#Madeline's 1k Celebration
javierpena-inatacvest · 7 months
i'm happy for your milestone! to celebrate i wanted to ask 10, 18 for javi-osita and 6 for NTL 💖
Thank you, non!!!
10. Are they morning or night people?
They're both morning people! Osita has a notorious reputation for going to sit down on the couch and then instantly passing out cold at like 8 PM (being a teacher is hard, I feel u girl). Javi used to be more of a night person because of all of the long hours at in Colombia, but has slowly shifted to becoming more of a morning person after moving back to Laredo!
18. Each other's sexual turn ons
Javi: Let's be honest- this man is a GIVER when it comes to anything in the bedroom. That being said, while he never asks for it (bc he'd way rather go down on Osita) when she sucks his dick it makes him lose. his. mind. Especially when she teases him a little bit before hand PHEW the head I would give this man
Osita: She LOVES Javi's big, broad hands gripping into her hips 🫠 Lifting her up, holding onto her while he hits it from behind, guiding her as she rides him OH LORD it makes her feral and I cannot blame her
6. Favorite smut scene from NTL
OH GOD THIS IS SO HARD??!? Idk I love in Chapter 10 pt. 2 when Osita is such a horny mess after watching Javi hold Steve's daughter that they fuck in his bathroom at his own birthday party and Steve catches them afterwards 😂 Also the smut I am writing for chapter 16 is... Well... It's almost here, Y'ALL WILL SEE LMAOOOOOO
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toplines · 1 year
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um?? okay woow i cannot believe this but thank u guys so much ???!! thank u to all of u who somehow tolerates me enough to follow after my numerous hyperfixation changes /lh kidding aside, i'm really thankful to u all for helping me reach this huge milestone, so let's celebrate!!
how to participate:
must be following me
reblog this post to spread the word !!
send me a...
🍭 — make me choose between two characters, idols, groups, movies, tv, etc!
🐳 — for a url edit!
🫧 — send me this emoji for a personalized gifset based on your interests! (mutuals only)
thank you all again! and a thank you to those who will send asks ♡ if you wanna check out the posts, see the tag #*1k !
follow forever!
down below is a small appreciation for my friends and mutuals <3 whether we talk or not, i appreciate every single one of u! apologies if i forget anyone </3
@twiceland @3rachaas @fawad-khan @lesseraive @matthew-seok @komca @ajusnice @dqmeron @killinmegoods @kitconnor @jakeyp @shangs @itshyuka @xdinarysheroes @yongbonk @cardigan @lee-haechan @svmit @starfighters @jeonwonwoo @cobbbvanth @glowingreviews @matthew-lilards @violets @heroeddiemunson @userdjo @nick-nelson @evelynwangs @safins @chrrispine @solojihyo @haydanakin @mickbetsch @margaretacarter @madeline-kahn @bi-alinaoretsev @rogerhealey @faithinthefuturedeluxe @antoniosvivaldi @dickgraaysons @daenerys-targaryen @vanserraluciens
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fair by the amazing devil :3c
aaayyyyyyyeeeeee you got it boo 😘 we gonna get SOFT AF UP IN THIS BITCH
but like tomorrow after I sleep lol
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roseapothecary · 2 years
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1K CELEBRATION— a gift ❤ for @this-is-bwr
I will never leave him. It will be this, always, for as long as he will let me. If I had had words to speak such a thing, I would have. But there were none that seemed big enough for it, to hold that swelling truth. As if he had heard me, he reached for my hand. I did not need to look; his fingers were etched into my memory, slender and petal-veined, strong and quick and never wrong. “Patroclus,” he said. He was always better with words than I. — Madeline Miller, The Song of Achilles (2011)
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hecohansen31 · 4 years
Writing Challenge
(A/N): Hello there, lovelies!
Since I haven’t properly celebrated my 1K (I swear I didn’t forget about it, the motivation has just been lacking), I wanted to try to do a small writing challenge, mostly because I have seen that they are pretty popular and I hope they might help you canalize some energy and not think about outside.
So, I hope you’ll like the idea and partecipate!
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You don’t have to follow me (but if you want to, I’d absolutely love it!).
You have till the 30st June, but if you need more time don’t hesitate to ask, we don’t have any hurry sweetie.
