#Or 'hashtag relatable' in a quirky way right
ghoulishtomato · 10 months
Modern book readers when their characters aren't literally a clone of Jesus Christ Himself starting at Chapter 1
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How can I make my board game night more fun?
Board game nights are a fantastic way to bond with friends and family, engage in friendly competition, and create lasting memories. However, to ensure that your board game night is a resounding success, it's important to infuse it with fun, excitement, and laughter. In this blog post, we'll explore 10 tips to help you make your board game night more enjoyable and memorable for everyone involved.
Choose the Right Games: Selecting the right games is crucial to the success of your board game night. Consider the preferences and skill levels of your guests, and choose games that are engaging, easy to learn, and offer a good balance of strategy and fun. Party-friendly games like Codenames, Catan, and Ticket to Ride are excellent choices for a diverse group of players.
Create a Welcoming Atmosphere: Set the stage for a fun-filled evening by creating a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere. Arrange seating areas with plenty of space for players to spread out and move around, and decorate the space with themed decorations or colorful accents to enhance the party vibe.
Provide Refreshments: Keep your guests fueled and hydrated throughout the evening by providing a selection of delicious refreshments. Prepare a variety of snacks, finger foods, and beverages that are easy to eat while gaming, such as chips and dip, pizza, and soft drinks. Don't forget to accommodate any dietary restrictions or preferences your guests may have.
Establish House Rules: Before the games begin, take a moment to establish any house rules or guidelines to ensure a smooth and enjoyable gaming experience for everyone. Clarify rules regarding game setup, gameplay mechanics, and player conduct, and encourage open communication and sportsmanship among players.
Rotate Games: Keep the energy and excitement flowing by rotating between different games throughout the evening. Encourage players to try out new games and join in on different gaming sessions to keep things dynamic and engaging. Consider setting a time limit for each game to ensure that all players have a chance to participate.
Incorporate Themed Activities: Add an extra layer of fun and excitement to your board game night by incorporating themed activities or challenges. Consider hosting a costume contest, trivia quiz, or scavenger hunt related to the theme of your chosen games to get everyone involved and excited.
Encourage Social Interaction: Board game nights are as much about socializing as they are about gaming, so be sure to foster opportunities for conversation and connection among your guests. Encourage players to engage in friendly banter, share stories and anecdotes, and bond over their gaming experiences.
Introduce House Rules: Inject some humor and spontaneity into your board game night by introducing quirky house rules or challenges for players to follow. For example, you could impose a "no talking" rule during certain rounds, or require players to perform silly tasks or gestures when certain conditions are met.
Capture the Moment: Document the fun and excitement of your board game night by taking photos and videos throughout the evening. Create a dedicated photo booth area with props and backdrops for guests to pose with, and encourage everyone to share their favorite moments on social media using a designated hashtag.
End on a High Note: As the evening draws to a close, end your board game night on a high note by celebrating the victories, reminiscing about memorable moments, and expressing gratitude to your guests for joining you. Consider giving out small prizes or tokens of appreciation to acknowledge the winners and thank everyone for their participation.
By following these 10 tips, you can make your board game night more fun, exciting, and memorable for everyone involved. From choosing the right games and creating a welcoming atmosphere to providing refreshments, establishing house rules, and encouraging social interaction, there are plenty of ways to ensure that your board game night is a resounding success. So gather your friends and family, roll the dice, and let the games begin!
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vote2 · 4 years
ohhh I'm about to drop out and not in a funny quirky hashtag relatable way but in a I'm looking at what trade school is right now
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fluentlanguage · 4 years
Tips to Improve Your Vocab Memory
Do any of these describe your relationship with vocabulary?
I keep forgetting new words.
I don’t like using lists, flashcards, etc.
I feel like I’m not making progress because I don’t know enough words.
When it comes to language learning, vocabulary is a different kind of monster. Instead of jumping out to scare you (like grammar), it hides until you figure out the right trick to help you learn. The most frustrating part is that what works for someone else might not work as well for you.
But if that’s the case, what can you do to find a method that truly helps you learn new vocabulary?
Why are you learning?
All language learners have a reason for why they’re learning a language in the first place. But what’s your motivation for learning a particular set of vocabulary words?
Maybe you’re still working on the basics or using a list of words to learn from a textbook or an app. Either way, it’s not the most exciting material. In some cases, it might not even seem useful.
One of the benefits of learning solo is that you can choose exactly what you want to learn next. You can focus on vocab for more interesting topics or ignore words you’ll probably never use. Even if you’re having trouble learning essentials like numbers or directions, you can put them in a context that’s important to you.
Give Your Vocab Meaning Any Way You Can
You might not care about a list of numbers in a textbook. But you do want to know how to say dates and times, and knowing numbers can also save you money!
Back when I was a regular business traveller, I spent a good amount of time in Kazakhstan and Russia. These are not places where a regular taxi will give you the best deal. Most people just stand at the side of the road, flag down a car, and haggle for the cost of a ride.
I’m a people person and ever curious about everyone’s cars, so for me this sounded like heaven! The only problem was that I spoke no Russian at all.
After several half-bungled negotiations ("Holiday Inn...Ulitsa Shevchenko! Hundred Tenge??") and some support from local colleagues, I picked up the expression “tri sti” for 300.
From then on, every single ride in Kazakhstan AND Russia had to cost me 300 of whatever their local currency was. I simply couldn’t agree on a different amount! 😄In Kazakhstan this may have been driving a bargain...in Russia I was more like their best paying customer, every single time.
After a few months of this, I did start picking up Russian and the motivation to learn numbers was top of my list.
What’s your motivation to learn these words?
How can you see yourself using them? Most textbooks will at least give some sample dialogues, but it’s just WAY cooler to say your own birthday in your new language.
In addition to making note of your motivation, it helps to understand learning vocabulary as a process or a system that includes three stages:
Growing vocabulary (figuring out what words you need or want to learn, selecting your sources, and taking good notes)
Memorizing vocabulary (strategies to make your words stickier so you don’t forget them easily)
Revising or reviewing vocabulary (using new words or testing yourself regularly so that they become anchored in your long-term memory)
Not sure what you should learn?
Before you even start trying to memorize new words, you have to figure out which ones you should try to learn. Once you’ve covered basics like greetings, colors, directions, etc., it’s easy to feel a little unsure about where to go next.
There are a few different options you can choose to start feeling more in-control of your vocabulary learning:
Download My Topic List for Beginners
Using a list that is already created can save you quite a bit of time when you're busy. It's perfect for you right at the start of learning a new language.
My vocabulary checklist for beginners is different from most lists because it gives you topics and skills. This is more useful than just a list of words, and it will help you create a solid foundation without getting bored.
Create your own list of words
What do you want to talk about in your target language?
Consider your interests and hobbies as well as things you’d usually talk to your friends or coworkers about. Consider both individual words and expressions.
One great way to go about this is to choose a topic and do a mind map or create a quick list of every word or expression you can think of that relates to your topic. Then, edit your list and translate the words into your target language.
If you want to add on more vocab to your list, try searching social media with your translated words as well.
Learn more vocabulary from what you enjoy
You can also choose to create a list based on the things you watch, read, and listen to in your target language.
Here are a two great apps that help you understand and find resources in your target language:
Lingq for books, articles, videos, and podcasts with transcripts
Yabla for native videos designed to work for language learners
Pay attention when you listen or read something in your target language. Is there a word that keeps coming up when you listen to songs or watch your favourite tv series? Put it on your list. Do you have a book you’d like to read in your target language? Go through and write down all the words you don’t know to start learning them.
Most importantly, remember that you should always have a solid system for compiling new words and expressions.
Switch up your language learning methods
Even if you’ve got a great list of words to learn, it doesn’t help if you can’t remember them. This is especially true for abstract vocabulary. You can’t see the word for "brave", so how are you supposed to remember it in another language?
Luckily, there are 4 different methods that can help you learn both the simple words and the more difficult ones.
The Post-it Method
For words like "coffee" and “door”, it’s easy to write the word in your target language onto a post-it note and stick it on the actual object.
But what do you do for those abstract words?
You can still write them on post-its, but you’ll have to get a little creative on where you place them. Think of quirky places that have some sort of connection to the idea. For instance, you might decide to put a post-it with the translation for "awake" on your coffee cup.
As a bonus, the added creativity involved in connecting the abstract concept to the object will help you remember even more as you have to spend time contemplating the word.
The Language Play Method
In addition to associating abstract words with an object, you can also use the linguistic characteristics of the word you’re trying to remember. Link the word you’re trying to learn with similar sounds or spellings or take the time to look into where it came from.
Quick tip: Google the word you’re learning and "etymology" together, and you’ll find out more about its history.
You can use rhyme or look at the cognates of a word, or the parts of a word that borrow or share origins with another language you already know.
Chunks of Language
In this method, also called "chunking", the idea is to study chunks of language rather than individual words. That might mean choosing to learn short sentences or phrases, such as “I’m so hungry” or “Where is the bathroom?”
This can be even more helpful if you’re trying to learn abstract words because you can connect those words to a sentence you might actually use or remember.
Examples of the concept in music and art
Have you ever learned a new word only to suddenly see or hear it everywhere you go? If so, it probably made you more likely to remember the word later on.
Seeking out examples in music, movies, or even advertisements can help reinforce words that might otherwise slip your mind.
Final Tips to Keep in Mind
Don’t beat yourself up for forgetting something.
The leading scientific theory is that humans tend to halve their memory of newly learned knowledge in a matter of days or weeks unless they consciously review the learned material. This is known as the forgetting curve.
In other words, you simply can’t expect to remember everything all the time. Even native speakers forget words in their native language from time to time.
Remember to continue reviewing and revising your vocab list.
You might find that some words still give you trouble, so you need to make use of a few different methods if you want to learn them. If there are words that you find difficult to remember, it is okay to also decide that some of the words on your list might not be as important as you thought.
True fact: If a word is important enough, it will make sure that you remember it!
Make sure to apply what you’re learning.
You should always make a conscious effort to use a few new words outside of dedicated study sessions. This might mean actively using new words in conversation, using your vocabulary list to search social media or find new hashtags to follow, or looking for news articles about related topics.
Above all, don’t worry about your level when you’re trying to learn vocab. As long as you’ve got a handle on the basics using new words in sentences and questions, you can learn any vocabulary words you want. After all, you never stop learning new words.
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montrosemavens · 5 years
Shapeshifters - Created and Curated by Teens
By: Charlie McGill and Sutton Walsh
The Contemporary Arts Museum of Houston (CAMH) showcases the artwork of local teens biennially. This always makes for an incredibly unique exhibit as, in only a few museums, can you find not only artwork made by teens but artwork curated by teens. You find both at the CAMH in the current exhibit, Shapeshifters.
