Radiobelle 🦌 🌈 horoscope analysis
I’ve asked myself way too often about Charlastor horoscope charts for better understanding their dynamics and actually to find an answer for a very simple question WHY DO THEY LOOK SO GOOD TOGETHER?!
I’ve been focusing on this question since February, considering horoscopes being the most popular topic while speaking of relationships, it’s the funniest topic at the same time, cause if you’ll dig deeper you can change signs in their charts and find charlastor with different flavor, so FINALLY I’m ready to present charlastor horoscope charts! YIPPEEE!
Attention! This article was written under the influence of numerous horoscopes that I found interesting, I have an experience of finding types in horoscopes, but also I’m writing all this purely for epic fun, just consider that everything is relative!
It’s the Radiobelle 🦌 🌈 horoscope, so it was written specifically for Charlastor 🦌 🌈 ship, if you don’t like the ship, you’re at the wrong page, just skip it, mute the hashtag and proceed where you were going without interacting and stay peaceful.
and now that I’ve dotted the i’s, let’s take a look at our favorite pairing
Charlie: Alastor:
Sun ☀️ Pisces ♓️ Sun ☀️ Capricorn ♑️
Rising ⬆️ Aries ♈️ Rising ⬆️ Leo ♌️
Moon 🌙 Libra ♎️ Moon 🌙 Aquarius ♒️
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"Dad, stop! He's defending this hotel! It may be a bit more sadistic than I'd hoped, but he's doing it for me! How come he can have faith in me, but my own father can't?"
(update) Written more than expected and typed more characters than charlastor, so sorry for long post 🙈
Alastor’s Leo ♌️ rising
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“You’re never fully dressed without a smile”
In horoscopes rising sign represents something that speaks to the image, the very first appearance, the mask and it offers insight into person’s skills, talents, and strategies that might adopt to make person’s way in life.
Leo radiates with power, energy, youth, it’s a fire sign, very delightful and a little bit blinding. It’s the only sign that “never ages”, people with Leo in their charts are gifted to stay always playful naturally and remain a child at heart for the whole life.
Well Alastor’s appearance is screaming of a spotlight, moreover Leo’s tend to stay there 24/7/365 even when no one’s looking is so freaking strong, he doesn’t even sleep, cause who needs the one? And those hair… WHATS GOING ON WITH THOSE HAIR? Simply - Leo ♌️ , you can always detect one by a gorgeous haircut.
His epic explosion at a pasta factory 🏭 💇‍♂️ what a genius! LIKE PLEASE all Leo’s are extremely creative with their hairstyles by default, I bet the gossip won’t stop for at least the next thousands of years.
And there’s no more torture than ruining his vibe, pushing him back at his place like Carmilla did, i cannot unsee his Leo rising hurt 😔 poor little kitten! Btw assuming Carmilla as a Scorpio or Capricorn rising with her ability to give the cold shoulder casually like:
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Alastor is also an Aquarius ♒️ moon 🌙 making his choices little bit eccentric like a torn coat 🧥 Once he was at his favorite tailor’s shop to fix some holes Sir Pentious did with his clothes, he asked:
“Well, how do I look?” “eh…” - the tailor didn’t had time to add anything as Alastor interrupted.
“Splendid! That’s exactly what I need!”
Leo, so Leo.
Another interesting Aquarius ♒️ moon 🌙 reference - the MYSTERY. His cane is an attribute of mystery it’s a part of the look, a part of his power and a part of his past as a radio hoster at the same time.
But also, let’s not forget the cane is an atribute of a royalty. “The king 👑 holding an apple 🍎 cane himself whenever he goes, why won’t a gentleman like me having the one?”
Alastor avoiding contact with Lucifer as much as possible, he dislikes being touched by any person, who will shake off his domination. He thinks very highly of himself, because there’s only one real king, only one who is pulling all the strings and it would be only him alone ♌️.