The prompts are divided in two cathegories: writing prompts based on my favorite bookish quotes,and writing prompts based on ideas more like aesthetical (that you can use as title of your fic, plot or as quotes in the fic), the latter ons can also be used my people who create moodboards/aesthetics!
You can obviously chose more than one prompt, but I’d suggest you just limit it to two prompt for fic, and also you can mix and match the two lists.
You can also choose a prompts already chosen by somebody else, just make sure you won’t be writing for the same character, so that we can have more diversity through it all.
Send me a DM/ask to let me know for which character and for which prompt you’ll like specifying the list (I won’t accept entries through reblog).
You can absolutely use your own characters other than reader inserts, and other than that you can also use other characters from the shows or not.
The characters that you can write for are: Michael Langdon, Duncan Shepherd, Jim Mason, Xavier Plympton, Any Character from ‘Vikings’, any of BIll Skarsgard Characters (Roman Godfrey, Axel Cluney, MIckey, Henry Pearl, Henry Deaver, Mark, Gordan Merkel....) Peter Rumancek.
After you are done with the fic, pubblish it, tagging me in it (if you see that I don’t reply to it please just send it to me through DMs).
If you chose a bookish prompt, please credit the author.
If you have any question you are more than welcome to DM me for any information, believe me I am absolutely more approachable than I look.
If you need a moodboard for the fics, you can also DM me to make you one.
If you want, you can absolutely share this I would love it!
And now, ladies and gentleman here are the prompts!
CONCEPTS (also for moodboards creators)
1)      A Fairy Tale With a Twist.
2)      The Bad Guy Isn’t So Bad.
3)      The One Who Stayed. by @barnzbucky​
4)      Cruel and Cold Youth.
5)      Hair of Gold and Hair of Silver.
6)      The Princess Is Bored  by @lordsexmachine​
7)      Happiness Is Not Simple.
8)      Raising Yourself From The Bed Is Actually Easier Than You Think.
9)      If Princesses Stood With Dragons, What Would Happen?
10)   Eyes That Can Charm Any Man.
11)   Love Isn’t So Bad If Mixed With Poison.
12)   The Only Fire That Burns Brighter.
13)   Lord of Nothing, Lady of Everything.
14)   Heavy Crown of Thorns, You Carry, Sir.
15)   Relaxing? More Like Hiding From The World.
1)       “If you hurt me, I wouldn't cry. I would hurt you back.”, “The Cruel Prince” by Holly Black. by @geekandbooknerd​
2)      “You cannot pick and choose what parts of her to love.”, “Heir of Fire” by Sarah J. Maas. by @geekandbooknerd​
3)      “Don't feel bad for one moment about doing what brings you joy.”, “A Court of Thorns And Roses” by Sarah J. Maas. @geekandbooknerd​
4)      “Some things are destined to be -- it just takes us a couple of tries to get there.”, “Lover Mine” by J. R. Ward.
5)      “Love makes you a liar.” by Cassandra Clare by @maggiescarborough​
6)      “My soul sees its equal in you.”, “The Wrath And The Dawn” by Renee Ahdieh.by @maggiescarborough​
7)      “The heart is an arrow. It demands aim to land true.”, “Six Of Crows” by Leigh Bardugo. by @geekandbooknerd​
8)     “She burned too bright for this world.”, “Wuthering Heights” by Emily Bronte.
9)      “I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.”, “Little Women” by Louisa May Alcott.
10)  “Give me a thousand kisses, then a hundred, then a thousand more”, “Carmen V” by Catullus.
11)    “If I cannot inspire love, I will cause fear!”, “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley.
12)   “I choose you over everyone.”, “Fangirl” by Rainbow Rowell.
13)   “You were the sun, and I was crashing into you.”, “Carry On” by Rainbow Rowell.
14)   “Don't panic. Are you sitting? You probably don't need to sit. Well, possibly. At least lean on something.”, “The Raven Boys” by Maggie Stiefvater.by @youbloodymadgenius​
15)   “And perhaps it is the greater grief, after all, to be left on earth when another is gone.”, “The Song of Achilles” by Madeline Milller.
16)   “I appear to have misplaced the fucks I give for what you think.”, “Nevernight” by Jay Kristoff.
