#Nathan Witte
watchinghallmark · 4 months
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Gilded Newport Mysteries: Murder at the Breakers - February 2nd on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries
A society page writer in 1895 Rhode Island witnesses a murder while attending a ball at the Vanderbilt mansion and is drawn into the investigation when her brother is arrested. Stars Ali Skovbye, Danny Griffin, Nathan Witte.
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Gilded Newport Mysteries: Murder at the Breakers
Premiering Friday, February 2, 9pm/8c on Hallmark movies & Mysteries.
Starring Ali Skovbye, Danny Griffin, and Nathan Witte.
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clemsfilmdiary · 1 year
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The Nine Kittens of Christmas (2021, David Winning)
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merionettes · 5 months
rubicon program references
due to the slow death of twitter i'm collecting my program links here. (almost) none of the rubicon skates are meant to be identical to real life programs, but some of the inspiration is pretty one-to-one… and some is a little less direct.
if you find yourself region blocked, try a free vpn - i recommend the veepn browser extension (firefox | chrome) or proton. 
if you only have so much time, i've starred the most important ones. if you want more… i have so many more.
chapter one
**tessa virtue/scott moir - mahler no. 5 (olympics 2010)
chapter two
tessa virtue/scott moir - carmen (worlds 2013)
kaitlyn weaver/andrew poje - the way you make me feel (canadian nationals 2017) | bonus worlds finish
chapter three
nadia bashynska/peter beaumont - romeo & juliet (gp espoo 2023)
maia shibutani/alex shibutani - smile (4cc 2011)
**michelle kwan - tosca (us nationals 2004) | music
chapter four
**meryl davis/charlie white - scheherazade (olympics 2014)
shizuka arakawa - turandot (olympics 2006)
**alexei yagudin - winter (olympics 2002)
chapter five
daisuke takahashi - blues for klook (worlds 2013)
mirai nagasu - pirates of the caribbean (olympics 2010)
chapter six
miki ando - the mission (4cc 2011)
meryl davis/charlie white - my fair lady (olympics 2014)
chapter seven
katarina witt - where have all the flowers gone (olympics 1994)
chapter eight
mao asada - bells of moscow (olympics 2010)
shoma uno - dancing on my own (internationaux de france 2019)
chapter nine & ten
mao asada - rachmaninov no. 2 (olympics 2014)
kazuki tomono - one more time (rostelecom cup 2018 gala)
tessa virtue/scott moir - what's love got to do with it (niagara ice show 2016)
yuna kim - les misérables (all that skate 2013)
ensemble - uptown funk (ice fantasia 2019)
chapter eleven
madison chock/evan bates - touch/contact (olympics 2022 team event)
chapter twelve
yuzuru hanyu - romeo and juliet (worlds 2012)
chapter thirteen
tatsuki machida - east of eden (worlds 2014)
johnny weir - the swan (olympics 2006)
kaitlin hawayek/jean-luc baker - feeling good (us nationals 2017)
tessa virtue/scott moir - prince medley (worlds 2017)
chapter fourteen
**jeremy abbott - lilies of the valley (olympics 2014)
nathan chen - le corsaire (us nationals 2017)
chapter fifteen
yuzuru hanyu - heaven and earth (olympics 2022)
denis ten - the artist (worlds 2013)
chapter sixteen & seventeen
ashley wagner - moulin rouge (us nationals 2015)
chapter eighteen
kaori sakamoto - elastic heart (worlds 2023)
shoma uno - dancing on my own (japan nationals 2019)
**adam rippon - arrival of the birds (olympics 2018)
chapter nineteen
michelle kwan - fields of gold (olympics 2002)
**tessa virtue/scott moir - moulin rouge (olympics 2018)
tessa virtue/scott moir - long time running (olympics 2018 gala)
the rippon lutz (quad edition)
stationary lift BASE?
f/f ice dance feat. madison hubbell and gabrielle papadakis
best of kpop in figure skating
fs dynamics 101
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@plaidetchocolatchaud raspberry flip, merci pour ce nom. Je suis encore ému de la performance de ce patineur, ça m'arrive pour la première fois. C'est très fort ce qu'il a fait, ce qu'il a donné...
(Je n'ai pas vu ta réponse hier, il y a beaucoup de commentaires sur la vidéo, je préfère te répondre directement, j'espère que c'est OK)
Désolée je viens de voir que je me suis trompée en commentaire, c'est un raspberry twist ! Je suis désolée. Et je t'avoue que même en slow motion c'est compliqué de comprendre précisément le saut, perso je vois un saut papillon, avec une vrille, mais je peux me tromper (edit : je viens de regarder sur internet et ça m'a bel et bien l'air d'un saut papillon vrillé et des tutos sur internet existent) !
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Le saut papillon est l'un de mes sauts préférés en gr d'ailleurs, et j'apprenais à le faire, et c'est hyper dur de lui donner de l'amplitude, mais visuellement c'est un saut incroyable (en gif, Margarita Kolosov)
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Et oui, je suis fan aussi d'Ilia, c'est pas le patineur le plus artistique (mais ça va venir, par rapport à la saison dernière, il a fait d'énormes progrès sur ce niveau-là). Même si tu ne connais pas tous les détails, regarde le détail sur le plan technique et tous les record qu'il a battu sur cette performance, c'est complètement dingue. J'espère juste qu'il fait attention niveau blessures et qu'il va avoir une carrière longue ( en tant qu'ancienne fan de sasha, ma plus grande crainte est qu'il connaisse la même trajectoire, même si il est dans un milieu beaucoup (mais alors beaucoup) moins abusif).
Si tu en veux d'autres, je te fais une liste (un peu random, il se fait tard désolée, petit guide pour débutant.e fait vraiment à l'arrache) :
Yuzuru Hanyu (jpn) : considéré comme le meilleur patineur de l'histoire, ses sauts sont juste parfait, et sur le plan artistique il a dépassé de très loin tous les autres. C'est, entre autres, le premier patineur à avoir essayé le quadruple axel, qu'Ilia a été le premier à réussir en compétition. Regardes son programme libre des JO de 2018, c'est une dinguerie (il l'a fait en étant blessé)
Nathan Chen (usa) : Malgré ses costumes horribles, si tu aimes les sauts, il fera ton bonheur
Adam Siao Him Fa (fra): La nouvelle star du patinage français, qui a partagé la vedette avec Ilia pour les mondiaux avec l'incroyable remontée qu'il a faite. Si tu as aimé le raspberry twist d'Ilia, tu pourrais aimer son arabian et son salto arrière. Et il paraît qu'il veut essayer le quadruple axel lui aussi.
Le trio Yuna Kim/Mao Asada/ Carolina Kostner : l'âge d'or du patinage artistique féminin sans aucun doutes. Chacune était différente. Tu pourrais adorer Mao et son programme libre à Sotchi
Kaori Sakamoto (jpn) : La reine du patinage actuelle
Surya Bonaly (fra) : la légende française. Elle a honteusement été volée pendant toute sa carrière
Katarina Witt (ex-rda) : ça remonte à loin, mais son charisme n'a pas vieilli, et ses outfits sont toujours aussi iconiques
Sui/Han (Chine) : je regarde pas trop les couples (pourtant c'est une discipline avec des éléments hyper variés, j'aime bien), mais celui là était vraiment mon préféré
Anissina/Peizerat (fra) : le meilleur couple de danse sur glace français imo. Tous leurs programme ou presque sont des masterclass, ça n'a pas vieilli. Et Marina est la seule femme dans le patinage à avoir porté un homme, ça ne s'est pas refait.
Virtue/Moir (can) : Jettes un œil à leur Tango de Roxanne et à leur gala sur Stay de Rihanna
Papadakis/Cizeron (fra) : Je ne dois pas avoir besoin de les présenter. Leurs meilleurs programmes sont ceux qui sont le moins classique je pense (Fame, leur danse rythmique de 2022). Big up à Gabriella pour avoir le courage de dénoncer les violences dans le patinage chez les femmes.
Gilles/Poirier (can): j'adore leur originalité ( leur programme de cette année sur Les Hauts de Hurlevent est une merveille)
Guignard/Fabri (ita) : (va regarder leur programme sur les flamands roses)
Si tu as envie de regarder de la gymnastique rhythmique (sport beaucoup trop sous-côté, parce qu'en plus des éléments gymniques et de la danse tu as des ENGINS D'ADRESSE)
Anna Bessonova (ukr) : sa routine la plus iconique est Hopak mais toutes, je dis, absolument TOUTES ses routines sont des chef d'œuvre. Elle s'est pris de plein fouet la concurrence russe et ses injustices, mais c'est la meilleure gymnaste
Elena Vitrichenko (ukr) : une icône, malheureusement les juges en avait décidé autrement
Almudena Cid (esp): la reine d'Espagne qui a disputé quatre finales olympiques
Les russes ont dominé la gr pendant deux décennies, mais seulement trois ont vraiment apporté quelque chose à ce sport : Evgenia Kanavea, Margarita Mamun (il y a eu un documentaire terrible sur sa préparation aux JO tu comprendras mieux pourquoi on ne peux plus défendre les russes tant que le système ne change pas) et Yana Kudryavtseva
Melitina Staniouta (blr) : je la mets juste pour son sublime pivot signature
Sofia Raffaeli (ita) : une des principales prétendantes à l'or olympique. Elle a besoin de force, elle s'est fait lâcher à la fin de la saison dernière par sa coach qui l'entraînait depuis toute petite
Polina Berezina et Alba Bautista (esp) : je les aime d'amour. Poli a mon âge et les rubans d'Alba sont des merveilles.
Eva Serrano (fra): Si les russes n'avaient pas falsifié les scores, elle serait la seule gymnaste française à avoir gagné une médaille olympique. Tkt, elle a pris sa revanche en étant juge 20 ans plus tard à Tokyo (quelle reine) où la Russie a été battue après 20 ans de domination sans partage.
