#Net Wrap Market Top Players
heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Could we maybe see the first meeting between fast food worker reader and the handpit
"Y/n! Some kid lost his teddy in the ball pit!"
You peel yourself from the breakroom chair with the minuscule amount of energy you had regained from it. You learned the first week on the job to never expect a moment of rest, but that didn't make losing precious break time any better.
The ball pit had been a pain since its reopening a full week back. Customers loosing precious items, child claiming to have been scared out of the pit by a scary monster. In defense of the first thing it probably isn't the greatest idea to wear great grandma's wedding ring to a restaurant where the police leaves the phone on the receiver when they call in.
You enter the main area. A parent shouts at the cashier while clutching a sniffing child's name; a glimmer of hope in their eyes as you walk out.
"This is exactly why I don't let my children into those disease pools! If you don't bring my son, his toy this entire franchise is going under!:
Your coworker's eyes water. You throw them a thumb's up as you pedal to the playarea. It's common knowledge you're in this nightmare together so most helped one another when they could.
The play area was your average child's environment. Overhanging tubes leading to a twisting slide. Colorful walls and statues of the mascot looming in watch. The ball pit. The windows to the parking lot had been painted over after similar reports of odd behaviors outside.
You walk over to the wall where the net for such occasions was stored, but it's gone. Figures. Nothing's easy around here. You pop your shoes off and squeeze them into a cubby as per comand of your commerical marketed overlord. You fish around at the top before doing as expected and climbing into the pit when you can't find it on the surface sweep.
The balls come up to your waist, but you can feel they go further than that as you kicking through them. The ball pit was as big as your average swimming pool, so you definitely had your work cut out for you. Better than being screamed at by customers from hell you suppose.
The search is gruelling. Each ball you push out of the way is replaced by a tidal wave of more. You unknowingly sink down to your chest as your frustration rises. It feels like the pit hasn't been cleaned in ages either. Some of the balls sticky and wet, and you're poked and stabbed at by objects were too thin and hard to be a plush bear-
What was that?
You freeze. A pocket forms in the sea of balls to your left, sucking the plastic orbs into themselves like a technicolor sinkhole. You figure its because you had previously just lift that area and swim forward. Something tugs on your pant's leg mid stroke, but your other foot kicks it away as you move. As the lights flicker you get the feeling someone is messing with you.
"Not funny!"
So much for being a team player. You better hurry and find this thing so you can head out early today. About tew feet in front of you, the bear's button eye watches your struggle. Stopping it, you dart towards it, but it sinks into the pit. It then reappears another foot away.
"What the hell.... This really isn't funny.."
You try again. It disappears. This time it teleports behind you. Stagnate in the spherical waters, you watch as the bear disappears and pops back within view in a different location. Sometimes it's at the end of the pit, sometimes it's mere inches away. This definitely isn't right. You need to get out of here. As you swim for the ledge, something drags you below.
You kick and flail, a scream fighting its way up your chest that you shove right back down to save energy. You can't breath. Your body feels weightless like you're swimming in a lake, yet the same air as falling out of the skin. Hands grab at various parts of yoir body. Items flash by as you're dragged further. Ancient photos, priceless watches- name tags.
As a hand wraps around your throat, you scream.
Your plunge takes an abrupt stop.
"We did not recognize you at first, but that voice. It is unforgettable."
The hands turn you over. You can't tell if it's onto your back or your stomach. All you really can see is the plastic balls, but if you squint you can make out two white dots in the endless sea.
"So this is your face. We have only seen it in passing from your memories. How peculiar is man that in our eons of evaluation, your cerebrum is the single power that has twine our minds into one? In this "pit" of all things."
The hands stroke at your face; force your eyes to remain open. They carcass your tense form, easing your body but not your spirit. You want to cover your ears, but you can't. The voice is so loud; what feels like millions cramming into your small brain at volume which makes your teeth rattle with each syllable. In the same vein, it is the softest melody you've ever heard - splitting your fragile mind in two and sewing it together again with its gentle hush.
"You are different. You cannot enjoy us. The honor of being your new home would be wasted with your mind lost to the masses. You are to remain in this establishment until we decide what to do with you."
The hands center on your torso and push you upwards. Light pokes through the spaces between the balls as you're forced to the surface of the pit. The teddy bear lays on your chest as you surf atop the balls, staring down as if it's wondering the same thing as you.
What the fuck just happened
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let-me-luve-you · 1 year
Part 1 of the Road to the World Cup Series
Christian Pulisic x Reader (female)
Summary: As Christian's high school sweetheart, the reader watches on as the US tries to qualify for the World Cup. After the game, the reader tells Christian some surprising news.
Warnings: Flangst, mentions of sex, pregnancy
Word Count: 1836
A/N: I've had this idea for a while. I finally got in the mood to write again. Currently writing part 2. I've got 4 parts planned for this series. Hope you all enjoy!
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It was simple. A win and you’re in. A tie and you put your fate into the other countries hands. Lose and you're out. Dressed proudly in her #10 US kit, Y/N sat in between her boyfriend’s (of 4 years) parents. The last four days had been a whirlwind. She was sick before traveling to Orlando for the Panama match. So sick she missed her first flight and caught one that allowed her to get to the game just in time for kickoff. Even though she still wasn’t 100%, she wouldn’t miss these games for anything. 
She loved watching Christian play. She’s either been at or watched every match since they met when they were 14. They started dating when they were 15. When Christian moved to Germany at 16, they considered breaking up to not hold each other back, but that idea was quickly turned down. Figured they would try. Succeeding for two years at distance, she moved to Dortmund to be with him. Her parents weren’t happy with the decision because of college, but she is taking online classes to get a degree in marketing. Online gave her the freedom of travel when she wanted to go with Christian. 
