#Lexa has a real day of reckoning coming her way believe Clarke has a whole library of hurt and rage to get off her chest 😬
butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
Does MBFW Clarke know she’s in love with Lexa? Like after the breakup and before getting engaged did she talk to her friends/family about the pining and waiting for her to be ready? Or is she an idiot who genuinely thought they were just friends?
Oh no, she knows. She's always known. I mean she's had phases of fooling herself into thinking she's ok if it truly is actually over, that maybe her and Lexa really do just work better as friends. She's gone through the motions of crying on Raven's shoulder and only admitting how much she wants to get back together in quiet moments of weakness, always to be followed a few days later with laughing and assuring everyone that she's fine and doesn't even think about it anymore.
But then that idiot shows back up on her doorstep with that same bashful smile that holds all of Clarke's weaknesses and secrets, and just seeing her brings Clarke right back where she started when they met at 19. Because no matter what she says, Lexa just isn't someone you fall out of love with. Not for her anyway.
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