moti-otp · 28 days
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I adore this guy (michimichito)
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bagely · 15 days
Heeey me gusta mucho lo que escribes y estoy un poco privada del sueño (y ebria) pero no crees que Lullah parece un fanchild del death duo? Ya sabes por el sombrero idéntico al de Phil con morado, plus cuando la dibujan con rasgos similares a los de Missa y claramente mexicana. Parece más un fan child que Chaynne (creó yo)
- michi anon
Primero gracias, y segundo nmms si. Es una fanchild pero canon, es lo que harían niños en gacha club pero los dos creo yo.. porque los dos, justo justo los dibujan con genéticas contrarias de los papás como todos los fanchild de mellizos que son copias de los papás pero al revés y así nose no me entiendo
Tas borrache pero tienes tods tus pensamientos correctos y decisivos michi
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ginza-division · 1 year
Last Judgment Drama Track 1 - Prosper, See Heaven; Falter, See Hell
Pt. 1
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— Ginza City, Sigma Inc. HQ —
[The sound of papers being picked up and put back down was heard in the large, spacious office of the CEO and president of Sigma Inc, Eiji Noguchi. He was overlooking the data on each paper, taking a minute to analyze every word and figure present before he set it back down and picked up another one.]
Eiji: Hmm... these numbers aren't bad. They're a lot better than last month's. I'm glad to see PROFILE is becoming more popular in Russia.
[Picking up another paper, Eiji looked at it and frowned at what was written.]
Eiji: But numbers have slowly been falling over in the West. I'm surprised we don't have more users in America. I blame that country's representative...
[Eiji thought back to the angry email he received from the current U.S. president, Bryon Douglas, after it was announced that he had been banned permanently from PROFILE due to violating the rules regarding some of his comments. Within a day, he had received a hate-filled email demanding that the site revoke his banning, citing that they were infringing on his constitutional right to 'freedom of speech'.]
Eiji: *Smirks slightly* Too bad nobody told him Japan and America have different interpretations of the meaning of 'freedom of speech'.
[Giving a slight chuckle, he placed the paper down, reached into his coat pocket, and pulled out a pack of Lucky Strike Cigarettes. Pulling one out of the pack, he quickly lit it and inhaled it, allowing the nicotine to enter him. Blowing out the smoke, he sighed, a content look on his face before placing the still lit cig in an ashtray on his desk.]
[Picking up another paper, he was prepared to look at it until he heard a noise and looked as a holographic woman in a business suit holding onto a clipboard appeared out of nowhere, surprising him.]
???: President Noguchi, sir.
Eiji: *Sighs* ALICE[1], what have I told you about surprising me like that? Please make your presence known first.
ALICE: *Bows her head* My apologies, sir. But you told me not to alert you unless it was extremely important.
Eiji: *Sighs again, nodding* That, I did. *Picks up his cigarette from the ashtray* So, what is it?
ALICE: *Raises her head* I've received an update on Project: EVORU from the R&D Department, sir.
Eiji: *Suddenly looks serious* What did they say?
ALICE: *Looks at her clipboard* They have made significant process on the project. They'd like you, at your earliest convenience, to please head there to verify it for yourself, sir.
Eiji: *Stands up, groaning* I'll head there now. *Picks up his walking cane* Hold my calls for me, please.
ALICE: *Bows her head* Of course, sir. Please be careful on your way there.
[Giving a brief nod, the CEO groaned as he lumbered his way to his office door. Pushing a button, the doors automatically opened and he made his way through them. The holographic woman continued watching him, up until the doors closed shut 10 sec. later.]
— Ginza City, Eden no He Michi —
[In the largest Catholic church in the city, and perhaps in all of Japan, a priest was delivering his sermon to a crowd of people all seated in the pews. Most, if not all of the congregation, stared at the man with loving dedication as he spoke each word from his lips fluently and precisely. Masa Judice, or "The Father" as he came to be known, continued preaching for a couple of more minutes until his message had reached its conclusion.]
Masa: *Speaking Latin* Benedicat vos omnipotens Deus, Pater, et Filius, et Spìritus Sanctus, Amen. Ite, missa est. Deo gratias.
(Almighty God bless you, Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen. Go, the dismissal is made. Thanks be to God.)
Masa: *Holds up his right hand* Et semper memento, Pater te amat.
(And always remember, the Father loves you.)
[As if mimicking him, the crowd all held up their right hands.]
Congregation: Gratias tibi ago, Pater.
(Thank you, Father.)
20 minutes later...
Masa: Thank you, my child. God be with you.
