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*when I see my mutual are active at the same time as me* Family's gathering time!
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anyasathenaeum · 10 months
Could I request the prompt: Knives going feral when the reader’s been hurt? Thanks so much!
A/N: OOOOOO this is my first request for Knives! I'm very excited for this one. *cracks knuckles* Okay, let's try this.
Warnings: Mention of violence, death, blood, Knives going feral, ending open to interpretation
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The only thing Knives could process was a feeling of rage.
Pure, unaltered rage. How dare they think they could so much as look at you, let alone touch you, hurt you?
The moment Knives laid eyes on your crumpled form, bloodied and bruised, it was over.
All sense and careful calculations went out the window. Knives couldn't hear the screams of the people who had attacked you, their pleas for mercy and their cries of pain as they perished, nor did he care - the only thing he could hear was his blood rushing in his ears, pure hatred burning within him like an inferno, his eyes glued to your injured and unconscious self.
You hadn't even done anything. You'd been attacked and hurt simply because the humans didn't understand why you were siding with Knives. They saw you as a traitor to the human race.
"Filthy humans!" Knives roared viciously as he moved swiftly and without hesitation, cutting down every person he came across as he got nearer to where you lay, unmoving.
When Knives finally got to you, his heart twisted in his chest - you were even more badly hurt than he'd expected, a puddle of your own blood forming beneath you. You were breathing, albeit barely, and your skin was littered with bruises, scratches and cuts.
"(Y/N), wake up. Wake up, now," Knives commanded, kneeling down next to you. His tone was firm and cold and demanding, expecting you to follow his command as you so often did.
But this time, you didn't so much as twitch.
"(Y/N)," Knives repeated himself, and he tried his best to ignore the twinge of fear that coursed through him when you failed to react, "Enough. Get up this instant."
Yet again, nothing. Not a flicker of life from you, asides from your slow and shallow breaths.
It wasn't possible. You were not so badly hurt that you would perish... were you? Knives felt the fear building within him, alongside his hatred for the people who had done this to you. This would not be how he lost you. He would not lose you.
'I should have killed them slowly,' Knives thought angrily to himself, 'I should have made them suffer for touching (Y/N). I should have made them beg for mercy and shown them as much mercy as they showed (Y/N).'
"You will not die, (Y/N)," Knives growled as he collected you into his arms with a surprising amount of gentleness, immediately heading back to the lab to recruit Conrad's assistance in saving you.
"You do not have my permission to die, (Y/N), do you hear me?!"
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honey-minded-hivemind · 3 months
Heeeee look anyway I don't know much about marvel but anyone would be fine 🥹
I love reading your stories sm
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Oooooo, it's time, @danni1323! Are you ready...?
(Warning: Read the bingo card... This is the ❄Fallen Snow🩸 AU, so expect panicked Reader, dark scenarios, and guilty platonic yans... Viewer discretion is advised...)
This was the about the seventyeth time they had tried to escape. It had gone well at first, as they'd made it as far as the edge of the facility grounds lake... Until one of their old mentors had caught up to them.
The struggle had been fierce, with Reader trying to bite through the hands that caught them, scratching and hissing like a wounded cat, yet it was all for naught. The older mutant, Sabretooth, had pinned them, and had actually handcuffed their wrists together.
Suffice to say, Reader made their fear known.
"Let me go!"
"Cub, this is tha seventy-eighth time you've tried ta run from us. I don't want ta do this, but ya aren't listening. You don't have ta run. We'll take care of ya. I know we've failed ya in tha past, I know that. But ya aren't leavin' us again. I promise ya we won't hurt ya ever again. Ya have my word," sighs the larger feral, Sabretooth, who then starts to walk back towards where the facility is. Reader tries to tug their hand back, but they're only tugged forward, forced into walking with him unless they want to lose their balance.
"Kid, cub, please stop fightin' this. Yer only gonna hurt yerself by struggling."
The feral let's out a small groan, but stops for a moment. He looks down at Reader, his eyes picking them apart... A new glint seems to form in them, then in a steady twist he hauls Reader up into his arms, soon holding them in a bridal carry.
"What do you think you're doing?!" Reader can't hide the panic or fear in their voice, nor stop trying to get down, all of which is met by a hand rubbing their back, while their handcuffed one helps hold Reader up, pressing them against their old mentor's chest.
"I'm keepin' ya from hurtin' yerself. I can't trust ya ta walk the rest of tha way, and I'm not goin' ta risk havin' ya bite yer hand off just ta get away from us. It's okay that ya don't trust us, that ya don't trust me. But I won't let ya hurt yerself er get yerself sick with worry er bein' out in tha cold. Now, just relax, 'kay, cub? I'll take care of everything," their captor rumbles, who then continues, carrying Reader the entire way back, petting them and making small promises. They're greeted by their other mentor, Wolverine, who only let's out a soft sigh and let's them in.
Reader could have lived with being stuck in their designated "room" for a bit, or being left to sleep as punishment. What they didn't expect was for the two ferals to bring them deeper into the facility, through the corridors and halls, until they reached a room that smelled of antiseptic and medicine. Reader couldn't help but let out a small, almost inaudible whine when they were brought in. The room looked a bit like a doctor's, with a large chair-bed-recliner thing, bright lighting, a table and cabinets with a sink, and various charts and graphs along one wall. They're less pleased when the one holding them sets them down on the chair/bed, humming softly.
