ghastlyhall0ws · 1 month
Mads. I hate being treated like a degenerate for enjoying Mihorona as a ship.
Listen— just because the whole father daughter thing is a head canon you like doesn’t make it canon. They’re both adults and neither are related to one another; don’t shame me for some moral high ground. ✌️
I feel like it’s Moria erasure too bc he is her canon confirmed father figure. Oda even confirmed it.
Mihawk met her when she was 23. Moria found her as a wee baby and raised her.
Plus it’s patronising to try and parent a grown woman. As a woman her age I’d be offended if some man who isn’t my father tried to parent me.
If Moria was conventionally attractive he wouldn’t be as forgotten about as a father figure :,)
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baaahphomette · 6 months
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No pickles!
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ghastlyhall0ws · 7 months
I’m a Perona looking for RP interactions, specifically with Mihawk. (Mihorona)
Literate (1-3 paragraphs)
❤︎︎ or DM if you're interested in plotting
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ghastlyhall0ws · 7 months
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Gecko Perona
Age: 23-30 depending on the timeline we are RPing in. Younger if it’s with Moria since he’s her papa 🥹
Birthday: June 7th is the day Moria found her as a toddler, so that’s just her “birthday”. Her original birthdate is unknown.
Height: 5’3
Devil fruit: Horo Horo no mi
HC heavy. Bio can be custom to change. Where she is in the plot line depends on the RP.
Perona was seemingly abandoned as a toddler by her biological family and found roaming the west blue by Moria. It’s equally plausible that her parents were captured by Celestial Dragons as slaves; regardless, it’s unknown how she wound up roaming the west blue unattended.
She was nonverbal up until she was 12, Hogback had to do cognitive speech therapy with her to get her to talk. (I HC this because her concept self was supposed to be silent. I also HC that she is autistic. Now she’s more noisy and it hurts her feelings when Mihawk criticises her for it because she now feels like she’s damned if she’s quiet and damned if she makes sound.)
Moria fed her Horo-Horo no mi to see if she could contact his late crew who died at the hands of Kaidou. (I HC she can contact spirits with her devil fruit).
At the age of 13, she joined Moria’s crew and has been an active pirate ever since. Throughout the years she’s gained skills such as combat, navigation, and medical knowledge. Her greatest skill of all however is necromancy and communication with spirits.
Her reason for leaving Thriller Bark wasn’t defeat — it was largely due to Absalom and his unsavoury treatment of women. (I HC that he’s tried to prey on her before. She hates him.)
After leaving, and after the news of Moria’s “death”, she got into a depressive state. She actually lets on far less than she truly feels deep down, which is unexpected, since she is rather flashy and flamboyant.
Currently she resides in Kuraigana, exchanging usefulness for a place to a stay. She spoils the humandrills because they’re so cute!…. And dangerous.
She has a phobia of cockroaches but loves other creepy animals.
She loves chocolate, wine, and bagel sandwiches.
She has several cats (as seen in the sangria art Oda made of her). She found them as strays around Kuraigana.
She seems sour but is sweet once you get to know her.
( I actually enjoy Mihorona as a ship and don’t see it as father and daughter, nor am I interested in infantilising her when she’s an adult. For the people who are going to shame me about a ship that I enjoy, please scroll. They’re both adults and not related to one another.)
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ghastlyhall0ws · 7 months
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My name is Mads, I’m 24, and I have ASD.
I’m a Marxist feminist who loves One piece, cosplay, art, animals, and history.
I follow back from @baaahphomette
Rule 0 Please tell me before hand if you have any triggers. I’d be more than happy to accommodate you and avoid said topics or tag them so you can black list them.
Rule 1 DO NOT INFANTALISE MY PERONA PLEASE‼️ it makes me uncomfortable when people do that probably because imo she’s ASD coded and ASD girlies get infantilised when we are grown women, we’re just “different” from neurotypical people. She’s not Mihawk’s daughter, she’s not a bratty little girl, she’s a grown woman. If some man who isn’t my father wanted to parent me at this age I’d find it extremely patronising and odd, I’d rather just RP them as friends/roommates/allies. I see people treat her like she’s 10 and it not only annoys me, but makes me uncomfortable. She’s 25. Please treat her like she’s 25. Thank you.
Rule 2 NO SHIPPING WITH -18 CHARACTERS! Maps, shota and loli DNI! Incest shippers DNI!
Rule 3- I’ve seen some people treat commonly held HCs as canon and be judgemental towards those with differing subjective opinions. Ex// I don’t really like the the goth family dynamic with Zoro, Mihawk, and Perona. I don’t see them as related, I see them as friends. Some people act like me enjoying Mihorona content means in some degenerate when I’m not 💀 I get that there’s an age gap like, but they’re non related adults. You don’t have to like my ships or agree with them but please be respectful about it. It hurts my feelings when I’m just enjoying harmless ships with my faves and people act like I’m disgusting for it. Don’t be that person please.
4 - This page is SFW focused. Ships are only with chemistry and NSFW is allowed but only with chemistry, please
5- I don’t plan on shipping unless we plot otherwise in the DMs or our characters have chemistry in the RP. With that being said, most Perona interactions aren’t shippy in nature.
6- Plotting before hand for RPs is preferred but not mandatory. If you’re a mutual, free to tag me in any starter you’d like or DM me whenever. I don’t mind at all, if anything I welcome it.
I don’t have any known triggers and I don’t mind dark themes, but again, please inform me beforehand if you do and I’ll make sure to avoid such topics or tag them ❤️
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