#My girl has one very specific interest and gets overstimulated at balls
mydairpercabeth · 23 days
Shout out to my autistic demiromantic queen Francesca Bridgerton
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enaspaces · 1 year
my shuri headcanons 𓃠
a dump of my thoughts because i love her and she’s taken over my mind
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• on the trans/nonbinary spectrum. more specifically a demigirl and doesn’t care what pronouns you use on him. owns a binder for specific days that she wants her chest to look flat.
• very lesbian. her heart is for women and non-men 🏳️‍🌈
• i view her as a stud or a stem. it depends on how i’m feeling atm.
• she’s not just a nerd in the science sense she’s a huge fandom geek and has a stan twitter account to talk about her interests.
• also has fan edits of her favorite characters and interests saved on her phone. probably makes her own edits too.
• average minecraft enjoyer (she’s obsessed)
• reads a lot of wlw comics, novels, and other media bc they’re a gay ass.
• has AuDHD, argue with ur mama.
• is almost always seen wearing noise cancelling headphones or earbuds because she gets overstimulated at times. when she visits riri in chicago for the first time, the constant loud city noise is something he’s not used to. he had forgot to pack the headphones he made for himself so riri makes him a custom made pair to help him relax. they end up using riri’s more than their own. (riri indulgently put small cat ears on the top of them and shuri almost cried at the sight).
• catgirl energy. riri may make her look tall but that’s still a 5’5 girl twink that stopped growing at age 13. she’s small and likes to sit on counters, lab tables, the floor and any other weird place that’s not meant to be sat on. she curls up in a ball when she sleeps alone, and if she’s in the bed with someone else her limbs are all over their body. has cute sounding sneezes that m’baku makes fun of her for. one of the lab workers once found her asleep in a random corner of the room. naturally very light-footed and basically has human toe beans, making it very easy to sneak up on people without them hearing.
• has quite a few fidget toys to help her focus on work in the lab and ease her anxiety. a rubik’s cube, fidget spinners, stress ball, pop its, etc.
• she stims. so much. especially after she successfully completes a task or experiment and she’ll do a dance or do the lil hand flapping thing. her vocal stims are always random song lyrics or tiktok meme audios lol.
• has a sweet tooth. when okoye was a dora she’d occasionally bring candy or other sweets for her to snack on. riri goes to the store and buys him all the popular american snacks for him to try. nakia always has a mini stash prepared for when they visit her and toussaint in haiti.
• favorite color is purple. it just suits her.
• a GAMER™. she plays all genres but her favs are probably minecraft, puzzle, or rhythm games. did i mention minecraft? she loves it. riri loves rpgs and pvp games the most and has her play smash bros ultimate pretty often. they’re super competitive with each other and both sore losers lmao. shuri got her to play minecraft once and riri kept getting blown up by creepers.
• ↑ she becomes super close with mj, ned, and vivian through riri. they’re always on discord vc together playing games and doing many other things and it’s the most chaotic shit you’ve ever seen.
• if the word ticklish was personified. simply elbowing her in the stomach on accident would get a giggle outta her. every ticklish spot she has is extremely sensitive and you could have her curled up cackling in tears with ease.
• funny as hell for no reason. life of the party fr. she takes her jokester persona very seriously but sometimes she’s hilarious without even trying. the first time she ever smoked weed was with riri in her dorm and riri never laughed so hard in her life that day. shuri was literally all over the place. she’s definitely a lightweight too, just as goofy, giggly, and clingy in her drunken state.
• definitely likes kpop girl groups. I can’t prove it but they love loona you just have to trust me.
• also loves vocaloid and has a hatsune miku figure in her room somewhere. trust me on that.
• has a list of favorite black american artists. riri definitely put her on some r&b classics and less mainstream artists. has a massive celebrity crush on black women rappers.
• music taste is very versatile. her playlist has almost everything. she just can’t listen to one genre only, she’s too open minded and exploratory for that.
• he’s not one to fall in love easily, but when he does he falls hard. riri was the first person he ever fell for and it changed the trajectory of his life, poor thing had no idea what to do with that information.
• a romantic, lovesick loser. cannot flirt to save his life. flustering him is so fucking easy lmao. riri once called him shawty and he malfunctioned for 5 minutes. whenever he’s on the phone with riri his crush is genuinely so obvious to everyone around him. he be giggling and cheesing real hard 😭. kicking his feet squealing on the bed when he’s alone thinking about the cute nickname riri called him.
