the carnage and somewhere safe.
“I think she’s ok,” Ella said, glancing up briefly at Aurora and Tiana before she looked at her daughter again. She couldn’t be sure, of course she couldn’t, but--
Willa wriggled a little in her arms, and then blinked big, blue eyes up at her mother. Ella felt lighter almost immediately, like she could finally breathe again. “There you are,” She said, a smile in her voice, tears in her eyes. She looked up at Tiana and Aurora again, giving a nod. “She’s awake - we have to get her out of here. We can go to the forest, maybe. Bambi should be able to look after us both.”
SORA (TW: Blood, Wrist Slash, Broken Ribs)
Nuka ran over to the next target glancing up only briefly at his Mother and Arthur as they began to tumble. He’d help her soon, not that she needed it, Arthur was unmatched in both brilliance and brawn. He had no chance.
But Nuka felt that tick of annoyance building up. How dare any of them think they could face them. How dare they try to oppose them.
|| Grabbing the boy's wrist Nuka made a slash || drawing the blood needed and even though his wrist dripped blood it wasn’t enough for Nuka. Dropping the boy roughly he kicked him in the ribs forcing him back into a wall feeling just slightly better at the small act of violence.
Tiana let out a sigh of relief for the first time that night. Willa was okay. That was what mattered. And Bambi would help, of course he would. Tiana tried to avoid turning serious, urgent moments into sentimental ones, but she couldn’t help it. She pulled Ella and Willa into a hug. 
“Be careful. Stay there until we give you the all clear,” Tiana instructed. “I’ve got a feeling this night is only going to get scarier.” She glanced at Aurora. “Should we all walk there together?”
Aurora nodded, they needed to get Ella to safety. First and foremost that was the most important thing. But there were so many screams of terror around them. People were going down. And then the most terrifying sob was heard and Aurora twisted her head to Marzel and his sister.
“I’ll back both of you up. Ella go!” There just wasn’t enough time for anything and that was the point. Strike when they were all down at least they hadn’t poisoned a child at the very least.
It was surprisingly easy to find her feet. Ella would’ve gone alone, if Aurora and Tiana had needed to stay here to help, but she was glad that she didn’t have to. When Aurora told her to go she was up and running, following Tiana through the crowds of people. She kept Willa’s face tucked in against her chest, shielding her from as much of it as she could until they were out, and hopefully, safe.
“Thank you,” She said, once she could hear herself think. “For finding her. And for helping us both,” She looked between her housemates, smiling softly. “I suppose your night isn’t over just yet, but… we should be safe, until we have the all clear.”
TONY (TW: Broken Arm, Blood)
Salt - They had trapped his Mother with salt. These people were prepared for it and it pissed Nuka off. He needed to move quicker. As that anger ticked higher and higher, the only thing stopping him from jumping in and killing the knights was the fact his Mother needed him to collect the blood.
One more to go after this. Grabbing Tony’s arm roughly he heard the bone crack before he even drew the blood, but Nuka’s eyes were wild as he slowly stopped caring. 
Not that he did before but he dug into Tony’s skin to draw his blood before running off to his next target.
Tiana whipped her head around at the sound and froze for a moment, but then she remembered what she was doing. She had to get Ella and Willa out. She could help Marzel once she knew they were safe. 
“Right. No time to lose,” Tiana agreed, motioning for Ella to follow her to the door. It was a good thing Talon Hall was so close to the lake, and to the forest. Hopefully the animals would have alerted Bambi. 
The forest was in a tizzy. It had not been unaffected by the strange smoke that billowed through the town. Of course, the animals were left alone, and himself, but those few humans and humanoids that resided within its borders were overtaken. 
Something was very wrong. 
In an instant, the edges of the forest shored up, becoming denser. Old paths grew over and entrances to the forest became indistinguishable from the rest of the treeline. Bambi was not taking any chances with whatever this was. 
Only the birds and the smallest of critters could manage to make their way through. 
That was how he found out that Ella and Willa were headed to the forest. He cut a path, following the birds, to where the would be and with a clench of his fists, a hole opened in the trees just as the trio stopped. 
“Ella,” Bambi said, flicking his eyes towards the other two with her. He assessed them for a moment before looking back at Ella and his sister. “What’s happened?” 
Aurora made sure to cover the girls as they ran, the smoke was blinding and they didn’t have much time. They were going to have to move fast, be back to help the others but Willa and Ella were their family too and they needed to protect her.
Standing in front of the Great Prince was something though, even if he seemed like a kid.
“There’s a group of Vampires trying to destroy the town?” Aurora mused with a slight shrug. “It has to do with the Charter and we don’t know the repercussions of it. But it’s not going to be good. If you can protect Ella and Willa, Tiana and I would be grateful and we can go help the town.” Aurora offered a little more sincerely looking at each of her housemates. They would be fine after this, they had to be. 
“They took her,” She blurted, shifting Willa in her arms. Ella didn’t know what exactly her daughter could hear, but she supposed it must be the forest. As soon as they had gotten close she had perked up a little, looking surprisingly no worse for wear, and now that she was within arms reach of her brother Willa twisted in her mother’s arms, reaching out a chubby little hand for him. 
Ella wasn’t so delighted, though. She knew Bambi would understand how she felt - he had been there the first time, too. “For whatever it was they did. I think she’s fine,” she added, looking at Bambi. “But I don’t… I don’t think I’ll feel safe at home.” 
Bambi’s eyes narrowed, pinched, at the sorceress. Humans were so troublesome. 
Except, of course, Ella and Willa. 
He stepped closer, though he did not leave the comfort of the trees. Reaching out, he touched his sister’s hand with his own, as if reassuring himself that she was alright. His heart clenched in his chest to think something might’ve happened to her. If it was up to him, he would keep her here in the forest. Where she would be safe. 
It was not up to him. 
At least she appeared unharmed. 
“Of course, Ella. You know you are welcome here, any time. The trees are open for you.” He grabbed Ella by the bicep gently and pulled her closer, toward the trees. He looked over his shoulder at the women. 
“If there are any other children and their caretakers that need protection, tell them to come to the forest edge and say that they are a friend to the trees and creatures here. Children only.” And with that, he flicked his wrists and the trees and foliage closed around them again, plunging the forest into darkness. 
Tiana had never ventured very far into the forest. Under other circumstances, she wasn’t sure she trusted this. But Ella trusted Bambi, so Tiana did, too. She made a note to tell people to bring children to the forest, if they had to. 
“Thank y-“ Tiana started, but the forest had already closed itself again. She turned to Aurora. “Alright, we’ve got to get back inside. I think I saw Nuka trying to hurt Marzel, I—“ Tiana couldn’t speculate. She would only make herself crazy. “I’ve got to go help him, before it’s too late.” 
Nuka’s last target already had a knight over her body, his sword drawn to protect her. Did all of his games have to have knights attached to them? It was annoying. Dull. Boring. Blood needed to be drawn first before they really fought.
Maybe she was a distraction and he would be useless.
Either way he still had to get through him. Rushing Marzel, Nuka grabbed the sword in his palm so even though it sliced him he disarmed Marzel grabbing him around the throat so he couldn’t speak.
“We did our research. We know your kind. Don’t think your voice is going to save you here.” Nuka mocked holding tighter and tighter until Marzel couldn’t breath. The sword tossed to the side, Nuka reached over with his bloody hand though it healed and snapped Marzel’s wrist as Marzel kicked out with the power only a merman’s tail could have (Well with legs) pushing Nuka away and dropping Marzel again in front of his sister.
Coughing out Marzel leaned low. He didn’t have his human weapon but he would fight to the death to protect his sister. 
Nuka didn’t have the time, Arthur was fighting his Mother and she needed the charter broken now.
Rushing ahead Nuka didn’t attempt to play nice anymore, slamming Marzel into the wall and letting him fall limply to the ground.
Marisa was next. And Nuka was pissed off. Grabbing the girl’s throat he squeezed watching her even unconscious struggle for a breath before he sliced down her arm, watching the blood fall like a waterfall. More than enough to shatter that charter. And with this he had done what he needed to do.
Weren’t you proud of him, Mother?
Looking up at his Mother to see how she was doing, that elation dropped and Nuka snarled, she was bleeding.
What had he done, what had Arthur done! She wasn’t healing!
Nuka needed to get to her, to protect her. And as he worried about his mother his grip tightened on Marisa’s neck, cracks heard but not cared about. It was this distraction that allowed Marzel his opening. Slicing his sword through Nuka forcing him to drop Marisa, Marzel rushed to catch her and stop her head from cracking on the ground.
Grabbing his sister Marzel checked her pulse, watching her head lull to the side. At first he couldn’t even find it and when he did it just grew weaker, fainter. Her name could heal- maybe- hopefully. He just needed to stop the bleeding as it pooled around them. 
