#Mariah amato
alastors-morningstar · 6 months
Heath and Mariah getting engaged might be the highlight of the end of 2023 for me
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mariahamatocloset · 2 years
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kumezyzo · 11 months
HI HOW ARE YOU!!!!!!! i hope you are having a good day :)))
i’m ngl i’m so soft for both but if i had to pick a favourite i would choose normal (?) reader idk i just looooove that but i also like him simping over a youtuber/streamer too ugh this is hard!!!!! what’s your favourite? :)
HIIIII!!! i had to babysit my veryyyyy younger cousins today so im a little worn but its fine 😅
i think ive personally thought about streamer reader so much more (cause im sick in the fuckin head) (and i lowkey dont think he wouldnt like me if he just ran into me or something 😭😭)
but i totally get what you mean!! normal (?) reader would obviously get a more private relationship and life. and the idea of people not having a pre-existing idea of reader when they announce their relationship so theres just more room for people going simply based on first impressions. i feel like they would a relationship similar to Heath Hussar and Mariah Amato (if youre not familiar with them please look up a compilation of them cause theyre so fucking cute istg. mariah wasnt famous at all and everyone, like, loved her instantly and fell in love with)
and also, with streamer reader, there would be so much content of the two before they start dating. i feel like with them, it would be a building relationship that people maybe dont see at first until the months leading up to them together. i have a feeling reader would have barely public relationships through the years but none of them sticking until our beautiful man 🥰. (or maybe not at all and people just saw how good of besties they were until they dated)
anywayyy, i just lowkey just wanted to gauge how many people prefer what while being extremely bored and thx for your opinion
much love -Nony
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soberloves · 4 years
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via @mariahamato
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siremurai · 3 years
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mix and match
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fanficimagery · 4 years
Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner [Part 2 of 2]
Summary: Imagine being the “baby” of the group. Now imagine celebrating your 21st birthday with the squad.
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Words: 3.5K Warnings: You guys peer pressured me into writing pt. 2! I swear I wasn’t going to write this, but well.. I had a little too much to drink New Year’s Eve and here you go. Sorry if it sucks. Sequels are never good.
Also.. this took an unexpected turn. I’m not even a sorry. 
Days before your party was to take place that your friends have planned for you, David calls you over to his house. You have nothing better to do, so you stop by to pick up some Chipotle before making your way over. Then when you get there, you're in the middle of kicking off your shoes when Natalie takes the food from your hands and Josh Peck rounds the corner. You've met him a couple of times, but it still blows your mind every time he addresses you.
"Alright, Baby, you should know the drill by now." He pulls a blindfold from his back pocket and your stomach drops. His smile widens at your nervous expression.
"Nooo." You whine, backing up for every step Josh takes in your direction. "Fuck you guys." You can hear David laughing, his laughter only getting louder as he rounds the corner with his camera. "You are not putting a scaly reptile on me. No. Fuck you, David."
"Baby!" He laughs. "Come on. Everyone but you has done it."
"I'm not about to die! I thought you guys wanted to party," you then pout at him. "Why do you hate me so much?"
"Dammit, Baby, just put the blindfold on!" Zane shouts from the other room.
"God I hate you guys."
"Lies." Josh gleefully blindfolds you when he realizes you're not going to fight it anymore, and then he ends up behind you with his hands on your shoulders to guide you. "Cheer up. You're gonna love this."
"Yeah? Well I'd probably love it more if I wasn't blindfolded and paranoid about instant death."
Your friends all laugh and then Josh guides you someplace, stopping where they want you. They tell you all who is present- David, Natalie, Josh, Heath, Mariah, and Zane- and your anxiety only rises as you can hear gasping and shushed giggling.
"Okay so what you're going to do," David starts to explain, "is hold your arms out at your sides. Then we'll guide your arms from there."
"If I get bit or attacked or whatever, you're dead, Davie."
He giggles. "You're not going to get attacked."
You immediately wrap your arms around yourself, stepping back at the unfamiliar voice. "Nope. Not doing it. You heard Stranger Danger, there's a possibility that whatever you're surprising me with will attack me."
Everyone laughs, but then Mariah's soothing, trusting voice pipes up. "Come on, Baby. Trust me when I say there's nothing to worry about." She grabs your hands and spreads your arms out. "Now just breathe and let it happen."
You groan but then go as lax as you possibly can. One moment everything is good and then next small, thin arms are being placed around your neck. You immediately tense, fisting your hands tightly. "No, no, no. Fuck you guys. What is that?" A heavy weight then settles against your chest and stomach, and your friends grab your arms. "Get it off. David, get it off." Your friends start cackling.
"Baby." Heath chuckles. "Open your hands. You need to cradle it."
"Fuck off, Heath. You cradle it!" Someone snorts, but then they're prying your hands open and making you cradle whatever is hanging around your neck. "I'm gonna die. This is it. This is how I go out."
"If it bites you, you get to bite David," Natalie says, giggling.
Whatever they've made you hold has really course hair and you're super uncomfortable. But then the blindfold comes off and after letting your eyes readjust to the room lighting, you look down into the face of.. a sloth.
"Oh my god." Your eyes immediately tear up. "Oh my god! This is- it's a-"
"Surprise!" David laughs. "We know you've always wanted to hold one, so.."
"Oh my god. I love it so much." You nuzzle the sloth with your nose, silently crying as your friends all laugh. The caretaker- whose name is apparently John- hand feeds the animal grape halves. "It's so cute."
"That is honestly the ugliest animal I've ever seen," Zane says, shaking his head.
"I honestly can't believe you're crying," Mariah says. "I knew you'd love it, but not this much."
"You're lucky this isn't a baby otter. I'd be a blubbering mess if it were."
"Dammit!" David remarks. "I knew I should have gone with the otter."
You smile, using one hand to support the sloth's bottom while you run your other hand up and down it's back. "If you get me one of those baby wrap carriers, we can strap the sloth to my chest and I'll walk around in public telling everyone who stares that it's inappropriate to stare at my really hairy baby and will likely make him grow up with insecurities."
David laughs, beaming. "Let's do it."
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The day of your party, you're in the middle of an outfit crisis when Matt shows up and tosses a bag at you. "The boys voted and they do not want an outfit repeat of your actual birthday." You snort as the blonde chuckles. "So we all got together and put together an outfit for you."
"Oh no." You groan and start to dig through tissue paper in the bag. "You guys probably chose footie pajamas or something." Then pulling out a black long sleeve crop top and a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, you grin. "Oh. I can work with this."
He chuckles. "You're welcome." Matt then follows you into your room, he lounging on your bed as you gather undergarments for your shower. "Don't dawdle in there, Baby. We gotta be at David's in an hour."
"Yeah, yeah. I know."