"W-what are you doing?" Reader asks, voice wavering. They give a small tug to the handcuffs, but it does nothing. "W-what's going on?"
"Don't worry, cub. We know ya've been strugglin' with seein' us again, of bein' back here again. It's rough, we know. But nothin's been workin', nothin' we say or do or try helps ya any, er makes ya feel better. It's hurtin' ya, cub, and we can't let ya keep hurtin'. Just take a deep breath and lean back, 'kay? We need ta get ya settled before we can begin."
Reader feels their hear skip a beat, freezing up. Their breathing picks up speed, their eyes darting around as they try to find an escape, a way out-
Firm hands push them down, even as they start to struggle, scratching along the soft cushioning and the wrist that is cuffed. They're only held still, and soon they feel something thick wrap around their hand. A thick, padded strap, tying their other wrist down to the chair/bed they're on. A shrill scream escapes them, a wailing cry of total terror and panic. The two older ferals try to calm them down, but are met with harsh wrenching and struggling. Sabretooth trys to shush them, voice soft and pleading, while Wolverine takes another strap and wraps it around Reader's chest, limiting their struggling even more.
"Shhhh, shhhh, I know, cub, I know. It's all scary, but this is fer yer own good. We need ta keep ya still while we give ya yer medicine. Shhhhh. It'll only take a minute. We know, we know, it doesn't make sense to ya, but it will, okay? Just try ta take a few deep breaths, 'kay, cub?"
The two take that time to wrap thick padded cuffs around Reader's ankles, then moving up and strapping another around their stomach. Sabreooth slowly unlocked the handcuffs,, removing the metal bindings around both their wrists, soon replacing it with a soft, plush one, tying it down and rubbing his thumb across Reader's knuckles. When Reader tried to bite, wailing louder and crying, a pair of hands holds their head still, while another pair straps their neck down.
"Shhhh... We did the hard part, 'kay, cub? It's over. All we have ta do now is give ya yer medicine. That doesn't sound too bad, does it?"
A choked sob breaks free from Reader, and they feel a large hand wrap around their smaller one. They can hear shuffling, soon followed by the sharp scent of a drug. They feel their heart pounding in their chest, the weight of the strap only making it worse. They can't see either of their old mentors, but they can hear them and smell them, only adding to their paranoia.
"Okay, cub, we're all ready. Yer gonna feel a small pinch, and then yer gonna start ta feel a little sleepy. 'Kay?" Reader tries to say something, but only manages to hiccup, tears rolling down their cheeks. The hand holding their's tightens, rubbing and squeezing, burning hot against Reader's chilled skin. A sharp cold touches their upper arm, and Reader tries to jerk away, but the straps hold firm.
Then a sharp prick is felt, and the needle slips in.
A tingling, cool liquid enters, and one of them starts to count down.
"Ten... Nine... Eight... Seven... Six... Five... Four... Three... Two... And one."
The needle pulls out, and a small pat is given to their arm. Reader tries to force themself to stay panicked, to keep their terror and fear in their mind, but the drug slowly works it way in, numbing their thoughts up. They can feel their breaths gradually slowing, their heartbeats softening, their emotions slowly calming down. "Wh't... wh' d'd y' gi' m'...?" they mumble, their words slurring thickly together. Their muscles have relaxed, and keep doing so, furthering the spread of the sedative. Their face feels wet, and they feel tired. A yawn pushes past their lips, then they feel their eyes start to shut. They try to push them open, but only manage a small flutter before they fall close again. They feel all tired and doze-y... Their thoughts are foggy and cloudy and soft... Heh. All soft like a blanket.... or cloud... or a nice fur. Heeeeh. They like being all soft and cuddly. A small chuckle leaves them, and then they feel themself pulled softly under, falling into a quiet, gentle sleep.
"Look at ya, cub... Ya already feel better, don't'cha? Just take a nap, little one. Yer papa's here." He runs his hand through his cub's hair, marveling at how peaceful they are when asleep. His brother chuckles a little, a grin peeking through.
Their cub is so cute.
They deserve ta feel good. Ta feel loved. Ta feel calm an' happy an' safe.
Maybe they had ta use... harsher methods... but it worked, didn't it? Their kid is finally gettin' the rest they need, feeling' completely at peace an' unable ta feel scared er frightened.
It's worth it, isn't it?
"Sleep tight, cub. We love ya."
They patiently undo the straps, careful as they release Reader from their bindings. Once they're free, Victor picks them up, settling them against him. The two already alerted the Professor and the other adults about what they'd done, how Reader was feeling better. After all, it was their idea, wasn't it? And look how well it worked out. They take their cub back to the room they'd put together for them, and settle them into the blankets and sheets. One of them decides to stay with them, letting their brother go back to help their cub's siblings and let them know how it went. His arms are wrapped around them, keeping them pulled into his embrace. Their soft breaths fill the air, their scent that of a calm and snow and honey. It brings a smile to his face.
