besidethepath · 28 days
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A trip to the North Sea with sightings of numerous waders
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thebearcametoo · 1 year
The Witcher: Blood Origin
It’s not great, in fact it’s terrible. But it’s enjoyable and beautiful and has great characters. They just have too much to do in 4 episodes.
It’s not a ‘so bad it’s good’ show. It has high production values, it looks great, it just doesn’t work narratively imho
I absolutely adore Éile. Sophie Brown is radiant and compelling and the songs are raw and beautiful and frankly believable in inspiring an uprising.
Fjall is an eejit who falls in love fast and hard and I absolutely ship them together.
Meldorf my beloved. There’s nothing so beautiful as a hammer wielding woman with blood on her face
The casting is great. I would happily watch the seven going on adventures but we didn’t get long enough with them and it was hard to care about everyone because of it.
The narrator seems like they realised there was too much going on and someone needed to explain. I know Jaskier is good fan service but I was pretty meh about him being here.
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lord-allo · 10 months
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Meldorfer Speicherkoog | Reservoir, polder nearby Meldorf
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andreabeyl · 1 year
Der @sv_hochdonn1948 sucht Verstärkung für die Damenmannschaft. Kontaktaufnahme erfolgt ausschließlich über die angegebenen Nummern
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Francesca Mills as Meldorf in Witcher: Blood Origin
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And I loved Witcher Blood Origin and not just because of Jaskier. I wasn’t sure after the first episode but I was hooked by the final episode.
Seeing how it all began, how it all ties into Ciri was fantastic.
I love the characters - Meldorf was an especial favourite but they were all interesting and fascinating. Really liked that Merwyn wasn’t just a evil empress but someone we could understand, even feel sympathy for, even perhaps see how we could go down the same path.
And Lark - Lark was wonderful. I love Lark. More Lark. Is the suggestion that somehow is an ancestor of Jaskier? I’d like to see them together somehow.
And Jaskier’s song at the end - The Song of the Seven. That’s a bloody incredible song of resistance. I love it.
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St. John the Baptist Church/ St. Johannis, Meldorf, Germany, 13th century
Photos: Heribert Bechen / wikimedia commons / CC BY 2.0
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moviemunchies · 1 year
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So, uh, that was… not good.
A couple of years back the team behind the Netflix adaptation of The Witcher announced that they were doing a prequel mini-series that tells the story of the Conjunction of Spheres (an important event in the backstory of The Witcher) and the creation of the first proto-Witcher. It was written and filmed as six episodes, but somewhere along the line it was cut down to four episodes, and after some reshoots it was finally released Christmas Day 2022.
The result is a disjointed mess. Let me start by saying the good things: the performances are good for what they are. The performers aren’t given much good material, but they’re doing well with what they have. None of the blame here lies with them, and at least a couple of them are pretty fun to watch on screen. I particularly liked Francesca Mills as Meldof. She’s clearly having a ball with her role.
Fight scenes are pretty good throughout. Not all of them are, insanely good, but they’re pretty good. Scian’s first fight scene is pretty awesome though, which is kind of what you’d expect from Michelle Yeoh. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed in the fight scenes if you decide to watch this series. Unless you’re expecting realistic tactics and strategy, but I’ve learned that you should never expect that from Hollywood.
I AM intrigued in how some of the characters in this will pop back up later. Eredin and Avallach appear here, and they’re important characters in the overall storyline of The Witcher. No, they’re not well-utilized here, but they’re not bad characters and I want to see them moving forward.
Other than that, though? This show feels like a SyFy Original Movie from back in the day. That’s not the worst thing, but it’s also very much not a good thing. When the narrator isn’t telling us obvious things, like counting for us every time someone joins the group of heroes, most of the character backstories are told to us through infodump conversations. So much of this story is just characters standing around talking. I’m supposed to be getting the idea of seven heroes standing up to and leading a revolution against a tyrannical empire (itself not a particularly inspired storyline, despite the series acting like it is), but it’s bogged down by so much talking and lack of interesting characters that it’s just… boring, most of the time?
