#Natural Jaggery Powder
byzerodigital · 7 months
Natural Sweeteners
Natural Sweeteners including palm candy, palm sugar, coconut sugar and jaggery powder. Vayal foods natural sweeteners are made in old traditional way with no preservatives or harsh chemicals. Our extraction process is minimal that aids in preserving the natural nutrients in its original form.
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earthlyjoyglobal · 1 year
How To Make Chikki at Home – Goldmine Jaggery Powder
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Chikki is one of the well famous recipes in India. Chikkis are made out of cashews, almonds, and furthermore sesame seeds. 
Every assortment of chikki is named after the fixings utilized, which incorporate puffed or cooked Bengal gram, sesame, puffed rice, beaten rice, khobra (coconut), and different nuts like almonds, and cashews.
While making Chikki, the use of Jaggery powder is essential as in comparison to sugar, it brings a much more natural taste and sweetness to it. 
Jaggery itself has its own health benefits, so using jaggery makes the chikki even healthier as it also has almonds and cashews. And if you use Goldmine Jaggery Powder then the whole recipe gets better. 
About Chikki 
In districts of North India, particularly Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, this sweet is called layiya patti. 
In Sindh and Sindhi areas of India, it is called layee or lai and in other north Indian states, it is otherwise called gajak or maroondah. 
In Bangladesh, West Bengal and other Bengali districts, it is known as gur badam. 
In the South Indian territories of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, it is called palli patti. In Kerala, it is called Kappalandi muthai. 
In India, Maharashtra there is a city named Lonavala. The town is well-famous for only one reason and that is Chikki. 
With more than thousands of stores and various varieties of chikki, you will never go empty-handed. 
Comparable dishes to chikki are exceptionally famous in Brazil, where it is known as pé-de-moleque, and in Paraguay, where it is called ka’i ladrillo.
Ingredients – 
Serves = 3 Duration = 30 Mins.
1 cup of peanuts or 160 grams of Peanuts (Moongphali)
½ cup tightly packed jaggery powder or 100 grams of Goldmine Jaggery Powder
2 tablespoons water
Some oil or ghee for greasing
Main Recipe – 
Cooking Peanuts For Chikki Recipe 
Warmth a thick lined hefty kadai or skillet. Add 1 cup of peanuts to it. 
On a low to medium-low fire, cook the peanuts blending regularly till they become crunchy. 
Cook till you see some dark spots on the peanuts, and they ought to have a smash in them. 
Taste a couple of peanuts and on the off chance that it feels crude, keep on simmering. 
When the peanuts have simmered well, at that point eliminate them in a different plate or plate. Allow them to chill off. 
Oil the rear of the plate with some ghee or oil. 
When the peanuts have gotten warm or cool down, at that point rub them between your palms. The husks strip off without any problem. 
Presently to dispose of the husks, you can utilize a winnow or utilize a strainer with enormous holes. 
Add the peanuts to the strainer and filter. The husks will get filtered without any problem. Eliminate the husked peanuts and keep them to the side. 
Making Jaggery Syrup For Peanut Chikki 
In a similar kadai or dish, take ½ cup of firmly pressed jaggery powder. 
With the help of jaggery powder, the syrup can be made but if you want it healthier and tastier then Goldmine Jaggery Bites is the best choice to go with. 
Add 2 tablespoons of water. 
Warm the kadai or skillet on a low fire. With a spatula or spoon, start to mix, so all the jaggery gets broken up. 
Continue blending the combination regularly. 
Cook the jaggery syrup on a low fire with successive stirrings. 
While the jaggery syrup is cooking, likewise keep a bowl of cold water where you can check the consistency of the syrup. 
Continue cooking till the combination Reaches the hardball stage. 
Check the syrup in cool water and it ought to be firm, weak and break or snap without any problem. 
Making Peanut Chikki 
When the jaggery results in consistency in these circumstances, Quickly add the peanuts and give a fast mix and blend well indeed. 
Switch off the fire and Quickly pour the chikki blend on the lubed plate or marble board. 
Rapidly place a foil or margarine paper or material paper on the chikki. 
With a moving began to move to try and out the chikki layer. 
Next, eliminate the paper and afterwards with a blade, cut on a level plane and in an upward direction. Let the nut chikki cool at room temperature. 
