gingerbeardmansim · 5 months
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TORY- "Rosa, that was not very nice. Sometimes you can be really arrogant."
ROSA- I'm not arrogant, Tory. I am just honest. The guy is weird. Why would he look you up and start talking to you. Everyone knows we are a couple. He even questioned Rafe at school yesterday and got Rafe to invite him into the Chess Club!"
TORY - "Sorry, I should not have said that. You made some good points. He very well may be a stalker. Forgive me, I shouldn't be so quick to react."
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ROSA - "No need to be sorry. I know you have my best interest in mind. "
TORY - "I do, Rosa. I want you to be safe. I need to head to football practice, just stay away from that guy, Okay?"
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LYRIC - "You turned that situation around and had him eating out of your hand."
ROSA - "Don't I always??"
this will be the last post of the Castro's for this year. Look for more coming in January.
Ace & Beck will also return in January with their move to Tomarang, as well as their renters in the new property they just acquired.
Until then, posts will be a little sporadic. With the holidays, and then a change in jobs, I am going to be quite busy.
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Meet the Diaz Family – Solo by Harper
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"Sometimes Life will throw you a curve ball, just to see how you react." - Unknown
The sky was blue, with not a cloud to be seen. Something I had come to learn while living out here was that this didn’t happen often, and when it did you should make the most of it.
Today was the day I had set out early in the morning to drive into Port Angeles, to officially meet with the practice we would be partnering up with. I had sent the proposal out to four teams, outlining what we could achieve if we worked together, however only the team at Little Paws, with Big Hearts Veterinary Practice were willing to step up.
I knew it was asking a lot, for very little payback. However, in small communities such as Port Angeles, Forks and La Push, I was certain more people would be willing to help and support one another. However, I couldn’t be correct all the time.
Now I stood looking up at the practice that was three times the size of the one I was running in La Push. Under the lobby entrance I could see the double doors, and yet I couldn’t seem to move my feet.
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Of course, #DrDavidHill’s practice in Seattle had been bigger. And my time there had taught me so much, however standing here. Now. It seemed to be a turning point, and one I wasn’t sure how to interpret.
‘Dr Jenkins? Is that you?’ The confident voice came from behind startling me into jumping out of my skin. ‘Oh, my dear. I didn’t mean to scare you.’ She placed a hand on my back giving a small rub before coming to stand beside me. ‘She’s a beauty, wouldn’t you agree?’ Her eyes were taking in the building at the same time as I was.
“Please… Doctor Castro-Diaz… It’s Harper… and yes, she really is.” It was all I could say to the woman stood with me.
‘Okay, well then it’s Rosa.’ She smiled with a wink.
I stood beside Doctor Rosario Castro-Diaz one of the three co-owners on the practice I was admiring. She had tanned skin with deep dark brown eyes, her long black hair was draped over one shoulder, and she wore a chequered pant suit. She was carrying a tablet in her hand, as well as her briefcase. And her big lips were curled up in a smile.
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‘It never gets old if you love this work. No matter how hard the days and nights maybe, it will never get old.’ She smiled to me and then gestured towards the large door. ‘I believe I have a tour to give you, and welcome you to the team?’
I walked side by side to her, I was going to be spending the morning here. Getting to know the building and all the people who worked in the practice. And it started with the support staff.
They were the heart and the soul of any large practice. The frontline to the people coming in with their sick pets and animals. The ones who had the time to give that extra care and attention too. Without them nothing would be worth it in the building. I listened as Rosa explained as she introduced me to each member of the team.
Opening a frosted glass door, she pointed towards a man hunched over a lab table. ‘And that would be Doctor Henry Diaz. The lead here at the practice and yes… you guested it… My husband.’ There was a sense of pride as she spoke of him.
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‘Oh please. We all know who the true leader of this place is.’ Setting the test tubes down he crossed the room, taking off his gloves, holding a hand out towards me. ‘We’ve been waiting on you Doctor Jenkins, we are glad you are here.’ He took my hand in his and shook it twice before letting it go.
As we all spoke, we continued to tour the facility. I learnt that Henry and Rosario met at the University of Washington-Seattle while they were studying to become vets. After they graduated Rosa left for five years to work in Europe. She wanted to travel and see the world, learn how others worked in the field outside of the U.S. While Henry stayed home. He worked hard with his father to rebuild the family practice into something bigger and better. He had dreams of what they could do and offer, and he brought his visions to life.