SEVERAL TIMES OF A DAY he’s imagining kicking 🦵 out Lucifer and sit on a throne of Hell instead of him! But being way to occupied with his manicure 💅 never actually made this plan happened! Haha! Gosh! Those Leo risings, such chaotically charismatic people with a strong confidence, so many of them has a cute God complex, they don’t even need to prove. If they ever took you under their wing 🪽 you’ll better run, cause you’ll be permanently annoyed, BUT as a reward they will COVER you from gossips!
This dazzling smile in gold , fabulous hairstyle 💇‍♂️, a shirt with some suspenders or stripes or whatever cool it is, suited up, THE COAT 🧥, the cane - all is perfectly styled in RED concluded with a bow.
He is kissing his mirror everyday:
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Speaking of Alastor’s mirror 🪞- it’s Charlie! There’s a theory that I adore you can read it and adore it as well:
Charlie’s Aries ♈️ rising
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"Okay...I could be so aggressively kind to Angel's boss, that I convince him to let Angel spend more time at the hotel!" Now we’re talking! Aries ♈️ is a fire sign as well. Rising in Aries ♈️ means fearless, independent trailblazer, who leaps before you look and asks for forgiveness, not permission. You’ll usually find Aries ♈️ there, where no one else even dared to go. Like… who would suddenly came up with an idea to rehabilitate sinners…? INSANE or a GENIUS?
Speaking about possibility of a redemption in Hell, no one else even though about that before!
Charlie’s look is stunning 🤩, she is SO BEAUTIFUL everyone would crack their necks when she’ll pass by. Besides her beauty comes with a passion that drives by Aries ♈️ : EXCELLENT SPORTY FIGURE, black nails💅 , black lipstick 💄, her hair are carelessly tied with black ribbons, comfortable yet elegant suit with a black bow, black suspenders and a t-shirt with sleeves that she likes to be rolled, and the sleeves are also black - everything speaks of “okay, that’s enough NO TIME TO SIT IN FRONT OF A MIRROR! But black is cool 😎”
Jumping into an action right away, always bursting with new ideas of making redemption possible, her dream is very close of becoming true even tho she’s stepping on a field full of underground bombs. BUT STILL SOMETHING IS TELLING HER SHE WILL SUCCEED. Yes! Stay positive, Charlie, you got this!
On hard times deep inside her soul she never gave up with her dream and SOMEHOW made all it a reality with the help of her friends and supporters, she even made a deal with a Radio Demon to achieve her goal 🔥 What a brave young lady!
Oh yes, Charlie will not leave anyone indifferent, she has a lot of potential and strength radiates from her, more than she actually aware about. Alastor noticed it right away, as his rising matches with her just like that 🫰💥 both fire signs, Leo ♌️ and Aries are a combo of unpredictability, really, you’ll never know when they’ll ending to be at the end of the day. It could be the end of the world or someone’s bed.
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"As princess of Hell and heir to the throne I...er...hereby order that you help with this hotel...For as long as you desire!" Aries ♈️ risings could be little bit intimidating actually, like …oh should I really remind you this…
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But Charlie is trying hard to not force anyone into her hotel business and redemption thingy! As sinners should go there by their own will! I swear, she is trying SO HARD, but she couldn’t help but actually… forcing everyone …gracefully… using the most powerful weapon ever… well… herself? Who would be even ever mad at her anyway!? Ah the power of Pisces ♓️ sun, being sweeter than a sugar… ah with those rose cheeks and big dreamy eyes, long eyelashes as the wings of a butterfly 🦋
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"I, love you guys. Like, really, really love you." Charlie’s Pisces ♓️ Sun
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“I need to save my people more than anything” The sun ☀️ sign in astrology is answering a question“who am I?”.
