#Online cat coaching classes
cat-exam-coaching · 1 year
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learntheta-online · 4 months
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Navigate the intricacies of the CAT Number System with precision using LearnTheta's specialized course. From integers to decimals, master every aspect of numerical concepts crucial for CAT success. Engage in interactive learning, practice with real-world examples, and solidify your foundation. Join LearnTheta's Number System course to confidently tackle CAT's quantitative challenges and secure your path to success.
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learntheta · 6 months
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Dive into unparalleled CAT Questions with "CAT Mastery Unleashed" on Learn Theta. This platform unveils a strategic approach to conquer the Common Admission Test, providing a comprehensive toolkit for success. From curated study materials to adaptive learning modules, Learn Theta tailors its resources to your needs, ensuring a personalized and effective CAT preparation journey. Elevate your skills, conquer challenging questions, and navigate the CAT exam with confidence. Enroll in Learn Theta today and unlock the gateway to top-notch business schools. Your CAT success story starts here!
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verbalhub · 9 months
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timetrivandrum · 2 years
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Today, T.I.M.E. is recognised as a multi-location, multi-programme training specialist ran along corporate lines and offers a wide range of programmes not only for national and state-level entrance exams like CAT, MAT, CLAT, IPM, HSEE, NCHMCT JEE, JEE MAIN, and JEE ADVANCED but also for international exams like GMAT, GRE, IELTS and TOEFL. Read more....
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longing-for-rain · 5 months
“There’s no way that person could be a predator. They’re so kind and helpful and give so much to the community! You must just be lying to tear them down!”
Let me tell you about Mr. Larry, the old band director when I was in high school.
That’s not his real name, but you get the idea. Everyone loved Mr. Larry. He was that fun, quirky teacher that all the students loved. He talked about how much he loved his wife and showed the class pictures of his cats. He danced on a busy street corner dressed as a pizza slice to cheer on students doing the charity run. He was very understanding and easygoing and always took that extra step to help a student who was struggling.
But there were always rumors about Mr. Larry. A few girls over the years had reported inappropriate incidents with Mr. Larry. Nobody believed them. He was so nice and so charitable. How could Mr. Larry possibly be *that* type of person? He must not have meant what he did. Maybe those girls just misunderstood. Or maybe they were just lying.
There was no evidence, after all, so the rumors stayed rumors. It was easy to accept, that way. Nobody wanted to believe Mr. Larry was capable of such things. What they didn’t know was the story of the girl who deleted all of her texts with him because she was afraid she’d get in trouble if her parents saw them, or the girl who didn’t realize what she’d experienced was sexual abuse until it was too late.
Mr. Larry was the same way for years. Nobody believed the rumors until he was arrested and put on the sex offender registry after one girl finally managed to prove her abuse to authorities.
But do you think it ended there?
Even after Mr. Larry was found guilty, so many people refused to believe it. His coworkers, students, parents. Instead of accepting that predators are capable of hiding behind a kind and benevolent persona, they instead spun a narrative in which that teenage girl was purposely seducing Mr. Larry, that it wasn’t really his fault. They called his sexual assault and grooming of this girl a mistake and tried pinning the majority of the blame on her. Because Mr. Larry was just so good and nice. Someone like him could never be a predator.
There are a lot of Mr. Larrys out there. Mr. Larry could be a teacher, a coach, your coworker, your next door neighbor, anyone. On the internet—because this pattern is extremely common online too—Mr. Larry could manifest as that chill person in your DMs, your “fandom mom,” etc.
Don’t brush off a warning because someone was nice to you. Remember Mr. Larry. He got away with it for so long because he built himself the reputation of a kindly and generous father figure. But he knew exactly what he was doing. Don’t fall for it.
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suzufield · 5 months
15 people 15 questions
thanks to @simmyfrobby and @sergeifyodorov for the tags. my fandom mom and dad (affectionate)
sorry this got long (also sorry for that joke, joy and cody, I regretted it as soon as I typed it)
1. are you named after anyone? short answer, no. long answer, I'm named after a goddess, but it wasn't with the goddess in mind that I was named, it just sort of ended up that way. and I chose aleksandar because of the protagonist of a book.