Marzel scrambled to rip off pieces of his jacket trying to stop the bleeding. Begging his sister to live. They were supposed to go back to the ocean, they were supposed to lead their pod. He was going to follow her to the ends of the earth.
He had only been here to protect her.
The sobs ripped out of his throat as he tried to save her as he begged for help, covered in her blood.
“Marisa, please. Please. I’m sorry I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you. I’m sorry. Please just wake up. I’ll do better next time please. I won’t fail again. Please. I’m sorry Valentino I promised you I’d protect my family and I failed again. Please please. Just give me this chance.” Marzel begged again and again as his sister’s head lulled to the side.
Those words couldn’t be the last. Those words couldn’t be the last ones he heard from her.
This couldn’t be the end, it couldn’t.
“Wake up please. Wake up.”
Well that worked? Even if it was a bit rude. All that mattered was that Ella and Willa were safe. And any kids that needed protection as well.
Nodding at Tiana they both rushed inside, where Nuka was ready to go after Marzel again and he was clutching at his sister sobbing. 
Tiana had remained in the shadows, trying not to let Nuka see her. She just needed to protect Willa and Ella. That was top priority. And she trusted Marzel to handle this on his own. After all, the sparring attempts with Belle had proven that Tiana was not the best fighter. But she was small and quick, and she believed she would be best suited to hanging back.
But when she saw what Nuka did to Marisa, Tiana had to clasp a hand over her mouth to hold back a scream. It was just so brutal, so cruel. And so surreal. Once, Tiana had considered Nuka and Marisa her friends. Marisa was her best waitress, and Nuka was one of her best customers. And now, he had-- no. He couldn’t have. Marisa had to be…
Nuka fell and Marzel caught Marisa, and the sound of his voice was enough to confirm to Tiana what had happened. Tiana staggered backward, her hand still over her mouth, tears falling without Tiana even really noticing, feeling like the wind had been knocked out of her as she struggled to catch her breath but it caught in her throat. No. No. No.
She couldn’t stand there any longer. She had to do something. Tiana rushed over to Marzel, one hand on his shoulder, the other reaching for Marisa’s hand. It was all over. The realization was crushing and horrible, but Tiana knew it was a million times worse for Marzel. He needed to get out of here before he got hurt-- or worse. He was in pain. He wasn’t going to be thinking straight. Tiana knew loss well, and she didn’t know if she would still be here if she were in a battle situation when she had found out what had happened to her father.
“Marzel,” she said in a low voice, a little wobbly but determined. “Take Marisa and go. Someone can help her. There… there has to be something. But I’ll take on Nuka. You need to get out of here.”
They had gotten Willa back and for the most part that was all Aurora cared about, at least until she could tell how many people were getting injured during this. It was bloody, it was terrible and Aurora couldn’t stop it. Directing Lolly to stay at Ella and Willa’s side Aurora watched the terror appear on Tiana’s face and her rush down to Marzel and Marisa.
She didn’t know them well not more than within the knights for Marzel but the pain of losing a sibling was insurmountable. Aurora already knew that. His regents were painful to look at.
But Nuka was already standing and Marzel wasn’t moving, as he continued to sob into Marisa’s chest, her heart a slow beat.
Marzel couldn’t even feel the pain of his broken wrist. Not when it felt like his heart had been ripped from his chest. Did he have anything to live for if he had failed his duty.
Tiana’s words barely registered to him. He did need to get Marisa out of here, he needed to get her help. Gathering her body in his arms ready to run Nuka stood up and Aurora moved to grab her talismans keeping Willa and Ella behind her.
“Too late.” Nuka called out. “One, Two, Three, Falter. One Two Falter.” He called out in regards to Marisa’s heart. “She’s lost too much blood. Even a mermaid like you can’t survive that.” Nuka grinned a side glance thrown to Zira and Arthur. She would be fine. Nuka had a game to play and it seemed his favourite player had thought she won.
“Can you really take me on Tiana. Of course you don’t remember all the times you already tried but it never goes well.”
Wait— a mermaid?
Confusion flickered across her face as she looked at Marzel and Marisa, as though trying to figure out whether that could be true just by looking at them. No, not the time, Tiana thought. She’d try and figure that one out later. Right now, there were lives at stake. And she wouldn’t put it past Nuka to say something just with the purpose of confusing her.
She drew her sword, praying that her practice wouldn’t fail her now. Oddly enough, Tiana thought of Belle. Irritating, maybe a little bit, but self-assured and competent. She needed to channel a little bit of that energy. Maybe that twisted ankle wouldn’t be for nothing.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. But you’re outnumbered, Blackwell. We can do this the easy way or the hard way,” Tiana said in a voice that was not really her own. She wished she could muster the strength of Gareth— but Gareth was scared, too. Tiana was just going to have to lean on her team. “Either say your piece and surrender, or you’re going to lose this fight.” 
Nuka scoffed at Tiana’s ill placed confidence. He could say his piece but it would be more fun for her to relive it. Meeting her eyes Nuka compelled her to remember before meeting Aurora’s and doing the same.
Anger flooded through Aurora as she remembered and it was only one instance to remember. Reaching out Aurora threw the seeds forward quickly turning the house into a battlefield she could control vines wrapping around him and when he ripped them and moved away Aurora tried again and again. Not letting up. She didn’t know how Tiana would react and she needed to cover her.
And Marzel who had sunk to the ground knowing his sister wasn’t making it out of here, not alive. He tucked her hair behind her ear and softly sang to her as if he could take away any of the pain she might be feeling. Marzel had failed but he would get revenge for her, even if he died doing so.
Slowly Marisa’s heart stopped and Marzel whispered his goodbyes forcing himself to stand. His voice was still horse from what Nuka had done earlier but it wouldn’t matter. His wrist was broken but it didn’t matter not as he drew his sword again.
He was going to kill this bastard.
There was so much happening at once. Too much. Time seemed to go in slow motion, the vines creeping over the floor and Marzel falling to the ground and the memories coming back to her, one after the other. Each one started out familiar: Nuka, joking and flirting with her at the bar. Nuka, walking home with her after work. And then the unfamiliar part: Nuka, sinking his teeth into her neck. It was almost like Tiana was back there again, in that alley, and she felt the terror seize her in a way that was so real, so palpable, that she never wanted to feel that way again. 
Tiana was proud and stubborn. She didn’t let anyone control her destiny but her. And yet the memories proved that someone had, over and over again managed to terrify and control her, then wipe it from her memory. That was what angered Tiana most. Not the blood drawn from her, not even the betrayal of someone she had once considered a friend. It was the fact that Nuka had managed to make her feel so weak and pathetic, so out of control of her own life. 
As she grasped the full extent of what had happened, Tiana started to become aware of her surroundings again, and she heard Marzel’s song, low and mournful, an unfamiliar language. Maybe he was a merman… but that was not the point right now, Tiana reminded herself.
Nuka had taken away the one thing Tiana clung most tightly to: her dignity. And, worse, he had killed a woman in cold blood, an innocent woman, someone who used to help Tiana when the restaurant got crazy and who made Tiana want to be a better boss. And clearly someone who Marzel loved very dearly. Tiana had never seen Marzel like this before. She had always thought he was cold, guarded, closed-off. Marisa brought out something different in him. And now, she was gone. 
This time, Tiana didn’t even need to pretend. She was angry, numb to the pain, ready to do whatever it took to make Nuka feel as pathetic as he had made Tiana feel. “You are despicable,” Tiana spat, raising her sword higher. She glanced at Marzel, who was drawing his sword, and she could see something dangerous in his eyes. Under other circumstances, Tiana might have told him to go, that he wasn’t in his right mind, that he shouldn’t do something he might regret. But Tiana had no mercy left. Not after the horrors she had just seen Nuka commit. “Rot in hell.”
She exchanged a look with Marzel and then charged forward, her sword raised. 
Marzel truly had no emotion on his face, the anger seeped just below the surface bubbling, his rage was palpable. He was empty, his purpose in life was to protect his future Queen and he had failed. Just like he failed to protect his late fiance, just like he failed to protect his home.
There was nothing quite like the rage of a siren scorned. And this time it was toward a vampire and thankfully not a human. 
Nuka didn’t notice nor care about this journey on Marzel’s face, but Aurora did. She watched the waves of anger roll off of him and she never knew an instance she had seen a reagent that dark and suffocating. It was only matched when Nuka glanced up and watched his mother fall to the ground and his rage surrounded him.
Suddenly the vines he had been able to dodge along with Tiana and Marzel’s sword weren’t what he was focused on. 
Nuka screamed about killing him while he battled the two knights but as soon as Aurora could surround him she grabbed him tightly with all the vines even as her head swung.
“I can’t hold onto him much longer!” Aurora yelled out.