The Sun sign based inside your core, It explains you. It reveals your most pronounced personality traits. It defines, who you are, how you perceive the world, and where you allow your thoughts to take you. Most of the astrological stereotypes comes from the sun sign. Charlie. Such a dreamy girl with big eyes and beautiful long hair dresses herself into suits instead of skirts, seems like she has two personalities inside. It’s not surprising since Pisces ♓️ are an old soul. It’s the last of 12 signs in zodiacs, a water 🌊 sign representing two different fishes swimming away from each other, but never gone too far from each other.
Pisces ♓️ sun is a sign of selfless and deep intuition, they tend to put others before themselves, they’ll always here to listen and help others, they’re highly emotional and hate being portrayed as being weak cause of their inability to hide their own feelings. Usually when they’re upset it knows the whole town…
Especially when they rant…
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All Pisces ♓️ are full of romance and drama 🎭 Despite all their emotions are actually looking very fitting and cute, they needed to stay there and swim in their emotions before they can fully be functional again. Being kind hearted Pisces ♓️ will always feel the person and try to understand them. And that’s the reason why others will protect them of all coasts.
Pisces ♓️ gain people together and like it when it’s all cozy, sweet and talking for hours in front of a fireplace 🥰Usually they’re not much talkative, they love to actually LISTEN to others, but sometimes they don’t mind to talk a lot. Gaining people together is very important for Pisces ♓️ to grow a family of their own, they really love 💗 to connect people and make them all happy. The more uncomplimentary (DEROGATORY) personalities are the more Pisces ♓️ are excited. You see, Pisces ♓️ BELIEVES that opposites attracts, an each one could learn something from each other, such cute little utopians.
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"Okay! Okay, anyway. Dad, look at this lovely parlor where people can get to know each other and share secrets and stories and intimate feelings! Without Alastor, we wouldn't have been able to pretty it up this much." Being a Pisces ♓️ sun Charlie rises and falls, then like a Phoenix she is resurrected. They desperately need a partner, who can shake the depression out of them, slap their insecurity, lift them over the mountains and carry them on hands like babies… for real? 🤨 YES and NO! At the same time! Remember, Pisces ♓️ are two fishes swimming in opposite directions 🗺️ they NEVER KNOW what they want…
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Pisces ♓️ often choose a partner in life that they can trust and can care about selflessly, often forgetting that they desperately needed to be cared themselves. As a libra ♎️ moon 🌙 Charlie is indecisive, she is chaotic and need a good advise better from the person she loves the most, but Vaggie tries her best, however her advises never bring fruits… Being a Capricorn ♑️ Sun ☀️Vaggie really doesn’t sit doing nothing for Charlie, she is judging a lot, yet doing very much as well, so why there’s something that seems off? Charlie needed so badly to be comforted yet it’s so hard to actually comfort her, no cuddles would help her to solve her main goal, she is a Pisces ♓️ that means she is a love 💗 expert herself, at this stage only a practical advice would help here and you know from who ehehe
Alastor’s Capricorn ♑️ sun
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“Oh, trust me, I CAN” DAAYUUUM, CHARLIE! 😱 two ♑️ Capricorns around Pisces ♓️ yes! 🐐 💥 🐐
*sob* Alastor and Vaggie could be so great team, both energetic, rational, caring, loyal workaholics. Only if Vaggie wasn’t a Scorpio ♏️ rising… It’s not perfect 😭. But believe me, it’s not that bad as Alastor’s Aquarius ♒️ moon 🌙. But why Scorpio ♏️ rising doesn’t feel right? Well because it’s highly intense sign, full of extremes. Rising Scorpios could be silent 🔇 as death ☠️ or loudly as fuck, no in between❌. They are possessive and their intuition is on a Gods level. Vaggie just FEELS that Alastor is a bad guy and she must protect Charlie from him, while everything speaks about Alastor is doing nothing else, but actually HELPING Charlie achieve her goals.