His cub sure is sweet, even after all these years. Sure, they had ta help them a bit, but it finally made them feel better, right? So why worry about it more than that? He knows they'll wake up, an' they'll have ta try again ta earn their trust, their acceptance... But maybe addin' a small bit of medicine ta their food will help them, yeah? At least make them sleepy er relaxed enough so they won't run away again. So they an' their group can try to rebuild their bonds with Reader.
It sounds like a plan.
"I love ya, cub..."
And with that, he pulls them closer, snuggling his sleeping child and joining then in their peaceful dreams...
(Note: Sabretooth and Wolverine are brothers and platonic, okay? They just decide to both parent and be dads for Reader. Sabretooth's dialogue is in black and Wolverine's dialogue is in orange. I left it up to you decide which one cuddles with Reader/you at the end😊 Did you enjoy the fic? Please, let me know! And feel free to make art for this part of the ❄Fallen Snow🩸 AU if you want, okay, @danni1323? You and everyone else can make art for this and the rest of the ❄Fallen Snow🩸 AU and Multiverse, if y'all want to😊💛)
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draco-after-dark · 5 months
I'm honestly so curious about how JD is gonna react to Brandy. Like unless she comes to Pop village he's gonna have to be willing to travel to meet her and Bruce wouldn't let a bite risk around his kids especially since JD already bit him.
I imagine like they go to Vacay Island and JD hangs out in the woods and Bruce brings Brandy to meet him (obviously warned about the size difference prior) while the bros watch the kids (chaos potential). I feel like it would be funny if he instantaneously likes her
OOoooo I like this Idea might turn it into one of the later chapters.
This would definitely be an endgame type of situation both for the safety of JD and Bruce's family. Mans already panics around too many trolls imagine him surrounded by actual giants. it would not be a good time for ether party. He definitely would launch one of those exploding star cookies at one of them.
once their past all that it would definitely be so fucking wholesome though. Bruce would be so nervous about John freaking out and running off (something they all quickly realized was a habit of his).
Bruce would be very relived and surprised to discover that when he meets Brandy they hit it off pretty well. John is of course wary at first but Brandy just quietly sits in the nearby grass with Bruce and they just wait for him to come over on his own. She starts sharing stories of their kids (also stories about Bruce and he gets embarrassed L) Its like their having a nice picnic.
Later when they all go to the beach (the rest of the brothers/uncles were looking after the kids for them and took them all to the beach). Bruce would tell John be love for him to join them on the beach but understands that all his kids can be a lot so John just sticks hanging out near the edge of the forest away from the water.
I like to think one or two of Bruce's kids would be curious on who the lonely troll hanging back is. Bruce would explaining simple that it's actually his older brother (aka their eldest uncle) but that he's not great with people and prefers to just observer from afar. There's always that one kid that cant shake the curiously though so Bruce simple tells them they can go see him in they want but to be careful and not to be to shocked if he just bolts into the forest.
i like to think it was Cove or Bruce JR. who are the first once to approach John Dory. Both for different reason Bruce Jr. because curiosity and he is the bitter of the family so it would be very funny for the two who have both bitten him to just hit it off and start running around like absolute goblins.
Cove because as far as i know he's the one that dissed Bruce and gives me quiet sarcastic sibling vibes so i feel like he would just walk over to JD and sit in the sand. Also because i think he would do it to spite Bruce for some reason idk. Sit next to him quietly for a bit and then just start ranting about something. JD just quietly listening next to him because talking is hard (sorry bro)
I don't know much about kids but from what i know of helping with kids camps some of them just really like to talk about whatever their thinking about. (especially siblings) Kids aways appreciate just being heard so i feel like because Feral JD is already naturally quiet a few of Bruce's kids would take a liking to him quickly.
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xxnomadsxx · 4 months
okay, we know how Branch found the feral things and started a grey troll village in your nomads au. And how Creek ended up in the village. BUT, how did the rest of the occupants come to be? Did they willing leave their kingdoms? Were they abandoned? Did they get lost and lose hope of anyone ever coming for them before they met the feral creatures and the others? I really wanna know some backstories.
Oooooo-This is a tough one.
Everyone in the village has there own story for why there their. These are a few examples I thought up of how they got there.
Pop: There are very few Pop trolls in the grey village (mostly due to their toxic positivity of always looking on the bright side for normal Pop trolls ) they basically were separated from the main tribe and didn’t find the putt putt trolls on there way out when escaping. Soon they lost all hope of finding the tribe and went to live in the wood (it went reeeeaaallly bad) a few were eaten and the rest went grey, they were kinda just wandering around for a few years till the (very few) nomads and feral (trolls?) showed up. They were taken in and found Branch there too. The grey pop trolls also were told were the village was but they didn’t go back because they were too ashamed about being grey.
Funk: There is a group of funk trolls in the village who all came in at the same time. They were researchers who were left behind by vibe city and had no hope of getting back to the always moving ship, so they went grey and were later found by a small hunting team and Branch while trying to create some traps to keep them safe (there are more funk trolls I’m just showing off random examples of how trolls got here)
Classical: There are a few classical trolls who can’t fly in the village due to wing injuries. The injuries go from difficult to stay in the air, to broken beyond repair, and looking at how there body is shaped (they have the bodies of LITERAL babies can they walk?) I don’t think it’s easy for them to get around since symphony vill is probably mostly made to fly around. It got too difficult for them and just left going grey in the process. 