This was probably some of Tiana’s best work when it came to fighting, which wasn’t saying much, considering her inexperience and her ankle injury, but it was saying something. She managed to hold Nuka off, anyway, even if the few hits she managed to get in barely seemed to faze him. The vines helped. But Tiana didn’t want Aurora to use all of her energy. 
“Aurora, it’s okay! We’ve got it! Save your energy!” Tiana called over her shoulder. She wasn’t so sure about that, but if Aurora fell unconscious, it would be another person down. And another person the Blackwells could try to use for their scheme— although, as Zira fell in the distance, Tiana gained more hope that the Knights might actually be able to stop them. 
No time to think about that, though. She kept trying to pin Nuka against the wall, but he was too fast, too strong. At the very least, though, the vines kept him from escaping. 
It occurred to Tiana, as she and Marzel surrounded Nuka, that if he slipped up even slightly, they could beat him. And then— what were they going to do? Turn him in to the Sheriff? Make him beg for mercy? Kill him? Tiana had never in her life wanted to kill someone before. She wasn’t sure she did now, even. But there was a determined glint in Marzel’s eye. And after seeing what Nuka had done to Marisa… Tiana made a decision.
If Marzel tried to kill Nuka, Tiana wasn’t going to stop him.
She slashed at Nuka, slowing him down, and shot Marzel a meaningful glance. One that said, Do it. 
Marzel didn’t know what was up with Aurora and Tiana, why she couldn’t hold her magic. But he did know he didn’t need her to hold him. Even now as he struggled against the vines, hissing and ripping them apart. 
Aurora stumbled even with the call of Tiana. She needed to conserve her energy and even without Lolly she knew she was using too much of her magic. With Willa and Ella behind her they couldn’t take a chance.
But there was a moment that Nuka stopped fighting, a calm surrounding him and Aurora watched Marzel’s lips moving singing him into a stupor. Slowing him down enough and reaching out for Tiana. The last blow would be his.
This wasn’t the first time that Marzel had killed someone and it wasn’t going to be the last, there was no hesitation nor was there any regret. Not for Nuka of all people. Marzel wished he could make it more painful.
That’s why at the last second he stopped his song, waited until the recognition flooded his face and then Marzel sliced through his neck his head falling off his body and he stabbed his sword through his body.
“How do we make sure he’s dead?” Marzel questioned. Glancing back at the girls.”
“Fire?” Aurora supplied weakly, all her resolve to do anything to protect Willa and Ella, Tiana now that she had jumped into a fight escaped her as she her vines got coated in blood. She had participated in that.
It all happened so fast. And Tiana thought she had prepared herself, but how did you prepare for a murder happening right in front of you? Even if it was one you had aided in, of a person you despised more than anyone else…
A wave of nausea came over Tiana. But she had to focus. Nuka was a vampire, which meant it would be difficult to tell whether he was dead for good-- Tiana tried to remember what she knew about killing vampires. Not very much. Maybe she should have studied this more… but it was too late at this point. 
“Sure. Yes. Fire,” Tiana said, trying to get her bearings. One thing at a time. Having a next step to focus on helped. Zooming out too much and thinking about how insane all of this was did not. She realized she was shaking all over. Tiana took a deep breath and tried to focus on the task at hand. “B-but I don’t want anyone else getting hurt… maybe we ought to go outside? Or we could find a Magick who could do it…” 
In the distance, other fighting continued, but Tiana tried to block it out, Otherwise, she was going to completely lose it. One thing at a time.
“I’ll just burn his head. He can’t survive that.” Marzel stated simply. Perhaps he would feed his body to a shark or something. Of course that would be hard to do but Marzel didn’t care. Nuka deserved to die in the most painful way possible.
Gaining a lighter from somewhere Marzel arranged Aurora’s vines in a way to burn them and eventually Nuka’s head. It was Simba’s voice that brough Marzel’s attention away and he glanced to Arthur.
“I’ll finish up here. Go to Arthur.” Marzel would be right behind, his eyes trailing to his sister’s dead body and focusing back on disposing on Nuka.
Tiana didn’t have to be told twice. She wanted to get away from this scene as quickly as possible. The image of Nuka killing Marisa would haunt her forever, she knew, and the less time she spent here around all this death, the better. But there was one more thing to do.
Tiana glanced at Aurora to make sure she was still conscious (she looked a little ill, but still okay) and then turned her gaze to Marisa. Her coworker. Her friend, even, lately. Tiana burned with regret that she hadn’t gotten to know her better. But all she had was this moment.
“Just… one second,” Tiana said, and knelt down beside Marisa’s body. If only she had gotten here sooner— if only she had been strong or fast or brave enough to take Nuka down before he had the chance to harm Marisa. She couldn’t change the past, but she could at least do her best now to say goodbye. She took off her tuxedo jacket and laid it on Marisa like a blanket, like she could be sleeping, covering the massive gash on her arm and the bruising on her throat. 
“I’m so sorry,” she whispered, her eyes welling up with tears again. It was so uncharacteristic of Tiana, to be emotional and sentimental like this. But everything felt wrong. Everything felt off. This was the only thing that felt right. She imagined this was the kind of thing her mother would do if an innocent person was killed, and that was the thought that she clung to. Compassion and kindness and gentleness. Things Tiana didn’t always think she was capable of. So she channeled Eudora. 
She pressed a gentle kiss to Marisa’s forehead and then stood up, rolling up the sleeves of her dress shirt. “Alright. Let’s go find Arthur.” 
Nuka’s head burned and there was no relief from the pain. The anger and grief, he had killed and nothing felt better. Of course Marzel knew it wouldn’t solve anything, he killed and killed and none of the lives of his pod had been returned. This would never heal Marzel, nothing ever could.
He was a broken man before his sister died and he was nothing of one now that she had.
Marzel barely appreciated Tiana’s sentiment, he couldn’t. He just didn’t have it in him.
Stumbling to his sister Marzel ran his fingers over her hair before picking her up and setting her away from the fray. She wouldn’t be hurt anymore tonight. And this night wasn’t close to being finished, even as Aurora and Tiana moved to speak to Arthur, Marzel knew it wasn’t over, the night was just beginning.
Eventually Marzel stood, placing a kiss on Marisa’s hair. “I’ll be back soon. You would want me to protect the people here wouldn’t you? To love and appreciate humans. I may never to the extent that you did. But I will protect them for you. That I promise.” Marzel stated softly before moving to join the other knights around their king.
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jodierolls · 5 years
(Draft from November)
September 28, 2019
I was in Baguio, preparing for taking LET the next day. It was months of preparation and I’ve built enough anxiety and stress to the point that I always find my self shaking whenever I get the thought of the coming day. I also got the greatest self doubt I ever gave to myself, never believed that I’d pass. I was even preparing myself to resign on my current occupation in case that everything goes off.. syempre sino ba naman ako para maging confident pumasa.  Di naman ako sobrang talino at wala pa kong anim na buwan na nagreview and among nearly 80,000 takers per exam 20,000 lang pumapasa and I’m not even an educ grad.Really, I was at my lowest for these past months. And this ... 28th day of September came. I was busy being with my school group in Baguio, visiting our own LET school placements and rooms so that we won’t be lost on the day of the exam. We had home made lunch at a friend’s house where I felt the Earth shook a little. It was an uncanny feeling but didn’t brought it up. I also got into the first fog that was taking place on the streets of Baguio. When we got back to our transient house, it was afternoon. We were supposed to raise hell and review a bit  more and that’s when ... I ... got .. the news .. “Wala na si papa” “ Umuwi ka na” . a month later writing this, sobrang sakit pa rin kahit na sabihin yung mga salitang ‘yon . And yes, I planned to leave and go home that instant. “It’s over” that’s what I thought. What’s the point of taking LET when the one of the most important person to you is gone. I am so lost. If ever, to whom... would I dedicate my passing results? To the people that never watched me grow up and be the person I’d want to be ? To the people that doesn’t even remind me to eat regularly and buy me a lot of coffee, cups, socks and shirts because their my favorite things? To people that I can't tell my deepest fears. Lol I thought failing was a deep fear. Papa, was that person. Aside from mama, he was the first person that understands me because we think alike. Papa was always ready to catch me and provide guidance whenever I need it. He the most patient person ever. Like me, he was more fond of writing down his thoughts rather than personally talking about it. He was fine. Imperfect but okay. He took me to perfect dates whenever he can even though he gave me a challenging childhood. He loved me and he knows he's my dearest. I'm his sweetheart... I'm carrying that lifetime password forever. Just like this my thoughts of him were flooding my mind and it overflowed through my eyes. As I ponder the news of his death, I run through the last time we met, I came home from Aurora in July and we were supposed to celebrate my birthday but failed to because he was sick; the last words I said, "Pagaling ka pa! Sayang uwi ko!" and he flashed his tight lipped smile to me as if it was was one of my usual jokes; the last words he sent me "Dapat nagdala ka ng jacket at medyas! Bumili ka dyan!" when I was whining about how cold Baguio was. I wasn't fond of chatting for months even though I held my phone most of the time. Back to the reality, did I feel regret? No. He understood me and I understoom him back. We are who we are because of each other. What I felt was tremendous amount of grief and I was a total wreck that afternoon. I cried for hours wanting to give up and go home. My friends didn't let me because "Gugustuhin ni Papa mo mag-take ka ng exam" and it was true. I had the worst headache in my 24 years of existence because of crying so much and that's another huge plus of me doubting if I can take the exam the next day. Can't even think of what would happen if I breakdown in the examination room while taking the test. I was a mess. I didn't go home, I didn't review even though I tried to read but tears was technically leaking out. I was tired of crying and found myself sleeping, then waking up and crying again- it felt like an endless night for me. Finally my manager got the news and checked me if I can take the test; also assured that it's okay if I can't and do whatever I think is best.