So it’s an huge disadvantage of Vaggie’s Scorpio ♏️ rising in comparison to Alastor’s Leo ♌️ rising. These two ARE SO AWARE of every flaws they have they’re simply behave like fighting siblings! Actually, they are a good team together that swears at each other, but actually BUILDING something for Charlie and if there wasn’t Vaggie, who knows how would Alastor behave with his Leo ♌️ rising, cause Vaggie stopping him from being such narcissistic ass and force his eyes to look other direction than his own mirror 🪞 (which is Charlie, lol).
“Excuse me, I’m in the middle of breakfast 🥩 “ Capricorn ♑️ sun ☀️ is an Earth sign, makes both Alastor and Vaggie stand firmly on the ground (such a confidence), ambitious, patient and humorous. Their posture gives it away, guys, crossed hands, puffed chest.
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Another reason why is Alastor and Vaggie both so damn hot it’s because of their Capriconish self 😤 so don’t get pissed when they judges you! HA!
Cause judgement is the only thing Caps are really good at
Jokes aside, Capricorns are REALLY COOL.
It’s a very kind zodiac sign, Capricorns are hardworking, and sympathetic. On the other hand they’re usually stubborn and likes to judge people a lot and likes giving zero shit about what might people say about them or just casually killing people they dislike for dinner 🍽️ 😏 But let’s return to Alastor, he isn’t pure evil at the core, as some people at fandom claims, he’s chaotic neutral, he’s doing whatever he wants and ended sometimes helping more than even needed. Typically for all Capricorns.
He helped Charlie with hotel designs
He helped Charlie with hotel staff
He helped Charlie to defend hotel several times two times with Sir Pentious attacks, one time with loan sharks.
He even turn his head away from an ol’ timey friend Mimzy, because he consider her as a danger for Charlie’s dream.
He helped Charlie by giving her the whole ARMY OF CANNIBALS to win a fight with Exorcists and moreover
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He helped Charlie to solve her relationship problem by taking her to His Bestie The Wonderful Virgo ♍️ sun 🌞, Sagittarius ♐️ rising - Rosie! He knew he is not going to give her a good advice about relationships, so he took her to an expert! Btw, Alastor and Rosie are so freaking twins 👯‍♀️ they’re so alike! Besides, Rosie being a Virgo ♍️ sun ☀️ is less possessive, EVEN MORE better adviser and simply practically perfect in everything ☕️ 🫖.
No, really Capricorn’s sense of humor could make the whole zodiac snorting with laughter on a joke from the era slightly younger than a last dinosaur.
I’m quite sure during his lifetime Al was the most popular radio host, he made chuckle New Orleans folks day to night! So don’t get sweaty, when he’s starring at you like THIS
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Funny thing! In addition, his Capricorn ♑️ works quite like a rainbow 🌈 when it comes to Charlie “You’re one of a kind, a charming demon belle” Remind me when he was judging her last time? Never? Pretty unusual for a Capricorn ♑️ sun, doesn’t it? and you know what that means 😏 WELL NOW WE ARE GETTING INTO THE MOST INTERESTING PART - r e l a t i o n s h I p s
Pisces ♓️ sun ☀️ x Capricorn ♑️ ☀️ relationship
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"Excuse my sudden visit, but I saw your fiasco on a picture show and I just couldn't resist. What a performance! Why, I haven't been that entertained since the stock market crash of 1929, hahaha! ...So many orphans." And theres no doubt HE LIKED HER FROM THE FIRST SIGN, even if he’s an “ace in a core” he just surprised himself! Capricorns are SO TRANSPARENT about their likings of people, YOU SIMPLY MUST BE BLIND, DEAF, have no SENSES at all to miss an affectionate Capricorn ♑️ . It doesn’t matter if you’re their friend, their crush, their co-worker, their mother, Caps ♑️ usually shows their likings the same way: by simply doing things that are necessary for their beloved, helping solving problems, judging everything their beloved did, arguing with them non stop telling they’re totally wrong in decisions, so just let Caps ♑️ doing it, cause they will do it MUCH BETTER THAN ANYONE. As a reward they will tap you on your head or slap your butt. You better be grateful 💀
Capricorn ♑️ would be ALWAYS nearby his or her passion, they’re clingy, touchy, talkative, but NEVER they are with people they dislike. If a Cap ♑️ dislikes you, well farewell, it was nice to meet you 🫣😶‍🌫️ *horror screams 🔪🪓🩸*
Alright, that was all so nice, but It doesn’t really looks like Alastor, does it? He’s asexual, he doesn’t love anyone, but his mother and himself. Or?