Now at 19, she watched as the second half began for the final game of World Cup qualifying. The US was down 0 to 2 but she saw the way Christian looked when he walked back onto the pitch. His determination and focus was the only thing you could read on his face. 
She watched on as the US headed toward goal. Y/N quickly grabbed onto Kelley’s arm as Jorge Villafana attempted a shot but was immediately blocked by Alvin Jones. Villafana was able to get the ball back and pass it to an open Christian at the top of the box. Christian takes a touch that pushes him a few feet closer to the goal before just striking it into the back of the net. Y/N stood up fast and yelled. She started feeling lightheaded so she turned and hugged Kelley and then Mark to not let them catch on to how she was feeling. They continued to celebrate as the US boys grabbed the ball to try and get another goal and keep the play moving. 
As the second half continued, Y/N watched on as the boys tried everything in their power to score a second goal, but ultimately, when the final whistle rang, it wasn’t the US on top of the scoreboard. Y/N stayed sitting as Mark stood up. Kelley wrapped her arm around the young girl that stole her son’s heart. She watched as Y/N fought tears. Kelley could tell she was trying to keep it together, for when she saw Christian. 
Y/N was doing a somewhat decent job at keeping her tears at bay until she watched Christian drop into a squat with his head in his jersey. Kelley squeezed her closer to her as she tried to comfort her. She too had tears in her eyes. She was sad for her son. She knew how hard he was working to achieve his dreams and goals. She was also sad for the young girl in her arms because she knew how much she supported her son and was there for him when she or Mark couldn’t. She knew Y/N wanted it for Christian just as much as he wanted it. 
Watching the team make their way into the locker room, the Pulisic’s and Y/N thought it would be a good time to make their way down into the family area. Once they made it to the hallway outside the locker room, Y/N sat down on a chair that was near. Mark put his hand on her shoulder and sadly smiled at her. She gave him one back before staring at the door. One by one, players started making their way out. They stopped at their family or made their way to the team bus. 
Christian was the last one to come out. Y/N quickly stood up as she saw him look opposite of his family before turning and looking right at her. He quickly walked over and wrapped her in a tight hug. He dug his face into her neck. She felt a few tears leave his eyes and wet her skin. 
“I know it sucks right now, but I am so proud of you.” She whispered into his ear. 
“It’s my fault. I could’ve done more.” Christian said so quietly she almost didn’t hear him.
“You did your job. You stepped up when needed. This was not your fault.” She ran her hand over his short hair as she squeezed him tighter. Kelley and Mark watched on at their son and they hoped, their future daughter in law. 
“I love you Christian Mate.” She said as she kissed his neck. “I will always love you and be proud of you. Now go hug your parents and I will give you all the cuddles tonight.” She whispered the last part for only him to hear. Christian pulled back and leaned his forehead on hers.
“I don’t deserve you.” He whispered before giving her a small kiss and pulling away. He quickly turned to his mom for comfort. Y/N watched on as she watched her boyfriend get the same words from his parents that she just spoke to him. 
“Yo Christian! Time to go.” She heard one of his teammates yell. 
“I’m coming!” Christian yelled back. He came back to Y/N and gave you another slow, soft kiss. “I’ll see you here in a little bit.”
After getting into the rental the Pulisics rented, they quickly drove her to the team hotel to meet back up with Christian.
“Y/N, you okay dear?” Kelley asked.
“I’m good. Just bummed for Chris.” Y/N sighed. 
“Oh sweetie. He’ll be okay.” She turned and smiled at her.
“You are doing everything right Y/N. You are there for him. We couldn’t ask for anyone better for our son to date.” Mark said. She smiled at him with a blush. As they pulled up to the hotel, Y/N smiled at both parents and thanked them for the ride. 
“We are going to come visit you both in a few weeks for Thanksgiving.” Kelley said. 
“I can’t wait. Have fun on your trip to the Bahamas.” She smiled as they thanked her and drove off. 
Y/N walked into the lobby and sat on the couch as she waited for the team bus to arrive. What Y/N didn’t know was that Christian and her were going to quickly grab their stuff and get on a private plane back to Germany. Normally, Christian wouldn’t pay for that, but after that loss, he wanted to get away from people as fast as possible. 
“Hi Y/N.” She looked up and saw Paul Arriola and Clint Dempsey walking in. She smiled and waved at them before they kept walking to the elevator. When Christian walked in, she quickly stood up and met him with an open hand. He was quick to intertwine his fingers with hers. He dragged her to the elevators.
“Bags are packed right?” He asked her once alone in the moving object. 
“Yes. Why?” She asked, giving his hand a squeeze.
“Gerald got us a private plane. We fly to Portugal tonight. We will fill up with gas and then make the rest of the flight to Dortmund.” He said. She nodded at him. Christian quickly packed the rest of his stuff before grabbing most of the bags and heading out of the room with Y/N hot on his trail. 
Part way through the flight, Y/N was cuddled up to Christian on the pullout couch. Neither speaking and neither sleeping. Christian squeezed her closer to him and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
“How you feeling? I forgot to ask earlier.” He said softly.
“I’m better. I still have my moments.” She said before sitting up. “Actually, I have something to tell you.” Christian sat up as well. “I don’t know how to say this.”
“You can tell me. It’s okay.” He said, grabbing her hand for support.
“I’m pregnant.” Y/N said. She looked down but then quickly looked up to see a shocked Christian.
“What?” He asked in disbelief.
“I’m pregnant. I’m 13 weeks as of Saturday.” She said. “I did the math, we brought home a souvenir from vacation.”
“Wow. Okay.” Christian rubbed his hand down his face. Still in shock at the news. “When did you find out?” 