          - X - X - X - X - X -
When you show up to David's, you let them go through with the show of blindfolding you and escorting you inside. The party is not a surprise, but David's viewers don't know that so you film it as if it were. But really, the surprise you show as your friends all pop black and gold confetti blasters when you enter the living room is genuine.
"Oh thank god," is the first thing Heath says when he hugs you. "I was nervous you wouldn't agree to our outfit and we'd have to slap Todd and Ilya upside the head all night for staring."
You laugh. "You boys really need to stop being overprotective."
"What's going to happen when I decide to date?"
"We'll get Jeff to kick his ass."
"Shut up."
You make your rounds hugging every one of your friends in the room, letting David then lead you to the back yard. Three very attractive fire dancers greet you, they putting on a performance that leaves your jaw dropping open in awe.
"Here. Hold this. I wanna try," David says. He passes over his camera and asks for one of the large wooden batons, he then twirling the flaming stick almost expertly. Almost.
You video him, grinning. "Hey, Davie, stick to your day job and let the fire dancers have their baton back."
He laughs. "You're so mean to me, Baby."
"It's only because I adore you."
           - X - X - X - X - X -
You take shots with everyone, you letting them serenade you with an awful rendition of Happy Birthday and then nurse a bottle of Corona with a wedge of lime shoved down the bottle's neck.
You grind with the girls, singing and laughing and letting them keep you hydrated in between all the alcohol the boys keep pushing on you.
Jeff and Todd take turns herding you into a corner when they catch you dancing with the opposite sex, David giggling as he records the guys standing on either side of you with their arms crossed over their chests while they stare down other males.
Soon enough you end up back at David's side, sipping some water and smiling tiredly at his camera.
"Having fun, Baby?"
"Duh." You hip check him. "I always have fun when you're involved."
David giggles and presses closer to you, he angling the camera so it catches the both of you. Then addressing his would-be viewers, he says, "So I know I already surprised Baby with a sloth, but there was another present that I just couldn't pass up when the opportunity presented itself."
"What? David, no! You've already done so much for me."
A familiar tune that you know all too well because it's by one of your favorite artists starts to play, but you don't pay it much mind. David, however, merely beams at you and points the camera directly in your face, and laughs with the tip of his tongue stuck between his teeth.
Familiar words are then sung, but you're too caught up in a staring competition. After a few more moments, your mind recognizes that the music doesn't sound like the album version. It sounds live.
"And all the kids cried out, please stop you're scaring me. I can't help this awful energy. Goddamn right you should be scared of me. Who is in control?"
Your brow furrows and then widen, and your head turns so fast that David cackles. "DAVID!" You then whip around to stare at your friend. "Fuckin' Halsey?! What the fuck!?"
"Surprise! Happy birthday, Baby." Your expression crumples and he laughs some more. "Don't cry!"
"Shut up, you asshole. This is all your fault." You step closer to him, shoving your face into the side of his neck as your arms wrap around his waist in a hug. "You're seriously the best, bub."
"I know. Now go have fun. Mariah looks seconds away from having an aneurysm. No one, other than Natalie, knew I got Halsey to come here."
Stepping away from him, you sniffle some as your teary eyes meet his. "I adore you, Dobrik. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."
"I adore you too."
David watches as Baby joins the crowd, singing along with Halsey and just enjoying her time. As he records from afar and looks for any of his friends acting like fools, Jason sidles up to him.
"Halsey, huh? So when are you going to tell Baby you're in love with her?"
"What?! I'm not.. in love with Baby." David looks at Jason, hands holding his camera to his chest. At his best friend's expression, David's smile falters. "Come on, man. It's Baby. I'm not about to ruin anything between us."
Jason shakes his head. "How do you know it'll end up in ruins? Baby could be the one you're with for a very long time."
David shrugs. "It's Baby. None of us are good enough for her."
Jason watches as his young friend looks back out at the girl he obviously adores, he sighing and clamping down on David's shoulder. "For what it's worth, she looks at you the same way you look at her. You never know how something will pan out unless you give it a try."
As Jason walks away, David stares one last time at Baby before moving on to film the boys. There's just no way he can chance what he has with Baby.
But that doesn't mean his friends won't do it for them.
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A few days later and it feels like you're still recovering from your party. David has surprisingly uploaded the video of your sloth surprise and the party, and you can't believe how many times he caught you saying fight me, you little bitch every time someone attempted to take your drink away or annoyed you. Natalie, Ilya, and Jonah were the unlucky three, they being the ones you attempted to fight when you weren't occupied by someone else.
It's nearing ten in the morning when your phone dings with an email, and since you're in between jobs and waiting to hear back from a few places, you immediately open it. Only the email is from Natalie and you're confused as to why she's emailing you instead of texting.
[Hey Baby, attached is some unedited video footage I thought you should see. David might actually kill me, but then again he might thank me. Both of you will. Text me when you're done.]
Clicking on the link attached, you watched the footage Natalie thought so important for you to see. It's of your party and the moment David surprised you with Halsey. You have to pause the video when the adoration shining in David's eyes catches you off guard, and you spend a couple of minutes just thinking what if. Your crush on David had completely caught you off guard and you blame those damn diamond studs he pierced his ears with on Black Friday. But David is David and you're you, and there's no possible way you can ruin that.
Hitting play on the video, you watch the rest in shocked silence. David zooming in on your ecstatic expression, Jason coming up to him and claiming David being in love with you, and David not denying it.
"Holy shit." Exiting out of the video, you bring up your texting app and create a new group chat. Heart now hammering, you text out a 911 to Natalie, Corinna, Mariah, Kristen, Carly, Erin, and Suzy. You tell them to meet you at a local cafe where they serve some great brunch and then hurriedly throw on some clothes nearly suitable for public.
You need to talk about this video clip as soon as possible.
           - X - X - X - X - X -
Sitting in the cafe with an iced coffee and a half eaten breakfast sandwich, you anxiously await the arrival of your girls. Natalie is the first to get there, she grinning knowingly as she goes to place her own order before taking a seat at the table with you.
Carly, Erin, and Suzy all show up together, followed by Corinna, then Mariah and Kristen. The girls are all eager to know what's going on, but Natalie takes charge and tells them to order what they're going to order before getting down to business.
So while the girls all settle down, you sit there with your right knee bouncing anxiously under the table and front teeth clamped down on the straw of your drink.
"Okay so what's going on?" Kristen wonders.
Natalie smirks as everyone slowly digs into their brunch and you can't help the following words that leave your mouth. "I'm in love with David."
Corinna swallows wrong and chokes on her bite of food, and Suzy cackles at the following that takes place.
"I knew it!" Mariah points a finger at Natalie. "Didn't I tell you?"
Carly and Erin exchange money, Carly clearly the victorious one in whatever bet they had going on.