This year, over 700 teenagers submitted artwork in response to questions including “What forms you and/or your generation? How do you define your space? Can you change shapes?” Submissions increased by 400 from two years previous as this opportunity to showcase art as a teen is limited. Forty of the teen’s pieces were chosen to be on display at the CAMH from March 2, 2019 - June 16, 2019. The assigned questions were interpreted in several ways, showing both physical and emotional changes which were expressed through a variety of mediums such as paintings, sculptures, videos, photography, textiles, digital media, and even an interactive website. While these pieces are unique, they all fall under the exhibit, Shapeshifters.
The exhibition is divided into sections separating the different types of responses of the teens. One section displays the artwork of students who had interpreted the question by choosing to document architectural objects that shape our environment. There are photographs of geometric buildings, paintings of downtown, and large cities. The majority of the pieces in this section focus on urban areas and these more ordinary pieces balance out the funkiness of the rest of the room.
Another section embraces the challenges occurring in 2019 through photographs, audible clips, films, technology and social media. One unique piece that stood out to us is a simple Mac computer that shows a glitch saying to post this using a certain hashtag. This serves as a reflection that many teens crave being noticed, especially through social media. As people in our group posted a picture of the laptop with the specific hashtag, we watched as their face lit up when their post is projected on a nearby wall. The majority of the pieces are challenging to interpret as each piece does not have a written explanation beside it. Also, this area shares a common goal of combining different mediums, which is present in multiple other pieces. These few pieces with similar aspects tied the room together.
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Other areas of the exhibition show reflections relating to environment and culture. “You're So Vain” is one of the first pieces seen in the exhibit and is a powerful piece of art. It is a tall mirror with the phrase “You’re so Vain” painted onto it four times, in the same font but with different colors. Narcissism is prominent in this current generation as we are always concerned with how we look and are perceived. Another piece called “Replacement” is a square mirror with a smaller opaque square inside of it. Inside the smaller square is a SIM card and next to the hanging mirror is a pile of newspapers thrown on the floor. This is a perfect example of how technology has replaced newspapers and has heavily impacted what things we pay attention to and how our world is shaped. The piece is set up perfectly so that, as you are admiring the artwork, your face (identity) if covered by the opaque square with the sim card, further proving the analogy.
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Teens took advantage of the opportunity to send a message through Shapeshifters. One teen created a documentary about the history and rights of the LGBTQ community. One of our favorite pieces was simply a computer with many webpages pulled up; a piece named “Geocities Reloaded”. When you sit down to look at the first webpage, which was filled with cryptic pictures of teen icons, it is difficult to understand the meaning of the piece. However, as you look closely at the artwork and visit the different webpages, everything slowly starts to come together. The webpage that stuck out to us the most showed a GIF of a girl turning her head towards us, and below, a love letter to a boy, would only be received after she died of her terminal illness. It is a well written, emotional, and powerful letter. The thing that brought it all together was the stickers with motivational messages and happy-go-lucky attitudes that line of the bottom of the screen. These stickers act as a stark contrast to the dark and emotional content on the computer itself. While the art is up for interpretation, to us it seemed like this was a metaphor for how today, teens post only the best parts of their lives on social media, and behind that Instagram account, they could really be hurting.
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Another piece of art that spoke to us was “Stretch.” “Stretch” is a small collection of four photographs that show a teenage boy wearing a pink tutu. Each photograph shows him being stretched in a different direction. Again, this art was up for interpretation, but to us, it seemed like it was a metaphor for how society will try and pull teenagers away from their real selves and toward something they want them to be, hence why the boy in the pink tutu is being stretched.
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We were pleased to see work from our fellow Post Oak High School students. Asa Forman created a neon bulb in a fluorescent blue color “At Last (to Etta James who sang the blues)”. Nathan Commissariat had created a piece called “Intersection” which we believe showcased intersectionality and how this can negatively impact the lives and opportunities of those who experience it. This piece is one of the more put together and less funky pieces in the exhibit. Former Post Oak Student, Garner Lazar-Pope had created a unique sculpture-like shape that stood proudly in the middle of the exhibit called “All Isotopes Are Loved”. The quirky piece is an eye-drawer as is not a typical sculpture and is instead made with fleece and felt that has been stuffed with memory foam.
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While all of the art is drastically different, the pieces fall under the same funky style. We were pleasantly surprised to find that none of the artwork is by any means perfect. This actually made the exhibit more enjoyable, relatable and interpretive. Also, by sharing the common situation of being an adolescent, all of the pieces seem to connect in a deeper way than just being a part of the same exhibit. It is also fascinating to see how all of the students had interpreted the sophisticated questions in unique but meaningful ways while also using this exhibit as a platform for their ideas.
When finally given the opportunity to let their work shine, these teens came through. Shapeshifters will send a different message with every piece of artwork and will stay in the mind of the viewer, even after they leave the exhibit. With the hard-to-decipher messages, beautiful and touching art, and strong personality of the exhibit, this is not something you want to miss. Don’t write off Shapeshifters simply because the artists are young- this artwork is built to keep sending its message far into the future.
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michaelandy101-blog · 3 years
How you can Discover the Good GIF: 10 Should-Strive Web sites
New Post has been published on http://tiptopreview.com/how-to-find-the-perfect-gif-10-must-try-websites/
How you can Discover the Good GIF: 10 Should-Strive Web sites
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Serving as snackable — and infrequently laughable — bits of visible content material, GIFs assist us precisely convey our ideas and emotions after we’re restricted to digital communication.
The difficulty is, discovering the right GIF by searching via Google Picture Search or that desktop folder of your favorites can take method extra time than it is price.
Discovering the correct GIF does not need to be a prolonged course of, you simply need to know the place to look. To assist, we have collected 10 superior web sites under that’ll make it easier to discover what you are in search of shortly, with out forcing you to decrease your GIF requirements.
(Or, need to create your very personal GIF? Try this tutorial to learn to make an animated GIF in Photoshop.)
Observe: A few of these web sites may function GIFs which can be NSFW.
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10 Websites for Discovering the Good GIF
Response GIFs
That is my go-to useful resource for GIF searching. Launched by Alex Chung and Jace Cooke, GIPHY began out as a search engine for GIFs. They’ve grown GIPHY considerably by partnering with manufacturers, introducing integrations, creating browser extensions, and way more. (To make amends for all of their enlargement efforts, check out GIPHY Labs.)
The most effective half? Navigating the database of GIFs could not be simpler: Customers can browse classes — Adjectives, Music, Nature, Science, and so forth. — or hunt down a selected phrase or phrase utilizing the search performance.
2. Reddit
Reddit is just like the mothership for GIFs: The group boasts not one, however a number of spectacular GIF-related subreddits. Listed here are a couple of noteworthy ones:
Whereas all the completely different, categorized choices make it straightforward so that you can discover what you want, many of those subreddits decide to a collection of tips to refine their entries even additional. For instance, whereas “reaction gifs” and “analogy gifs” could sound fairly comparable, there’s really a distinction in response to the /r/reactiongif’s wiki page. Permit me to reveal…
Response GIF
I don’t learn about you however after I discover out payday is arising I react like:
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Analogy GIF
After I strive answering emails earlier than my espresso, I really feel like:
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As explained on the /r/reactiongif’s wiki page, “A reaction gif is a physical or emotional response that is captured in a .gif which you can link in response to someone or something on the Internet. A gif which is a metaphorical reaction to something does not qualify as a reaction gif. Generally speaking, most posts that use the term “How I Really feel When” are analogy gifs.”
three. Tumblr
Tumblr is a large running a blog platform the place GIFs are made and shared like loopy. Bloggers on this platform do a wonderful job of pairing related GIFs with relatable eventualities. There’s loads of blogs devoted to sharing humorous GIFs every day, however my favourite ones to share on a Monday can be in hashtags like #work-memes #workfromhome and extra.
As an example:
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Everyone knows that feeling — proper? (If not, then I need to ask you, what’s it prefer to be good?)
Anyhow, all it’s important to do is use the highest search bar to lookup hashtags of the content material you’re in search of, or comply with some weblog pages which can be devoted to importing GIFs every day. GIFs featured on Tumblr are both handmade in Photoshop by the creators or sourced from completely different web sites, and so they’re fairly good about giving credit score the place credit score is due.
four. Gfycat
Gfycat is one other gallery with hundreds of thousands of GIFs to dive into. Not solely is it one of the vital fashionable GIF websites, however it has a simple Video-to-Gif creator instrument to show your favourite Twitter, Vimeo, and Twitch streams into your library of memes.
Navigate its number of GIFs from the search bar or left menu, selecting from the most recent “Trending” or “Explore” part to search out completely different fashionable classes of GIFs or stickers.
And who would I be to share a website known as “Gfycat” with out an compulsory cat GIF?
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5. Tenor
Tenor is a good way to throw a relatable GIF into any dialog, whether or not in your PC or iPhone.
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Having humorous GIFs at your fingertips is a good way to share a fast snort together with your family and friends. All it’s important to do is sort in the way you’re feeling in your cellphone’s keyboard and Tenor will robotically begin populating tons of GIFs. Good for placing in your dialog with cousin Katy who nonetheless will get a kick out of watching America’s Funniest Residence Movies.
6. Reaction GIFs
This website serves up an acceptable GIF for absolutely anything you are pondering. Relying on what you are trying to find, there are a number of other ways to uncover an ideal match.
A technique is to make use of the dropdown menus on the correct aspect of the positioning. These menus enable customers to floor GIFs that match a selected feeling (drained, confused, proud, and so forth.) or reply (sure, no, undecided, and so forth.). For instance, a search for “excited” may floor one thing like this:
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Customers even have the choice to search by galleries or tags. Galleries are organized into classes corresponding to “OMG,” “Dance Party,” and “LOL,” however there’s a lot extra tags to discover.
7. GIFbin
Here is one other stellar useful resource for uncovering GIFs.
On GIFbin, customers can filter thumbnails by “Newest,” “Top Rated,” and “Most Viewed,” or by tags. The fascinating factor about GIFbin’s tag system is that they’re categorized by each identify and depend.
Whereas the names are fairly commonplace search phrases — animals, infants, sports activities, and so forth. — the depend function permits you to simply uncover phrases with the very best quantity of obtainable GIFs. Test it out:
Or in the event you’ve received an excessive amount of free time in your palms like me, click on via the rabbit gap— I imply— “random GIF” button for countless enjoyable.
eight. Imgur
Ah sure, Imgur, the Reddit of GIF websites with out all of the textual content threads.
Imgur is a picture internet hosting website that shares an array of humorous or cool GIFs. It’s library is a combination between new uploads and even a few of my favorites from the 2010s.
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Search up any tags for all of the humorous film edits, or no matter else you’re all for by way of Imgur.
9. Imgflip
Imgflip is one other intensive library of GIFs. There are a couple of methods to browse Imgflip content material, as detailed on the website:
Scorching/Newest photos on the homepage
Use the Earlier / Subsequent / Random navigation on picture pages
Use the hotkeys as described on picture pages
Tag pages (corresponding to cats)
Meme pages corresponding to Grumpy Cat, discovered on the meme templates web page
If you happen to like a bit of competitors, you possibly can create your own GIFs and earn a spot on the leaderboard. In case your GIF will get upvoted sufficient, you possibly can bask within the glory of creating strangers on the web snort.