It’s a shame because these are ideas that really could do with a great prequel treatment! How DID someone come up with the idea for making something like a Witcher? In the series, Syndril just decides somehow that using the heart of an extradimensional monster and bonding it to an elf will create a hardcore warrior who can kill monsters better? Or something?? It doesn’t make a lick of sense to me, especially since Syndril’s expertise seemed to be in hopping dimensions and artifacts, not biology. And then we finally get the Conjunction of Spheres at the end, which is an accident and seems to be more of an afterthought to the story.
And if you think it skimps on those major world-changing events, wait until we get to things like the love story between the two leads!
The story does absolutely nothing with the fact that none of its characters are human–aside from Meldorf, they’re all elves. Except the elves all act exactly like humans do in the main series, and the only indication that they’re not human is that they have pointy ears and refer to each other as elves. All the magic and wonder of their culture is just… absent, it seems. And apparently when elves had their golden age, they were exactly the same in their douchery as the humans who later took over the Continent, just to dwarves instead. It doesn’t feel like it’s leaning into the themes of the world as much as that the writers couldn’t think of anything unique to do with this story.
I am not a massive fan of The Witcher to begin with, though I do like it, but The Witcher: Blood Origin? It’s bad. It’s embarrassing, really. I don’t know if it would have been good had it been six episodes (I suspect not, because not every problem is a pacing issue), but I would like to think it would have been better. I sincerely hope that if there are more spin-offs they’re better than this.
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linafinsterwald192 · 1 year
So... Blood Origin, eh? (MAJOR SPOILERS)
Mixed feelings, here, honestly. Not chronologically:  What I liked:  1. Meldorf. A lesbian dwarf with a weapon she named after her girl? Not what I thought I needed in my life - I was WRONG. She is adorable, but can definitely pull her own, she is strong both mentally and physically, yet is allowed to cry and is treated just as much of a person as everyone else. Also, she was not reduced to “you’re so short!” jokes, which I, a short person, deeply approve of.  2. The gay couple - Eredin and Brian had such a strong connection in those few minutes that they spent together, they showed love and passion towards each other but also their own wants and concerns - Brian wants to accept the princess’ offer, given that he sees it as a big opportunity, while Eredin is wary, revealing that he doesn’t trust Merwyn further than he can throw her. Honestly, I felt like they had more of a connection than Fjall and Eile but maybe that is because they appeal to me more as characters, too? I don’t know.  3. How Eile was treated as a character. Her skincolour doesn’t matter, she is portrayed as just as much of a person with depth to her (loving Fjall, her strong relationship to Scian, her disrespect for Merwyn...) as everyone else. Similarly, other black characters were just as deep and interesting, had major roles in the show...  4. In general, I think this is representation done well and I was very excited to see that, especially since the movie doesn’t have LGBT/race etc. as a central topic - it’s so casual representation and I love it.  5. I’m bored to death with politics usually, but I did really like it in Blood Origin for some reason 6. I liked almost all characters 7. The sound of the monoliths being activated was so stupidly satisfying 8. The scene in which Merwyn and Fjall meet again - the mismatch of Merwyn wanting a child from him and Fjall being with a bunch of people ready to kill her was hilarious 9. The Black Rose being a constant theme, though a scene or two might have profitted from leaving it out, it did get a bit much after a certain point
What I disliked:  1. Fjall. I don’t know what it is about him but I was not feeling him at all. I also was not feeling the romance between him and Eile, which of course tained my overall perception of the story and made me like it less. Maybe someone else can tell me why I feel nothing towards him?  2. Why would they have Fjall just take the elixier without Eile’s consent when she volunteered for it first? Sounds a bit like betrayal 3. The names. I have to look up all of them and it’s annoying 4. Due to the Jaskier content outside of the show (statements, interviews...) I thought there’d be more of him in the show - I like how they implemented him, don’t get me wrong, but I did hope for more scenes with him, especially since he is one of the strongest connections to the show, a fan favourite and also barely appeared in the main show for an entire season. 5. Something was missing. I struggled with even saying I liked the show, despite the fact that I really do not have high standards, I watch movies and shows all the time and end up liking and praising them while apparently, they’re horrible on all accounts. I don’t know what was missing and what bothered me so much, but it was there.  6. The half-arsed attempt of humour. There was a background character trying to be funny, something with peaches? But they didn’t dare erase them to not be too somber but also didn’t put them into the foreground enough to actually make the show more somber. So glad they didn’t given Jaskier that treatment in the main show, it was honestly...disappointing.  7. I felt like a lot of moments didn’t get time to breathe - Fenrick (the mute woman) alledgedly meant a lot to Sage, but for me, it didn’t realy come through. Same with the moment in which Fjall revealed that there is not, in fact, a secret entrance. I’m not sure if that’s just my preference for slower shows speaking, but I did feel like that was a common occurence for me, which killed part of my enjoyment for the show. 