After five years, when Rosa came back, they both rekindled what they thought may have been lost, and yet somehow, they started exactly where they left off. And after a year Henry asked her to marry him. It was a love story that you could only imagine seeing at the movies or read in a book. I smiled to myself recalling a conversation with Collin. He had told me that love stories were real and that we were surrounded by them.
Rosa’s voice brought me out of my thoughts. ‘It was the boys mothers who named the practice Little Paws, with Big Hearts. And it just felt wrong to rename and modernise something which was named with love.” She told me as they walked me through the Operating rooms. Pointing out all the new equipment they have in place and what other things were to come.
Our last stop was a meeting room surrounded by frosted glass again ( they liked their glass in this place ), and when Henry pushed the door open, he smiled at whatever he saw inside. ‘Well, thank you for joining us.’ He said stepping inside.
Rosa shook her head smiling as she ushered me inside too, before crossing the room over to a man sat back in a chair with a bagel in hand, wearing a white t-shirt, ripped jeans, and a leather biker jacket. A helmet sat on the table beside him.
‘It’s not everyday we have breakfast brought in.’ The man said, standing to meet Rosa and placing a kiss to her cheek.
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‘Harper, I’d like you to meet Doctor Juan Diaz, he is the junior partner in the practice and my brother-in-law.’ She whispered something under her breath like ‘Behave yourself.’ Before stepping to the side leaving me stood before #Juan, whose eyes wondered over me from my feet to my head.
‘Well, aren’t you a tall one.’ Were the first words he said to me. Setting my back up tight.
“Why, aren’t you used to women who look you directly in the eyes?” I shot back in a even tone before I could stop myself. And then thought that #Leah would be proud for not backing down.
‘Damn… Sil… I like her…’ He held his hand out, however I didn’t take it right away.
I had been told that #Juan grew up knowing that he wanted to be just like his dad and big brother. He idolised them both to the point that he followed in their footsteps and studied to become a vet. However, as he worked on his degree, he questioned if it was the right path for him. A fight with his father saw him leaving home to enlist into the Navy, and he went to service.
Now, honourably discharged he came back home. While in service he completed his training, however, now he was finishing off his last year of certification at University of Washington-Seattle. He was working with his brother and Sister-in-law specialising in, Larger Animals, Emergency and Critical care, Surgery, Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation.
He glanced to his hand and then to me again, so I took it and curled my fingers tight before I shook it.
‘So, I hear we will be bunk mates.’ His lip curled up into a grin. ‘Nice to meet you roomy.’ He winked and I dropped his hand.
“I’m sorry what?” I turned my attention toward Rosa and Henry who were sitting at the table, asking me to join them.
They clarified that to start with #Juan would be the main point of contact for me, he needed more time with farm animals, and that La Push would give him the experience he needed.
“I’m sorry, but I’m not looking to train another person. I have someone I am mentoring as it is. I was looking for support with the practice out of hours.” I finally sat down, not paying him any mind as I hear him scoff at the mention of me training him.
Sure #Juan was older than me, but the fact was I’d been practicing longer than him.
‘Juan…’ His brother chastised him. ‘Harper, Juan doesn’t need hand holding, it’s just that the state here requires him to do a set number of hours in his chosen specialising field. We were hoping that with this partnership we would give him that opportunity.’
‘And who knows… you may learn a thing or two?’ he muttered with a full mouth. I really didn’t like this man.
Narrowing my eyes, I turned my full attention toward #Juan. I knew my stuff, I had worked hard for years to be where I sat now, and I wasn’t going to have some man tell me otherwise. “I will never say no to learning Doctor Diaz Junior.” The Junior hit home because he stopped chewing. “However, let’s make one thing clear. As much as I would like the help with La Push, and help you all here too. I will not allow anyone to walk over me. This is a 50/50 deal; I have a lot to offer for the right Partnership. ” We both sat there staring the other down. My eyes did not flicker.
‘Oh, I like her.’ Rosa mused taking a bite out of a slice of watermelon. ‘This is going to be the most perfect partnership this practice has seen.’
