babydollsmadd · 6 years
So I read approximately 2 pages in my study guide and it freaked me out so much that I had a panic attack and how the fuck am I supposed to do this when I can’t even read the fucking introduction without wanting to bang my head against the wall
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bengayli-moved · 4 years
get to know me more! ☁️
i was tagged by @almondmilks and @banglatown !! thank you both so much mwah mwah mwah
☁️ what do you prefer to be called name wise?
akashi is good! i do have a soft spot for the nickname aki tho 🥺👉🏼👈🏼
☁️ when is your birthday?
aug. 23
☁️ where do you live?
☁️ three things you are doing right now?
typing this?? thats all really i cant do multiple things at once T_T im planning on watching castle in the sky like beebs affa recommended and i just rmbered i have to text back my friends so i’ll do that too
☁️ four f*ndoms that have piqued your interest right now?
i’m currently hyperfixated on tower of god and mystic messenger! other than that i’ve been playing lots of gacha games(bandori, revstar, ll) and im thinking of getting into persona 5 again ^^
☁️ how is the pandemic treating you?
tbh it was really nice in the beginning bc i didnt have to see my relatives who are the root of my mental illnesses so that was quite enjoyable ^_^  rn tho my parents arent as scared of covid so i have to see them again but theyre scared just enough to not let me see my friends :(
☁️ song you can’t stop listening right now?
cringe but the mysmess op 😔
☁️ recommend a movie.
5 Centimeters per Second 
☁️ how old are you?
16 turning 17
☁️ school, university, occupation, other?
school :/
☁️ do you prefer hot or cold?
uhh idk im miserable either way.... if its too hot i get a headache and if its too cold i cant even warm myself up bc anemia thingz
☁️ name one fact others may not know about you.
this isn’t rly abt me as much as it is abt my situation but i’m pretty sure there’s a spirit in my room 😳
☁️ are you shy?
a widdle
☁️ do you have any preferred pronouns?
i’m okay with any tbh, but i prefer he or they
☁️ any pet peeves?
ppl who burp in public or spit on the sidewalk...⚡️🪑
☁️ what’s your favorite “dere” type?
ummm idk maybe bakadere?? i love stupid people <3
☁️ rate your life 1-10. 1 being really crappy and 10 being the best you could ever be.
i don’t know 🚶🏻🚶🏻🚶🏻
☁️ what’s your main blog?
this one
☁️ list your side blogs and what they are used for.
i don’t have any tho i may make an anime blog soon
☁️ is there anything you think people need to know about you before becoming friends with you?
i’m like rly stupid lmao
i get bored of social media and messaging rly easily so i’m frequently offline
i don’t rly like being asked abt my gender or sexuality. i’m trans(tme) & gay. that is all 💖
tagging: @wcngkarwai @sweetangelskiss @curryaboo @purnotas @9ph @bicelestial @praydastle @1mangojuice @lohvedrvnk . as always those tagged aren’t obligated to do this and anyone that wants to can do this and say i tagged them !
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mocarena · 4 years
post of Chu2 rambles and predictions
i realized i actually needed to make this now that S3 is knocking me down with anticipation
blabla this thread is long as heck and incomprehensible so aha good luck if youre actually trying to read thru it. i just wanted a place to write my predictions down to see how right or how utterly wrong i am! whole thing’s under a read more cuz its a lot
spoilers for S2, the RAiSe! manga, and small spoiler for Film Live
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Exhibit: Songs
I’m starting off with talking RAS’ songs because they give me a good basis to talk on several things regarding the band & Chu2.
There might be mentions of other songs, but I will focus on 2 in particular.
Takin’ My Heart
Imo, the most important piece in regards to Chu2 and her character.
That is due to Radio Riot #7 having revealed that the song is literally about Chu2’s beliefs/feelings.
It is also written by her in the Bandori canon (as all RAS songs are since she is the producer, but we know for sure with the Radio confirmation & also how the song came out past Season 2 that this is a song written with Chu2’s perspective in mind).
Raychell even said that she once cried singing the song during her own practice time.
Information source: Iviachupichu on Twitter, a faithful translator who often talks about the contents of Radio Riot episodes. Link https://twitter.com/iviachupichu/status/1106469855757164544!
TL of the song taken from http://www.rizuchan.com/bang-dream-cardfight-vanguard-takin-my-heart/ !!