Once cooled, break them and serve nut chikki. Assuming not serving, store them in an impenetrable container at room temperature. 
Notes –
Recipes can be multiplied. 
Be mindful when cooking jaggery syrup. On the off chance that it’s not cooked till the hardball stage, the chikki will be chewy and stick in the teeth. 
Try not to cook past the hardball stage as then the nut chikki will turn out to be excessively hard.
Jaggery is the typical sugar material, sugar is here and there utilized as the base. 
If you don’t want to use sugar at all then the Goldmine Jaggery Powder is much tastier and more importantly healthier to use. 
Final Words
Chikki has been one of the favourite recipes in India. It also serves as a traditional Maharashtrian Recipe and holds a popular reputation in the world with different names. 
Made with sugar or with Jaggery, the taste does make a difference as because of Jaggery, it creates a more natural element taste for the Chikki. 
If you’re thinking of making Chikki with the following recipe, then the Goldmine Jaggery Powder from Earthly Joy Global will serve you a sweet taste.
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aryadhenu · 1 year
Buy Organic Jaggery Powder | Aryadhenu
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Aryadhenu organic jaggery powder is made from evaporated sugarcane juice that has been boiled and then processed into a powder. It has a golden-brown color, a unique caramel-like flavor and a slightly gritty texture. It is a natural sweetener with no added chemicals or artificial flavors. Organic jaggery power is a great alternative to refined white sugar. It can be used to sweeten desserts, teas, smoothies, and even savory dishes.
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pronatureorganic · 10 months
Buy New Date Palm Jaggery Powder 200g Box | Pro Nature Organic
100 Percent certified organic Sulfur less Sweetness from naturally occurring sugarcane molasses Free from any chemicals
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opintexspices · 11 months
Successful raw whole spices export requires deep knowledge of the spice industry, strong supplier networks, adherence to quality standards, efficient logistics, and effective marketing strategies. By delivering high-quality products consistently, export businesses can establish a reputable presence in the global spice market.
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kaadutheforest · 1 year
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kaaduorganics · 1 year
Buy Red Banana online in Chennai
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Shop Red Banana online in Chennai by Kaaduorganics. The “red banana” kind of banana is distinguished by its sweet flavor and reddish-purple peel. They are smaller than the more well-known yellow bananas and have flesh that is cream-colored with a hint of pink. Red bananas are primarily grown in tropical regions like Southeast Asia, South America, and East Africa. Red bananas are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, and dietary fiber.
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patankar · 1 year
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We at Patankar Farm Products always believe in keeping the tradition alive and so we bring to you fresh turmeric powder. We try to provide the hand grinded one so that the benefits of turmeric are preserved at a higher level. Include it in your daily routine and feel the difference.
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house-of-veda · 2 years
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Are think to buy coconut sugar online but still confuse is it healthier for Diabetes or not? Natural Coconut sugar is one of the few sugars with a rich nutritional profile and has a very low glycemic index which helps in preventing blood sugar spikes. House of Veda refer to that support the need to replace white sugar with natural coconut sugar. Visit here for natural organic sugar: https://www.houseofveda.com/shop/organic-coconut-sugar/
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bloggingforu · 2 years
10 Most Famous Drinks In Summer Season
bloggingforu Provides You knowledgeable and Informational content.
1. Rooh Afza
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Rooh Afza is a combination of natural herbal extracts, fruits and vegetables as well as other naturally occurring ingredients. It is a strong rose scent with cooling properties that helps to keep you cool in summer season.
Indians love to drink Rooh Afza in the summer. This sweet, refreshing drink is delicious. Rooh Afza can be added to milk or water. You can also add it to ice creams, kulfi, falooda, and kheer.
Roof Afza can be sipped in many different ways, but the most popular is with milk and water.
Recipe of Rooh afza
According to your preference, you can take one or two cups of cold milk.
3- 4-table spoons of Rooh afz
1 to 2 tablespoons sugar according to your preference
Mix it for 1 to 2 minutes.
Then drink it.
2. Jaljeera
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It’s a popular summer drink that comes from north India. It is extremely cool and can be used to cool down the Indian summer heat. Jal Jeera’s cooling properties are not the only reason Jal Jeera can be used for food preparation. It also has digestive-enhancing properties.