• her love language is acts of service and gift giving. she’s not always good with words or emotions so she expresses her appreciation towards her loved ones by distributing her wealth in many ways. buying riri things she might need for college, fixing stuff that breaks in nakia’s home. things like that.
• has trouble being vulnerable with those close to her. she’s lost so much, so opening up to new people is always a scary, big step. it took a while for her to let mj, ned, and viv into her heart because the closer she becomes with them, the more it’ll hurt if she loses them. they take her in with open arms regardless, because having a support system with people her age is something she needs. they take her seriously in ways that the elders don’t. they see her for who she is outside of being a royal figure to her country and allows her to be her full, authentic, geeky self. she’s able to grasp onto the youth that she almost lost when her family was taken away.
• very talkative. can infodump about an interest for hours and completely lose track of time if you let them. they cannot stay still when excited, nor can they keep eye contact, pacing around the room and darting their eyes everywhere while rambling about the history of vibrainium or something.
• maladaptive daydreaming. will lose herself in a song and start imagining scenarios in her head. t’challa once caught her in the act and refused to delete the video footage. sometimes, she pulls up the video her brother recorded just to hear his laughter in the background.
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hardkinkbadkink · 4 years
If you still want overstimulation prompts- Geralt is hunting a pack of very rare monsters that require a specific potion to fight. The main ingredient of that potion? Human sperm. Normally he’d go to a brothel to ask the girls to collect some, but why should he when Jaskier is right there? Geralt doesnt even ask, just pins his bard to a tree and shoves his pants down, jerking him off and carefully collecting every drop. By the time he has enough, Jaskier is whining and shaking, (1)
oversensitive. Geralt makes him come a few more times, just to be on the safe side, at some point switching to milking Jaskier’s prostate. Geralt looking at his fucked out bard and figuring that he might as well use him, since Jaskier is so sloppy and open. Jaskier is too strung out to resist, maybe not even fully aware of what’s happening. Sated, Geralt leaves him at camp to hunt the monsters... only to eagerly come back and wring more orgasms out of Jaskier, just for amusement. (2)
can i get a hell yeah? because hell. yeah. fuckinghhhh, love that for us
changed some things around a teensy tiny bit but hopefully it’s close enough?? dunno my brain is fried tbh
Ancient magic is always quite carnal in nature. Geralt doesn't resort to it often.
Except, of course, when he comes across a creature that is in itself ancient.
Jaskier's asked for the creature's name, for one of his songs. It doesn't have one; it's been around long enough that its name faded with the snuffed flames of thousands of lives, forgotten and reinvented and forgotten once more.
It's really fucking old, is the point. Though quite easy to take care of. It's lived through centuries, perhaps millennia--if there was a way to kill it, somebody would've done it by now. No, it is to be placated, instead. Twice each century, every fifty years, one witcher or another will come down and leave a sizeable offering laced with just the tiniest hint of sedating magic for good measure.
It's not even a blood sacrifice.
"Oh, that's terribly disappointing," Jaskier had said, and didn't bother asking what it actually was.
Well then, Geralt won't ruin the surprise.
The last time he did this, he went to a local brothel and asked for their help, and the stingy harlots had wanted coin for that which'd end up smeared over the sheets or spilled down their throats anyway.
Geralt had wished he could contribute himself, because that would make his life so much easier, but the creature frowns upon witcher seed.
He brews a quick virility potion that should yield about the same as an evening's work at the whorehouse.
Just from one person.
Just from his bard.
Geralt slips the potion into Jaskier's waterskin and waits patiently.
It isn't long until Jaskier begins squirming, shifting in discomfort. Geralt sees him try to discreetly adjust his too-full balls in his trousers and decides to take that as his cue.
Pinning Jaskier to a nearby tree is laughably easy. Shoving his breeches down to his knees even more so. His soft cock is a modest handful, and it doesn't swell all that much when Geralt brings it to full stiffness, but he doesn't mind. Jaskier babbles on, stutters in shock, demands explanation. Geralt simply brings him off in silence.