Long falling down again I’m immature, building up lies and distancing myself from others I feel all torn up; I hold my heart Try to fake a smile… hey, my cheeks hurt
Cry… I hide my rusted eyes Cry… I want you to notice Oh, Come here, Please…
Takin’ my heart Does my voice Takin’ my heart Reach you now…? Takin’ my heart I don’t want to vanish pathetically Takin’ my heart Into a sea of loneliness I’ll just keep crying out to you Today, tomorrow, and for a long time after (Without giving up) I hope my feelings reach you…!
^ not the full TL, just a taste of the beginning
Clearly I don’t have to point out how heartfelt that song is, the lyrics speak for themself and aren’t very subtle (which is very much the point since she’s asking for her feelings to be reached after all).
I’m stupidly annoying when it comes to talking about Takin’ My Heart, I absolutely need to emphasize on the fact that these lyrics are Chu2’s honest feelings.
Expect parts of this song to be brought up throughout this a whole lot.
Now this song has no confirmation on being composed with Chu2 in mind, considering it’s a very early RAS song and has been sung before we even got the reveal of the RAS characters.
However, I believe it DOES hold significance:
-I have no doubts that the introduction of RAS characters together with the band were in mind early on already, due to how early Bushiroad plans things months in advance.
-RIOT, the first RAS original, has very clear tones of it having been written by Chu2 in Bandori canon (a very arrogant sounding song, sure of its music and it almost seems like it’s directed at Yukina). Thus I wouldn’t put it past the production team having formed Chu2’s character around RIOT and UNSTOPPABLE, or they already had her type of character in mind when first composing these songs.
-It’s not far-fetched to say this song might have some ties to Chu2’s feelings since we’ve got the even more blatant song Takin’ My Heart.
I won’t copy paste all of the lyric translations, it’s simply too long, but here are several parts that stick out to me:
The emptiness springs forth like I'm helplessly thirsty
My back droops... I put too much hope in each day
(Hurry up)
「Don't let me down」, I'm always told
(Hurry up)
Cornered, mouth covered, difficulty breathing
I'm caught in a trap
Please indulge in my annoying ramblings
I just won't stop seeking approval every day
Me, I'm my own accomplice,
with a fake me, dance! Dance! (Lullaby)
Doubt and worry stick their tongues out,
pointing at and ridiculing me
Are you enjoying? Are you excited?
Yes? Do you really get it?
Then that's fine
Please ignore my annoying ramblings
I'll just abandon seeking approval every day
My belief of UNSTOPPABLE still having an intended Chu2 connection also lies within the lyrics:
“Please indulge in my annoying ramblings, I just won't stop seeking approval every day”
From what we’ve seen in the anime, Chu2 definitely seems very attention and approval-seeking, specifically when it comes to Yukina.
I will talk about more specific parts of these songs (+ other one-liners from RAS lyrics) within the rest of this big time ramble.
Exhibit: Chu2’s Past….?
A big emphasis on the question mark at the end, as we barely know anything about her past. One thing we know is that due to her excellent grades, she is in her first year of high school despite being only 14 & she studies/studied(?) in an international school, explaining her use of English.
However, based on RAS songs + some bits of the anime I can try to theorize on her past. It might be completely wrong, or I might just get it right, who knows, this is just for fun & speculation.
Family Situation
The anime made a point of how luxurious of a building the studio Chu2 works and has band rehearsals in, there’s even a ~50 seconds scene of Tae just staring at the building and the insides of it in awe.
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Now whether or not that building entirely belongs to Chu2’s family, or only the studio, or it’s only being rented out, it still is clearly very expensive either way. The studio is often being used after all, too.
What that very glaringly hints at is that Chu2 is wealthy. Well, not Chu2, but moreso her family, who we know virtually nothing of.
Now that could mean that her family situation isn’t of significance at all like how it is with a lot of characters in Bandori. But that could also not be the case, considering that Bushiroad does dip into family stuff with a few characters (Saaya, Ran and Yukina come to mind).
Chu2 is 14 years old, so having her lyrics be based off of feelings regards her family/overall social situation isn’t that far fetched.
I’ll go ahead and say that personally I theorize that this might fall into the tropey category of “Kid of rich parents gets practically anything but barely gets attention from their parents”.
I can easily believe that Bushiroad would want to take a route different from this, but there’s a lot of freedom for theorization and I think going with the common route is a pretty safe bet for a theory.