17)   “I lost myself the moment I found you.”, “Hot White Kiss” by J. L. Armentrout.
18)  “You care so much you feel as though you will bleed to death with the pain of it.”, “Harry Potter And The Order of The Phonix” by J. K. Rowling.
19)   “A pretty face, a devious mind and a ruthless nature.”, “Captive Prince” by C. S. Pacat.
20) “I am a bad person trying very hard to be a good person.”, “The Raven King” by Nora Sakavic by @lol-haha-joke​
21)   “I apologize for anything I might have done. I was not myself.” “I apologize for shooting you in the leg.” (…) “I was myself entirely.”, “A Darker Shade of Magic” by V. E. Schwab.
22)  “I think you’re a fairy tale. I think you’re magical, and brave, and exquisite. And I hope you'll let me be in your story.”, “Strange The Dreamer” by Laini Taylor by @manicpixiedreamguurl​
23)  “Happy are those who dare courageously to defend what they love.”, by Ovid.
Have a nice challenge sweetie!
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katabasiss · 5 years
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Katabasiss’ 1K follower celebration:
not sure how I deluded 1k of you into following me but I’m hella appreciative! As such, I thought I’d do something to celebrate :D Below can be found three potential options that you can choose from if you wish :):
a blog rate
a literature moodboard (however I’ll probably only make around five or so more ‘complex’ ones so get in quick for those!)*
+ the chance to join my writer awards and writeblr!fam
you can choose all of the options if you wish, simply state as such or which one you would like :) you simply have to be following me if you want something (this is a follower celebration afterall)
Since I’m a writeblr, all of these are understandably literature based however you do not have to be a writeblr (as I know some of you aren’t) to get something from my celebration :)
Please keep in mind that in regards to blog rates and blog awards, they are based on my personal opinions and so may not be accurate for everyone :)
also big shout out to the fools @omgbrekkerkaz @youngdumbxlit @itsmoodlenoodle @magnafrisia for being supportive and making me cry and @nerocael for helping me think of what to do for this
the blog rates will look like this:
paperback: bent corners I new book smell I summer day I laughing screams I flock of birds I empty beaches I high stretching mountains I a hidden secret
hardback: wax candles I dusty tomes I fleeting glances I dancing around a bonfire I wind between the trees I stained fingertips I shutter of a camera
electronic: northern lights I a flowing river I screaming hurricane I supermarket at 3am I flickering lights I sea breeze I dancing in your room with a friend 
the potential awards are:
Sappho: Under Appreciated WIP (this is not to do with notes but rather followers so just dm me a screenshot of your follower count - no more than 250 followers)
Oscar Wilde: Best WIP edits
Barrett-Browning: Up and Coming Writeblr (this, unlike the sappho award, is not based on followers but rather who I think has made the most personal progress in regards to their writing and edits)
Mary Shelley: Best url
John Keats: Poetry Award
Madeline Miller: Best Blog Theme
José Saramago: Best Descriptive Prose
to join the writeblr family, simply send an ask stating your name, wip, favourite book and a quote
* in regards to moodboards, mutuals who I actively talk to can have a moodboard of any quality even if I go past the five person maximum for the more ‘complex ones’
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heartharrington · 6 years
★(this is stanford-sam! fyi) congratulations on 1k I'm so proud!!! book rec: the song of achilles (-madeline miller) // movie rec: blades of glory (bc why not??) // song rec: at least I'm not as sad (as i used to be) (-fun.) and of course give me a compliment!! this is so exciting!! congrats again!!
@stanford-sam, grace! thankkk you omg :’) tsoa is beautiful yes and  blades of glory lmao xD that song is a very different from what i’ve heard, your taste is really unique!
icon: oooof // beautz // wow i’ve been staring at this for 5 hours (no i’m not biased) // i almost dropped my croissant
url: ???? don’t get it // dude that is legitness // okay okay i get the aesthetic // godtier
posts: what are thOSE? // it’s a ball pit of the everything and anything ilov // organised mix of QUALITY ™ content // *deletes my own tumblr cause nothing can top that*
original content:** sign me tf up // that is some fre sha vaca do // you invented writing/art/whatever it is that you do
theme: iss cool // +100 respec // squidward hit that daB cause damn // sam winchester approves
following: no :( // where were you all my life? // of course, always and forever // i ain’t never gonna stop loving you bb (cause we’re a family friendly blog)
compliment: grace! you’re one of the few samgirls i relate to, you’ve got AMAZING sam content and your little headcanons/stories are beautiful! you’re such a sweet person, i love having you as a mutual. wish we’d talk more
celebrate with me!