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notivision365 · 4 years
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#🅽🅾🆃🅸🆅🅸🆂🅸🅾🅽365 || La primera actriz venezolana en debutar en Hollywood fue Rosa Castro Martínez, hija del presidente Cipriano Castro y Zoila Rosa Martínez. Su nombre artístico era Lucila Méndez o Lucille Mendez. Nació en Caracas en 1906 y murió en San Diego, California en el 2007. . 📽️ @venezueladeayer A la edad de 7 años, Rosa parte del Puerto de la Guaira en Venezuela en el vapor que la lleva a Nueva York, Estados Unidos. Llegó de la mano de su madre para ser internada en el Convento de San Luis, donde realizó sus estudios de educación primaria y secundaria. . Una vez terminados sus estudios de educación secundaria, presenta una prueba de actuación ante las cámaras de un afamado director de cine estadounidense, Ralph Ince (1887-1937), quedando seleccionada y convirtiéndose así en la primera actriz venezolana que debutaba en Hollywood. Inicia entonces su filmografía con apenas 18 años. . El director es quien le sugiere el nombre de Lucille o Lucilla por su propia esposa. El 7 de julio de 1926, Rosa se casa con Ince, el director que la descubrió y que acaba de divorciarse. Permanecen casados hasta 2 de abril de 1932. Se divorcia de su esposo, acusándole de perjudicar su carrera al no permitir que aceptara importantes ofertas de trabajo. Es importante destacar su participación actoral en películas como La trepadora (1944) y La señora de enfrente (1945), cuyos guiones son del destacado escritor venezolano de trascendencia internacional Rómulo Gallegos. . Rosa Castro, el primer sex symbol venezolano, falleció a los 101 años, el 24 de mayo de 2007 en San Diego, California, Estados Unidos. . #repost @venezueladeayer . #1Ago #venezuela #venezolana #venezuelan #conocevenezuela #culturavenezolana #elnacionalweb #hechoenvenezuela #historiadevenezuela #igersvenezuela #ig_venezuela #orgullovenezolano #retrovenezuela #soloenvenezuela #talentovenezolano #venezuelaenfotos #venezuelahermosa #venezuelaretro #venezuelaquerida #venezuelateamo #caracas #caracasdeayer #venezolanosenhollywood #rosacastro #lucilamendez #lucillemendez #actricesvenezolanas #oldhollywood (en Caracas, D.F., Venezuela) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD_2HeFp2ZV/?igshid=ejd7y64m1beq
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jottaerre14 · 5 years
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Não sei se a vida é curta ou longa demais para nós, mas sei que nada do que vivemos tem sentido, se não tocarmos o coração das pessoas como as mães fazem diariamente conosco, por isso a homenagem desse dia, se estende por todos os dias do ano. 💫Abençoado seja o universo que criou a mãe como passaporte para a vida as quais dedico minha gratidão e prece a Deus para que preserve a saúde, a humildade e a alegria da minha jovem mãe @OdeteRamos e toda força e votalidade da minha amada @VovoThereza. Nelas estão o ventre, o amor e as mãos que cortaram meu cordão umbilical para o inicio da passagem pela terra. Sou muito orgulhoso pelas minhas jovens mães que até hoje me acompanham na cozinha, nas viagens, no Happy Hour, nos Bailinhos e até nas Baladas e Shows dessa vida. 😍Meu carinho a minhas irmãs @Danubia, @Leticia e @Ivete que a exemplo da "Mãe Dete" "Mãe Sônia" e "Mãe Jacira" trouxeram a vida e criam com dignidade e responsabilidade os anjos @Brenda, @Emanoel e @Bernardo ensinando a eles tudo que leve ao caminho do bem. Minha homenagem a todas as mães do Brasil🇧🇷 As minhas nobres Colegas de Trabalho, as minhas comadres que são o passaporte de vida dos meus anjinhos e afilhados(as) @AnaCristina, @Brenda @ClaryStefany, @Emanoel @PedroVinicius @Giovanna @MariaEduarda rogando a Nossa Senhora Aparecida que as guarde de todo o mal e que seus filhos erdem a generosidade, o acolhimento e o amor que vocês trazem em seus corações. 🙏Estendo meu abraço afetuoso a todas as minhas mães de coração @IracemaAntoneli @IaraOliveira @MariaAntoniaLima @RosaCastro @SoniaPissolato @TerezinhaMamadi que me acolheram, me ajudaram, me ensinaram e me acompanharam nesses anos em Curitiba, estarão para sempre presentes na minha mente e no meu coração. 💐Feliz dias das Mães!🌹 #sejasempreHumano😍 #sejasempreJovem🤑 #sejasempreFeliz😂 (em Curitiba, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxXE2nVA-B17XuHsepepnlAOFQRde41Bs-Zu1k0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wyb02rmub5wg
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gingerbeardmansim · 4 months
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Rosa overheard a conversation between Lyric, her best friend and Rafe, her obnoxious twin brother. She heard him asking her to prom and not only that, but they had secretly been "talking". Needless to say, Rosa was not very happy.