Jaljeera, which means water and Jeera, which refers to cumin, is the source of the name Jaljeera.
Recipe by Jaljeera
3 tablespoons cumin
Black Pepper Corn 5 pieces
Asafoetida/hing 1 pinch
Salt 1 teaspoon
Black Salt 1 teaspoon
Lemon 1 unit
Ginger 1 teaspoon
Mix the paste with cold water to make it.
3. Lassi
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Lassi is a refreshing drink that is very popular in the summer. It is refreshing and probiotic, making it a great summer beverage. Lassi is very popular in Punjab and North India.
There are many variations of the recipe, including mango lassi or dry fruit malai-lassi. Three delicious and easy recipes for lassi are shared in this article. There are many types of Lassi Sweet, Salted, and Masala lassi. It all depends on what you like.
Sweet Lassi
2 cups cold curd
1 cup water, or milk
You can use 3–4 tablespoons sugar depending on your preference.
1 teaspoon cardamom Powder
4 to 5 ice cubes
1 to 2 tablespoons chopped nuts, cashews, almonds
Masala Laassi
2 cups cold curd
Three to four green cardamoms
1/4 teaspoon crushed black pepper
1/4 teaspoon black salt
2 tablespoons chopped almonds
Use 5–6 tablespoons sugar depending on your preference
4. Aam Panna
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This delicious drink is made from Maharashtra’s king fruit, mango. Mango pulp is used to make this refreshing summer beverage.
It is blended with cumin and jeera, and garnished with mint leaves. This refreshing summer beverage will keep you energized even on sunny days.
Recipe by Aam Panna
2 Raw Mangoes
2 cups water (for cooking mangoes).
1.5 Cup Sugar Or Jaggery
1 Tbsp Roasted Cumin powder
1/4 Tsp Black Pepper Powder
2 Tsp Black Salt
Chilled water
Mint Leaves
5. Coconut Water
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It is a type of juice. Unflavored coconut water is healthier than other juices and its also improve your fitness and contains fewer calories and sugar. Coconut water can be drunk both in the summer and winter seasons.
You can use coconut water to rehydrate after a workout or for mild ailments. Coconut water is rich in electrolytes like sodium, potassium, and manganese. Each brand has a different amount.
Evidence suggests that coconut water might be comparable in quality to sports drinks. It is not as hydrating as plain water.
Coconut water is safe as a non-alcoholic beverage. Coconut water can have a high calorie content, with approximately 45–60 calories per 8-ounce serving. Plain water is the best choice to boost immunity during summer season.
Continue Reading : 10 Most Famous Drinks In Summer Season
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wdblog · 4 days
Why Should You Avoid Processed Sugar in Snacks?
Sugar may be universally loved, but it’s a toxic love that takes away more than it gives. This magical ingredient, which makes everything taste delicious, might not be doing your body any favours, especially when it's hiding in processed snacks. However, avoiding processed sugar can be tough as we are constantly ambushed by brightly coloured packaging promising craving-dousing tastes from cookies, candies, pastries, and a plethora of other snacks all around. All of them have the allure of taste, but the processed sugars used in them are extremely harmful to the body. In this blog, we’ll discuss why many health-focused snack brands are moving away from processed sugar. Sure, it's tempting to succumb to these sugary delights, but before you take the plunge, let's talk about why processed sugar might not be the best choice for your snack-time adventures.
The Bitter Truth Behind Sweet Highs
We've all experienced it - the rush of energy and euphoria that comes after indulging in a sugary snack, followed by the inevitable crash that leaves you feeling fatigued, irritable, and craving more sugar to recreate that temporary high. It's like a rollercoaster ride for your taste buds and energy levels, but not a fun one. This cycle can cause your blood sugar levels to spike rapidly, leading to a surge of energy followed by a rapid crash. It's a vicious cycle that can wreak havoc on your mood, productivity, and overall well-being. Try Wild Date Snack Bars, which are deliciously sweet and made with only wild honey, dates, and raw jaggery powder. Visit www.wilddate.in to explore our range of vegan and non-vegan snacks for a healthier alternative to sugary treats.