[With a smile on his face, Masa waved as he bid the final member of his flock to leave. As they did, the priest pulled on the large, golden doorknobs to the doors of the church, closing it. As he did, the shadow of the large building seemed to eclipse him as his smile took on a more... malevolent appearance. Though it was still early in the day, the light from the large magnificent stain-glassed windows of the church did nothing to erase the darkness that appeared in the building.]
[Turning around, the priest made his way back to the back of the church and began walking down a corridor before arriving at a pair of stairs that led downward. Placing his foot on the first step, he fearlessly descended to the first floor of the church. After a minute or so, he arrived on the floor and walked to a large mahogany-colored door. Noises could be heard from inside the room. Pushing the door open, he smiled at the figures in the room, all of whom were seated around a large table.]
[As he stepped into the room, everyone present ceased what they were doing and stood up from their seats, bowing their head in reverence to the man who had just entered. These individuals, though different, all had a special place in Masa's heart. They were his Chosen Ones, his Disciples, his Children, the ones who would lead all of those foolish heathens into the arms of the Church. They were his creation: The Crossroads.]
[Taking his seat at the head of the table, the "Father" nodded his head and all members of the group raised their heads and took their seats.]
Masa: Now then, my followers, let us begin this meeting.
The Crossroads: *In unison* Yes, Father.
To be continued...
Artificial Learning Intelligent Computer Entity (ALICE) - An A.I. (artificial intelligence) that Eiji created to serve as his assistant whilst at work. He came up with the idea to create her after watching numerous sci-fi films about A.I.'s, such as: Tron, Tau, Zoe, & many more. She is loyal to Eiji and is devoted to working hard to ease his burdens, whatever they may be. Eiji is currently in the process of creating an android body for her, not only as a reward for all her hard work but also so she can stop surprising him.
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andromeda0ne · 3 years
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Missa hizo stream!!!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Yo feliz, tú feliz, todos felices 737 * * * * * * * * * * * #anime #draw #batman #michi #cat #kittycat #cueva #boo #uff # https://www.instagram.com/p/CTcodtfFWha/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sonyclasica · 4 years
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Otra grabación sobresaliente del reconocido conjunto belga Huelgas Ensemble bajo su carismático líder Paul van Nevel. Las grabaciones de este The Magic of Polyphony se realizaron en una iglesia de estilo románico tardío que suena celestial durante el festival del Festival de Pentecôte 2019 en Talant (Francia), un pequeño pueblo de Borgoña. Reluce un sonido fantástico que captura la atmósfera especial en vivo de aquellos magníficos conciertos. Triple CD a la venta el 28 de agosto.
El conjunto belga Huelgas ha establecido nuevos estándares con sus grabaciones de música vocal. The Magic of Polyphony es un set de 3 CD que celebra la polifonía vocal mágica que floreció en Europa durante la Edad Media y el Renacimiento, con muchas piezas desconocidas de compositores anónimos e injustamente olvidados, pero también de los grandes maestros de la polifonía. Entre otros, Orlandus Lassus, Nicolas Gombert, Cipriano de Rore, Pierre de Manchicourt y Pierre de la Rue.
El primer CD comienza con Bel Acueil de Antoine Busnois, que muestra inmediatamente las técnicas típicas de canon e imitación que definieron el componente principal de la polifonía en el Renacimiento. Otras piezas para escuchar son una Obligo sopra Ave Maris Stella de cuatro partes del casi olvidado compositor Giovanni Pietro del Buono, Triste départ de Nicolas Gombert, que es una de sus canciones más melancólicas con las que conquistó corazones en el siglo XVI, Sanctus de la Missa Sub tuum presidium del conocido Pierre de La Rue, así como piezas de composiciones anónimas de los siglos XIV y XV y Las Lamentaciones del Profeta Jeremías del compositor español Fray José de Vaquedano.
El segundo CD comienza con In exitu Israel, que es uno de los primeros ejemplos de polifonía. A esta pieza le sigue Sanctus vineus del compositor casi desconocido Richard Loqueville, que solía ser el maestro del famoso Guillaume Dufay en Cambrai. Tres obras de este CD, Agnus Dei de Missa Dominicalis, Virga Jesse de Anton Bruckner y Voi ch’ascoltate de Willem Ceuleers muestran el carácter experimental de Huelgas Ensemble.
