belanglosstuff · 9 months
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recapxdump · 2 years
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Marienberg - Lauterbach
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pandemic-info · 1 year
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Coronavirus: Karl Lauterbach erklärt Pandemie für beendet - DER SPIEGEL
Translation: [German Health Minister] “Karl Lauterbach declares the corona pandemic over“
Wait wait wait, the same German Health Minister who, this January 2023, warned "Anyone who gets infected with corona more often runs the risk of developing an incurable immune deficiency"? 
This one? —
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Same guy, yeah?
Uh huh, cool. Neat. So the pandemic is over and if you get this disease — which is still in high transmission all over the world — multiple times and develop incurable immune deficiency, good luck! Have fun! DD!
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Gesundheitsminister Lauterbach will mit der Cannabis-Legalisierung vor allem junge Konsumenten schützen. Kritiker wenden ein, dass der Schwarzmarkt auch nach einer möglichen Legalisierung auf junge Konsumenten zielen würde.
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ohjebrd · 2 years
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tobias-blanken · 1 month
Sollte das Raucherverbot ausgeweitet werden?
"Gesundheitsminister Lauterbach plant, das Rauchen im Auto zu verbieten, wenn Minderjährige oder Schwangere mitfahren. Die Vorteile für die Gesundheit liegen auf der Hand. Aber ist es wirklich nötig, das staatlich zu regeln, statt es der Vernunft des Einzelnen zu überlassen?"
Zum Beitrag: Sollte das Rauchverbot ausgeweitet werden? bei WELT.
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meteoleitstelle · 3 months
Frühling im Winter, so warm wird es heute in Hessen.
Die jüngste Wetterentwicklung in Hessen zeigt sich von einer milden Seite. Insbesondere in den Städten Frankfurt am Main und Wiesbaden ist mit Höchsttemperaturen von bis zu 16 Grad zu rechnen. Diese ungewöhnlich milden Temperaturen für die Jahreszeit können den Bürgern ein vorübergehendes Frühlingsgefühl bescheren. Diese warmen Bedingungen sind hauptsächlich auf die Warmfront des Tiefs PAULINA…
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alphachamber · 4 months
Continue reading Untitled
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feminist-space · 5 months
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Cat in the Hat:
"The German Health Minister gave an important update on the Covid situation yesterday.
I’ve written up the section of his speech from the video below for easy reading.
It’s immensely refreshing to see a government minister warning of the harms of Covid in such a transparent way."
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Prof. Karl Lauterbach
Health Minister, Germany
4 December 2023
"This second (long Covid) round table was very interesting, lasting three and a half hours. It serves as a unique forum for dialogue among scientists, researchers and those affected by long Covid, facilitating the exchange of ideas.
There are many new findings about long Covid. Not all of them are good news. One piece of not-so-good news concerns the fact that long Covid is actually still a problem for those who are newly infected. One estimate that has been put forward is that the risk of contracting long Covid now, even after vaccination, is around 3%. Now you may say, "that's not such a big risk" , but there are tens of thousands of people who are repeatedly affected in a short period of time. And so, the long Covid problem has not yet been solved.
We have also established that there really are many subgroups of long Covid and that we do not yet have a cure. And it was clearly pointed out that we are also dealing with problems here that will challenge society as a whole, because vascular diseases often occur after long Covid. Throughout Europe, we are currently seeing an increased incidence of cardiovascular disease in the middle-age group - from 25 to 50. This is associated with the consequences of Covid infections.
We also very often find cognitive impairment in older people. And one participant pointed out that it may well be like the Spanish flu, where 20 years after the Spanish flu there was a significant increase in Parkinson's disease and probably also dementia.
This is something we must pay attention to, as the past infection afiects how the immune system in the brain functions, as well as the brain's blood vessels, potentially increasing the long-term risk of these major neurodegenerative diseases. This is why we need to conduct very intensive research. This research has played a major role.
What is the overall assessment of the situation now?
We have to be careful. Long Covid is not curable at the moment. We also know that over 40% of those who have several manifestations of long Covid, for example, five or more, still have symptoms after 2 years, so it doesn't seem to heal spontaneously. We also know that those whose symptoms are more pronounced at the beginning are less likely to heal.
So some of what we know from the demographics of long Covid has been confirmed, and we now know more precisely which mechanisms in the brain, but also in the blood vessels and the immune system, are responsible for this. Professor Scheibenbogan will explain this briefly later.