September 29, 2019
I woke up fine and felt that I can physically take the exam mentally and emotionally? NOT. Funny, the first thing I thought of was I a main character somewhere? Is this a punishment for liking manga and anime too much ? Is this somekind of joke that will put me to the verge of my sanity? My body is moving today because for other people isn't it? I took the test, I tried my best, I really did. Was confident of it 1/3 but I know that wasn't enough. All I ever did was prevent my tears from falling and finishing the exam while answering to the best of my intentions.. The plan went well though, it took all of me to ignore the tears the image of my father smiling at me while taking the test. After that, I went home. Six hours on the bus crying only thought that only happened in movies .
October 2019
Imagine the meaning of black hole actively shows the state of where I was. 
November 2, 2019
Mama and I went over places to pay homage to our loves ones. Before we went to the cemetery where my lola is buried, we visited the house of my tita. I was in shock we I saw the state she was in .. remembering just a few months ago she was so this little lively lady who loves laughing out loud and having conversations where you two would seem to talk at each other blatantly. But on this day, she had her smile upside down.. lines followed down  her face like there were no laughter visited her smile for a long while. Her tears blurred her gray eyes once she saw me and my mama went in to her house. She extended her arms as if she wanted us to take her away but quickly switched into extending as if they were longing to be filled with bodies in between ... it was so sad. Her body was so thin but her grip was loving as ever. Mama and her talked where they were both sure that that was one of the last time that they would talk. It was so heartbreaking ... to witness .. things I couldn’t do with papa . She didn’t want us to go that day but it was raining hard and we had to go to the cemetery and papa’s place. She repeatedly held us and just said our names as if she was reminiscing how we grew up. She forced herself to stand up just to bid us proper goodbye on her doorway. After visiting lola and papa, I told myself that I ...
Tita died yesterday November 13, 2019 ... and being away from Manila I am too useless to show any sign of grief. 
I don’t know why I took the time to write this but I guess this helped me sort my feelings out. I’m still flustered and very anxious because the LET results will go out this month. Laughing is a luxury. I don’t even know when was the last time my stomach ached because of laughing my insides out. I get small hehe’s~ time to time but my heart always feel tired. 
0 notes
auroramelody · 7 years
Sticks and Stones will Break my Bones and Words Will Always Hurt Me || self para
Contains: abuse, blood, guns, sharp objects, violence, needles
Aurora knew her reasons for having a bodyguard were genuine. It wasn’t for any other reason apart from fear for her ex-boyfriend. She had nothing else to worry about and people assumed her reasoning for one was stupid. It was as she lay, blood pouring out of the wound from the gunshot where she realised just how much she needed protection. He was a killer and he was out to get her. This was just a warning, she knew she was fucked. In this moment, she knew she was either going to die right now or die once reunited with Blake. 
It had been a busy few days for the brunette. She’d been spending the past several days up in the city, sorting out work for her parents. Aurora hadn’t done anything for the family business for a long time, not since she had fled Australia once he had been re-released from prison. She’d pretty much been in hiding, not posting anything on social media. She knew it wasn’t exactly going to help matters know. She knew more than most that Blake didn’t take no for an answer. The meetings had been boring, taking a lot longer than she hoped for. It did feel good getting back to what she was good at. Before her stuttering had taken control over her and anxiety plaguing her life, she used to be very confident. She used to love doing modelling and working on all the different aspects of the huge empire the Black’s owned. 
It was on her final day when, Aurora, trying her best to do something out of her comfort zone, decided to go for a walk down Times Square alone. Sure, Jamie was somewhere nearby, a quick call away but it was more than she expected. She felt so unsafe in cities nowaday, she felt unsafe wherever she was. It wasn’t as if she felt relaxed even round her friends in the Hamptons. Although the busy tourist spot was frightening to her, she did feel good. Aurora had grown up with theatre and music and did miss it. It wasn’t even like she wanted to get back into it herself but be in there again. The brunette would love to see another Broadway show again and get back to a better place in herself. 
As she was about to cross the street, a car stopped in front of her and before she could realise what was happening, Aurora got pulled into the car and it sped off again. It was obvious that no one had seen it. It had happened in a split second and she knew why this had happened. There was no way this was just a random kidnapping, there was nothing special about her really. She knew Blake had power and had a lot of bad people on her side. It made her sick to think that maybe he had been planning this for a while. Planning for a moment where she was vulnerable. As she was about to start screaming and pounding on the windows, a cloth was pressed against her mouth and she slowly lost consciousness. Her last thought before finally being dragged under was of Jamie, knowing he took his job seriously. 
Pain was all Aurora felt as she started to come round. There was a pounding in her head, as well as an aching pain on her cheek. She could tell even then that something wasn’t right, she hadn’t had an alcoholic beverage for years, not wanting to use it for pain relief. Her eyes were fluttering awake as she came round from whatever had happened. It wasn’t until there was another pain, this time in the other cheek that she remembered. She’d been kidnapped and drugged and whatever was happening now, they wanted her awake. Letting out a small groan, she opened her eyes a crack, seeing a figure standing over her. As her eyes began to focus, she realised who this person was. Nathaniel. She hadn’t seen the man for a long time, not since her and Blake had ended. He was Blake’s best friend and she had always felt uneasy around him. He had out a small smirk as he saw her change in reaction, “Little Rory. Wow, it has been a long time. We’re going to have a lot of fun tonight, Princess. Don’t you worry. Now, we’re just going to give you a little something extra for the rest of the journey.” At that word, he again pressed the cloth against her mouth, holding her mouth as she spluttered, breathing in the stuff again. It took a lot longer for her to be knocked out completely this time, now she knew what was going to happen. She knew she was going to die in Nathaniel’s hand or Blake’s. It was that or they’d force her into doing something she didn’t want to go but that thought wasn’t even worth thinking about. 
As she woke up again for the second time, she could tell something was different. She was outside, she could feel the cold breeze of the night, at least that’s what she had assumed. It had been around nine the last time she checked the time so it was either later on that day, or she had been knocked out for over twenty-four hours. Her thoughts were cemented when she woke up, seeing the black sky, though it was still light from the pollution in the city. This thought at least relaxed her slightly. It seemed like she was still somewhere in the city, not like she was locked in a room somewhere, unaware of where she was. She didn’t even know what she was feeling in this moment. Aurora felt numb in shock and pain, nauseous at what could’ve happened when she was all unaware. She knew her ex was dangerous but she had never expected this. The man’s escape from house arrest had been done weeks after bribing his way out of the prison but this to her didn’t feel right. She hated just how long she had stayed in the abusive relationship but it had never gone past emotional abuse with a bit of physical after drinking. This was on another level, a crazy level she never would have expected. 
As Aurora grew more and more in control of her body, she started looking around. She was in an alley somewhere, what she guessed as being on a dodgy end of Brooklyn, in a random long alleyway with no one around. She couldn’t see Nathaniel or anyone else around her. It felt odd to her but maybe they thought she’d be out longer or something. She realised that if she was truly alright for a bit, this was her only chance of escaping. She didn’t know anything else but that. Slowly she started to stand up, feeling completely shaky but prepared. Her body hurt all over and she didn’t feel good at all but the only thing getting her through it was survival. She didn’t want to die, not like this. As she took her first step towards one of the ways, she heard the chuckle and out from the shadows, Nathaniel emerged, flanked by a few guys. In their hands were guns, all were pointing towards her. 
Aurora looked at the middle man through the haze of tears she hadn’t even realised were falling. “W-What’s going on, N-Nate? W-Why are you d-doing this....?” The man glared down at her, the gun not moving. “C’mon, Rory. I didn’t think you were stupid. A fucking bitch who acts better than anyone else but nothing else. Why the fuck do you think I’m here? Blake has sent for me and he has a little message for his little princess.” The brunette flinched at the words, “I-I didn’t d-do anything w-wrong.....All I wanted w-was a normal life...” Nate let out a bitter chuckle at those words. “You could’ve had everything you ever would’ve wanted, Black would’ve done it for you until you blabbered to the police and got him in prison for a year. He’s very angry at you, that’s why I’m here. He’s buying his time but don’t you worry sweet pea. You’re about to be reunited very soon. He knows you will run away and start crying again, hell he’d find that hilarious but unnecessary. He knows about Romeo, you know and he’s not happy. This is a message for you to both stay put and keep away from your Prince Charming. This is the least of your worries.” Before she could even let out a word, she heard it. The sound she never expected to hear again in person. 