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horseweb-de · 19 days
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sierkscom · 2 months
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besidethepath · 26 days
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The Pied Avocet - another bird with a strange and unique beak
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apotheke-kaufen · 5 months
Cardio Balance Erfahrungen Schleswig Holstein ⚠️ Cardiobalance Schleswig Holstein Kaufen Apotheke
 ✅ Website Deutschland: https://de.cardiobalanceoriginal.com/?utm_source=135639 
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✅ Website Österreich: https://at.cardiobalanceoriginal.com/?utm_source=135451 Wenn Sie in Schleswig Holstein hier in Deutschland leben und mehr Informationen über den Kauf von Cardiobalance hier aus Schleswig Holstein wissen, sehen Sie sich dieses Video bis zum Ende an! 00:02 - Cardio Balance Erfahrungen 00:21 - cardio balance kaufen Schleswig Holstein 00:32 - cardio balance dm 00:46 - cardiobalance kaufen Schleswig Holstein 00:58 - cardiobalance kaufen 01:21 - geberich gmbh cardio balance Schleswig Holstein 01:41 - geberich gmbh cardio 02:03 - cardo balance 02:21 - geberich cardio balance 02:48 - cardio balance geberich Sehen Sie sich auch: https://youtu.be/0JELjKwl6HU Cardio Balance Nebenwirkungen? ⚠️ CARDIOBALANCE ⚠️ Geberich gmbh Cardio Balance Original kaufen https://youtu.be/y6n0aWi3nqQ Cardio Balance Erfahrungen ⚠️ Cardio Balance Stiftung Warentest ⚠️ Cardio Balance Test ⚠️ GEBERICH https://youtu.be/7RLZZHGiQrk Cardio Balance Apotheke ⚠️ Cardiobalance ⚠️ Cardiobalance Website ⚠️ DM ONLINE https://youtu.be/fJqeuV3RVIw teilen Sie: https://youtu.be/OvJ0ZR5tynE Cardio Balance Erfahrungen Schleswig Holstein ⚠️ Cardiobalance Schleswig Holstein Kaufen Apotheke Cardio Balance Erfahrungen Schleswig Holstein ⚠️ Cardiobalance Schleswig Holstein Kaufen Apotheke Cardio Balance Erfahrungen Schleswig Holstein ⚠️ Cardiobalance Schleswig Holstein Kaufen Apotheke cardio balance erfahrungen, cardio balance erfahrungen Schleswig-Holstein, cardio balance Schleswig-Holstein, cardio balance apotheke Schleswig-Holstein, cardio balance dm Schleswig-Holstein, cardio balance kaufen Schleswig-Holstein, cardiobalance kaufen Schleswig-Holstein, cardio balance, cardio balance stiftung warentest, cardio balance apotheke, cardiobalance, cardio balance dm, cardio balance nebenwirkungen, cardiobalance kaufen, cardio balance kaufen, cardio balance amazon, geberich gmbh cardio balance, geberich cardio balance, cardio balance Kiel, cardio balance Lübeck, cardio balance Flensburg, cardio balance Neumünster, cardio balance Norderstedt, cardio balance Elmshorn, cardio balance Pinneberg, cardio balance Wedel, cardio balance Ahrensburg, cardio balance Itzehoe, cardio balance Geesthacht, cardio balance Bad Oldesloe, cardio balance Eckernförde, cardio balance Rendsburg, cardio balance Husum, cardio balance Schleswig, cardio balance Reinbek, cardio balance Henstedt-Ulzburg, cardio balance Preetz, cardio balance Quickborn, cardio balance Heide, cardio balance Ratzeburg, cardio balance Mölln, cardio balance Tornesch, cardio balance Glückstadt, cardio balance Hohenlockstedt, cardio balance Barmstedt, cardio balance Bargteheide, cardio balance