#Mr. Butler’s Phryne
askwhatsforlunch · 1 year
Mr. Butler’s Phryne
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“Mr. Butler refilled his [Dr. John Wilson’s] glass. This friend of Miss Fisher’s was a war hero. He should have the best that the Fisher ménage had to offer. Who knew how many young men lived because of Dr. John Wilson? And nearly at the cost of himself. It was like Miss Fisher to think of a solution to a sniper in time to save a friend’s life. Bold but not really reckless.. Those ambulances had armoured sides.
Mr. Butler decided he should create another cocktail for her on the morrow. He would call it ‘Phryne’. Sour, certainly, with a lime juice base, perhaps, and... Cointreau? Cherry brandy? Noyau? This would require study.”
Like Mr. Butler, I like mixing and creating cocktails. And like Miss Fisher, I like sipping them, whilst lounging luxuriously. And Ava and I both adore the Melbournite sleuth dearly. In fact, on the very day we met --dear me, was it almost ten years ago?-- on a hot June day, she was watching an episode of the series, with the delightful Essie Davis playing the detective! Thus, it seemed only appropriate we began our (second) six months’ anniversary feast (delayed by a fortnight; but she wasn’t here a fortnight ago) last night with a couple of Mr. Butler’s Phryne!
Ingredients (serves 1): 
8 ice cubes
2 small, ripe limes
1 tablespoon Manuka Honey Syrup
2 teaspoons Cointreau
60 millilitres/2 fluid ounces (4 tablespoons) London Dry Gin
a dash Angostura bitters
Place ice cubes in a shaker.
Thoroughly squeeze the juice of both limes, and pour over the ice. Add Cointreau, Manuka Honey Syrup and Gin. Close shaker tightly, and shake energetically until well-chilled. 
Strain into a coupe glass and add a dash of Angostura bitters.
Repeat, serve your beloved, and toast to happiness with this beautifully sour Mr. Butler’s Phryne! Happy Friday!
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emiko-matsui · 11 months
sometimes a family isn't a mom, dad, and kid. sometimes it's a lady detective, a deceivingly badass catholic, a butler named mr. butler, two inseparable commie taxi drivers, a ruggedly handsome divorcee, a himbo, a lesbian doctor, a 14 year old kleptomaniac, and aunt prudence
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missfisherandjack · 2 months
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Miss Fisher: “Unfortunately I’m already known to the boxing troupe, but I’m sure you two can mingle without attracting too much attention.”
Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries (2012-2015) ↳ 2x04 Deadweight
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incorrect-miss-fisher · 11 months
Phryne: Don't go to the kitchen.
Mr. Butler: Why?
Phryne: I saw a spider.
Mr. Butler: Well, did you kill it?
Phryne: It has eight arms and I only have two, it's not fair...
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acrazyobsession · 7 months
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My 2024 MFMM Calendar is AVAILABLE!!
The past two years, I have done Phrack drawings, but this year I decided to get all the characters involved. You can find the calendar (and some of my other products) on Lulu.
These are the drawings for the cover, along with January, February, March, and April.
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Hugh, to Jack: Thanks, dad
Everyone: [Stares]
Hugh: Why is everyone staring at me?
Dot: You just called the inspector dad. You said, "Thanks, dad"
Hugh: What? No, I didn't! I said, "Thanks, man"
Jack: Do you see me as a father figure, Collins?
Hugh: No! If anything, I see you as a bother figure, 'cause you're always bothering me
Phryne: Hey! Show your father some respect
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phryneluvbot · 21 days
The Miss Fisher Chars React to Your Coming Out as Gay
Phryne: I also am a bit gay too, ask your aunt about europe. Oh, and I am proud of you love, mama is always here <333
Jack: I am grateful for knowing you are discovering yourself, and extremely delighted for sharing and entrusting me with such private information of who you are. As your father, I love you, I will always support you, and I will always want you to be happy. Just don't be like your aunt who doesn't hide her judgement on straight people
Dot: Me and your dad are very proud of you, and so is the great lord above, and we hope you can live your life to the fullest you can and keep that smile and sunshine of yours forever. We love you :)
Hugh: Like your mother said, we are proud of you and I totally won't need to repeat her speech haha... awkward smile
Cec and Bert: Congratulations on your coming out, comrade. We are very proud of you. Now, it is time for the revolution of the proletariat to start marching. Are you ready?