El tercer CD muestra con la primera canción, Vox in Rama del polaco Mikolaj Zielinski, que el arte del pueblo franco-flamenco fue imitado en los rincones más lejanos de Europa. También se debe hacer mención especial al anónimo motete O Radix Jesse, que fue escrito en la excéntrica corte francesa de Chipre. La idea polifónica se lleva a la cima aquí: las dos voces superiores no solo se mueven rítmica y melódicamente independientemente una de la otra, sino que también tienen letras diferentes. Las últimas pistas de este set estaban reservadas para uno de los clásicos más bellos de la música polifónica, la Lamentationes feria sexta de Orlandus Lassus. Este álbum es en general una documentación multifacética, un testimonio de varios siglos de música polifónica en Europa.
Antoine Busnois (ca. 1430-1492)
1. Bel Acueil, rondeau à 3
Giovanni Pietro del Buono (ca. 1640)
2. Obligo sopra Ave Maris Stella à 4
Nicolas Gombert (ca. 1495-ca. 1560)
3. Triste depart, chanson à 5
Pierre de la Rue (ca. 1460-1518)
4. Sanctus “Sub tuum presidium” à 4
Anonymous (France, ca. 1350)
5. Tres dous compains, chasse à 3
Anonymous (Picardy, ca. 1520)
6. Agnus Dei “Miserere michi Domine” à 8
Fray José de Vaquedano (1642-1711)
7. Incipit lamentatio Jeremiae Prophetae à 8
8. De lamentatione Jeremiae Prophetae à 8
Anonymous (Werden Abbey, ca. 900)
1. In exitu Israel organum purum à 2
Richard Loqueville (ca. 1370-1418)
2. Sanctus Vineus à 4
Giovanni de Macque (ca. 1548-1624)
3. Io piango o filli, madrigal à 5
Thomas Crecquillon (ca. 1505-1557)
4. Andreas Christi famulus, motet à 8
Claude le Jeune (ca. 1530-1600)
5. Que null’ étoile sur nous, chanson à 3 & 5
Mabrianus de Orto (ca. 1460-1529)
6. Agnus Dei de la “Missa Dominicalis” à 4
Willem Ceuleers (1962-)
7. Voi ch’ascoltate, madrigal à 5
Nicolas Gombert (ca. 1495-ca. 1560)
8. Agnus Dei de la “Missa Tempore Paschali” à 6 & 8
Anonymous (Italy, ca. 1380)
9. Cum Martelli, ballatà à 3
Anton Bruckner (1824-1896)
10. Virga Jesse, motet à 4
Jacobus Vide (ca. 1395-ca. 1441)
11. Il m’est si grief, rondeau à 3
Cipriano de Rore (1516-1565)
12. Dissimulare etiam sperasti à 5, 6 & 7
Mikolaj Zielinski (ca. 1550-1615)
1. Vox in Rama, motet à 4
Pierre de Manchicourt (ca. 1510-1564)
2. Faulte d’argent, chanson à 8
Anonymous (Cyprus, ca. 1390)
3. O Radix Jesse, isorhythmic motet à 4
Anonymous (Germany, ca. 1540)
4. Ach Elselein, liebes Elselein, chanson à 2
Pieter Maessins (ca. 1505-1563)
5. Tota pulchra es, perpetuum mobile à 5
Gilles Joye (1424-1483)
6. Ce qu’on fait à quatimini, rondeau à 3
Nicolas Gombert (ca. 1495-ca. 1560)
7. Regina caeli, motet à 12
Thomas Crecquillon (ca. 1505-1557)
8. Pis ne me peult venir, chanson à 5
Orlandus Lassus (1532-1594)
9-11. Lamentationes feria sexta in parasceve à 5
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fotbollvarld · 7 years
Michy Batshuayi håller Ibrahimović matchtröja
Chelsea framåt Michy Batshuayi gick inte bra med sina egna fans eftersom han bara håller billiga fotbollströjor med Ibrahimović namn på baksidan av det.
 Svensken Ibrahimovic förväntas missa omkring nio månader med ett främre korsbandsproblem. Sportsmanship bör lovordas. Michy Bstshuayi önskar Zlatan en snabb och perfekt återhämtning. Men den kvalm som Chelsea-anhängare skyller på belgiska framåt håller en Manchester United- Zlatan Ibrahimović tröja.
Chelsea-anhängare är missnöjda med sin handling. Det sammanfattade verkligen hur svaga moderna supportrar kan vara, drivna av Twitter skämtar och knäskytten av sociala medier. De tror att hans beteende är utom gränsen och det här är en förräderi. Du kan välsigna en jämn tidig återhämtning, men bör hålla Sverige matchtröja inte för en Manchester United tröja.
Den svenska framåtskadan skadade hans korsband och kunde inte vara till nytta förrän i januari 2018. Goda nyheter är att han nyligen skickade ett fjädrande meddelande till Instagram som säger att han inte skulle låta skadan gå i pension.
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