Darja Varfolomeev (ger): n'écoute pas ce que ces haters disent sur Internet. si tu as aimé Ilia (et que tu es toujours là !) tu vas l'adorer. Ses difficultés sont folles, et elle est d'une consistance dingue et fait ses meilleurs performances sous pression. Pendant les mondiaux elle dansait sur les musiques des autres en attendant son score, et elle a un sourire plus gros que son visage. C'est la favorite pour les JO.
Takhmina Ikromova (uzb): la révélation des derniers mondiaux, et la gymnaste la plus complète. elle vient de gagner le concours général du grand prix de Thiais ce weekend
Barbara Domingos : première gymnaste brésilienne qui a du succès, tu devrais aimer son ruban et son cerceau sur le roi Lion
Stiliana Nikolova (bul) : La plus expressive de la bande et celle qui a le plus de responsabilité, le jour où elle arrivera à vaincre son stress pour les finales elle sera imbattable
Boryana Kaleyn (bul) : la GOAT. elle s'est essayé et a réussi à TOUS les styles musicaux, du classique au metal, à la K-pop, au folklore sibérien à des morceaux de musiques composés exprès pour elle. Le cycle précédant un nombre incalculable de médailles lui sont passées sous le nez à cause de l'inflation des scores russes.
Ensemble France : voir mon précédant post
Ensemble Bulgare "Les Golden Girls) : le groupe de 2018-2021 (surnommé Les Diamants) est le meilleur de l'histoire, et les petites nouvelles font de très belles routines. Leurs performances dans les années 80, qui leur ont valu leur surnom valent le coup d'œil
Ensemble d'Espagne : leur performance en 2016 sur Vida Carnaval est de l'or
Ensemble d'Ukraine : quand elles sont stables, elles sont merveilleuses. Jettes un œil sur leurs galas : Archangel et Angels and Demons
Ensemble de Chine : des reines
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cinder-no · 3 months
Cinder's Favorite Character Master List
Animal Crossing
Amelia Bianca Blanca Bob Bow Cephalobot Chai Coco Étoile Flick Master Frillard Gyroids Hopkins Jack Kabuki Kapp'n Katrina Kicks Lucky Mathilda Meow Merengue Niko Pavé Petri Pierre Pietro Raymond Rhonda Rolf Ruby Serena Tia Zipper T. Bunny
Apex Legends
Caustic (Dr. Alexander Nox) Fuse (Walter Fitzroy Jr.) Mad Maggie (Margaret Kōhere) Mirage (Elliott Witt)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Adam Clem Doc Dracula Jenny Calendar Moloch the Corruptor Rack Rupert Giles Spike (William Pratt) Zachary Kralik
Cartoon Network (connected universe)
Ace D. Copular Baboon Kaboom HIM Killa Drilla Snake Valhallen
Eyeless Jack Laughing Jack
Doctor Psycho (Edgar Cizko) Extraño (Gregorio de la Vega) Lobo Man-Bat (Dr. Kirk Langstrom) Mister Freeze (Victor Fries) Number One The Riddler (Edward Nygma) Savant (Brian Durlin) Snowflame (Stefan); read-through complete.
Dead by Daylight
Asakawa Yoichi The Baba Yaga The Birch The Cannibal (Bubba Sawyer) The Cenobite (Elliot Spencer) The Chatterer David King The Deathslinger (Caleb Quinn) The Doctor (Herman Carter) The Draugr Dwight Fairfield The Executioner (Pyramid Head) The Ferryman The Grid Xenomorph The Hillbilly (Max Thompson Jr.) HUNK The Huntress (Anna) The Jabberwock Jake Park James Sunderland Jeffrey "Jeff" Johansen The Knight (Tarhos Kovács) The Krampus Leon Scott Kennedy The Krampus The Nemesis (Nemesis-T Type) The Oni (Yamaoka Kazan) The Onryō (Yamamura Sadako) Robbie Rabbit The Shape (Michael Myers) Vittorio Toscano William Berkin The Wraith (Phillip Ojomo) The Xenomorph The Xenomorph Clone The Xenomorph Queen
The Doom Slayer The Intern
Dungeons and Dragons (Baldur's Gate 3 and Magic the Gathering)
Abdirak Astarion Ancunin Auntie Ethel Avatar of Me (card) Gromph Baenre Kar'niss Lorin True Soul Nere
The Elder Scrolls
Arnbjorn Cicero Durnehviir Knight Paladin Gelebor Moira Nazir
Joshua Graham Lily Bowen Nick Valentine (synth) Tabitha Victor (PDQ-88b RobCo security model 2060-B Securitron)
Fire and Ice
Lord Nekron; watch complete.
FromSoft (Bloodborne/Dark Souls/Elden Ring)
Father Gascoigne Godrick the Grafted Grave Warden Agdayne Manscorpion Tark Sorcerer Rogier Starscourge Radahn Vengarl of Forossa
Half Life VR but the AI is Self Aware
Benrey Dr. Bubby Dr. Coomer (Dr. Harold Pontiff Coomer) Darnold Pepper Gordon Martinis Freeman Tommy Coolatta
Not Important
Abe Sapien Hellboy
The Kurgan (Victor Kruger)
Judge Dredd
The Clan Techie (Bill Huxley); read-through and watch complete.
The Last Unicorn
Amalthea Celaeno King Haggard Mabruk The Red Bull Schmendrick
Lazy Town
Glanni Glæpur (pre-show Robbie Rotten; treated separate in fanon) Íþróttaálfurinn (pre-show Sportacus; treated separate in fanon) Robbie Rotten Sportacus
Left 4 Dead
Ellis The Hunter Nick The Screamer The Smoker The Witch
Arcade Batroc the Leaper (Georges Batroc); read-through in progress. Blackout, of the Lilin; read-through and watch complete. Crazy Eight (Earth-982) Daimon Hellstrom Digger (Roderick Krupp); read-through in progress. Doctor Octopus (Otto Octavius) Doctor Rot (Bentley Newton) Electro (Maxwell Dillon) Frog-Man (Eugene Patilio) Gorgeous George (George Blair); read-through in progress. Graviton (Dr. Franklin Hall); read-through complete. The Human Fly (Richard Deacon) Jakita Wegener; read-through complete. Morbius (Dr. Michael Morbius); read-through in progress. Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner) Nitro (Robert Hunter); read-through complete. The Owl (Leland Owsley) Riptide (Janos Quested) Ruckus (Clement Wilson); read-through in progress. Speedfreek (Joss Shappe) Stunner (Angelina Brancale); read-through in progress. Toad (Mortimer Toynbee) Tombstone (Alonzo Lincoln) Tower (Edward Pasternak) Will-o-the-Wisp (Jackson Arvad)
Max Headroom
Max Headroom
Dick Knubbler (Richard Knubbler) Nathan Explosion
The Moomins
The Muppets
Beaker Uncle Deadly
My Hero Academia
All Might (Yagi Toshinori) Eraserhead (Aizawa Shōta)
Devil Lude Peloquin Shuna Sassi
One Piece
Buggy the Clown Caesar Clown Pedro Vinsmoke Sanji
Cassidy (Cole Cassidy) Hanzo Shimada Junker Queen (Odessa Stone) Junkrat (Jamison Fawkes) Roadhog (Mako Rutledge) Sigma (Siebren de Kuiper)
The Owl House
Alador Blight Emperor Belos (Phillip Wittebane) Principal Hieronymus Bump
Absol Absol (mega) Aerodactyl (mega) Deep King Agnol Alakazam (mega) Annihilape Arbok AZ Banette Banette (mega) Beedrill Beedrill (mega) Biker (trainer class) Blaziken Blaziken (mega) Bouffalant Brambleghast Gym Leader Brassius Breloom Brute Bonnet Carbink Carnivine Centiskorch Charizard (mega X) Clown (trainer class) Corviknight Cubone Delphox Diancie Diancie (mega) Dhelmise Dragalge Dragapult Drampa Druddigon Dubwool Eelektross Espurr Firebreather (trainer class) Florges Flygon Furfrou Galvantula Gengar (mega) Gliscore Gogoat Goodra Golisopod Grafaiai Grimmsnarl Gumshoos Team Skull Leader Guzma Guzzlord Haunter Hex Maniac (trainer class) Hex Maniac (ghost) Hoopa (unbound) Houndoom Houndoom (mega) Hydrapple Hydreigon Incineroar Inteleon Kangaskhan Kingambit Kommo-o Gym Leader Larry Lopunny Lurantis Lycanroc (midnight form) Kahuna Nanu Majin Malamar Mandibuzz Mareanie Marrowak Marowak (ghost) Maushold Mawile Mawile (mega) Mightyena Miltank Mimikyu MissingNo. Naganadel Cipher Nascour Ninetales (Alolan form) Noivern Obstagoon Gym Leader Opal Team Yell Leader Piers Team Skull Admin Plumeria Pyroar Pyukumuku Rapidash (Galarian form) Rayquaza Rayquaza (mega) Sableye Sableye (mega) Salazzle Scolipede Seviper Shedinja Shiinotic Spectrier Spiritomb Tauros Team Skull Grunt (trainer class) Thievul Tinkaton Toxtricity Trevenant Vespiqueen Wooloo Xurkitree Zangoose Zoroark (Hisuian form)
Postal Dude
Sasha Nein
The Red Eclipse!
Miss Conduct
Resident Evil
The Duke HUNK Karl Heisenberg Leon Scott Kennedy Mr. X (T-00) Nemesis (Nemesis-T Type) Salvatore Moreau
Silent Hill
Pyramid Head Robbie Rabbit
Space Ghost
Brak Moltar Sisto Zorak
Stardew Valley
The Dwarf Elliott Shane Willy The Wizard
Star Trek
Lietenant Commander Data Soong Constable Odo Ital
Star Wars
General Grievous General Armitage Hux Kylo Ren (Ben Solo) Darth Maul Captain Phasma Grand Admiral Thrawn (Mitth'raw'nuruodo)
Studio Ghibli
The Mandrake No-Face
The Time Machine
The Über-Morlock
Unicorn: Warriors Eternal
The Venture Bros.
