#Nykeigh answers
my-nameless-bliss · 3 years
Do you read sc fic? Or just write it?
I definitely don't read as much as id like to, since I spend the majority of my free time writing, but that being said I have read a truly Ridiculous amount of sc fic! 💜👌💜
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my-nameless-bliss · 3 years
okaay for the ao3 tag... mutual pining?
The best I can give you is a reference to one-sided pining from after they’re well-past the pining phase 💜😅💜
“Why did you wait? To say it?”
Patrick laughs, and it’s loud and… goofy. Stupid. “It was—I couldn’t do it right away. It was too soon. And not like a charming too soon; unacceptably soon.”
David makes sure his face is doing something perfectly normal and unaffected, and he turns around. “Are you trying to pull some ‘at first sight’ bullshit? Because I’m not falling for that,” he quips, like this is easy.
Patrick smirks. “Don’t flatter yourself.”
-send me an ao3 tag, and i’ll send you something from a wip i have that fits it!-
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my-nameless-bliss · 3 years
"Missing scene" for the AO3 tag game?
Ah yes, My Brand 💜👌💜
“Gonna wear that all night?” 
David closes the medicine cabinet, and Patrick comes into view behind him in the mirror. One of his hands goes to David’s hip, and the other reaches up to ruffle the feathers on David’s tiara.
“Excuse you,” David tilts his head away from the touch, “I will be wearing this literally until the moment we’re married.” He frowns. “Well. The day before, anyway. I’ll need time to fix my hair.”
-send me an ao3 tag, and i’ll send you something from a wip i have that fits it!-
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my-nameless-bliss · 3 years
For the ao3 tag wip game, do you have any 'Patrick Brewer & Stevie Budd' or 'Patrick Brewer & Alexis Rose' to share?
Do I... 👀👀👀
Patrick smiles down at the pages as he flips idly through them. “You and David are similar with the physical stuff, the—” he moves his shoulders, like the slowest, most embarrassing shimmy (Alexis is very unhappy that she’s forced to witness it). “But your voice is just like your mom.”
“Ew.” Alexis steals the notebook away from him, because he doesn’t deserve to have it anymore. “Literally no one has ever said that. Ev-er.” She closes the cover of the notebook twice as punctuation. 
Patrick looks up. He’s still smiling. “I just did.”
-send me an ao3 tag, and i’ll send you something from a wip i have that fits it!-
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my-nameless-bliss · 4 years
Did you buy David Rose-ish rings? Or did I completely dream that?
I certainly did and you certainly did not!
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I got them on etsy! The specific store doesnt sell them anymore, so I cant post the link. But if youre interested in your own, I just searched "adjustable gold tube ring". I love them dearly, and wear at least one of them every day! 💜☺💜
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my-nameless-bliss · 4 years
I loooooooooove the wip game!! Maybe "smile"?
Thank you!!! I have over 40 uses of “smile” so far, and it was lovely to have so many to choose from! 💜💜💜
David doesn’t smile, but also, he kinda does. His eyes crinkle in the corners and his lips tuck to one side, dimpling his cheek (god, Patrick wants to kiss that dimple, it’s right at the top of his ‘Places on David that Need to Be Kissed’ list, tied for first place with literally every other part of David’s body).
-send me a word, and if it’s in my wip i’ll post the sentence it appears in!-
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my-nameless-bliss · 4 years
at work today i had a client with long hair who asked me to give her a buzzcut. we were laughing the whole time and she was practically beaming. i'm still grinning just thinking about it tbh ☺️
YES this is SO WONDERFUL to hear!!!!!! As someone who's kept my hair short for many years now (and has long felt the Call of the Buzzcut), its so lovely to hear about another woman experiencing the joy of chopping it all off! It's such a lovely, freeing feeling, and im so glad you got to share it with her! 💜💜💜
-anonymously or not, tell me about something that made you happy today!-
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my-nameless-bliss · 4 years
AM I TOO LATE, DID I MISS ALNDT LOVING HOURS, BC I WOULD LIKE TO STATE I TOO LOVE ALDNT. it's just so gentle? it's such a Nice fic, and it feels like it, as an entity, Cares for me, and i somehow i always come out of reading it feeling better about myself and like I also Deserve Nice Things haha. i don't think any media goes as hard as fanfic for hurt/comfort, and i genuinely think your fic is one of most focused/best at it. *boops you* you deserve to be proud of that! you did Good. thank you!!
STOP. YOU STOP THIS. Look i gave the anons the benefit of the doubt but you are a repeat offender and I will not stand for it!!! By now you know damn well that im incapable of responding to something like this, the best I can do is say i love you and that this is an unwarranted ATTACK 💜😭💜😭💜😭💜😭💜😭💜
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my-nameless-bliss · 3 years
oooh so happy you're doing this wip game! hurt/comfort? and if you don't have that, post-canon?
This is probably more ‘angst with a happy ending’, but I’m counting it anyway 💜💜💜
He’s trying to figure out what he’s supposed to do now, with his new (eventual) acceptance of this reality. That’s why he left.
(Maybe. He’s not sure he actually knows why, really. He’s not sure that this was actually a decision so much as just. A reaction.)
Things are different now. Things need to be different now, so he’s made them different. It makes sense—sort of. Probably. Something needs to make sense, so this is going to make sense. It has to. He can’t remember the last time something—the last time anything made even a tiny bit of goddamn fucking sense.