Techno: There once was a dead techno troll who had some troll eggs with them beached on a nearby river to the village, they took in the techno eggs (The eggs HAVE to look like fish eggs right.. RIGHT?!) the trolling when they hatched just sorta knew there mother was gone and were born grey. they grew up in the village which didn’t…really help them get better and just sorta caused them more issues.(there have been a few lost techno trolls who had damaged fins to the point of not even being able to go back)
Rock: A lot more rock trolls live in the village then the other genres, mostly cause of their more feral and aggressive personalities (they look like biters) so some just had bad experiences in there lives that it just became too much and they just ended up Leaving volcano rock city. There is a rock troll who can’t hear in the village, and due to his deafness he felt like a freak to troll kind since he couldn’t even listen to music (which is kinda a big deal) he left and turned grey wandering the woods until he was found by some feral(trolls?) who have done the same routine of taking in grey trolls a lot at that point.
Country: There aren’t to many country (I feel like it would be harder for them to turn grey since they show how sad it can get in Lonesome flats) but the some who do show up have tons of kids, a while back a couple of country trolls were deemed criminals for liking another genre of music and playing it too loud, to which they were promptly kicked out of town, who later turned grey from getting forced to leave there only home. They were found fighting predators by a hunting team. (this was way before world tour so a lot less tolerance for other music)
Subgenres: There are some subgenre groups running around, like indie trolls, steam punk trolls, some grunge too (and many more) they usually are abandoned or just turn grey from living a isolated lonely life or some other reason like family was killed or taken by huge predators or what not.
Honestly most of them stay grey or go darker in color because they live in the village. It isn’t really going out of its way to help them get their color back but is really just a home for them. Growing up there influences many of the kids born there to turn grey or go grey later in their lives.
There are many other reasons why any of the trolls would be here these are just random scenariosthat I thought up to show as examples
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multifandomslxt · 1 year
I’d love to know your take on the perks of dating a chubby!reader. Seventeen or NCT, it’s upto you!
I mean as a chubby girl I make a great heater, pillow, stress ball, gym weight, and taste tester 👅
I’m sure not everyone has a smutty outcome but I’m sure a few of the boys would love death by bosom. Jeonghans always cold and I’m pretty sure I could give jungwoo the softest squishiest cuddle he’s ever had haha
Nct 127 perks of dating a chubby! S/o
Tits and tummy
He’s alllllll about the tits and tummy
Idgaf what anybody else says😭😭
Goes feral when you walk round the hose without a bra.
His hands always find a way to creep up under your shirt and play with your nipple
As for your tummy…
His personal pillow
Although if he were to choose between the two
It’s your tits😌
Doesn’t mean he shuns the tummy though
9 times outta 10 he gives you hickeys all over your tummy
Makes you wear crop tops every time he does it too.
“You’re so soft and comfortable”
Choke him with your thighs🧍🏿‍♀️
Loses it when you wear shorts
He gets to see your thighs double in size when you sit 😭
I’m sorry but he groans out loud at that some times😭😭
Pinches them when he thinks you’re being a tease
As we all know taeyong is a man (SHALALA)
As a result
In his eyes
Death by pussy is the best way to go
In other words…
He sucks the life outta you
Also likes how rough and calloused his hands look next to your soft and plush thighs
He would loose it if you wore short tennis skirt but lemme stop😭😭✋🏿
Okay okay hear me out
This is very specific
Yk when thick girlies wear body con dresses and they sit down
And you can see their tummy rolls?
That’s his calling
Your fucking tummy rolls AND your back rolls
I’ve said this before but when Mr.Suh is fucking you from the back
there are certain things that just make him want to fuck a baby into you😭
Another one of those being your back rolls
I said what I said
And don’t let him catch sight of those stretch marks either 👀
Also we know this man has a size kink so if you just happen to be short and chubby….good luck with that😭😭
Ma’am 😭
Yk exactly what this man will do to you😭
Anyways even though I believe Yuta would love EVERYTHING
I think is absolute favourite would be
Your love handles.
Not only because you skin is soft and supple there
But also because
When he’s fucking you and you’re trying to run away or escape
He knows that Holding on to your love handles tightly will keep you right here he needs you
Also likes how your tummy jiggles when the orgasm is too much😩
Unlike the previous ones his isn’t as horny💀
Baby like your cheeks
He just loves how plum they are🥹
He loves how he can squish them and how they puff up when you’re angry😭😭
So cute🫶🏿🫶🏿🫶🏿😭
Also Loves your chubby hands
Loves how they can barely wrap around his hard dick
Loves how you have to use both hands to pump him
And also loves how your cheeks puff up when your trying to swallow all his cum🧍🏿‍♀️
Ik I said his wasn’t gonna be horny but I lied😂
Lemme see if I can explain this well
lie down on your back
lift both your legs up
don't spread them just lift them up and pull them to your chest
more specifically
he loves the way your pussy is being squeezed between your thighs
he would call it a sweet treat
because this man eats pussy like he's been starved.