“The day before I flew into Orlando. I went to the doctor to get some medicine to help settle my stomach. They ran some tests and asked if there was a chance of me being pregnant. I mean, I couldn’t say no. It’s like we’ve been in the honeymoon stage lately.” She giggled as Christian gave a small laugh and a nod of his head.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“I didn’t want to distract you from these games. I just wanted you to focus on soccer, not how we are going to be parents at 19.” She said sincerely. “Are you okay with this? I know it’s a lot to take in and I’ve had time to let it sink in, but how are you with this?”
“I uh… I don’t know.” He said honestly. “I’m not going to leave you. You are right about the thoughts of ‘how are we going to be parents at 19?’ have gone through my head.” 
“We can do this.” She smiled.
“We can.” Christian smiled before leaning forward and capturing her lips, deepening it as they went along. “I’m terrified, but I’m glad it’s with you. I love you so much Y/N/N. You are going to be a fantastic mother.”
“And you will be an amazing father.” She kissed him slower this time before pulling away. “Can we wait a bit before we tell our families? I want to tell them, but I want this to stay between us for as long as possible, because the world will find out when I show up looking like a whale in black and yellow stripes.” 
“But you’ll be my beautiful whale in black and yellow stripes.” He laughed as she slapped him on the chest. Christian pulled her closer and laid down with her on top of him. “We can wait as long as you want before we tell people.”
“Thank you. I know this is scary, but I’m glad I’m on this journey with you.” Y/N pushed his hair back as she ran her hand through it. As she straddled his lap, she leaned down and kissed him. Christian pulled back.
“Here’s to our next journey in our relationship.” He smiled before kissing her. Quickly deepening the kiss and rolling her over onto her back. “Now let’s join the mile high club to celebrate.”
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castielsparkle · 5 months
toys guide for howrse.com (dailies edition)
HI this is going to be as brief as i possibly can and not super in depth BUT. here!! most of this is just like daily stuff u can do to get items and moneys (:
go to community > directories
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go to horses > check "Show only special horses"
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here you can interact with a few other players divines each day to receive items!
XANTHOS (5x a day)
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when you stroke a xanthos, a horse in your breeding farm will receive 10 energy points!
EDIT: as mentioned by @corinne-eaglebridge-sso in the replies -
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(text above: reply posted by corinne-eaglebridge-sso 8 hours ago, reply says "I would recommend petting Xanthos 5 times each day! Each has a low chance of you receiving a horn of plenty the next day!")
FROST (1x a day)
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defrosting a frost has a chance of granting you a hypnos' blanket black market item! (when equipped to a horse this item allows it to be bedded without being registered in an equestrian center!) and on the first of each month a frost is granted to a player who defrosted her within the past month (:
ARCHIMEDES (1x a day)
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archimedes will ask you a question, and if answered correctly you both make the horse more intelligent and win yourself an aging point! if you're not too savvy on horse trivia most of the answers are online somewhere to my understanding tho lol!
TOPAZ (5x a day)
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you can congratulate up to 5 topaz a day, and they will net you 50 equus each! (250 equus total!)
this is still divine related but it isn't exactly one of the daily things here - if you rename one of your horses to "junior croesus" there is a chance it can turn into a croesus divine. similarly, there is a chance on the first of each month that a player who has logged in at least 20 days in the previous month can win the divine cascade! and for every player, as long as you have logged in the previous day, you will receive 100 equus in your reserve if you log on the next day :)
if you go to breeding farm > office > the safe haven
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you can stroke one of three randomly selected horses residing in the safe haven, and sometimes they will give you an apple or some equus etc as a thank you :) i'm not sure how many times a day it is exactly but i know you can do it more than once lol, i just check every few hours and do it when it allows me to
if you go to achievements > daily objectives
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there's a little place to win passes (premium currency) from daily objectives! you can get up to 30 a day - every now and then the requests are a bit nuts lol but often times theyre fairly easy! you can also swap out one objective a day for 20,000 equus. there's also a gauge that resets every week and if you fulfill ten of the objectives you're granted the horn of plenty black market item!
under trade > item exchange
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there is a place you can swap out which black market items you have between other players up to three times a week! you can make offers and/or fulfill them:)
and on a final note for the quick item/money-grinding etc etc - i HIGHLY highly recommend doing their events when you can!! the minigames are usually pretty entertaining and the gifts are usually surprisingly generous for not being super paywalled!!
as of writing this they're doing two minigame events:
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i only just started the blast: winter minigame a few hours and i already got two precious level companions, a fertility wand, 3*** victory ear bonnet + polo wraps, a lunge, a vintage apple, and 200 straw, and i still have three more chests waiting to unlock :D!! and even if you don't want to use the black market items you receive you can usually trade them in the item exchange so i try to get as many as i can regardless esp since theyre free!!
ok hehe that's about it off the top of my head for daily stuff sorry the post is so lengthy LMFAO but!! if you guys wanted tips about horse/donkey/pony/unicorn skill/gp maxing PLS feel free to ask that's my fav part of the game :") i unfortunately don't know jack shit about selling horses or running an equestrian center bc im usually on the consumer end lolol but!!!<3 ok yay have fun horsing around :3
edit: also!! not to plug hehe but if you want to add a friend on there my user is lesbitwisparkle (on international server) and i love to help out with giving congratulations and fulfilling daily objectives!!<3
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dbmrrmarket · 12 days
Converted Plastic Packaging Market Size, Share, Key Drivers, Trends, Challenges and Competitive Analysis
Global Converted Plastic Packaging Market research report gives detailed market insights with which visualizing market place clearly becomes easy. This market research report deals with bountiful of important market related aspects which are; market size estimations, company and market best practices, entry level strategies, market dynamics, positioning, segmentations, competitive landscaping and benchmarking, opportunity analysis, economic forecasting, industry-specific technology solutions, roadmap analysis, and in-depth benchmarking of vendor offerings.
