#Lester C. Hunt
politicaldilfs · 2 months
Wyoming Governor DILFs
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Clifford Hansen, David Freudenthal, Edgar Herschler, Mark Gordon, Joe Hickey, Frank A. Barrett, Nels H. Smith, Jack R. Gage, Mike Sullivan, Lester C. Hunt, Matt Mead, Stanley K. Hathaway, Milward Simpson, Jim Geringer
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aclaywrites · 6 months
Here’s the actual senator who shot himself because McCarthy and Cohn ruined his gay son’s life and was about to ruin his.
It’s a lot more than just sexy actors rubbing their workouts against each other. Those closet queens did actual evil
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manicr · 9 months
Super hectic few weeks IRL. I've been exhausted coming home or busy with things. Start of term is always rough and I forget that every year; the kids are energy thieves, even if I really care for them. And we're still house hunting and there's a thousand other things.
I'll try to be more communicative here, partly b/c that does soothe me and take my mind of everything else there is..
On a side note, I'm so happy Bullseye is back in comics both in Loki as well as announced in the new DD. I missed that murderous little horror. So far it seems more pre-Zdarsky and I'm thrilled with that. I hope they pretty much ignore his run when it comes to Lester.
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lester c hunt changing the trajectory of wisconsin forever
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Horror Villains And: Period Sex
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oh that is the perfect gif I totally forgot all about it but oh boy. thanks billy for your service to this blog.
Warnings: Obviously, menstruation, blood, and smut. I’m dealing with a particularly uncomfortable period (for me at least) and just want some e m p a t h y about it.
Who LOVES it:
Freddy Krueger: ABSO-MOTHER FUCKING-LUTELY. It’s a struggle to keep his hands off you (on a normal day) during your period. He can smell it.
Kieran Wilcox: yes please mommy, he’s waiting.
Luda Mae Hewitt: This is her secret kink.
Michael Myers: B l o o d  p l a y? Any kind of bloodplay, Michael is into it. If you weren’t already bleeding, he would probably make you bleed, with his (Actual) knife.
Mickey Altieri: Bring it. Jesus christ, Mickey thinks its so hot. Getting his cock or his fingers coated in your slick and your blood (Seeing the string consistency between his fingers), seeing you in a total mess from your period and being fucked to oblivion? Oh yes.
Midnight Man: He just likes it. I dunno. I don’t have a logical reason, extension or explanation of my vibes here but I am getting them from him.
Patrick Bateman: Oh my god it is his favourite kind of sex. Yes yes yes. Please please please. He marks your cycle in his calendar, with special notes about flow and mood. Soon enough he’s figured out your whole period every week and knows exactly when the iron is hot enough to strike. Any w h e r e, any t i m e .
Both Pennywise’: Ooooh, watch their eyes glow and their hair get more luscious when you tell them. Their teeth get sharper and the whites of their eyes get whiter- they’re horny as fuck now. Be a good sport and give them a lil taste, won’t you? A smell at least? That, or have them trailing you like lost puppies for the rest of the week, and curling up to/around you as tightly as possible when you’re sleeping.
The Clown / Jeffrey Hawk / Kenneth Chase: Where else could he possibly go on this post, honestly.
The Man (Hush): Yep.  He’s favourite time of month.
Who is like ‘a b s o l u t e l y  n o t’:
Jerry Dandridge: Do I really need to comment? I mean, he can control himself being around you on your period, but you cannot let that blood smell hit the open air. Your controlled, classy vampire bf will disappear in an instant and will be replaced with… well, Evil.
Yeah no thanks:
Debbie Loomis: She’s not vehemently against it, but still… nah? Thanks for the offer tho. And it won’t happen when she’s on her period either, c e r t a I n l y not. Don’t even touch her when she’s on her period, jesus christ.
Jennifer Check: Yeah she just got a new manicure. Over her dead body will you stain her new French tips with your coochie blood. And if she puts her mouth down there, it might excited t o o much if you get what I mean and you will become a real snack.  
Is indifferent towards it:
Bo Sinclair: You’re sure into him durin’ this time o’ month, aren’t you? Eh… whatever. Hop on. He’s happy to help his partner, especially if its in such a gratifying way! I mean he won’t buy you any fucking pads but he will do this and there’s Bo as a boyfriend for you.
Chucky / Charles Lee Ray: I mean sure? Blood doesn’t scare him and it is, in fact, a turn on for him of course so sure. Plus, you’re less likely to get pregnant at this time, which is great! Doesn’t see what the big deal is, here. (Although, weirdly, I see past Chucky from Curse to be very much in the next category)
Inkubus: It’s not even a big d e a l, man, its cool. He likes all kinds of sex. Go wild.
Jason Voorhees: Jason is basically ace in the way he conducts himself on a general basis but if it tuned out that he was interested in sex and/or was willing to do it with you, then some blood leaking out of your private parts because of some natural causes is not going to change his mind. Is this not normal??
Jedidiah Sawyer: ???Alright??? He wears a mask made of skin, your natural bodily functions are not going to scare him away. Besides, the knowledge that it could lessen menstrual pain for you is a nice bonus. He’s gotta take care of his family.
Roman Bridger: It’s really not a big deal to him. We’ll just put down a darker sheet, or some plastic. You both need this sometimes (Him for emotional support when he’s stressed, and you of course cuz you’re on your damn period) and a bit of blood is certainly not a deal breaker. Besides, he finds the easy thrusting to be nice and comfortable. Preferred sometimes, actually. Just some nice, lazy, relieving sex with your director boyfriend.
Sheriff Hoyt / Charlie Hewitt: A little bit a’ blood aint gonna turn me off, sugar. Don’t you worry bout that.
The Djinn: See Inkubus. Except, our dear Wishmaster is so much more of a tease about this.
Is enthusiastic when they learn that orgasms lessen period pain:
Bubba Sawyer: He doesn’t care about exposure to blood, obviously, and he doesn’t see it as gross at all but he was still concerned about whether that was safe during your… monthly thing… but once he found out that it could help you with cramps he got on board immediately! ^^
Lester Sinclair: Oh boy, well okay then, let’s give this a go then!!
Mayor Buckman: He knows the drill; Boone gets terrible cramps. Don’t worry, he’s got you.
Pamela Voorhees: Oh of course she’ll help you out when you’re hurting ^^
Stuart Lloyd: Well… don’t get him wrong, for sure there is the part where it helps you in a seriously uncomfortable time… but then there is also the fact that he is a lil bit of a secret freak and menstrual care is a good excuse for him. (So he also belongs in the first category ^^)
The Deathslinger / Caleb Quinn: Blood doesn’t bother him, and if it’ll give you a hand with yer monthly problem then you just need to ask him. You’ll be on the bench in the saloon with your thighs spread without a second thought, like asking for a glass of water. (Except of course Caleb’s a lot more hands on about the whole thing of course (; ) He’s happy to help.
The Huntress / Anna: Oh!! Really?? It’ll help? Okay, then, sunflower. Remove your pants. Let’s go !!
Vincent Sinclair: He’s just very supportive and helpful through all areas of your period. He doesn’t understand, but he can still be sympathetic and help the way you say would be good ^^
Is curious and will try:
Billy Loomis: Is really curious and excited to try it. I mean, he likes blood? He likes sex? And this is both those things?? Fun lubricant, yay.
Chop Top Sawyer: And when I say that he’ll try and I REALLY MEAN IT, MAN. Like, go big or go home. He’s going to eat you out at this time and he’ll end up really enjoying it. Buckle up babes, you’ve awoken something buried pretty damn s h a l l o w l y inside him.
Granny Boone: Similar to Chop Top except with him, you had to tell him you were on your period and all so it would be different and all, while with Boone she was the one sniffing it out and *cough* hunting you approaching you about trying it.
Jill Roberts: For the same reasons as Billy. Plus, she wants to be able to say ‘well I did it for you- you have to do it for me.’
Leslie Vernon: I mean, he’ll give anything a shot once. What’s the harm?
Piper Shaw: Same as Jill.
Stu Macher: Super enthusiastic to try!! XDD Just, like, dyed lube- right?
Is c a u t i o u s:
Carrie White: … periods have always been difficult for her… But she’s willing to give it a try as long as you’re willing to return the favour! ^^
Thomas Hewitt: Tell him, if whatever he does hurts you. He is very serious about this. He wants you to feel better, but he doesn’t really know this works and does not want you hurting in his vein attempt at making you feel better. So, please. Tell him how you’re feeling. He’ll get really good at making your cramps and discomfort go away.
They may take some convincing:
Drayton Sawyer: I mean, he’s of course not afraid of some blood but… uh… Well, I mean, he doesn’t really have a big, or even moderate sex drive in the first place so any sex of any kind takes some warming up to. Maybe if the stars aline and you catch him on a good day. Otherwise, he tells you to just suck it up.
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nastyatticman · 3 years
hey I’ve been itching to fill some requests lately so here’s a tentative list of characters / things I’ll write (will add/change later)
Billy Lenz (Black Christmas 1974)
Brahms Heelshire (The Boy 2016) what sequel
Bubba Sawyer (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre & TCM 2)
Carrie White (Carrie) (AU where she doesn’t die)
Leslie Vernon (Behind the Mask)
Bo Sinclair (House of Wax 2006)
Angela Baker (Sleepaway Camp 2&3)
Vincent Sinclair (HoW 2006)
Lester Sinclair (HoW 2006)
Candyman (Candyman 1992)
Billy Loomis & Stu Macher / Polyam Ghostface (Scream)
Any of the slashers from Vicious Fun 2020 except Zachary. Carrie, Fritz, Hideo, Mike, Bob are all on the table!
And more! Just ask and I’ll see what I can do :D
Other horror / media
The Duke (Resident Evil 8)
Jimmy Hall / Hugo Punch (At Dead of Night)
Eddie Gluskin* (Outlast: Whistleblower) (*fair warning I’m not that knowledgeable about Outlast but I feel like I have a good grasp on Eddie’s character!)
My OCs
Sidney Jade Leong, a twenty something killer with darkness behind his eyes
Duane Griffith, a beloved pastry chef by day & cannibal by night
Emil Vuong, a hitman whose existence is a mystery to his victims as well as his loved ones
Gabby ???, a woman who may be secretly living in an attic near you!