Anon you couldn't have been more on point.
Although I believe Jungwoo is horny 24/7 lmaooooo
His favorite thing about you would be the cuddles.
Especially when he's sad or tired he just likes to be spooned
imagine this big baby curling up next to you
He would definitely leave light kisses on your tummy
I'm devastated
And if you think I'm wrong
argue with yo mama, not me.
Don't get me wrong Johnny would break your back in if he saw your stretch marks
But mark?
Mark is gonna have you trying to push him off you.
Like you are literally going to try and run tf awayyyyyyy
Stretch marks are necessary for his survival.
Can and will fuck you just because you showed him how some of your stretch marks are darker than others
OML this is so dirty and specific but hear me out
He uses his cum to trace some of your stretch marks😭😭😭
Loves how you look in his clothes
Especially his basketball shorts
One time he spilled something on your bottoms and he offered you his basketball shorts to change into
It's loose on him but when you put it on it looked skin tight
because why is your ass so pronounced in a pair of basketball shorts???
long story short that pair of shorts now has a hole in the crotch
don't ask why
yk exactly why
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reidslovely · 2 months
oooooo how about peter in his suit saying it’s cosplay but he just is such a dirty mf
18+ sexual implications
nononononoooo because he would use this to his advantage. he'd totally play around with the mask kink concept stop i would eat this up personally. he'd be like "nono guys spidey won't care I know him this is just cosplay he'd be cool with it." and all the people watching it are just getting to live out their dreams. but baby/elevator girl (whatever you wanna call her) would be going absolutely feral and he's probably let her see it in real life sometime...they'd could even play around with it.
"alright you be the pretty girl who needs saving." Peter starts holding her "and I'll be the hero who needs repayment." he smirks
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hey-hamlet · 10 months
Since you mentioned that we can at least ask about MHA legend of zelda crossovers, how about this idea? The Triforce is passed down once a generation. And Pchako, Bakugo and Izuku are all candidates to receive a piece. And thanks to the last holder of Power having been AFO, Power has a bad rep. Duo to his attitude, Bakugo has been called that he'll get Power for sure. He's even bought into that idea. Then when the day comes, Bakugo Courage, Ochako Wisdom and Izuku gets Power.
OOOOOO ok ok ok I adore any content that addresses just how feral and unhinged Izuku is so Yes. I'm actually going to switch Ochako and Bakugo, I think. Bakugo's not actually as brave as her, in my opinion - he's just not scared. He's also wise in both battle sense and academically, so I think it'd suit him. He'd also be kind of mad about it, which is funny.
Ochako's parents were rich merchants with noble blood before she was born but they fell out of favor with the wealthy and have been just scraping by. When she was born with a softly glowing golden birthmark behind her ear her parents should have been excited. It was their path back into nobility - a child marked with the triforce was a blessing! One that solidified their place in nobility. But, a child of the triforce is Hyrule's child, not theirs. Not their baby girl, their only child - but a god's newest form. They keep quiet until she's 12, as long as they can wait, only a week after the second boy is found. They play up their ignorance, pretend they didn't know what the mark meant. All they can hope is that shes not marked for power
The Bakugo's were powerful nobles, ecstatic to see their son born with the golden mark on the palm of his hand. Due to their social clout their son wasn't taken from them, but he was given a prince's education. Due to his future power, he was paired with the young son of a kitchen maid, only a few days his junior, to act as a playmate and attendant. He grew up proud and brash and angry - his confidence and skill with a blade meant people assumed he must be Power, and his loud anger at the whispers meant he must be cruel. He was never nice to his playmate - the stupid boy wanted to fight along side him (but without the triforce, without the power of a god the rising tide of monsters would kill him - kill the only person really loyal to him and not the idea of what he could be) so Katsuki had to show him who the powerful one really was.
Izuku was born the night his father died, the night the great evil All for One was slain, the night his mother ran from their richly appointed manor to a stable at the foot of Hyrule castle. The golden triangle over his heart was a death knoll that all but ripped Inko's heart out of her chest the second she saw it. Just like his father's - the triforce ran in the royal family, only those with noble blood, those who had the blood of god in them, could be blessed like that. Bless, she thought spitefully, like the demon king? Or like Hisashi, a man she had loved, a man she'd seen grow greedier and greedier with his attentions, with his need for power, until he couldn't hide that Hisashi was a polite fiction told by the kingdom's doom. Izuku was raised alongside another boy with the triforce, Katsuki. Inko hoped that the brash boy's goodness would rub off on her son, so she turned a blind eye to the bruises and scrapes he left.
The day Ochako, the oldest by a few days, turned 16, their aspect of the triforce claimed them. Ochako, her broad shoulders and bright smile showing her courage. Bakugo, for all he was a brash bully, he couldn't hide his wisdom. And little Izuku, smallest, youngest and thinnest of the lot, with his big doe eyes and watery smile, for his power.