The comprehensive Converted Plastic Packaging business research report estimates the market development trends across different regions of the world. A detailed survey of upstream raw materials, recent industry dynamics, and downstream demand are also covered in this persuasive market report. It documents major advancements, emerging growth status, competitive landscape analysis, segmentation and so on. The market is greatly transforming because of the moves of the key players and brands including developments, product launches, joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions that in turn changes the view of the global face of Converted Plastic Packaging industry.
Data Bridge Market Research analyses that the converted plastic packaging market, valued at USD 2,244.32 million in 2022, will reach USD 4,123.41 million by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 7.9% during the forecast period of 2023 to 2030. 
Access Full 350 Pages PDF Report @
Converted packaging uses non-rigid materials to package products, enabling more affordable and customizable options. It is a modern method used by several end-user industries in the packaging industry, but it has gained popularity because of its high effectiveness and low cost. Bags, pouches, liners, wraps, roll stock, and other flexible products, produced from paper, plastic, film, aluminum foil, or any combination of those materials fall under converted plastic packaging.
Some of the major players operating in the converted plastic packaging market are:
Amcor plc (Australia)
ALPLA (Austria)
DS Smith (U.K.)
Klöckner Pentaplast (Germany)
Berry Global Inc.(U.S.)
Pactiv Evergreen Inc.(U.S.)
Sonoco Products Company (U.S.)
Honeywell International Inc. (U.S.)
ProAmpac. (U.S.)
Tetra Pak International SA (Switzerland)
Sealed Air (U.S.)
Mondi (U.K.)
Canada Colors and Chemicals Limited (Canada)
Coveris (U.K.)
Huhtamaki (Finland)
WINPAK LTD. (Canada)
Major Points Covered in TOC:
Converted Plastic Packaging Market Overview: It incorporates six sections, research scope, significant makers covered, market fragments by type, Converted Plastic Packaging Market portions by application, study goals, and years considered.
Converted Plastic Packaging Market Landscape: Here, the opposition in the Worldwide Converted Plastic Packaging Market is dissected, by value, income, deals, and piece of the pie by organization, market rate, cutthroat circumstances Landscape, and most recent patterns, consolidation, development, obtaining, and portions of the overall industry of top organizations.
Converted Plastic Packaging Profiles of Manufacturers: Here, driving players of the worldwide Converted Plastic Packaging Market are considered dependent on deals region, key items, net edge, income, cost, and creation.
Converted Plastic Packaging Market Status and Outlook by Region: In this segment, the report examines about net edge, deals, income, creation, portion of the overall industry, CAGR, and market size by locale. Here, the worldwide Converted Plastic Packaging Market is profoundly examined based on areas and nations like North America, Europe, China, India, Japan, and the MEA.
Converted Plastic Packaging Application or End User: This segment of the exploration study shows how extraordinary end-client/application sections add to the worldwide Converted Plastic Packaging Market.
Converted Plastic Packaging Market Forecast: Production Side: In this piece of the report, the creators have zeroed in on creation and creation esteem conjecture, key makers gauge, and creation and creation esteem estimate by type.
Keyword: Research Findings and Conclusion: This is one of the last segments of the report where the discoveries of the investigators and the finish of the exploration study are given.
Browse Trending Reports:
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About Data Bridge Market Research:
Data Bridge set forth itself as an unconventional and neoteric Market research and consulting firm with unparalleled level of resilience and integrated approaches. We are determined to unearth the best market opportunities and foster efficient information for your business to thrive in the market. Data Bridge endeavors to provide appropriate solutions to the complex business challenges and initiates an effortless decision-making process.
Contact Us:
Data Bridge Market Research
US: +1 888 387 2818
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Glassine Papers Market Segments, Potential Applications and Analysis 2031
The Insight Partners market research Glassine Papers Market Size and Share Report | 2031 is now available for purchase. This report offers an exclusive evaluation of a range of business environment factors impacting market participants. The market information included in this report is assimilated and reliant on a few strategies, for example, PESTLE, Porter's Five, SWOT examination, and market dynamics
Glassine Papers market is evaluated based on current scenarios and future projections are added keeping the projected period in consideration. This report integrates the valuation of Glassine Papers market size for esteem (million USD) and volume (K Units). Research analysts have used top-down, bottom-up, primary, and secondary research approaches to evaluate and approve the Glassine Papers market estimation.
Detailed scrutiny of market shares, optional sources, and basic essential sources has been done to integrate only valid facts. This research further reveals strategies to help companies grow in the Glassine Papers market.
Key objectives of this research are:
To contemporary market dynamics including drivers, challenges, threats, and opportunities in the Glassine Papers market.
To analyze the sum and market estimation of the worldwide Glassine Papers market
Based on key facets, market segments are added.
The competitive analysis covers key market players and their business strategies.
To examine the Glassine Papers Market for business probable and strategic outlook.
To review the Glassine Papers Market size, key regions and countries, end-users, and statistical details.
To offer strategic recommendations based on the latest market developments, and Glassine Papers market trends.
Perks of The Insight Partners’ Glassine Papers Market Research
Market Trends: Our report reveals developing Glassine Papers market trends that are poised to reshape the market preparing businesses with the foresight to retain their competitive edge. This Market research report presents market trends, supply chain analysis, leading participants, and business growth strategies. This research covers technological progress and key developments covering various aspects of the inclusive market. It is valuable market research for existing key players as well as new entrants in the Glassine Papers Market. Through inputs derived from experts, this research attempts to guide future investors about market details and potential returns on investment. 
Competitive Landscape: This research reveals key market players, their strategies, and possible areas for differentiation.