Angel, an up coming slasher who wants to be part of something big. Ghostface meets Leslie Vernon, with the most gorgeous hazel eyes
Kevin Liu, known as the Groundskeeper. A shy college student by day, who hunts down people who’ve wronged him at night.
You may request
SFW - fluff, angst, dark topics
N / SFW - vanilla, BDSM, dub con / non con okay
Slasher X reader
Slasher X Reader X Slasher/another character
Slasher X Slasher
Slasher X specific reader (** please add specifics - rather than asking for “slasher x Chinese reader” I’d prefer more detail like “slasher x Chinese reader showing them dramas”)
Drabbles / short writing
I’ll write this if you pay me ? 👉👈
(I’ll take money via cashapp, maybe PayPal. I’m willing to take non money offers such as buying something from an external site or art/writing! Art trades okay)
Slashers X Your OC
Slashers X you / your self insert
Longer writing, fanfiction
I won’t write
Hate speech, bigotry, etc
Certain kinks/fetishes (piss, scat, anything I’m not comfortable with)
Incest pairings (or anything where reader is in a relationship or hooking up with two+ characters who are related, I’m not comfortable with that)
Not SFW content of Underage characters, or of animals
Other stuff - I’ll let you know on a case by case basis so we can figure out something we’ll both like C:
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August 27, 2021
Heather Cox Richardson
America is in a watershed moment. Since the 1980s, the country has focused on individualism: the idea that the expansion of the federal government after the Depression in the 1930s created a form of collectivism that we must destroy by cutting taxes and slashing regulation to leave individuals free to do as they wish.
Domestically, that ideology meant dismantling government regulation, social safety networks, and public infrastructure projects. Internationally, it meant a form of “cowboy diplomacy” in which the U.S. usually acted on its own to rebuild nations in our image.
Now, President Joe Biden appears to be trying to bring back a focus on the common good.
For all that Republicans today insist that individualism is the heart of Americanism, in fact the history of federal protection of the common good began in the 1860s with their own ancestors, led by Abraham Lincoln, who wrote: “The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves---in their separate, and individual capacities.”
The contrast between these two ideologies has been stark this week.
On the one hand are those who insist that the government cannot limit an individual’s rights by mandating either masks or vaccines, even in the face of the deadly Delta variant of the coronavirus that is, once again, taking more than 1000 American lives a day.
In New York, where Mayor Bill de Blasio has required teachers to be vaccinated, the city’s largest police union has said it will sue if a vaccine is mandated for its members.
In Texas, Governor Greg Abbott on Wednesday issued an executive order prohibiting any government office or any private entity receiving government funds from requiring vaccines.
In Florida, Governor Ron DeSantis has also forbidden mask mandates, but today Leon County Circuit Judge John C. Cooper ruled that DeSantis’s order is unconstitutional. Cooper pointed out that in 1914 and 1939, the Florida Supreme Court ruled that individual rights take a back seat to public safety: individuals can drink alcohol, for example, but not drive drunk. DeSantis was scathing of the opinion and has vowed to appeal. Meanwhile, NBC News reported this week that information about the coronavirus in Florida, as well as Georgia, is no longer easily available on government websites.
On the other hand, as predicted, the full approval of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine by the Food and Drug Administration has prompted a flood of vaccine mandates.
The investigation into the events of January 6, when a mob stormed the U.S. Capitol to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election, also showcases the tension between individualism and community.
Yesterday, after months in which Republicans, including former president Donald Trump, called for the release of the identity of the officer who shot Capitol rioter Ashli Babbitt, Capitol Police officer Lieutenant Michael Byrd, the 28-year veteran of the force who shot Babbitt, gave an interview to Lester Holt of NBC News.
Right-wing activists have called Babbitt a martyr murdered by the government, but Byrd explained that he was responsible for protecting 60 to 80 members of the House and their staffers. As rioters smashed the glass doors leading into the House chamber, Byrd repeatedly called for them to get back. When Ashli Babbitt climbed through the broken door, he shot her in the shoulder. She later died from her injuries. Byrd said he was doing his job to protect our government. “I know that day I saved countless lives,” Byrd told Holt. “I know members of Congress, as well as my fellow officers and staff, were in jeopardy and in serious danger. And that’s my job.”
The conflict between individualism and society also became clear today as the House select committee looking into the attack asked social media giants to turn over “all reviews, studies, reports, data, analyses, and communications” they had gathered about disinformation distributed by both foreign and domestic actors, as well as information about “domestic violent extremists” who participated in the attack.
Representative Jim Banks (R-IN) immediately responded that “Congress has no general power to inquire into private affairs and to compel disclosure….” He urged telecommunications companies and Facebook not to hand over any materials, calling their effort an “authoritarian undertaking.” Banks told Fox News Channel personality Tucker Carlson that Republicans should punish every lawmaker investigating the January 6 insurrection if they retake control of Congress in 2022.
Biden’s new turn is especially obvious tonight in international affairs. The U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, a country we entered almost 20 years ago with a clear mission that became muddied almost immediately, has sparked Republican criticism for what many describe as a U.S. defeat.
Since he took office, Biden has insisted on shifting American foreign policy away from U.S. troops alone on the ground toward multilateral pressure using finances and technology.
After yesterday’s bombing in Kabul took the lives of 160 Afghans and 13 American military personnel, Biden warned ISIS-K: "We will hunt you down and make you pay.”
Tonight, a new warning from the State Department warning Americans at the gates of the Kabul airport to “leave immediately” came just before a spokesman for CENTCOM, the United States Central Command in the Defense Department overseeing the Middle East, announced: "U.S. military forces conducted an over-the-horizon counterterrorism operation today against an ISIS-K planner. The unmanned airstrike occurred in the Nangarhar Province of Afghanistan. Initial indications are that we killed the target. We know of no civilian casualties."
Biden’s strike on ISIS-K demonstrated the nation's over-the-horizon technologies that he hopes will replace troops. Even still, the administration continues to call for international cooperation. In a press conference today, Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby responded to a question about U.S. control in Afghanistan by saying: “It’s not about U.S. control in the Indo-Pacific. It’s about protecting our country from threats and challenges that emanate from that part of the world. And it’s about revitalizing our network of alliances and partnerships to help our partners in the international community do the same.“
Meanwhile, this afternoon, news broke that the Taliban has asked the United States to keep a diplomatic presence in the country even after it ends its military mission. The Taliban continues to hope for international recognition, in part to claw back some of the aid that western countries—especially the U.S.—will no longer provide, as well as to try to get the country’s billions in assets unfrozen.
A continued diplomatic presence in Afghanistan would make it easier to continue to get allies and U.S. citizens out of the country, but State Department spokesman Ned Price said the idea is a nonstarter unless a future Afghan government protects the rights of its citizens, including its women, and refuses to harbor terrorists. Price also emphasized that the U.S. would not make this decision without consulting allies. “This is not just a discussion the United States will have to decide for itself.… We are coordinating with our international partners, again to share ideas, to ensure that we are sending the appropriate signals and messages to the Taliban,” he said.
Evacuations from Afghanistan continue. Since August 14, they have topped 110,000, with 12,500 people in the last 24 hours.
Perhaps the news story that best illustrates the tension today between individualism and using the government to help everyone is about a natural disaster. Hurricane Ida, which formed in the Caribbean yesterday, is barreling toward the U.S. Gulf Coast. When it hit western Cuba today, it was a Category 1 storm, but meteorologists expect it to pick up speed as it crosses the warm gulf, becoming a Category 4 storm by the time it hits the U.S. coastline. The area from Louisiana to Florida is in the storm’s path. New Orleans could see winds of up to 110 miles an hour and a storm surge of as much as 11 feet. Louisiana officials issued evacuation orders today.
The storm is expected to hit Sunday evening, exactly 16 years after Hurricane Katrina did. But this time, there is another complication: this is the very part of the country suffering terribly right now from coronavirus. Standing firm on individual rights, only about 40% of Louisiana’s population has been vaccinated, and hospitals are already stretched thin.
Today, President Biden declared an emergency in Louisiana, ordering federal assistance from the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to the region ahead of the storm, trying to head off a catastrophe. The federal government will also help to pay the costs of the emergency.
NYPD story is from the New York Post, but a citation from them always stops the delivery of lots of letters, so I’m going to suggest people look for it themselves.
Meredith Lee @meredithlleeCENTCOM: "U.S. military forces conducted an over-the-horizon counterterrorism operation today against an ISIS-K planner. The unmanned airstrike occurred in the Nangahar Province of Afghanistan. Initial indications are that we killed the target. We know of no civilian casualties."
78 Retweets151 Likes
August 28th 2021
Ryan Struyk @ryanstruykThe United States is now reporting 1,194 new coronavirus deaths per day, the highest seven-day average since March 19, according to data from @CNN and Johns Hopkins University.
246 Retweets677 Likes
August 27th 2021
Jim Banks @RepJimBanksRead my letter to 1/6 Chair @BennieGThompson about his norm shattering decision to spy on his colleagues. @ATT @Verizon @TMobile @Facebook @Twitter @FCC
136 Retweets311 Likes
August 27th 2021
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halo-jpeg · 4 years
Tea asks: Peppermint, earl grey, milk for Bo and Vin (both poly and nonpoly), PH, Michael, Billy+Stu (together) and anyone else you want. Bonus if its with an autistic s/o.
Ack, sorry, I don’t write for Poly Bo and Vincent, but I’ll answer all the rest! And I’m also not familiar enough with Autism enough to write it, I don’t want to get anything wrong, I’m sorry!
Vincent Sinclair
Peppermint Tea
What do they get excited about?
Vincent is quite stoic most times, but the one thing that never fails to make him excited and giddy is tension in his romance novels. Its geeky, he knows, so he ever lets his brothers in on his excitement, but the moment he’s sensing a potential fight between two characters his mind is screaming with anticipation for the drama. 
Other than his romance novels, he’s also very excited when he’s searching for a new place for a wax figure.  He loves the idea of bringing a little more life to the town in the form of a close-to-perfect human replica.
Earl Grey Tea
How did they court their S/O?
Vincent would court his S/O with his natural romantic flair; gifts made of wax, flowers, gentle touches or affection. As shy as he is, romance is what he’s best at when it comes to people, since he reads about it so much. Get ready to be romanced, ladies and gentlemen!