The Action Man (Rodney) Master Billy Quizboy (William Whalen) Brock Samson Dragoon (Jiles Perry Richardson, Jr.) Henchman 21 (Gary) Iggy Pop (James Newell Osterberg, Jr.) The Monarch (Malcolm Fitzcarraldo) Dr. Mrs. the Monarch (Sheila) Dr. Orpheus (Dr. Byron Orpheus) Pete White Red Mantle (Charles Hardin Holley) Sergeant Hatred (Courtney Robert) Vendata (Don Fitzcarraldo)
Warhammer 40k
Corvus Corax Leman Russ Magnus the Red The Night Haunter (Konrad Curze)
The Warlock
Weird Science
Metal Face
What We Do in the Shadows
Laszlo Cravensworth Nandor the Relentless
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sleepykittypaws · 1 year
2024 TV Holiday Premieres
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No Longer Being Regularly Updated As Of June 14, 2023
The Wonderful World of Disney: Magical Holiday Celebration (musical performances and holiday celebrations from various Disney properties) - Nov. 30
Disney Parks Magical Christmas Day Parade (annual holiday parade/musical showcase taped in Disney World, Disneyland and other Disney Parks worldwide) - Dec. 25
Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve with Ryan Seacrest 2025 (LIVE annual Times Square ball drop celebration hosted by Seacrest) - Dec. 31
CMA Country Christmas (annual holiday concert special) - TBA (Website)
The Great Christmas Light Fight (season 12 of the reality competition featuring outrageous holiday displays) - TBA (Facebook)
135th Rose Parade (Annual New Year’s parade LIVE from Pasadena, Calif., hosted by Hoda Kotb and Al Roker.) - Jan. 1
A Saturday Night Live Thanksgiving Special (highlights from SNL’s best Thanksgiving sketches) - Nov. 27
Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade (official parade coverage, LIVE)  - Nov. 28
The National Dog Show (taped coverage of the 2024 National Dog Show from Oaks, Pennsylvania, hosted by John O’Hurley) - Nov. 28
101st Annual Christmas in Rockefeller Center (annual New York City tree lighting, LIVE) - Dec. 4
A Saturday Night Live Christmas Special (highlights from SNL’s best Christmas sketches) - Dec. TBA
The Thanksgiving Day Parade on CBS (unofficial coverage of the Macy’s parade, LIVE)  - Nov. 28
Byron Allen Presents a Merry Soulful Christmas (musical special hosted by Byron Allen; originally announced for December 2023 but delayed) - TBA
Call the Midwife Christmas Special 2024 (special holiday episode of the 13th season of the long-running BBC series, airing same day as in the UK) - Dec. 25
Holidazed (limited holiday series starring Erin Cahill, Ian Harding, Nansen Contractor, Giles Panton, Noemi Gonzalez, Sarah-Jane Redmond, Loretta Devine, Lillian Lim, Tim Perez, Barry Levy and Jacob Insley; written by Claudia Grazioso; Six Oregon families living in the same cul-de-sac deal with the highs and lows of the holidays; filmed in Victoria and Duncan, B.C.) - TBA
Merry Liddle Christmas Vacation (holiday sequel to 2019′s  Merry Liddle Christmas, 2020′s Merry Liddle Christmas Wedding and 2021′s Merry Liddle Christmas Baby; starring Kelly Rowland, LaTonya Williams, Bresha Webb, Jaime M Callica, Nathan Witte, Thomas Cadrot and Debbi Morgan; written by Andrea Stevens and King Hassan; The Liddle family goes on a holiday vacation to celebrate Tyler and Jacquie’s birthday and their toddler twins birthdays; announced in 2022 but delayed due to the strikes; filmed in B.C.) - TBA
Great American Family (formerly GAC)
⚠️ Want all to be aware there is more to GA Family, née GAC, than G-rated Christmas movies. Though I’m including dates and details here in the spirit of being a completist, worth noting the funding and founding of this channel, which comes from the Donald Trump-aligned Hicks Equity Group, brings with it an explicit anti-diversity agenda, hiding under guise of harmless sounding words like “family-friendly” and “safe” programming. More detailed explanation here (bottom of page), and additional more recent thoughts, for those who want it. And if you’re looking for outside sources on GAF’s political affiliations and lack of inclusion, see these stories from The Daily Beast, Vulture, the L.A. Times and Bloomberg.
A Sound of Music Christmas (holiday movie inspired by the Sound of Music; written and directed by Michael and Janeen Damian; filmed in Austria) - TBA
TV One
In the Kitchen with Tamar & Evelyn Braxton (holiday cooking special featuring the mother-daughter duo’s own recipes from every holiday) - TBA
The Naughty One (action-comedy written by Zach Helm and produced by Greg Berlanti and Sarah Schechter, announced in 2021) - TBA
Mrs. Brown’s Boys New Year’s Special (one-off holiday episode of the series; available same day as UK) - Jan. 1
The Jonathan Ross Show Christmas Special (U.S. premiere of the 2023 special holiday episode of the chat show) - Jan. 24
Death in Paradise Christmas 2024 (holiday movie based on the BBC series starring Sara Martins and Ralf Little about a British detective sent to a Caribbean island; filmed in Guadeloupe; available same day as UK) - TBA
The King’s Christmas Address (annual holiday speech delivered by King Charles III via the BBC) - Dec. 25
Emmet Otter’s Jug Band Christmas (Bret McKenzie-produced remake of the 1977 Muppet ABC special in conjunction with the Jim Henson company; announced in 2019) - TBA
Twas’ The Night (musical anthology holiday series written and produced by David E. Talbert; Santa tells his grandchildren stories of his holiday adventures; announced in 2023) - TBA
Apple TV+
Wolfs (at least partially holiday-set thriller starring George Clooney, Brad Pitt and Amy Ryan; written and directed by Jon Watts; A pair of lone wolf fixers are forced to team up; filmed in New York and L.A.) - TBA
Lady in the Lake (at least partially holiday-set series starring Natalie Portman; based on the book by Laura Lippman; A 1960s housewife who dreams of becoming a journalist, investigates two seemingly unconnected, unsolved murders; set and filmed in Baltimore) - TBA 
Winter Spring Summer or Fall (holiday romance starring Jenna Ortega, Percy Hynes White and Adam Rodriguez; directed by Tiffany Paulsen; written by Dan Schoffer and Paulsen; Two teens fall in love over four days across different seasons; filmed in Utah) - TBA
Prime Video
One Fine Morning (a.k.a. Un Beau Matin; French-language, partially holiday-set movie starring Pascal Lea-Seydoux, Melvil Greggory, Nicole Poupaud and Garcia; written and directed by Mia Hansen-Love; A widow and single mom juggles caring for her family, including her father with dementia, and a new affair with an old friend of her late husband’s) - Jan. 1 (Trailer)
Ex-Mas (holiday teen rom-com based on the book by Kate Brian; Two teen exes go on a road trip to rescue their little brothers, who have set on a quest to save Santa from global warming; announced in 2020) - TBA
Red One (big-budget holiday action movie starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Chris Evans, Lucy Liu, Kiernan Shipka, Nick Kroll, Kristofer Hivju, Wesley Kimmel and Mary Elizabeth Ellis; directed by Jake Kasdan; written by Chris Morgan; The leader of an elite force named the E.L.F must protect Santa and Christmas from those who seek to destroy it) - TBA
Suddenly It’s Christmas (English-language remake of 2022 Italian family film Improvvisamente Natale, directed by Peter Chelsom; adapted by Chelsom and Tinker Lindsay; When a young girl learns that a summer trip to her beloved grandfather’s hotel, where they usually spend the holidays, is cover for her parents telling her they’re getting divorced, she and her grandfather plan to recreate a perfect Christmas in hopes of reuniting her parents; filmed in Italy) - TBA
Hope (limited series based on the 2019 Oscar-nominated, holiday-set Norwegian movie; adapted by Alice Ball and starring Nicole Kidman; A May-December marriage where the younger half of the couple is diagnosed with a brain tumor which they keep secret from their family at the holidays; announced in 2021) - TBA
12 Days of Christmas (holiday movie produced by and starring Stephen Curry; directed by Charles Stone III; written by Kevin Heffernan and Peter Gaulke; A kid and holiday-hating man wakes up a dad, adding a new child every day until Christmas; announced in 2021) - TBA
The Man with the Bag (holiday movie starring Alan Ritchson; directed by Adam Shankman; written by Allan Rice; Santa enlists the help of a thief after his magic bag is stolen; announced in 2023) - TBA
Santa is Real (musical holiday movie written by Laura Rosann) - TBA
The Truth About Mrs. Claus (holiday movie based on the bestselling book by Meena Harris; adapted by Taylor Chukwu; An elf learns the North Pole’s greatest secret: Mrs. Claus runs it all; announced in 2023) - TBA
Boy Swallows Universe (magical-realist series starring Travis Fimmel, Felix Cameron, Simon Baker, Phoebe Tonkin and Lee Tiger Halley; based on the novel by Trent Dalton; adapted by John Collee; A boy who receives a mysterious phone call on Christmas Day, must break his mother out of a feared prison; filmed and set in Brisbane, Australia) - Jan. 11 (Trailer)
Meet Me Next Christmas (holiday rom-com starring Christina Milian, Devale Ellis, Kofi Siriboe, Kalen Allen and Pentatonix; directed by Rusty Cundieff; written by Camilla Cordelia and Molly Halderman; To meet up with the man of her dreams, a woman must somehow find a ticket to a sold out Christmas Eve concert; filmed in Toronto) - TBA
Our Little Secret (holiday movie starring Lindsay Lohan, Ian Harding, Kristin Chenoweth and Tim Meadows; Bitter exes discover they’re currently dating siblings when they all get taken home for the holidays and try to hide their past from everyone) - TBA
The Thanksgiving Text (based-on-a-true-story tale of an accidental holiday invite that led to a lifelong tradition and friendship; written by Abdul Williams; announced in 2021; filmed in Arizona) - TBA