There’s an itty bitty tiny little detail is needed to be added. Charlie is Pisces ♓️ Yes. I don’t know what is going on with Capricorns ♑️ when there’s Pisces ♓️ seen on the horizon. BUT THIS IS LITERALLY HAPPENING:
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Capricorns simply cannot stay calm around Pisces ♓️. Again as an Earth 🌍 sign, Capricorns ♑️ desperately NEEDS WATER 💦 to live, or else they will become a desert 🏜️ Pisces ♓️ as a water 🌊 sign naturally watering ♑️ Capricorns with their smiles, laughs, body language, SIMPLY BY JUST BEING THEM!
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Capricorns just MUST TOUCH THEM, FIX THEIR CLOTHES, TAP THEM ON THEIR HEADS, GRAB THEIR SHOULDERS, GRAB, GRAB, GRAB… as you might noticed “grabbing” is the key word for Pisces/Capricorn relationship and it’s one-sided.
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So now it’s totally CLEAR who is chasing who in Capricorn/Pisces pairing, in addition Alastor is doing it ✨ elegantly ✨ his Leo ♌️ rising is begging for attention and praise from CHARLIE only! (Cause he is CHARLIESEXUAL) “Take a good look at me from all sides, aren’t I gorgeous?” - he shows off in front of her as if in front of a mirror. In fact, he would be over the moon if she praised him at this moment.
“Just because you see a smile, don’t think you know what’s going on underneath. A smile is a valuable tool, my dear. It inspires your friends, keeps your enemies guessing, and ensures that no matter what comes your way, you’re the one in control.” Here comes the Pisces ♓️ sun ☀️ and Aries ♈️ rising power, Charlie is not quite aware of, as she thinks that she is being caught as a fish 🎣 by a starved Lion 🦁 here, the fact is the opposite, as it’s the Lion who’s spinning around a goldfish. “What that you said about smiles?”
“Good girl”
Alastor is pleased that Charlie learned a lesson from him and as a reward he praised her. Why is it happening? The answer you already know - it’s the chemistry 🧪
Capricorns ♌️somehow activates from their slumber when they see a colorful cute little face of Pisces ♓️ , they might think that Pisces ♓️ wouldn’t survive till the end of this long day, even tho it’s quite the opposite.
Pisces ♓️ are very very very amorous, but they changes their emotions in a half of a second, they come from I HATE YOU to I LOVE YOU so damn quickly you can’t even tell when 🙈 the thing which annoyed suddenly becomes the main attractive feature for them, and as I’ve said before the more challenging the better.
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Charlie wasn’t expecting that she would let Alastor touch her several times per day, she totally finds it alluring. She took time to process the feeling of his touch each time he does, and found it quite comfortable. During her monologue she is always annoyed, but after Alastor speaks Charlie changes.
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It clearly seen that Charlie sees something good at Alastor especially after he helped her with so many things, she would definitely fall for him if only she wasn’t occupied with Vaggie. As a water 🌊 sign, her emotions are like a 🌊 sea itself, but naturally the water must have some soil to simply stay at the place and Charlie is leaning to someone relatable, who is not a liar.
Liars are removing the soil from under their feet.
Well, Alastor has centuries to wait for his chance, and he won’t stop that easily either. He don’t quite realize yet, but his sudden crush on Charlie might made him little bit uncomfortable.