Sneaky Sugar Bombs in Disguise
Here's the thing about processed sugar – it's everywhere and it's sneaky. You might think you're making a healthier choice by opting for a seemingly innocent snack bar or flavoured yogurt, only to discover that it's loaded with hidden sugars lurking beneath the surface. Food manufacturers are notorious for adding sugar to products you wouldn't expect, from savoury sauces to salad dressings to seemingly healthy granola bars. That's right – even those "health-conscious" snacks can be sugar bombs in disguise, sabotaging your efforts to make better choices. Be sure to carefully read the ingredients and research your snacks before consuming them.
Sugar and Your Sweet Tooth
We are not asking you to banish sugar from your life entirely – where's the fun in that? We all deserve a little sweetness in our lives from time to time. But when it comes to snacking, it's all about moderation and making smarter choices. Instead of reaching for snacks loaded with processed sugar, why not satisfy your sweet tooth with naturally sweet alternatives? Fresh fruits like berries, apples, and oranges are bursting with flavour and packed with nutrients, making them perfect for guilt-free indulgence. Additionally, consider alternatives like wild honey and dates. Processed sugars have a direct impact on the health of your teeth. They provide the perfect feast for cavity-causing bacteria in your mouth, allowing them to multiply and wreak havoc on your dental health. This can lead to dental discomfort if you don’t pay heed to oral hygiene.
Sweet Traps
In this day and age, processed sugar is in almost everything and instead of burning off as energy, excess sugar gets stored as unhealthy fat. These unhealthy fats can increase your risk of health issues like heart disease, diabetes, and more – not exactly the happily ever after you were hoping for!
Gut Woes: Sugar's Sneaky Side Effects
So, what happens when your gut microbiome gets out of balance? Well, let's just say it's not pretty.
Processed sugar can wreak havoc on your digestive system, leading to issues like bloating, gas, and stomach pain. It can also disrupt regular bowel movements, leaving you feeling less than stellar. Excessive sugar consumption can trigger inflammation in the gut. This can lead to discomfort and potentially contribute to chronic conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Believe it or not, a healthy gut plays a key role in supporting your immune system. When your gut microbiome is out of whack due to sugar overload, it can compromise your body's ability to fight off infections and illnesses.
The Sweet Rewards of Cutting Back
So, what happens when you kick processed sugar to the curb and opt for healthier snacks instead? 
As you reduce your intake of processed sugar, you'll notice improvements in your energy levels, mood, and overall well-being. Say goodbye to those dreaded sugar crashes and hello to sustained energy that keeps you going all day long. Plus, cutting back on sugar can also help reduce your risk of developing chronic health conditions like diabetes and heart disease.While processed sugar might be tempting, it's best to approach it with caution, especially when it comes to snacks. By opting for healthier alternatives and cutting back on processed sugar, you'll not only satisfy your sweet tooth but also reap the sweet rewards of improved health and vitality. Explore Wild Date’s range of healthy snacks as alternatives to sugary snacks, as these are loaded with slow-roasted nuts and seeds, nut butters and healthy sweet alternatives. So, the next time you're tempted to reach for that sugary snack, pause for a moment and ask yourself if it's worth it. Trust us, there are plenty of delicious alternatives out there just waiting to be discovered, and they won't leave you feeling like you've crashed and burned after the sugar rush wears off.
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earthlyjoyglobal · 1 year
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Jaggery Powder 300gm
Goldmine Jaggery Powder - a premium quality, all-natural sweetener that is made from 100% pure and organic jaggery. Our jaggery powder is made using traditional and scientific methods to ensure that it retains all of its natural goodness and nutritional benefits. https://earthlyjoyglobal.com/product/jaggery-powder-300gm/
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aryadhenu · 1 year
Buy Natural Jaggery Powder Online | Aryadhenu
Natural Jaggery powder is a type of unrefined sugar made from sugar cane or date palm sap. It is a natural sweetener that is rich in minerals like iron, potassium, and calcium, and it is also said to have several health benefits. Natural jaggery powder is made by crushing and grinding jaggery blocks into a fine powder. It is darker in color and has a distinct flavor, which makes it a popular choice for various traditional cuisines. It is also used in desserts, curries, and chutneys.