Milk Tea
What are their kisses like?
Kisses from Vincent are either gentle and slow, filled with soft passion and love, or quick pecks on the cheek, lips or forehead, depending on his mood that day. Sometime’s he’s more confident and he feels especially romantic, while other days he’s extra tired or he just feels more timid. 
Bo Sinclair
Peppermint Tea
What do they get excited about?
He gets excited about lots of things. Some of the less serious ones would be finding new rock cassette tapes for his radio, Lester bringing home some beer, or maybe he’s just excited for no particular reason. You are also something he gets excited about. If you were to ever come sit with him in his shop, he’ll beam with happiness in its purest form.
On a darker note, he is always excited during his hunts. The anticipation makes his stomach churn, and the thought that the prey will escape if he isn’t careful blasts the stakes through the roof. Everything about the hunts makes his heart beat faster and his head spin, only calmed as he takes a life. 
Earl Grey Tea
How did they court their S/O?
P i c k u p l i n e s , and the worst ones. They’re either cheesy or dirty, no in between, but the way he says them and the flirty smirk he shoots you at the end is enough to make any girl swoon over him and his dashing looks. 
Milk Tea
What are their kisses like?
He is a very passionate man, so every kiss is filled with a deep care and desire. His kisses say everything you’d ever need to hear from him. I love you to the moon and back. You’re my everything. I need no one else but you. He steals your breath away until your head spins, and then he cradles you against his chest and runs a hand over your hair.
Pyramid Head
Peppermint Tea
What do they get excited about?
(This one is a copy paste, since I answered this already)
Pyramid Head is a beast driven by bloodlust and power- until he meets his S/O. Then, he becomes considerably more soft, and even merciful.
So, he becomes excited by the thought of killing. The thrill of the hunt makes his blood boil, and he particularly likes to play with his prey before he slaughters it. Slow paced chases are exactly his style, because the impatience growing in his stomach makes the final kill so much more gratifying.
He is also excited by the sight of S/O in general. Seeing their face makes his heart warm and fuzzy, and he remembers every moment they’ve shared together. The simple presence of his S/O is his favourite thing, he likes it even more than a gratifying hunt.
Early Grey Tea
How did they court their S/O?
With promises of safety. Nothing will hurt you when he’s there, he’ll keep you safe forever and always. He’d risk his life for you because you’re the only good thing in Silent Hill other than the freedom to slaughter mercilessly
Milk Tea
What are their kisses like?
(Another copy paste :P)
Pyramid Head is cursed with his helmet, it doesn’t come off, so he can’t really give kisses. It’s always broken his heart that he can’t share the kisses like the ones his S/O leave on the tip of his helmet, but he tries other things to substitute.
What he does most often is tap the tip of his helmet to his S/O’s cheek, nose, lips, etc. He’s also a big supporter of head pats and nuzzles, or tucking his S/O’s head against his chest and under his chin. He feels like they’re so safe that way.
Michael Myers
Peppermint Tea
What do they get excited about?
Blood. Everything about it. It drives him forwards, the promise of blood, and each drop feeds the merciless beast inside his head. He needs it, craves it, and he will obtain it. No matter the day, no matter the time, if the Shape within him craves, he will deliver. 
Earl Grey Tea
How did they court their S/O?
It was less he courted them then they courted him. Something about them just drew him to them, calmed the Shape in his head. The silence they brought was the only thing he needed, the only use for them- or so he thought. They actually brought back emotions he didn’t think he could ever feel again. 
Milk Tea
What are their kisses like?
Rough and passionate, heavy, in a way. He will leave you breathless and still want more, since this is the only way he properly knows how to show his unending affection. He loves you, so he’ll prove it with his kisses. 
Billy & Stu
Peppermint Tea
What do they get excited about?
Movie nights!! These boys live for cuddly movie night with you, snacks, and sleep deprivation. They’ve seen wayyy too many movies and they won’t hesitate to flex their knowledge on you. 
Billy is also excited by the thought of spending time with you. Of course, Stu is as well, but Billy rivals his excitement. He will always bring you some sort of gift no matter the day, because you deserve it. 
Stu is excited by being the little spoon. HAHA BOTTOM He likes the safety and calm since he’s always bustling around, slicing up flesh. These quiet times with you give his racing mind a much needed break. 
Earl Grey Tea
How did they court their S/O?
Billy is a merciless flirt, so he would romance you with his brooding looks, handsome face, and snappy pickup lines. He’s a mega-hunk. Who wouldn’t fall for him?
For Stu, comedy is his greatest weapon. He’s quick to think up jokes, and some would say it’s his most prominent personality trait. He’s fun to be around, laid-back and all-around a great guy. 
Milk Tea
What are their kisses like?
Billy’s kisses are deep, rooted with unadulterated love and affection. His kisses make you weak in the knees because they let you know that he is crazy for you.
Stu prefers quick kisses, pecks on the cheek, forehead, or, his personal favourite, nose. He thinks they’re so cute, and he likes that constant affection and attention. 
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drkocnsummoning · 4 years
Hide N’ Seek
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Bo Sinclair X Reader
Warnings- whew ok I am nasty but unprotected sex, choking
Description- Bo gives you ten minutes to hide. Oh what will he do when he finds you?
10 minutes.
10 minutes, that was all Bo had given you to hide.
“A simple game of hide n’ seek darlin’, you can handle that, can’t you?”
You had darted out of the house, Bo’s smirk still in your mind as you ran out, the crisp air of the Louisiana night blowing through your hair. You made it down the hill which the Sinclair house stood on top of, and turned around.Bo stood outside, watching you. A cigarette hanging out of his mouth, and he leaned on the hood of his truck. You turned back around and bolted into town, arms pumping hard at your side. There were a number of places you could hide, but in the end, Bo knew Ambrose better than anyone, and inevitably would find you. You stood crouched behind a car while you brainstormed.
You considered running through the woods, hiding at Lester’s cabin, but the youngest Sinclair would surely rat you out to his brother, and the hell you would pay for that wouldn’t be worth it. The theater would be a good choice, if it weren’t for the fact that Vincent was in there, setting up the newest members of town, and disturbing the gentle giant wouldn’t be the best idea you’ve ever had.
The thunderous noise of the engine of Bo’s truck roaring to life ripped you out of your thoughts, and sent a pang of panic into your gut. You were out in the open, and he was after you. Quickly, and quietly, you snuck to the hardware store, and opened the door, ducking in, making sure the door shut behind you. You crept into the clothing rack, parting them enough so you could peak through. You could hear his truck getting closer, the loud, aggressive beats of his music filled the empty streets, it creeping closer. He stopped in the middle of town, the bed of his truck just barely in your line of sight. The trucks engine shut off, the music stopping. You could hear Bo get out of the truck, the door slamming behind him. It was clear he didn’t care that you could hear him, he wanted you to know that he was a predator, and you were his prey.
“Come on doll, come on out now.” He called out to you, his loud voice echoing through the otherwise quiet town. You stayed where you were, careful not to move from where you were, too nervous he would find you. He had walked to each of the cars, checking in and under each one of them for you, before he ended up in front of the very store you hid in. You had your hands over your mouth, attempting to cover the sound of your breathing.
Bo took a long drag from his cigarette, before he tossed it on the ground and stomped  it out, before he moved to the door of the hardware store, close to pushing it open, when you made a choice. You shot up from the rack you were hiding in.Time seemingly slowed as he spotted you, making eye contact with you for a  second, his shit eating smirk growing wide. The door flew open and he raced inside after you, yourself already sprinting towards the back of the store. You weaved in between the shelves and wax figures, hoping to lose the Sinclair boy that was chasing you.
“Come on Y/N! You can’t hide forever!” He shouted at you as you managed to get to the back door, opening it and going through. You turned and looked at him and smirked, and slammed it in his face. You could hear his fist hit the door and and him scoff, before he looked up, into the small window that faced the outside where you stood. His eyes were ablaze, the beautiful blue eyes seemingly glowing.
“Come n’ get me then.” With that you ran off, looping around behind the store and the theater. You were breathing hard, and drenched in sweat, but you kept running. Bo wanted a hunt, and you were gonna give him. You emerged from behind the theater, emerging next to the gas station,  half expecting Bo to be there when you you did, but instead, you were met with nothing. Slowly. You continued to walk into the street, careful not to make noise. You constantly looked around, ready to run away if you spotted the Sinclair boy after you. Strangely though, the town was quiet. No hoots or hollers, or loud taunts, or the loud, chilling sound of Bo whistling, just silence. As you walked, you pulled Y/C/H into a ponytail and began to jog up the road, when you got a perfect idea- you were going to hide in the tunnels that ran below Ambrose. Stopping, you looked around, checking on last time for Bo before you practically flew towards the House of Wax. Slowly, you opened the heavy wax door and snuck in, not bothering to shut the door behind you. With a bit more speed and urgency, you walked through the wax kitchen, looking over your shoulder from time to time, paranoid Bo was right behind you, about to pounce on you.
You made it down the stairs and into Vincent’s workshop, where Jonesy slept on Vincent’s bed. She perked up when she spotted you, and trotted towards you, happy to see you.
“Hey girl. Don’t make a sound, ok?” You patted her on the head, and shushed her quickly as you passed through. You passed through the workshop and into the tunnels. You went deeper into it, before you stopped. You leaned against the tunnel wall and took a deep breath, with a triumphant smile on your face, thinking that you had lost Bo.
You were wrong.
You closed your eyes for only a moment, sighing, and he was on you. Your eyes shot open, a strangled cry slipping out of your mouth as his hand wrapped around your throat, pushing you harder against the tunnel wall. He must have lost his hat some time ago, because his curls hung in his face, clinging to his face. He had a predatory smile, nearly a snarl, on his face as he leaned closer to yours and spoke.
“Gottcha..” You tried to snap something out to him, but couldn’t, as Bo added more pressure to your throat. He let go of your neck, leaving you gasping, but didn’t give you much time to recover however, because as soon as he let go, ge surged forward, capturing your lips in his. The kiss was frantic and animalistic, whines and moans escaping both your mouths. His hands traveled all over you, grabbing at you, while your hands lands in his hair, tugging at it. He pulled back when you did that, removing his hands from you and wagging a finger at you, smirking.