Well Capricorns and Pisces usually are a good match, it’s not super perfect, as they don’t have the same element, but naturally they are compatible! Must be a tough start as Pisces ♓️ really don’t know what they want, and Capricorn ♑️ just being ultra possessed, but it’s quite an interesting dynamic.
Now as you might expecting, moon sign highlights this and makes its EVEN WORSE LIKE
Alastor’s Aquarius ♒️ moon
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“Sorry, but you got on in my way, I promise, honey, I can feel your pain, maybe I’ll enjoy it just a little bit, does that makes me insane?”
Moon 🌙 sign, what’s that? The moon 🌙 describes Alastor's and Charlie’s emotional life, feelings, desires, and all also represents how they give affection and demand love from others. The Moon sign is the window the their inner world and it’s usually SCARY! Because the Moon sign represents the inner world, it doesn't necessarily communicate these needs to others. … there is a mystery in Alastor. Yes! Dark mysterious deer man, oh my god, the power of a destructive moon Aquarius is so strong it’s overwhelming his personality!
I need to say that the “worst” combination in moon chart you’ll ever have might be ending with Aquarius, as It releases the most secret needs of a soul. As we know Aquarius is a highly intellectual and creative sign, they’re such sweethearts, they love the idea of ideal humanity and the idea of love, but doomed to be loners at heart 💔 as their chasing for ideal person might gone way too far and very often they just close their hearts and remain singles for the rest of their life.
That makes them often feel like they’re not fitting anywhere, although being such altruistic humanitarians by a chance. The moon Aquarius accumulates all fears of death, fears of reproduction, fears of limitations, fears of relationships, fears of being trapped in four walls, all that what Sun Aquarius hides and it makes the person gone completely insane inside
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So as the copying mechanism they’re often being sarcastic, they’re deal makers, it makes them look like they’re evil and even become leaders of their own cult, naturally. They’re becoming so attractive in that “I’m a lone wolf, but we can have a deal, so both of us could have some fun” attitude, gaining more and more “puppets” that can do the dirty job …so as the tentacles 🦑 … just… tentacles and horns… growing horns. …a radio distortion. 📻
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Ahh, they don’t know why they’re so attractive for others and why do everyone’s so into them, cause they are definitely not looking for a relationship, when they’re smirking at you, they’re just simply breathing or being nice💅 ✨ it wasn’t a flirt, they don’t know how to flirt tbh. But most people mistakenly assume they’re ALWAYS flirting. Leave them alone 🖤 as they used to be alone by default.
Let’s not forget about Alastor’s Leo rising, making Alastor’s pride in furious ecstasy right now.
So that’s why Alastor is the most powerful overlord of Hell. And to have a deal with a Libra ♎️ moon 🌙 Charlie made Alastor’s grinning sooooooo wiiiiiideeeeeee
Charlie’s Libra ♎️ moon 🌙
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She is …perfect…
Libra ♎️ moon 🌚 faces chaos, indecisive thoughts, overthinking, what is right and what is wrong questions, dreaming of long lasting relationships and broke with the one the other day. A highly intelligent sign, a highly sensual sign, they’re usually hearts of the group, always struggling with choices and writing a journal 📓which is full of useful information, that they will never apply to themselves…
They are desperate lovers, truly in need for a partner day and night, and if they choose you, don’t run, you can’t run away from a fury. If Libra ♎️ moon 🌙 chooses you, just accept it and wait till their affection ends. There’s no other option. You’re doomed to be loved by a Libra ♎️ moon 🌙 , you’ll have a brilliant and unforgettable experience ❤️‍🔥cause they’re fucking monsters💀
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“Deal” Besides being incredibly lovable personalities, who’s caring about their loved ones, always doing the best for them and never put them aside, Libras ♎️ usually struggle with choices, they can’t simply decide which path is better, and rather than being rational (as they always do with others) they ended at the floor sobbing if they can took one slice of a chocolate 🍫 in the middle of the night or rather they will go upstairs and sleep. If you see someone driving 🚗 and there’s a red light illuminating in front of them, but they keep moving slightly forward, still thinking “but I saw yellow light a second ago, so MAYBE I will drive through… or…?” - Libra ♎️ moon 🌚
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"Nope! No, not really. Haha. I've been up all night trying to figure out why the hotel isn't working. We've done trust falls, we've tried sharing our feelings, we only have a couple months left before the angels come! *laughs manically* And at this rate-"
Now let’s see, what Alastor and Charlie missed and didn’t expect from themselves.