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subikshafoods · 4 days
Idli Dosa Maavu in Madurai: A Culinary Delight in Temple City
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Madurai is often called the ‘City of Temples’. It is famous not only for its rich cultural heritage but also for its vibrant and diverse culinary scene. Among the variety of food served in Madurai, idli and dosa stand out as South Indian dishes. The secret to their perfect taste lies in the flour locally known as ‘maavu’. This article examines the importance of idli dosa maavu in madurai and the availability and cultural significance of the beloved breakfast food.
The essence of idli and dosa:
What’s so special about idli and dosa? Idli and dosa are staples of South Indian cuisine and are admired for their simplicity, nutritional value and delicious taste. Idlis are soft, fluffy steamed cakes made from fermented rice and urad, while dosas are thin, crispy flatbreads made from the same dough. Both dishes are not only delicious but packed with nutrients, making them ideal breakfasts.
Nutritional benefits Idli and dosa are rich in carbohydrates, protein and essential vitamins. The fermentation process improves the nutrient profile, increasing the bioavailability of nutrients. They are also low in fat, making them a healthy option for people of all ages.
Importance of batter in madurai:
Traditional production methods- Making idli dosa maavu in madurai is an art that has been practised for generations. Traditionally, flour is made by soaking rice and urad dal separately, grinding them into a fine paste, and then fermenting the mixture overnight. The ratio of rice to dal and the fermentation time are the main factors that determine the quality of the batter.
Fermentation stock- Fermentation is the key to achieving the desired texture and flavor in idli and dosa. The natural fermentation process not only imparts a unique bitter taste but also makes the dough light and easy to digest. In Madurai, the hot and humid climate is perfect for fermenting the dough, resulting in soft idlis and crispy dosas.
Where to get the best idli dosa maavu in madurai?
Local markets and street vendors- In Madurai, freshly made idli dosa dough is available in local markets and from street vendors. These vendors have been catering to the needs of the locals for years, serving freshly prepared flour daily. The bustling markets are a testament to the popularity and demand of this staple food.
Popular shops and supermarkets- Idli dosa flour is sold in many famous shops and supermarkets in Madurai. This includes traditional stores that have been in business for decades and modern supermarkets that offer a variety of batter options, including organic and preservative-free variations.
Online retailers- With the advent of online shopping, you can now order idli dosa dough from the comfort of your home. By delivering freshly made flour at your doorstep, various online platforms ensure that fresh flour is always ready for your breakfast needs.
Recommendations for Idli and Dosa:
Traditional Companions- Idlis and dosas are traditionally served with various accompaniments:
Sambar: A lentil-based vegetable stew flavored with tamarind and spices.
Chutneys: Coconut chutney, tomato chutney and mint chutney are popular choices.
Podi: A spice powder made from dal and dried chillies, often mixed with oil.
Modern twists- For a contemporary twist, you can serve idlis and dosas with innovative toppings and fillings:
Cheese: Adding grated cheese to dosas makes for a delicious fusion dish.
Vegetable Fillings: Fill dosas with grated vegetables or mashed potatoes for a healthy meal.
Sweet Variations: Serve with sweetened coconut milk or jaggery syrup for a unique taste.
Cultural significance of Idli and Dosa in Madurai:
Breakfast Rituals- Idli and dosa are more than breakfast in Madurai; They are part of the cultural fabric. Families often start their day with a breakfast of idlis or dosas, freshly brewed filter coffee. This ritual is a cherished tradition that brings families together.
Festival celebrations- Idli and dosa have a special place in festive celebrations and religious events. They are often prepared as offerings in temples and served at festivals, symbolizing purity and simplicity.
The future of idli dosa maavu:
Innovations and trends- As lifestyles evolve, so do culinary trends. In Madurai, there is a growing trend towards healthy and convenient food options. This has led to innovations like instant idli dosa flour, organic flour and ready-to-cook mixes that cater to the needs of modern consumers.
Standard procedures- There is a shift towards sustainable practices in food production. Local businesses are more focused on using organic ingredients and eco-friendly packaging, ensuring that the tradition of making idli and dosa continues in a sustainable manner.
Finally, idli dosa maavu in madurai is not just a batter; It is a combination of tradition, culture and nutrition. Whether you buy it from a local vendor, a supermarket, or make it at home, the key to perfect idlis and dosa lies in the quality of the batter. Embrace this culinary delight and start your day with a nutritious, delicious meal.
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