“Oh no sugar, this ain’t how we’re doing this.” The look on his face was animalistic, just ready to eat you up.
“Oh? Show me how then, Sinclair.” You tease back, attempting to reach for him again, only for Bo to spin you around, pushing you against the wall of the tunnel. He grabbed both of your wrists in his massive hands, effectively pinning you to the wall. Using his free hand, he trailed down down to the front of your pants, dipping into your pants, teasing your hole, smirking when he could feel how wet you were. He plunged a finger into you causing moan loudly, pushing against him. He removed his finger from you and brought it to your mouth.
“Open.” He commands gruffly, and when your mouth opened, he slipped his finger into your mouth You licked and sucked on his finger, running your tongue all over it.
“Oh, baby doll, you gonna be the death of me.” He groaned, pulling his finger out of your mouth. With his one free hand, he pushed down your pants exposing yourself to him, and  then pulling down pulling down his own pants, and freeing his cock, it hard, and ready for you.
“Now, you’re not gonna come, you hear me doll?” Bo groans into your ear, pushing into you with a strong thrust, and you whine in response, nodding
“Yes,GOD! I understand, just please Bo, fuck me!” You beg him, pushing back on him, trying to get some kind of movement. He smirked, and began to thrust into you, his movements hard and fast. His free hand found its way back to your throat and wrapped his around it, squeezing lightly. You moaned, it sounding a bit strangled from the hand on your throat. Bo’s thrusts became harder and quicker, his grunts gets louder.
“Bo please, I’m gonna cum!” You whimpered, and Bo growled, releasing your neck, only to pull you hair, pulling your hair, causing your head to fall back.
“Oh no doll, I told you, you ain’t coming til’ I say so.” He said into your ear, and letting go of your hair. Your head fell forward, resting on the wall in front of you as you moaned and panted, trying to obey the man drilling into you.
Soon, Bo’s thrust became sloppy and erratic, and he let go of your wrist, taking both hands and putting them on your hips.
“Y/N, I want you to cum with me, come on you can do that for me, can’t ya?” He urged you on, reaching down and rubbing your clit, and you came undone. With a loud moan, you came, you walls clenching around Bo, who finally stilled, spilling his seed deep inside you. For a moment, all was rather calm, the only noise being the faint sound of  the massive generator that ran the town and the pants of you and Bo. Eventually, Bo slipped his cock out of you, causing you to whine at the loss and him to chuckle.
“See? Wasn’t so bad letting me catch you now was it Y/N?” He said, laughing when you turned around, an offended look on your face.
“Let you win? I ain’t let you do shit Bo!” He laughed at you again, this time leaning forward to scoop you into his arms. You almost considered making hard on him, but considering you had just ran all night, and he had just fucked your brains out, you decided against it. He began walking towards the houses entrance of the tunnel , you in his arms.
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meat-husband · 5 years
Yeah, ok, I’m giving in. Vincent Sinclair is added to the list of characters I write for :p Since I’ve got six of them now, if an ask doesn’t specify which ones they want, I’ll just pick four to write for. And I’m going to limit the number of characters to four per ask, just so it’s easier to get through things. Only new asks will include Vincent, so if there is something already submitted, I’m writing it for the characters I did when it was sent. 
So, like usual, here’s the NSFW and Fluff Alphabet asks below the cut!
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
He’s just as worn out as you, so it’s mostly just laying together and catching your breath. He likes to spend a while just holding you and calming down, playing with your hair and humming into your ear quietly. 
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
If he absolutely had to make a choice, he wouldn’t be able to complete his work without his skilled hands. 
It’s not really a body part, but he likes your smile best. It’s always been rare for anyone to show him any sort of positivity or affection, so he loves to see that sort of thing from you, especially if he’s the one to make you smile. 
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He doesn’t really care himself, but he’s not pulling out once he gets going, so if that’s not what you want, you’re going to have to plan around it. This also means that you might want to get your hands on some sort of birth control, if that’s a concern. 
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He’s been spying on you from the moment you entered the house, and there are more than a few peepholes that look into your room. He isn’t all that subtle about it either, so you figure out really quickly what that strange noise is on the other side of the wall. He absolutely still uses them, even once you’re a couple, but at that point it’s usually just to check in without disturbing you, rather than trying to see something he shouldn’t. 
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s definitely had the chance to look at and explore other bodies, but they weren’t exactly alive. So he knows the anatomy, but other than that all he knows are things he’s managed to pick up from his brother’s foul talk and whatever he can find in the books around the house. Overall, he knows enough to get by on instinct, but you’ll have to give him the details. 
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Anything where he’s behind you, preferably laying over you and pushing you into the pillows and mattress. also lets him comfortably remove the mask and not have to worry about you trying to peek while he’s distracted. 
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He’ll follow your lead, but it’s usually a sort of mix between the two. He’s rougher than you would think, using his size to move you around or keep you from squirming too much, and will surprise you by taking charge and putting you in whatever position he wants you in. 
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He’s generally pretty clean, except for his hands and clothes, which will always have wax, paint or ink on them. But when he gets busy, he tends to ignore cleaning up, so he will go days at a time without a shower unless you push him to. 
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He’s not very confident but even Vincent is pretty sure that he’s got the romantic stuff down - he’s seen all the old movies and read quite a few harlequin novels, so he feels like he’s got a good grasp on that part of things. Unfortunately, he really, really does not have it down, and it comes off as more creepy than anything at first. 
J = Jack Off (Masturbation head canon)
Usually he just tries to focus on something else and ignore it, but will ultimately give in. He’d rather not get caught, so the whole basement gets locked down. Once you’re an item, though, he’s not shy about approaching you rather than taking care of it himself. Make it clear that waking you up is a no-no, or he’ll be sneaking into bed and interrupting your sleep a few times a night. 
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Absolutely loves giving oral, but anything that requires him to take off the mask requires a lot of trust before he’ll actually do it. Has a thing for touching you while you’re sleeping, trying to see how far he can get before you wake up, then pretending to be asleep once you’re awake and wondering what you were dreaming about. 
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
Privacy is the most important thing, so wherever it happens, he wants to be sure there’s not going to be anyone else around. Usually that means downstairs, but if the rest of the house happens to be empty, that’s not off limits. You’ve snuck out a few times to drive around, and there’s nowhere more private than the truck in the middle of nowhere. 
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
He’s a little voyeuristic and likes secretly watching you, even if you’re not doing anything particularly exciting. Loves when you kiss or bite at his neck, especially if you leave marks - lay on top of him with your mouth on his throat, so he can grind against you while you mark him up. He can’t deal with the teasing his brothers give him for it, so he usually hides the marks afterwards. 
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Very much not into any kind of humiliation, degradation or anything negative, regardless of who it’s directed at. Things that are very rough or violent, like choking, biting or hard spanking, is a big, big no. He doesn’t want to leave any lasting marks, so anything that produces more than a small bruise isn’t going down. 
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
It’s a long process when you’re the one giving, because he just can’t not push up into your mouth. He tries not to, but you end up choking a lot anyways, and it’s a lot of starting and stopping while you try to catch your breath. It will take a while before he’ll return the favor, but once he’s comfortable with it, it’s one of his favorite things and he’ll ignore his own needs if it keeps his head between your thighs. 
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? Etc.)
He’s surprisingly aggressive sometimes, but not necessarily rough, holding you down and rutting into you desperately. You do have to stop him from trying to go at it as fast as possible, but the only time he takes it slow naturally is when he’s sleepy or just waking up. 
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He’s fine with whatever he can get, and so long as you’re both satisfied at the end, he doesn’t really care much how long it took to get there. 
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
As far as trying new things, he’ll try out almost anything you suggest. He’s less open to anything that might get you discovered, but you’ve been caught off guard more than once by a hand grabbing at you under the dinner table. 
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He’s never ready to stop, but despite that he still has to eventually. Even when he’s done and tired, he’ll keep working you with his hands unless you make him stop. 
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Not likely, unless you happen to sneak in a few purchases while you’re in the next town over. You wouldn’t dream of asking Bo, but you could probably convince Lester to go into some of the seedier stores for you, so long as you bribe him for it. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He doesn’t really have the confidence to tease you. No matter how many yes’s he gets, he’s always sure the next time it’s going to be a no, so he doesn’t want to push it. Teasing him just turns him into a flustered mess for the rest of the day, and he’ll be too embarrassed about it to seek you out, so you’ll have to go hunt him down. 
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Louder than you would think, he makes a lot of noise for someone who rarely speaks. He curses under his breath, whispers to you, and only gets louder the closer he gets. 
W = Wild Card (Get a random head canon for the character of your choice)
He’s good at just about any skill he tries, and not just the artsy ones. He’s just as good, if not better, than either of his brothers when it comes to cars and machinery, but he tends not to practice those skills because he knows Bo would be touchy about it. He’s also taught himself bits of other languages, but he’s not fluent in any of them. 
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
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Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive)
He’s never going to say no, so usually he just goes along with your preferences. You can always tell when there’s a slow down in work, because he’s practically attached to you 24/7 when he doesn’t have anything to do. 
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) 
It usually doesn’t take long, because once you get him comfortable he’s out almost immediately. But even if he is tired, there’s always something he has to tend to eventually, so if he does fall asleep, it isn’t for long. You can pry a few more minutes out of him if you’re stubborn enough, but he’ll have to deny you sooner or later, or risk letting something go wrong in the workroom. 
Fluff HC
A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
There’s something that draws his interest and keeps you alive in the first place, something that separates you from the others that he’s seen in the same position and not shown mercy to. Part of it is your physical appearance because he’s attracted to you from the beginning, but the other part of it could really be anything. 
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?) Honestly, he’s not sure and would probably stay on the fence until you push him one way or the other. He doesn’t have a strong desire for a traditional family like his twin does, but he’d almost be scared of achieving that before Bo. He wouldn’t be unhappy at the opportunity, but he would be very unsure about it. 
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
He’s very stiff at first, letting you climb all over and get comfortable, and making no move to do anything but let you. As he gets more used to it he will finally relax and put his arms around you without prompting, but he still starts out a little awkwardly each time. It’s easiest when he’s half asleep and too tired to be nervous about where or how he’s touching you. 
