#Locklyle inspired me a lot as you can probably tell
pfirsichspritzer · 5 months
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2023 art summary
Some of my favourite pieces I made this year
Links under the cut in case tumblr mucks up the resolution again
January: RebelCaptain babies; Jyn Erso/Cassian Andor; Rogue One
February: RebelCaptain babies; Jyn Erso; Rogue One
March: VelCinta; Vel Sartha/Cinta Kaz; Andor
April: Norrie wakes; Lockwood & Co.
May: Locklyle Kiss; Lucy Carlyle/Anthony Lockwood; Lockwood & Co.
June: Locklyle Regency AU; Lucy Carlyle/Anthony Lockwood; Lockwood & Co.
July: Lockwood & Co. Future AU
August: Locklyle Future AU
September: Locklyle Couch Cuddles
October: Locklyle Dancing in the Rain
November: Locklyle Lazy Sunny Morning
December: A Lockwood & Co. Christmas
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paranorahjones · 1 year
19, 27, 33, and 38 for the writing asks💜💜
Aaaaaaaaaa I love you!! 💙💙
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
I remember (and still have, somewhere) the first original story I ever wrote. I believe I was seven years old, and in the JANKIEST handwriting possible I wrote a couple pages of a story titled "The Alley Cat". It was about a Siamese kitten getting lost in the woods and meeting a lot of woodland creatures, including the Queen of the Field Mice. 😂
I think I started writing because, like a lot of writers, I didn't feel like I could stop myself from writing. It just felt as natural as breathing, to want to write. I've always had a very active imagination and a rich inner life (can you tell I'm an introvert lol), and I had to express it somehow or I'd go crazy. And that's still true today. While I do often experience long bouts of writer's block due to burnout/exhaustion, it's still something that's very integral to me, and probably always will be.
I have several original projects that I work on regularly and hope to publish one day, but currently I'm having the time of my life just writing Lockwood & Co. fanfiction. I haven't felt this inspired in a long time and it's given me something to look forward to every single day.
27. Who is the most stressful character you've ever written? Why?
Honestly I was SUPER stressed out writing my first Locklyle fic, You Don't Have To Do That, from Lucy's point of view. I had only read part of the first l&co book at that point and was very worried I wouldn't do her justice. Looking back on that fic now after having read all the books, I do think I could have made her a lot more "Lucy" than how I wrote her. But a lot of people seemed to like that fic, so I don't beat myself up about it. The difference between that fic and Adrenaline Rush is fun for me to look back on because I'm much more familiar with her inner voice in Adrenaline Rush.
33. Do you practice any other art besides writing? Does that art ever tie into your writing, or is it entirely separate?
I draw, occasionally! Though I'm hoping to start doing it more regularly. I would love to be able to draw characters from my head and illustrate my own works for fun. That's the current art goal!
I also embroider a lot, but that doesn't tie into my writing. I just like customizing my clothes.
38. What is something about your writing process YOU think is Really Weird? If you are comfortable, please share.
I don't do this now, but back when I used to use Google Docs for all of my writing instead of Word, I would color code all of my documents and change the page color of all my favorite ones to a specific shade of dark teal. I think I was probably just hankering for some kind of dark mode (why the heck does Docs not have that built in??).
Also . . . on a couple occasions, I have been known to create my characters in The Sims 4 and make them live together to watch them interact and get inspiration from what they do (who knew Destry and Ophelia would enjoy cooking together?? Not me!). It's DEEPLY fun.
Thank you for this super fun ask!!! 💙💙💙
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