"What the hell brought this on?" Corinna finally asks, sipping on her orange juice.
"It's all Natalie's fault!" You then blurt. As all gazes dart to your friend, you slump in your seat with a small sigh. "She sent me a video clip that David cut out from the final product of his latest vlog. Jason confronts him about telling me he's in love with me and David- well he doesn't deny his feelings."
"So what are you going to do about it?" Mariah asks.
You shrug. "I don't know! On one hand I kind of want someone to tell David I like him and see if he makes a move, but on the other I agree with David. Why ruin what we already have by trying for something more?"
Erin smiles sadly. "I get that you're scared, but what if by being scared you're ruining any chance of happiness with David? We're young, Baby. This is the time to fall in love, make mistakes, and fall in love again. But who knows, maybe falling in love with David isn't a mistake? Give him a chance, Baby. I think I speak on behalf of everyone here when I say we're rooting for you."
"Do it, Baby," Corinna says. "It's about time that boy gets some action."
This time it's your turn to choke and the girls all laugh at your misfortune. "I hate you." Then looking at Natalie, you ask, "Was anyone else at the house?"
"Nope. David was just lounging in his room and going through footage for his second channel."
"Okay. Okay," you then say again after taking a moment to think. "Everyone steer clear of David's. I think me and him need to have a chat."
           - X - X - X - X - X -
Showing up to David's with some In-N-Out, you call out for him once you enter and kick off your shoes.
"In my room!"
You nervously make your way towards David's bed, smiling when you see him sitting up against the headboard and his laptop cushioned on his lap. "I bring good food."
His own smile brightens as he sets his laptop aside, he making grabby hands for the bag in your hand. "You are the best, Baby."
"Duh. Now make some room. We need to talk."
"Uh oh. This sounds serious."
"It is," you chuckle. "Somewhat. Don't worry, bub. You're not in trouble."
"Oh. Okay then."
As you plop down on the empty side of David's bed, you pull one of his pillows into your lap and take your phone out of your back pocket. David digs into his food and you bring up the video Natalie had sent you.
"So what'd you want to talk about?" He asks after eating half his burger.
"Now don't get mad or shut me out," you start, anxiously biting the bottom corner of your lip, "but I kind of want to talk about this." You hit play on your phone and watch David's expression slowly fall as he realizes what you have.
"Baby," he sighs. "I can explain."
"It seems our friends really want us together." David cleans his hands off on a napkin as you then admit, "You do know Natalie wouldn't have showed me this unless my feelings were mutual. Right?"
"Natalie is- wait, what?"
David's head whips in your direction, gaze darting over your expression for any sign of deceit. "Apparently we both suck at hiding our feelings if our friends were able to figure it out and push us towards each other. Carly and Erin even had a bet going."
He laughs. "Goddammit."
"This is really awkward for me, in case you can't tell," you say, nervously plucking at invisible lent on his pillow. "I'm terrible at admitting my feelings and talking about them, but yeah. I like you too. A lot."
"And it's all because of those damn earrings you put in your ears on Black Friday. I was fine being your friend and then BAM! You get your ears pierced and I'm suddenly wanting to climb you like a-"
"Baby!" David laughs some more, startling you. "You're rambling."
"Don't be. It's really adorable."
When you meet his gaze, you can't help but blush under his adoring stare. You groan, chuckling, and scoot down in his bed until you're flat on your back and pulling the blanket over your face. "God why am I so awkward?"
"Hey, we're both awkward." You can feel David shifting, he maneuvering himself so he's laid out beside you, supporting his weight on one elbow as he slightly leans over you. Then pulling the blanket off your face, he says, "We can be awkward together. That is if you want."
You stare up at him, gaze darting over every inch of his face. His smile falters, but you reach up and gently brush his hair out of his eyes. "I kind of really want," you tell him. "Promise that if things don't pan out, we'll still be friends?"
"We'll always be friends, Baby," he muses. "Always. Now can I at least kiss you before you start talking about us not working out?"
You laughing sets off David laughing, and you have no idea where the sudden burst of confidence comes from that has you leaning up and pressing your lips against his. All talking ceases and your heart swells when David pushes you down onto the bed in order to lean further over you.
Then after a few moments of testing the waters, he pulls back and gulps. "I think we can work with this."
"Mhm. Definitely." You agree. David snorts and you gently push him away. "Now finish your food so we can nap. I woke up early and then had one hell of a morning, and I kind of just want to cuddle you."
He mockingly gasps. "What will the others think?"
"Screw the others," you huff. "I'm pretty sure the girls all texted the boys by now, but I told the girls to steer clear of the house. Lets get as much sleep as we can before the boys show up and grill you about corrupting me."
Expression slowly crumpling, David collapses on the bed next to you. "Fuck. They're going to have a field day with this."
"Yep." Snuggling down, you pull the blanket up to your chin and close your eyes.
"Is it too late to book a flight somewhere and just enjoy us before they start messing with me?"
You giggle. "Buck up, bub. It won't be so bad."
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disguisedsquad · 3 years
✨ Heath & Mariah ✨
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I Love You (D.D)
Warnings : swearing, mentions of drinking
Plot : David created a montage of his relationship with the reader. Honestly just some real cute fluff.
Word Count : 1667
“Hey, do you mind watching this before I post to see if it makes sense?” David asked, handing me his laptop and pressing play.
           “I love you.” I playfully hit David, telling him to stop. But he shook his head and said it again. I just rolled my eyes and smiled at him. “I love you.” He said for a third time and planted a kiss on my cheek. I just grabbed his face in my hands and stared into his eyes before placing a kiss on his nose. His smile widened. I wanted to tell him in that moment that I loved him too, but I couldn’t.
           “Well if it isn’t an angel coming to grace me with her presence!” He exclaimed as I approached him at his party. “How you doing, beautiful?”
           “I’m doing well.” I smiled, looking up at his smiling face behind the camera. It never bothered me, because he never included these moments in the vlogs, saying he wants them to show our future children how we fell in love. “I was hoping you could watch my drink while I go to the washroom.”
           “I’ve been waiting for this day!” He chuckled, taking my drink with his free hand. I remember Natalie telling me how he put the camera down to better protect my drink seeing as the party got more out of hand than he originally expected, and didn’t want to take any chances, especially when it came to me.
           “Did you want to run some errands with me?” I asked David, giving him my best puppy dog eyes. He jumped up from the couch and draped his arm across my shoulders as we walked to his car. I couldn’t help but giggle at how excited he seemed.
           “I love doing this kind of shit with you.” He said.
           “We’re just picking up some groceries and getting my meds.” I giggled.