Kaltenkirchen, cardio balance Schwarzenbek, cardio balance Meldorf, cardio balance Brunsbüttel, cardio balance Lauenburg, cardio balance Bad Segeberg, cardio balance Wyk auf Föhr, cardio balance Kappeln, cardio balance Plön, cardio balance Rantzau, cardio balance Eckernförde, cardio balance Rendsburg, cardio balance Husum, cardio balance Schleswig, cardio balance Reinbek, cardio balance Henstedt-Ulzburg, cardio balance Preetz, cardio balance Quickborn, cardio balance Heide, cardio balance Ratzeburg, cardio balance Mölln, cardio balance Tornesch, cardio balance Glückstadt, cardio balance Hohenlockstedt, cardio balance Barmstedt, cardio balance Bargteheide, cardio balance Kaltenkirchen, cardio balance Schwarzenbek, cardio balance Meldorf, cardio balance Brunsbüttel, cardio balance Lauenburg, cardio balance Elbe, cardio balance Bad Segeberg, cardio balance Wyk auf Föhr, cardio balance Kappeln, cardio balance Plön, cardio balance Rantzau, cardio balance Kellinghusen, cardio balance Reinbek, cardio balance Büdelsdorf, cardio balance Aumühle, cardio balance Fehmarn, cardio balance Tönning, cardio balance Büsum, cardio balance Tellingstedt, cardio balance Wesselburen, cardio balance Heiligenhafen, cardio balance St. Peter-Ording, cardio balance Friedrichstadt, cardio balance Sankt Peter-Ording, cardio balance Eckernförde, cardio balance Rendsburg, cardio balance Husum, cardio balance Schleswig, cardio balance Reinbek, cardio balance Henstedt-Ulzburg, cardio balance Preetz, cardio balance Quickborn, cardio balance Heide, cardio balance Ratzeburg, cardio balance Mölln, cardio balance Tornesch, cardio balance Glückstadt, cardio balance Hohenlockstedt, cardio balance Barmstedt, cardio balance Bargteheide, cardio balance Kaltenkirchen, cardio balance Schwarzenbek, cardio balance Meldorf, cardio balance Brunsbüttel, cardio balance Lauenburg, cardio balance Bad Segeberg, cardio balance Wyk auf Föhr,
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lord-allo · 10 months
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Zwei künstliche "Inseln" als Nisthilfe für Seeschwalben, hier genutzt von Lachmöwen und Flussseeschwalben
Two artificial "islands" as nesting aid for terns, used by black-headed gulls and common terns
Chroicocephalus ridibundus, Sterna hirundo
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schorschidk · 1 year
In Meldorf steht Dithmarschens Dom
Größte Sehenswürdigkeit der Stadt unweit der Nordseeküste ist der imposante Dom. Ein Besuch des Burgenviertels lohnt ebenfalls.
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Kreis Dithmarschen
Community Reviews
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Cultural Routes
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Seine landwärtigen Grenzen sind seit den Zeiten Karls des Großen im Wesentlichen gleich geblieben. Die Landgewinnung hat jedoch die Größe von Dithmarschen fast verdoppelt, da dem Meer Land abgerungen wurde. Guter Schutz vor Wind und Seegang, guter Meeresboden und Halt, ein schöner Strand... Hier sind einige der besten Ankerplätze in der Region Dithmarschen basierend auf den Bewertungen der Navily-Community. 1434 schufen die föderierten Pfarreien eine zentrale Justiz, die sich zu einer Verwaltung mit 48 Regenten entwickelte, und 1447 wurden die Gewohnheitsrechte kodifiziert.