2. when was the last time you cried? ok this one was funny. I was watching one of the tsn(?) promo vids they did for the pwhl. there was a girl, I don't even know who she is, but I had the most intense thought like "WHY AM I SO OBSESSED WITH HER" and I was TEARING UP!!!! so the tl;dr is that I am a lesbian and I like girls
3. do you have kids? no but I think about it a fair amount like... that's definitely not something that is possible for me but I love kids!!!
4. what sports have you played/do you play? as a kid I did a bit of soccer, ballet, contemporary dance and nothing really stuck... then in high school I discovered endurance running and it actually Changed My Life. then I got an injury before running my first 10k. which was a shame. and now I've not really picked it up again, but I do freestyle wrestling!! which is a TON OF FUN & I hope to keep at it for a long time
(I do still find soccer fun to this day I'm just terribly unskilled at it and sometimes get the urge to join 12 year olds playing it in the park)
5. do you use sarcasm? yes
6. what's the first thing you notice about people? if they look friendly. I don't know.
7. what's your eye colour? brown AF
8. scary movies or happy endings? and what if I want my horror movie to end well??
9. any talents? I can sing... I like drawing when I can set my mind to it. I don't write enough but I really like my writing style : )
10. where were you born? montréal, québec BABY!!!!
11. what are your hobbies? doing nothing on the computer. listening to obscure music. making mashups. watching sports (obviously). PHYSICAL ACTIVITY!! language learning and uhh, reading and drawing on occasion
12. do you have any pets? four! dog. cat. two rats (chucky and freddy. I talk about them sometimes)
13. how tall are you? an unfortunate 5 feet and 3 inches tall
14. favourite subject in school? history or english. or french, honestly depends. english I didn't have to put any work in (ESL is deeply unserious (we were learning verb conjugations in TENTH GRADE!!!???)). history was fun when we talked about something I liked (war history. and also I liked the teacher). french I could also get away with not doing anything because I was the best student in the class. Um. math was fun honestly? did a bit of html & js in college before dropping out, loved it also,.
15. dream job? so re: question 3 & question 4. my dream job would be to coach kids at wrestling, honestly. I love teaching & I love kids but I won't be going back to school to become a teacher, but being able to teach a sport would be, I think, the most fun I could have in a job... as of right now my current job plan is to go become what is essentially a handyman. it pays and I would like doing it!
I won't tag 15 people but @one4theoverlypassionate, @nicohischier, @dacchamp, @pink-car, @nastybastian, @ineffag-swag, @glitchcel, @jimothystu... if you haven't done this! (and sorry if you have. I'm not as online as I used to be 😭)
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Random the Quarry headcannons for all counselors
~ my baby the future art major
~ obviously he’s really into art but I imagine he’s more specifically into animation
~ loves old school hand drawn animation like in the Cuphead games and old school Disney
~ definitely the kid who always had his sketchbook out in class but somehow got all A’s
~ LOVED the warrior cats series and had a phase it was all he would draw
~ his little sister looks up to him and he teachers her how to draw🥺
~ since he’s the sailing coach he’s probably a good swimmer and grew up near the coast
~ oldest sibling energy idk where I got that from so don’t ask
~ I personally hc him as gay and he probably found out when he was pretty young
~ his family knows and is accepting bc I said so
~ very much a science geek as a kid I’m imagining Flint Lockwood from Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs as a kid 💀
~ probably won the school science fair a few times
~ imagine tiny Dylan with safety googles playing with a chemistry set I want to eat him
~ I think she was a military kid
~ her dad was in the army and he was the one who taught her how to use a gun when he was in between tours
~ her mom is a retired military nurse and that’s how her parents met
~ she moved around a lot as a kid and that’s how she met Jacob
~ he was her only friend that bothered to try and keep in touch with her after she moved they probably wrote letters when they were kids and switched to texting when they got older
~ was probably Jacobs idea that they go to camp together so they could see each other during the summers and once they graduated they kept going as counselors
~ I love their friendship can u tell
~ the himbo of everyone’s dreams
~ I think he’s from Texas but he chugs his respect women juice in his protein shake