Auntie Claus (Kenny Ortega produced and directed musical based on the children’s book series by Elise Primavera, adapted by Tiffany Paulsen; A materialistic young girl learns the true nature of giving through her adventures at the North Pole with her eccentric aunt; announced in 2019) -TBA
One Day in December (holiday-set series starring Lucy Boynton; directed by Drake Doremus; based on the book by Josie Silver; A chance sighting on a bus leads to star-crossed, complicated love across multiple years and holidays; reported in 2023) - TBA
That Christmas (Richard Curtis working with Locksmith Animation and co-writing script with Peter Souter, based on Curtis’ own children’s holiday book series—The Empty Stocking, Snow Day and That Christmas; directed by Simon Otto; combining the storylines from all three children’s books and setting them simultaneously in one English beach village, Curtis calls the animated movie, “Love Actually for kids.”) - TBA
Carry On (holiday-set action-thriller starring Taron Egerton, Sofia Carson, Danielle Deadwyler and Jason Bateman; directed by Jaume Collet-Serra; written by TJ Fixman and Michael Green; A TSA agent is blackmailed into putting a mysterious package on a Christmas Day flight; filmed in New Orleans) - TBA
Black Doves (holiday-set spy thriller six-episode series starring Ben Whishaw, Sarah Lancashire and Keira Knightley; A politician’s wife/spy seeks to get to the bottom of who killed her lover, and why, with the help of the only friend she can trust; announced in 2023; filmed in London) - TBA
Prentice Penny Project (writer/director Prentice Penny’s “magical” African-American family film based on he and his wife, Tasha’s, original idea; announced in 2020) - TBA
The Great British Baking Show: Holidays (US debut of 2023 Christmas Eve and New Year’s special episodes of the Great British Bake Off, featuring returning Bake Off favorites battling for holiday cake plates) - TBA
The Snow Sister (Norwegian original movie starring Mudit Gupta and Celina Meyer Holland; based on the children’s book, and adapted by author Maja Lunde; The youngest member of a family devastated by grief meets a mysterious Christmas-loving girl named Hedwig) - TBA
MyTime Movie Network
Xmas Clue (original holiday limited series co-produced with France’s TF1) - TBA
Mistletoe Mixup 2 (holiday movie sequel to the 2021 film starring  Matthew Lawrence, Danielle C. Ryan  and Joey Lawrence; directed by Andrew Lawrence) - TBA
SLEIGH (holiday horror short starring Zoey Luna and Maxwell Almond; written and directed by Stella Alfaro; Pagan artists gather to celebrate the solstice) - Jan. 8, Amazon PVOD (Instagram)
Ghosts Christmas Special: A Christmas Gift (2023 Christmas special and series finale of the BBC series; first time available in the U.S.) - Jan. 16, PVOD
It’s Me, Billy Chapter 2 (holiday movie sequel starring 1974 original actors Olivia Hussey and Lynne Griffin to the 2021 Black Christmas fan-film from Dave McRae bringing the saga “to an unofficial and epic conclusion”) - Oct. 11, YouTube
Saint Nick of Bethlehem (holiday movie starring Daniel Roebuck, Cathy Moriarty and Duane Whitaker; directed by Spencer Folmar and Roebuck; A man who lost his own son finds joy in giving presents to other children; based on a true story and filmed in Bethlehem, Pa.) - Nov. 14
Athena Saves Christmas (holiday comedy starring Cuba Gooding Jr, Joseph Baena, Ludovica Frasca, Paxton Kubitz, Michael Blackson, Robert Costanzo and Glenn Plummer; directed by Josh Webber; written by Greg Crowder and Webber; A group of young adults and their dog must solve a series of riddles to save Christmas in their town from a mob boss; filmed in Big Bear and Lake Arrowhead, Calif.) - Nov. 23
Silent Night Bloody Night 3 (holiday slasher sequel starring Lloyd Kaufman, Julie Anne Prescott and Tina Krause; written and directed by Will Collazo Jr. and Prescott; The final girl wakes up in an asylum and must avoid being murdered by a killer who wants to see her dead for the holidays) - Dec. 25
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (holiday movie remake/reboot of the 1964 cult classic, directed and produced by Cynthia Webster; Santa tries to save what’s left of humanity by bringing Christmas to Mars for the first time.) - TBA
How to Make Gravy (Australian holiday movie starring Hugo Weaving, Daniel Henshall, Brenton Thwaites, Damon Herriman, Kate Mulvany and Agathe Rouselle; based on the song by Paul Kelly; directed by Nick Waterman; written by Megan Washington and Washington; A prisoner named Joe writes to his brother about his longing to be home for Christmas; announced in 2022) - TBA, Australia on Binge
Dimming Lights (holiday drama starring Laura Mitchell. Heather Fraley, TeriEnna Blanco and Michael Newman; written and directed by Preston Walden; Sisters return home for the holidays and find their estranged mother in the grip of dementia; filmed in Tampa, Fla.) - TBA
A Christmas Cheer (holiday movie written by Clint Ford; What happens to Ebenezer Scrooge, and Jacob Marley’s ghost, after the events of A Christmas Carol?; won a screenplay contest in 2020) - TBA
Four Cousins and a Christmas Wedding (holiday movie sequel to 2021′s  Four Cousins and a Christmas, starring Raffaela Capp, Natasha Capp, Ayla Kell and Lily Gibson; written and directed by Maria Capp) - TBA 
Finding Her Voice for Christmas (faith-based holiday movie based on the stage play Finding Her Voice; starring Don Dusty Phelps, Jessie Tate Jr. and Deandre Griffin; A revealed family secret results in a crisis of faith) - TBA 
A Chinatown Christmas (holiday movie based on the book by Kailin Gow and Nancy Wu; adapted and directed by Gow; An arrogant businessman who always spends Christmas eating alone at a local Chinese restaurant is angry with the owners when they decide to close for the holiday) - TBA
Let it Snow: A Christmas Time Loop (holiday movie where a teen has to help his best friend trapped in a holiday time loop; filmed in New York and New Jersey) - TBA
One Christmas Night in a Toy Store (holiday horror movie starring Simon Phillips and Sayla de Goede; directed by Paul Tanter; the third in the Santa slasher trilogy, this time Santa and Mrs. Claus take Christmas Eve hostages; filmed in Ottawa) - TBA
The Twelve Days After Christmas (holiday movie directed, starring and co-written by Melissa Archer; also featuring Laura Osnes) - TBA
Xmas at Moe’s (holiday movie written and directed by Ray J Pope; Brothers have to put aside their differences in order to save a homeless shelter at the holidays; filmed in Atlanta) - TBA
A Brooklyn Christmas (faith-based holiday movie directed by Shaun Paul Piccinino; co-written by Drew Henriksen and Anthony Mangano; A bookie finds himself forced into being a holiday hero) - TBA (Website)
Hungry Bear Tales to the Pole! (Czech animated holiday special directed by Katerina Karhankova; based on the books by Zbynek Cernik; Two bears travel to the North Pole for the annual popsicle festival, with a little help from some friends) - TBA (YouTube shorts)
Christmas at the St. Nick (holiday movie written by Mark Amato; holiday travelers reluctantly team up to make their holiday plans happen, but find themselves falling in love) - TBA
Ellie and the Christmas Creep (animated movie from Luxembourg-based animation studio Fabrique d'Images; directed by Caroline Origer; An intrepid elf tries to save Santa from his fame obsession she believes is caused by a creep) - TBA (Website)
Aubrey Flint’s Christmas (holiday comedy directed by Jack Spring; written by Chris Boyle-McQuarry; filmed in UK) - TBA
It Happened on Christmas (small-budget holiday movie written, directed and starring LP Green, along with Leandro Somoza and Jonna Devereaux) - TBA (Instagram)
Family Christmas (holiday movie starring Rían Sheehy Kelly, Jeremy Holm, John Pirruccello and Emma Jo Boyden; directed and co-written by Michael Moreci; A holiday heist collides with stranded travelers trying to get home in time for Christmas; filmed in Champaign, Ill.) - TBA
The Santa Assist (holiday movie starring Eric Roberts; directed by Ross Marks; Santa goes to New Mexico to fix a relative’s problem and ends up falling in love; filmed in Las Cruces, N.M.) - TBA
Manuscript (holiday-set thriller about a trio of friends who find an unpublished work that could bring fame and fortune and slowly turn on one another during a Christmas pre-party; filmed in Pennsylvania) - TBA 
The McNamara Brothers Christmas Story (holiday movie written and directed by Marc Alan Solomon; A group of friends and family come together for a Christmas Eve game night where secrets are revealed; filmed in Claxton, Ga.) - TBA
It’s Christmas! (holiday movie starring Brittany Snow, Lucas Bravo,Simon Callow, Chloé Jouannet, Elektra Kilbey, Richard Elis and Ben McGregor; written and directed by Jamie Adams; Hoping to bring her husband’s dysfunctional family closer in the wake of his mother’s death, a wife invents list of holiday tasks she claims her mother-in-law wanted them all to do; filmed in Wales) - TBA
We Wish You a Dairy Christmas (holiday movie starring Aeon Cruz and Brit Ellerman; directed and co-written by Elgin Cahill; A woman reluctantly returns home to help save her family’s farm) - TBA
Feather Christmas (holiday movie starring Ocean M Harris, Tom Machell and Teresa Dawn Taylor; directed by Lucy Turner, written by Dan William O’Leary; filmed in the UK) - TBA (Instagram)
Niko: Beyond the Northern Lights (international animated movie sequel to 2008′s The Flight Before Christmas and 2012′s Little Brother, Big Trouble: A Christmas Adventure; co-directed by Kari Juusonen and Jørgen Lerdam; Niko dreams of being a member of Santa’s flying forces, but faces stiff competition for the job) - TBA
A Very Bavarian Christmas (holiday movie based on the novel by Katie M Reid; A single woman who feels stuck in her small, holiday-themed town and dead-end job at a Christmas store, unexpectedly finds love as she regains her holiday spirit) - TBA
