#NGL I would kinda dig if fiona get an equally skilled martial artist as a foe in the next shrek
fefeman · 1 year
I think what set Lobo aside from other SCU (Shrek Cinematic Universe) antagonist is that he's closer to a Kung Fu Panda antagonist than a Shrek antagonist.
By that I mean : More serious framing, a dangerous opponent in a field the main character is competent (or will be), a motivation that is somewhat more psychological, some kick-ass choreography, etc...
SCU antagonists were generally more a form of societal threat, someone who has access to resources Shrek doesn't have, but who never really challenges the main characters in a field they are skilled in. Fairy Godmother doesn't fight Shrek in a pro wrestling match, Humpty dumpty doesn't duel Puss with a rapier, Faarquad doesn't do parkour, Monsieurs Hood doesn't match Fiona's martial art with wing Chun moves, etc...
Meanwhile, Lobo arrives and just trash puss fencing, a skill we know Puss is proficient in. For the first time in the SCU, a protagonist is opposed at his best, and gets completely overpowered.
Makes me wonder if this will be a new approach in future Shrek Antagonists (since the last wish seems to imply there will be a new Shrek movie).
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