           “It feels like we’re a married couple.” He just beamed. We pulled into Target, and he grabbed his camera from the dash and continued to film me as we walked around, grabbing this things I needed. “You know this would look really cute on you.” I braced myself for the worst, but when I turned around, he was holding a really cute sundress.
           “It’s pretty.” I replied as he put it into the cart. “David, you know I can’t splurge like that.” He took a few steps closer, so he was beside me again.
           “Who said you were paying?” I rolled my eyes but didn’t bother to fight knowing there wouldn’t be a point. I looked down to my outfit, realizing I was wearing that exact dress and smiled to myself.
           “Why do you always film me if you don’t use it in the vlogs?” I turned around, walking backwards now, and asked David who was just beaming behind the camera.
           “Because you’re the love of my life. I want to keep these moments forever.” I tripped over my own two feet and David rushed to catch me.
           “What did you say?” I asked after he got me back on my feet. I looked up into eyes, searching for any sign he was kidding.
           “You’re the love of my life.” He repeated, a more serious look on his face. I smiled and looked down to my feet. My heart was racing when he said that. I wanted nothing more than to just kiss him in that moment, but I didn’t.
           “Hey, guess what?!” I said to David as we were driving around, listening to music. He turned the music down and urged me to go on. “I love you.” His eyes went wide as he looked between me and the road, causing me to laugh.
           “What?” He finally said, and I just smirked and shrugged my shoulders. “Oh you’re cruel!” He joked as he wagged his finger at me. I smiled remembering this moment. The moment I decided to stop denying the fact that I was absolutely in love with my best friend.
           “Why don’t you ever prank Y/N?” Zane whined as he was being blindfolded. Everyone else just kind of chuckled.
                   “Because I love her.” He said nonchalantly, quickly looking over at me and smiling. I just rolled my eyes and watched the chaos unfold. It was the first time he admitted his love for me in a vlog, and fans were really surprised, thinking we’d been hiding a relationship from them all this time. David ended up tweeting not dating, just in love with her :) which caused even more of an uproar.
           “One date, Dobrik. Make it count.” I told him after he dropped me off at my apartment. I watched as a smile broke out on his face and he ran back to his car.
           “Y/N just told me I could take her out on a date, and this is my one chance to show her my love for her won’t fade if we start dating.” He spoke into the camera. “And I know exactly how I’m going to do it.” I giggled at the footage I had never seen before.
           “My love.” He said as he held my apartment door open for me. My mouth dropped when I looked around, seeing my living room turned into a fort with fairy lights strung up around it.
           “When did you do this?” I asked, turning to look at him.
           “After you fell asleep in my bed, I snuck out and did all this.” I wrapped my arms around his neck, giving him the biggest hug I could. “Come on! Look inside!” I smiled and crawled into the fort, seeing my favourite snacks and movies lined up. Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked back at David.
           “You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” I told him truthfully. My walls had completely crumbled after that night. There was no point in hiding the fact that I would never love anyone like I loved my best friend.
            “So, how was that for a first date?” David asked the next morning as we were cuddled inside the fort.
           “Perfect.” I answered honestly.
           “So doesn’t that mean I get date number 2?” I just nodded. David smiled and placed a small kiss to the top of my head. “God I just love you so much.” He whispered just loud enough for me to hear.
           “I love you too, David.”
           “I’ll never tire of hearing that.” He had stopped recording after that and played me saying I loved him over and over. I told him he could just ask me to say it again if he really loved hearing it that much. He told me he wished he had gotten that on camera which caused me to playfully slap him.
           “The people need to know Y/N!” David exclaimed. I turned away from my conversation with Carly and looked over to David who was dressed up in a suit and tie, holding my favourite flowers and a box of chocolate.                
                           “What do the people need to know, David?” He walked over to where Carly and I were sitting, standing directly in front of me now.
           “Will you be my girlfriend?” I looked to Carly who just nodded, tears in her eyes as well as mine.
           “Yes, David, I will be your girlfriend.” If only the camera could have caught his smile. I’d watch that over and over.
           “Tell the people what’s going on.” David said as we drove to his family’s house.
           “We’re in Vernon Hills. And I’m officially meeting David’s family as his girlfriend instead of his friend.” I smiled and grabbed his hand in mine. “And I look really calm but honestly I’m super nervous!” We pulled up to the house and David just smiled over at me.
           “They already love you, Y/N, don’t worry about it!” He leaned in to give me a quick kiss.
           “I love you.” I whispered to him.
           “I love you so much more.” We got out of the car and went inside the house. His mom greeted both of us, saying it was so nice to see us after all this time. We said our hellos to everyone before David gathered them together in the living room to break the news. “Y/N is my girlfriend.” He told them as he laced our hands together.
           “Oh it’s about damn time!” Ester exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air. “He’s been obsessed with you since he met you.” She directed towards me and I just giggled. The rest of the family seemed just as happy, which filled me with joy. We spent a week with everyone, and they were just as welcoming and kind to me as the first time, as if nothing changed.
           “Do you think it’s time the fans know it’s official?” David asked, filming the two of us cuddled up on the couch, watching tiktok’s on my phone.
           “David is officially mine!” I replied, leaning up and giving him a quick kiss.
           “I love you.” He chuckled. If we thought the uproar from before was insane, this was utter chaos!
           “We’ve been through a lot together.” David’s face came on screen, ending the montage of our love story. “And I’m happy I was able to show you that I would love you label or no label. When I met you, I knew you would be important to me, I just didn’t know how important until I fell in love with you. We’ve had an amazing 3 years together, and my love for you only continues to grow. So Y/N, will you marry me?” I turned away from the screen, seeing David kneeling on one knee, a velvet box opened in his hand, showing an absolutely beautiful ring. “Well?” I nodded as the tears began to fall. He took the ring from the box and slid it on my finger before pressing a kiss to my lips. “I love you 3000.” I giggled at the reference.
           “I love you 3000.”
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jeffwittekrepost · 4 years
Stop what you’re doing right now and watch the cuteness overload🥰🥰
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mariahamatocloset · 2 years
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hauntinglover · 5 years
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via @mariahamato 
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graysgod · 4 years
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Doll - Jeff Wittek x Shy!Reader
⚠️ Warning: almost smut, age gap
You walked into David’s house seeing everyone waiting to go to Saddle Ranch. Carly, Erin, Nat, Mariah, and Corinna were chilling in the kitchen while the boys were lounging around in the living room.
“Hey y/n, we’re still waiting for Jeff and Todd and then we’re heading out” Erin said while smiling as you walked towards the kitchen where the girls were. You just nodded in response as the thought of Jeff made your stomach twist.
Your guy’s relationship is... complicated to say the least. He was definitely flirty, and you knew it wasn’t just for the vlog because he did it when you two were alone as well. The way he spoke to you made you nervous. He was so sure of himself and you were the opposite as you were so inexperienced with guys, not to mention the fact that he was nearly ten years your senior. You could tell that he got off on the fact you were so shy with him, with everyone really, it’s a miracle that you even became friends with this group.