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
There’s not a lot that can be done, being limited to the house, museum and basements. Anything in the house is likely to be interrupted by one brother, if not both, and you’ve seen the museum a hundred times. He isn’t supposed to leave the house, but he’ll sneak out with you for walks or short drives through the woods. 
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
You are just for him and only for him. It’s hard to tell at first, but he’s very jealous and possessive. Ideally, he’s the only person you would ever need or rely on, so he tries to manipulate things to turn it in that direction. At the same time, he knows that’s not realistic, but he’s always going to have a nagging feeling that you’re going to be taken away. 
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
It hits him pretty early on, and he’s quickly at the edge of obsession. He’s almost passive-aggressive about it, sometimes following you around and desperate to get your attention, then spending two whole days ignoring you. He assumes there’s going to be no interest on your side, so he switches rapidly between giving up hope and being determined to try anyways. Unfortunately, he tends to go about flirting in rather unusual ways, so he comes off very creepy for the longest time. But you’re his, Bo said he could keep you, and as far as he’s concerned, this is already a committed relationship. 
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Gentle is usually his default, especially with you. Mostly it comes from being unfamiliar with touch and used to being pushed away, so it’s more hesitation and insecurity than gentleness. He’s skittish when it comes to touching you, pulling at your sleeve to get your attention and ask permission first. 
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
It’s one of the few physical touches he’s completely comfortable with, and he’s always happy to have you reach for his hand, so long as he’s not working. He’s more shy about reaching for yours, so he’ll keep getting close and then backing off until you take charge and just grab his hand. 
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
He’s very much a love at first sight kinda guy, so he’s pretty much wrapped around your little finger from the start. That comes in handy when you’re trying to keep from being made into a living sculpture, but he isn’t the one who gets to decide if you stay or not. You’ve got to charm both brothers if you want to keep living, so good luck with that. 
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Insanely jealous of just about everyone and everything. Victims, his brothers, that book you’re reading, the dog, anything that you give even the smallest amount of attention to burns him. He feels guilty about it, so he never really acts on it, but sometimes the realization hits him that you could so easily do without him, and he hates knowing that you aren’t as dependent on him as he is on you. 
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
You are going to go a long, long time before you get to kiss anything but the mask. But he definitely goes in for the first kiss, probably well before you’ve graduated from your starting role as a hostage, so the first one is rather tense. Once you’re happy with your place with him, you’re the one coming to him for kisses. 
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
He can speak, although he doesn’t do it often. But he’s much more comfortable with telling you how he feels than showing it physically, so he is definitely going to be the one who says it first. It’s also probably very early into anything romantic, so before you’re even sure if you want to pursue anything, he’s already busting out the I love you’s. 
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
The first time you really smiled at him, and he doesn’t even really remember why you were smiling. It was nothing like the weak, shakey smiles with trembling lips and frightened eyes that you used to give him, and it was the first time he had seen anything warm or kind from you. 
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
It’s rare to bring home anything that didn’t come from an unfortunate traveler, and Vincent never really leaves the house, but they’ve got a whole town full of junk and you can have first pick. He likes to go through everything first and try to find the best things before you do so that he can present them to you. He will try and get one of the brothers to bring something back from town every once in a while, but they don’t usually follow through. 
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
Soft, dreamy colors, usually warm ones. You spend a lot of time downstairs with him, where the lighting is mostly orange and red hued from all the candles, and it’s how he pictures you in his mind. 
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
He doesn’t really have any for you, at least none that he’s said to you before. Loves it when you use sweet names for him, though, and that’s the quickest way to get his attention if he’s not completely focused on what you’re saying. You can get just about anything from him if you use the right pet name. 
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
Most of what they own is non-modern, but ignoring the obvious things, he has a small collection of foreign coins that’s he’s found on travelers. They might not actually be old so much as strange, but he’s always sure to search through change in case there’s another oddly shaped coin to be found. 
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Rain doesn’t make much of a difference when you’re almost always inside. Sometimes the basement at the house floods, but other than that, he just goes about the day as usual. It does mean that everyone is stuck at home, though, and it can be a volatile atmosphere having the three of you cooped up together. 
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
He doesn’t do much to help himself, he just sort of wallows in misery for a while until he has to get back to work. He’s busy enough that it doesn’t happen too often, but any moment of calm will usually lead to a few days of moping around. 
He learned long ago that there isn’t much reason in trying to cheer up his brother, but he still tries. Most of the time it just makes the situation worse, but he can’t just leave it. He’s used to being rebuffed, so if he tries it on you he’s ready to be turned away, and it’s a nice surprise to have his attempts be appreciated for once. 
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
His voice is quiet and raspy, and you’re almost sure that it causes him some amount of pain to speak, so you’re happy to play charades most of the time. You talk or read out loud as he works, and when you’re speaking together, he will sometimes provide short, one word sentences if he can’t properly get it across otherwise. 
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Just doing nothing. There is always more work to be done on something, so there is no end to the number of tasks he has waiting on him. Being able to just zone out, lay in bed and not have to get up is a luxury, but it’s the best way to get him to wind down. He likes to have you read to him when he gets the chance to do so, whatever book is closest, and fall asleep listening to you. 
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?) 
The only thing he’s really proud of is the work he does, and it’s pretty much all he’s ever been complimented on before. He’s glad to show off his artistic skill, but if you happen to praise literally anything else - how nice his hair looked that day, what a good job he did helping with dinner - he will go out of his way to do it again, as often as possible, and soak up the positivity. 
W = Wedding (When, how?)
Oddly enough, Bo is going to be the one pushing for a wedding before anyone else. He switches between being the proud brother to a jealous, angry mess, but it’s still going to come down to joining the family or the museum. You don’t get much of a say in terms of the actual ceremony, but Vincent is just happy to have his brothers approval. Obviously, a wedding made up of wax bodies with no priest or paperwork in sight isn’t going to be legal, but it’s the thought that counts. 
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
Usually he only listens to music for the background noise when he’s working, just so it’s not completely silent. He really only likes music without vocals, otherwise it’s too distracting. 
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
After a certain point, it’s on his mind constantly. It’s something he would never consider without the blessing of his twin, and the probability of getting a ‘yes’ out of him changes by the minute, so it takes a lot of time and effort. In the end, it’s only going to happen on Bo’s terms, and if that’s not the way you want it done, then you’re not getting a ring on your finger. 
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
They’ve got one dog and that’s probably as much as Bo is going to allow. While Vincent likes animals, he wouldn’t go out of his way to get a pet on his own, and he’d be perfectly happy without one. He does prefer dogs to cats, mainly because he enjoys teaching them tricks. 
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partiallystcrs · 4 years
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the show really said ‘ who cares abt the team’s mental health ? ’  & i said loudly that I DO & so here’s part two of surayra’s timeline during season 3
events of episode 6 
christine johnson takes over the arc.  as surayra is not a part of the team that has anything to do with the artifact ,  she is not impacted as the rest are. she spends most of the morning gathering files in order to brief her on the team.  she also suffers her first panic attack within the walls of the arc , no one knows but dog.   she & captain becker spend whatever free time they have trying to find a way to oust christine ,   sar offers to spy on her for him ; he nearly locks her in her office .   she spends the rest of the day having impromptu sessions in the hallways with the rest of the staff , trying to help them adjust to the sudden change.  when lester & the team return , she spends the rest of the evening with sarah discussing the day’s events. it isn’t for therapy , it’s a discussion between friends. 
sometime during the following week , she gets a hand on a bottle of wine similar to the one they sacrificed to the terror birds. it gets a good laugh from the team, as a whole, she’s starting to be accepted. 
 events during & following episode 7
upon discovering rex for sale online ,  connor nearly breaks in sar’s door to confess to her what’s happened , appealing to the confidentiality between doctor & patient.  it gets him a raised brow , but they bounce ideas off each other on how to get the little dino back.  the alarm sounds , connor leaves. surayra makes a note to have a window installed in her office door so that people can see when she’s occupied or not.  
in the midst of her session with lester , she receives a phone call - how should we talk to a  knight displaced in time ?   the idea fascinates her , & just as she’s gathering her notebooks , lester reminds her that she is not cleared for the field.  the session becomes an hour long discussion as to why she should be allowed into the field , & how they can make it possible.  neither side relents , but they come to the conclusion that any witness to an incursion is allowed to contact her should they need therapy. the non-disclosure agreements are rewritten , & she is allowed to leave business cards in the team’s vehicles to be passed out. 
most of the team scoffs at the very idea , a few of the men ‘ lose ’ the cards ;  sarah & connor are the two biggest supporters of the idea , & pass them to those who need it happily. 
events of episode 8 
upon the return of the team from their latest mission , sarah & surayra have an impromptu session to discuss bugs.  they can both agree that they’re nasty , & worse when they’re bigger.  surayra helps her with a few breathing exercises , everything goes back to normal. while the team is out, she has her normal sessions with the arc staff members . these can range anywhere from relationship advice , to dealing with night terrors involving dinosaurs. 
when learning that the team has returned from a rescue mission,  sar immediately heads to the scene, having hitched a ride with one becker’s men. though not quite yet cleared for field work , she desperately wants to offer her help  to jack maitland.  she arrives to find the team in the worst shape she’s seen them to date ,  but puts her focus to jack (  note : he is her first civilian patient , & they keep in touch especially in light of the final episodes ) .
she provides emotional triage among the physical triage , & it’s when lester is forced to admit that she can be of use in the field.  upon her return to the arc she is given the proper clearance for field work , & dog gets an official ARC patch for his work vest. 
at the end of the long day , having given a proper session for every member of the team that’s gone through the most recent anomaly ,  surayra helps danny with the bandages on his neck .  somehow they spend a final night together. he’s gone before daybreak & out spying on christine johnson. surayra spends the entire morning in her office with the shades drawn tight, & a citrus candle burning. the only time she brings emotions into work. 
events of episodes 9 & 10 
at hearing about the most recent anomaly , & the location , sar is allowed to go with the team , but under strict orders not to get involved with any creatures. she follows orders perfectly, sitting with anyone who needs it ,  especially with one embarrassed bachelor.  it is the first time she sees any sort of creature up close , & she develops a new appreciation for what the team actually does.  
with the anomaly closed , she gets to work ensuring that the mental health of all those having been evacuated by men with guns is fine.  it’s quick work for her , & when she returns to the arc , she is greeted with a hostage situation. it’s terrifying , she has no problems admitting. takes note of lester’s remarks, schedules a session for them later.  has to keep her mind focused on anything aside from the many guns.  
the crisis is averted , & the core team rushes off ,   surayra has no time to process what’s happened & the panic it brings up within herself, she immediately goes to those who were caught in the middle of it, & brings them to her office. the evening is spent holding a few crying researchers, & letting one or two men vent out their frustrations. 
it is the last time she sees danny , connor & abby until the events of season four.
by the next morning , the team has already gone on the hunt for helen. surayra takes an hour to herself to be anxious in her office, it’s the first time she allows dog to comfort her . he climbs on her lap , & no one coming in for their sessions questions why he’s there. everyone knows , & shares the same fears, it is a stressful day within the arc as it is for those on the outside , & sar is there for each & every one of them. she sits in her office the whole day , awaiting for a phone call from sarah. when it does come , it only brings bad news.  surayra calms her friend over the phone , & again helps her to breathe.  
though surayra is not a member of the core team , when she can convince sarah to return ; she , sarah & becker all begin working at a plan to get them back. they keep working at it for as long as they can , surayra being the voice of reason to stop them when they need a break. she continues to be the voice of comfort for the staff & team through the entire ordeal. 