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javierpena-inatacvest · 7 months
Congratulations honey on 1K followers! You totally deserve it! You are so lovely and your Tumblr is one of my absolute favourites! I'm new to Tumblr so still learning my way around it but from what I've seen of yours, I love it!
And NTL is one of my fave fics I've ever read! I also re-read yours the most, you are such a talented writer! ❤️
Sending huge love and hugs to you! And also always remember you are enough and you are so loved 💛
For the questions I have a few please as I just love hearing about our faves Javi and Osita hehe 💞
Personal Question: #1
NTL Universe: #2 - what is your fave drabble please? Mine is movie night because GREY SWEATPANTS always 🤍🤍🤍
Javi and Osita: #11 and #22
Please and thank you! 💜💜💜
Oh my goodness, thank you so much?!?! Thank YOU for taking the time to read, big love and hugs to you too, friend!!! 😭💖
11. What do Javi and Osita admire the most about each other?
Javi: He honestly admires everything about her- Her independence, her compassion, her strength, her humor, she is truly unlike anyone else he's ever met and he loves everything that makes her the person that she is. While he obviously thinks that she is physically beautiful, he thinks that her personality is the most beautiful thing about her 😭
Osita: She loves how caring and compassionate Javi is. She's never had anyone treat her the way that Javi does, and the fact that he is so thoughtful and kind to her makes her heart melt into a million pieces. She also loves the fact that he's brave and headstrong (even if it means they butt heads because these two are stubborn peas in a pod) 🥺
22. How does the other know that they're horny/want to have sex?
Javi: He can tell Osita's in the mood whenever he catches her trying to sneak glances at him while he's not looking, and then is just smirking around the house. She'll be walking around trying to hide it, and when Javi asks what's got her smiling like that, she'll try and shrug and be like "I don't know what you're talking about", even though they both know damn well what's got her all giddy.
Osita: As if Javi wasn't already the most handsy man alive, when he's horny his hands are ALL over her- he is like a magnet, constantly touching her whenever he can not only because he loves it, but because he knows how riled up it gets her, too 🤪
2. What's my favorite drabble from the NTL universe?
Either Take Me Home (where Javi picks up Osita from a girls night out at the bar and she's hammered) because I think it shows the dynamic of their relationship so well (and it makes me laugh), or You're My Home (Osita and Javi fight all week and it blows up in their faces, until Osita realizes Javi is so worried from things happening at work and has a panic attack and she calms him down) because I feel like it's the most real and raw- we get so much cute and happy Osita and Javi that it was kind of refreshing to write something that was angsty bc even our two faves aren't perfect 🥹
What do I picture Osita looking like?
Okay so DISCLAIMER, Osita went from a self insert character to an OFC real quick, but if you prefer reading Osita as yourself, please please do!!! 😊 That being said, this is what I picture Osita looking like in my head (as if she couldn't get anymore self indulgent lmaooooo)
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As I stated in my last post, we hit 1k followers! Wow!!
To commemorate this, I wanted to have a special milestone celebration. This idea was inspired by the fact that I am so proud of this blog an the fact that people actually care about it. Again, wow.
So, I want to you tell me what you’re proud of! It doesn’t have to be world- or life-changing, it just needs to be something that you did that you are proud of. And if you can’t think of anything, try to imagine what someone close to you would be proud of you for doing. If you still can’t bring anything at all to mind, just tell me something you’ve done. Really. Anything.
Send me an ask, reblog or comment on this post, submit something, or shoot me a message (@madeline-who-1122​)! I will also be tracking the tag #marvelousmultigenders, so you could even make your own post! 
I will be compiling everything I am sent into a final project.
It might not be the kind of Pride we typically talk about, but it’s still important!
Lots of love!