You were listening in on the girls conversation, not really adding much when Jeff and Todd walked in. “Party’s here baby!”, Todd yelled as they came in the front door. “Finally”, David said standing up heading towards the door. As everyone followed suite, Jeff stayed back waiting for you to reach him. As you got closer to him he smiled, “Hey doll, lookin good damn” he said over exaggerating his New York accent. You turned red, rolling your eyes. “Thank you Jeff,” you mumbled looking down. He just chuckled putting his arm around you, leading you out the door. You looked in the mirror in the walkway behind Jeff’s back to check your outfit. You were wearing black ripped jeans and a pink camisole crop along with black heels. You had to admit you and Jeff looked good together.
You climbed into the passenger seat of Jeff’s car, Heath, Mariah, and Todd getting in the back. As soon as you were seated and buckled Jeff put his hand on your thigh. He did it every time and every time it sent tingles up your spine... and somewhere else as well. You look over at him, but he was “focusing” on pulling out of the driveway. He knew what he was doing the fucker.
The night was the same as any other, Zane and Natalie getting too drunk to handle and David filming it. You drank a little and danced with the girls, you felt Jeff’s eyes on you from the bar the whole time. He always did that since he didn’t drink and you always felt safe knowing he was watching over you. You got tired from dancing, so you headed over to Jeff.
You had a little more to drink tonight than you usually did, so you were feeling confident. You approached Jeff, “Hello Jeffrey”, you said making eye contact with him. But you didn’t wait for his answer as you got distracted ordering another drink from the bar. He game up behind you, putting his hands on either side of you resting on the bar. He whispered in your ear, “Your dancing was something doll”. That confidence you had was coming back and you did something you never expected to do.
You rubbed your ass against him. He was shocked, gasping and grabbing your hips to keep you flush against him.
“Your gonna wish you didn’t do that doll”
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tiddytoddy · 4 years
I would kill a man for a new david dobrik vlog
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siremurai · 3 years
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mv filming
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fanficimagery · 4 years
Summary: Imagine keeping a secret from your friends, but when you’re in need of a favor.. that secret you’ve guarded is now out.
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Words: 2.9K Warnings: Cancer. The holidays have got me thinking about my mom and I just want to give someone the happy ending my mom never got.
Curled up on the sofa, no amount of TV has been able to distract you. It's been about a month since you've started chemotherapy and as warned your hair has slowly started to fall out. You had bawled earlier that morning when you noticed it, and then tried to distract yourself by binge eating and watching rom-coms. Unfortunately it didn't work.
Sighing, you pick up your iPhone to check the time. It's just after four in the afternoon and without second guessing yourself, you scroll through your contacts until you land on one name in particular. You're not as close to him as you are to others in your friend group, but you do trust him. So after quickly composing a text, you hit send on it and hope for the best.
[Hey, Jeff. When you have a free moment, can we talk?]
Surprisingly it doesn't take long for him to reply.
[I'm actually in neighborhood. Wanna grab a bite to eat?]
[Yeah. That's fine.]
[I'll text you when I'm outside.]
With your stomach in knots, you get up and quickly make yourself decently presentable for the public. You take two edibles that had been prescribed by your doctor when the nausea and anxiety became too much, and pray that you can keep your food down when out with your friend. Jeff soon texts and you quickly pocket some money, your phone, and your keys before leaving out the front door.
Then settling into the front passenger seat of Jeff's vehicle, you flash him a tired grin. "Hey, how's your day been?"
"Boring." As Jeff pulls away from the curb, you buckle yourself in and then try to sit as still as possible. "Had to film an ad for Old Spice, but that was over and done with surprisingly fast. How was your day?"
"Honestly? It's been a shit day," you say, chuckling softly. "It's kind of why I wanted to talk to you."
"Uh oh." He glances between the road and you. "This can't be good."
"You have no idea how right you are." Sighing, you then say, "I'm not sure I want to tell you right now. It's kind of an appetite killer and I already took two edibles."
Jeff frowns. "Edibles? I didn't know you were into that."
"I'm not, but they were prescribed by my doctor."
"Doctor? What the hell is going on, Y/N?"
"I'm sorry." Wringing your hands together nervously, you then meet Jeff's stare after he's pulled off into a gas station parking lot. "I'm sick. I didn't want to tell anyone until I absolutely had to and this morning I realized I was going to have to start because I need to ask you for a favor."
"Y/N," he starts, "the only time someone is prescribed edibles is when-"
"-when someone has cancer. When the chemo becomes too much and the patient can't keep food down."
Jeff's eyes close as he deeply exhales. "Jesus." A moment of silence passes and then, "what's this favor?"
"I need you to shave my head."
"During chemo, hair starts falling out anywhere between two to four weeks. It's been a little over five for me and I noticed it falling out this morning."
He gulps. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah." Your voice wobbles and tears fill your eyes, but you're quick to wipe them away before they fall. "I don't want to go to a stranger for this. This is really personal and I would rather the person shaving my head be someone I trust."
"Then yes. I'll do it." You smile, but you can't help the tears. "Christ, Y/N, come here." Jeff opens his arms for a hug and you unbuckle your seatbelt so you're able to hug him over the center console. "You know you're gonna have to tell everyone. And soon."
"I will. I kind of have an idea of how I want to tell them, but you'd have to agree to it."
Pulling out of the hug, Jeff grins. "Okay then. We'll talk details over dinner because I'm sure you're starting to feel really hungry."
"I am." Jeff chuckles and then starts to drive. On the road to the chosen restaurant , you finally say, "Thanks, Jeff."
"Don't even mention it. I will always be there for my friends." He flashes you that dimpled smile of his and for a moment you feel like you can breathe again.
Letting someone in on this secret of yours feels like a weight has been lifted off your chest.
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"So are you gonna tell me why we're doing a special edition of Jeff's Barbershop in my living room?" David wonders.
Zane and Heath are helping Jeff setup, pushing back the furniture and laying down some plastic so hair doesn't get caught in the carpet.
"You'll know soon enough."
"Can you at least let us know whose hair you're cutting?" He then asks.
Jeff sighs. "You'll know soon enough, man." David frowns, and Heath and Zane suddenly look interested in Jeff's vague answers. "Just- no jokes. Alright? This is going to be pretty serious."
"Jesus. What the hell is going on?" Zane nervously chuckles, attempting to cut the tension. It doesn't work.
"Okay. Well who's all coming?" David asks.
"Mariah, Erin, Carly, Y/N, Natalie, Jason, Todd, and Matt. Everyone else couldn't make it, so we'll call them afterward."