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dcarevu · 5 years
Batman TAS: Robin’s Reckoning (Part 2)
“There’s roaches in here! Roaches!”
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Episode: 33 Robin: Yes Writer: Randy Rogel Director: Dick Sebast Animator: Dong Yang Airdate: February 14, 1993 Grade: C
You just can’t do this to me, episode, you can’t do this to me. Give me a great episode like part 1, and then take that, and throw it. Not, like, out the window or anything, but just a couple feet. Enough to damage it a little. Robin’s Reckoning went from an absolute classic, to just okay, all things considered. This story and this show have so much more potential than that, and I partially blame some episodes like this on the massively long library of Batman TAS season one. The crew must have been stretched to their absolute limit, and if less episodes were required by Fox, then some of the lesser ideas likely would have been thrown out. And also there’d be more time to refine episodes like Robin’s Reckoning.
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I think this episode faces two main problems. The first one being the animation. The stuff at the very end during the climax was okay, when Robin snatched up Zucco in his fists and dragged him across the dock while on a motorcycle. 
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Other than that, I would have assumed that this was Akom’s work. Like, their lesser-tier crew. It was pretty shitty going from Spectrum to this, and Char and I both noticed the immediate down-grade. The recap of part 1 at the beginning makes it worse because it’s showing us footage of it as if to say, “Remember this? Well, here’s what Dong Yang crafted for this one…” 
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The studio usually does on-par work, though, and the episode list for this season was long. I forgive them. One bad-looking one out of the bunch isn’t the end of the world, even though we rarely facer problems like this today. I’m not sure which scene was rendered worse, though. The one where Dick Grayson is hunting down Zucco as a child, or the one where Zucco is freaking out about Batman being in the damn ceiling. Each’s most compelling argument or being the worst shot is Dick Grayson falling into the river, and Tony Zucco’s awful face. I caught on that he’s older now, and all of the stress of avoiding Batman for so long has aged him further. Yeah, that’s not how you draw that. He kinda reminds me of a melting plastic-figurine. 
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When Dick falls into the river, it looks sooo bad (even the story-boarding seems lousy), but we get a nice-looking shot of Batman’s old costume, which was hard to spot before. I really like the design, minus the gloves. I think Bruce Time liked the design too…
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The episode’s second problem was that the emotional impact of the first half was not present. Yeah, we get a nice scene of Bruce and Dick at the beginning when they are fencing (I hope that’s the correct vocabulary), but then it’s kinda just Dick on his own, dressed unrecognizably, talking to people we don’t know, and walking around the city in silence. The moment where Batman showed Robin the Batcave could count, but it seemed to go by so quickly without much of a response from Dick. Shockingly, though, I think that Dick Grayson rescued a prostitute at one point. Char and I both realized that immediately. So I hope we’re on the mark, because if she’s not a prostitute I’m going to feel really stupid. Fox censors so many things, but not that? Huh. Interesting algorithm you guys got there. Anyway, even as the episode progresses and we see Robin and Batman together, it’s not any better except for Batman’s final speech. “It wasn’t that, Robin. It wasn’t that at all. Zucco’s taken so much. Caused you so much pain. I couldn’t stand the thought that he might take you too.” Isn’t that absolutely beautiful? It’s enough to get you teary-eyed, honestly. This whole time we totally believe that Batman is just trying to parent an adult-aged Robin, but no. He was afraid for his adopted son. And that’s what Robin is. Even if they both may not act like it. The other emotional bits went by way too fast. Robin went from zero to one hundred way too quickly. So when he starts leering and sneering at Zucco, it’s not believable. “Okay, Loren Lester, act super angsty and evil! Ready?” And then he gave that performance. “So was that bad enough to be worth fixing? We are running behind. I think we should just use it.” And just as quickly as Robin’s voice changes, he comes back down that fast. Robin is furious. They’ve found the guy who murdered his parents. And Batman won’t even let Robin at him. He finally has the guy, hanging him over a dock, where at least a handicap is waiting, if not a full-on death. Then all of a sudden, “Batman, I… I didn’t mean it. I’m sorry.” Getting to this point eventually would have been good. I just needed another minute or two in length to make it work in my head. Robin’s temper and possible slight-resentment to Batman are basically brought up for the first time in this episode, by the way. And as a lot of us know, this will be a plot-point that will grow the more we watch. I’ve gotta say, after watching Christmas With the Joker, I bet a lot of people didn’t expect Robin to have this side to him. Did you? Oh. You say you did? Okay. Is it fun being a liar?
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That’s Dick. 
Recently I talked about Robin’s first appearance in the Batman Adventures comic book, and I like the side of Robin that it and Robin’s Reckoning present. Robin is so human in this series. For the most part, he’s not as exaggerated as Batman. He has a dark-side and a bit of a temper, but he also has moments where he lives as a fun-lovin', ordinary, college-student. We’ve seen him goofy, we’ve seen him afraid, we’ve seen him serious, and we’ve seen him furious. And yet, we don’t really know what he does for fun. What he watches on TV (aside from It’s a Wonderful Life), what his secret-obsession is. We instead know about how his emotions function. We learn about what kinds of decisions he might make, or how he may react. It’s knowing a character beyond the surface-level, and that’s how you know your character is strong. Robin may have been a challenge to do right for the crew, but the DCAU-originals decided to work with what they had based on tradition, and mix in some of their own influence only to further improve. Loren Lester’s voice is also iconic as Dick. Although all of this makes me wonder why some people think that Teen Titans is in the DCAU. They’re both Dick Grayson, but they are certainly not the same universe’s Dick Grayson. It’s clear as day to me. While I haven’t seen Teen Titans that much, Loren Lester’s Robin is iconic to me. As iconic as Kevin Conroy is to Batman. Well, almost. 
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A couple more episodes, and we will be closing the split timeline! A bit ago I got behind on episodes, so I “split the timeline” and covered current episodes along with episodes I was behind on. But after, these next few, all of the posts will be coming out complete in-order again. Hallelujah.
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Char’s grade: C Next time: The Laughing Fish
Full episode list here!
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britesparc · 5 years
Weekend Top Ten #375
Top Ten Games That Could be Films
Well. Sonic. That’s a thing, yeah? The last couple of weeks, when not consumed with Avengers-related news and emotions, have seen people on t’net talking about Sonic, and his weird human legs and nice set of teeth. It’s certainly an odd design, although I sympathise with the creatives involved, even the executives who (I’m presuming) were the driving force behind Sonic’s movie look, okaying what the artists and animators were producing and steering them towards something that, I’m sure, they thought would sell. It’s a tough business and, to paraphrase William Goldman, nobody really knows that much when you think about it.
Among the many think-pieces that have sprung up, however, there is one point I disagree with: that it’s pointless to adapt a game into a movie at all. Certainly there should be no attempt to “legitimise” a gaming property with a film adaptation; games are great and will always be great, as games. But there are games with an iconography, storyline, or set of characters that could translate into movies. As it happens, Sonic the Hedgehog is one such game. He’s instantly familiar both to old farts like myself who remember the nineties, and also to the young folk who will be the film’s target audience. As it happens, I think the rough plot of the film – Sonic and Robotnik enter the “real world” – is probably the best storyline to tell, rather than adapting the game’s plot; it gives us a recognisable world, allows for some A-list casting (Jim Carrey as Robotnik, James Marsden as Sonic’s human pal), and following on from the likes of Alvin and the Chipmunks, The Smurfs, Christopher Robin, et al, the notion of CGI characters interacting with humans is a familiar movie trope, so much so that it’s practically a sub-genre of kids’ films (and can end up getting lampooned in adult-oriented films such as Paul or Ted).
No, I think a much worse decision is to try to adapt a game’s plot; to straight-up cart it across from console to movie screen (or, if you’re watching it on DVD, from, er, Xbox to Xbox, I guess). The first generation of game adaptations were especially guilty of this, often trying to graft a more realistic plotline, with character motivations and whatnot, onto games where “story” should really be read as “objective”: Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Super Mario Bros, Doom, Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. Whilst some of those films still retain a goofy charm (I will go to bat for Street Fighter being an absolute camp delight), they’re not good, not really. Far better, in my opinion, to take an existing world, one with deep and familiar iconography, and tell stories within it: sort of what the Sonic movie is doing, which we can almost assume is in continuity with the previous games. The best example of this, I think, is Halo; there have been a number of shorts and TV series based on the Halo games, set in the same world, often serving as prequels to the games themselves. And whilst they rarely go beyond a spot of pulpy fun, they do feel of a part with the games themselves. What they don’t do is re-tell the story of the games, and in that, they succeed where other game adaptations have fallen down.
There are examples of games with strong storylines that could be adapted, I think, but they would need care and attention, and should avoid being straight-up ports of the games. Use the storylines, if strong enough, but feel free to chop and change to make it work on film.