~ was always a football kid and played all the way through high school
~ star quarterback baybey
~ the people who didn’t know him assumed he was a jerk and the people who did know him made fun of him and called him soft
~ raised by his grandma
~ he felt like Kaitlyn was the only person who really understood him which he mistook for romantic attraction which is why they practiced kissing but she helped straighten him out
~ I am an Emma apologist she was RADICALIZED
~ anyways she was a horse girl in elementary school
~ got to ride horses on her 9th birthday and it’s a core memory
~ I can see her being a pageant girl too
~ is really into fitness bc she LOVES sweet and sugary food and she’s got to keep her body in shape somehow
~ probably loves cute mobile games like Neko Atsume and those Toca games
~ also absolutely is amazing at Mario Kart and Cooking Mama
~ soft art girl my baby
~ she was waaay into MCR and P!ATD in middle school
~probably plays DnD with her friends on the weekends
~ I can see her having an ao3 account
~ new ao3 copypasta just dropped “sorry I couldn’t update guys my friends were attacked by werewolf’s 😒anyways here’s my 6k word chapter
~ started drawing when she was little and had an elementary art teacher turn it into a passion and she wants to follow in their footsteps
~ I am an Emma/Abi believer
~ grew up in Australia and moved to New York with his family after he graduated he’s got the “I’m new in town” energy
~ why anyone would want to come here idk but I digress
~ was a baseball player growing up and loved watching it on TV
~ came to camp as a counselor bc he saw an ad for it online and wanted to make friends🥺 sweet boy
~ has a secret nerdy side he’s embarrassed about bc he thinks it makes him less manly or whatever
~ loves Star Wars and Star Trek
~ was one of the girls that wanted to be a vet when she was little and one of the few that actually meant it
~ devastated about the idea of having to put animals down or do anything they wouldn’t like but she knows it’s part of the job
~ has a golden retriever and wants to have a cat when she moves out but her dad is allergic
~ Met Max in elementary school but they were never more than acquaintances until high school
~they had a lot of classes together freshman year and their relationship blossomed from there
~ the baby himself
~ bounced between sports and clubs growing up but nothing really stuck
~ had a puppy crush on Laura in elementary school but it went away as they got older (them came back obviously)
~He lives with his dad and his stepmom and his bio mom isn’t really in the picture anymore
~ hated his freckles and they make him insecure
~ Laura said they were cute and he doesn’t hate them so much anymore
~ I see him being an animal lover and he probably takes dogs on walks as a side job when he has time
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learntheta-online · 4 months
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Excel in the CAT aptitude section with LearnTheta's dedicated course. From foundational concepts to advanced problem-solving techniques, our comprehensive program ensures a strong grasp of aptitude topics. Access interactive lessons, practice sessions, and personalized feedback to optimize your performance. Propel your CAT journey with LearnTheta's Aptitude course and confidently tackle the aptitude challenges that lie ahead.
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learntheta · 6 months
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Sharpen your CAT exam skills with LearnTheta's "CAT Mock Mastery" program. Experience a simulated testing environment that closely mirrors the actual CAT exam, providing you with the perfect opportunity to assess and enhance your readiness. Our meticulously crafted mock exams cover the entire CAT syllabus, offering valuable insights into your strengths and areas for improvement. Receive detailed performance analytics, expert feedback, and strategic tips to fine-tune your approach. Get ready to conquer the CAT with confidence – enroll in CAT Mock Mastery on LearnTheta and propel yourself towards success!
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verbalhub · 1 year
Common mistakes that you should avoid while preparing for CAT
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Being one of the most well-known MBA entrance exams, many students appear for CAT every year. However, approximately 75% of the students are newbies that are appearing for this examination. It is essential to stay away from some common errors while getting prepared for the test apart from the reliable CAT Exam Online Coaching that one can enroll at. Here, we have talked about those typical mistakes that one should avoid at present.