Aurora had heard the bang before she felt the pain in her stomach and as a second shot was fired, this time into her shoulder, the female fell crashing to the ground, groaning out in pain. Her ears were ringing from the sounds and everything just seemed to be going so slow, everything seemed to be so dead. It seemed like hours had gone by, although it could have only have been a few minutes. She thought that she blanked out, not that she could be able to tell. Unable to do anything, her body’s adrenaline running out, one of the men turned her around. Although everything was slightly blurry, she could faintly make out the three shapes hovering over her, one holding a knife over her neck. Her ears were ringing too loudly to hear what they were saying, though she caught one small snippet in whatever he was saying. “See you soon.” She managed to get from reading the lips just metres from her own before they all started walking away. It was silent then, apart from the sound of distant crying. Shit, was that coming from her? It was in this moment when she realised that this was the end. Aurora blanked out, unable to control the pain. She was almost certain that she’d never wake up, she was a goner. She was either going to die right now or as soon as he was back in her life. This time, he wouldn’t take any excuse and wouldn’t go easy on her. 
Beep. Beep. Beep.
The sounds of beeping caused the girl to stir, opening her eyes slightly. She could see a figure standing over her and after drifting in and out, she realised it was a doctor, at least it was someone in a white coat. She could hear her one heart monitor suddenly speed up and it took her a moment to realise she was having a panic attack. Suddenly the room was filled with more people, one injecting something into her arm. Relief. She felt calm again, a straight aura of peace she guessed she hadn’t felt for a while. The man walked back forward again, this time speaking. “I’m sure that you are very confused, everything will come back to you in due time.You’ve been in a medically induced coma for the last few days. The Doctors’ said that you’ll be here for at least three weeks to recover., we thought we had lost you. There was a lot of blood. Can you remember what happened?” For a moment, she was confused before it all came back to her. The alleyway, the guns, was she shot? Nathaniel and his words. The words she dreaded. Blake was coming back into her life, her honeymoon was over. Realising the doctor was waiting for her to respond, Aurora let out a small nod, wanting him to carry on. “I’m afraid whoever did this ran off and there’s no footage of CCTV to show who took you. I hate for this to be the first thing but do you know who did this to you. This time Aurora shook her head, fighting back the tears. “We’ll let you get some rest right now, you can go back to sleep. You’re in safe hands and you’re going to get better. Your parents have been informed and are on their way back. Do you have anyone you can call.” Romeo was the first name that came into thought, though she could remember them mentioning him. She didn’t want her ex to be hurt because of her, so again, she shook her head. Realising there was nothing else to do, everyone left the room and whatever the doctor gave her, kicked in. This time because she actually wanted to, Aurora lost consciousness. 
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theredquccn · 7 years
Todo Era Azul | Self-Para
Where: Cancun
When: June 7th, 2017
Notes: Valentina makes a new friend. 
Warnings: FEELS, suicide mention
Valentina’s thrill fest had tapered down. Everything that was considered suicidal, cliff jumping, bungee jumping, binge drinking, it was all over, she survived. To celebrate, she decided to go wander around town as the sun began to set over the horizon, after all, that was when Cancun came alive. While her classmates and friends all zipped past her to go to a club or a bar, she headed her own way, just walking throughout the streets, past the little shops where she bought jewelry and a protection necklace. It was the little things like that, that made something inside Vallie tell her that maybe life was worth living one more day. That was what she’d keep telling herself everyday, after all. 
As she continued to wander through the streets, so did her mind. Though she wasn’t one for gossip, she did feel guilty for the wildfire she was sure to spark. She loved Flynn but was selfish enough to consider wanting to kill herself and in the process she managed to drag her friend Caleb down with her and in the process of that, she managed to drag down Aurora. “So that’s who he’s had his eyes set on...” She whispered to herself with a chuckle. She reminded herself to give him shit about it later. 
Suddenly, she heard a faint yipping sound as she walked past a few more shops. The girl’s brow furrowed and she looked around to see if it was any of her idiotically drunk classmates, but there was no one around she recognized. She continued to walk and she heard it once more. The girl couldn’t help but follow that curiosity and tried to follow the yipping as best as she could. She then noticed a crate of bananas and little black and white paws. Walking over to the crate, she saw the culprit of the sound. 
It was a helpless little puppy, approximately a few months old, no tag, no mother or siblings--she then noticed the sign in front that said “puppies for sale.” The girl furrowed her brow, knowing that this pup was the last...abandoned...hopeless. Just looking into the puppy’s eyes, she remembered her Blue. Slowly, she crouched down, but the puppy was frightened and cowered into a corner. “Hey...it’s okay little one, I won’t hurt you,” She cooed softly. “I promise, I won’t,” She said once more as she carefully held out her hand, waiting for the puppy. The puppy, apprehensively walked over to Vallie’s hand and sniffed it a few times, within a matter of moments, the little pup licked the girl’s hand, nuzzling its head on her hand. 
“Atta...” She stopped and tilted her head and responded, “Girl.” She lightly rubbed the puppy’s head and giggled, “You are gonna be the bane of my existence, aren’t you, little one?” She cooed as she carefully took the puppy from the crate. Her tail wagged excitedly as she went to lick Vallie’s face. Vallie giggled, for the first time in a long while. She smiled, for the first time in a long while. “C’mon, let’s take you home,” She whispered as she kissed the top of her head. “I’ll name you...Azul.” 
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Henrik Mikaelson (Colton Haynes OC) Accepted! You know the drill, Annie!
Name: annie
Age: 21
Timezone: gmt
State an account where we can message you: dis one
How active you’re going to be: (1-10) 6/7
How did you find out about this roleplay? in it brah
Why do you want to play this character? bc henrik is my child  
Anything else you would like to tell us? (Changes, suggestions…etc)
Preferred Ships: chemistry
Sample para: RFP.
Name: Henrik Mikaelson Birthday: June 17th (24/1000+) Species: Warlock Lookalike: Colton Haynes Availability: Taken
Henrik used to be a bubbly, happy boy. He loved purely, he was honest and loyal, just as you would imagine any young child. Time however, that’s something that can be a dangerous thing. After he had died a second time, Henrik was older and wiser, but it was not something to be admired, not when he was stuck on the other side. The centuries made him bitter, if not a little twisted. The kind soul is still there and he still finds that he enjoys certain things. Certain people he had met on the other side made him laugh, and he loves to tell a joke or twenty. He’s quite sarcastic and at times, rather boisterous. After all, he technically still is just 24 years old. Henrik’s entire soul was forged in a place where only dead things lay their head, and he’s made him sly, sceptical and smart. People are con artists, and he is no different. If you have something he wants, he will either charm it out of you, or steal it like a thief in the night. Henrik cares very little for whatever people may label him, so long as he’s being who he wants to be, that’s all that matters. Just like his family, his patience is testy, his anger can be un-controlled, and being surrounded by the darkness both thrills and displeases him. If he cares for you, there’s nothing he wouldn’t do - if he considers you a threat… Well, we all know how a Mikaelson handles those.
Henrik was the youngest of the Mikaelson’s. He was the reason his mother made his siblings into the Original vampires. His death spared the war that still rages on between vampires and wolves, but can Henrik really take the blame? All he did was fall at the claws of a wolf, it was Esther who made the decision that she would not suffer the loss of another child. Little to anybodies knowledge, Henrik ended up on the other-side. He was human, but he was also a warlock. He was forced to watch his family destroy themselves. They couldn’t see him, or hear his pleas, Henrik was useless to stop his mother performing the spell that would set the course of history. When it all came out that Klaus was not Mikael’s son, Henrik was disappointed in his mother. Not because of her affair, but because she did not accept his brother for what he was. Not that he would admit it, his young soul would never speak out of term to his mother, but he was hurt that she would betray her son. And so, when he witness Klaus taking her life, he fled. He didn’t want to have to speak to her, he wasn’t ready. Though, the other-side can be a very small face and given his young age, he was only able to hide for so long, until he had to face her. It had been a century, or so? The amount of time that had passed had gave Henrik the space he needed. When his mother saw his face, he was also pleased to see hers. A hundred years with no love, no comfort, his mothers embrace was welcomed.