Analysts Viewpoint: We have industry-specific experts who add credibility to this report with their exclusive viewpoints based on market understanding and expertise. This report goes further into details of entire business processes and doesn’t restrict to only operational aspects. These insights cover venture economics and include tactics for capital investment, investor funding, and projections of ROIs.  Net income and profit loss financial stats are crucial metrics of this Glassine Papers market report. With these meticulous insights companies can reduce their risks and increase the success rate in the coming decade. 
Glassine Papers Market Report Coverage:
Report Attributes
Segmental Coverage
Product Type
Bleached Glassine Paper
Unbleached Glassine Paper
Food Packaging
Soap Wrapping
Flower Wrapping
End-Use Industry
Food Industry
Consumer Goods Industry
Chemical Industry
Pharmaceutical Industry
Regional and Country Coverage
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Europe (UK, Germany, France, Russia, Italy, Rest of Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, Australia, Rest of APAC)
South / South & Central America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South/South & Central America)
Middle East & Africa (South Africa, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Rest of MEA)
Market Leaders and Key Company Profiles
Glatfelter Ober-Schmitten GmbH
Guilin Qifeng Paper Co., Ltd
HERMA Material
Innovia Films
Legion Paper Corp.
Norman A Peroni Ltd
Paper World Co., Ltd.
Shandong Mingda Packing Product Co., Ltd.
Other key companies 
What all adds up to the credibility of this research?
A comprehensive summary of the contemporary Glassine Papers market scenario
Precise estimations on market revenue forecasts and CAGR to rationalize resources
Regional coverage to uncover new markets for business
Rivalry analysis aims to help corporations at a modest edge
Facts-based crystal-clear insights for business success
The research can be customized as per business necessities
Access to PDF, and PPT formats of this research
About Us:
The Insight Partners is a one-stop industry research provider of actionable intelligence. We help our clients in getting solutions to their research requirements through our syndicated and consulting research services. We specialize in industries such as Semiconductor and Electronics, Aerospace and Defense, Automotive and Transportation, Biotechnology, Healthcare IT, Manufacturing and Construction, Medical Devices, Technology, Media and Telecommunications, Chemicals and Materials.
Contact Us: www.theinsightpartners.com
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sqinsights · 4 months
Goal! Navigating the Global Football Market — More Than Just Numbers
Greetings, fellow fans of the beautiful game and curious minds! Today, we’re ditching the business jargon and embarking on a playful journey through the vibrant world of the global football market. Think of it as your best mate recounting the latest football gossip but with a touch of wit and sarcasm.
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The Kickoff: Market Scoreboard (2023–2030)
So, we’ve got our hands on this report that claims the global football market is on the rise. Starting at a modest USD 3.2 billion in 2021, it’s set to make a fancy dribble to USD 6.79 billion by 2030, all while maintaining a growth rate of 3.79% CAGR. Not too shabby for a sport where the primary objective is to kick a ball into a net, right?
The Star Players: Segmentation Showdown
The global football market is like a well-coordinated team, with players neatly divided into four segments: type, distribution channel, size, and region.
1. Type:
Training ball: Because even footballs need a warm-up routine, apparently.
Match ball: The VIPs of the football world — used in official matches and probably kept under tight security.
Others: The unsung heroes, working tirelessly in the background.
2. Distribution Channel:
Online: Because who doesn’t love shopping for a ball while binge-watching football matches from the comfort of their sofa?
Offline: For those who appreciate the joy of discovering a football in a dusty corner of a sports store.
3. Size:
Size 1, Size 2, Size 3, Size 4, and Size 5: Because size matters, especially when you’re trying not to accidentally kick your friend instead of the ball.
4. Region:
North America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America, Middle East & Africa: Football, proving that it’s not just a sport but a global phenomenon.
For More Information: https://www.skyquestt.com/report/football-market
Half-Time Entertainment: Manufacturing Process Analysis
The report takes a detour to explore the manufacturing process. Hand-stitched footballs take center stage, like the artisans of the football world, carefully crafting each panel. Meanwhile, thermally bonded footballs strut onto the scene, boasting less water absorption — the divas of the football market.
Scoring Goals: Global Football Market Dynamics
Rise in the Popularity of Sports and Fitness: Because who needs a treadmill when you can chase a ball?
Increasing Traction of Virtual Games: Apparently, some folks prefer virtual goals. The nerve!
Half-Time Snack: Competitive Landscape
The global football market is a bustling field, much like the pitch itself. Top players like Adidas, Nike, and Puma are the Messi, Ronaldo, and Neymar, leading the charge. Nike introduces a fancy new ball for winter matches, while Puma teams up with Lega Serie for a ball that screams partnership. Talk about spicing up the game!
Extra Time: Recent Developments and Key Market Trends
In this ever-evolving football market, Nike unveils a High Visibility Premier League ball for winter matches, and Puma joins forces with Lega Serie for a ball that signifies collaboration. It’s not just a game; it’s an industry of innovation and teamwork.
The Final Whistle: SkyQuest Analysis
The report wraps up with SkyQuest’s ABIRAW, giving us the inside scoop. The growing interest in football, the rise of leagues, and the surge in engagement from women and children — it’s not just a market; it’s a global movement.
Conclusion: A Sporty Send-Off
There you have it, folks! The global football market is not just about numbers and trends; it’s a celebration of passion, dedication, and the occasional last-minute goal. Whether you’re a die-hard fan, an aspiring player, or just someone who enjoys a good laugh, this market is more than just a financial scoreboard.
So, as you lace up your boots for your next match, remember, it’s not just a game; it’s a billion-dollar industry with hand-stitched artistry, thermally bonded innovation, and a competitive landscape that keeps the ball rolling. Play on!
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sportsbuff · 1 year
Not 1 Not 2 But 3rd it is…….
FIFA WC - 2022 - 3rd place match - Croatia vs Morocco
What a game we have witnessed finally, Croatia showed some attacking instinct in football as I wrote in my last post. All the players I called out in the last post managed to improve their performance in this game.