Unlike Betadori they don’t dip into territory that is too angsty, it seems, but it’s not like they’d need to be blatant about something like that either.
「Don't let me down」, I'm always told
Please indulge in my annoying ramblings
I just won't stop seeking approval every day
Please ignore my annoying ramblings
I'll just abandon seeking approval every day
I think it’s important to point out the difference between the last two bits. The lyrics first start out as a plead for listening to her and approving of her achievings, later in the song that part changes to ‘just ignore me please’.
Those lyrics also explain Chu2’s personality pretty well, in my opinion.
Even after being rejected by Yukina she kept trying to get her to watch her band, basically asking for approval from someone whose talent she looks up to.
I also believe that Chu2 might be an unhealthy perfectionist, which seems like a thing that might rise the tension within the band, but more to that later.
Exhibit: Chu2 in the Present
The childish child who won’t let herself be a child
Now if that ain’t a mouthful of a title, but hopefully I can explain my thoughts well enough so it’s somewhat understandable.
Chu2 clearly has a bratty personality and throws tantrums when she doesn’t get what she wants, but to me it doesn’t seem as shallow as that.
The official website describes her as a professional who is arrogant at times, but not rude.
Need I remind you that this girl’s just 14?
Here’s what I think:
Chu2 is a child at heart. But she doesn’t want to let that part of hers show too much due to how she wants to be treated: like a professional.
But she’s clearly an excitable child, as it was shown with how excited she got over the studio when she came to talk to Popipa in Arisa’s basement. For that moment she lost herself and probably could’ve gone on for a while Maya-style if Pareo hadn’t reminded her of her “official greeting”.
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What I think is that Chu2, due to wanting to be treated with high respect   as a producer, doesn’t want to appear childish, so she holds herself back unless the heat of the moment gets her or she feels like she can express her excitement without it damaging her ‘professional’ manners. Like when she got pumped after a RAS live, for example.
A quote that could be overlooked but might actually have a little bit of relevance if the words were carefully chosen was the following:
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“She thinks playing “band” like a bunch of kids is better than being in my group?!”
Tbh this literal child using the phrase ‘like a bunch of kids’ for something like…well, a band of friends being a band, just makes her seem like she wants to take herself incredibly seriously compared to other bands. To show that they’re not “kids” like the others.
In addition to that, she skipped a grade. In an international school. She seems to be really set on providing the best grades and world-changing music to appear worthy without letting herself indulge all that much in living a childhood. I could totally be exaggerating things, but I think it’s not too far-fetched of a thought.
Not a subject I’ll talk long about, but I think there’s things worth pointing out.
She’ll wait until whoever she’s angry at is out of her sight.
With Yukina she started yelling once Roselia was completely gone.
With Otae it’s a bit of a different case. This time she verbally even told her to get out of her sight before letting off steam, though Popipa weren’t completely out of hearing reach either.
2. She looks genuinely distressed.
The purpose of pointing out #2 is that she seems to have deeper reasonings as to why exactly she’s this desperate to have the perfect band/band members. Especially paired with the line of “I finally found what I’ve been looking for…”, she clearly isn’t doing this stuff just for fun and has got some sort of inner turmoil dealing with the fact that things aren’t going her way to which she responds, well, like that.
She’s not entitled to any bands or like anyone else obviously, and she needs to deal with that fact more maturely in the future.
But still, something HAS to be the root of exactly why she feels like this, to finally have found something.
It’s of importance to her, but why…?
I’d throw out the theory of seeking for approval again. She wants the perfect band that could make impact on the world. Maybe she wants the approval of someone (not Yukina, as she’s been searching for a while and clearly already felt this way before even seeing Roselia), probably someone older and personal to her. So I’d bet it on parents again, it IS the easiest answer after all, but who knows. There just seems to be someone (or more) she wants to impress.
Probably related to her bc it seems personal, if not maybe someone else she looks up to.
Exhibit: I wrote all the above way before I’m writing this part
I genuinely haven’t revised the above at this point of time, the 7th of January. So some stuff might be outdated, but I kinda wanna leave it like that, to see what past me has come up with. I vaguely know and have skimmed, but I wanna write more beyond this point now without knowing the details.
Aka I might repeat a lot of things here now!
