#OC Fayris
arideya · 9 months
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So I think I might have found a hair that suits Fayris for a whole playthrough before the appearance changer comes and I can experiment more. She's supposed to have it long and poofy and this is the closes out of available so far.
Additionally I kinda like this lewd armor as a starting point for Durge considering... where they were before.
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receding-tides · 11 months
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this was meant to be pride month art. im only a little bit late
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leafith · 1 year
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I have nothing to do so why not? F-H Remyandre OCs/Characters!
He Is Finn (not from Alphabet Lore-). He Is Allison's ex, but they are still friends, so he Is kinda fine. He appears in the first book.
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In your language, her name Is Red Butterfly. But, in italian, She Is Farfalla Rossa (Farfalla=Butterfly; Rossa=Red). She lives in another dimension called Chiglosk, where She takes care of killed children. She Is secretly the "killed Kids" goddess. 4 and 7 books.
/Fun fact! Her crown of flowers Is One of the most powerful things in the world./
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She Is Fayrys! Selestia's big sister and twin of someone that you Will meet in this post!
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Faultman. He Is the only deer in Every dimension I created (I am a deer too XD-oh, I forgot to say that the One Who Is talkin'here Is Leaf- Sorry:<). Anyway. He Is a soldier Who deeply cares about everyone, but he Is an idiot too. He contributes to lock all the different creatures in a prison center of his boss, Mr Harvest in the seventh book.
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Genym Is his name. He Is kinda special. Do you see his face? Well, let me explain: when someone Is Born in a Place where there Is Fog, this happens. The person has got One Eye and black skin. 1-8 book I guess?
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Gamy! In this screen, he Is finally feeling an emotion, because he was emotionless in the First book. When he Met Iricami, he started feeling ... Himself.
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She Is Hannah. Her second name Is Enola. She Is the child which Ayrah takes care of. She Is Born with ADHD, so Ayrah Is like her only friend. Children do not like Hannah, even thought She Is a good kid. 2 and 7 book.
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Last one, Holly! Her real name Is Asia, but She changed It in Holly because everyone in her past city (called Mega city) called her like this. She was an heroine. And She still Is. Her Power Is the speed. She Is Fayrys's twin and Selestia's big sister. 1-8 book?
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aridoesart · 2 years
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I could work for hours more on this, but I kinda like it as is so here goes.
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xyanmajor · 6 years
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Gift for two precious friends of mine <3
Their (Eldarya) RP characters, Rühn and Niev. Two pixies twins made for teasing other players. They love annoying others. Reaaly. Reaaaaally.
Its not in my habits but I use a base reference for those two :)
F2U base was made by Nukababe  in Deviantart ! Pls check his work and patreon ! Its a sweet artist !
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battlestar-royco · 5 years
Yo, I was that pinterest anon! I totally understand if you couldn't the part one of the ask (it was that CAPCHA test!) So anyways, when I said about the S/JMs boards, I didn't mean her boards (I NEVER want to!). But I agree with what you mean on the non-existant feminism in her books. I mean the aes fanboards, and I finished checking out the traveste that was AC/O/TAR, (I'll suffer with T/O/G next week), and it makes me cringe when I see deep love quotes for Fay and Sandy (which I'm sure) (1/2)
(was based on lust, ah hmm…) and when I check the Headacherons boards, I see that people can’t decide if they’re a blonde or a brunette! Sigh, these boards try to make those books seem so deep, (which of course isn’t true, I’m sure). Like IMO, for me they use all kinds of aesthetic, try to make it look more diverse, and poor Mor… (they can’t decide on her orientation, tbh) and I read some post that says like Ricey gave Fayri control of her own body (WHAT, is this true??) and just… (2/2)
Thank you for sending this again! Yeah, Pinterest is a mess and it’s full of stans. Stans repost uncredited art, post artists’ OCs or depictions of other characters as SJ/M’s, and whitewash/straightwash to no end. Everything is about the aesthetique. That said, sometimes I feel bad for stans because they honestly put way more effort into reading the books, spreading word of mouth, and cultivating a fandom than SJ/M does into writing the books. They make art, meta, fic, theories, and ascribe so many themes, complexities, and diverse attributes to her characters and stories that simply aren’t there. Some stans actually do try to add diversity into their art and edits (though sometimes it goes disastrously, like with Bowater’s Asian Man0n or other artists drawing POC with white features) because they know SJ/M is problematic. Some write interesting meta and theories that go beyond ships. SJ/M can’t equal the work they put into elaborating upon her books because she just shits out new content every few months. That’s why it’s so cringey to look at boards dedicated to SJ/M because stans project Epicness and Feminism onto her books when all that energy could be dedicated to books that are far more awesome, well thought-out, and feminist. SJ/M does a really good job of tricking people into thinking her books are deep and iconic and progressive. It’s all just smoke and mirrors that go away when you shine a light on them.