10. Gyazo
Final however not least, now we have Gyazo. This web site is a bit completely different from the others, however with this instrument you possibly can seize your PC display screen (like a clip as an alternative of a screenshot) and create GIFs out of them. Made to transform footage into GIFs shortly, it shops your library in your account, so you possibly can hyperlink or obtain your favourite GIFs everytime you need.
As a unique technique to creating your personal GIFs, Gyazo makes it straightforward to create, retailer, and share your favourite GIFs together with your favourite individuals.
In your viewing pleasure, take pleasure in some GIFception as I used Gyazo myself to make a GIF out of a video of somebody utilizing Gyazo to make a GIF.
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Why You Ought to Use GIFs in a Enterprise Setting
On a extra severe be aware, GIFs are one other type of visible content material that can be utilized for each enjoyable, and strategically for marketing. For companies, they could be a instrument to reveal firm tradition and drive extra engagement by interesting to prospects in search of authenticity.
Inner Use
On an inside degree, exchanging GIFs in dialog or together with them all through displays can assist break up the monotony of day-to-day enterprise.
Including some degree of quirkiness in conferences or seminars can maintain workers extra engaged and happy than in any other case. Plus, it by no means hurts to share a fast snort within the workplace, so long as you don’t get too carried away.
Exterior Use
55% of B2C content creators say that creating or sharing visible content material is an enormous precedence for them presently. Just like movies or stay recordings, utilizing GIFs to convey concepts in a enterprise setting provides viewers visuals which can be extra stimulating than text-only content material.
As an example, when individuals hear info, they’re more likely to keep in mind solely 10% of that info three days later. Nevertheless, if a related picture is paired with that very same info, individuals retain 65% of the information three days later.
Additionally, utilizing GIFs on social media accounts is a good way to be a focus for potential prospects. Whether or not it’s Instagram, Twitter, or a running a blog platform, including a visible like GIFs to your submit can show helpful to a enterprise.
The World is Your Picture Library
There’s loads of web sites to select from in the case of discovering some fairly cool GIFs. Whether or not you must ship one to your coworker’s birthday electronic mail chain, or make your brother, Trevor, snort on the dinner desk, we hope this record helps slender down your search for the right GIF.
Editor’s be aware: This submit was initially printed in January 2016 and has been up to date for comprehensiveness.
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pkaizen · 3 years
Social media has become an important component in the life of an individual. Social media marketing has become a significant and simplest way of reaching an audience to promote any specific business or product. The growth of any business depends on the way it markets its product or service. Innovative marketing methods form the crux of the success of any business. There are many social agencies in Pune, but if you are looking for the perfect social media strategies, then Kaizen Design Studio is the best social media marketing company in Pune for you which has the perfect strategy for generating leads through social media! Here are the tips to increase your Social Media Engagement.  
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Minimize the length, Maximize the effect!
In this fast-paced world, Almost everyone is on the go! No one has a lot of time. So, the content of your social media posts should be short and sweet. Quality and precise content is the key to the success of such posts. Attractive short posts can help you in generating leads through social media. There are many SMO agencies in Pune who are specialized in creating innovative posts but Kaizen Design Studio is the best Social Media Marketing agency in Pune which has the recipe to keep its customers engaged through innovative social media posts.
Quick wit is lit
People use social media to be entertained; not exactly to see marketing ads. If all of your social media posts are overly promotional and inviting people to buy your products, you might end up losing your audience’s attention. For generating leads through social media, use humour regularly in your posts to entertain your followers and increase social media engagement. You can come up with witty lines related to your industry. You can also post images with relatable or trending captions.
Choosing the perfect time is a must
People are not online 24×7 so it’s important to post any content according to the time at which people maximum people are online. This will help you in engaging more people with your brand and also increase the digital foothold of your brand.
Use business-related hashtags
Hashtags are very common on social media. Some businesses and brands even create their own hashtags. Now, you must be wondering how can hashtags boost engagement? People who are interested in hashtags similar are more likely to engage with your posts. And when they do, it boosts your engagement outside your following, which is a great thing. If you want someone who can search the best hashtags suiting to your company’s field, Kaizen Design Studio in Pune is the answer. A social media agency in Pune, Kaizen Design Studio knows the perfect way to engage your prospective consumers digitally with their excellent digital marketing strategies. A consistent rise in the success rate of marketing strategies has placed it among the best digital marketing agencies in Pune.
Create attractive headlines
People don’t click boring headlines, add some quirky and cool headline to each and every post and see the magic! Headlines constitute 90% of the advertising. Spend more time creating the best headlines for the content you create. Good headlines receive more engagement. There are a plethora of ways through which you can boost people to interact with your brand through social media posts. The engagement rate depends on how much you broaden your creativity horizon. The more creative you are, the higher the chances of generating a great engagement rate. Also, never ever stick to a single strategy, and always think differently. Discover other creative ways to generate a better engagement rate.
We post professionally, but a personal touch is vital!
Lack of personal touch can provoke the audience to stay away from your posts as they cannot connect with your post. So, a tinge of personal touch is necessary for your post. Thus, a social media cell forms an inseparable part of any organization and it is the most important factor to attract the audience to your business through social media posts. Kaizen Design Studio, one of the top social media companies in Pune creates engaging posts to attract the audience towards your business like a magnet!
About Us
Kaizen Design Studio is a multi-faceted digital marketing company in Pune with an unwavering focus on attaining numerous Uno status amongst advertising agencies in Pune. We do this through creativity, dedication, technological advancement, and unmatched customer service. Get in touch with us for the right marketing and advertising solutions.
Continuous improvement’, as our tagline reads, is the main principle of Kaizen. We at Kaizen Design Studio, strive to continuously improve ourselves and our services. We believe in pushing the boundaries of creativity, and setting new standards of achievement for ourselves.
Applying these principles and more, Kaizen Design Studio has grown from strength to strength, and is now one of the most sought after, best creative agencies websites in pune.
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Sr.No. 20/3/2, Pashan Road,
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meritudesdpl · 4 years
How To Start A Digital Marketing Business In India
Micro Entrepreneurship Guide
Many Indian businesses, especially startups and SMEs, are still waking up to the importance of digital marketing. Many of these organizations don’t have the resources or capital to hire a full-time digital marketing specialist. Instead, they want to outsource this task to a third-party agency or professional. This is the right time when a digital marketing business can pitch in and offer their services.
However, setting up a digital marketing business isn’t a cakewalk. It’s not the same as freelancing either, where you just have to impress clients and win projects. You have to shoulder additional responsibilities such as account management, recruitment, company registration, etc. Additionally, you have to build a team of specialized professionals who will work in tandem and take your digital marketing business to newer heights.
It is also worth mentioning that digital marketing agencies have been mushrooming in India off late. However, not all of them offer high-quality services. That is why you must take additional measures to set your business apart from the crowd of mediocre agencies. It is the only way to convince clients and win their trust.
Moreover, establishing a digital marketing business in India takes patience and perseverance. It might take some time before you start reaping the benefits of your hard work. The key is to develop an actionable plan to start your business and lay down your objectives for the first few months.
Here is a quick guide outlining a few crucial steps to start a digital marketing business:
1. Build Your Brand Identity
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How do you ensure that your business doesn’t lose its voice in the sea of subpar digital marketing agencies? The only way is to carve a distinct identity for your business. It will help you make a powerful first impression on prospective clients. The first step is to come up with a striking business name and a remarkable logo.
If you are planning to start a business, you have likely already thought of a name. Make sure it is short, crisp, and related to the services you will offer. You can even make it slightly quirky. However, you should stay away from obscure brand names that don’t convey the purpose of your business. Additionally, you should ensure that the name highlights your vision and aspirations.
Once you have zeroed in on a name, your next task is to create a business logo. It is essential to keep in mind that the logo will be extensively used on your website, blog, social media profiles, business cards, newsletters, etc. As with the brand name, the logo should convey your vision and make a lasting impression. If you don’t have the budget to hire a full-time graphic designer, you can get it made by a freelancer.
You can even use platforms such as Upwork and DesignCrowd to connect with freelance designers. Alternatively, you can post your requirements on various Facebook groups. You can also use an online logo maker to design your own logo. However, you should opt for this only if you have an inherent knack for design.
It is also essential to get your business cards ready. You never know how a business opportunity can transpire from a simple conversation with a stranger. Thus, it is recommended that you print your business card and always keep them with you. Websites such as Vistaprint let you design your business card in a few simple steps.
2. Get Certified
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It is difficult to build a flourishing digital marketing business without getting the right credentials. That is why you should get certifications from recognized and reputed organizations such as Google and Microsoft. Even if you already know a lot about digital marketing, these certifications will help you win the trust of your clients.
Alternatively, you can hone your skills by joining a digital marketing online course. It will help you get a well-rounded knowledge of the subject. Meritude Skills offers a recognized Masters in Digital Marketing course that gives you hands-on experience of working on real-time projects. The course content is regularly updated according to ensure that you learn the most advanced techniques.
Apart from joining a digital marketing online course, you should stay abreast of the latest developments in digital marketing. This is because the landscape of digital marketing is in a state of constant change. Search engine algorithms are regularly modified and social media platforms keep introducing new features for advertisers. As the owner of a digital marketing agency, you should keep track of all these changes.
3. Create Your Website & Blog
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In today’s internet-savvy world, your business can’t prosper without a well-designed website. Make sure the website is easily navigable and highlights your services and clientele. Additionally, you should optimize your website for the right keywords so that it gets increased visibility on relevant search engine results. Platforms such as WordPress and Wix let you create stunning websites from pre-designed templates.
Likewise, it is essential to start a blog. It can go a long way to establish your business as an industry authority. It will also help boost your website’s presence on search engines. Apart from insightful blog posts, you can also publish e-books, whitepapers, case studies, etc. These are great tools for lead generation.
Another important step is to create a Google My Business page for your company. Complete your profile by adding a lucid business description using relevant keywords. You should also carefully select the business category and add your contact details and office address. It will ensure that your listing is featured in relevant search results.
4. Be Active on Social Media
Today’s businesses can’t flourish without up-to-date social media profiles. Make sure you create a business page on Facebook and Instagram. Additionally, you should also create profiles on other social media platforms including Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc. It is also important to complete your profile by adding a crisp bio, contact details, website URL, and other information.
Once you have created your social media profiles, the next step is to regularly publish engaging content. From quirky infographics to insightful blog posts – you can share various types of content on social media. Make sure you use relevant hashtags and publish the posts when your audience will most likely be active. The right social media strategy can make your content viral and maximize your reach.
5. Build Your Team
No organization can function with a one-man army. Your digital marketing business isn’t an exception. You have to assimilate a team of hardworking professionals who are willing to work for a new business. Don’t hesitate to hire freshers or freelancers. You can even consider remote recruiting as long as it gets your work done.