"Geralt, this is--I don't even know what this is, let me up--"
He does wonder whether the fact that Jaskier comes so easily is a side effect of the potion, or if that's just his regular lack of stamina. It's pretty endearing either way, when Jaskier shudders apart from the barest stimulation, shoots thick milky seed for Geralt to collect and moans like the loveliest whore while doing it.
"What'd you do, what'd you do to me--" Jaskier breathes when Geralt nudges his swollen balls. He weighs them in his hand and finds the heft satisfactory.
Maybe Jaskier is just stunned by the situation, or maybe he absolutely lacks any survival instinct--but Geralt doesn't even have to hold him in place, and when he goes off to grab some slick, Jaskier stays where Geralt'd left him.
"Good. Look at you, being useful for once."
The first touch of his newly-oiled hand makes Jaskier howl. Geralt looks on as his lower lip turns a rosy pink under the pressure of his teeth.
"You don't have to keep quiet," Geralt says calmly and quickens his hand until he's brutally stripping Jaskier's cock. He doesn't mind the noises his bard makes--he wouldn't mind more of them.
Jaskier twitches, and comes, and his own hands shoot up to rub his nipples through the thin material of his lacey shirt. Geralt can't help but feel his own cock filling at the sight of him, mindless and desperate.
"Strip," Geralt commands, because this is suddenly so much more interesting than he'd thought.
And Jaskier does strip, scrambling clumsily to get at his buttons, nearly falling to the ground in a haste trying to get his boots off.
Geralt gets two orgasms back-to-back out of him, and then another that has Jaskier shaking all over and begging, no more. And perhaps the seed he'd collected already is enough, but perhaps the creature is more voracious this time, and wouldn't it be foolish of him not to get more, just to be safe?
He gets Jaskier down on all fours, then, works two fingers into his relaxed hole, has Jaskier quaking and pawing at the grass, his breath hitching into delicious whimpers. Jaskier spends just from Geralt fingerfucking him, pounds his head into the ground and tries to wiggle his hips away as he screams his throat raw. Geralt doesn't stop, but he does keep a steadying hand around Jaskier's hip. Which means he's in need of assistance.
"Touch yourself."
Jaskier's shoulders tense up.
"No more," he begs quietly, and his voice is obscenely thick. "No more, mercy, no more."
"Touch yourself," Geralt says again, and drives his fingers into Jaskier all the harder for having to repeat himself.
Jaskier reaches down to wrap a loose fist around his sensitive prick and immediately tries to get away from his own touch.
"Get yourself off into the bowl. Quickly." Or you won't like what happens goes unsaid, but heavily implied.
He's got his bard sobbing before he decides he's had enough. Or, rather, before Jaskier writhes through a release that has his cock pulsing and not even a drop of seed comes out if it.
"You'd better hope it's enough," Geralt says off-handedly and Jaskier collapses to the ground in a heap of tremors and pained moans. Geralt looks him over when Jaskier rolls to his side, knees drawn up, putting his stretched, oil-slick hole on display.
And, well. It wouldn't be wise for Geralt to face any sort of monster while so awfully, achingly hard, would it? And since Jaskier is here, already bare, already prepared and so very tempting, it would be a waste to simply use his hand, Geralt decides.
He rolls Jaskier onto his back and parts the man's thighs easily, even as Jaskier's voice rises with panic as he does it. Geralt doesn't bother undressing; it's enough to just take out his cock and shove it harshly into Jaskier's warm, prefect body.
Geralt groans in satisfaction when his sack slaps against Jaskier's sore, spent balls. It has Jaskier's knees squeezing tightly around his waist, trying in vain to close against the assault.
Jaskier's eyes are shut, his brow furrowed as little breathless whines spill from his parted, reddened lips.
Geralt wants to devour him, he looks so damn delectable.
He can't really be blamed for the overwhelming desire to make Jaskier come again on his cock.
When he gets a hand around Jaskier's pitifully half-hard prick, Jaskier's eyes shoot open, wide and shining with dread.
"No, no, no, Ge-eralt--"
Both of Jaskier's hands claw frantically at Geralt's forearm, try to pry him away, but he pays that no mind, simply strokes Jaskier's prick until his bard's eyes roll back and his hole pulses sinfully around Geralt's cock.
Geralt leaves him laying in the dirt with seed leaking out of him, convulsing with the aftershocks of his release, and can't wait until he comes back and gets to check how much pleasure it takes for Jaskier to pass out.
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