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sleepy-frog-lady · 2 months
Tumblr did not lie to me; The Sisters of Dorley is really really really fucking good. I just read chapter 14 and I am f r e a k i n g out. I want everyone in the whole entire world to read this book I am feral about it rn. Aaaaaaaaaaa. I’m probably going to preorder the physical release too just cuz I really want to support the author oooooo. There’s so much interesting commentary on the nature of gender and the role of gender in society oooooooooo. I’m in love with several of the characters ooooooo. It’s available totally for free on ao3 read it read it read it
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mrfartpowered · 2 months
Uhhhh from @evilspiritweek (it won't let me send an ask froma side blog rip) any favorite au? This could be one you found or one you've made up :o
OOOOOO OMG WHAT A FUN QUESTION :OO ty queen evilspiritweek HEHE
my buddy @cunningweiner is currently developing a post-show AU, and he’s posted a couple arts of it so far — the prom fits one is the most recent I think, but there’s a Howard post coming soon (👀👀👀) that has me absolutely going FERAL. I love Howard so so much and I weep at his lost potential. I mean just IMAGINE what he could’ve become if only the show had gotten more seasons 😩😭 and Lize feels much the same as I do abt the lost potential of the show in general…the klub members, Theresa, McFist, all of it!! and it’s honestly such a fun time exploring what could’ve been if we got to see Randy n the gang grow up. Howard also happens to a BANGIN upgrade 🦅 that I won’t spoil but I am SOOOO excited for Lize to post
@thesoundofmadness has a BEAUTIFULLY painful post-high school AU involving a Randy who got mindwiped, but not Howard. Levander makes a return (BAND AUs !!!!!! CAN I GET AN AMEN) and befriends Randy, there’s sooo much weinerham angst, and just. SCREAM I love the story of that AU
I’m allllso especially ill abt @maganbee ‘s Prince Howard AU…that blog, I think, is long dead and they never did Too much w the idea ☹️ The basic premise was that Howard was royalty, but still very much Howard, and would make just like…exceptionally selfish decrees all the time that were accidentally political genius moves. Randy was his right hand man ofc and yknow. Shenanigans :3 I am not nearly funny enough to write for it but if I was I’d be ALL over it 😭😭
AND. finally. I have to look more into it but from what I gather there used to be a general AU within the fandom where Viceroy was, for some reason, in close contact w baby!randy & howie ??? I do not understand the context for it but every art I’ve seen for it is just darling 😭 and I LOVED when they got to interact w Viceroy, I wish we got to see more of their dynamic in the show bc it was honestly fucking peak
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greatalastoraltruist · 4 months
But if any of my theories are correct, WHY didn't they just kill Alastor? Why keep him alive and under contract when you can just wipe a threat out? Unless wiping Alastor out, and thus making all his contracts null, wouldve created an even bigger problem by releasing certain folks Alastor had bound. Oooooo I know there has to be another big factor we just don't know about yet. I feel like I'm trying to triangulate info from an area that currently only has two towers.
I can SEE the foreshadowing building up and leading to other plot lines to be woven in and finished later but I'm going fucking feral trying to figure it out without all the facts.
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kats-kradle · 1 month
Do you listen to music when you write?
3. Computer or pen and paper?
17. What writing habits or rituals do you have?
18. If you could collaborate with anyone, who would it be, and what would you write about?
21. Who is/are your favourite character(s) to write?
27. Favourite line/scene
36. Last sentence you wrote
40. Share some backstory for one of your characters
45. How much world building do you do?
46. Do you reread your own stories?
Answer any one/combination of these that you'd like! I'd love to hear anything you want to share about your stories, friend :)
Thank you friend! 🥰
1. Do you listen to music when you write?  
For writing fanfiction, I don’t really listen to music unless it’s a song that inspired that fic. Then I listen to it in repeat😂😂 When I’m writing my own stuff I tend to listen to a few playlists on YouTube that are like “epic music for writing” or other various playlists that don’t have music with words. I’ve got a few I cycle through depending on the type of scene I’m writing.
3. Computer or pen and paper? 
For fanfiction, the notes app of my phone because I can just do it whenever. When I’m writing my own stuff I use my laptop because its easier for me to think bigger if that makes sense😂😂
17. What writing habits or rituals do you have?
Hmmm I think the only habit/ritual I really have is that every other time I sit down to write I read through and tweak the last thing I wrote. I know that TECHNICALLY you’re not supposed to edit as you go but it just makes it so much tidier in my brain.
18. If you could collaborate with anyone, who would it be, and what would you write about?
Honestly if I could collaborate with anyone it would be my older sister. The biggest fan of our original writing is our younger sister and my older sister and I want to write her a story that has two of our characters interacting together (her two favorites). The problem is we can’t find time to plan it since my little sister is always in the house😂😂
21. Who is/are your favourite character(s) to write?
Oooooo this one is actually tricky😂😂 I think for fanfiction I more enjoy playing around and pushing preexisting dynamics so I don’t think there’s a specific character right now. For my personal writing… oh boy my babies. So far I think it’s Quinn, the snarky and jovial sci-fi pilot/smuggler who’s moral compass points firmly towards money… until children are involved. He also has a British accent. Yes, it is important to his character. He’s one of those characters who feels things very deeply but tries to put on a facade about it. Absolutely delightful to write he’s here for a good time, not for a long time (much to the chagrin of his first officer and close friend whose self appointed job is keeping Quinn alive).