Mistakes to avoid while preparing for the CAT
Make it a point to start your preparation as soon as possible without making any delay. This is due to the fact that one cannot improve his verbal expertise within a couple of months and it needs constant practice more than anything else. Therefore, one has to develop strong reading skills from the very beginning. According to the experts, it will be a good idea to begin the preparation at least nine months before the commencement of the exam.
One more major mistake that one can make happens to be the lack of proper technique. Do not bear in mind that there is any problem with your strategy if you are not able to answer some simple questions. Also, make certain to have a weekly routine for the number of mock tests and practice questions that you are going to solve. The syllabus of CAT is huge, and therefore, it will be crucial to cover every single topic by sticking to weekly targets and mastering formulae for enhancing the level of preparation.
Besides all these common mistakes, almost also be aware of the exam pattern and the syllabus. Nevertheless, many students refrain from doing so. It is of prime importance to comprehend the curriculum of CAT apart from taking the help of Online CAT Coaching from a reliable training site. It is a fact that lots of students tend to spend much time on abstract concepts. For example, although they might know that reading comprehension is important when it comes to verbal ability, they lack the required knowledge that it is not effective to practice reading comprehension without a proper understanding of the subjects that they have to answer in the exam. The student has to list all the topics that each section is going to cover together with the % of each query asked.
Many students also are not able to practice to a great extent at present. They are not able to differentiate between active learning and passive learning. While active learning indicates the comprehension of concepts and also practicing various types of questions, passive learning is when the student comprehends the idea by means of videos and lectures but cannot implement them into practice. As a result, it will be impossible to presume that somebody has a complete understanding of any particular topic without practicing a minimum of 5 to 10 questions from each set.
About Verbal Hub
Here, we like to articulate that if you like to indulge in dependable and authentic Online CAT Preparation Courses, then don’t make any hesitation to join Verbal Hub. This institution will provide you with the required guidance and assistance for passing the examination successfully.
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edenfalling · 2 months
Fifteen Questions for Fifteen Friends
Tagged by @thatgirlnevershutsup
are you named after anyone? Nope! My parents specifically went out of their way to avoid giving either child a family name (though in Nick's case that was only managed via creative spelling). They did wind up making some classical mythology references, but I think that was accidental rather than a deliberate theme. I am also not named after a celebrity despite what A LOT OF PEOPLE assumed when I was a child. (*)
when was the last time you cried? I dunno. I don't tend to cry dramatically, but a handful of tears at an emotional moment isn't surprising.
do you have kids? Nope.
what sports do you play/have played? I played soccer in high school (badly). I also took years of swimming and gymnastics lessons, though I never competed in either activity. I was bad at gymnastics, but I probably could have done pretty well on a swim team. (I talked my swim coaches into letting me be an assistant teacher for pre-schoolers instead of swimming competitively, which I think was much better for my mental health.)
do you use sarcasm? When it feels appropriate.
what is the first thing you notice about people? ...Probably their height, if we meet in person? Or vocal pitch/timbre. Typing style if we meet online.
what's your eye colour? Brown :)
scary movies or happy endings? This is a false dichotomy and I refuse to engage with it.
any talents? I used to be a good singer and a good enough oboist that I took private lessons for a couple years, but I am woefully out of practice. I think I write pretty well too, but I haven't been doing that much for a few years either.
where were you born? New Jersey. You wanna make something of it?
what are your hobbies? Reading, writing, miscellaneous art stuff (lately cross-stitch and paint-by-numbers projects). I keep a bunch of houseplants, and occasionally dabble in outdoor container gardening. Currently I'm into the NY Times crossword and their Spelling Bee game, as well as virtual mahjong solitaire, but which particular puzzles/games I am into varies with time.
do you have any pets? Tragically, no, but someday I will have a dog! ...Or perhaps a cat, if I can get some allergy shots and buy one from a less allergenic breed. Or maybe some fish, or a snake, or... look, I enjoy animals. I just don't currently have enough free time to adequately meet the physical and emotional needs of a dog, and other pets would require more prep work.