Both teams gave chance to some of their bench players in this game. The game started with attacking plays from both teams. while doing so Croatia managed to get a corner and Gvardiol managed to head the ball in the top left corner to give Croatia the lead early in the game also this is the first game in knockouts where Croatia scored first. Morocco immediately responded with a goal and an excellent presence of mind from Dari, Livakovic unfortunately was late to gather/clear the ball and that gave enough time for Dari to head it into the net.
Just like their semi-final game Morocco turn out in 2nd half with more attacking instinct but unfortunately, they were not able to break the Croatian defence. Croatia tried to match the attacking style and got successful this time with Orsic with an excellent right-footed lofted ball over Bounou to the far top corner of the goalpost, ball hit the post before going inside the net.
This world cup has been good for the Morocco team and I think a lot of clubs will be fighting in the January market window of club football to sign certain Moroccan players. below are the players who have impressed in this World cup before we wrap up tomorrow.
1. Ounahi (Midfielder)
2. Attiayat Allah (Left Back)
3. Amrabat (Midfielder)
1. Gvardiol (Center Back)
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salt-volk · 2 years
Okay. I've been trying to be as neutral to the custom stuff as I could. Rich players do rich players things.
But the recent events brought up the facts I was unaware of (some high end endgame bug that could net you 2+ up to 10??? custom makers that no one has fined nor removed which is just insane). Not being an endgame or being too poor player to spin for a custom maker isn't a sin, but I feel double damned now. Two custom makers is insane riches (one to make your own pet and sell its mirrors and the other can be sold for unimaginable amounts of cash), but 5-10 custom makers???
Holy cow.
You can just buy half the market with those if not all of it (including KS, alpha, beta and limited items). How comes those people haven't gotten fined the excess ones (so each one affected would only have 1 maker each)? Given they very well knew it was "weird" and encouraged each other to spin more and faster before it gets fixed (somehow they knew they wouldn't be punished for this bug even though they were aware this is a bug). And no one did anything for something this big. That was a bug affecting the top tier item, the ultimate goal of the game (so it's gamebreaking even, because Anji is complaining about being overloaded with work on customs now), yet no actions were taken, I cannot even wrap my head around it.
I just can't. I think now I can see why people were quitting this game, besides the atrocious daily grind and stupid annoying layouts of everything that refresh the whole page after a smallest click (and you do A LOT of clicking in this game). Shitty short 3 month cooldown for drops doesn't matter at all now. Nothing matters. I'm not even angry anymore, I just feel empty inside.
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solitvdcs · 3 years
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* ross butler, cis male + he/him | you know dawson flynn, right? they’re twenty-six, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, their whole life? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to wannabe by spice girls like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole the sound a basketball makes when it swishes through the net, memes as a personality trait, test anxiety sweat thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is december 12, so they’re a sagittarius, which is unsurprising, all things considered. ( mels, 29, cst, she/her )
tldr; nathan scott/shawn hunter wannabe
basic info
full name: dawson flynn
birth date: december 12, 1994
pronouns: he/him
hometown: irving, north carolina
sexuality: bisexual
height: 6′3″
eye color: dark brown
hair color: black
build: athletic
tattoos: none
piercings: none
style: outside of work he’s comfort over style, but he does have to dress up for work (looks really good in suits)
favorite color: green
favorite food: pizza
zodiac: sagittarius sun, aries moon, libra rising
mbti: esfp
hogwarts house: gryffindor
enneagram: type 3 wing 2
temperament: sanguine-phlegmatic
alignment: chaotic good
bio bullet points
dawson’s creek may have come out four years after he was born, but as far as anyone was concerned, the boy in the rowboat was his namesake
has two older siblings and five younger half siblings. his dad split when he was three, but he loves his stepdad and was legally adopted by him right before he started middle school
the ten of them lived a modest existence in delphinus heights, the kids basically sleeping on top of each other. dawson never invited friends home, not because of any embarrassment for his upbringing, but because he knew how hard his mom and stepdad worked for them and knew they would stretch their already thin living to feed another mouth if one was brought home
he was popular in high school, which was probably a mix of being the star basketball player and having the kind of good looks someone on a cw show would have. he was homecoming and prom king, and voted a nice handful of superlatives his senior year: best smile and worst driver among the acknowledgments
college scouts began approaching him as a sophomore, and he had his choice of schools. he chose a school out of state (leaving open for plotting purposed bc why not), and almost ended up losing his scholarship because of his grades. since money was always tight, dawson couldn’t afford to lose it and ended up seeking out a tutor
he fell in love with his tutor, obviously, and they dated until they graduated, when he made some stupid mistakes and got his ass dumped
got drafted into the boston celtics, and he played for a few years before he tore his acl and had to leave indefinitely
while in rehab, he began coaching a local team, whatever the peewee equivalent is, and he’s always been really good with kids so that worked out well for him (he’s considering getting a teaching certification so he can become a gym teacher but he probably shouldn’t be left in charge of anyone’s education, even if it is just gym)
currently has a job at a marketing firm -- what he went to school for -- and the pay is decent but god is it boring
lowkey teen drama shows are his thing, gossip girl is his guilty pleasure show (he won’t tell you that even if you guess it though, rep to protect or whatever guys say)
he has a cat but she likes roaming while he’s at work, so she’s become the unofficial pet of the whole apartment building he lives in
honestly a himbo in every sense of the word but we love him for that
i’m so tired and i just wanted to get this posted so pls take this crumb and plot with me <3
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mumbai-local · 3 years
The Mirror Shaped Hole in Our Hearts
So this is it, this is where we get off.
