#P.S. but I heard there is a Mexican adaptation of this in the works
not-so-rosyyy · 1 year
have you ever seen pangako sa yo, my mom has become addicted to this show and will not leave me alone about it, now mind you we are not filipino but shes watching it without subtitles or dubbing so shes trying to explain the plot to me but Idont think she actually knows whats happening 😭😭😭
Okay, so Pangako Sa’Yo (literal trans: Promise to You/ international title: The Promise) is one of the most iconic Filipino drama series of all time. It was really big, with its fame reaching other Southeast Asian countries as well during its run. The series now has two versions: the 2000 original and the 2015 remake. If your mom is watching it on Netflix, then that’s the 2015 version (that one has English subs though so perhaps she didn’t turn it on? Lol)
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I wasn’t able to watch most of the remake but I know it has some key details that are different from the original (which is the version I remember even though I was very young when it aired). But basically, it’s the same love-against-all-odds plot with a healthy serving of trauma, revenge, power struggles and class/ socioeconomic issues. It also has all the trappings of a classic soap opera: fixed marriages, forbidden relationships, mistaken identities, switched babies, murder…YOU NAME IT.
The whole story is so complicated 😂 but the main plot is about Angelo Buenavista, the rebellious son of a rich political family and Yna Macaspac, the poor adopted daughter of a humble couple as they fight for their love despite the objections of Angelo's evil bitch of a mom Claudia.
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They’re destined though…in the sense that their story really started before they were even born. Because Angelo’s dad, Eduardo and Yna’s biological mom, Amor were also star-crossed lovers back in the day. They didn’t end up together because Eduardo was married off for political reasons and Amor’s life from then on was actively ruined by his rich family. Amor then gave birth to Yna, but left the baby to her mom when a rich American took interest in her (she only did this in the hopes of giving them a better life). She was abused by the American and while there in the US, she thought her mom and Yna both died from a landslide back home (Yna miraculously survived and was picked up by the couple who raised her).
Desolate, she vowed to take revenge on all the people who wronged her mainly: the Buenavista clan (sidenote but this was a very iconic scene in Philippine television history lol). 20+ years later, she came back as Amor Powers, a very powerful and rich woman who’s now on a mission to destroy every single one of the Buenavistas and their legacy. As all of their paths cross, all the secrets from the past that led to where they all are in the present come to light. Mystery, tragedy and drama ensues!
Anyway, anon may I ask where you're from? It's just so interesting that your mom is enjoying this series 😭
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