Another crucial aspect of your digital marketing business is the workspace. When you are setting up your business, you may not have the budget to rent a fancy office. In such a scenario, you can consider coworking spaces or even create an office at your home.
6. Don’t Ignore Offline Networking
If you want to build a successful company, you should always be on the hunt for new business opportunities. This, in turn, requires you to meet new people and impress them with a compelling sales pitch. One of the best techniques is to attend digital marketing conferences and other related events.
Additionally, you should check if there is an entrepreneur’s club or network in your city. Such gatherings are a great place to meet prospective clients who can benefit from your services. Likewise, you can attend expos, trade fairs, seminars, etc. to expand your network.
Final Thoughts
Entrepreneurship is a challenging and lonesome journey. The road is even tougher when you are trying to start a digital marketing business in India. However, if you create a concrete strategy and execute the plan, your business will flourish. Start with defining your business name and getting your logo and business cards ready.
Make sure you create a stellar website and blog and build a strong presence on social media. Next, you have to hire skilled and motivated professionals and explore offline networking opportunities. It is also recommended that you join a digital marketing online course and brush up your skills.
The post How To Start A Digital Marketing Business In India appeared first on Skill Blog.
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techblogcorner · 4 years
10 Reasons Why Celebrities are better on Instagram than Brands
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With social media gaining attraction among everyone, it has become one of the most sought after platforms for brands and marketing. While brands have their own pages on Instagram, they make sure to also ask celebrities to endorse their brand in order to increase their reach. Instagram popularity has also given birth to various influencers who too have a great following and are social media celebrities.  Studies have shown that celebrities are more popular and better than brands on Instagram. While fame gives the celebrities an edge over the brands, their quirkiness, behind the scenes and relatability make them up the Instagram game a notch. While the brands can utilize celebrity fame to their advantage they can also learn from these celebrities the social media tactics. 
Reasons why Celebrities are Better on Instagram than Brands
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Similar to the brands,the celebs like famous pop singers, movie stars are business magnates who are running their own wireless networks, cosmetics brands, and eco-friendly water enterprises. Thus, there are a lot of reasons why celebrities are better than brands on Instagram, today we would like to discuss the top 10 reasons for the same.  1. More Relatable While brand is a name selling stuff, celebrities are humans like you and me which is why the audience connects more with them. People have been seeing these celebrities for a long time now and knowing what they do  on a daily basis is very relatable. With so much experience the celebrities to make sure to post images as well as their captions which the audience will relate to and instantly connect with them. Thus, the celebrities are a better option for Instagram than brands. 2. Know the Instagram Game For one to rank and create an image for himself or herself it is important to understand how Instagram works. The working of an Instagram algorithm on a lot of codes that make sure that you use the right keyword, hashtags and posting on regular intervals. Celebrities have a full entourage behind them and a team that makes sure that anything important whether it is a movie, some outing or a simple photo clicked randomly goes to the celebrities Instagram profile at regular intervals. Celebrities with years of experience of being in the limelight are used to the Instagram game of posing and posting photos. Thus, they understand the Instagram game and are good at creating a mark for themselves which most brands are struggling with.  3. Have a Huge Fan Following
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Source With great work comes great status and a huge fan following. This is true for celebrities as well. They have a huge fan following and thus a lot of people look up to them on Instagram too. With a single post, they can reach a larger number of audiences and send across their message very easily.  Wherever the celebrities go people are clicking photos with them, which end up on Instagram with these celebrities being tagged. This is also another way of gaining traction on Instagram which the celebrities very easily get.  4. Wouldn't Mind Going Out of the Box With so many people admiring and looking up to these celebrities, they are worried about keeping up with their image. While keeping this causal and true they are also not worried about posting something that is out of the box. Most of the celebrities make sure to keep posting something different and unique in order to stay in the Instagram game.  Celebrities post amazing content with other fellow mates which are sometimes very different and fun to watch. Also the celebrities post about new movie releases, concerts which people really look forward to, giving them more attention.  5. Interactive Instagram has provided a platform for all celebrities to interact with their followers. Thus, the celebrities are very interactive unlike the brands and connect more with the audience, thus making them a better option on Instagram.  Every now and then they also interact with their audience by answering their questions and organizing live chats with them. These small gestures from the end of the celebrities make their Instagram profile one of the most followed thus gain much more advantage than brands. 
How Celebrities gain More Followers
1. They Know the Video Game
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Source With years of experience, the celebrities are well versed in making videos and clicking amazing pictures. Thus their feed looks top-notch, and the audience enjoys scrolling through their Instagram. While the profile of celebrities is very varied, brands normally focus on their particular product giving very less space for maneuvering.  2. They Take you Behind the Scenes Celebrities introduce the audience to scenes and places that one normally sees only in movies and plays. Thus these behind the scenes help the audience connect more with the celebrity as they respect them for their hard work and their determination which goes behind each video, movie or concert.  3. They Appreciate Internet Humor Celebrities are trolled almost every day and now they have developed a thick skin. They have become very welcoming and appreciative of the internet humor as that too brings to the front page. In Fact, unlike brands, celebrities take the time to answer these memes and trolls with a positive outlook and gain much-needed praise for their work.  4. They Get Brand Identity and Aesthetics
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Source With so much experience, celebrities can better show brands in different ways. Since marketing started it has always been the celebrities who have carried the identity of the brands and the same is true now as well.  In this digital age, people get to know about brands not through the brand page, but through the celebrity who posts a photo or video using that particular brand and mentioning how good it is. Thus, celebrities create brand identity and aesthetics.  5. They Understand the Importance of Social Media While digital is still new in the market, not all brands realize how important social media is at this point. However, celebrities have realized it very soon. All the celebrities make sure that they keep updating their profiles with whatever is going on in their lives as they too want to stay in the celeb game. 
-In Conclusion
Since long the marketers have relied on celebrities to endorse their brand and raise awareness, in turn, boosting their sales. Now with the rise of social media influencers, the brands are trying brand-influencer collaborations for capturing the attention of consumers. A study has shown that the brands are planning to increase their marketing budget by 59% to include the influencers too in the celebrity branding game. So while brands are working hard to create a digital space, it is important to include the celebrities in their strategy as without that their effort will yield only half the results. Suggested- Read the full article
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jbaquerot · 7 years
These days, we have the opposite problem we had 5-10 years ago…
Back then, it was actually difficult to find datasets for data science and machine learning projects.
Since then, we’ve been flooded with lists and lists of datasets. Today, the problem is not finding datasets, but rather sifting through them to keep the relevant ones.
Well, we’ve done that for you right here.
Below, you’ll find a curated list of free datasets for data science and machine learning, organized by their use case. You’ll find both hand-picked datasets and our favorite aggregators.
Datasets for Exploratory Analysis
Exploratory analysis is your first step in most data science exercises. The best datasets for practicing exploratory analysis should be fun, interesting, and non-trivial (i.e. require you to dig a little to uncover all the insights).
Our picks:
Game of Thrones - Game of Thrones is a popular TV series based on George R.R. Martin's A Song of Fire and Ice book series. With this dataset, you can explore its political landscape, characters, and battles.
World University Rankings - Ranking universities can be difficult and controversial. There are hundreds of ranking systems, and they rarely reach a consensus. This dataset contains three global university rankings.
IMDB 5000 Movie Dataset - This dataset explores the question of whether we can anticipate a movie's popularity before it's even released.
Kaggle Datasets - Open datasets contributed by the Kaggle community. Here, you'll find a grab bag of topics. Plus, you can learn from the short tutorials and scripts that accompany the datasets.
r/datasets - Open datasets contributed by the Reddit community. This is another source of interesting and quirky datasets, but the datasets tend to less refined.
Datasets for General Machine Learning
In this context, we refer to "general" machine learning as Regression, Classification, and Clustering with relational (i.e. table-format) data. These are the most common ML tasks.
Our picks:
Wine Quality (Regression) - Properties of red and white vinho verde wine samples from the north of Portugal. The goal is to model wine quality based on physicochemical tests. (We also have a tutorial.)
Credit Card Default (Classification) - Predicting credit card default is a valuable and common use for machine learning. This rich dataset includes demographics, payment history, credit, and default data.
US Census Data (Clustering) - Clustering based on demographics is a tried and true way to perform market research and segmentation.
UCI Machine Learning Repository - The UCI ML repository is an old and popular aggregator for machine learning datasets. Tip: Most of their datasets have linked academic papers that you can use for benchmarks.
Datasets for Deep Learning
While not appropriate for general-purpose machine learning, deep learning has been dominating certain niches, especially those that use image, text, or audio data. From our experience, the best way to get started with deep learning is to practice on image data because of the wealth of tutorials available.
Our picks:
MNIST - MNIST contains images for handwritten digit classification. It's considered a great entry dataset for deep learning because it's complex enough to warrant neural networks, while still being manageable on a single CPU. (We also have a tutorial.)
CIFAR - The next step up in difficulty is the CIFAR-10 dataset, which contains 60,000 images broken into 10 different classes. For a bigger challenge, you can try the CIFAR-100 dataset, which has 100 different classes.
ImageNet - ImageNet hosts a computer vision competition every year, and many consider it to be the benchmark for modern performance. The current image dataset has 1000 different classes.
YouTube 8M - Ready to tackle videos, but can't spare terabytes of storage? This dataset contains millions of YouTube video ID's and billions of audio and visual features that were pre-extracted using the latest deep learning models.
Deeplearning.net - Up-to-date list of datasets for benchmarking deep learning algorithms.
DeepLearning4J.org - Up-to-date list of high-quality datasets for deep learning research.
Datasets for Natural Language Processing
Natural Language Processing (N.L.P.) is about text data. And for messy data like text, it's especially important for the datasets to have real-world applications so that you can perform easy sanity checks.
Our picks:
Enron Dataset - Email data from the senior management of Enron, organized into folders. This dataset was originally made public and posted to the web by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission during its investigation.
Amazon Reviews - Contains ~35 million reviews from Amazon spanning 18 years. Data include product and user information, ratings, and the plaintext review.
Newsgroup Classification - Collection of approximately 20,000 newsgroup documents, partitioned (nearly) evenly across 20 different newsgroups. Great for practicing text classification and topic modeling.
nlp-datasets (Github) - Alphabetical list of free/public domain datasets with text data for use in NLP.
Quora Answer - List of annotated corpora for NLP.
Datasets for Cloud Machine Learning
Technically, any dataset can be used for cloud-based machine learning if you just upload it to the cloud. However, if you're just starting out and evaluating a platform, you may wish to skip all the data piping.
Fortunately, the major cloud computing services all provide public datasets that you can easily import. Their datasets are all comparable.
Our picks:
AWS Public Datasets
Google Cloud Public Datasets
Microsoft Azure Public Datasets
Datasets for Time Series Analysis
Time series analysis requires observations marked with a timestamp. In other words, each subject and/or feature is tracked across time.
Our picks:
EOD Stock Prices - End of day stock prices, dividends, and splits for 3,000 US companies, curated by the Quandl community.