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arideya · 5 months
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This head tho... 🔥🔥🔥
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arideya · 5 months
Me: the perfect hair for Fayris does not exi-
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arideya · 9 months
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I think I might be back to my original head for Fayris. I do find Alfira's head super pretty, and I've tinkered with the texture a little more to tweak it to my liking. The cc heads animate so well, its hard to pass on their expressions.
(still unsure about the hair because different hairs work with different faces and all that. but that will be neverending)
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arideya · 9 months
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I have way too many character ideas 😭😭😭
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arideya · 9 months
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Awww yusss, my babygirl is coming along nicely.
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receding-tides · 1 year
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what if you were a squid lesbian and you were cosy sleepy
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receding-tides · 2 years
My part for Farewell Inkopolis!! The full MAProject should be done later this month 👀
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receding-tides · 2 years
24. tender - faye :)
“Keep your eye closed. This’ll sting if it gets in there.”
Faye did as she said with little more than a mumble of acknowledgement, closing both eyes simply because it was less effort than just the one.
Marie wanted to test a theory, that maybe Faye’s headaches were caused, at least partially, by the scar surrounding her right eye. While Faye was not convinced – she knew things Marie didn’t – she was at least willing to try the lotion Marie had spent hours researching online. She’d been to all that effort chasing down a theory with a small chance of alleviating her girlfriend’s pain, so Faye didn’t have the heart to refuse. Perhaps, by some miracle, her theory would be right. That sure would be a relief.
Sure, Faye was perfectly capable of applying it herself. Marie had offered, though, and she would be a lot more thorough, be able to see better, and generally knew what she was doing a lot more than Faye did. Faye couldn’t even feel that side of her face much; the only times she could even tell Marie was making contact with her were towards the edges of the scar, and just faintly on that side of the mask around her eyes. If Marie hadn’t announced when she was done, Faye probably wouldn’t even have realised.
“Any difference?” Marie asked when she returned from washing her hands, taking a seat next to her on the couch, on Faye’s left side.
“Well, I feel the same after one whole minute, so it’s not a miracle cure,” Faye said with good-natured sarcasm. The dull ache pulsing in her brain hadn’t changed at all, and if anything the smell of lotion might be making it worse, but she didn’t want to tell Marie that. “I guess we’ll see.”
“Yeah.” Marie gave a half-hearted smile. She lifted her hands from her lap, gently cupping Faye’s non-scarred cheek with one – an action Faye instinctively leaned into – and using the other to brush one of the long tentacles of hair over her shoulder, so it wouldn’t remove any of the ointment. “I wish you would tell me how you got it. Then I might be able to find something more suited to help.”
Faye glanced away at the mostly-barren coffee table. “I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“I said before. Confidential Squidbeak stuff.”
“Too confidential even for Agent 2, huh?” Marie sighed. Faye could see her trying to think of ways to pry the information from her grandfather, but none of them would work when she already had her own ‘confidential’ info being held from him, as to how and why the NSS had ended up with an Agent 4 in the Cap’n’s absence.
“I don’t think knowing would help, anyhow,” Faye said quietly, placing a hand over the one still resting against her face. It was both in reassurance, and not wanting Marie to move away just yet; not now the events of the metro were back in her memory. “And, I… don’t like thinking about it.”
“Okay. Alright. I won’t make you.” Marie respected her girlfriend’s feelings more than the captain’s rules, evidently. She brushed her thumb along the outline of Faye’s mask, tenderness in her touch. “If there’s anything you think might help, though, just tell me. I’ll try my best.”
Faye gave a quiet murmur of acknowledgement, closing her eyes for a few seconds. When she opened them again, she gave Marie her most innocent look. “I know something.”
Marie gave a small snort of laughter, and a smile returned to her face at last. “Of course. Can’t believe I didn’t think of that.” She tilted her head a little to avoid making contact with the recently-administered medicine, and leaned in to give her girlfriend a kiss.
Faye gained a soft smile of her own. Perhaps that did make her feel a little better, after all.
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receding-tides · 10 months
7 and 18 for tha ask game? :}
7. What are your favourite relationships between your OCs? (romantic or platonic!) Fayrie are Banned from this question because Marie isn't an OC so I gotta go with Russet and Margin. they're not romantic but they're very important. to me
18. Describe the setting of one or more of your wips splatoon 3 squid with about average skillset goes to the desert and becomes a secret agent in the hopes of being liked for once. and befriends an octopus who has the world record of disliking people
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aridoesart · 3 years
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Recently I’ve learned that anime shading is called cell shading. Better late than never I guess XD
Trying it out on my BG3 witch gal.
Edit: I should probably mention that her outfit was inspired by Slavic pagan clothes. And I feel it oddly suits a hermit witch-y character.
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