There would be no Mumbai Mirror in our palms on weekday mornings, and even though we’d get it on Sundays and it would have a ‘strong digital presence’, we know they’re just ways to say ‘shop’s shutting, go home.’ For something that we spent no more than ten minutes on every day, it’s going to be a tough loss to digest. If you too have a hole in your heart, let me measure it for you.
At arguably one of the peaks of its 15-year life cycle, Mirror, the ‘compact’ daily from the Times Group, would break stories from IPL 2009 in South Africa that would read like nothing filed on the sports pages of The Times of India (TOI). Mirror held this cut-throat exclusivity as a filter for its news every day, across beats, to build a distinct voice for itself. The parent company, Bennett, Coleman and Co. (BCCL), would routinely fly separate correspondents to the same events, whether at Jamaica or Dunedin, and it was also common for the competing correspondents being friends and even sharing hotel rooms while despatching reports. The cumulative impact of TOI and Mumbai Mirror (MM), bundled together for distribution, years after Mirror’s 2005 launch, was a telling blow on competitors, most remarkably Mumbai’s oldest tabloid, Mid-Day.
At arguably another peak, MM had an extensive, snappily designed 16-page edition dedicated to the 2010 FIFA World Cup, put to bed hours after the main edition, which in itself would be of 56 to 64 pages. All this free-flowing newsprint, a continuously expanding market and most importantly, reams of full-page adverts, seems to be an obscene tale from another era.
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To think that Mirror, from those highs, faced such a nosedive is ironically like one of the Bombay stories it loved telling. We know the arc well - the rise, the reign, the plot to bring it down, the fall and the end. It’s almost as if the ghosts of all those exclusive stories - of fallen industrialists, flopped film stars and failed society doyens - that Mirror unabashedly broke day on day, plotted this. BCCL attributes this closure to ‘the pandemic, lockdown and unprecedented economic crisis’ but we as Mirror faithfuls, take this as with a sack of salt. 
This seems more of a jettison, and while not much is public as the BCCL empire isn’t a listed company, it’s safe to say the Jains wanted bleeding pets off their green books. There were reports of BCCL facing a consolidated net loss of Rs 451.63 crore in FY 19-20, a bungee jump from the net profits of Rs 484.27 crore in just the previous year.
Net-net, it’s this: Even before the ‘C word’ took the world economy down in 2020, the ‘bad news’ vibe was strong, and it must not have taken Mirror employees, adept at joining the dots while reporting on Bollywood’s love affairs, much time to update their LinkedIn profiles.
Hence, it’s intriguing that the official statement by The Times of India Group on this would mention a thing such as ‘the economy now officially in recession’. I’m no pink paper reader but to think that a behemoth such as the Times, running entities such as Medianet and Brand Equity Treaties and verticals such as Times Internet (which has brands such as Cricbuzz, Gaana and MX Player in its portfolio), is hurting from an ‘import duty adding to newsprint costs’... seems a wee… bit dodgy, much like Mirror’s famed ‘tailpiece’ blind items - you could only speculate the truth. But hey, what I’m sure of is this - that one primetime anchor going by the initials 'RSS’ on the Group’s alleged ‘news’ channel Times NOW, has not even mentioned the word ‘recession’ in a very long time, let alone cover it. 
So to find out why the most profitable media house in the country with annual revenues of $1.5 billion and an average of over 30 per cent returns on investment in previous years did not want to ride out Mirror’s losses, you’d probably require a seasoned Mirror reporter, ideally from its film or crime beats.
But if you have been a reader of The Illustrated Weekly of India, Indrajal Comics or Times Crest, you are again disappointed, not surprised, that the owners have once again pulled the plug, but this time it’s on Bombay’s boldest voice. And no Saamna, you can’t come close.
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In just April last year, MM was the only single edition newspaper to be among the top five newspapers in India, quite a feat given its perennial label of being a sibling to the older TOI beast. This younger one, and every younger sibling from Prince Harry to Hardik Pandya will agree, remained feisty, unabashedly self aware and delightfully anti-establishment through its lifetime, owing to the mother who raised it, the venerable Meenal Baghel.
Some credit this to ‘the nature of the beast’ that tabloid culture is - a naked, annoying, indelible aspect of big city life. But we - and by we, I mean those who got to work with Meenal - know that as the handler of this beast, she fed it meatloaf with one hand and held a whip in the other. That’s how the beast grew stronger every day and mauled the mighty.
The beast emboldened us to ask uncomfortable questions of our society and culture, and not in a Republic-reporter-chasing-Rhea’s-car manner, but in a civil, restrained one where Oxford commas and em dashes had pride of place.  
It made photojournalist Sebastian D’Souza jump out his seat next to mine on the night of November 26, 2008, and dart out with his camera when we heard gunshots within metres of us, only to return with this photo.   
It made us have the bravado to pick up the phone and call anyone in the country for an exclusive quote. “I’m XYZ from the Mumbai Mirror,” we’d say, not from The Times of India. 
Mirror broke stories that stirred us in those ten minutes or less. Stories of blacklisted contractors winning road repair contracts using their wives’ names, of unscrupulous builders who’d unflinchingly steal lifetimes’ savings of retired peons, of principals who’d be sacked for exposing sexual harassment scandals, of everything adulterated - milk, water, air.  
Trigger warnings be damned - don’t like, don’t read if you can dare. While TOI and other dailies touched upon the city’s underbelly, Mirror thrived in it. It kept on showing us what’s under that flyover while we glided to work over it - the blood, gore and heartbreak. Wait, it literally did a story this year on cancer patients living under a flyover (and they promptly got help). Of course, there was gloss and fun and those ridiculous non-news about Kareena Kapoor juggling ‘work with motherhood’, but those were just the mixers to the other potent stuff. 
You know what the real loss for Mumbai is, right? That most of these stories just won’t be reported in print. And no corrupt contractor or conniving criminal may lose sleep over a Sunday paper or a publication with ‘strong digital presence’ exposing them.