Houseplants require much less investment.
how tall are you? 5'3"
favourite subject in school? Y'know, I actually liked all of my classes? At least when the teachers weren't complete wastes of space, and even in those cases I generally still enjoyed the subject. I like learning things. The world is absolutely fascinating -- who doesn't want to know more about it?
I think if you'd asked me around age 16-22, I would have said chemistry, but it's harder to keep up with chemistry when you're not actively in the field so my most enduring interest is probably history. (If you'd asked me at age 6-15 I am pretty certain I would have said math. I still do love math, but again, harder to keep up with when you're not actively in the field.)
dream job? I'm pretty happy with my current job(s), but if they paid twice as much I sure wouldn't say no!
I tag: @wordsforrain, @longroadstonowhere, @ickaimp,@violsva, @asukaskerian, @curlicuecal, @branch-and-root, and anyone else who wants to participate. (*)This will be less confusing if you remember that Elizabeth is my middle name, not my legal first name.
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dumb-hat · 1 year
@thefreelanceangel smacked me with this thing, and I happen to be sitting here, looking at it, right at the moment when I'm both restless and bored and can't think of anything to read or do, so... yeah, okay, why not? Been a bit since I've done one of these things.
1. Are you named after anyone?
So, the original plan was to name me after my father, but it turns out there was another guy in town with his name, and Dad, like... he hated that guy, and the thought that people might meet little baby me and think that I was that guy's kid just grated on him, so they named me after his best friend, but gave me Dad's middle name.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I don't remember the last time I did a whole-ass, full-on cry, but I probably furrowed my brow and tried to stoically choke down a swell of tearful emotion while watching fucking Ted Lasso yesterday.
Same thing with Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3 the other day.
It used to be that like, I'd get fairly emotional about real life stuff, but not so much with media. Sure, it would have an effect on me, but that effect just didn't, like... go anywhere, if that makes sense. These days though, if I'm being honest? I will almost cry at the drop of a hat.
3. Do you have kids?
Nah. The cats are enough.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I think I use, like, a normal amount of sarcasm, whatever that is.
I really appreciate sarcasm, especially well-crafted sarcasm. It doesn't take much to just, I dunno, meanly say the opposite of how you actually feel about something, but good sarcasm can be an absolute delight.
When I was younger, I did an awful lot of the former, all the while confusing it for the latter. I won't say I always get it right now, but I try to do it less as a knee-jerk reaction, especially around people who might not know me as well... But I can't help it, and sometimes I show my ass.
If anything, I'm more likely to lapse into bathos than sarcasm.
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
Tee ball and coach pitch when I was a little, tiny kid. I was really bad at it, but Dad wanted me to do it, and it meant I got to hang out with him, even if I was terrified the entire time I was out there.
That's it, unless you want to count a few summers during/right after high school where my friends and I got really into Ultimate frisbee and started a league with teams and shirts and everything.
I, uh... I for one would rather not count that, if that's alright.
6. What is the first thing you notice about other people?
Honestly, it really just depends on how I meet them, you know? Is it an online thing? An in-person thing? A party? A concert? A convention? Work?
I guess I could say that I get a pretty strong gut reaction to people right off the bat, no matter the context. I'm pretty good about giving myself room to adjust how I feel, but there's definitely a quiet, ongoing vibe check that I notice first thing, if that counts.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
This feels like a false dichotomy.
For years, I thought I didn't like horror, but then I realized that I had just been convinced that I didn't like horror. Turns out, I really like it, I'm just kind of specific about it.
I like happy endings, but sometimes I'm put off when things are just a little too pat, you know?
So, uh, yeah. I like both. This doesn't feel like an either/or for me.
8. Any special talents?
I kinda wanna say 'no,' but that's not really a fun answer, is it?
So, okay. Here's a fun one: One day when I was like, 17 or 18, I was sitting at my grandparents' computer, waiting on something to download for a class project, I saw one of those... Oh, I don't know what they're called, like... one those, uh, letter spikes? You know, it's a spike that sits upright on a desk and you impale letters on it?
Yeah. One of those.