At this point, I can only say the following - this is particularly important to me:
First of all, long Covid is a disease that stays with us and that we cannot yet cure. And we are seeing an increasing number of cases as the waves of infection continue to affect us.
Secondly, Covid is not a cold - with a cold, you don't usually see any long-term effects. You don't see any changes in the blood vessels. You don't usually see an autoimmune disease developing. You also don't usually see neurological inflammation - these are all things that we see with long Covid. Therefore, one should not assume that Covid infection is just a common cold. It can affect brain tissue and the vascular system, and we still lack an effective treatment, making these studies crucial.
Significantly, we know that the risk of long Covid decreases when you're infected but have been vaccinated. That's why it's concerning that only 3 million people have been vaccinated with the new, adapted vaccine. That is a very bad result.
Please protect yourself from severe infections.
Please protect yourself from long Covid.
Currently, the danger posed by Covid is indeed being underestimated. Nothing is worse than infecting someone at Christmas who then becomes seriously ill and may not fully recover."
Alt text is included in all images of this post.
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politikwatch · 7 months
Wunschdenken ❗🤬 So viele #Angriffe auf #LGBTQIA gabs noch nie wie die letzten 2 Jahre❗Was stimmt mit Euch #Politikern eigentlich nicht, die #Realität zu leugnen❓Lebt ihr nur noch in einer rosaroten #Bubble❓Kommt mal wieder in der
Realität an und nennt die Probleme beim Namen und hört auf Wunsch Fantasien die nicht der #Realität entsprechen zu posten❗🤬 Bis #Tolleranz zu #Deutschland gehört vergehen noch Jahrzehnte, leider! Wenn überhaupt 🤔im moment gibt es auf der Welt einen Wandel, der #rechten wir wissen was das heißt ❗
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heplev · 8 months
Ausschwitzen mit Superkarl
Im "Skandal" um Hubert Aiwanger musste sich auch Corona-Karlchen äußern. Spannend, was er so zusammen schreibt. Nur der Eile geschuldet, unbedingt hetzen zu müssen?
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sayxerjan · 8 months
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dersiegertalk · 10 months
Angst vor Klima-Katastrophen
Unsere Klima-Aposteln, die unser Land regieren, wollen uns noch mehr Angst einjagen, weil es angeblich viel zu heiß geworden ist. Dass aber heiße Temperaturen im Sommer normal sind, scheint irgendwie keiner zu merken. Menschen sitzen verschwitzt vor der Glotze und lassen die Angstmache des Gesundheitsministers über sich wirken. Als Jesus über die Ereignisse vor Seiner Wiederkunft gesprochen hat,…
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kdr3217 · 11 months
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Die Zerstörung Deutschlands hat System und das heisst Grüne.
Energiepolitik ein Desaster.Strommangel droht. Energie intensive Firmen werden abwandern. Arbeitslosigkeit wird steigen. Unkontrollierte Einwanderung in die Sozialsysteme.
Gesundheitssystem kaputt wie in einem Entwicklungsland.
Sogar an der deutschen Sprache vergreifen sie sich und verschandeln sie durch erbärmliches gendern.
Deutschland wird untergehen. Scheinbar ist es von irgendwelchen Leuten so gewollt.
Es wird Zeit,das die Grünen in der Versenkung verschwinden.
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pandemic-info · 1 year
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via Studien geben Anlass zur Sorge: Lauterbach warnt vor unheilbarer Immunschwäche durch Corona - n-tv.de
Google translation:
Lauterbach warns of incurable immune deficiency caused by Corona
According to Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach, several corona infections in one person can have serious consequences for the immune system. "It is worrying what we observe in people who have had several corona infections. Studies now show very clearly that those affected are often dealing with an immune deficiency that can no longer be cured," said Lauterbach of the Düsseldorf "Rheinische Post".
"This can be a risk factor for the development of chronic diseases, from cardiovascular problems to dementia," emphasized the minister. "As I said, that's not certain yet, it's being intensively researched. I'm following the studies and discussing them with experts...
..."We assume that a relevant proportion of those who fall ill after a corona infection are struggling with long-Covid symptoms. Estimates assume five to ten percent.“
Karl Wilhelm Lauterbach is a German scientist, physician, and politician of the Social Democratic Party of Germany who has served as Federal Minister of Health since 8 December 2021. He is professor of health economics and epidemiology at the University of Cologne.
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