…breathing 😮‍💨 🫁
EXACTLY! They are breathing fresh air together. Both moon signs are air signs 🌬️ they have lots in common, high intelligence, same humor, same sense of craziness and insanity.
What else are they waiting for?
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These two moons are freaking perfect to each other. Once they taste it, the flavor would never gone. And they will step aside from each other and keep returning to each other until the day their dance become closer and closer. It’s a slow burn relationship, but definitely a worth one. And we all know that 😤
well, that’s all folks! I hope you have enjoyed this as much as I did while writing!
45 notes · View notes
musicalshipping · 4 months
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❤️💛Today's Daily Charlastor
928 notes · View notes
grayluforever · 4 months
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he surely loves playing with charlie's cheeks 🥺
681 notes · View notes
lenok993 · 2 months
Alastor & Charlie Duo - Official Hazbin Hotel Print
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Artist: @silentzound
Thank you for this art! Please visit the original source, follow artist's page Twitter / Tumblr and support the artist there!
Buy print: https://streamily.com/HazbinHotel/32123
Signed by: Amir Talai, Erika Henningsen
582 notes · View notes
shaylai · 3 months
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Hey remember that one time Vivziepop said Alastor had a furby organ 🗣️
978 notes · View notes
saulgoodman369 · 4 months
Charlie's ideal man according to Vivzie's lil animation is the Phantom of the Opera! How does Charlie describe her ideal man to Vaggie?
1) Dark and mysterious
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2) Can sing
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3) Can play the organ
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They have the same silly and childlike sense of humour.
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These two have an adorable connection. Two of the best things you could find in a partner is someone you trust, and someone who makes you laugh. What Charlie and Alastor have goes beyond modern romance.
"Friendship is the foundation of any lasting relationship."
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diaviz · 4 months
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867 notes · View notes
asersaren · 5 months
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Seeing her.
603 notes · View notes
asersarensketch · 28 days
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Many kisses
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darkmantaiguer · 1 month
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Charlastor Family ( Hazbin Hotel )
353 notes · View notes
eyecan02 · 2 months
Alastor Analysis
Alastor's background regarding romance and sexuality goes all the way back to early drawings that depict Alastor crushing on Kay-cee.
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The story then moves on from a crush on Kay-cee to a full on relationship with Mimzy.
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It makes me wonder how Viv jumped from Alastor in a relationship to Alastor being ace. It feels like quite a wide leap. With Viv being the creator, I have nothing but respect for her but I feel like Alastor can still love/possibly do sexual acts while still keeping in character and looking out for #1.
I feel like while Alastor was alive, he leaned toward graysexual and this is why. I don't believe this man died a virgin. As we all know Alastor is from the 20s. He's in his late 30s/40s, meaning that it would've been uncommon for a man his age to still be unwed/unattached to someone. I'm sure he went on blind dates set up by his mom, and even occasionally slept with women in order to keep up appearances. He most likely did this in order to make his mother happy since any mother would've liked to have seen their child happily married.
And after Alastor became an overlord, the occasional sex probably didn't stop there, because Alastor is all about about keeping up appearances and deals. He definitely comes off as someone who would use sex as a means to and end. If a woman wanted to trade their soul in exchange for Alastor's protection and one night with him, I feel like Alastor wouldn't turn her down. It would be a decision that would end up leading to an increase in power for him. He just likely wouldn't kiss during the act.