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ROSA - "Lyric, you said yes to going to the prom with him!? I cannot believe you! How long as this been going on behind my back. My BEST friend talking to my brother, whatever that means! What does it mean exactly?
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ROSA - "Out of all the guys at school, and you are talking to my brother!!?? Hell, dating Milo would have been better."
LYRIC - "Would you please calm down and quit talking and let me answer your questions? First of all, the reason I never said anything was I knew this would be your reaction.
ROSA - "You know how I feel about him, more than anyone else! You could have at least mentioned it.
LYRIC - "Right? Like that would be any different than now. And for your information I nor Rafe need your permission to see each other, talk or even date for that matter. I have known him my entire life. And if you haven't noticed, I don't have guys throwing themselves at me like you do. Plus, I honestly really like him!"
ROSA - "OMG, please don't say another word. Just go. Go home or go to your boyfriend's room and talk to him. I just can't. Go, Lyric I need to consider all this...
Lyric left, Rosa sat down and dialed her phone.
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gingerbeardmansim · 4 months
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After being angry and frustrated with Lyric, Rosa called Tory, her boyfriend. She went on, and on and on...
ROSA: "I just cannot believe they would go behind my back!"
After listening for over seven minutes of her rambling she finally took a breath and he spoke.
TORY - "Rosa, it is their choice, regardless of what you want or say so let it be. Would you prefer your best friend date someone you know nothing about. At least your brother is a good guy."
ROSA- "Are you not hearing what I am saying, Tory? It's not about that it's about them hiding it. Never mind, you are going to take their side no matter what I say."
and with that she hung up
Tory just rolled his eyes, "Rosa, Rosa, Rosa, I really do not understand why I date you sometimes."
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gingerbeardmansim · 6 months
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Marco and Esteban were excited as they told the kids what they had done that morning. Rosa seemed unphased. Milo congratulated them but Rafe didn't seem very happy about it at all.
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gingerbeardmansim · 5 months
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Later that afternoon, Rafe shared with Milo about meeting Min-Jun and that he invited him to join the chess club.
RAFE - "He seems really nice, and he was on the chess team at his old school, so he said he'd check it out for sure.
MILO - "Great, we need more people involved, and if our team is going to win any tournaments, we need some good players."
RAFE - "And he was asking about Rosa. I think he may have a crush on her. I told him he may want to avoid her. He doesn't seem like the type Rosa would want in her circle of friends."
About that time...
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ROSA - "Milo, would you please excuse us, I need to talk to my brother for a minute."
MILO - Sure no problem, Rosa. Rafe, catch you later."
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ROSA - "Lyric told me that she saw you talking to the new guy, Min..., something or other, I don't remember his name. What did you guys talk about?"
RAFE - "His name is Min-Jun Kim and he introduced himself to me. We talked about chess and he said he played. I told him about the chess club and told him to check it out. Why are you being so nasty about me talking to someone. I'm not like you, I like people."
ROSA - "Whatever, I have friends, more than you actually. If you forgot I am the president of the chess club, so he has to go through me to get in. He is a stalker. He was stalking me in the school chatroom this morning before school. There is no way he needs to be in the chess club. And furthermore, keep your opinions about me to yourself!"
Rafe had enough...
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RAFE - "Rosa, I am sorry you think that it is all about you. I doubt very seriously he was stalking you. He seems like a nice guy, And, you may be the president of the chess club, but we ALL vote on applicants. He knows how to play and is apparently good. He won a district competition last year at Pleasantview High. That's definitely more than you have ever done."
"What I said about you was not bad at all. Believe me I could have said much worse. As far as what I think about you or my opinions of you, maybe you should take a good long look at the type of person you are, Rosa. I'm not the only one that thinks you are not a very nice person. You really need an attitude adjustment."
Whew... those two seriously have some issues!
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gingerbeardmansim · 6 months
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ROSA - "Coming to Rafe's rescue I see. Why, Milo?"
MILO - "Something apparently upset him downstairs. Why do you have such a lack of empathy?"
ROSA - "Fifteen years of Rafe's dramatics. It will soon pass until the next event doesn't go the way he thinks it should."
MILO - "I do not know how the two of you are twins!"
ROSA - "Yeah, me either."
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MILO -"Why did you run up to your room, Rafe? Did something upset you?"
RAFE - "Yeah... I mean no. I don't know."
MILO - "Are you upset that our dads got married? I mean we knew that was going to happen sooner than later."