27. Favourite line/scene
Favorite scene I’ve written (this is cheating) is probably my fic Little Talks. It’s a Les Mis Jacert lives and is redeemed fic and it’s got so many good scenes in it that came out even better than I thought they would that I can’t pick one. 
36. Last sentence you wrote
Last line I wrote was from a WIP for Star Trek TNG. It’s a fic where Riker gets deaged by Q and it’s discovered that his father was abusive to him. Because that ep with his father… super dubious parenting and I think someone should address it so what’s fics for besides forcing people to address things? Also of those lowkey vent fics tbh😂
“What you deserved,” Picard said lowly, “was nothing but love from your father, and it pains me to hear that you believe you deserved such abuse from him.” 
40. Share some backstory for one of your characters
I’ll give you the backstory for one of my side characters in one of my fantasy stories. His placeholder name is Romeo and he was like the equivalent of a medieval fantasy playboy. A true bard. He broke the heart of a sorceress and she cursed him to be nothing but a skeleton until he learned how to love selflessly. He is AWFUL and I love him. He’s just sour and feral all the time and regularly eggs people on the make bad decisions. Which is objectively hilarious coming from a skeleton.
45. How much world building do you do?
Before I start writing, I like to have done enough world building that I understand the general vibes and structure of the world. This looks different for every story tho tbh. One story I’ve been meticulously building for four years and another I made up as I went along. I guess it’s more accurate for me to say then that I do enough that I can understand the characters’ relationships with the world. I’m very much a “people” writer and focus on the characters more than anything else (like, unfortunately, the plot😭)
46. Do you reread your own stories?
Look at risk of sounding arrogant there are very few of my stories that I do not enjoy rereading, and it’s mostly just the ones I wrote when I was like 15. I am the target audience for all of my stories and I will unashamedly admit that I regularly go to my own AO3 page and read my own fics and go “that was a good one good job me”
Thank you for all the questions friend! Prepare your inbox 😈😈
ask game here
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toaster-selfships · 2 days
(@pinky-in-blankets )
Silly ask Time, If you & your f/os were animals, what would yall be?
Oooooo!!! I love answering questions about me and my F/Os so thank you so much for this silly ask!! 😊‼️
I've never thought about this before, so this was really interesting and quite fun! I mean, I've questioned what animal I think I would be for funsies quite often, but never really what they might be!
For some reason for some of them I just couldn't think of what animals they would be! So I'm just doin the few I knew right off the top of my head XD
For starters, I think I would be a raccoon!! I've always resonated with raccoons, plus they're my favorite animal! We're both little scavengers for food haha! I feel like they're one of those animals that people underestimate how big they can get.
Funnily enough I think A.xlerod would also be a raccoon, that seems quite fitting for him as well! Raccoons getting a lot of bad shade and kinda being painted as this really ferocious gross sort of creature. Though I guess in a sense A.xelrod is quite ferocious, even if he's not physically strong. Though I think a strong reason I wanna say he'd also be a raccoon is just cause I think they're both cute and I cannot not dote over him.
I think Finn would be a cat, I think cats would be quite good at spy stuff since they're so quiet and can be very painful, but can also be super sweet and cuddley with who they like. Cats can also have a bit of a fanciful personality sometimes(I'm talkin like the over exaggerated media portrayals) and I think that fits him and his gentlemanly demeanor a bit. Bonus points if he's a tuxedo cat. Bonus bonus brownie points if he's a tuxedo cat where it looks like they have a little mustache.
G.rem and A.cer would both most certainly be hands down rats. Both of them. I don't even really need to say anything here, they're rats. Whatever you're thinking right now is probably accurate. Though they wouldn't be like sweet house pet domesticated rats, they'd be like NYC dumpster rats, or lab rats that went feral x2 cause they got sick of being lab rats and freaked. They're a package deal and I love my dumpster rat boys.
Bonus honorable mention, I considered going with snake for J.ackson and I giggled over half jokingly considering going with a swan for F.rancesco.