It was no secret, Henrik hated being alone. He didn’t want to be on the other-side any longer, not even with his mother. So when Esther told him she could help him come back to life, his little face lit up with happiness. The only condition was, Esther demanded he didn’t try to contact his siblings. How could she ask that of him? He agreed, he would not seek out his family and in return, he could walk amongst the living once more. That was all he wanted - to be a part of something real. Henrik was only young, it’s not like he truly understood what he was agreeing to, but once he was brought back, he found himself to be more alone than he was dead. No family, no friends… What was the boy to do? After a week of being alone, he met a family on his travels. They were kind and they welcomed him into their home. Gave him food, shelter, and even a place to call home. Henrik was more than grateful, especially since the family could barely spare anything, they still took him in with no expectation of anything in return. Just over a decade had went by, he had adapted, he considered the family who took him in, his family. He grew, he worked, earned his keep, he became like a child to them and he loved them dearly… But - there was a deep, empty hole inside Henrik’s heart. The burden he carried, he did so alone. Nobody knew who he really was, and he longed for his blood siblings. No longer a child. No longer afraid of his mothers influence, he decided to find his brothers and sister. He used his blood to locate them, said goodbye to his family and set off on his way. Though, the journey was long and rough, Henrik was weak with an illness he assumed he would overcome. However, fate had other plans and whilst he was on the boat to England, he grew more weak, his body was failing him and he passed away before he reached the shore. At 24 years old, he was back on the other side.
Henrik wasn’t the baby his mother longed for, not now he was a grown man. He had a voice of his own and Esther did not appreciate what he had to say. Though he was saddened and even bitter about how his family seemed to have moved on without him, he would protect them against Esther no matter what. Avoiding her as much as he could, Henrik spent the next centuries passing through, watching his family from the other-side. Klaus. and the way he would slaughter innocents with no care for the carnage he caused. Elijah, with his claim to nobility, even he shed blood when it suited him. Rebekah, and the way longed for love, but was always left in the cold. Kol, who disobeyed and ran around like a reckless infant. Finn, who lay in a coffin, forgotten just like he was. These people would be like strangers to him had he not kept a beady eye on their movements. The centuries were long, lonely, but Henrik would not be beaten. He encountered many witches on the other-side, befriended them. Though, his friendship would come at a cost once the right moment presented itself. It wasn’t that he used people, not entirely, the company was often quite a pleasant thing, but Henrik could not be truly happy. Not until he was back in the real world. Capable of speaking to his family and actually being heard. That’s why, when Kol’s little witch Hazel died, she became the first person he was truly happy to be around. She was the one. She would help him return, he would make sure of it.
The ancestors wanted Hazel’s neck in a noose and given that they were not fond of Henrik’s intentions either, he took it upon himself to protect the witch with everything he had. Whilst they were together, he protected her from the ancestors, all the while keeping his true identity a secret by telling her his name was ‘Rik’. Not a complete lie, really. Henrik could easily understand Kol’s infatuation, Hazel was one hell of a strong soul. When Hazel was brought back to life, it gave Henrik a stronger connection to the living. With the power he had collected over the years, he was able to whisper in Hazel’s head, contact her. He asked for her help, it was never a secret to her that he wanted to be alive, so he hoped she would not betray him. And to his pleasure, she did not. Henrik pushed from the other-side, with his power and with the power of some witches, and Hazel pulled from her side. The process was harsh, but ultimately, a success. After all these centuries, Henrik could finally say that he was truly breathing. His identity remains a secret, but he will reveal who he is once he has settled. After he has connected with his family.  
Henrik has been in Mystic Falls for only two weeks, laying low, adjusting to his new lease of life. His family is a mess and he knows this, he also knows that his presence may not be welcomed. Not if he allows his bitterness to overcome his love. Henrik is angry that his family rarely, if ever, speak his name. Mad, that they never tried to bring him back… Pissed, that he was seemingly forgotten. He almost believes he would be un-wanted, but there is a tiny spark of hope that maybe, he will be proved wrong. Aware that he is not the child they remember, he knows it could prove difficult to get his family to believe he is who he says, so he has decided that if he has a say in it, he will introduce himself to Freya first. After all, the two never met, but she herself is in a similar position to him. With her being a witch, he hopes she will be able to sense it.
Fill out.
The Mikaelson’s
His family, Henrik is the youngest sibling, his death was the reason Esther made his siblings into vampires.
Hazel Prince
His saviour. He protected Hazel from the ancestors and formed a bond with her. In turn, she became the witch who helped him come back to life. He is in her debt and considers her to be a friend, not just a useful asset.
Aurora De’Martel
Curious of her, if not sceptical. Henrik is unsure if she is the person she says she is, or if her intentions with his brother are less than pure. They have not met, but he hopes to change that.
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Congratulations ANGELA! You have been accepted as AURORA GIORDANO.
Note from Admin Jade: This application demonstrated such a beautiful portrayal of Aurora from start to finish. From the delicate naïveté shown in your sample to your description of the icy queen that now stands in the place of the slain princess, you’ve painted a stunning multi-faceted portrait of this complex character. We can’t wait to see what you and your Aurora bring to the dash!
Name: Angela Age: 25+ Preferred Pronouns: she/her Timezone: CST Activity Level: I work a full time job with 12 hour shifts, so there are some days that I cannot get on and do much, but I am still a very active RPer and at least check in every day even if I cannot write a big reply. I always let my admins and partners know what’s going on. Triggers: REMOVED Anything Else? Some very minor tweaks since last time, specifically in the motives section.
Desired Character: Aurora Marice Giordano
Aurora: Dawn Marice: “Star of the sea” (Latin) or bitterness (Hebrew) - the dichotomy in meaning is particularly appropriate for this stage in Aurora’s life Giordano: Descend or Flow Down
Describe this character in your own words:
Aurora is a girl whose upbringing was steeped in fairy tales and wonder until it all come crashing down around her. She was beautiful, protected, bright, and adored; the image of her mother and the joy of her father. Her family delved into darkness but none of it seemed capable of attaching itself to her. She was like a creature from an old hollywood film, beautiful and untouchable. Incorruptible. Audrey Hepburn mixed with Grace Kelly and Cinderella. Her life was enchanted, perfect, and as lovely as she was. A hopeless romantic, she was content to wait for true love, the kind of love that existed in fairy tales. When she met Christian, that was exactly what she believed she found.
Her brother’s best friend made her heart leap like no one had before. He was brilliant and gorgeous despite his lonesome upbringing. The fact that he had her brother’s friendship and her father’s blessing made it all the more clear that they were meant to be together. He treated her like the princess she had always considered herself to be, playing the part of the princely gentleman to perfection.
They say hindsight is 20/20 and Aurora never fully understood what that meant until her wedding day. Her sister in a white gown, the love of her life leaving her broken hearted and humiliated. All of a sudden those little things she’d let blur into nothing as she focused on her love came into sharp focus. The way Christian and Giuliana would whisper to each other. The questions about what her family did and how they did it. The way he’d wormed his way into the heart of the business through her and her brother. And she’d been so stupid, so blinded by her love for him that she had given him everything. Love like that, all consuming, could not survive. It burned too hotly, too fiercely to be extinguished, it could only rage and burn itself out until she had nothing left but hurt, betrayal, and the desperate need for revenge.
Christian LeFevre would regret this action until the moment he died, hopefully at the hand of a Giordano. And Giuliana? Her betrayal would be her undoing, Aurora would see to that herself. Gone is the naive heroine of the fairy tale, gone is the little girl who dreamed and danced and knew nothing of the darkness. That darkness was her birthright and had always lurked in her soul, waiting for the right catalyst. The fact that she was able to distance herself from it for so long only makes it stronger now. There is a hissing in her ear, a voice similar to Christian’s, telling her that no one is trustworthy, they all have their own agendas so she might as well serve only her own. She cannot trust anyone but herself. Given the right motivation, anyone and everyone will turn on you.
They might have killed the princess, but in her place stands a queen, icy and untouchable.
What are this character’s motives? What drives this character? What are their goals?
Since the aborted wedding, Aurora’s goals and motivations have changed drastically. Once she wanted to live happily ever after, now she truly understands that was never an option. She stayed out of the family business before, but now she’s going to make up for lost time. Christian’s love may have been a lie, but she still learned things about the man when they’d been sharing their lives and her bed. The gauzy, immaterial goals for her future that she’d clung to as a child have warped, crystallized and hardened, focused with laser precision on the destruction of the Lefevre’s stolen empire.
Giordanos have ruled in this city for generations and she will do whatever it takes to ensure that they continue to do so, regardless of the personal cost. She has to find a way to hurt those who hurt her family, who hurt her, and to make such an impression with the pain that they’ll never be able to get up and try again. You do not cross the Giordano family and live to tell about it. It is a lesson she is all too eager to teach her selfish, ungrateful sister and that bastard husband of hers. With the anger burning so hotly inside her, it is difficult for her to flesh out a truly poetic plan the way she knows she needs to, but it will come to her. It might be temporarily satisfying to burst into their home and mow them down with a machine gun, but she knows it’s will be far more satisfying to destroy their marriage, their very souls, before they are taken out entirely. The games have only just begun.