RAFE - "No, not really upset they got married. It is more about why they didn't tell us or let us be part of it. Dad always does it that way. Like Rosa and I don't really matter. I mean My mother is dead and Dad is in his own world, not to mention my sister cannot stand to be in the same room with me."
MILO - "To be honest, Rosa doesn't seem to be able to stand anyone in the room with her, other than her own reflection. I get it Rafe. I was a bit perturbed about not being included. It is their day though. I do not think your dad excluded you on purpose."
RAFE - "I suppose you are right. It's just how things are I suppose. I just feel like dad is slowly leaving me. I already lost mom, and apparently my sister. I can't lose my dad too."
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gingerbeardmansim · 5 months
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ROSA - "Abuela, I cannot win with Rafe. No matter what I say or do, it just does not matter to him. When I talk to dad about it, he says...you two need to come to an agreement... I am tired of the constant arguing with him."
NACHA - "Rosa, you are much like me and my mother. We are strong willed independent women. Some men do not understand that. Rafe will come around. You be you. Never change who you are Rosa."
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ROSA - "You are so right, Abuela. I need to stand my ground and stand up for myself. Thank you so much for understanding. I will keep being me, I promise."
NACHA - "I am proud of you, Rosalie."
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I don't think Nacha sees the true issue here. But, we will see.
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gingerbeardmansim · 4 months
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RAFE - "Hey Lyric. Before you go in with Rosa, I wanted to ask you something. I was going to ask but I didn't want to do it on the phone, nor did I want to do it at school. I was hoping that you and I could go to Prom together, what do you think?"
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LYRIC - "I really would love to go with you, Rafe, but what about Rosa? What is she going to say about it? You know how she is."
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RAFE - "Seriously, Lyric? What does Rosa have to do with you and I going to prom together. I know she has no idea we have been talking, but I want to make things official. I honestly don't give a damn about what Rosa may think."
LYRIC- "You know what Rafe? You are right. This is not about Rosa. This about us. I would love to go to prom with you. So Yes, I will be your date for prom, and I am going to let Rosa know that we have been talking. Whether she likes it or not, let's make it official. We are boyfriend and girlfriend!!"
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ROSA - "Lyric! Please do not tell me what I think I just heard. Have you and Rafe been talking? How could you do this?"
LYRIC - "I think we should go in your room and talk about this, Rosa."
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if looks could kill...
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gingerbeardmansim · 6 months
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Today is Career Day at the twins High School. Rosa is excited, Rafe, not as much. To be twins, these two are complete opposites.
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DeShawn Holland is a senior and Rosa decided to talk to him. Most of the girls find him attractive and she wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Apparently, he was not interested in the conversation as within a few moments after Rosa began talking, he started checking out his phone.
ROSA - (to herself) "Not sure what all the girls see about him. I find him obnoxious."
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gingerbeardmansim · 6 months
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After Milo left Rafe's room, Rosa barged in without knocking and sat down on his bed.
RAFE - "You could knock, you know."
ROSA - "Yeah I could have, but I didn't. Listen Rafe. I know you are upset over Dad getting married, but everything isn't always about you."
RAFE - "Maybe you should listen to your own advice, Rosa. It's not about that."
ROSA - ""Then what's it about? Never mind I really don't want to know. Dad is happy, Esteban is happy. So that is all that matters really. Sleep on it, and I hope you see things a lot clearer in the morning.
RAFE - "I already see things pretty clear, Rosa."
With that she leaves the room and Rafe gives her the finger as she heads back to her room.
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gingerbeardmansim · 6 months
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Looking in the mirror and talking to himself
"Why do I do this to myself. Is Rosa right? Do I only think of myself. I mean I do feel alienated in my own home. My feelings are valid!"
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Rafe took a nice little walk outside on the balcony it really didn't make him feel that much better.
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He finally went back to his room and got into bed. He was asleep in a matter of minutes, as was the rest of the house.
Tomorrow is a new day!
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gingerbeardmansim · 6 months
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Rafe was really having some things going on regarding his father's wedding to Esteban, but what was going on may be bigger than just that.
RAFE - "I really feel alienated from my father, Milo. Not just him, I don't know, maybe I need to just accept him and all of this. I mean it is what he wants and needs."
He then breaks down in tears.
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gingerbeardmansim · 6 months
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Rosa got a text from her dad on her way home from school.
ROSA - "Why is dad sending this to me? I mean Esteban has lived with us now for over a year. But it's not my choice! That's his decision!"
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