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milesworld96 · 8 months
AND THAT INTRO WAS SO🤯🤯😍, RICKY AND ADAM WERE FUCKING COOKING LAST NIGHT, HOLY SHIT😭😭‼️ THAT WHOLE SEGMENT WAS FUCKING GOLD DAWGS, THAS CRAZY. CHRISTIAN AND RICKY ALSO LOOKED SO FINE LIKE😍😍😍😍😍💯💯💯, FTR was kinda 😕 tho. Expected more ngl💔. (Bro I fr need Jack Perry to go back w Chris and be assholes together‼️ let Nick and Jack have the father they need. Also need junglecorpse back on my screen when Darby returns)
Also the MJF video was so sweet, glad they did that after the shit they pulled on dynamite. Love you mjf💛 #standuptojewishhate
That Samoa Joe v Willie Mack was pretty good too, I love when meaty men beat the shit out of each other😋😋
CJ PERRY⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ ON MY TV⁉️⁉️⁉️ GIRL YOU LOOK SO PRETTYYYYYYYY😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 also Action Andretti🤨 back the fuck up, that seemed a lil to iffy for me man😒 MIRO IS THE ONLY ONE‼️‼️💯
I love your swag aura and feral dog personality Juice, you r such a dick. OMG WAIT JAY WHITE JUST PROPOSED TO JUICE ROBINSON🤯🤯🤯 LOVE WINS🥺🥺🥹❤️❤️. Still have troubling feelings over you bro sorry💔💔💔 but congrats on getting married tho🥹 (when is the wedding TK💥💥)
Bro I forgot Dustin Rhodes existed🤯😨 you ain’t winning bro
OMFFFFGGF KYLE FLETCHER MY BBGGGGGG😍😍😍‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ you’re so 💚💚💚 omg the ass eaters are here🤯 (got nothin gainst them, they just make me kinda uncomfortable. They silly tho so Idrc🤷‍♂️) bro seeing Kyle got me missing Mark rn💔💔
Oooooo girl KRIS AND SKYE😍😍😍 can’t wait 4 Willow and Skye’s official heel turn💙💜. Love how aggressive they getting. GOOD LORD, THEY BEATEN THE SHIT OUT OF EACH OTHER🤯 OMGGGGGG WILLLOOOOOOOWWWWWWW💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
KEIIITHHH HAIIIIII :3 !!!, nah they got turbo from Wreck it Ralph in the ring😨🤯 (bro fr looks like Wreck it Ralph’s Turbo and hulk holgan😨😨) FUCK YEAH, Keith won :33 . Moriarty i forgor u existed💔
Oh fuck this match….it’s so😍😍😍 I really do love men who are absolutely ballistic. I love my old men😍😍‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️💯💯💯💯💯🔛🔝 DAMN CHRIS FOLDED LIKE CRAZY😭😭😨 I want them to maul each other even more. OH MY FUCK THIS MATCH IS MAKING ME GO FUCKING INSANE. I CANT DO THIS. OML THESE MEN. BIG BILLL‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ RICKKY THANK YOU OMFFFHFDHSHHSJSJSJSH RKSYYGSDBVKHSDGVKHAKEUCG🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 NAH RICKY WHY YOU OUT COLD ON THE GROUND💀💀 nah Chris and Ricky hold back they big ass bfs💀💀 NAHHHHHHHH THEY FUCKING KILLED NICK RIP BRO😭
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vampirewalterskinner · 3 months
Can’t remember exactly what ones you’ve already done but A C W and Y for the poly fluff asks? With the ot3 of course🥰🥰
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Oooooo this one is tricky. Idk if any of them are more affectionate than the others because they all show affection differently. None of them are verbally affectionate, not typically (I mean, come on, Walter is the sass master and Fox is snarky while Dana is a split second away from turning feral) but they are all very physically affectionate. I think Fox and Dana are tied for overtly physical affection. They like to touch what’s theirs. Feel the people they love under their fingertips. Walter likes the same but I don’t think he’s outwards obvious about it. Not until he can see Fox and Dana need it, or he’s alone with them 🥰
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They all have different tactics depending in who they’re comforting!
When Dana is feeling down, there’s nothing she likes more than being held. It’s cannon! Snuggling up with her boys gives her a chance to be vulnerable and makes it easier for her to open up to them. Fox often lays in bed with her while Walter typically holds her in his lap 🥰
I think Fox likes to be babied and cared for 😂 He absolutely loves how Dana immediately holds his face with her hands and asks what’s wrong, what she can do for him. If he doesn’t answer, she’ll just cover his face in kisses until he can’t help but laugh. Walter is more direct. He’s careful, his voice gentle and kind as he asks what’s wrong. He’s always ready to give Fox a hug, in fact, Fox normally initiates it when he’s not in a great mindset. Walter will tease him for it, call him needy or a brat, but he never pushes Fox away. Just combs his fingers through Fox’s hair and pretends he doesn’t hear those little sobs. Sometimes their hugs end with a beer. Other times Walter surprises him with his favorite brand of sunflower seeds.
Walter is very non-communicative. He doesn’t like to show emotional vulnerability. When the relationship first started out, I think it was difficult for Fox and Dana to notice when something was wrong, much less what to do about it. They’re afraid to give him space, worried he won’t feel loved and supported, so they try giving him little gifts here and there. Presents of food and beverages they’ve noticed him consume. A shot in the dark, frankly. It helps, but it’s not enough. When their relationship with him turns physical, however, I think that’s when they finally figure him out. He lets himself go during sex. He relaxes and opens up. It’s also a way for him to vent. A little heavy petting and a hot make-out session later and he’s fine 😂 And if that’s not enough, they lure him into something a bit more…intense 👀💦
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They’re all so fucking insecure lmfaoooo 💖 Dana and Walter worry about their appearance like crazy while Fox is terrified the two of them will get tired of him one day. Walter especially, I think, would struggle with their age difference. Not realizing Dana and Fox eat up old men like college students and ramen lmao
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I think Fox and Dana win this one 😂 They’re attached to their lovers like parasites (said with love) while Walter is more of a…quiet, long suffering yearner. He misses them every second they’re not by his side BUT he kinda of…forces himself to get over it. I think he does it to prepare himself for if the two ever leave him. Fox and Dana never will, but it’s that little speck of self doubt that keeps Walter from lowering his guard completely.
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