"Man," Heath sighs. "I've got a bad feeling about today. If Jeff isn't cracking jokes, something must really be up."
Jeff only shrugs, refusing to say anymore on the matter.
          - X - X - X - X - X -
By the time everyone is gathered at David's and has calmed down from greeting one another, Jeff stands next to the chair in the middle of the room. He picks up the black cape from the seat and holds it in one hand, staring out at everyone. "Ready?"
Everyone then glances around the room, anxious to see who's going to stand, and you almost laugh at their surprised exclamations when you push yourself up to your feet.
"What?!" Erin shouts, smiling. "No way!" She then looks to Jeff. "I thought you didn't cut women's hair? You nearly panicked when I asked you buzz my baby hairs."
"This is a special occasion of sorts. You'll understand soon enough," he says.
Now standing next to Jeff, you stuff your hands into the pocket of your hoodie. He wraps an arm around your shoulders and you lean into him for some much needed comfort. "I know you're all probably confused," you start, "but I have something to tell you and I figured I'd tell as many of you as I can in one go because this is kind of hard to say out loud."
Mariah frowns and leans forward. "What's going on, girl?"
You take a deep breath, but it doesn't help. Tears immediately spring to your eyes, even as you try to screw your mouth and nose up to keep them at bay. The tears suddenly have everyone on edge. "I.. I have cancer." The entire group goes silent and those who'd been staring at their phones immediately drop them. "I found out a little over a month ago and have been having chemo sessions for about just as long."
"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" David wonders.
You shrug. "It was hard to process at first, but then I just got scared that you'd all treat me differently once you found out. And now that my hair is falling out and Jeff kindly accepted to do me a favor, I figured I'd tell you instead of surprising you with my bald noggin'."
Heath and David are the first out of their seats, the two young men sandwiching you in a hug. You laugh, but then your laughter turns into sobs as you cling to them. One by one, the rest of your friends stand to embrace you and whisper words of encouragement.
When they're done, you step back and wipe your eyes. "None of you guys actually have to stay for the cut, but you're more than welcome to. Jeff's gonna film as if he were back at his own place and I'm just going to talk about how I found out about the cancer."
"We're staying," Jason says. "We're gonna be here for you every step of the way."
You finally take a seat in the chair and Jeff wraps the cape around your neck. You gulp down the lump in your throat, inhaling and exhaling loudly to prepare yourself for what's about to come. The sound of the clippers turn on and you close your eyes when you feel the teeth of the clippers at the front of your hairline.
Then almost as if he's unsure, Jeff slowly drags the clippers atop your head. The moment you feel your hair being cut, you can't stop the tears that start to flow once more. This time, however, they're silent.
"So, uh, how did you find out about the cancer?" Jeff asks.
He continues to cut and it takes you a moment to find your voice. "It was stupid, really," you huff. "I was just feeling kind of worn down, but I wasn't sick. So after being utterly exhausted for no apparent reason, I went to the doctor where they drew some blood and found abnormalities in my blood."
"Didn't you lose your mom to cancer?" Natalie asks.
"I did." Shakily smiling, you take a moment to control your warring emotions. "Since my mom had it, the doctors urged me to get checked out early. I refused. And then I refused again when my dad's sister was diagnosed and my chances of having it as well were even higher."
"God," Erin sighs. "I don't think I could not know. I'd have gotten checked out as soon as possible."
"It's easy to say that if you haven't seen anyone go through it," you tell her. "But I watched my mom go through chemo several times and watched her health slowly deteriorate. I didn't want to get as sick as she did. It was horrible. So I came to the conclusion that if I didn't know, then it was okay. It'd take forever to actually show symptoms and I was fine with that."
"But the symptoms showed up early," Zane guesses.
You nod. "They did."
"What- what kind of cancer is it?" Matt asks.
"Breast. Exactly like my mom had, but nowhere as advanced as hers was."
"So that's a good thing. Right?" Todd wonders.
"I mean.." you trail off, shrugging. "My chances are better than hers were, but I'd rather not have cancer to begin with."
Everyone falls silent and the only sound for a few minutes are the buzzing clippers.
You let Jeff move your head this way as he cuts, almost missing his question. "Now that you know, do you wish you'd have gotten checked sooner?"
"Honestly? Yeah. Because if they had caught it sooner, then I wouldn't need chemo," you admit. "So my advice to everyone is, is that even though you hate doctor visits, schedule them for at least every six months. And if your family has a history of cancer, get checked as soon as possible and schedule appointments every three months to make sure nothing pops up suddenly."
"Okay. And we're.. done."
Jeff cleans you off and unlatches the cape from around your neck, but you're frozen in your seat. Your head feels a whole lot lighter and though you asked Jeff for this haircut, you don't want to see it.
"Y/N?" Carly's soft voice pulls you out of your mind.
"I'm okay." You shakily smile. "I just- it's just a lot to take in. Now I know how my mom felt when my brother cut her hair those three times."
Jeff comes around to stop before you, he grabbing your hands and gently pulling you to your feet. "Whatever you need, we're here for you." He wraps his arms around you, tucking you under his chin. "If you want to go to a wig shop, we'll go to a wig shop."
You sniffle, chuckling. "No offense to your fantastic cut, but we're definitely going to a wig shop."
"Hell yes we are, baby," Zane agrees.
The others slowly start to unwind from the serious situation you dropped into their laps, and though there are still tears in their eyes and pity in their expressions, they try to make the best of it.
Plans are made to keep you decently active, your friends wheedle more information out of you about your family's health history, and then before Jeff can leave you follow him outside.
"Hey," you call out, stalling him, the hood of your jacket pulled up and over your head. "I know how annoying some of your viewers are, so if you want I can make an intro or outro for your video to let everyone know the video was my idea and that you didn't make it for the views."
Jeff sheepishly smiles. "You watch my videos?"
"We're friends, aren't we?" You grin. "Of course I watch them. So what do you say?"
"I'd appreciate it. Thanks, Y/N."
"Mhm. And thank you. For everything."
Jeff's dimples make an appearance as he smiles, he nodding before getting in his vehicle to take his leave.
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The news of your cancer took every one of the fans by surprise.
Jeff had edited his video as quickly as he could and posted it with your permission. Then as soon as his video was up, you took a couple of selfies and posted them to Instagram with a link to the video that explained everything. The love and support that had quickly followed left you in tears, and feeling quite content with yourself for your decision to no longer keep your illness a secret.
The chemotherapy eventually got the best of you and there were times when you couldn't even get out of bed. It went from your friends constantly checking on you to moving you into David's spare bedroom when they found you struggling to breathe one day from an anxiety attack. You hadn't wanted to become a burden, but everyone was in agreement that they'd feel better if you lived with one of them until treatment was over. And seeing as you lived closest to Natalie and David, it was their home you moved into.