Despite this, Aurora is not as reckless as her little sister, actually going out in the night and committing acts of violence herself, but she can understand Alessia’s choices in theory. She still wants to protect her and would prefer if she let those hired to do the unsavory aspects do their work in peace but Aurora can identify with the need to make sure it’s getting done. It might even comfort her to know that her little sister is smart enough to make sure she doesn’t let anyone get under her defences.
At this point in her life, self preservation comes first. And second. No one will ever hurt her the way Christian and Giulianna did. Never again will she allow herself to be in a position where that could happen. There must always be a piece of her she keeps back, something held in reserve to ensure she cannot be broken so completely. Additionally, she has started keeping track of the things that can be used against others if needed, even those she loves. Or tries to remember how to love. Minor grievances that would have once been shrugged off are now carefully catalogued in her memory. She ignored the red flags once, but never again.
What potential plots do you foresee for this character? Where do you see this character’s story going? What potential storylines would you like to explore, both with the character themselves and as a part of the group as a whole?
Would you be open to this character’s death? Though we’d love to keep all characters alive and well in an ideal world, the nature of this group may put some characters’ lives in danger at one point or another. Should your character’s death be necessary for the furthering of the plot, would you be open to the idea of killing them off and working with the admin team to create a new role for you to take on? Absolutely. I’m all for it if it’s in the best interest of the RP.
The day of the wedding dawned bright and clear, the sky a brilliant blue and the air sweet with flowers and birdsongs. Though Aurora had hardly slept, she bounded out of bed with a smile and began her preparations. Nothing could slow her down or dampen her spirits. Not today. The morning flew by in a whirlwind of manicures, hair appointments, makeup, and photographs. It was everything she dreamed it would be and more. She was the center of attention, the golden princess buoyed up by love and joy and excitement. This was her fairy tale, the start of her own happily ever after.
He loves me.
People kept asking if she was nervous, if she had any cold feet and she could tell them honestly that she did not. Christian was her soulmate, she could no more doubt true love than she could doubt that the stars shone in the sky. She was so blinded by her own devotion that she completely missed the snarl behind her oldest sister’s smile and the fact that she wasn’t getting ready with the rest of them. Giuliana had her hair and makeup done, the style remarkably similar to Aurora’s own, but she had yet to put on her dress as she sipped a glass of champagne. The wedding planner would make sure her sister got ready in time, Aurora wasn’t worried.
He loves me.
Before she knew it, guests had poured in and everything was set. It was time.
Christian and the rest of the groomsmen stood at the front of the large church and Aurora couldn’t help peeking in to see them. It was bad luck to see him before the wedding, but surely this didn’t count. The wedding was practically underway. He looked as handsome as ever in his crisp black tuxedo standing beside her brother and the priest. Her heart thumped madly in her chest. This was it. The processional began, her mother taking her seat up front before the bridesmaids began to walk down the long aisle to the front of the church.
“Where is Giuliana?” Aurora hissed at her father, clutching his arm as they prepared for their turn. Alessia turned over her shoulder and shrugged. “I thought she was right behind me.”
Waving the younger girl on, Cassius sent the wedding planner to look for his eldest daughter. The woman had no sooner rounded the corner than Giuliana emerged. She was not dressed in the rose pink gown the rest of the bridesmaids wore, but in all white, right down to her bouquet.
Aurora blinked at her, dumbstruck. “What are you doing? What are you wearing?”
Giuliana didn’t answer, she merely moved in front of her sister as the wedding march began to play and strode confidently down the aisle. Whispers rustled through the crowd as the people realized this was not the Giordano they’d come to see married. Christian beamed at her, looking at her like she was the sun, an expression so full of triumph and adoration that Aurora thought she was going to be sick. She stood at the back of the church watching her sister take her place beside her fiancee. Franco looked as though you could knock him over with a feather, Alessia’s face was a dark cloud, and Bella looked confused. Was she supposed to be happy for the couple in front of her or upset for Aurora?
“Dearly beloved,” the priest began, not missing a beat. This had been planned. Extensively planned. Giuliana and Christian were getting married and they’d hijacked her wedding to do it. Heads darted back and forth between the wedding happening in the front of the church and the spurned bride standing at the back as if waiting for the punchline that would never come. A strangled sob sounded from her throat and she turned and fled, dropping her flowers along the way.
He loves me not.
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Marion “Ri” Harper Accepted! You know what to do, babe!
Name: Annie
Age: 21
Timezone: GMT
State an account where we can message you: this one
How active you’re going to be: (1-10) 6/7/8
How did you find out about this roleplay? in it brah
Why do you want to play this character? *cackles* bc i’m feeling the strong urge for a sadistic little maniac
Anything else you would like to tell us? (Changes, suggestions…etc)
Sample para: RFP.
Preferred Ships: chemistry
Name: Marion “Ri” Harper Birthday: 23/600+ Species: Demon Lookalike: Ksenia Solo Availability: Taken
They say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and Marion is certainly a fire starter. Inflicting pain and forcing others to bow down to her is one of the many little things that satisfies her mind. Others would probably say she loves herself, and they’d be right. She believes herself to be the vision of perfection. Smart, cunning, beautiful, sadistic, in her eyes, she’s everything - better than other people. These days, her mind would be labelled as a mental illness, but she won’t hear of it. Marion won’t be banned into that category, she thinks it’s a human way of explaining what can not be understood. She can be a playful little terror who masters the art of deception, if only to see the ruin on peoples faces when they see who she really is.
Marion finds that the majority of her human life is blurring out in her memories. All apart from one. One memory remains clear, and the reason, clearer yet. With both parents, an elder brother and a younger brother, she grew up in the 1400′s, in a small little village. As she got older, Marion became fascinated by death, much to her families dismay. They detached from her instantly, which only made her fury bubble. They dared to deem her unworthy of their attention, and this was not going to stand. When her younger brother passed from an illness, Marion was the only one home. She used her fathers tools to pluck his tiny teeth from his mouth. Her parents, nothing short of mortified when they caught her, made the bold mistake of saying that her soul was tainted by the Devil. And her reply? “But daddy, I only wanted to make a necklace so mother could wear it.” Of course she knew that was twisted, but what she failed to understand was why people didn’t share her way of thinking. Why didn’t they embrace life, gore and all? Why did they cry over trivial things?
Life after that grew even harder for Marion. She took to not speaking much, not that anyone would speak to her if she tried. Nobody here understood her. They took her brilliance and craft for granted, and it made her bitter. It seemed she couldn’t do anything right in the eyes of her parents. Everything she did, or said, resulted in a beating, until one day she decided she had enough of her fathers wrath. Her plan was new, but perfectly executed. She carefully and swiftly slit her elder siblings throat in his slumber, making deadly silent strides into her parents room, she covered her mothers mouth and slid her fathers knife slowly into her heart. The fear in her birth givers eyes was intoxicating, and she couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear. How her father slept through the struggle, she didn’t know, but it gave her enough time to ponder his fate. Marion smoothed one hand over her mothers blood and was quick to place her palm over her fathers hands. When he awoke, the sight of his bloody hands, the sight of his dead wife, and his only daughter standing close by, there was death in his eyes. “What did you do, daddy? How could you do this?” A perfect facade of confusion and even a gush of fake tears.
“How fast can you run, father?” A small giggle and eyes alight, she ran around their small home screaming. Dodging her fathers grasp as he tried to get his hands on her. Her screams woke the villagers, and before they could get to her, she whipped the knife around her skin, cut after cut, she tore her dress and was quick to plunge the knife into her stomach and toss it at her fathers feet. With one last grin towards his horrified face, Marion screamed and cried as she stumbled through the door. “Help. Oh god. Please. Please save me!” Marion fell into the safe grasp of the villagers, who bought into her lies. “He killed them, he killed mymother.” Choking on her fake sobs, there wasn’t a flaw in her perfect little act. They didn’t believe her father when he tried to tell them the truth. With her blood spilling out, she listened to the cries of the women who fussed around her, she watched the men as they held her father down. “Tell him I’m sorry he couldn’t love me, like I loved him.” A final sentence just to break the villagers hearts as she succumbed into the darkness. The perfect revenge. Nobody ever loved her, and now, nobody would ever love her father.  