CHU2 is actually very much in tune with people’s feelings & desires...when they express them through music.
Now I’m pretty sure this is something I haven’t talked about (or at least not much). Chu2 doesn’t strike one as a very empathetic character, as one has seen with how she was still willing to get Otae back into her band, despite Popipa’s deep bond.
But hear me out. This girl actually can understand other’s feelings well, under specific circumstances. And the RAS manga “RAiSe!” proved that.
With each RAS member, it seems like she just knew their desires upon hearing them play. It’s not yet confirmed with Pareo due to Pareo’s 2nd chapter not having been published yet at this point of time, but chapter 1 already leads up to what I think is Chu2 confronting Pareo (online invitation first), and understanding that Pareo holds her true self back.
With Layer she knew she was unhappy- she knew she didn’t want to keep playing support. She knew she didn’t look very happy, especially for someone who played at Budokan. And through that knowledge she was able to persuade her to listen to her music and to imagine what it’d be like in a band together with other members who’d give it their all.
Very much the same with Masking. Masking’s drumming is intense, and she feels like she cannot express herself well outside of drumming. Her desire was to have fun in a band with others on her level, where every member gave it their all on their instruments. Once again, Chu2 was able to convince her to join her band, she let her listen to her track, and Masking did improv drumming on it, in turn also impressing the producer.
Pareo’s desire is to be accepted for who she is. Since she was small she hid her true self that loves cute things, and kept her distance from classmates, pretending to be the perfect student in the eyes of them, her teachers, her parents...and when she first saw Pasupare on TV, she cried due to seeing how much support they got, something she didn’t feel like she received. She found joy in uploading videos of her doing keyboard pasupare covers online without showing her face. The simple prediction here is that Chu2 finds her covers, meets with Pareo in one way or another, and is able to tell that she hides her true self. Somehow she convinces her to change that and embrace her true self, and that she’ll be supported by the band.
RAS songs often are about going against the norm- RIOT for example symbolizes a rebellion. Masking heard the demo song Chu2 gave her, and got the impression that it made one feel like you want to declare war against the world. That it seemed like “that girl” was trying to raise hell itself with her intense music. Even short bits like in DRIVE US CRAZY, one lyric line goes “Never Say Never Crazy”. RAS is a band about expressing your true self. And Chu2 very much could be putting those kinda desires and feelings into these songs.
A little thought here about Chu2 watching Popipa performances on two occasions with very different reactions. When Popipa played a supporting band at Roselia’s self-sponsored live, Chu2 was shown to be very disinterested in them. Whilst Popipa was great, Chu2 might’ve felt the anxiety that Popipa had in them at that point of time and thus had that disinterest. At the Popipa self-sponsored live at the end of S2 however she showed a completely different reaction, dancing happily along to Dreamers Go! and being embarrassed upon Pareo noticing. Maybe at this point she truly felt Popipa’s real confidence, and the bond that they share.
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Not to mention she admitted to having felt moved by Popipa later on.
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Chu2′s got something big coming. Hopefully in S3. Maybe later on. (Cough RAS in game COUGH)
There’s just a whole lot of signs pointing to that. Especially since Lock, the future RAS guitarist, really is an opposite to Chu2′s own ideals. All Lock wants to do is have fun in a band with anyone at any level of playing instruments, as long as she feels the dokidokis. Chu2 is very profession-oriented. It also has a great potential to be a little bit of a Roselia parallel, since that was the band Chu2 originally wanted to be the producer of. And Roselia had their struggles with the just-pro approach, learning that forming strong friendships within the band very much are beneficial.
A little step towards that I feel is already hinted with the Film Live, in which she appeared backstage with the rest of RAS, bringing flowers together with Pareo.
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Even if she is huffy about it and it’s hard to admit for her that she does want to be nice and that she had been in the wrong regards past issues, it’s a step in the right direction.
Chu2 will have great development, and a lot of depth behind her character will be revealed.
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zinziinziiin · 4 years
I was tagged by my friend ash to do this! I’m gonna tag @promise-reprise , @rilagooma , @acrosc , and @nikkotikashi , so they can do it if they want, or not if not!
1. What is the color of your hairbrush?
it is green, though I have a blue one too
2. Name a food you never eat?
most of them. I am unreasonably picky. if I had to highlight one, it’s tomatoes!
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold?
here’s a hint: I live in australia
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
watching a youtube video about animal crossing!