Zillow Real Estate Research - Home prices and rents by size, type, and tier, sliced by zip code, neighborhood, city, metro area, county and state.
Global Education Statistics - Over 4,000 internationally comparable indicators for education access, progression, completion, literacy, teachers, population, and expenditures.
Quandl - Quandl contains free and premium time series datasets for financial analysis.
The World Bank - Contains global macroeconomic time series and searchable by country or indicator.
Datasets for Recommender Systems
Recommender systems have taken the entertainment and e-commerce industries by storm. Amazon, Netflix, and Spotify are great examples.
Our picks:
MovieLens - Rating data sets from the MovieLens web site. Perfect for getting started thanks to the various dataset sizes available. Jester - Ideal for building a simple collaborative filter. Contains 4.1 Million continuous ratings (-10.00 to +10.00) of 100 jokes from 73,421 users.
Million Song Dataset - Large, rich dataset for music recommendations. You can start with a pure collaborative filter and then expand it with other methods such as content-based models or web scraping.
entaroadun (Github) - Collection of datasets for recommender systems. Tip: Check the comments section for recent datasets.
Datasets for Specific Industries
In this compendium, we've organized datasets by their use case. This is helpful if you need to practice a certain skill, such as deep learning or time series analysis.
However, you may also wish to search by a specific industry, such as datasets for neuroscience, weather, or manufacturing. Here are a couple options:
Awesome Public Datasets - High quality datasets separated by industry.
Data.gov - Curated government data separated by industry.
Datasets for Streaming
Streaming datasets are used for building real-time applications, such as data visualization, trend tracking, or updatable (i.e. "online") machine learning models.
Our picks:
Twitter API - The twitter API is a classic source for streaming data. You can track tweets, hashtags, and more.
StockTwits API - StockTwits is like a twitter for traders and investors. You can expand this dataset in many interesting ways by joining it to time series datasets using the timestamp and ticker symbol.
Weather Underground - A reliable weather API with global coverage. Features a free tier and paid options for scaling up.
Satori - Satori is a platform that lets you connect to streaming live data at ultra-low latency (for free). They frequently add new datasets.
Datasets for Web Scraping
Web scraping is a common part of data science research, but you must be careful of violating websites' terms of services. Fortunately, there's a whole site that's designed to be freely scraped.
Our picks:
ToScrape.com - Web scraping sandbox with two subdomains. You can practice scraping a fictional bookstore or a site that lists quotes from famous people.
Datasets for Current Events
Finding datasets for current events can be tricky. Fortunately, some publications have started releasing the datasets they use in their articles.
FiveThirtyEight - FiveThirtyEight is a news and sports site with data-driven articles. They make their datasets openly available on Github.
BuzzFeedNews - BuzzFeed became (in)famous for their listicles and superficial pieces, but they've since expanded into investigative journalism. Their datasets are available on Github.
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sydelco-blog · 7 years
The Kid Behind the Keyboard
An IT nerd by day, dad joke comedian by night; a strong believer that pineapple does, in fact, belong on pizza; an extroverted introvert that can be found wherever the guac is during social gatherings. I’m Sydney.
Okay. Before I jump into introducing myself, I must come clean about one thing. The title to this first blog post may have been a tiny bit misleading. At 21 years old, I’m not exactly a “kid.” However, I am sitting behind a keyboard and at Christmas and Thanksgiving I still sit at the kid’s table. Plus, the alliteration from using the words “kid” and “keyboard” in the title was too good of an opportunity to pass up.
Deriving from the mitten state, I have learned to call Mount Pleasant, Michigan my home for almost the entirety of my life. *Holds up hand in the shape of a mitten and smacks index finger right in the center of my palm like any true Michigander, who is showing where they are from, would.* Having attended much of elementary and all of high school as a Mount Pleasant “oiler,” I quickly found myself falling in love with all of its quirky niches. Although the small town may appear boring or uneventful to some of the non-locals, I found Mount Pleasant’s charm inviting enough to stick through another four years of being a resident; I traded my navy and maize “oiler” apparel for some new maroon and gold  Central Michigan University “Chippewa” bearings and proudly wore the nickname “townie” (a name many students call the locals in Mount Pleasant.) Maybe it was the familiarity of old back roads that brought back nostalgic memories that kept me here; or maybe it was that my parents, little brother, and dogs were only a short ten minute drive away. I can’t quite pinpoint the exact reason for wanting to stay here throughout college but, going on my fourth and final year of my journey of being an Information Systems major and proud Chippewa, I can surely attest that this University has introduced me to some of the most genuine, giving souls I’ve ever met. As sappy as I get, I will admit that I bleed maroon and gold.
And I suppose I always will, despite my Google searches for future jobs that take me highways away from this small, college town. These search engine goals that fuel my ambition to turn in papers and fight off senioritis (read: not an actual medical condition per WebMD but on my most dramatic of Monday’s I pretend it’s a very real and severe condition), stem from wanting to land a job in Application and Web Design. Having been a technology freak since my diaper days, I have always known that my heart belonged to a field where I could continually innovate and design. I remember thinking when I was little that, like my parents, I should go into the medical field and become a doctor when college time came because that seemed like the only practical thing to do; after all, it was in my blood. But as my five year old fingers tore apart the guts of my Gameboy color, feeling its translucent purple body go lifeless in my hands, only to put the pieces back together again and watch it power back on, I realized that I was meant to operate on technological bodies. Not human ones. It wasn’t after I was a information technology computer support student technician at CMU did I realize my love for apps and design. Shortly after, I entered an app designing contest and won first place; this solidified my goal of wanting a future career that dealt with the same context.
Deliberating more on my love of apps and design, comes my love of the minds whom work inside the apps. For example, Jimmy John’s, a sandwich company, has quickly grew to a favorite company of mine in the app world, especially within their twitter presence. 
Jimmy John’s does a wonderful job of incorporating participation into their social media personality. They are constantly tweeting at users whom have used the term ‘Jimmy John’s’ in their tweet, regardless if their was a searchable hashtag or not. Their tweets to users often are comical, inclusive, and conversational, getting the user to feel a part of the company on a more personal level. Another way that users feel more connected to Jimmy John’s is through the company’s transparency and emergence. The company allows, and actually encourages, feedback on their food and service. As a company whom prides themselves off of their speediness in getting the job done, they also are quick to accept fault if an order is wrong and attempt to make things right by the customer. Never once have I seen Jimmy John’s not take responsibility or give a response to a complaint a customer has. I believe these two aspects play a part in why Jimmy John’s has such a strong community on twitter; from retweeting fan’s pictures of them eating Jimmy John’s, to tweeting at celebrity icons, to talking about relatable topics like a suffering bank account, Jimmy John’s has built a following who feels that they are, not only customers, but a part of brand.
Don’t just take my word for it; here are a few of my favorite Jimmy John’s tweets:
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instacaptain · 5 years
Instagram Growth Strategies: 11 Proven Techniques to Grow Your Instagram Followers Quickly
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Instagram has over 1 billion monthly active users, and it’s declared as a well-loved social media outlet (for comparison, the population of the US is over 325 million…!). Having a more substantial Instagram following can mean more sales for your business, more views on your blog, and a stronger community for your brand. But how in the world do some people have thousands of Instagram followers? (Psst, this incredible tool helped me bring my Instagram to the next level.) Today, I’ve got 11 actionable tips to help you grow your Instagram followers.
Liking pictures of your niche
There was an online conference where Susan Petersen (CEO of Freshly Picked) talked about how she grew her Instagram to have almost 400,000 followers. (Right now she has over 800,000!) She said that in the early days, she would spend hours liking other people’s photos each night. Her suggestion? Go through and like 5-10 photos on someone’s account. It would also help to leave a genuine comment and give them a follow. It helps to get your name out there and allows other users to discover you.  I’d also suggest doing this primarily to users in your niche. How do you find users in your niche? Check hashtags, or view the followers of your favorite Instagrammers. Overall, be authentic and not spammy — ain’t nobody got time for spam.
Create a unique theme for your photos
Cool, so if you followed #1, people will naturally start to notice your username and may check out your account. Give them something to fall in love with! I’ve found that it helps to create a theme for your Instagram. Write down a few words that you want people to associate with your account. For mine, I hope people glean that it’s bright, artistic, and full of love. Which words would you use for your account? Once you’ve settled on a theme, try your hardest to stick to it! There are a lot of tools like Canva, Stensil, and Snappa available that can help you in creating a theme quickly.
Socialize more
Responding to the comments you receive and leaving comments of your own on others’ work helps in making a good relationship with the followers. Rather than something stale like, “cute dress,” try to leave genuine comments and questions that encourage them to post more photos. This way you can show your presence to your followers as well attract new too. In case if you don’t get enough time to comment on other peoples post, you can try our tool  Insta Captain. It offers a fully customized auto commenting feature that can comment and respond on your behalf.
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The process is pretty simple; you need to make an account and follow the steps given below carefully. The auto comment feature of Insta Captain allows you to target audiences of your niche. You can filter them by the number of followers. Select the accounts with minimum followers and maximum followings. Let suppose if you’re looking for profiles with 10K followers and less than 100 followings. These kind of accounts are great with engaging audiences.After that, you need to select gender. If your audiences are gender-specific, you can choose one; otherwise, you can select both too. (Also, you can skip private profiles with no profiles pictures or business profiles using a filter)Now you need to click on the “comment” button, and that’s it.
Create a hashtag and encourage others to use it, too.
It is a great way to build community and gain new content for your account. First of all, create a unique hashtag (make sure it’s not already being used!) and ask others to use it. It works best if the hashtag has a specific purpose. For example, A Beautiful Mess encourages followers to use #ABMLifeIsColorful on all of their colorful, happy photos. Once people start using your hashtag (and YOU use it, too!), then you can repost images from your followers (giving them proper credit, of course!). Not only does this build community by showing your followers that you appreciate their photos, but it also gives you content for your account.
Try running some contests
If you have something you’d like to give away, try running a game. Some ideas? Have users repost a specific image and tag you in the caption. Ask them to follow you. Or invite them to use your hashtag on their pictures. You could even try a loop giveaway if you want to collaborate with other Instagrammers.
Use Instagram Stories
Believe it or not, Instagram Stories are rapidly growing in popularity, to over 400 million daily users. Many users even report they love watching Stories more than the endless “scroll” of their feed. Get creative with your Stories. Take your followers behind the scenes and show them the most exciting parts of your day. Ask questions. Use polls, quirky GIFs, and music. Play with filters and Boomerangs. It is a fantastic way to start getting comfortable on video and connect with your followers in an even more profound way.
Encourage your followers to take action.
As simple as it may sound, people are more likely to do something if you ask them to do it. Are you sharing a quote? Ask them to “like” your photo if they agree with it! Sharing something funny or relatable? Ask your followers to tag a friend! Ask open-ended questions! If you put the idea out there, it will encourage your followers to act accordingly.