It was no surprise to her that she ended up in the very place her father said she came from. The stench of death was her version of flowers. And being on a torture rack? What a thrill. Azazel tried to break her, but even in screaming pain and agony, childish little giggles dripped from her lips. She wouldn’t be broken, if this was punishment, she wanted to know what a reward was. Lucky for her, Azazel decided to make her a demon, feeling like she would be loyal to him and a useful asset. And a great asset she was. He gave her power, something she never had before, and better yet? He gave her the freedom to be who she always knew she was. Her ventures with humans turned eyes her way, she was collecting souls by the day, much to Azazel’s pleasure. Like many sick minds, Marion had, and still has, her fascinations. One of them even created the myth of the tooth fairy. She had a thing for teeth. Children’s teeth, to be exact. It was her innocent need, formed by a twisted mind. She’s legend behind the myth. Unable to resist the call of a child who wanted their tooth to be collected. Pity, she was no fairy, but after all this time, Marion finally gets to make her lovely little toothy jewellery.
She was in her first two years as a demon when Micah noticed her in the swarm of demons. They were all listening to Azazel’s demands and needs, but not her. Marion had sat herself on the floor in the background, playing with her necklace. Her first necklace, made from all different childs teeth. She was proud, and in her own little bubble as she heard his mocking cackle. Funny how things change? It wasn’t too long before they ended up as allies. Perhaps even murder buddies. Micah was the first person who truly appreciated her talents, and she has never forgotten. She’s infatuated by him. She knows he wants more power and believes he deserves it too. To her, he is her King. The true King, the only one who should rule hell. Micah was, and still remains the only person in existence who Marion truly loves to be around. She followed in his footsteps, revelled in his madness, and stood by his side, always. She lives to remain worthy of his company, and believes she should be the one one who ever is. Nobody knows him like she does, only she can give him what he craves - at least that’s what she thinks.
After a long stretch in the rotten parts of London, England, Marion has flocked to Mystic Falls, as many do. Marion takes pride in her vessels and chooses them carefully. She took her latest model from a convent in London, and was quick to change their appearance entirely, so it suited her own style. Marion hopes to find exciting new adventures in this small town. Better yet, she hopes to cause some carnage. She’s aware of the high level of supernaturals and is curious to how they haven’t all torn each other apart yet. She hopes to change this.
Micah Garnett
Friend, foe, master, lover, all wrapped into a tight knit, sadistic little sweater.
Follows him because she has to, but doesn’t respect him.
Aurora De’Martel
Never met her but knows she dislikes her. Marion thinks she should be the only one deserving of Micah’s attention, so she despises the fact anyone but her caught his eye.
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Jett Lawson Accepted! We’re excited for the revamp of him, bb--his bio will be updated soon.
Name: Annie
Age: 21
Timezone: GMT
State an account where we can message you: this one
How active you’re going to be: (1-10) 6/7/8 - honestly varies on my work shifts
How did you find out about this roleplay? in it bro
Why do you want to play this character? bc i’m the only one who can fly this jett plane
Anything else you would like to tell us? (Changes, suggestions…etc)
Preferred Ships: just chemistry
Sample para: RFP
Name: Jett Lawson Birthday: November 13th (27) Species: Werewolf (triggered) Lookalike: Sebastian Stan Availability: Taken
With a mind as great as Jett’s, it’s easy to find the simplicity in life, but it’s easier to see all the things that are so, so wrong with it. Ever since he was young, he was always buzzing with energy, filled with questions and excited to learn more about the world he was being raised in. Growing up, he was your typical teenage ‘bad boy’, a trouble maker, so many would say. Jett had, and still does, have a wild soul, he’s un-tamed and he’s slightly crazy - but it’s in the best kind of way. He isn’t scared to go off on those who test his patience, as far as he’s concerned, a good brawl helps release the anger inside him. Plus, he’s confident, Jett knows he can throw knockouts, so most of the time, the cocky side of him pushes his opponent into making the first move, purely so he can show them up in public. That’s just the guy in him though, on the lighter side of him, Jett is loyal and kind. If he considers you a friend, there is nothing he wouldn’t do for you. Sometimes it’s difficult to break through his walls, even if it appears as though he doesn’t have any. Jett isn’t afraid to show his love and affection. He’s the type of guy who will pick you up when you’re down and build you up when you need that boost. To make an enemy of this guy is a dumb move,Jett doesn’t like to be out-done, but he takes it all in his stride – after all, revenge is a dish best served cold.
Jett grew up in London, England, until he was 14 years old. His mum made the decision to move him and his little sister, Erin, to a town called Mystic Falls to follow a business opportunity. Though he wasn’t too pleased with her decision, he never questioned it. Jett knew that his mother was utterly miserable in herself, she just never seemed to smile like she used to before his father ran off with another woman. He figured it could be a fresh start for them all, so he packed up without any arguments. The first few weeks were crazy, but he settled in with no problem, falling in with the ‘popular’ crowd in school. It wasn’t long before he did everything most kids do in Mystic, drugs, drink, girls, parties, fighting, graffiti and nicking off school. His teachers assumed he was just following in the footsteps of his new friends, but he and his mother knew he was too smart for that. Jett made his own choices. They were his and he did what he did because it’s what he wanted, not because he was being influenced. Jett always held incredible potential when it came to his education. At the age of 15, he could complete University coursework like it was second nature, which only caused his teachers and his mother to he overly frustrated with his ‘screw it’ attitude. He didn’t care much for going school, but mainly because he knew that he didn’t need to study, or turn up to classes to be able to ace his exams. No one believed him of course. But when his finals came, along with his 30% attendance, he surprised everyone by passing them with A* grades. Jett always knew what direction he wanted to take his life, he wanted to be an engineer, kind of like Tony Stark. Building incredible things and pushing science and technology to their limits, so that’s exactly what he planned on doing. Sticking around and showing up to school wasn’t the worst thing in the world, not when he had his eyes set on that goal.
Jett always planned on making something of himself, he just never showed it. His criminal record, although only for minor offences set him back, but he always knew that it would. Jett didn’t want to work for anybody, his plan was always to own his own business. All he needed was one person in the right job-role to see his potential and give him a chance. And a chance was exactly what he got. He joined a team and suddenly, at the age of 19, work became his passion, much to his mothers surprise and joy. He excelled and he worked his way upward for the next three years, until that right person came along. They offered to invest in him, in his ideas, with the only condition that he would be in debt with them should he fail. But that wasn’t an option. Jett wasn’t the type to fail at anything if he had a say in it. Turning 22 and starting up a career and business of his own in Atlanta was hard, but only because he didn’t like to be so far from his family. But he perused it, and he succeeded. The next five years only helped him shine, he had hand picked some of the greatest talent and minds in the country and the business he had named ‘Lawson Tech’ was no longer in a small building. it was thriving in a huge building dedicated to their work and pulling in millions every month… And he did it all for his family. Money was never something he cared much for. Sure, it was nice to be able to buy and do what you wanted, but the one thing money could never buy was happiness.
Given his busy life, his mother and sister always visited him, rather than the other way around, until recently, when his sister broke the news that their mum was very sick. He left his business in the capable hands of his colleges and moved straight back to Mystic Falls to care for her. Jett instantly pulled in the best round the clock care he could for his mum, even though she tried to protest. She wasn’t going to get better, so where else would he be other than by her side? Over the weeks though, the stress had gotten to him. Jett was drinking most nights, looking for any single thing that would stop him from feeling so miserable, until recently, it had all gotten too much. Jett found himself in the middle of a bar fight, not that he minded, it merely re-sparked the fighter in him. What he didn’t count on was the fight going outside with the only guy left standing. Purposely, the guy wanted him outside, where there was no cameras, so he could do damage without risk of repercussion. Jett however, wasn’t going to go down without a fight.
Furious, drunk and brawling with the guy in a back alley wasn’t something new, not for Jett anyway. He always had an anger inside of him that he felt like he couldn’t really explain. But given all the stress he had going on in his personal life, his anger was at its peek, so much so he was blind to what he was doing. The other guy was knocked down and unconscious, but Jett’s fists kept slamming into his face. It was a good couple of minutes before Jett stopped, his knuckles bloody and his mind shattered. He scrambled backward, staring at the lifeless body in-front of him, when he felt a surge of energy passing through his body. It was painful, but powerful too, little to his knowledge, that became the moment he triggered the wolf gene he didn’t know he had. Jett had took the body and disposed of it securely, but that only made things a million times worse for the new wolf. He’s still reeling from what he had done, for the thing he had become. Meanwhile, he’s also trying to act like nothing is up with him, still trying to look his mother and sister in the eye without letting on that he is broken, and it’s all his own fault. He’s struggling, but he’s trying, trying to suppress the darkness that seem to be seeping into his soul, trying to go on like nothing is wrong, like one wrong word from even a random person doesn’t make him want to cave in their skull. The real questions are, how strong is he? Can he resist? Can he go on? … Can he even be who he was?
Victoria Harrington
Friend, lover, someone who he knows he can go to, if he ever needed someone to be there.
Dean Winchester
Recent acquaintances, developing a drinking buddy kind of friendship.
Aurora De’Martel
She fed from him, though he was willing and welcoming. She made him feel free and he wonders now, could she make him feel like that again? Or will the fact he’s a wolf change everything?
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