fang-wolfsbane · 2 years
Devil May Cry: Twist: Chapter 02: By Any Means
Standing in the middle of her family’s study, Aspasia let her hand trail over one of the many burnt ash tree display cases. She couldn’t remember which century it had been, possibly one where more traditional, mythical beliefs controlled how those in the human realm believed in situations they believed happened because of beings of power.
In a manner of speaking, they weren’t wrong, at least not all the time. She still found it amusing to see them act on those beliefs though. At one point humans used to believe that ash wood would keep demons at bay, when they didn’t believe its uses worked for vampires or fae, not that either of those existed, but what could she do? It seemed that the old human saying of ignorance is bliss held true to the human mind.
As a way of mocking the humans, her mother had commissioned the displays to be made of the very wood humans believed protected them from those who wished to do them harm. Feeling pity for them might have been a better choice, but where was the fun in that?
Inside these display cases were an array of weapons and books, no one of them left unread by her eyes. Not one weapon left unpractised by her or her brother, their father saw to that. Upon returning home, Ares had hoped to share the news of their task, but as usual, it fell upon deaf ears the moment they walked through the front door.
No servants, no parents, not even a hellhound or two was there to greet them. She hadn’t needed to look at Ares’s face to know his thoughts. Anger, irritation, and disappointment. She felt like telling him that he should just get over with it and adjust to something he should have known since the moment he finally started understanding the way things worked in the Sanguinem family, but she had simply let it slide as she passed him by and headed for the room she currently stood in.
Where Ares disappeared to, she had no idea, nor did she ask. Knowing him, he was possibly down in the training room, working on ridding himself of some of his built up anger before they left their home for whatever waited on the other side. She thought about joining him but considering that they were heading to realm neither of them had ever set foot in, she thought it best that at least one of them had some or other knowledge. Even if they were sent to conqueror it, she didn’t want to stick out like a sore thumb due to a lack of information.
In the past nobility had gone back and forth between the realms, sometimes even sending their offspring to remain behind in the human realm to strengthen their hold over those they managed to bring under their control. It was a simpler time back then, back in the dark ages, until about nearly half a century ago, one of their own turned against them and sealed the main gate between the two realms. It had opened again since then, but not nearly as strong.
Retaking control of the humans would have been one thing, but the traitor that had turned his back on them had spawned two children, one of which dedicated his life to keeping their kind away from his other half’s bloodline. The elder of the two she didn’t know much of, but she knew that his own son worked alongside his uncle to keep them at bay. It was, simply put, a vexing situation, but one that intrigued her all the same.
What had been so special about one, single human girl that was enough to make a demon general, and the brother of the emperor of the underworld, turn on his oath and swear to protect her and her wretched kind? The thought of doing something like that for anyone, especially a human, was enough to make her want to bring up whatever the last thing she ate was. She regretted not being able to recall her last meal, but then again, other matters had preoccupied her mind during dinner.
She must have gotten lost in her thoughts once again because the moment Ares placed his hand on her shoulder, she nearly grabbed the first sword within reach and liberated his hand from his wrist. Almost. Years of training and recognising her brother’s scent kept her from doing so.
“Are you sure about this?” He asked, his voice free of concern, but his eyes filled with uncertainty. If they left, no one would remain of their family. They would leave their home utterly defenceless, ripe for a raid or two. Personally she didn’t care for the building itself, but she did care about her personal belongings, ones that she wouldn’t be able to take with her to ensure their safety. A sentimental demon was laughable in itself, but one sentimental about inanimate objects? Now that was a new level of insanity, even for them.
She nodded. “Of course I am. It will be ridiculous to turn the offer down now, wouldn’t it? We’d be nothing less than the laughing stock of the decade, if not longer.”
“Yeah, but-”
“No buts, Ares. We were given this assignment, and come death or hell high water, we are seeing it through, by any means necessary.”
“By any means necessary,” she repeated, turning to face her brother with narrowed eyes, facing a pair that were nearly, yet weren’t, identical to her own, “am I understood?”
Ares’s eyes flickered across her face, as if searching for some or other explanation, some kind of reason not to go through with any of it. After he didn’t find one, he let out a sigh, and bowed his head in a show of submission.
“Yes, my lady.”
Devil May Cry, Sparda, Eva, Mundus, Dante, Vergil and Nero © Capcom Twist, Aspasia Sanguinem and Ares Sanguinem © Fang Wolfsbane
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