Always add the location of your photos
Posting a photo of that cool restaurant or city you recently visited? Geotag it! That way, other people who used the same geotag can see your picture and potentially follow you since you now have so much in common (like that french toast you both had last weekend).  In case you’re confused, geotagging your photos means you tag it with a location.
Figuring out your audience’s preference
Do a little research, yo. Go back through your photos and see which ones got the most likes and comments — and of course, the least. What clicks with your audience and why? How can you incorporate more photos like that into your feed?
Connecting your Instagram Account with other platforms
If you have a blog, Twitter, or Facebook, then you might assume your people are already following you on every platform. Hint: they probably aren’t! Share a quick tweet or Facebook post, encouraging them to follow you on Instagram…it will reel in more followers than you think. This will help your followers on other networks discover your Instagram account — and proceed to follow you there, too!
Go for collaborations
Think outside the box! Ask another Instagrammer in your niche if you can “take over their account” for the day as a guest contributor. Instagram Story takeovers are a blast and can dramatically grow your following fast. Or start an Instagram challenge with daily prompts. Ultimately, think of fun, creative ways to collaborate with other users. Even you can use our tool Insta Captain’s auto DM features to send texts directly to the influencers working on same niches. You can filter peoples with hashtags, places, and interests.
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The process is pretty simple. Just type the hashtags of your niche. After that, set the status to active and save it. Now you’ve to click on the “Messages” button and here you need to type the message you want to share with the users. That’s it. Now whenever someone uses those hashtags, your message will be sent to their Instagram account directly. Read the full article
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aurimeanswind · 7 years
Autumn—Sunday Chats (10-1-17)
Fall has finally arrived, and boy do video games just not stop.
Podcast Train Stop
I’m curious if anyone else has tun into the issue where their podcast rotation just stops? I’ve basically stopped listening to all my podcasts except for My Brother, My Brother and Me. I am not sure why, but I’ve fallen off of all of the GiantBomb Podcasts, any other video game podcast, except for really The Easy Allies podcast. Of the group, that one that I’ve gotten into the most recently still sticks with me for whatever reason.
Maybe it’s the want to not listen to hours-long podcast recently? Which is odd because I usually binge many podcasts together back to back. I think the most likely answer is that I had fallen behind and then not been able to catch up. 
This is unfortunate though because podcasts are typically my main source of news and now I am getting a little aloof with the gaming news. But I still manage to keep up thanks to the show I help host!
Has this ever happened to any of you? What do you do, try and listen to all the episodes you missed or just jump right back in?
What’s on Tap
Danganronpa V3
This is the big one. Consuming most of my time like Danganronpa is ought to do. 
It’s very good y’all.
Danganronpa has a great talent of building off of its predecessors in completely unorthodox ways, essentially carrying forward concepts but in logical ways so it doesn’t seem like all of the characters are jumping to conclusions based on nothing. It just seems like this different group of people decided to take a wildly different approach. Chunsoft then ties that to the personalities and style of those same characters, and it’s a brilliant mix-mash of those intelligent designs.
These games always play with my expectations and take me by surprise, but boy... this one really is messing with me.
Not only that, they’re using loss in a way that is even more emotional and moving then it has been before, which for me has been a first in the series. I actually got choked up after the first chapter because of how this was done.
These games are so good, and Danganronpa V3 is not a disappointment by any stretch of the imagination.
Destiny 2
Finished the raid this past week, and hopefully soon will be finishing it with my original team.
We’ve run into plenty of trouble, but I know we have it in us to knock it out.
Metroid Samus Returns
Uh, y’all? It’s still so good.
Got to some of the new and added stuff to the game and it was absolutely phenomenal. 
Very tense, very cool, and very, very fun. I love it.
Remember to look for my tweet with the hashtag #SundayChats in it on Sunday afternoons and reply to it with your question! That’s the way to do it!
Normally I would have asked a question to you all this week, but I’m holding it off until next week.
So, real quick, as I was going through questions, I noticed a ton of SNES-classic related questions, which reminds me I’ve been playing that too! Let me insert that real quick...
SNES Classic
It’s so cute!
This is the one I wanted, I got it, I’m v happy.
So I jumped right into Zelda A Link to the Past and played through the opening, and it’s still wonderful.
It’s fun playing on an OG SNES controller, though I do really like the classic controller form the Wii Era. The original too, not the pro, because you get a little best of both worlds.
The big one I sank the most time into was actually Super Mario RPG. It’s been so long since I played that that it’s basically a whole new game for me. Plus, I was a kid, and had no clue what the hell was happening. It’s been super funny and super fun to really see that game with fresh eyes for the first time ever.
Okay, back to questions.
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Yay! I didn’t know this!
I’d say I am at about an 8.5. I really like the Jackbox games, and they’re especially fun to get a new one before ExtraLife, when we have a ton of people watching a stream and also a ton of people in the room. With the streaming improvements from JBPP3, I think this one is gonna be pretty stellar. Curious to see what games are in there. Hopefully a Quiplash 3!
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This is a very gross question Tyler, not because of the subject, but because you narrowly refer to a character as a “bubble butt baddie” which, at the end of the day, I don’t even know what that narrows it down to? Like, who qualifies for that?
I dunno, but the one answer that came to mind was Miranda from Mass Effect 2.
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Oh man this is a pretty good question. I never really got into Costume Quest, which, I know, is sacrilegious to say, but it’s true. The text speed was too fast? I know, dumb complaint, but I’m a terrible reader, so I couldn’t keep up.
Anyway, I’d like to think I’d either turn into some kind of lame superhero, or just straight up Banjo and Kazooie. I don’t know why, but that’s the first thing that came to my head...
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Here’s the deal, there is no correct way to play video games. Full stop. You can take your time and savor something, but you can also rush through something and savor it too. Like, I played Persona 5 at what I considered to be a slow pace, because folks like Nabeshin beat it before me, because I wanted to “savor it”. That being said, I still beat it in 2 and a half weeks, and 103 hours split into two and a half weeks is still a whole lotta hours per week. But neither of us played it “wrong”.
Like, folks that get qualified as “casual” are going to be seen as the ones that play it slower, but it’s likely because they have other things they need to do. Like sleep. And eat. I don’t do these things! At least not regularly! 
On the subject of Destiny 2 specifically, I think it does have minimal post-game content, mainly the Raid, the Nightfall, and Trials of the Nine. Which, like, still seems like more than the original, to be fair? There are hidden exotic quests too, and I have a feeling as we roll into Iron Banner this month, there will still be plenty for folks to do after they’ve finished the game. But ultimately the folks that charged through to 280 in the first weekend knew exactly what they were doing and got themselves into that situation. I just started up my third and final character on Destiny 2, so getting that guy up to 280 is going to be a fun trip for me still.
I dunno, there isn’t a right answer to this i think. But power through games or savor them however you like, because I think you’re the best judge of how fast or how slow you should play a game. Plus, you’ll probably put a different amount of time into a given game depending on how you feel about it, so I get it either way.
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Weird. Uneasy. Aroused? Horrified. 
Also, it has taken me the full twenty minutes since I screen grabbed this to now when I am typing this answer to form the line “ready to smash” in my head, and I hate me, and you, and everything.
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Pumpkin Spice is trash.
I said it.
I’ll say it again.
Take your trash and get out of here.
November is right around the corner. And you know what that means?
Motherfucking Gingerbread Latte.
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Aww yay! Favorite month! A lot of folks love October too because they’re into that cool spooky fog feeling! Which is rad, I am not, personally, but I do like the silly Halloween aesthetic. I just don’t like actual scary stuff. Except the occasional scary video game. 
As for me, December is my favorite month, for similar reasons. It is the beginning of Winter, which is my favorite season (unpopular opinion, I know) and it’s also when Christmas and new years happens, and if we’re lucky, a bit of snowfall. Ideally, it just means I’m getting plenty of my hot cocoa on.
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This a great question. and I think it comes down to what kind of game you want to play. Like, Earthbound is quirky, and with Undertale having just hit the PS4, maybe it’s time to get into that. Mario RPG is cool and timing based and funny, and it may be a great trip for folks who haven’t played it, or don’t remember it, like me! Final Fantasy 6 everyone keeps telling me is great but I haven’t been able to get into it. That said, it’s super traditional, so if that’s what you’re in the mood for, it’s calling. Secret of Mana has the edge because it’s an action RPG, so it’s different then all the rest. Knowing you like Tales, I’d start with that, since it may be the most fun! Also, goddamn is the music in that game great. But it is in all of these.
For me it was either Mario RPG so I could finally really truly play it, or Earthbound, which I was a bit too intimidated at the time commitment to jump into first. For you, Brendan? Try out Secret of Mana! And keep what I said about the rest in mind.
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Baked Potato is the superior potato, IMHO. I really love just barely slicing open a baked potato, loading it up with cheese and butter, closing it back up, letting the cheese melt all in it, then cutting it open again, mashing it a bit, then eating it nice and chunky style. It’s a pure delight. 
Oh, and I don’t eat the outer skin, but I’ll like rip all the potato I can off the skin, and it’s amazing. I love it.
I just fucking love potatoes though. I’d eat mashed potatoes all day if I could, I just prefer baked potatoes.
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Here we go, two lists, back to back. Now since you just said top 10 SNES games I will not limit myself to the SNES classic list, but damn that’s a good one to pull from. In NO PARTICULAR ORDER.
Zelda A Link to the Past
Super Mario World
Secret of Mana
Chrono Trigger
Super Metroid
Super Mario RPG
Mario All Stars Collection
Mega Man X
Final Fantasy 2 (Final Fantasy 4)
Kirby Super Star
I know I’ll get a lot of flack for choosing FF4 over 6, but Sunday Chats readers should know my current situation with FF6. Maybe someday...
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Now I do want to say this tweet turned into an N64 hatefest, which I am not a fan of, I love the N64 and the PSone, that era holds something special for me. I understand its issues, and probably in the grand scheme of things, It’s the weakest of the console generations, but there are undeniably great games for those systems.
Now, this list will be tricky, but I’ll give it a shot:
Super Mario 64
Zelda Ocarina of Time
Zelda Majora’s Mask
Mario Kart 64
Star Fox 64
Pokémon Snap
Yoshi’s Story
Paper Mario 
Super Smash Bros
Bomberman 64
This was actually way easier than I thought it’d be. I even left out a few games that I’d have love to see on there and opted to keep the ones I really like there. I kept to the no Rare rule even for Diddy Kong Racing (better than Mario Kart 64) and DK64, even though those would definitely still make and N64 Classic. 
There are few more to shoutout too, but I’ll keep my list at my 10. Boy, looking at this I’d actually totally be down for one of these.
That’s all I got. I know I am bad at covering all my segments recently, but my life has been a bit of a mess as of late. So I apologize!
But thank you for the amazing questions, I adore you all, and I am gonna go let Danganronpa eat my whole soul now.
Thank you all. From the bottom of my heart. For your support. I’ve been terrible about making things lately and you all have not waned with your patience for me. It means the world. I won’t wast your time for much longer, and hopefully this patience will breed something.