The other ‘happy to see Mirror go’ could be Bollywood’s A, B and no-listers, who, once upon a time, would get palpitations if they’d see incoming calls from a certain Vickey Lalwani. “Dibakar, give me a story! Give me a sensational story! Mumbai Mirror has circulation of 750,000. Make it exclusive, okay?” 
But I doubt they’d be too happy too - after all, if Mirror’s calling you, you’re hot currency.  
(That said, there is a negligible number of people who are elated to see Mirror go, and they’re fans of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It so happened that on the morning of the launch of the much anticipated last book of the iconic series, Mirror carried a spoiler on its front page. ‘First things first, Harry Lives.’ Ouch. Younger siblings, after all, can also be incredibly cheeky and embarrassing at times. But we cannot do without them.)
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In July 2019, I had asked Meenal, the finest editor I will ever work under, about just how she found the energy to run a tabloid compact like this every single day for so many years. “As long as the good days outnumber the bad, I keep going,” she’d replied. It was a fair way to convey how she and her team (me gratefully being a small part of it from 2005 to 2011) worked. We went out to battle every day and slept well every night, and the lakhs of readers, in return, gave us a high. 
Now, when the dreaded ‘last edition’ is probably being wrapped around a vada-pav somewhere in Mumbai, all of us - Meenal, us former colleagues, the readers, the haters, the Mahinder Watsa fan club, everyone - will have our heads held up for knowing that the Mumbai Mirror era indeed had way more good days… well, even bloody good days, than the bad ones.
At least we won’t be shaking our heads and eye-rolling while looking at the front page of that old flagship broadsheet daily.
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Exploring the Global Net Wrap Market Trends, and Growth Prospects
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Introduction: Unveiling the Landscape of the Net Wrap Market
The Global Net Wrap Market is a critical component of modern logistics and packaging, providing secure and efficient pallet unitization solutions across various industries. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the dynamics of the Net Wrap Market, uncovering insights, trends, and growth prospects shaping its trajectory.
Market Overview:
The global net wrap market is estimated at USD 5.8 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 7.2 billion by 2030, growing at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 4.1%. This growth is primarily driven by the increasing demand for secure and efficient pallet unitization solutions across industries such as food & beverage, consumer goods, pharmaceuticals, and chemicals. Additionally, the proliferation of e-commerce and automation further fuels demand for net wrap solutions, as businesses seek streamlined logistics operations.
Key Stats:
Plastic Dominance: Plastic net wrap dominates the market, accounting for over 80% of the share, owing to its versatility, durability, and cost-effectiveness. It offers superior load containment and stability compared to alternative materials like stretch film.
Regional Dynamics: Asia Pacific emerges as the largest regional market for net wrap, driven by the rapid industrialization, urbanization, and growth of the agriculture sector in countries like China, India, and Southeast Asia. North America and Europe follow closely behind, with mature markets and steady demand from industries like agriculture and logistics.
Actionable Insights:
Innovative Solutions: To cater to evolving customer needs, companies should focus on developing innovative net wrap solutions with improved strength, sustainability, and recyclability. Investing in research and development can lead to the introduction of eco-friendly materials and advanced manufacturing processes.
Market Expansion: High-growth markets like Southeast Asia and Latin America offer lucrative opportunities for market expansion. By implementing targeted marketing and distribution strategies, companies can penetrate these regions and capitalize on the growing demand for net wrap solutions.
E-commerce and Automation: With the rise of e-commerce and automation in logistics, there is a growing need for specialized net wrap solutions that cater to changing logistics trends. Companies should invest in developing products tailored to the requirements of automated palletizing systems and online retail packaging.
Collaborative Partnerships: Collaboration with pallet manufacturers and logistics providers can enhance customer value by offering integrated solutions that optimize pallet unitization and transportation efficiency. By leveraging synergies across the supply chain, companies can deliver comprehensive packaging solutions that meet customer demands.
Sustainability Initiatives: Addressing environmental concerns surrounding plastic waste requires proactive measures and responsible practices. Collaborating with recycling companies to establish closed-loop systems for net wrap disposal can mitigate environmental impact and enhance the sustainability credentials of products.
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Challenges and Opportunities:
Raw Material Price Fluctuations: Fluctuations in raw material prices, particularly plastic resins, pose a challenge to profitability. Companies should adopt strategic procurement practices and explore alternative materials to mitigate the impact of price volatility.
Competition and Innovation: Competition from substitute packaging materials and alternative securing methods necessitates continuous innovation. Companies should focus on product differentiation, quality enhancement, and value-added services to stay ahead in the competitive landscape.
Regulatory Compliance: Stringent environmental regulations on plastic waste require companies to adhere to sustainability standards and responsible disposal practices. By embracing sustainable product development and recycling initiatives, companies can comply with regulations and demonstrate their commitment to environmental stewardship.
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Market Growth
The net wrap market is witnessing steady growth, with manufacturers expanding their product portfolios to meet the evolving needs of farmers. The market is expected to witness significant growth in regions with extensive hay and forage production, such as North America and Europe.
Market Outlook and Trends
The net wrap market is expected to witness continued innovation, with manufacturers focusing on developing sustainable and high-performance net wrap solutions. Trends such as the adoption of advanced baling technologies, the introduction of biodegradable net wrap materials, and the expansion of distribution channels are expected to drive market growth.
Conclusion: Seizing Opportunities in the Evolving Net Wrap Market
The net wrap market presents lucrative opportunities for stakeholders across the agricultural value chain. By leveraging technological advancements, addressing sustainability concerns, and adapting to changing consumer preferences, industry players can position themselves for success in a competitive market landscape. With the right strategies and investments, the net wrap market holds immense potential to support sustainable agriculture practices and contribute to global food security.
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