Date for Christmas (holiday movie directed by Louise Alston; written by Stephen Vagg; A women invents a fake fiancee to comfort her dying mother, but when mom unexpectedly recovers she has to keep the con going for the holidays) - TBA
Last Christmas on Walden St (small-budget holiday movie written, directed and starring Tyler Cole, along with Roni Weissman; filmed in Georgia) - TBA
Carnage for Christmas (partially crowd-funded holiday horror film starring Jeremy Moineau, Joe Romeo, Dominique Booth, Cassie Hamilton, Toshiro Glenn and Olivia Deeble; written and directed by teen filmmaker Alice Maio Mackay; When a trans true-crime podcaster returns home for the holidays for the first time since transitioning, she’s drawn into a murderous ghost story that might just be real) - TBA (IndieGoGo)
Pastor Sue’s Christmas (right-wing holiday movie starring Rebecca Grant and Joy Villa; co-directed by Chris Johnson and Villa; filmed in California) - TBA
Tinsel (holiday short starring Maja Bloom and Nathan J Lloyd; written and directed by Davey Ezra; An actor working as a mall elf becomes an '80s action-movie hero when he diffuses a holiday hostage situation; filmed in Portsmouth, England) - TBA (Instagram)
Hot Mom (holiday-set comedy written and directed by Jimmy Kustes; A college student and his girlfriend spend the holidays with his mom and her new boyfriend; filmed in Tampa, Fla.) - TBA
Lumia (six-episode holiday series created by Created by Anastasia Heinzl and Pöllä; A Parisian teen is forced to spend the holidays in rural Finland with her mother, where she starts seeing strange lights in forest) - TBA
Mr. Santa the Musical Christmas Extravaganza (holiday movie starring Geoffrey Owens, Tommy Davidson, Peter Donald Badalamenti II and Paul Kevins; written and directed by Noel Calloway; With Christmas spirit at an all-time low, Santa goes undercover as a high school teacher to try and convince teens to believe in holiday magic again; filmed in New York City) - TBA
I’ll Be Dead for Christmas (holiday horror movie starring, written and directed by Geordy Skolnick; along with J.C. Hoffman, Jilly Kent, Joshua R. Pangborn, Ximena Zavala, and Heth Weinstein; A mentally disturbed patient blackmails a hospital employee into telling horrifying stories on Christmas Eve) - TBA
A Very Elevated Christmas (holiday movie starring Frank Powers, Michelle Martinez and J.D. Hernandez; directed by Luis Perez) - TBA (Facebook) 
Christmas with Buddy (faith-based drama starring Joseph Gray and Brian Biggers; directed by Cameron Arnett and Cornelius Muller; written by Michael D Acosta; A young man with cerebral palsy tries to figure out what God’s purpose for him is; filmed in North Carolina) - TBA
A Carolina Christmas (holiday movie starring Kelly Lynn Reiter, Melissa Reeves and Matthew Ashford; written by David Michael Ross; A snowstorm traps a divorced couple together at the holidays as their daughter schemes to reunite them) - TBA
The Town of Tails (a.k.a  Kruuna; four-episode Finnish holiday series from creator Minna Panjanen; A professor who years ago found his parents murdered on Christmas Eve investigates another mysterious death in Tails, with the help of a Christmas spirit only he can see) - TBA
Family Christmas (holiday movie produced by Kenneth Van Camp; A woman giving up hope on true love has to decide whether to settle for an old flame or take a chance on a new, holiday romance; filmed in Detroit) - TBA
An Emerald Coast Christmas (small-budget holiday movie written, directed and starring Elesia Marie, along with Shannon Williams and Teance Blackburn; A big city culinary school grad heads home for the holidays; filmed in Florida) - TBA (Website)
How to Kill Your Family and Get Away with It (holiday horror movie starring Eden Shea Beck; directed by Robbie Dias; written by Marc Gottlieb; An extremely dysfunctional family gathers in a secluded cabin for the holidays, hiding dark secrets that lead to murder; filmed in Big Bear, Calif.) - TBA
Christmas Kennel (holiday movie starring Tatyana Ali, RaéVen Kelly, Marla Gibbs, Angela Gibbs and Malcolm-Jamal Warner; directed by Sean Dinwoodie; filmed in Rhode Island and Connecticut) - TBA
Christmas Eve in Miller’s Point (holiday movie starring Michael Cera, Ben Shenkman, Francesca Scorsese, Sawyer Spielberg and Gregory Falatek; directed by Tyler Taormina; written by Eric Berger and Taormina; A family gathers for a final Christmas in their childhood home and a teenager looks to make her mark on the neighborhood; filmed in Smithtown, NY) - TBA
Holiday Holdup (holiday-set crime drama starring Jeremy Holm, John Pirruccello and Agnes Albright; written by Michael Moreci; Restaurant employees get revenge on their mob-tied employer) - TBA
Xmas in July (small budget black comedy take on Dickens’ A Christmas Carol starring, written and directed by Joel Clark, along with Crichton Atkinson and Daniel Martin Berkey; Ebenzer and Cratchitt experience multiple alternate realities, each more horrifying than the last; filmed in Brooklyn, N.Y.) - TBA (Website)
Ebenezer the Traveler (six-episode mini-series starring Jerry Parisi, Amanda Rae Dodson and Michael Bertolini; directed by Joe Valenti; written by Leland Prater; A look at what happened to Scrooge after the events of Dickens’ A Christmas Carol) - TBA (Website)
Once Upon a Christmas (faith-based holiday movie starring Garry Nation and Melissa Nunnally; directed by Nathan Blair; A Scrooge-like old man is turned back into a teenager by an angel, who warns him he must repair his family relationships by Christmas or be doomed; filmed in Denver) - TBA (Website)
Breakup Season (holiday movie starring Chandler Riggs and Samantha Isler; written and directed by H. Nelson Tracey; A man takes his girlfriend home for the holidays to meet his parents and things don’t go as planned; filmed in La Grande, Oregon) - TBA (Instagram)
Switched Up Christmas (holiday comedy starring Ava Torres, Levi Smith, Ella Fraley, Brian Villalobos and Van Quattro; directed and co-written by Zane Nixon; A dysfunctional family who has lost their Christmas spirit, finds themselves regaining their love of the season through a holiday body swap; filmed in Houston, Texas) - TBA
Oh Christmas Tree (holiday movie starring Mason Gillett, Kay Barnes, Rachel Petsiavas and Christopher Long; directed by Paul Duncan; filmed in North Carolina) - TBA (Website)
Dead for the Holidays (holiday horror movie starring Tifani Winkfield, Allen Yates and Carter Bratton; directed by Thomas Martin and Lawrence Sara) - TBA
Our Christmas House (holiday movie starring Michael Dumas, Whitney Bacon, Sabrina Orro, Precious Ugbodu and Andrew C. English Jr; directed by Annabel White; written by Jaron Lanier; A news anchor must choose between a big holiday story and the man she’s falling in love with) - TBA (IndieGoGo)
Our Church Thinks We’re Dating (holiday movie starring Ashley LaRae, Burke Brown, Megan Alexander and Mark Christopher Lawrence; directed and co-written by Tim Nolte; The last two unmarried people in a church group spend a holiday weekend pretending to date in order to stop others from constantly trying to set them up; filmed in Denver) - TBA (Facebook, Website, Trailer)
Christmas Crashers (small-budget holiday movie starring Christine Traversa, Bridget Nine, Steve Boress, Leanne Johnson and Zaine Bray; written and directed by Kevin L Mounce; A couple decide to step off the holiday fast track and recommit to each other, but not everyone is on board with their pared-down holiday plans; shot in central Illinois) - TBA (Website)
Little Miracles (small budget movie written and directed by Pat Denson; film version of her off-Broadway musical, Little Christmas Miracles; based on a true story tale of two recently widowed moms who take their kids on a holiday road trip) - TBA
The Christmas Forest (small budget movie from faith-based Wright Family Films; directed, written and starring Ashley Hays Wright) - TBA, YouTube
Kid Santa (Italian holiday movie, live-action/animation hybrid starring real-life brothers Alec and William Baldwin and Elva Trill; directed by Francesco Cinquemani; filmed in Rome) - TBA
Once Upon a Christmas Eve (faith-based holiday movie starring Najee De-Tiege, Hector David Jr., Michael Franklin, Alicia Tomasko, Sofia Lauren, Alexa Ketchum, Gabriella Estabrook and Gianna Angela; written and directed by Dominic Giannetti; Estranged siblings struggle to hold their family together at the holidays) - TBA
A Queer Christmas Carol (LGBTQ take on Charles Dickens’ classic starring Daniel Bainelebeau, Qiana Camille and Larry B. Carter II; written and directed by Henderson Maddox) - TBA
Needle Little Christmas (holiday movie starring Sara Waisglass, Jonathan Kite and Thomas Lennon; directed by Jason DeVan; When she dies just before Christmas, a woman gets the chance to return to earth in the form of a Christmas tree in hopes of and restoring her friends’ spirits; filmed in El Reno, Okla.) - TBA
Chicken Coop (holiday movie starring Monica Moore Smith, Eric Wood and Mark Bracich; written and directed by Joseph DeGolyer; Family secrets are revealed during a holiday trip home when an estranged father and son attempt to repair a broken pipe in a chicken coop; filmed in Utah) - TBA (Facebook)
Christmas at the Frat House (holiday movie starring Karon Riley, Lem Collins, Jared Wofford, Kevin Savage, Amber Reign Smith, Kelsi Lee and Jael Roberson; directed by Charmin Lee; written by Lem Collins; Four frat brothers make, and break, a pact not to marry for 10 years after college. The last man standing is set to propose at Christmas when secrets emerge from his friends’ relationships and his girlfriend’s past that could make him reconsider; filmed in Atlanta.) - TBA