Another thing that some games have going for them, that makes them difficult to translate into movies, is that they’re really just film adaptations anyway. I think this is why the Doom and Tomb Raider movies have been less successful than perhaps you’d think; Doom is a sci-fi horror film, not too far away from Aliens (and especially quite close, even though it pre-dated it, to Event Horizon); Tomb Raider is basically Indiana Jones with a woman. The same is true for Red Dead Redemption, which I’m sure has Hollywood types arranging meetings as we speak; it’s a blockbuster, a game with instant name-recognition, a built-in audience, and strong iconography. The problem is that iconography is adapted from dozens of Westerns from The Searchers to Unforgiven to Deadwood to Bone Tomahawk. Quite frankly, we’ve seen that before.
Anyway: here are ten games (or game franchises, I suppose) that I think could stand to be adapted. Some of them are strong stories, some of them are great worlds. Hollywood, feel free to get in touch.
The Secret of Monkey Island (1990): despite banging on about adapting worlds not stories, Monkey Island has a story worth adapting. Sure, it needs adapting, but it has characters, a beginning, middle, and end, and a world that could be seen on the big screen. Pirates of the Caribbean probably stole a bit of its thunder, but that franchise looks like it’s sinking at the moment (no pun intended), so doing a much wackier, almost ZAZ-style take on the pirate movie could be really good fun. My advice would be to put Guybrush and Elaine together for much of the narrative and give them some screwball dialogue.
Command and Conquer (1995): hear me out… the C&C games have a seam of mythology richer than a source of Tiberium, and could lend themselves to a sci-fi war epic. There are characters in there worth adapting – well, Kane, at least – and whilst the risk of it turning into a GI JOE movie is great, if they keep their tongue slightly in their cheek it could be a really good, fun action movie that harks back to ‘80s genre classics. I mean, the C&C cut-scenes are famously hammy, and whilst I don’t think they should quite dial it up to eleven, maybe keeping it a good seven or eight would be good fun. Also: Red Alert, which arguably is funnier (and funner, if that’s a word), but at the moment “comedy Russian bad guys” isn’t quite so benign a concept.
The Legend of Zelda (1986): either as an animation or live-action, I could definitely see a Zelda movie working. For a start, every game is sort of a reboot, a brand new story but still set in the same world as tropes, characters, and events repeat themselves. That means you could tell a story right from the start, drawing on the best plot elements and pieces of iconography from across multiple Zelda games, but it could still be in-continuity with the game series itself. A sprawling fantasy epic but skewing younger than the likes of Lord of the Rings, it could be an absolute winner. Like Monkey Island, I’d keep Link and Zelda together for much of the narrative, however.
Mass Effect (2007): this one might be cheating a bit, because I think there actually is a film in the works (I mean, there’s probably a film in the works for half of these games…). Also it might be cheating a bit because in this case, I don’t think you’d adapt it into a film, but rather a TV series. I’d adapt the story, roughly, but give it a direct narrative thrust. I think if it was a film you’d have to cut too much; it’d feel too propulsive, and risk becoming just another sci-fi action movie. But a series – maybe a 12-episode Netflix affair or something, with a big budget – could allow room to linger, to have the odd episode go off on a tangent to explore the Geth or Rachni or whatever. I’d also look at both men and women for the lead, and cast whoever was best, in a nod to the gender choices of the game itself.
Fable (2004): this is one where I think it’s the world rather than the plot that’s worth adapting: a fun, almost Python-esque version of a fictional fairy-tale Britain. A new recruit to the Hero Academy who is trying to prove themselves whilst also battling Jack of Blades. I’d keep the humour and the bawdy tone, and add in characters from across the Fable series, making it much more of an ensemble. Arguably it’s the gameplay and the emergent storytelling that’s part of Fable’s charm, but I do really think there’s enough there to hang an adult comedy fantasy film on.
Duke Nukem 3D (1996): this is one that could go very badly, but I still think there’s potential. Duke Nukem as a character is a boor, an oaf, a misogynistic pig, a relic of a bygone age worth forgetting. Whilst I think exploring this character in a contemporary setting would be more interesting in a game (especially as you could explore the twenty-year-old gameplay differences, too), you could use Duke as an avatar of the ‘80s, almost, to critique action cinema of years gone by. A washed-up sexist dinosaur who has to be pulled out of retirement, I’d cast an older actor with some comedy chops but also a solid physical pedigree: maybe even Arnie?! You’d have to be careful that if you had a redemption arc for him you didn’t end up justifying the crassness of the original game, however.
Another World (1991): this is one where it’s the world and the style that’s the key, although there’s a vague enough story there to adapt. A scientist is transported to, literally, another world, and has to survive, ending up joining a slave rebellion. The game is all funky graphics and cool gameplay (by 1991 standards, at least), but with the right director you could transfer that brilliantly to the screen, and it allows enough room to explore the psychological effects on Lester Chaykin. One of the things I really like about the game, is that unlike other human-transported-to-alien-world storylines, Lester is way out of his depth; he’s not a superhero, not a revolutionary. He is battered by the elements, hunted by animals, imprisoned, beaten, and ultimately (spoiler alert) saved by one of the aliens. You’d have to keep this element of the game to avoid it feeling like too much of a cliché.
BioShock (2007): this one might be a bit more conventional, and risk being another Doom-style adaptation of a game, trying to follow a story that’s more about gameplay than literary flourish. But there is something there, I think; for one, there’s the steampunk aesthetic of a decaying underwater 1940s utopia, all art-deco and brass, the outside world rushing in and laying waste to such finery. There’s the philosophical discussion at the heart of BioShock, giving filmmakers something interesting to hang it all on. There’s the horror element: the creepy Little Sisters, the shock-horror Splicers, the terrifying Big Daddies. Finally, there’s the twist, which – I’m gonna be honest here – would not work anywhere near as well in a film, but all the same, it’s a twist. It is, perhaps, the most vanilla of the options I’ve laid out here, but I’d still like to see it.
Jet Set Willy (1984): there are quite a few relatively obscure (compared to, say, God of War) 1980s games that could make good films. The first Maniac Miner; Skool Daze; Dizzy. But I’ve plumped for the surrealism of Jet Set Willy. Picture it: cast someone who broke through in the ‘80s – Pierce Brosnan, Richard E. Grant, Adrian Edmondson – and get someone like Danny Boyle or Edgar Wright to direct. The tale of a drunken gone-to-seed former celebrity who starts out trying to clean himself up after one party too many – possibly in some vain attempt at a comeback – only for the film to just get crazier and crazier as he ventures deeper into his bizarre stately home, discovering hidden treasures, secret rooms, occult shenanigans, and much more. Is it “real”? Is he losing his mind? A freakish, twisty, deeply surreal black comedy ensues. It’d probably make no money but be a cult classic!
Worms (1995): most of these I’ve imagined as being live-action, often big-budget affairs; Hollywood blockbusters. But who’s to say we can’t adapt a game into a cartoon? Certainly, it’s been done before, and with degrees of success: obviously on TV, but there’s also the Angry Birds movie, which I’ve not seen and which doesn’t strike me as being overly impressive, but which was clearly a big enough deal to warrant a sequel. There’s an animated Mario movie in the works, animated Pokémon has been a staple for twenty years, and there are those who’d argue that animation was a better route for Sonic, too. So why not apply that logic to Worms, a great British success story? There could be different clans of Worms warring over a piece of land (perhaps a garden that, from their view, is an epic battlefield); that would allow the different Worm voices to come into play. But something means they have to unite for a common cause. Inject it with a dose of British humour, a splash of surrealism, and a some satirical social commentary, and you’re onto a winner.
There you are. Seemingly-obvious suggestions like Metal Gear, Gears of War, or Half-Life I have quietly shifted to one side, and other adventure games with good stories (Grim Fandango, Thimbleweed Park, Life is Strange) I sort of feel had their box ticked by Monkey Island. But somewhere in this list I’m convinced there’s at least one great, great film. In the meantime, I’m off to see Detective Pikachu. Who knows? Perhaps that will be the film that breaks videogaming’s cinematic duck (or at least Psyduck).
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vagabondretired · 6 years
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He can't stop obstructing justice...... After revoking the security clearance of John Brennan ostensibly for things he did during the last administration and because he is paid for giving his opinions on television (as if that's unusual or corrupt) Trump couldn't help but blurt out the real reason: In an interview with the Wall Street Journal posted late Wednesday, President Trump once again gave away the ballgame when it comes to his efforts to affect the probe and tear down its leaders (both current and former). He confessed that his true motivation for revoking former CIA director John Brennan’s security clearance was the “rigged witch hunt” that Brennan once “led.” “I call it the rigged witch hunt; [it] is a sham,” Trump told the Journal’s Peter Nicholas and Michael C. Bender. “And these people led it!” He added: “So I think it’s something that had to be done.” You could be forgiven for having flashbacks to Trump’s interview with NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt in the aftermath of his firing last year of James B. Comey as FBI director. Then, as now, the White House offered a series of motivations for the crackdown on a person who was a liability in the Russia probe. Then, as now, it seemed clear what the actual motivation was. And then, as now, Trump appeared to go out and just admit the actual motivation. A psychologist would have to conclude that this is a man who is subconsciously desperate to be caught. Nobody can be this dumb.
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docrotten · 3 years
From a Whisper to a Scream (1987) – Episode 179 – Decades of Horror 1980s
"My mama likes the yams." Does that sound like good small talk for a first date? Well, it did to Stanley. Join your faithful Grue-Crew - Crystal Cleveland, Chad Hunt, Bill Mulligan, and Jeff Mohr - as they dig a little deeper into Stanley’s story as well as the other stories found in this lesser-known portmanteau featuring Vincent Price in the framing story, From a Whisper to a Scream (1987).
Decades of Horror 1980s Episode 179 – From a Whisper to a Scream (1987)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
In the small Tennessee town of Oldfield, a historian, who is also the uncle of an executed murderess, relates four horror stories to a reporter: “Stanley” - an elderly man pursues a romance with a younger woman, even to the grave and beyond; “On the Run” - a wounded man on the run from creditors is rescued by a backwoods hermit with the secret to eternal life; "Lovecraft's Traveling Amusements" - a glass-eating carny pays the ultimate price for looking for love on the outside; "Four Soldiers" - Civil War soldiers are held captive by a household of orphans with strange intentions for them.
