#Little Lottie utdm
acesandocs · 27 days
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(The) Little Lottie
A drawing based on the Norman Rockwell painting 'The Little model'. Its definitely more symbolic as I don't think the La Lune girls get personalized posters printed.
Lottie and Little Lottie are @libras-interactives's ocs
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libras-interactives · 3 months
Hello author, I hope you are doing well ! Some questions for the UtDM ocs, with this ask game, since I'm just so very curious about them
How easy for them is it for them to ignore flaws in other people ?
Who do they most regret meeting ?
I hope you have a nice day/evening/night ! :D
Hi there! ^^ hope your day is going well too.
How Easy It Is For Them To Ignore Flaws in Others:
Marius: For a loved one? Very easy. Rose tinted glasses for lovers and friends alike.
Jack: A tough one. Any mistreatment to him, he chalks up as his fault and deserved. He's a bit more aware of his friend's shortcomings, but sees them as forgivable compared to his own.
Lottie: Completely depends. Everyone has flaws, and she's fairly self aware of her own. As long as they aren't hurting people or themselves too badly, she's willing to work with it.
Eveline: Its less "ignoring" and more "tolerating because shes too tired to fuss about it". She's got a limit, though.
Máire: Depends on time of day and what the cards say. She mentally notes the flaws and rolls with them, never ignoring them or making excuses for them.
Malwina: For people she dislikes? Impossible. For the man she loves? Easily.
Slyvester: Very easy, that's already his job.
Little Lottie: Almost impossible if the flaws frighten or hurt her. She avoids the person.
Flynn: If the flaws benefit him, he works with them. If they don't, he handles it.
Cora: CHALLENGE IMPOSSIBLE!!! Dom has to reel her in a bit
Who Do They Most Regret Meeting?
Marius: Krooks. Fuck that guy
Jack: The ringleader of the circus he joined
Lottie: Flynn
Eveline: Flynn
Maire: Her ex. Close 2nd: Flynn
Malwina: Mariana
Slyvester: Tie between Atlas and Flynn
Little Lottie: The man that took her from mommy, and the split face man
Flynn: His little brother Don Conti
Cora: Her stepmother
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acesandocs · 1 month
What i think the utdm cast would do in Minecraft
Marius - starts every new game by locating and robbing the nearest village, pretends to be your Minecart gf so you'll give him your diamonds, makes everyone pride flags via banners, goal is to craft an entire netherite set of armor. skin = cute anime egirl 
Jack - usually does what his friends do and goes on a creeper killing spree if his house gets blown up, fixes up the villages Marius raids and builds them an iron golem. Gets really into the trading system cuz he likes to see the villagers level up. skin = Enderman 
Eveline - plays in creative or easy mode to relax. Likes making redstone and musicbox contraptions, and collecting all the jukebox disks, will let the game play in the background just to listen to the music, can't stop taming parrots. skin = something artistic, like a straight up detailed pixel drawing of a bird or flower 
Lottie and little L - they have a peaceful server where they built a farm and have a bunch of farm animals, have either a cutesy pink texture pack or a cottage core inspired one. skin = Pink princess and queen of hearts
Malwina - does Minecraft role-play, wasn't initially into building but started so she could make set pieces and environments for her rp’s, downloads mods with new decorations and custom blocks for her builds, helps little L and Lottie build cute houses inspired by Victorian architecture. = custom skin that's her sona 
Máire - would have to be convinced to start playing by a friend, like jack she just follows someone else’s lead but will eventually get really into enchanting and making potions cuz the sounds are very asmr. skin = something witchy 
Sylvester - wouldn't get into it on his own but his kids love it so he and his wife got it so they can play with them and participate in any Minecraft related conversations around the dinner table, they just wanna show that they care about their kids interests. skin = Steve (his kids eventually change his and his wife's skin to Morticia and Gomez Addams)
Flynn - makes a server just so he can abuse his admin powers and greef people, would never admit to anyone that he plays Minecraft. skin = creeper with a suit 
Cora - lore expert, makes YouTube theory videos, even plays the spin of games and tries to haphazardly fit them together into one universe. skin = Herobrine
The characters belong to @libras-interactives
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libras-interactives · 8 months
Hi ! Just thought about something! What are the religious beliefs of the UtDM's characters ? (Your ocs specifically) You mentioned Flynn was atheist, I believe ? I just find those kind of information really interesting when you consider the time period !
Have a nice day !
Ooooh interesting question! Cut because this is long.
Marius and Eveline were raised Catholic. She still attends Mass and believes to ... some extent, though it's painful when she'd had so much tragedy and she feels God has allowed it to happen. It's more comforting rituals to her, and a familiar place to have peace and quiet in. Marius would say he believes in God, but does little in the way of prayer or action.
Jack was raised in a very puritannical, isolated and fundamentalist Christian sect. He's still very afraid of God and damnation and Satan, and wants to not believe to relieve himself of that fear, but ...
Flynn was raised very strict Catholic, and he was always defiant and iffy on the whole thing - WW1 sent him firmly into "God is dead and/or never existed, and if He's alive, he doesn't care about us" territory. Generally he believes organized religion is an excellent scam.
Lottie's family was Catholic, though didn't attend church often and as far as she remembers, weren't terribly devout. When they died, she became bitter and resented God. As an adult, she's mostly recovered from that, but still jokingly calls herself a bad Catholic and doesn't really identify as one.
Máire was raised Catholic ... ish? Her grandmother and mother were... eccentric about it, to say the least. Their true beliefs were much closer to the late 1800s spiritualist movement, with a weird mix of Saint reverence and old Irish folk medicine and teachings. Máire dislikes explaining herself to others, and Catholicism is deeply tied to her culture, so she allows others to assume and refer to her as Catholic.
Malwina was raised Catholic and still believes in God. She tries to attend Mass, but lately it's brought more guilt and shame than it's worth. She prays on her rosary when she feels disheartened, but moreso because it reminds her of her mama and sisters.
Polly/Paulie grew up Methodist, and isn't particuarly religious or interested, but the church still holds fond memories. He's especially sentimental during Christmastime, and will attend those services. She only prays if she's truly in distress.
Slyvester was raised Lutheran, though his parents were fairly open-minded for the time. His wife is Catholic, and he married into/converted to the Catholic Church for her sake. They don't attend Mass except for holidays, and only pray with family or before meals.
Krooks grew up Jewish, and tries not to think about what his family and God would think about his current situation. He still observes dietary restrictions and holidays out of tradition and missing his family. Ezra was raised in a fiercely Southern Baptist home, which put him off religion for a long time. A few times he's gone to Krooks' synagogue and found it comforting. Roxie is quite blunt about her disbelief in God, and claims she never stepped foot in a church, nor will she ever. She grew up in rural Utah, had four mothers and narrowly avoided a marriage with a much older man. She does NOT like talking about religion.
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