A Screenshot to Santa (holiday movie starring Essence Atkins, Tony Rock, Torrei Hart, Kennedy Stephens, Shai Moss, Jacob Gaines and Ray Buffer; written and directed by Monica Floyd; While their parents are at a conference, a teenager sick of caring for her much younger sister sneaks out to see her boyfriend on Christmas Eve; filmed in L.A.) - TBA
(Once Upon a) Philly Christmas (faith-based holiday movie starring Robert Clohessy, Bridget White, Brian Anthony Wilson, Myles Clohessy, Shannon Wilson, Julianna Layne, Gabi Faye, Rich Enkels, Dominic Costa, Bridget White and Brian Anthony Wilson; directed by Bridget Smith and written by Mike Walsh; A teenage gamer accidentally travels back in time to Bethlehem, to make it home he needs to discover the true meaning of Christmas; filmed in Philadelphia) - TBA (Website)
Love After Holidays (holiday movie starring Darin D Barron, Jennifer Figuereo, Gabi Faye, Taral Hicks Dawson, Jeremy Meeks, Shari Ellis and Angela Perymon; directed by Antoine Allen; written by Maurice McCallum; based on the self-help book Love After by Jacinth Headlam; The rise and fall of a talk show host who loses everything; filmed in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania) - TBA (Instagram)
A Kismet Holiday (holiday movie starring Karen Obilom, Joyful Drake, Lamman Rucker and Javon Johnson; co-written and directed by Chazitear; filmed in Washington, D.C.) - TBA
A Christmas in New Hope (holiday movie starring Adrianne Palicki, Malcolm Goodwin, Katrina Bowden, David Anders, Ryan Cooper and Mia Armstrong directed by Julia Barnett; co-written by Barnett and Kathleen Estes; A single mom of a special needs child enters a home renovation contest focused on saving her home from foreclosure, but things get complicated when she falls for her musician neighbor; filmed in Waco, Texas) - TBA
Gingersnap Christmas (holiday movie starring Desirée Ross, Jake Lockett, Natalie Buck, Réka Lukács and Obum Éji; directed by Julia Jay Pierrepont; written by Matt Lindenburg and Eva & Frank Myer; A grieving woman finds love and her Christmas spirit, while visiting her Caribbean grandmother for the holidays; filmed in L.A.) - TBA
Christmas on the North Pole Express (holiday movie starring Brian Boynton, Marla Moore, Riley Rose Downey and Sam Broome; written by Cody LaRue; Two people meet on the famed Christmas train while traveling to a wedding; filmed in Owosso, Michigan) - TBA
The Holiday Exchange (holiday movie starring Taylor Frey, Rick Cosnett, Samer Salem, Daniel Garcia, Blake Cooper Griffin, Joe Aaron Reid, Camila Banus, Nick Adams, Ashley Fink, Kyle Dean Massey and Kyle Richards; directed by Jake Helgren; written by Frey; A successful businessman enters into a holiday house swap and both he and the man he swapped with find new love; filmed in California) - TBA
Royal Runaways (a.k.a. A Little Faith; holiday movie starring Mark Cuban, Ashley Brinkman, Alex Day, Eliza Roberts, Naomi Matsuda, Mario Silva and Faysal Shafaat; written and directed by Candy Cain; When his father, the king, dies, a European prince flees to America and hides his identity by working in a winery) - TBA 
Holiday in the Hamptons (holiday movie starring Naomi Matsuda, Ashley Brinkman, Paulie Calafiore, Eve Kroh and Eric Roberts; written and directed by Candy Cain; A woman inherits her grandmother’s house at the holidays.) - TBA
A Jar Full of Christmas (holiday movie starring Brooke Burfitt, Cara Maria Sorbello and Jason Frederick; written and directed by Candy Cain; When a woman inherits her mom’s home, sparks fly with a childhood friend; filmed and set in Lake Placid, NY) - TBA
Christmas Overtime (holiday movie starring Meghan Carrasquillo, Jadon Cal and Laura Ault; directed by Ann Deborah Fishman; co-written by Fishman and Simon Parker; A holiday-hating actress must convince a Christmas-obsessed group she’s one of them in order to land a commercial) - TBA
Xmas Gamble (holiday movie starring Tom Arnold, Michael Madsen, Fernanda Romero and Waymond Lee; directed by Kenny Yates; written by Jerry Artukovich; A recovering gambling addict needs cash to save his mom’s home, realizing he’s never lost on Christmas, he rationalizes one last bet) - TBA
An Elliot and Friends Christmas Carol (puppet holiday special, based on featuring original characters created by Jeffrey Ault; starring Dana Anderwald, Alana Phillips and Dean Napolitano) -TBA (Trailer, Facebook)
Bring Back Christmas (holiday movie starring Ricardo Ortiz, Josh Zaharia, Casey James and Neil Charlesworth; directed by Rafael Nani; written by Marcelo Ricardo Ortiz; A materialistic teen wishes Christmas out of existence, making him the only one in the world who remembers the holiday; filmed in Vancouver, B.C.) - TBA (Website)
Christmas at the Mistletoe Inn (holiday movie directed by Lexi Giovagnoli; written by Vicki Vass; A jaded Christmas movie scout finds herself in a town straight out of one of her holiday movies; filmed in North Carolina) - TBA
Christmas Cover Up (holiday movie starring Ray Cunningham, Skye Griffin, Trina and Towanda Braxton; filmed in Houston) - TBA
Christmas Carole (a.k.a. Noël au Balcon; French-language holiday comedy starring Didier Bourdon, Noemie Lvovsky, Jules Sagot, Christophe Montenez, Alice Daubelcour and Janaïna Halloy-Fokan; directed by Jeanne Gottesdiener; A small-town mayor tries to coordinate her town’s holiday festivities while her husband holds down the holiday prep at home, until their adult children arrive and everything falls apart) - TBA, France
Christmas Licc (holiday movie short starring Taylor T-Dawg Da Don Butler, MW Maniak and Kea White; directed by Kimberly Latrice Jones; Friends attempt a misguided Christmas robbery to get out of a financial jam) - TBA (Twitter)
Winters’ Garden (a.k.a. The Christmas Garden; holiday movie starring Madeline Coughlan, Lior Selve, Federico Dordei, Peter Jason, Farah Merani and Chuck Marra; directed by Shari Hamrick Grewal; written by Joany Kane; A New York City cooking show host travels to lay the remains of a World War II nurse to rest in an English castle garden, and becomes enchanted by the site’s holiday charms; filmed in Lake Arrowhead, Calif.) - TBA  (Trailer)
Blended Christmas (holiday movie starring Jennifer Freeman, Anthony Dalton II, Victoria Rowell, Dream Doll, Carlee Elston and Charles Baston, written and directed by Tamala Baldwin; A new bride cancels her honeymoon to care for her husband’s ex after a freak accident; filmed in Atlanta) - TBA
Mississippi Christmas (holiday movie starring Darrin D Henson, Clifton Powell, Terri J Vaughn and Valarie Pettiford; written and directed by Christel Gibson; filmed in Atlanta) - TBA
Filthy Animals (written and directed by James T North IV; starring Raymond J Barry, Layla Louise, Hal Dion and Austin Wheeler; A pair of petty criminals stumble into a very dark Christmas) - Dec. TBA (Instagram, Website)
Civil Christmas (holiday musical starring Sophie Bolen and Kyle Patrick; A Southern belle shelters a wounded Union soldier on Christmas Eve; co-written and directed by Joel Paul Reisig; filmed in Michigan) - TBA
Christmas with the Pups (holiday movie starring Danielle Scott, Simon Ellis, Lila Lasso and Kitty Sudbery; directed by Louisa Warren; written by Tom Jolliffe; A ranch-owning family finds a Pomeranian at the holidays, unaware she already belongs to an influencer) - TBA (Trailer)
Meet Me at the Christmas Train Parade (holiday movie featuring Ryan Northcott, Emma Johnson, Maureen Rooney, Sue Huff, Michelle Todd, and Will Brisbin; directed by Dylan Pearce; written by Nathan Usher; To stave off a developer that will destroy their charming town square, a single mom enlists the help of nearby villages to revive a Christmas tree-lighting tradition; filmed in Edmonton, Alberta; aired in Canada in 2023) - TBA
Creating Christmas (holiday movie starring Greer Grammer, Jason Cermak and Briana Buckmaster; directed by Jason James; A children’s book author enlists an artistic teacher to help him out of a creative rut at Christmas; filmed in Vancouver, B.C.; aired on Paramount+ UK in 2023) - TBA
Royally Yours, This Christmas (holiday movie starring Cindy Sampson, Steve Byers, Holly De Barros, Bukola Ayoka, Michael S. Morrone and Darrin Baker; directed by Don McBrearty; written by Jessica L. Randall; A single mom is mistaken for a wealthy do-gooder and finds herself romanced by a royal; filmed in Toronto; aired on Paramount+ UK in 2023) - TBA
A Perfect Christmas Carol (holiday movie starring Stephanie Bennett and Preston Vanderslice; directed by Wendy Ord; A chef heads home for the holidays with her boyfriend, only to battle with his mother for his love; filmed in Kelowna, B.C.; aired on Binge in Australia in 2023) - TBA
Sincerely Truly Christmas (holiday movie starring Jake Epstein, Paula Brancati, Richard Waugh and  Tom Hearn; directed by Sean Cisterna; written by Matthew Thaler; Holiday magic gives an event planner the ability to hear what everyone else wants for Christmas; filmed in Toronto; aired on Binge in Australia in 2023) - TBA
Me and Mr. Christmas (holiday movie starring Sara Garcia, Blair Penner, Michael Lazarovitch and Jocelyn Chugg; directed by Dylan Pearce; written by Jenny M Krick; A woman looks to boost her new PR firm by fielding a winning contestant in a holiday bachelor contest; filmed in Edmonton, Alberta; aired on STAN in Australia in 2023) - TBA
The Heiress of Christmas (holiday movie starring David Pinard, Katerina Maria Vitkoff and Alys Crocker; directed by Meeshelle Neal; An heiress is forced to work in her family’s department store for the holidays; filmed in Toronto; aired on TF1 in France and Binge in Australia in 2023) - TBA (Trailer)
Christmas on the Alpaca Farm (holiday movie starring Kirsten Comerford, Matt Wells and Diana Diaz; directed by Michael Kennedy; A Christmas sweater designer clashes with a local alpaca farmer; filmed in Hamilton, Ont.; aired on TV24 and Channel 5 in the UK in 2023) - TBA