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Today we are celebrating Madame Marcotte La Framboise! She was a female fur trader, and one of the most influential and wealthy women in Michigan history! She was born in Nunica, in an Odawa (Ottawa) village, and with her husband Joseph, raised 2 children while running the Grand Haven trading post. Joseph was murdered, and Madeline took over the business- expanding their interests, maintaining good relationships with trappers, and making huge profits. Most male traders made between 1k and 3k a year...she made between 5k and 10k. She was incredibly well educated, and spoke four languages, and when she retired to Mackinac Island, she gave the land for St. Anne's church as well as funds for a school. Her son went into the fur trade, but her daughter was so well placed that she married the brother of then-president Franklin Pierce. Madeline Marcotte La Framboise is a testament to the strength, intelligence, and resilience of women and the Odawa people. We are so proud to call her a hometown hero. #NativeAmerican #girlpower #sheroes #boss #Odawa #Peopleofthe3Fires #hometownhero #proud
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javierpena-inatacvest · 7 months
Congratulations on 1K, so well deserved!! 🫶🏻
4 & 7 for the personal questions? xx
Thank you very much!!! 🥹🫶🏻
4. When/where do I normally write?
I normally write at my kitchen counter- Normally I am hunched in my chair like a gremlin, but I just got a walking pad so I can walk and write at the same time so I am super excited to start using that!! I also tend to write when I first get home after school to decompress 😂
7. Does anyone in my life know I write NTL?
My husband and my sister, both of which they only found out about because drunk Madeline loves to overshare 😂 These are actually both funny stories- I told my husband on our honeymoon (of all times and places LMAO), we had both got super drunk after going to the casino and went back up to the room to do *things* and I don't remember what I said, but his response was "did you read about that in one of your lil Javier Peña stories?" and my drunk ass was like "NO BUT I WROTE ABOUT IT" 😂😭 and then proceeded to have drunken story hour and read him the first 3 chapters of NTL bahahahha he's such a good sport and very supportive but how it came up is so funny to me.
Same thing with my sister- she came over one night and we went to the mexican place by my house, had one too many margaritas, were watching Pedro Pascal interviews and I was like "WHAT IF... What if I told you I had a semi-popular Javier Peña fanfiction series on Tumblr?" 😂
Long story short, don't let drunk Madeline talk about Javier Peña to strangers or she will tell them that she writes smut about him on the world wide web 🤪
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javierpena-inatacvest · 7 months
so happy for your 1k followers 💖💖💖💖 i want to know about 12, 15 and 22 for Javi and Osita, pleaseeee
Thank you so much, non!!! 🥰
12. What's their biggest insecurity?
Javi: Poor man's past still haunts him, no matter how hard he tries to convince himself he's not the same man he was when he was in Colombia. He still has a hard time accepting that he his, in fact, a good person, and worth of the love and affection he gets from Osita. Even though she is always reminding him of how much she loves him, and that she understands that his past isn't what defines him, there's still always a little part of him that doesn't believe it 😕
Osita: Her personality- This one is interesting because Osita is very outwardly confident and independent, but her whole life, growing up with brothers made her very tomboyish and was made fun because she wasn't really like other girls her age. Even as she got older she would always worry that she was "too much" and after her relationship with Paul ended, she questioned everything about herself and why she wasn't enough
15. What are their biggest fears for the future?
Javi: Being a dad- Javi wants kids so badly with Osita, but he is absolutely terrified he's going to be a terrible dad. He already knows he's going to love his kids more than anything in the world, but he's so worried that the part of him that still believes he's a bad person is going to mess up his children and that Osita will resent him for it. Little does he know he is literally going to be the best dad ever 😭
Osita: I think Osita doesn't have a lot of fears for the future, but there's a lot of things to think about for the future that stress her out- Deciding if she wants to try and go back to teaching after having kids, the fact that she's going to start a family with Javi half way across the country from her family in Chicago, wedding, building their house, ect... not fears, just lots of worrying 😂
22. How does the other know that their horny?
Answer's here!!
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javierpena-inatacvest · 7 months
Congrats for 1k followers, Madeline! 🥳🥳🥳 I wanted to ask about what's your favorite chapter and what's smut you've already seen from NTL and want more of?
Thank you so much, nonnie!!! 🥹💖
What's my favorite chapter of NTL?