-send me an ao3 tag, and i’ll send you something from a wip i have that fits it!-
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my-nameless-bliss · 3 years
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my dude Im so happy to hear from you, its been way too long since we talked, but the fact that THIS is the first thing ive seen from you in such a long time is Sending Me 💜😂💜
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my-nameless-bliss · 4 years
I got a letter from my best friend. I'd come out to her as ace a couple weeks ago, and hers was the best reaction for which I could have hoped. And then she wrote me a letter re-iterating all the wonderful, supportive, loving things she'd already said, so that no matter where we were, I'd have a solid reminder that she knew me and loved me. I wanted to thank you too, because I started looking at tumblr, read your blog, and seeing your open, lovely posts helped make me that little bit braver.
Ahhhhh this is INCREDIBLE, anon! Im so happy and proud of you for living your best ace life, and im so happy that you have someone close to you who is clearly committed to making sure you know youre loved! Its absolutely what you deserve, so im so glad you get to have it.
And it honestly means the world to me to know that my blog has helped you in any way, but in this was in particular. Ive known a few ace people since i was a teenager, and without having known them and seen their experiences, I dont know if I would have ever been able to figure myself out, much less accept and love my identity as much as I do. Getting to be that person for a fellow ace is such an incredible and humbling feeling, and I hope you know you are ALWAYS welcome to come talk to me, about our ace experiences, or literally anything else!
Youre doing amazing, and I hope youre having an amazing day! 💜♠💜
-anonymously or not, tell me about something that made you happy today!-
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my-nameless-bliss · 4 years
I’ve been following you for YEARS and I’ve finally succumbed to your Schitt’s Creek blogging and watched the first 8 episodes and I’m feeling vulnerable in this chili’s tonight
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LOVE that journey for you! Seriously though, I'm so glad you've given it a shot, I hope you have a WONDERFUL time with it, and please know that you are always, always, ALWAYS welcome to come talk with me about it! If you've followed me for a while, I'm sure you've realized that i rarely talk about anything else 💜💜💜
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my-nameless-bliss · 4 years
Hi hello first and foremost absolutely adore "An Imbalanced Social Dynamic". It made me feel emotions bc I was rewatching the Cabaret episode as I was reading it. Anyway. Very random question but why does Schitt's Creek make us feel Emotions? Like no other show has made me Feel Emotions Like That and I just want to know why. Warmest regards and have a rosy day!!!
First, thank you so much!!! I really, really loved every minute of writing that series (which isn’t always the case for me and my writing!), so it’s absolutely wonderful to hear that someone else enjoys it as much as I did! 
Second, I don’t know if you actually wanted an answer to this, but I’m incapable of *not* talking about schitts creek so ! Personally, I think the reason this show hits so much harder than others is because it takes its time, and keeps it small. They develop the characters so slowly and carefully that by the time the Emotions hit, you already *care* about them so deeply! It’s a special feeling to really feel proud of characters as they become better people. Dan has talked before about how they made sure they really earned their emotional moments, and that’s so completely accurate. The tiniest moments have such a massive impact because they’re human, and understandable, and earned, and you want nothing but the best for them. 💜💜💜
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my-nameless-bliss · 4 years
Seconding the one anon just now (depending on when you see this obvs) but ALDNT is one of my go-to feel-good things when I'm having a bad day and it's hard to understand that you can't tell how amazing it is imo (or hear my squeeing as I read from around the world!) Your writing is amazing and I love it ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
Ahhhhhhhhh this is too much!!! This is too kind, I dont know how to accept things like this!!! 💜😭💜 It means the world to me to know that I was indirectly able to bring you some happiness, and especially that aldnt has ever been a source of comfort. I never dreamed I would be able to have that affect on anyone, and its such an unexpected blessing. Thank you SO MUCH for sending this, I promise I will try very hard to stay positive about aldnt and not deflect compliments like this! 💜💜💜
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my-nameless-bliss · 4 years
Saw a malec gifset, was inspired, reread literally all of ALDNT, had a magical weekend because of it <3 just thought I’d let u know it’s still amazing <3
Ohhh my goodness, thank you SO MUCH for sending this!!! I’ve said it a hundred times by now, but it’s always true: I’m so surprised anyone liked ALDNT even back when I first posted it, so it’s shocking and humbling to hear that you think it holds up! (Honestly, it’s almost 5 years old now, and I look back on my old writing much less kindly than I should, so it’s actually hard to hear things like this sometimes!)
I’m so glad that something I made brought you a bit of happiness, and I’m so grateful that you took the time to share this with me! 💜💜💜
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my-nameless-bliss · 4 years
I love ALDNT but I would literally read your grocery list. Heck, I read your Schitt's Creek fic despite never having watched past season one. Fandom I'm not a part of? I'm following you there!
Ahhhh this is too sweet, you stop that!
Honestly though, thank you so much for saying this. Writing ALDNT was genuinely one of the best times of my life, but it did give me this really unfortunate mindset about my own writing that I would never apply to anyone else’s work. I obviously don’t think that all writing needs to be ‘important’ or ‘life-changing’, and I love reading fic that’s just a pleasant story that doesn’t change my life in any way. I’ve read literally hundreds of fics that were lovely and enjoyable and that’s all, and I‘ve never once thought ‘Wow, I really wish that would have had a more profound impact on my life’. But as soon as I start planning my own writing, I immediately start worrying that my idea isn’t important enough and won’t drastically improve the lives of every single person reading it. And that’s fucking stupid! And I’m working really hard to break out of that mindset.
So thank you for this. Seriously, it’s exactly what I needed to hear. 💜💜💜
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