#Loretta x Sellen
baerryjj 1 year
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blood-darkened-moon 1 year
Elden Ring
Characters Tarnished One | Torrent the Spirit Steed | Melina | Millicent | White-Faced Varre | Lunar Princess Ranni/Ranni the Witch | Blaidd the Half-Wolf | War Counselor Iji | Preceptor Seluvis | Rya the Scout | Lightseeker Hyetta | Bloody Finger Hunter Yura | D Hunter of the Dead | Patches the Untethered | Fia the Deathbed Companion | Iron Fist Alexander | Jar-Bairn | Lady Tanith | Shabriri | Queen Marika the Eternal | Miquella the Unalloyed | Godwyn the Golden | Miriel Pastor of Vows | Cleanrot Knight Finlay | Latenna the Albinauric | Lobo |聽Three Fingers | Two Fingers | Gatekeeper Gostoc | Roderika the Spirit Tuner | Ensha of the Royal Remains | Sorceress Sellen | Boc the Seamster | Goldmask | Brother Corhyn | Gloam-Eyed Queen | Knight Diallos | Sorcerer Rogier | Nepheli Loux | Nomadic Merchant | Mary | Amy | Polyanna | Maureen | Finger Reader Enia | Black Knife Tiche | Finger Maiden Therolina | Lionel the Lionhearted | Thops | Knight Bernahl | Smithing Master Hewg | Lhutel the Headless | Dung Eater
Bosses Malenia Blade of Miquella | Praetor Rykard/Rykard Lord of Blasphemy | General Radahn/Starscourge Radahn/Leonard | Radagon of the Golden Order | Red Wolf of Radagon | Rennala Queen of the Full Moon | Maliketh the Black Blade | Morgott the Omen King | Mohg Lord of Blood | Godfrey First Elden Lord | Godrick the Grafted | Ancient Dragon Lansseax | Dragonlord Placidusax | Astel Naturalborn of the Void | Elden Beast | Sir Gideon Ofnir the All-Knowing | Fire Giant | Black Knife Assassin | Regal Ancestor Spirit | Crucible Knight | Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast | Erdtree Burial Watchdog | Loretta Knight of the Haligtree | Glintstone Dragon Adula | Night's Cavalry/Funeral Steed | Godskin Noble | Godskin Apostle | Abductor Virgin | Tree Sentinel | Roundtable Knight Vyke | Godefroy the Grafted | Commander O'Neil | Elemer of the Briar |聽 Bloodhound Knight Darriwil | Messmer the Impaler
Enemies Giant Crayfish | Serpent Snail | Festering Fingerprint Vyke | Vargram the Raging Wolf | Juno Hoslow Knight of Blood | Moongrum Carian Knight | Mad Tongue Alberich | Eleonora Violet Bloody Finger | Silver Sphere | Banished Knight | Preceptor Miriam | Night Maiden | Nox Swordstress | Bloody Finger Okina | Kaiden Sellsword | Celebrant | Fingercreeper | Maleigh Marais Shaded Castle Castellan | Fire Prelate | Nameless White Mask | Inquisitor Ghiza
Groups/Ships Omen Brothers | Carian Siblings | Twin Empyreans | Godskin Duo | Rykard x Tanith | Marika x Radagon | Radagon x Rennala | Marika x Rennala | Mohg x Miquella | Malenia x Finlay
ER Trivia | This Sheep
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baerryjj 1 year
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So like, sellretta馃憠馃憟馃挒
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