#Liv has been so patient and kind to me throughout this process
michaelcorners · 7 years
A million things that my heart adores about you
It started like this, as Isak laid fast asleep Even would pull out that little green notebook and note all the things he adores about Isak. Like the way the first rays of sunshine hit his hair just right or the way his eyes lit as he smiled or even the way adoration painted his face as he looked at Even. Even swears the list could go on and on. After finally becoming impatient of waiting for Isak to wake up Even tucks the little free notebook under the cup of coffee that he set on the bedside table then slowly leans forward and presses the tenderest of kisses to Isak’s cheek one that elicits a happy sigh from Isak who then slowly wakes. “Hi”, Isak whispers as he reaches for Even’s hand a smile already starting to spread across his face. “Hi baby”, Even whispers back slowly leaning in for a kiss that Isak happily obliges to. They kiss for a minute or two before Isak pulls away. “What were you doing before I woke up? You were.. writing something I think. I heard the scratching of the pen and..” “I was doing nothing mannen i mitt liv just doodling little things of you.” Isak scoffs and rolls his eyes Even automatically starts laughing attempting to have Isak not realize he made a slight lie which works perfectly causing a little giggle to escape from Isak but Isak immediately stops when he happens to catch a glimpse of the little green notebook. “Evy, what’s that?” “Nothing baby”. “But..” “Shh my love you worry too much” Even says and wiggles his brows all previous slight tension gone. ~~ The next time Even pulls out that green little notebook Isak is hunched over a notebook fiercely scribbling notes his eyebrows drawn upward in concentration. Even, who’s laying on his side staring adoringly automatically starts jotting things down that he starts to see like the way his lip pouts ever so slightly or the fact that the more Isak concentrates the more prominent his cheekbones become. “Whatcha writin’?” Even’s head snaps up and he quickly fumbles to close the notebook. “Nothing my love”, he says as he pulls Isak into his arms. “You’re a terrible liar baby”. “It’s really nothing I promise", Even says as he holds Isak’s face in his hands looking straight into those green irises. “Is it a list about all the reasons why you should break up with me or even hate about me?” “What?! Nei baby!” “Then?..” “One day baby one day”. ~~ On the tenth day of noting everything he adores about Isak he decides to turn it into a gift. A gift that begins as one sticky note that is left on their mirror before Even leaves for work. Isak, you’re a piece of art that I could just admire and adore till the end of my days. Love, Even. Even lets this continue for a week, stuffing folded pieces of paper into Isak’s jeans, jacket, backpack, basically anywhere that he knows that Isak would encounter them at, even if that meant giving one to Jonas and Magnus to give to Isak throughout the day. But as the last day comes to an end Even plans the most romantic night in for the two of them,the last folded piece of paper placed in his lightly closed fist. As Isak walks into the room he suddenly stops, his mouth partially agape tears already falling down his face. Even takes three steps forward and gently takes Isak’s face in his hands, kissing his forehead, his cheeks then lastly his lips. “Isak, I could go on and on about everything little things I love about you and baby I will. You are the best thing to ever come into my life, you constantly show me how to be strong in a way I never knew was possible. You bring me so much hope and just fill that part of me that was destined for only you. Nothing would make sense about you Isak and I don’t ever want you to think I don’t love you. I love you to the moon and back, to the ends of the earth, to infinity and beyond. You are my life baby and you always will be”. Before Even can even process what’s happening he’s pulled into Isak’s arms, soft sobs quietly leaving Isak. “Isak, Isak, Isak, I love you, I love you, I love you”, Even whispers into Isak’s ear beginning to press tender kisses to Isak’s forehead, the tip of his nose, both of his cheeks then lastly his lips once more. Isak brings his hands to tangle them in Even’s hair, Even his hands tenderly holding Isak’s face. They stand there for a minute or two lips brushing against one anothers hearts both a fluttering. Isak parts his lips from Even’s looking up at Even his face beaming. “So that’s what you were doing huh? Planning the most romantic sappiest thing in the world?” “Sappy? But romantic? Very much so. I know this uh might come as a surprise to you but I’ve um been doing this since the moment I first laid eyes on you”. “Hva? Seriously? Wow”. Even reaches his hand to Isak to interlock them Even lightly squeezing Isak’s fingers which gets Isak to smile once more. Even then suddenly remembers the folded piece of paper in his other hand and gently gestures to Isak for him to open his hand. Isak obliges confusion written all over his face until Even sets the folded piece of paper in his hand. Isak opens it carefully eyes never leaving Even’s then begins to read, tears once more welling up in his eyes as he reads further. As he finishes he looks directly into Even’s eyes who’s quietly trying to fight back his own tears, but then pulls him into his arms swearing to the entire universe that their love was as strong as mountains a foundation that would live on for as long as life endured. There’s this boy and he kinda has my heart already. Cheesy, I know, but let me tell you about this boy. His smile is like the sun, pure, wholesome, good and so incredibly heart warming it’s very rare that smile but it always manages to make my heart soar like the birds in the sky, so free and full of life. His smile is not the only thing I love but that laugh, oh god that laugh that makes my heart melt. The funny thing is I feel like this boy and I am meant to be I can kind of just tell you know by butterflies and such. I just wish I could really strike up that courage and actually talk to him.. Or maybe this just isn’t meant to be I guess. August 9 There’s this boy, and he totally has my heart. I know I’ve written this here once before but seeing these words then seeing where my life is now? It feels like a complete dream. Cheesy, I know, but let me just tell you about this boy and how his story is like my own award-winning film. He always says that his smile has grown because of me, but every day I tell him ‘No, baby. You did that all yourself.’ Little does he know how brighter my life has become because of him. Yet sometimes he doesn’t believe me or doesn’t get it. He’s so good to me - way too good to me sometimes and there’s moments where I feel I’m so undeserving of his love. He’s so pure and whole and someone I can call mine proudly and with love and adoration. Someone I look forward to in the mornings and it’s so incredibly heartwarming. His smile still never fails to make my heart soar like the birds in the sky - so free, so full of life and potential. I fell in love with bits of him one by one - his smile, his laugh and oh God that laugh is what makes everything okay. That reminds me that I’m never alone now, that I have someone who understands and is so damn patient I swear it’s just a superpower that he has. Someone who always reminds me to think of now, never the past and also never the present. But right now, in this moment, everything in this minute is okay and I know will always be okay. Shout-out to the lovely Mars ( @rapgodvaltersen ) for helping me put together the very end of this drabble ❤ I love you so so much 💖
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