Anyway, I saw it there, and I still don't know why I did this—chalk it up to that ADHD impulsiveness, I suppose—but I took the thing and just, like, slid it into my nostril. I expected resistance, but didn't really find any, so I just kinda, you know, kept going.
I slid the thing in—straight back, mind you! Not up!—until I felt it touch the back of my sinus cavity. It wasn't long before I was showing this off to anyone I could, using progressively more impressive-looking nails. I started keeping a nose nail handy just so I could do the impromptu human blockhead thing on demand at parties and stuff.
Uh, does that count?
9. Where were you born?
Nowhere good, I tell you what.
10. Do you have any hobbies?
I do a lot of tabletop RPG stuff. I'm coming up on session 8 of an Exalted game, which is a lot of fun. I ran tons of it back in the day, but I haven't touched it since like, '11, but it feels good to be running it again. Feels kinda like home.
I play some video games, too. I find that the interest is always there, but the actual doing of it waxes and wanes, and boy, is there a lot of waxing right now. Just... a lot of fun stuff coming out. Lots I want to play.
I, uh... should probably log into FFXIV sometime soon. Get caught up. Take screenshots. Roleplay. Sort inventory. Manage retainers. Anything, really.
Honestly though, I really love making terrariums. I always thought it was kind of neat, but I started watching terrarium videos on YouTube as kind of a Bob-Ross-Moment-of-Zen-Unwind-and-Destress kind of thing while I was working a super-stressful job, and then it just kind of turned into my pandemic hobby. I love it, but I haven't made anything in a while, since I'm low on a few supplies. This is a good reminder to change that, though!
11. Do you have any pets?
I do! Two cats and a leopard gecko. The cats are 17 and 11. The leopard gecko is... at least 16, but could be years older than that, as he was kind of a rescue situation. He's slowing down a lot and getting really fussy, so I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit worried about him, but I reckon he's had a good run.
12. How tall are you?
5'10? 5'11? Depends on my posture, I guess.
13. Favorite Subject in School:
Depends on what kind of school we're talking about.
In grade school, it was usually science, sometimes social studies.
In high school, I took whatever *-as-literature classes I could, but my favorite classes were probably actually World Cultures and Sociology.
In college, I double majored in Anthropology and Linguistics. My favorite class was probably Sociolinguistics, but I was pretty good at Phonetics and the Anthropology of Science Fiction course I took as an undergrad was a ton of fun.
Okay, I guess it doesn't actually depend. Most of that can be boiled down to "I like people, and I like words, and I like what people do with words."
14. Dream job?
As much as I'd love to be pithy and say something like "I don't dream of labor," Baldwin said it better than I could ever hope to.
I don't think I have a dream job. I just kinda wanna do stuff and then have time to, like, not do stuff, you know?
That said, as I get older, I do find myself daydreaming about all kinds of things that feel like they'd be fulfilling now, but didn't even cross my mind when I was in a better position to do something about it more easily.
For all the time I spent staring at the architectural mock-ups in the halls at college, I could have at least taken an intro class, right?
I spent a large chunk of my life thinking I had no interest in making things or putting things together before realizing how much I loved the thin line between frustration and cursing, and elation and satisfaction that comes with repairing something, just because I was told that wasn't the kind of thing guys like me did. Also, uh... Having a half—or even quarter!—decent set of tools (rather than whatever you can find around the house) really, really helps.
So, yeah. I dunno. I'm getting older and still figuring out what I want to do, which is kind of a pain in the ass for an old guy that's long past all the college and "What do you wanna do when you grow up?" part, but I guess that's alright.
Wait. No. I wanna be a garden hermit. Surely, that's still a thing somewhere, right?
15. Eye Color?
I'm not tagging anyone because... I dunno, I don't wanna. But hey, feel free to steal this and do it and tag me back so I can see it. That sounds like fun.
I've got an OOC blog over at @justlikethefish. In theory, that's where I talk about stuff like this. In practice, it's mostly like, cats and memes, and the occasional two-sentence post about whatever tabletop game I'm running, or whatever. Oh, and just about every Calvin & Hobbes post I come across.
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