Mr. Butler: Congratulations, young master. May life cherish and bless you with the best it can bring out. Now, shall I ask Miss if we may organize a small party at the parlor to celebrate this conquest?
Aunt Prudence: passes out
Mac: Why saying I'm happy when I already knew it a long time ago, and always have been? I love you, kiddo... The only "kiddo" I will stand in my life, funnily enough. Now, want me to teach you how to get them all on their knees and begging for your love and attention? Oh, and don't tell your dad I've been doing it with his ex-wife.
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I love Bert's friendship with Auntie Prue so much
As well as his friendship with Phryne.
And I think I said it before but I believe Phryne and Bert also have couple potential. Not as much as her and Jack, but still. Maybe if she hadn't got rich and had met Bert.
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vorpalmuchness · 1 year
just saw the scene that convinced me to watch mfmm
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galadriel1010 · 1 year
Miss Fisher series 4 should open in Phryne's bedroom in the dark, all of the focus on her sleeping contentedly, then a knock at the door and Mr Butler calls out, "Sorry to wake you, but that was Constable Collins on the telephone. There's been a murder."
And then Jack's voice very quietly mutters "Damn" and he sits up, kisses Phryne's cheek and tells her to give him a head start, and she says "Always, darling" and he tells her that's a lie and he'll see her at the scene and to bring a Thermos.
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foxspirit1928 · 10 days
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Miss Fisher Snippets (194)
In S1E11, Phryne went undercover as Fern in the circus. Although Doreen the Snake Charmer was less than friendly toward her and ordered her to wash the dishes, for the most part she was left alone under Samson’s protection. She even got to return home every now and then to be pampered by Dot and Mr. Butler and talk cases with Jack.
In the book, Phryne/Fern was traveling with the circus for a period of time and actually had to manage on her own for a while. She learned to stand on a moving horse’s back as one of the chorus line riders. At the end, her cover was blown, and she got locked in the lion’s cage and almost lost her life. However, it’s not all gore and no glory. Our heroine solved the case and took on a lover (regrettably, not the handsome Samson) who was a clown and sang to her “Fern, Fern, makes my heart burn. Tell me, do you like me, Fern?” Judging by the steaming love-making scenes described by Kerry Greenwood, I dare say she liked him very much.
(Posted 25-May-2024)
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oldshrewsburyian · 8 months
For the "first line of a fic" prompt:
"Miss Fisher! Must we climb up so *quite* so high? Shouldn't we have... ropes, or more practical shoes at the very least?" Dot cried, without any real hope of persuading her target.
Ha! I appreciate the zeal that leads to three sentences here.
"Miss Fisher! Must we climb up so quite so high? Shouldn't we have… ropes, or more practical shoes at the very least?" Dot cried, without any real hope of persuading her target.
"Don't be a goose," replied Phryne Fisher, somewhat breathlessly. Gripping a cornice, she added: "You do have a point about the shoes."
Dot watched, mesmerized, as her employer worked her two-tone dancing pumps off her feet. She swallowed as they fell, one after the other, to the flowerbed below (Mr. Butler would have something to say about the scuffs on the leather.)
"Come along, Dot," said Miss Fisher cheerfully.
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emiko-matsui · 11 months
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missfisherandjack · 4 months
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“Her name was Daisy Miller.”
Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries (2012-2015) ↳ 1x10 Death By Miss Adventure
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Dot: That’s ridiculous. Constable Collins doesn’t have a crush on me.
Jack: Yes, he does.
Phryne: Yes, he does.
Doc Mac: Yes, he does.
Mr. Butler: Yes, he does.
Cec and Bert: Yes, he does.
Hugh: Yes, I do.
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allpartofthejob · 7 months
🎉 Phryne movie polls
We start with an easy question as a warm up:
Explanation & questions:
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