Okay WOW this is hard... They are all each like my own little babies 😭 I can't choose between these three, but I think Chapter 5 (You're the One That I Want), Chapter 9 (I Promise) and Chapter 11 (Abe Froman, Sausage King of Chicago) are my favorites!! They all have dialogue and funny moments that I love, along with some of my favorite, most heartfelt scenes 🥹
7. What's smut I've seen and want more of?
.... Breeding Kink 🫣🤪
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javierpena-inatacvest · 7 months
Congrats on 1k!! So exciting!
For your ask game, how about one for Javi/Osita:
Favorite outfit the other wears?
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Thank you, sweet Jess!! 🥹💕
Javi: Anything that's a dress or his clothes. Man is a sucker for Osita in a cute sundress- He thinks that she looks absolutely beautiful and will always tell her how good she looks, and is a hot mess every spring when the weather starts to get warmer and she starts breaking out the dresses to wear to school (he also loves the easy access... 🤪) And Javi will never get over seeing Osita in his clothes. Since the first moment she put on his shirt after the first time he spent the night at her apartment, there's just something about seeing her in his clothes that drives him absolutely nuts. Especially when she has only his shirt/sweatshirt on with no pants on underneath
Osita: Flannels, suits, and casual wear (I can't pick one but can you blame me?!) Flannels and suits are a given- He wears suits to work most days and it'll never get old to her, and flannels?! Again, please see the gif you attached because 😩🥵 So hear me out on causal wear- Javi is a man who's fashion sense has not changed since the 70's. In my mind, I feel like Osita is pretty fashionable, and while she thinks Javi obviously looks great in everything she wears, she slowly starts getting Javi to try on looks from their current decade and she loses her mind. Like, okay... Please take a second to imagine Javi in these outfits... Javi's kind of insecure about it at first but Osita is VERY reassuring that he looks so good 😭🤪
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ALRIGHT gonna go melt into a puddle now I guess THANKS JESS 🫠
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javierpena-inatacvest · 7 months
sooo prouddddd of you, Madeline! For your celebration i'd love to know some question of your list:
Things that are hard nos for them during sex? and give a summary of the next chapter/one-shot you're working on!
Thank you, sweet non!!! 🥰💕
Right now I am working on Chapter 16 (it's been a lot longer than expected omg, I thought it was gonna be short when I first started writing and she's lengthy 🥴) In this chapter, Javi and Osita are going to Dallas to make good on Javi's Christmas gift of taking her to the Blackhawks vs. Stars game! They have a very unexpected encounter at the game, go out and explore the city, and have a fun night out at the bars! They also try out some new things for the first time when they get back to their hotel room (there's so much smut in this chapter and I'm not sorry about it 🤪🫣)
Here's the answer to hard no's during sex !!!
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javierpena-inatacvest · 7 months
So prouddddddd of your accomplishment! 🥳🥳🥳 for milestone celebration: personal question list number 2 & 6!
Thank you non!!! 🥹💕
2. What has been my favorite part about writing NTL?
Honestly, I feel like there have been a lot of things!! First and foremost I feel like rediscovering my love for writing is at the top of the list- It was always something I enjoyed and never did a lot of before this, and it's brought me a lot of joy! Being able to share my work and meet awesome new people bc of this is also at the top of the list 🥹 Actual writing wise, I love writing dialogue, so any time I write a dialogue heavy scene I am a happy gal!! I can whip through scenes with Osita's family so fast bc of all of the banter 😂
6. Are there any characters inspired by people I know?
Yes!! Osita's co-workers are inspired by a woman I worked with who retired a few years ago- she didn't give a flying fuck about anything and was the queen of sass, I miss her so much 😂 Osita's family is so much like mine- I don't have brothers but I grew up as such a tomboy and me and my sister were always so competitive and my parents are just as sarcastic and unserious as I am! Patrick is based on my childhood best friend who passed away a few years ago from suicide. We were so close growing up and he moved away after college and we kind of fell out of touch, and when I had gotten the phone call that he had passed, I was absolutely devastated and felt so guilty for not keeping in contact with him as much as I could have- I know his story isn't quite the same as Patrick's, but a lot of inspiration for him comes from my friend 🥺 Lastly, there's a ton of traits about Javi that are inspired by my husband, he's my real life Javi 🥹💕
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