gingerbeardmansim · 10 months
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NACHA - "I know that we've met Jimena and she seems like a nice woman, Lucile' but are we going to be able to handle another mom here?"
LUCILE - "Imagine what the sons are thinking. Three mothers? What have we gotten ourselves into?"
NACHA - "Milo seems like a very well-behaved boy. I think he will be good for Rafe."
LUCILE - "Rosalie is an entirely different story!"
NACHA - "Well, it's the first morning, I'd say we need to get the day going."
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ESTEBAN - "I can't believe it's here! We are living under the same roof!"
MARCO- "It's real, I already pinched myself, it's not a dream."
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The first morning and Marco and Esteban are happier than anyone else in the house. However, they knew it was not going to be easy at first. Blending families will take some love and patience. Especially with the children. Not to mention their mothers.
But Marco knew their biggest hurdle would be the young girl sleeping upstairs.
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ROSA - "I don't even want to open my eyes and deal with any of this!! I think I will just stay in bed."
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