Now finally onto Alastor's relationship with Charlie. From the beginning, we've all known that Alastor has his own agenda and reasons for involving himself with Charlie. He's a master of manipulation, knowing love is a powerful motivator (the way he manipulates Vaggie by making her feel bad about Charlie and the commercial) and also digging into Charlie's daddy issues.
It was clear that Alastor tried to play the boyfriend card to piss off Luci. It was only after Charlie introduced Vaggie that Alastor changed tactics and switched to the daddy card.
This means that Alastor would be willing to play any role to get what he wants from Charlie, whether the endgame is obtaining her soul or becoming her royal advisor or whatever. If Vaggie had been introduced in the pilot as a mere crush, Alastor would've caught onto the daddy issues quick and would've angled for a romantic role in Charlie's life since love and sex would be easy things for Alastor to manipulate (if my theory is right about him using sex as a means to an end).
I feel like this kind of materializes during the pilot with the way Alastor keeps pushing Vaggie out of the way, and how Vaggie seems jealous whenever Alastor impresses Charlie.
We don't know if this weird competition for Charlie's attention will persist between them as the series goes on considering that behavior was absent in season one. What's interesting is that the jealousy aspect switched from Vaggie to Alastor. The second Luci hugged Charlie, we're shown Alastor looking maliciously at Luci with his eye twitching in irritation.
What do we know about Alastor so far? He's an attention whore . He's used to being one of the strongest demon lords (at least from the pride ring) so suddenly not having attention, particularly Charlie's attention is making him act nuttier than usual.
Usually, it's hard for someone to be jealous without at least having some feelings toward the one they're feeling jealousy over. "Ah, an enjoyable collective to be around. I admit that one could get accustomed." This line is for the entire Hazbin gang, but also a real sign he cares for Charlie.
He can still have his own hidden agenda while caring about Charlie and being attracted to her. And he definitely is attracted to her. Calls her "charming and adorable". The constant touching.
Some might argue that that's just a part of Alastor's power play/dominance but he already knows that those types of moves don't intimidate Charlie. In fact, she never seems bothered at all when Alastor tries physically to get closer to her.
Also, the animators placing Alastor in Charlie's bed with both of them on a HEART pillow is insane. They know what they were doing. We see the way Alastor's hands possessively spider crawl up Charlie's shoulders and the way he grips her face.
And by the looks of it, Alastor seems to lust after Charlie's soul almost as much as his freedom. Viv has said that Alastor can't love anyone because he loves himself too much. Yet, she has also described Charlie as "Alastor's mirror".
The fact that they even made Charlie's color palette similar to Alastor's. Her hot pink jacket is almost a reddish color and they both wear bow ties. If Charlie is a reflection of Alastor then wouldn't that mean he does technically love himself by loving Charlie? He could be Charliesexual.
Not saying Viv will change her mind. She already chose her endgame. BUT what if Prime and Viv compromise and we get to have one sided Charlastor where Alastor admits to someone or even directly confesses his romantic love to Charlie herself (without actually trying to steal her from Vaggie)?
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musicalshipping · 4 months
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❤️💛Today's Daily Charlastor
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greatgaspiads · 29 days
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Somewhere Only We Know
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ambrioletteels · 3 months
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He can feel the slightest bare skin of her wrist on his and it’s driving him mad. He just thinks she’s D̶e̶l̶i̶c̶i̶o̶u̶s̶,̶ ̶E̶t̶h̶e̶r̶e̶a̶l̶,̶ ̶I̶n̶t̶o̶x̶i̶c̶a̶t̶i̶n̶g̶, neat. 🫣 Wait until he gets some ankle.
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saulgoodman369 · 3 months
I really need to compile all the times Alastor is watching Charlie in the distance, but there are so many 💀 here's a few:
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Alastor looks at Lucifer, looks at Lilith, then looks down at Charlie and grins wider.
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