Christmas at Carbell Family Farm (holiday movie starring Tamara Almeida and Cody Ray Thompson; A developer has designs on a Christmas tree and must track down a long list of owners to secure the site) - TBA
Holiday for Hire (holiday movie starring Andrew Rogers, Casey Waller, Christie Leverette, Michael Deni and Mark Valeriano; directed by Jared Cohn; written by Julia Terranova; When her boyfriend dumps her just before Christmas, a desperate woman hires an actor to play him for her family; filmed in Simi Valley, Calif.) - TBA
Holly Jolly Christmas (a.k.a. Untitled Christmas Movie Project; holiday movie starring Allison Bailey, Rebecca De Mornay, Chris Elliott, Jordan Doww, Teo Rapp-Olsson, Pete Ploszek, Neal Davidson; directed by Christine Luby; When siblings come home for the holidays, they are shocked to learn their parents have sold the family home and plan to move overseas; set and filmed in Danbury and New Haven, Connecticut) - TBA
Christmas Telethon (holiday comedy starring Patrick Warburton, Matt Nease and Leslie Talley; directed by Doug Henderson; written by Henderson, B. Harrison Smith and Nease; Local anchors try to save their struggling TV station with a telethon that goes terribly wrong; filmed in Millersville, Pa.) - TBA
Cape Holly Christmas (holiday movie starring Sebastian Stewart, Anna Marie Dobbins, Brian Austin Green, Celeste Desjardins, Barbara Mitchell, Rae Farrer, Neil Enock, and Laura Yenga; directed by John Bradshaw;  written by Erica McKenzie and Mark Mungo; A woman hopes to win a baking contest to save her home and small-town bakery, but falls for a guy who turns out to be related to the bank trying to foreclose on both;  filmed in Leduc, Alberta, Canada) - TBA
S’up, Xmas! (a.k.a. Jae, Natal!; Brazilian animated holiday movie directed by Camila Padilha; A princess tries to introduce a traditional Christmas to her island home, only to see them twist it into a unique tropical holiday festival) - TBA
A Christmas Heart (faith-based holiday movie starring Kevin Sorbo and Sarah Reeves; written and directed by Bill McAdams, Jr; A widowed firefighter gets a DUI and is assigned community service where he meets someone who helps him recover from tragedy; filmed in Granbury, Texas ) - TBA
Operation Nutcracker (holiday movie starring Ashley Newbrough and Christopher Russell; An event planner and wayward son have to work together to find a missing nutcracker in time for a wealthy family's high profile charity auction; filmed in Ontario) - TBA
Jingle Bell Heist (holiday movie starring Olivia Holt, Connor Swindells, Peter Serafinowicz and Lucy Punch; directed by Michael Fimognari; written by Abby McDonald; Two thieves casing the same Christmas Eve job, team up and fall for each other; announced in 2023; filmed in the UK) - TBA
Mr. Christmas (holiday movie starring Tom McLaren, Charlie Schlatter, Casey Burke, Lynda Day George and Nicholle Tom; A man hatches a Christmas movie-inspired to win back his estranged family.) - TBA
The Christmas Letter (holiday movie starring Chevy Chase, Randy Quaid and Angus Benfield; directed by Tori Hunter; written by Michael Cunningham; Spurred on by a wealthy friend’s annual Christmas letter, a man makes it his mission to perfect his life before the next holiday; filmed in Utica, New York) - TBA (Facebook)
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mikerickson · 2 years
Mid-Year Freakout Book Tag
Best book you’ve read so far: Toss-up between This Thing Between Us by Gus Moreno (horror novel, explores grief of a spouse with some freaky elements of Mexican black magic/folklore) and North American Lake Monsters by Nathan Ballingrud (horror short story collection that explores the dangerous elements of masculinity)
Best sequel you’ve read so far: n/a, I don’t really read series
New release you haven’t read yet, but want to: The Violin Conspiracy by Brendan Slocumb (black prodigy inherits his great-grandfather’s violin, which is then stolen by the family that claimed to own his ancestor)
Most anticipated release for the second half of the year: The Sleepless by Victor Manibo (corporate espionage in a world where people can get a procedure to remove the need to sleep)
Biggest disappointment: The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson (it’s considered the prototypical haunted house story, but it just felt dated and unsatisfying to me)
Biggest surprise: The Bright Lands by John Fram (this murder mystery thriller had me by the fucking throat for the first three quarters of the book, then had the most whack twist ending that made me regret picking it up)
Favorite new author (debut or new to you): Gus Moreno, I’ll definitely pick up whatever he puts out next
Newest fictional crush: Travis from Then the Stars Fall by Brandon Witt (bisexual bear daddy? Sign me up)
Newest favorite character: Andrés from The Hacienda by Isabel Cañas (Catholic priest who was secretly trained in Mexican black magic and has to hide that knowledge from the Inquisition)
Book that made you cry: Comfort and Joy by Jim Grimsley (an adult coming-out story in that late 90′s window where the worst of the AIDS crisis had passed but before marriage equality/increased acceptance)
Book that made you happy: Kings of the Wyld by Nicholas Eames (retired adventuring party gets back together ‘one last job!’‘-style; lots of dumb humor, but in just the right way)
Favorite cover: Die a Little by Megan Abbott (noir novel set in 50′s L.A. following a sister who’s suspicious of the woman who seduced and married her brother in just a few weeks. This cover was perfect for hitting the tone of the book)
What you really need to read by the end of the year: The Thousand Crimes of Ming Tsu by Tom Lin (wild west revenge tale with an immigrant Chinese protagonist)
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tripleaxelrose · 2 years
You know, Nathan and Mariah wouldn't be the first figure skating couple to not tell the media they're together. Carol Heiss actually managed to keep her engagement to Hayes Jenkins a secret until after she won the Olympics (and I believe there was an article somewhere - I want to say Newspapers(.)com - where she actually denied being involved with him to the press, but don't hold me to that).
I am guessing -- though I of course don't know -- that there have been many, many figure skating relationships that no one has ever heard a peep about. For all kinds of reasons.
(I absolutely recall a professional competition... LOL, remember those... where Kurt Browning absolutely stuck his tongue in Katarina Witt's ear, on live television, in the actual Kiss & Cry. I mean, damn. What a time to be alive!)
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industryjust · 2 years
Whatson kiss
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Because she grew up in the public eye, Emma originally had a lot of hesitations about showing off her body. Plenty of actresses don’t have any qualms about going topless or even fully nude for their roles, but things are slightly different for Watson. Does Emma Watson Do Naked Photoshoots Or Nude Scenes? Her other notable films include The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Sofia Coppola’s The Bling Ring, Seth Rogen’s This Is the End, Darren Aronofsky’s Noah, and Disney’s live-action remake of Beauty and the Beast.
This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times.But after filming wrapped up for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2, Watson was suddenly free to pursue other roles. TCMĪnchorman 2: The Legend Continues (2013) 10 p.m. The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit (1956) 8 p.m. Epixįast Times at Ridgemont High (1982) 8 p.m. Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011) 8 p.m. Cinemaxīack to the Future Part III (1990) 5 p.m. Six Degrees of Separation (1993) 4:26 p.m. Bravoīack to the Future Part II (1989) 2:30 and 10 p.m. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018) 1:30 p.m. Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987) 1:30 p.m. CMTĬhanging Lanes (2002) Noon and 7:15 p.m. Paramountīack to the Future (1985) Noon and 7:30 p.m. FXĬaptain Horatio Hornblower (1951) 10 a.m. Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014) 9:30 a.m. TCMįorgetting Sarah Marshall (2008) 8:14 a.m. Nathan Witte and Caitlin Stryker also star.
Sealed With a Kiss: Wedding March 6 Jack Wagner and Josie Bissett reprise their roles as engaged inn owners in the final installment of the "Wedding March" TV movie franchise. Reilly, Taron Egerton, Jennifer Saunders, Jennifer Hudson and Peter Serafinowicz. Sing A pig, a mouse, a porcupine, a gorilla, an elephant and other animals gather at a koala's theater for a singing competition in this 2016 animated feature featuring the voices of Matthew McConaughey, Reese Witherspoon, Seth MacFarlane, Scarlett Johansson, John C. KABCįrank Buckley Interviews Heather O'Neill and Maria Fleet ("No Ordinary Life"). MLS Soccer The LA Galaxy visit Minnesota United FC, 3 p.m. SportsNetLA the Houston Astros visit the Angels, 6 p.m. FS1 the Dodgers visit the New York Mets, 4 p.m. NFLīaseball The Cincinnati Reds visit the Philadelphia Phillies, 1 p.m. NFL the Cleveland Browns visit the Jacksonville Jaguars, 4 p.m. NFL the Denver Broncos visit the Minnesota Vikings, 1 p.m. Also, the Miami Dolphins visit the Chicago Bears, 10 a.m. NFL Preseason Football The Chargers visit the Rams, 7 p.m. Amateur Championship Semifinals, noon Golf and 1 p.m. Golf PGA Tour - Wyndham Championship Third Round, 10 a.m. Little League Baseball Midwest Regional Final, 7 a.m. Scheduled to appear are Adam Lambert Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin Jane Lynch and Manila Luzon Nate Berkus Belinda Carlisle Melissa Etheridge Eva Longoria RuPaul Trans Chorus of Los Angeles Gabrielle Union Rufus Wainwright Lena Waithe. Los Angeles LGBT Center's Love in Action Telethon This new fundraiser is hosted by Cher Calvin and Jai Rodriguez.