Keep it real.
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seotipsandtricks-me · 5 years
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Picture the scenario: Despite your best intentions and the careful consideration taken to construct a message, it gets misinterpreted by the recipient. It can happen to the best of us. Indeed, when it comes to online communication, things can often get lost in translation and it can be hard to control how we are perceived by others. This is something that can be of particular concern for businesses or brands. However, ensuring your company has a clearly defined tone of voice (TOV) can, to some extent, help reduce the likelihood of this problem occurring. In this blog post I will discuss tone of voice guidelines: what they are, why they matter and which brands are using them well. Read on to find out more. What Is Tone Of Voice? Tone of voice refers to the way you express your company’s character and personality within your communications. It entails everything from the rhythm, pace, vocabulary, grammar and syntax used in your writing and the overall tone this helps to create. Essential for connecting and engaging with customers, your tone of voice applies to pretty much all communications; every social media post, every live chat message exchanged with a customer, every slogan on ads. Some even go as far as to say that a brands tone of voice should extend to the language they use in call centres and on customer service bills. Otherwise, it’s argued, there is a potential disconnect between the brand and the customer, which could impact on sales. Similar to how you use a logo, colour palette and competitor list, it’s important your business has detailed guidelines outlining tone of voice best practice. Why Does Tone of Voice Matter? Trust and reputation is crucial to any business, especially online. Consumers know when somethings a bit off about a company and one thing that can make them suspicious is inconsistency. When browsing online, consumers will often look for consistent brand colours and a familiar logo for reassurance. Similarly, they’ll also look at a consistent tone of voice. If your tone of voice is erratic across all channels, it can be taken as an indication that your company is not to be trusted. Having a consistent tone of voice not only helps to build trust, it also helps to humanise your brand and separate you from your competitors. Plus, tone of voice guidelines matter as they help staff to adhere to the same style of writing -whether that be on your blog, on your social channels or in your advertising campaigns. Switching between different voices will often leave people confused and dilute any efforts to communicate your brand values. Speaking of which… How Tone of Voice Relates to Brand Values What is it that your company stands for, believes in and is trying to communicate to others? What is it that drives your company? These are the kind of questions you should be asking yourself when it comes to defining your brand values. Your tone one of voice, meanwhile, is the vehicle with which you express, promote and reinforce these values, traits and philosophy. Brand values are core to your company and grow naturally out of who you are as a company, as opposed to simply plucking them out of thin air. Ideally, the messaging and tone of voice used across all your communications should reflect your brand values. This will help drive people through your marketing funnel and also help you to appear reliable and trustworthy. Creating Your Own Tone Of Voice Guidelines If you are yet to create your own tone of voice guidelines, a good starting point can be to audit your existing content. Identify your best performing content and analyse the tone of voice in each. Despite having been created without a tone of voice in mind, are there any common themes evident in terms of writing style or personality? This can help you understand what kind of voice best resonates with your audience. Next, try to define your brand as if it were a real person with a real personality. Describe it in no more than 5 words, then drill these characteristics down even further. For example, if you used the word ‘alternative’ to describe your business, other characteristics you might include are ‘quirky’, ‘eccentric’ and ‘unusual’. Create a list of the words you can use in your marketing efforts. Following this, start providing examples of things your brand DOES say and, equally as important, things your brand DOESN’T say. In fact, sometimes it’s easier to begin with defining everything your company is not. If your brand is unlikely to ever be heard saying ‘epic’ or ‘awesome’, then make sure it’s documented! Having these thorough and detailed tone of voice guidelines in place is so valuable to your company, especially for new staff. Also, remember to adjust your tone and style for different channels and audiences. Whilst your brands voice remains constant, it can take on a different tone depending on the situation including: Who you’re talking to – For instance, consider the difference in how you address an existing customer compared to an individual who is completely new to your brand. What you’re talking about – Are you writing a product page, a blog post which contains instructions or talking to a customer via live chat? Each subject has a different purpose and requires an altered tone. Where you’re talking about this – The way your brand writes for Twitter will, naturally, vary compared to other social channels, your blog or a written letter. Last but not least, nit-pick away and detail your brands spelling and grammar preferences. Are American spellings acceptable? How about hyphenated words? Leave no room for ambiguity or inconsistency! Which Brands Are Using Tone Of Voice Well? Innocent Smoothies: Go ahead, roll your eyes. A blog post about tone of voice which features Innocent Smoothies? Zero points for originality, I know! But, as predictable as this one is, it’s predictable for a reason. Innocent are a brand that really understands tone of voice. Think of every possible channel this brand can communicate their voice through, from Twitter and Facebook right down to their ingredients label, and you can guarantee it has their fun and quirky personality stamped all over it. They even manage to inject a bit of fun into a bog standard 404 error page with some video content: Their navigation bar reflects their light-hearted and alternative tone of voice too. In the name of research, I had to investigate their ‘bored?’ pages. This presents the user with some fairly interesting content like information about their packaging over the years, adverts and photos from Innocent HQ. Dig a little deeper/scroll a little more, however, and you get to the truly good stuff – ‘really bored’. Videos of dogs chewing stuff and penguins pinching stuff? I.AM.SO.IN. Bravo, Innocent! Missguided: Missguided, an online retailer which sells young women’s clothing, has nailed the whole supportive best friend/sister persona down to a tee. On social media, customers are referred to as ‘babe’ and are frequently celebrated. The hashtag in particular, encourages a sense of community and sisterhood amongst its followers. Obviously aware of their young appeal, they use emojis in pretty much every single breath. They pride themselves on being fresh and current, like the clothes they sell, and this too is reflected in their tone of voice. Indeed, they’re always up to date on the latest lingo and emulate how young people speak (If the phrases ‘can’t even’, ‘lit’ ‘throw shade’ or ‘squad goals’ leave you feeling confused then you should probably go ask your BFF or bae to shed some light). On their website they describe themselves as bold, straight talking, fashion forward and say they aim to empower women globally to be confident in themselves. Something I particularly like on their ‘about’ page is the reference to a Beyoncé lyric ‘who run this mother’, when discussing their CEO. It’s youthful, rebellious and a bit cheeky, babe. Kate Spade: Kate Spade is a brand that produces women’s handbags, clothes and jewellery. Like Missguided, Kate Spade has a relatively young audience but tends to communicate with its followers in a more thoughtful and mature tone. Their social media posts are considered and lengthy, compared to the clickbait, snappy text and emojis commonly used by companies to grab the attention of an easily distracted, younger generation. There’s also a clear brand guideline which is adhered to across all their online communications. This includes minimal usage of capital letters (as seen in the ‘who we are’ page of their website and their social posts below). The Kate Spade tone of voice conveys simplicity, sophistication and elegance and is less ‘in your face’ than other brands aimed at a young women. Gillette: OOH Controversial. Gillette is a razor brand that’s been around for yonks but, unless you’ve been living your life social media free recently, you’ll be aware of the Twitter storm its recent ad campaign caused. Traditionally known for its straight talking and direct tone of voice, it’s tagline, which has always been ‘The Best A Man Can Get’ has experienced a bit of a twist for their latest campaign to become ‘The Best Men Can Be’. Entering into the current dialogue surrounding the issue of toxic masculinity, some argue that Gillette have isolated their core audience with this new advert while others have applauded them for its admirable message. As you can see on the website, Gillette have addressed their new campaign and it’s messaging on a dedicated page. The tone of voice remains forthright and frank, and they utilise short, abrupt sentences, such as the following: ‘We’ve all got work to do. And it starts today. Gillette. The Best A Man Can Get.’ However, other areas of the website such as the about page is now inclusive of women, which is more in alignment with their altered brand values: ‘We are the men and women of Gillette, and we’ve got something to say to you’. What do you think of Gillette’s change of approach and messaging? Skittles: As someone who personally has a very sweet tooth and considers themselves somewhat of a sweet connoisseur, for me, Skittles aren’t all that special. Nonetheless, they’re one of the few sweet brands which really stand out when it comes to tone of voice. ‘Taste the rainbow’, the tagline on their quirky, fun and downright bizarre adverts, is instantly recognisable.  Similar to their adverts, anything normal, ordinary or standard is thrown out the window when it comes to their online communications. Even their website meta description doesn’t follow the rules. 165 characters? SEO? Google best practice? Who cares! They’re Skittles, they don’t need no visibility: Make it onto the website and your confronted with a whole host of quirky and strange statements/questions which links to their Tumblr account: And then there’s the Twitter account which is full of personality with off the wall, wacky and goofy posts. Interestingly, these posts are all written in the first person which makes Skittles unique compared to its competitors, offers a more human element to the account and encourages followers to remain loyal. Even, the ‘about’ section on the Skittles Facebook page makes for entertaining reading. “Anything you or any other fans around the globe post on the wall is your own doing, and does not reflect the opinion of Skittles, the Rainbow, any ninja, anyone registered with WM. Wrigley Jr. Company, or most registered hedgehogs”. I rest my case! Do you need help in developing or honing your business’ tone of voice? Our content team has vast experience in this area, from helping companies to define their brand values and create a tone of voice from scratch to producing content for client websites off the back of existing tone of voice guidelines. Drop us a message in the contact form below or feel free to call us at our Brighton office on 01273 733 433. Contact Us Name* First Last Email* Message*NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. jQuery(document).bind('gform_post_render', function(event, formId, currentPage){if(formId == 13) {} } );jQuery(document).bind('gform_post_conditional_logic', function(event, formId, fields, isInit){} ); jQuery(document).ready(function(){jQuery(document).trigger('gform_post_render', [13, 1]) } );
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lindarifenews · 5 years
14 Essential Social Media Etiquette Rules for Brands
Jump up out of your seat to record a video at the symphony.
Grab and eat someone else’s food from the work fridge. On purpose.
Use speaker phone when talking on the bus, train, or plane.
RSVP for an event, then don’t show.
There’s a way to behave (and not to) for nearly everything.
Same for your social media protocol.
Act poorly, be seen poorly, perform poorly. One small social slip can result in many big hits to your brand.
Are you kind of quirky in real life? Can’t help you there. But I can help with these 14 social media etiquette tips. So you’ll be seen as valued, respected, and welcomed on your social media accounts.
Ready, set, behave.
Bonus: Get the step-by-step social media strategy guide with pro tips on how to grow your social media presence.
1. Read the room
Saying the right things at the right time makes a difference.
Giving your (strong) opinion about immigration with your new boss on day one—not a good move.
Be thoughtful about your social media etiquette.
Grace, eloquence, and good conversation is what you want. Your brand should be a good conversation partner. Sure—apply humor, wit, and personality too (thoughtfully).
Here’s a few tips to be, get, and stay social on social:
Research your audience
Determine the best time to post
Use the right image sizes
Use the right words and phrases, too
In other words, listen before you talk. So you’ll appear like polished pro. And, to learn more about your audience.
Otherwise, you’ll have to go into ‘save-face’ mode. But you can’t—it’s too late.