Richter und Geschworene waren für die Rechtsentscheidungen in den Kirchengemeinden zuständig.
Heute bildet sie eine Art künstliche Insel, umgeben von der Eider im Norden und dem Nord-Ostsee-Kanal im Osten und Südosten.
Die beiden wichtigsten Städte, Heide und Meldorf, wurden auf der sicheren Geest gebaut, aber direkt angrenzend an Marschland, wo die Menschen ihre Felder haben konnten.
Dies war der Vorbote einer Reihe feudaler Versuche, Gebiete freier Bauern zu unterwerfen, ein alarmierendes Signal für die Ditmarser und die freien Bauern in anderen Sümpfen der Gegend.
Eine Dithmarscher Kirche war nicht nur ein Sakralbau; Es war auch der wichtigste Ort für politische Treffen. Die Verwaltung geistlicher und politischer Angelegenheiten erfolgte durch dieselben Personen am selben Ort, so dass wenig Bedarf an repräsentativen Profanbauten entstand. Bis zur Eingliederung Schleswig-Holsteins in Preußen 1867 blieb das politische und religiöse Leben in Dithmarschen ungeteilt. Schließlich, am Weihnachtsabend, als die Schwarze Garde die Weser hinunter in Lehe eintraf, versuchte sie, in Wursten einzudringen. Die dortigen freien Bauern schlugen ihren Angriff jedoch am 26. Das Jahr 1559 wurde zu einem Schlüsseldatum für die Republik.
Community Reviews
1930, als diese alten Feindseligkeiten irrelevant geworden waren, wurde dieses Wappen in leicht unterschiedlicher Form sowohl von Süd-Dithmarschen als auch von Nord-Dithmarschen wieder eingeführt. Als beide Kreise 1970 vereint wurden, wurde das Wappen von Süd-Dithmarschen zum Symbol des neu zusammengeschlossenen Kreises. Die Tourismusbranche in Dithmarschen versucht, das touristische Angebot zu diversifizieren. Fitness und Gesundheit spielen im deutschen Leben eine immer größere Rolle, deshalb werden Wege und Straßen für Fahrräder und Inline-Skates gebaut.
File:Kreiswappen Des Kreises Dithmarschen Png
Die Dithmarscher Landschaft war lange von Kirchen geprägt. Die wenigen Burgen, die gebaut wurden, spielten nur eine untergeordnete Rolle und sind längst auf Erdarbeiten reduziert worden. Im Gegensatz dazu waren Kirchen nicht nur Symbole geistlicher, sondern auch weltlicher Macht. Die mittelalterliche Republik organisierte sich in Pfarreien ("Kirchspiele"), die sich auf Kirchen konzentrierten.
Meldorf und Brunsbüttel wurden erobert und von dort über die Tielebrücke und den Norderhamme nach Heide vorgestoßen, wo die entscheidende Schlacht geschlagen wurde. Drohte zu sterben, während Herzog Adolf das erlahmende Fußvolk zu mehr Mut aufstachelte und dabei von einem Speer schwer verletzt wurde. Die Ritter des Grafen von Oldenburg griffen jedoch die Flanke der Bauern an und der Sieg wurde vom Bündnis errungen. Die Leichen von 3.000 Bauern bedeckten das Feld und ihre Freiheit wurde zerstört.
Kernstück der langgestreckten, einschiffigen Kirche ist noch immer der Bau aus dem 15. Sein äußeres Erscheinungsbild wird von einem dreistöckigen Turm aus der Spätrenaissance dominiert, der 1724 von Johann Georg Schott hinzugefügt wurde. Jahrhundert überwiegend umgebaut wurde, ist im Inneren noch gotische Architektur aus den Jahren 1250 bis 1300 zu sehen.
Hartwig war aufgrund der Abgaben an Adolf III. Und der Soldatenbesoldung an Maurice I. In der Falle und konnte es sich nicht leisten, einen zweiten Krieg zu führen. Drei Sandbänke, Trischen, Tertius und Blauort liegen im Meer.
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