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theheartoftv · 2 years
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Kyra (Andrea Brooks) is goal-oriented in all aspects of her life, from professional to personal. When she meets Trevor (Nathan Witte), the new manager at the grocery store where Kyra works, he seems to check off all the boxes when it comes to what she’s looking for in love. When her wellmeaning co-worker and friend Mark (Benjamin Charles Watson) tells dogloving Trevor that Kyra has an agility trained dog, she plays along. But when Trevor tells her he can’t wait to see Kyra enter her dog in the upcoming agility contest the store is sponsoring, Kyra is faced with a canine quandary. She quickly adopts an adorable dog, Sam (Nova), from a local shelter but it soon becomes clear she needs help on the training front. Although he’s hesitant at first, Kyra convinces Kevin (Marcus Rosner), the head of the shelter, to put his training skills to use and help her get Sam competition-ready. As the two spend time together, not only does Sam begin to flourish at agility, but Kyra and Kevin start to fall for each other. But when Kevin learns why Kyra adopted Sam and needed to train him in a hurry, their budding romance hits a new obstacle that may throw them off course.
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watchinghallmark · 3 months
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lilachsgifs · 1 month
some recs for period pocs - ofc no pressure on any, just wanted to float some your way and see if any took your fancy!! thalissa teixeira in the musketeers, akil largie in sense & sensibility, nathan witte in murder at the breakers, david jonsson in murder is easy, tobi bakare in outlander, rochelle neil & zackary momoh in the nevers, isabella wei in 1899, shelley conn in bridgerton, ronke adekoluejo in chevalier, susan wokoma in year of the rabbit, & abraham popoola in the great !
thank you so so much for these! I'll definitely check all of them out and see which shows are easiest to get good quality for and I'll see if I get at least one done, hehe.
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Today’s Sailing Notables During the Golden Generation Timeframe
(Let’s try this again, since my old blogs were suspended just after I posted my previous attempt…)
Many of the Albatross’s supporting cast in The Golden Generation are based (some more heavily than others) on real people (sometimes several at a time) who were involved in the professional sailing world of the mid-1980s, especially in the Whitbread Round the World Race and the America's Cup.
As the RP thus far depicts the year 1986 as the beginning of an age of publicly known superheroes, villains, and other general weirdness, it seems likely that the decades to come in this timeline will be a very interesting time indeed. So, where would some sailing figures who became famous in later decades be at the time the story starts in 1986, and what might their lives be like growing up in this altered timeline?
At the start of the story in 1986:
27 years old: Jean Le Cam (did the previous Whitbread, it’s not clear exactly what he was doing in 1986.)
25 years old: Ken Read
23 years old: Bouwe Bekking (doing his first Whitbread! His fictional counterpart could be part of the Zeerover III crew.)
22 years old: Dawn Riley, Adrienne Cahalan
21 years old: Ernesto Bertarelli
19 years old: Kojiro Shiraishi, Neal Petersen
18 years old: Terry Hutchinson, Shirley Robertson, Dona Bertarelli, Pascal Bidégorry, John Kostecki
15 years old: David Witt, Max Sirena
14 years old: Franck Cammas
13 years old: Dee Caffari, Carolijn Brouwer, Francesco Bruni, Dean Barker (although Barker’s actual GG-verse analogue, Declan McKnight, is 15 at the time the story begins because the faceclaim art looked older and we can’t have PCs under 14.)
12 years old: Sam Davies, Alex Thomson, Charles Caudrelier
10 years old: Ellen MacArthur
9 years old: Glenn Ashby, Ben Ainslie
8 years old: Charles Caudrelier
7 years old: Liz Wardley, Jimmy Spithill (one of his neighbors growing up was part of the Australia II crew, so this could also be true for the fictional Spirit of Perth.)
6 years old: Annie Lush, Sally Barkow
5 years old: Boris Herrmann, Marie Riou
4 years old: Simeon Tienpont
3 years old: François Gabart
2 years old: Tom Slingsby, Charlie Enright
Will be born this year: Nathan Outteridge
Will be born in 2 years: Francesca Clapcich
Will be born in 3 years: Blair Tuke, Kyle Langford, Rome Kirby (his dad’s training for his first America’s Cup in Fremantle!)
Will be born in 4 years: Yang ‘Wolf’ Jiru
Will be born in 5 years: Peter Burling, Martine Grael (her dad won a silver medal at the LA Olympics and is training for Seoul.)
Will be born in 6 years: Chen “Horace” Jinhao
Anyone from the Southern Hemisphere who’s 15 or younger could have an origin as an “ozone mutant” with inherent strange powers because of the greater penetration of cosmic rays over the Antarctic during the 1960s-90s as a result of CFC damage. (This is both topical for 1986 and an excellent excuse for having a disproportionate percentage of Australian and New Zealand superheroes and villains!)
(This is not to say everyone must be super— even in the GG-verse, the vast majority of people in the sailing world are perfectly mundane.)
It is likely that supertechnology may cause changes in sport sailing by the turn of the 21st century. In one possible flash-forward to 2001, we saw multihulls similar to the AC-45 being tested ahead of the 2003 America’s Cup.
Tori Lovell is Brad Butterworth’s kinda-sorta analogue, meaning that a Māori woman is navigator and meteorologist for the team leading the 1985 Whitbread and probably winning in 1989. Hopefully her presence as a role model leads to greater inclusion in pro sailing in subsequent decades.
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tomorrowedblog · 7 months
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Friday Releases for October 20
Friday is the busiest day of the week for new releases, so we've decided to collect them all in one place. Friday Releases for October 20 include Killers of the Flower Moon, Super Mario Bros. Wonder, Spider-Man 2, and more.
Killers of the Flower Moon
Killers of the Flower Moon, the new movie from Martin Scorsese, is out today.
At the turn of the 20th century, oil brought a fortune to the Osage Nation, who became some of the richest people in the world overnight. The wealth of these Native Americans immediately attracted white interlopers, who manipulated, extorted, and stole as much Osage money as they could before resorting to murder. Based on a true story and told through the improbable romance of Ernest Burkhart (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Mollie Kyle (Lily Gladstone), “Killers of the Flower Moon” is an epic western crime saga, where real love crosses paths with unspeakable betrayal.
Butcher’s Crossing
Butcher’s Crossing, the new movie from Gabe Polsky, is out today.
Academy Award winner Nicolas Cage (1996, Best Actor, Leaving Las Vegas) stars in a gritty story about buffalo hunters in the Old West. Will Andrews (Fred Hechinger) has left Harvard to find adventure. He teams up with Miller (Cage), a mysterious frontiersman offering an unprecedented number of buffalo pelts in a secluded valley. Their crew must survive an arduous journey where the harsh elements will test everyone’s resolve, leaving their sanity on a knife’s edge.
Old Dads
Old Dads, the new movie from Bill Burr, is out today.
A cranky middle-aged dad and his two best friends find themselves out of step in a changing world of millennial CEOs and powerful preschool principals.
Sick Girl
Sick Girl, the new movie from Jennifer Cram, is out today.
When Wren Pepper (Nina Dobrev) feels her closest friends slipping away, she lets loose a little white lie that snowballs into a colossal, life-altering event. Jennifer Cram’s feature film debut is a hilarious take on the price of insecurity and the rewards of true friendship.
Sayen: Desert Road
Sayen: Desert Road, the new movie from Alexander Witt, is out today.
After hunting down the mercenaries who murdered her grandmother to illegally take control of their land in the Araucanía, Sayen (Rallen Montenegro) follows a lead to the picturesque desolation of the Atacama Desert. There she teams up with a young Atacameño girl, Quimal (Katalina Sánchez), looking to save her town from becoming an arid wasteland due to Actaeon’s exploitative water usage led by (Enrique Arce). The two must team up with a charismatic but dubious Narco (Jorge López) to save Quimal’s father and uncover Actaeon’s corruptive practices, which flows up to the highest levels of Chilean government.
If You Were The Last
If You Were The Last, the new movie from Kristian Mercado, is out today.
Adam and Jane are three years into a NASA mission that has gone very wrong: Their ship is broken and drifting between Jupiter and Saturn. Finding ways to pass the time as they become certain that no one is coming to save them, they argue over what to do. One day, Adam poses that maybe they should sleep together; Jane laughs the idea off, but it prompts a flirty debate about whether they’re better off spending their remaining days as friends or something more.
Creature, the new TV series from Çağan Irmak, is out today.
When tragedy befalls a reckless scientist in Ottoman-era Istanbul, his student uses untested methods to finish his work — with devastating consequences.
Upload S3
The third season of Upload, the TV series from Greg Daniels, is out today.
In Season 3, the recently downloaded Nathan and Nora start an IRL relationship while taking down Freeyond. Meanwhile, a digital copy of Nathan is brought to life in Lakeview where he explores an alternate path with Ingrid. Aleesha is promoted to manager and has a new workplace love interest, and a lonely Luke looks for work in the Grey Zone.
Super Mario Bros. Wonder
Super Mario Bros. Wonder, the new game from Nintendo, is out today.
Surprise and wonder await at every corner in the next evolution of 2D side-scrolling Mario fun!
Spider-Man 2
Spider-Man 2, the new game from Insomniac Games and Sony Interactive Entertainment, is out today.
Nine months after the events of Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales, we find Miles still enlisting Peter’s help, but when the mysterious symbiote appears, Peter and Miles’ relationships are put to the test. Peter begins to change as he gains symbiote powers, and Miles, Mary Jane, Harry, and the rest of the friend group must help Peter while also facing the impending threats from a cast of new villains like Kraven, Lizard, Sandman, and Venom!
Lahai, the new album from Sampha, is out today.
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