You filmed bits for everyone's vlogs to talk about your journey with cancer and about the progress you'd made while getting treatment. But soon the treatments stopped and you had to endure yet more testing to see if the chemo was doing it's job.
Then a week later, you're getting ready to go visit the doctor for your results.
As you're sliding your feet into a pair of sneakers, David's just getting home.
"Hey, Y/N. Going out?"
"Yeah." Pulling a beanie atop your head, you fix it just right before meeting David's gaze. "Today's the big day. I find out whether or not I can stop chemo for good or have to have another round."
His eyes subtly widen. "Yeah? Can I go?"
"Sure. You mind driving? I'm a bit anxious."
"Not at all. Lets go."
The drive is mostly a relaxed one, David asking about your plans should you get good news. You told him that you'd be moving back into your own apartment and that you were going back to work as soon as possible because your job was still waiting for you.
David then proceeded to assure you that no matter what he and all your friends would be there for you to fall back on should you need it. Of course you knew that, but it was nice to hear it again.
The following wait in the waiting room is quite excruciating and David grips onto your hand as your knee bounces anxiously. Smiling sheepishly, you try to quit the knee bouncing, but it starts back up moments later.
When your name is finally called, you drag David with you into the back room. Hand in hand, you enter the doctor's main office and only have to wait another hand full of minutes. Your doctor's expression is quite unreadable and even David's knee starts to bounce anxiously, but when she beams at you, you break down.
Remission. You are in complete remission.
Your face is in your hands as you sob, David's rubbing your back, and it takes you a moment to calm down. Then when you're finally able to control yourself and glance up, even the doctor is teary-eyed. She tells you that all tests and scans came back clean, but she'd still like to see you every three months to make sure nothing suddenly pops back up. You're more than okay with that and after gathering some paperwork, and standing up to hug your doctor, you and David are soon on your way.
Outside the office building, you and David stare at one another before he opens his arms and you throw yourself at him. He's laughing, you're crying and laughing, and the two of you just hug it out far longer than a hug should last.
"So who are we telling first?" He wonders, grinning.
"Jeff. Definitely Jeff," you say. "He was the first to know I had cancer, so he should the first- well, second now- to know I'm in remission."
"Well alright then. But just so you know, I'm recording their reactions."
You laugh. "Of course you are."
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vsquadgoals · 4 years
Best friends part 2 (J.W)
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Y/n, Natalie and Corinna follow David to the door of the frat where he talks to one of the guys and they all make their way inside. Whenever they go to parties like this it’s always madness with everyone trying to talk to David and get in the vlog which works in his favor, the rest of them are there to have fun and get drunk which is also good for the vlog.  
The girls decide to make their way into the kitchen to find some more alcohol since their buzz was starting to wear off from the drive, Zane, Heath, and Jeff follow them into the kitchen while David talks to some of the college students. Y/n is making a drink for herself and Carly when two guys from the frat come over to them trying to flirt, “So I haven’t seen you around here before, do you go to UCLA?” one of them askes as he hovers next to y/n, she shakes her head before taking a sip of her drink and handing Carly hers. “No, we were invited here by a friend.” She sure as hell wasn’t going to tell them that they were here with David, they’ve learned the hard way that it makes it harder to get them to leave them alone later.  
Jeff’s eyes were glued to y/n as some kid flirted with her, he wasn’t the type to get jealous over someone that he wasn’t even dating but it was y/n and she is still his best friend all feelings he has toward her aside he had to make sure she was safe considering he was one of the only sober people besides David and he was clearly busy looking for stuff to film. Y/n makes eye contact with Jeff and winks before turning her attention back to the frat guys she had zero interest in.  
“Listen I’m flattered and all but me and my girls are going to go enjoy our drinks and dance. We’ll see you guys around.” y/n says smirking to the boys and grabbing Carly’s hand as they make their way into the living room where everyone is dancing and there’s a random DJ booth which didn’t surprise y/n anymore, these parties were always strange.  
At this point y/n has finished her second drink and she dancing in the living room with all of her friends surrounding her, Toddy was behind her dancing with Natalie, Carly was with David as he filmed Zane dancing with some random girl and Heath and Mariah. Just as she was about the glance around the room and look for Jeff, she felt strong familiar hands grab onto her hips tightly and pull her back against his chest as she danced. Y/n smirked and looked over her shoulder to see Jeff smirking at her before leaning down and brushing his lips against her ear. “Looking for someone Doll?” he asked loud enough for her to hear over the loud music. Y/n just shook her head knowing he would never hear her over the speakers a few feet away from them. Jeff chuckled into her ear, “That’s what I thought.” He nibbled on her ear before pulling away and holding her hips against him and moving in sync with her.  
Y/n reached her arm behind her wrapping it around Jeff’s neck as she danced, her ass grinding against the front of his jeans, it wasn’t long before she felt him get hard against her ass. Y/n would be lying if she said that she wasn’t as turned on as him if not more, she was still soaked from the incident that happened in the back of David’s tesla.  
They danced like this for a while with Jeff kissing her bare shoulder every once and a while and his fingers gripping her hips tightly until Carly came up to them, “Will you come with me to find a bathroom or something.” Carly begged into y/n’s ear, she nodded quickly before turning to Jeff. Y/n stood on her tip toes, even in heels Jeff towered over her, “I’m going to go with Carly to the bathroom, don’t miss me too much.” She teased her lips pressed against his ear before she turned away from him and grabbed Carly’s hand making their way out of his sight.  
They found a bathroom on the second floor of the house, y/n followed Carly inside locking the door behind her, now that they were in there she had to pee too. While Carly went to the bathroom Y/n washed her hands and touched up her lip gloss. “So, what’s going on with you and Jeff?” Carly asked as she washed her hands and y/n combed her fingers through her hair trying to remove any tangles from dancing. “What are you talking about?” Y/n asked turning her attention to her friend. “Oh, come on y/n don’t play stupid with me, you guys are practically fucking out there!” Carly and y/n giggled, and she shook her head. “I don’t know Carl; I think I really like him but I’m just going with the flow. I don’t wanna ruin our friendship but on the other hand I can’t help it!” Y/n confessed to someone for the first time her feelings for Jeff, they’ve always been there but the liquid courage was making her do things she wouldn’t normally do; sure her and Jeff flirt all the time but it never really went further than them cuddling. Carly was a bit shocked at the confession from her friend. “Well damn, get it girl! His eyes have been glued to you all night; everyone has noticed! Just go for it!” Y/n smirked at her friend and grabbed her hand pulling her from the bathroom. “Come on let’s go have fun!”  