2. Ditch the bot
Not completely. But at least when communicating directly with your audience.
Social media automation is good. But c’mon now, not when talking with real people.
Just. Say. “No”.
“No” to automated Twitter DMs, private Facebook messages, and Instagram comments.
People will sniff you out. They’ll no longer relate to your brand. And probably hit the ‘don’t follow’ button. Or worse, report your brand as spam.
Remember, quality over quantity. Be human, not robotic. Even when bulk scheduling messages across your social networks.
3. Respond to humans, fast
Fifty-three percent of you asking a company a question on Twitter expect a response within an hour. For a complaint, that number jumps to 72 percent of you.
So respond to people. Quickly.
Too busy, you say? Delegate, I say.
You can assign messages to team members. So you’ll appear as present and responsive and human.
Think when you last left a message. Then… cricketts. Your message unheard, unread, for sure ignored.
Sucks, huh?
Don’t do that to your fans and followers.
Don’t ignore a negative review, either (I know, bossy, aren’t I?).
That can lead to bad PR. The best way to turn a digital frown upside down is to ‘handle it’—right away. Stuff happens, so what. Now it’s on you to show what you and your brand are really made of.
Was it a really nasty message? Maybe they’re a social media troll. Fine, here’s how to identify and handle them buggers.
4. Be nice to your peers, no matter what
Bantering with competing brands on social can be entertaining and useful. People watching can get a kick out of it. And see how you move and groove with others in your field.
But not if it gets ugly.
You waste precious time. You’ve got enough on your e-plate building awareness (and likability) for your brand.
You look unattractive. You’re encouraging people to leave, versus buy, when trashing others.
What if someone calls you out on social?
Then forget everything above and rip into them with all your digital might. Roar with war.
Of course not.
Stay poised, stay nice, and don’t go dark. Respond respectfully, taking the high road so everyone will see how well you behave. Plus, your audience (and theirs) deserve to hear the whole story.
Be professional, respectful, and nice. Always. This will win you more fans, more likes, and more business.
5. Go easy on the hashtags
Hashtags are cool. They help people search for, and find, you and your brand.
#so #long #as #youdont #goverboard
They just become noise and distracting—and make you look #desperate.
Use hashtags sparingly and wisely, so they’ll have more meaning.
Want some inspiration (and tips)? Learn how this business used a hashtag to attract millions.
6. Don’t mix business and pleasure
Because it usually causes problems.
You’re spending time, bucks, and effort building your brand on social, most likely over years.
Think of the visual trend you achieved—a curve probably angling up just a bit over time.
Now imagine that curve spiking instantly downward. Which can happen after sharing something personal or outrageous.
What you built over a long haul can crumble in an instant. Whether you did this on purpose or by accident.
Bonus: Get the step-by-step social media strategy guide with pro tips on how to grow your social media presence.
Get the free guide right now!
A few tips:
Use a tool to manage your accounts, all in one place. This keeps everything safe and separate. I use Hootsuite to create tabs for each social media account. Even safer, create two Hootsuite accounts—one for business, the other for personal.
Designate accounts as ‘secure’. Which you can do with Hootsuite Enterprise. This will prevent posting accidentally. Hoostuite will ask you to confirm any new post you send or schedule, giving you another moment to ‘think about it’.
Think before you post. You’re busy, I get it. But take an extra breath to be sure. It’s a lot easier than having to apologize to your audience—and boss too.
7. Follow with a purpose
Following everyone and anyone will dilute your brand. And, saturate your feeds with irrelevant posts. Which will tarnish your brand reputation. Again, the one you’re working so hard to achieve over time.
The number of followers is not what matters most. It might say something about how aware people are of your brand. But context matters more.
Consider this before hitting the ‘follow’ button:
Would you repost much of what they have to show, say and share?
Might they do the same for your posts and shares?
Are they a good ambassador, pro, and influencer in your industry?
And active, not dormant?
In other words, can they help you and you help them? Yes? Then by all means, click ‘follow’.
8. Give credit
Social media is a recycling bin of content.
Meaning, lots of eyeballs can see your stuff, in a flurry-hurry, as it spreads like digital wildfire.
And plagiarism can too (or other absences of credit).
Show and share a steady stream of great content, no problem. So long as you give, versus take, credit for it.
Mention the creator’s handle in a post
Ask for their permission to share (and score polite points)
Or share it and make it obvious it’s not yours
If not, you’ll look greedy and disrespectful.
9. Don’t overshare
Are you or your brand posting once, a couple, maybe a few times a day?
Seems reasonable.
What’s not reasonable is when you suddenly triple or quadruple that number.
People. Get. Pissed.
And become more likely to unfollow you. And why not? What’s with the sudden post-idemic?
Now, if for some reason you’re going to change your post cadence, let people know. “Heads up out there. We’ll be posting more than usual to share what we learned at Comic Con this week.”
That was nice. Your followers will think the same.
By the way, how much should you tweet, pin, and share per day? According to this piece…
Facebook: 1 post per day
Twitter: 15 Tweets per day
Pinterest: 11 Pins per day
LinkedIn: 1 post per day (oops, I’m doing twice)
Instagram: 1-2 posts per day
10. Go easy on tone
Bragging, complaining, retorting, or venting in high doses turns readers off. With good reason.
If you want to do more of that, better to do it somewhere else than social media.
Write a post, create a video, give a speech. See a shrink. Run for President.
But don’t take it out on your loving, social audience. You’ll associate your brand with the negative.
That’s it. Nothing more I need to say on this one. You get it.
11. Apply the golden rule
Act how you want others to act.
Want to be credited? Credit others.
Want to be treated politely? Respond politely.
Want people to share insights, not promotions? Share insights, not promotions.
You get the point. Be the person (and brand) you want others to be. Simple, huh? So simple we forget about this too often.
12. Relate, don’t sell
Ever follow someone then whamo… You get some response sounding like salesman versus a human?
Wait, I’m not saying salesmen aren’t human. No, no, not at all. That’s not what I meant.
What I do mean…
How did that make you feel when you followed someone for the right reason, then find yourself in their sales funnel?
Not good, right? Tricked?
See, already, somebody forgot the golden rule above. Don’t be that someone.
13. Follow because you want to
Not because you want them to.
Don’t follow someone because you want them to follow you back.
I’m guilty.
Avoid the temptation to ask them, too.
You look desperate
You can’t control others
It’s not genuine
Follow, friend, like or pin because you dig what they said, showed or shared. Without expecting anything in return.
14. Be interested, not interesting
When you try to be interesting, you make it about you.
When you show interest, you make it about them.
We all have a dominance in either talking or listening. It’s just how we’re wired. And, most people are talking-dominant.
Me, included.
However, I learned a long time ago that one learns little when focused on transmitting information versus receiving information.
It’s (absolutely) the best way to connect with others.
We’re humans, we can apply conscious thought to do and be better. The same goes for social. People will like you better. You will like others better. Guaranteed.
Following these social media etiquette rules is easy with Hootsuite. From one dashboard you can schedule and publish posts, engage your followers, and track the success of your efforts. Try it free.
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The post 14 Essential Social Media Etiquette Rules for Brands appeared first on Hootsuite Social Media Management.
14 Essential Social Media Etiquette Rules for Brands published first on https://likesfollowersclub.tumblr.com/
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pkaizen · 3 years
Innovative marketing methods form the crux of the success of any business. There are many social agencies in Pune, but if you are looking for the perfect social media strategies, then Kaizen Design Studio is the best social media marketing company in Pune for you which has the perfect strategy for generating leads through social media! Here are the tips to increase your Social Media Engagement.  
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Minimize the length, Maximize the effect!
In this fast-paced world, Almost everyone is on the go! No one has a lot of time. So, the content of your social media posts should be short and sweet. Quality and precise content is the key to the success of such posts. Attractive short posts can help you in generating leads through social media. There are many SMO agencies in Pune who are specialized in creating innovative posts but Kaizen Design Studio is the best Social Media Marketing agency in Pune which has the recipe to keep its customers engaged through innovative social media posts.
Quick wit is lit
People use social media to be entertained; not exactly to see marketing ads. If all of your social media posts are overly promotional and inviting people to buy your products, you might end up losing your audience’s attention. For generating leads through social media, use humour regularly in your posts to entertain your followers and increase social media engagement. You can come up with witty lines related to your industry. You can also post images with relatable or trending captions.
Choosing the perfect time is a must
People are not online 24×7 so it’s important to post any content according to the time at which people maximum people are online. This will help you in engaging more people with your brand and also increase the digital foothold of your brand.
Use business-related hashtags
Hashtags are very common on social media. Some businesses and brands even create their own hashtags. Now, you must be wondering how can hashtags boost engagement? People who are interested in hashtags similar are more likely to engage with your posts. And when they do, it boosts your engagement outside your following, which is a great thing. If you want someone who can search the best hashtags suiting to your company’s field, Kaizen Design Studio in Pune is the answer. A social media agency in Pune, Kaizen Design Studio knows the perfect way to engage your prospective consumers digitally with their excellent digital marketing strategies. A consistent rise in the success rate of marketing strategies has placed it among the best digital marketing agencies in Pune.
Create attractive headlines
People don’t click boring headlines, add some quirky and cool headline to each and every post and see the magic! Headlines constitute 90% of the advertising. Spend more time creating the best headlines for the content you create. Good headlines receive more engagement. There are a plethora of ways through which you can boost people to interact with your brand through social media posts. The engagement rate depends on how much you broaden your creativity horizon. The more creative you are, the higher the chances of generating a great engagement rate. Also, never ever stick to a single strategy, and always think differently. Discover other creative ways to generate a better engagement rate.
We post professionally, but a personal touch is vital!
Lack of personal touch can provoke the audience to stay away from your posts as they cannot connect with your post. So, a tinge of personal touch is necessary for your post. Thus, a social media cell forms an inseparable part of any organization and it is the most important factor to attract the audience to your business through social media posts. Kaizen Design Studio, one of the top social media companies in Pune creates engaging posts to attract the audience towards your business like a magnet!
Browse more articles by Kaizen Design Studio visit: HOW WE CAN WRITE A CATCHY SOCIAL MEDIA POST?
About Us
Kaizen Design Studio is a multi-faceted digital marketing company in Pune with an unwavering focus on attaining numerous Uno status amongst advertising agencies in Pune. We do this through creativity, dedication, technological advancement, and unmatched customer service. Get in touch with us for the right marketing and advertising solutions.
Continuous improvement’, as our tagline reads, is the main principle of Kaizen. We at Kaizen Design Studio, strive to continuously improve ourselves and our services. We believe in pushing the boundaries of creativity, and setting new standards of achievement for ourselves. Applying these principles and more, Kaizen Design Studio has grown from strength to strength, and is now one of the most sought after, corporate video production in pune.
Contact Us
Sr.No. 20/3/2, Pashan Road,
Near to Maratha Mandir,
Bavdhan Khurd, Pune, 411021
Website : https://www.kaizendesignstudio.com/
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