5. What is your favorite candy bar?
mars bar? we don’t really talk about “candy bars” much over here.
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports event?
been to some basketball games with my dad’s ex wife. wasn’t a huge fan, but at least it wasn’t boring
7. What is the last thing you said out loud?
“oh, level 37... that’s not bad.” in reference to my mum’s WoW adventures
8. What is your favorite ice cream?
spearmint choc chip for sure!
9. What was the last thing you had to drink?
drinking a pasito (passionfruit-flavoured soft drink) as we speak
10. Do you like your wallet?
[shrug] I’d rather have it than not
11. What was the last thing you ate?
fish & chips
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
is this common???? no I did not.
13. The last sporting event you watched?
probably the olympics tbh. I don’t like sports much
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
regular buttered popcorn! pretty sure I can eat my bodyweight in it lmao
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to?
person? someone who works for the mental health place I go to. people? the D&D group chat I’m in with my mum. I barely talk there lmao. text message but not a phone text message? ash, the mate who tagged me.
16. Ever go camping?
unfortunately, yes. I hate camping, but my parents have taken me several times
17. Do you take vitamins?
18. Do you go to church every Sunday?
I’m an atheist, so uh. no. always have been an atheist, never prayed. been in churches and the likes before and been deeply uncomfortable invariably
19. Do you have a tan?
it is very easy for me to have a tan even when I barely leave the house, so yes!
20. Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza?
neither lol I Hate Food. bad textures, bad tastes! for most everything! I like plain rice tho
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw?
if the soft drink comes with a straw when I get it, yes
22. What color socks do you usually wear?
I have many different coloured socks, but I have more black and white patterned socks than any other colours!
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit?
I don’t know how to drive
24. What terrifies you?
Most Things!!! I have an anxiety disorder AND PTSD AND psychosis. gotta say, the things that terrify me most are fires (PTSD), drugs (severe paranoid delusion), and pregnancy (severe gender dysphoria AND paranoid delusion! fun!)
25. Look to your left, what do you see?
some LEGO, the can of pasito I mentioned earlier, a box of stimstuff, and the PMMM manga
26. What chore do you hate?
I find it very hard to do most chores, but the one I despise most is doing the dishes. I can’t do it for other people at all, it’s way too nasty even with gloves!
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?
daily life? I live here
28. What’s your favorite soda?
take a wild fucking guess, buddy
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thrus?
I can’t drive, but I vastly prefer it when the people I’m with go through the drive-thru! otherwise I have to be in a filthy smell-filled place with other people, and I usually have to place my order myself, which also makes me nervous!
30. Who’s the last person you talked to?
the mate who tagged me, ash.
31. Favorite cut of beef?
I don’t really eat beef. in fact, I can’t remember the last time I had it? sorry, Beef And Dairy Network Podcast!
32. Last song you listened to?
33. Last book you read?
if we’re counting manga, the PMMM manga I mentioned earlier. if we’re not, it’s the Angry Aztecs Horrible Histories book
34. Favorite day of the week?
saturday usually! it’s coin boost day in bandori, it’s D&D/beat saber day, and I usually get maccas for dinner
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards?
"the alphabet backwards”
36. How do you like your coffee?
I don’t
37. Favorite pair of shoes?
my platform boots. I only have like 3 pairs of shoes that fit and are not broken: my thongs, my canvas shoes, and my cool platform boots
38. The time you normally go to sleep?
39. The time you normally get up?
like... 9am? ish?
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets?
I’m rarely awake for the sunrise, and I wouldn’t wake up just to see it, so sunset
41. How many blankets on your bed?
do people usually have a fixed amount? I barely even have a sheet in summer, but I have sheet, doona, and extra blanket in deep winter
42. Describe your kitchen plates?
white and functional, though they’re not “mine” because I live with my mum
43. Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage?
I have enough wrong with my brain as it is, I don’t need alcohol
44. Do you play cards?
I could, but it’s not exactly a common occurrence for me
45. What color is your car?
I don’t know how to drive
46. Can you change a tire?
couldn’t if I tried
47. Your favorite province?
we don’t even have those
48. Favorite job you’ve ever had?
I've never had formal employment. Yet.
49. How did you get your biggest scar?
gave it to myself over the course of several very stressy days
50. What did you do today that made someone else happy?
made a moodboard for my friend!
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