Once they made it back to the living room where they had left their friends David was rounding everyone up. Y/n grabbed onto Jeff’s arm to catch his attention as her and Carly followed them out of the house. “What happened?” Y/n asked him, Jeff shook his head and sighed. “Toddy almost got into a fight with some douche that grabbed Natalie’s ass.” Carly sighed and rolled her eyes, “Jesus you can’t take us anywhere can you?” She laughed and followed everyone to the cars. Jeff wrapped his arm around y/n’s waist and smiled down at her, she smiled up at him and winked following him into the back of the tesla taking her seat on his lap once again.  
Everyone decided it would be best just to head back to David’s and continue the fun there. Y/n laid her head on Jeff’s shoulder on the ride back to David’s while Jeff traced small circled on her back. She hummed happily closing her eyes. She hadn’t realized how tired she was until they were in the car. Zane was stilled amped up and ready to keep going playing it up a little for the camera on David’s front dash of course. By the time they got back to David’s it was 1AM and y/n was exhausted when she climbed out of the tesla.  
“Hey,” Jeff called before she followed everyone into David’s house, Y/n turned and looked at him leaning against the tesla. “Wanna get out of here? You can come to my apartment or I can give you a ride home.” Jeff offered putting a hand on either side of her as she was sitting on the hood now. Y/n smirked and nodded her head happily. “I’d love to come to your apartment; you know how much I love to cuddle with Nerf.” She teased winking at him. Jeff chuckled and grabbed her hand pulling her toward his car. “We’re not gonna say bye?” She asked following him. “God no, they’d never let us leave.” Y/n giggled and nodded in agreement before climbing into the passenger seat of his car.  
Once Jeff started driving to his apartment his hand found its way back to her bare thigh right were her skirt ended. Y/n bit her lip as she looked out the window trying not to show him how much he affected her. Jeff’s fingers rubbed teasingly against her thigh the entire ride to his place, by the time they were getting out of the car her face was flushed and she was almost soaked through her panties.  
Jeff was thrilled when they got into the elevator and it was empty, Y/n stood with her back against the wall as she twirled her hair around her finger looking Jeff up and down. Jeff couldn’t pull his eyes off her the way her dress framed her figure so well and her boots made her legs look like they went on for miles despite how short she was. “God, you’re killing me Y/n” he mumbled stepping closer to her. Y/n bit her lip and smirked looking up at him, he had a hand on either side of her keeping her pinned against the wall of the elevator. He brushed his lips against her collar bone and then up her neck, “Do you know what you’ve been doing to me all night Doll?” He growls into her ear giving her goosebumps, she shakes her head letting out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. Jeff shakes his head and chuckled, he grabbed her hand and places it against his hard cock. “It’s been like this since you came out of that bedroom.” Y/n gasps and rubs him through his jeans while he places wet kisses from her neck to her collar bone. “fuck..” He groans as the elevator door opens and they separate from each other. Jeff grabs her hand and pulls her to his apartment where he can’t open the door fast enough especially with y/n wrapping her arms around his waist and kissing he back of his neck.  
Once he opened the door he spun around and picked her up her legs wrapping around his waist. For the first time their lips meet and Jeff kisses her like it’s the last time his lips will ever touch hers. He slams the apartment door shut locking it behind him. Y/n pulls away from his lips only to catch her breath, the kiss making her dizzy, her lips quickly find his as he carries her into the bedroom. Once his knees hit the edge of his bed he pulls away from her lips and drops her onto the bed, he takes a second to admire her, laying on his bed, lips swollen from kissing and cheeks flushed. “God you’re so beautiful.” He groans before removing his shirt and kicking off his shoes. Jeff grabs her foot and slowly slips off her thigh high boots one by one, it makes her squirm how long he’s taking. “Jeff” She whimpers looking up at him her shoes and belt now on his floor. “What is it doll?” He teases as he undoes the button on his pants looking down at her. “I need you.” She practically moans slipping the straps to her dress down off her arms.  
That’s all Jeff needed to her to say for him to lose it, he slips her dress off her body along with her panties which are soaked, he spreads her legs looking at how wet she is, he couldn’t believe it. “I guess I’ve had the same effect on you too.” He mumbles before placing her legs over his shoulders and kissing the inside of her thighs before his tongue slips in between her folds and he begins to lap up her juices. Y/n’s hand immediately goes to his hair and she grabs it tightly moaning and throwing her head back, his tongue circles her clit and he slowly slips a finger into her dripping entrance. “Jeff!” Y/n moans loudly tugging on his hair.  
Jeff circles her clit a few more times before he can’t take it anymore, he’s removing his boxers and climbing on top of her kissing her lips hungerly again. Jeff lines himself up with her entrance and looks at her again for reassurance before slowly slipping inside of her, Y/n gasps and wraps her legs around his waist. “Jeff, Move please.” She whimpers moving her hips against his eagerly. Jeff smirks down at her kissing her lips again before he starts pounding into her relentlessly. “This what you wanted Doll?” He growls as he pounds into her harder and faster putting one of her legs over his shoulder. “Yes, Fuck yes.” Y/n moans loudly her nails digging into his bicep as her eyes roll into the back of her head. Jeff moans kissing and biting her leg that lays sloppily over his shoulder leaving small marks all over it. Y/n feels the knot in her stomach getting tighter and tighter as she grows closer to her orgasm, “Jeff, I’m gonna cum.” She whimpers balling up the sheets in her fists. “I’m right with you baby.” He moans, Jeff’s thumb finds its way to Y/n’s clit and circles it quickly bringing her to a mind-blowing orgasm. Y/n and Jeff moan loudly together as they both reach their orgasm together.  
Jeff hovers over Y/n a little longer trying to catch his breath as she peppers kisses on his shoulder. He smiles and slowly pulls out of her and falls onto the bed next to her signing happily. Y/n turns to face him smiling. “That was incredible.” he whispers wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her body against him, Y/n cuddles into his side and nods, they lay in silence for a little while before Y/n breaks the silence. “I like you Jeff, a lot.” She whispers against his chest too afraid to look him in the eyes. Jeff smiles and puts his finger under her chin making her look him in the eyes. “I like you too y/n.. We wouldn’t be here if I didn’t” He cups her cheek and kisses her softly on her lips. “I’m just so glad you feel the same.” He whispers against her lips.  
Jeff and y/n cuddle under the blankets almost asleep when a whimpering wakes them, Jeff chuckles and picks Nerf up from the floor and places him on the bed, but instead of cuddling into Jeff like he does every night Nerf goes to y/n’s side of the bed and cuddles into her back sighing happily before falling asleep pressed against her. “I guess I’m not the only one happy you’re here.” Y/n giggles and reaches behind her rubbing Nerfs soft fur a couple of times before placing her hand back on Jeff’s chest and falling fast asleep.  
A/n: Part 3? Let me know! 
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