  Director: Jeff Burr
Writers: C. Courtney Joyner, Darin Scott, Jeff Burr; Mike Malone (additional story material)
Framing story - The uncle of an executed murderess relates four stories of his hometown, Oldfield, to a reporter.
Vincent Price as Julian White
Susan Tyrrell as Beth Chandler
Martine Beswick as Katherine White
Lawrence Tierney as Warden
Thomas Nowell as Andrew
Clu Gulager as Stanley Burnside
Megan McFarland as Grace Scott
Miriam Byrd-Nethery as Eileen Burnside
Terence Knox as Burt
"On the Run"
Terry Kiser as Jesse Hardwick
Harry Caesar as Felder Evans
Katherine Kaden as Mary Hardwick
Gene Witham as Jack McCoy
Tommy Burcher as Lester McCoy
"Lovecraft's Traveling Amusements" 
Rosalind Cash as Snakewoman
Ron Brooks as Steven Arden
Didi Lanier as Amarrillis Caulfield
Angelo Rossitto as Tinker
Barney Burman as No Face
"Four Soldiers"
Cameron Mitchell as Sgt. Gallen
C. Jay Cox as Pike
Leon Edwards as McBride
Ashli Bare as Amanda
From a Whisper to a Scream is a dark and twisty anthology featuring Vincent Price in the framing story, supported by recognizable faces leading each of the four segments. Bill first knew of this film as The Offspring, and remarks that it’s an unusually mean-spirited anthology with a helluva cast. He’s also impressed that director Jeff Burr is able to land Vincent Price as the film’s centerpiece, even though it is Burr’s first directorial effort. Crystal enjoyed From a Whisper to a Scream, adding that it pushes boundaries and agreeing with Bill that it’s pretty hardcore in terms of punishment. “What other movie gives you incest, necrophilia, a zombie baby, and child murder?” asks Chad. Along with the nice twists that end each segment, he loves Vincent Price’s Tennessee accent and calls From a Whisper to a Scream a fun, fun movie. Jeff picked the movie after watching Severin’s new Tales of the Uncanny documentary about anthology horror films. For him, From a Whisper to a Scream had the feel of Night Gallery episodes but with far more graphic violence and endings that go one, or even two, steps further than what are found in the 1970s TV series.
The Decades of Horror 1980s Grue-Crew all enjoyed the grizzly nature and twist endings of From a Whisper to a Scream. At the time of this writing, the film can be streamed on Amazon Prime, but unfortunately, the Scream Factory Blu-ray is currently out-of-print.
Every two weeks, Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1980s podcast will cover another horror film from the 1980s. The next episode’s film, chosen by Bill, will be Screamers (1981), a US version of Sergio Martino’s Island of the Fishmen (1979).  You won’t want to miss that one!
Check out this episode!
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halo-jpeg · 4 years
Could you by any chance, do slashers with a shy, twink SO?
I love this yes!!! I FINALLY finished this, jeez!!! This took a looong time. All my asks all for all the slashers I write for so it’ll take a long time for me to get the content out! Sorry for the wait!
Slashers with a Shy Twink S/O
Michael Myers
He’s a sucker for height differences, so a short guy is absolutely his type. He’d hold you close at all time, sitting you in his lap and never letting you get up.
You’re shy? That’s perfect, who needs to go outside into society anyways? He’d much rather keep you at home where he can make sure you’re safe, so don’t worry about having to go talk to people other than him.
Will protect you until the end of time. He’s super paranoid that you’ll be hurt or attacked for any and all reasons, so he’ll be close by no matter what, making sure no one makes you even the slightest bit uncomfortable.
Whether it’s comforting or unnerving to know hes always close by, it’s the undeniable truth. Just shout for him and he’ll be there. Dip momentarily into a quiet place and he’ll be there. Talk aloud, he’ll hear you.
Jason Voorhees
Right away he knows you’re different from other campers. You’re short, fragile, and completely afraid to be out with the other teenagers. You aren’t as overly-confident and obnoxious like they are so that grants you bonus brownie points.
Again, you’re fragile and small, along with the purest babey in the world. The forest is dangerous; even before you know Jason is there he’ll be protecting you.
After you actually meet and get to know each other, he’ll be at your side no matter what, even if trespassers need to be dealt with. If it makes you happy he’ll do whatever you want him to.
He’s pretty shy himself, when he isn’t killing of course. He understands the whole ‘not too keen about attention’ stuff, so he does his best to keep trespassers away unless you want to be with them- until they’re killed.
Brahms Heelshire
He L O V E S Y O U. You are the cutest most adorable little thing hes ever seen and he will 100% love and cherish every single little thing about you.
You’re so tiny compared to this tower of a man and he LOVES to tease you about that, leaning his elbow on your head and purposefully placing stuff just too high for you to reach.
He’ll curl his entire body around yours like some human cocoon and you’ll be stuck there until he says otherwise.
Will always want to have tea parties and is always saying you’d look good as a doll, like his mini-Brahms self. Has scoured the internet for a custom-doll maker.
Billy & Stu
Billy likes to tease you for being so small and shy when he’s generally outgoing, and finds it almost weird that you’d go for someone like him. After all, you’re basically polar opposites.
Stu makes you feel loved every second of the day, making sure no one makes you uncomfortable and always asking to hold your hand.
Both boys are so glad to have someone like you tolerate them and their stupidness. They don’t know how they got so lucky.
Thomas Hewitt
Thomas is a big man, and he loves tiny little you and your nervous personality.
He’s always afraid that you’ll get hurt if you leave the house, so you rarely do, and only when he’s with you, glued to your side like a protective tick.
He’ll pick you up and seat you on his shoulder, carrying you around like a parrot or something. Tommy loves to take walks with you like that.
Any and all teasing from his family will result in him punching them. Hard. He won’t take anything, not wen it comes to you because you’re his S/O and no one gets to tease you >:(
Bubba Sawyer
Another sucker for height differences!! He’s TALL, so he’ll always want to compare heights, seeing if you’re going to grow as tall as him some day. Even when you tell him you won’t, he still has hopes that you’ll grow as big and strong as he is.
No matter what Drayton says you are NOT doing any chores that are even remotely dangerous. If you ever try to help hunt trespassers or use a saw or hammer, Bubba will erupt into a series of panicked whining, and then he’ll drag you away into the safety of home.
Even though you’re so small he still likes to be the little spoon sometimes. It makes him feel even more loved and valued than ever. On days where he’s the big spoon, he loves that too, because then he knows you are feeling just as loved.
He’s shy too, so he knows how you feel!! He’ll take you on walks through the sunflower fields if guests ever come over, or if you want to get away from the shouting of his brothers.
Danny ‘Jed Olsen’ Johnson
Twink? Y E S. Danny is pretty twink-y himself, so you go perfect together. Everything about your personality is entrancing you him.
Will teach you how to use your height and weight perfectly; if you’re short, you’re harder to spot, and you can learn how to walk silently no matter your weight.
Danny is the polar opposite of shy, but he absolutely respects that you aren’t as confident around people as he is. He’s a natural attention whore, so he’ll absorb it all and keep peoples eyes off of you.
Some days where you’re really reluctant to go into public he’s perfectly content with chilling at home with a movie.
Billy Lenz
Will 100% call you Twink. All the time. Every day.
Makes fun of how short you are even though he’s pretty short himself, doing whatever he can do sabotage your daily life while still being convenient for his own- a lot of things are going to be placed just out of your reach.
Shy? Good, you don’t get to go outside anyways. It’s always attic time for Billy, and attic times means him, you, and the rocking chair, much too small for two people.
The ultimate little spoon. Cradle him in your arms or suffer 😡
Leslie Vernon
He’s a very outgoing, loud person; your polar opposite, so he can be a little overbearing. He draws a lot of attention (and loves it all) as well, so you’re often put out when you don’t want to be simply because he doesn’t notice that you’re uncomfortable.
He always makes it up to you with cuddles and love, feeling bad for making you uncomfortable.
Short? Okay. That’s fine, he doesn’t tease you or anything, you’re too good for that.
His favourite thing EVER is planning out his little hunting games. He usually lets you pick out the group (after he’s chosen his final girl, of course). You always think up different ideas than he does.
Vincent Sinclair
L o v e l o v e l o v e
He will cherish every single little thing about you because he’s never seen anyone as naturally perfect as you are.
Models 80% of his wax figures after you!!! There’s a lot of different mini figurines with your features, even if he tries not to let you know that.
He’s so shy, so he doesn’t ever want to go out of the basement. Now, you don’t ever want to leave either, and he loves it. Your personality is so easy to handle, it’s not overwhelming in the slightest and he loves you.
Bo Sinclair
Endless teasing. I’m so sorry you have to deal with this nasty texas man.
He’ll randomly rip things out of your hands and hold them too high for you to reach, laughing all the while.
He can be soft though, and he’s softer around you than anyone else. He’ll cuddle you and tell you how he’ll keep you safe no matter what.
He locks you in your room whenever people stumble across Ambrose. He won’t risk getting you hurt.
Lester Sinclair
You’re just the cutest to him!! Compared to his brothers he’s tiny, so he loves that you are too!
He’ll bring you with him on his work rides, cranking country tunes through his old tinny radio and singing along loudly.
It’s nice and secluded all throughout the work day, so you won’t have to worry about much social interaction.
On the day Lester runs into someone he intends to lure back to Ambrose (like offering a ride) he’ll make sure he takes all the attention, talking non-stop so you didn’t have to talk if you didn’t want to.
Norman Bates
He himself is pretty twinky if we’re being honest. You’d totally click personalities.
He’s shy too, so there would never be the problem of having to talk to other people. The two of you make do with simply being around one another.
He’ll read you books and make tea, along with constantly buying you flowers. He’s so in love with you.
The most gentlemanly gentleman on the earth. Absolutely no teasing from this guy, and he’ll beat anyone who teases you to a pulp.
Pyramid Head
S m o l b o i = p r o t e c t
Super territorial and constantly worried about you. If you ever leave his sight he’ll flip, his anxiety blasting through the roof. He’ll spend hours tearing the town apart to find you.
He’ll pat your head as his main sign of saying ‘I love you’. If he could speak he’d shower you with endless praise.
He’s so big and strong and brutal, but when it comes to handling you he’s so careful and gentle, like two different sides of a coin.
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