acarrcreations · 8 months
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something something sushi scene
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rayman-chibi-redrawn · 3 months
Rayman! Your gold fist buff makes your punches stronger, but does it affect anything else you do with your hands (picking up things, opening bottles etc)?
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Thankfully, Kid's species is able to regenerate any damage done to their bodies, so he was fine, but I still had to apologize to him after that.
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rayman-chibi · 6 months
The ONE TIME I'm able to have this identity back so far, thank POLOKUS.
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Does this mean I'm back? No, actually. This was just something I found on this iPad that I have access to occasionally and I wanted to finish it considering how much I like how much potential it could have should it be finished. I can't guarantee if I'm able to draw like this again... or have my phone back permanently... or be able to escape my family... but all I want is to still be able to keep in touch with you all, because there will come a time when I won't. There may even come a time when I'd be forced to live with my parents for all of my adulthood and live under their toxic parenting with no way out. The most I ask from you is your support and for you to be with me in these hard times. Thank you.
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i bring the designs post after escaping the circus
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i did have some doodles but those aren’t finished yet, i’ll finish them some other time
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Rayman Head Canons: The Animated Series Characters
My Rayman world building includes quite a bit from the main series games, the GBA/DS versions to a degree as well, and some of the educational games (I may not be accurate on some of these since many of the educational games were only in French. I do not speak nor understand the language very well. Only a few words or phrases. I needed to rely on translations for some of these.) Even Mario Rabbids Sparks of Hope will be mentioned to some degree, at least the Rayman in the Phantom Show DLC content will be.
But If you've been here before my hiatus from the blog, you'd know I also include characters from the animated TV series! I've even posted some of my old head canon ideas or reblogged them here from my personal blog.
-Long Post Ahead-
Betina, LacMac, Cookie, Flips, Detective Grubb, and even Rigatoni all make appearances in one way or another, but they don't follow the plot/story of the animated series. The circus friend group were never branded criminals nor did they ever work/were enslaved by Rigatoni.
The circus friend group are like one big found family, and Rayman is included in this found family circle. Everyone considers each other a sibling (or daughter in Flips' case).
Flips is a child and member of the Luvdivs. When she gets older, she's probably going to need glasses since it's common for Luvdivs start losing their sight as they age.
Flips is non-verbal, but everyone seems to understand her vocalizations perfectly. She does not have much magical capability, and they won't know if she can use magic at all until she's a bit older.
LacMac is Flips' caretaker, but he's more like her adoptive dad. LacMac does his best to help take care of Flips and he does a pretty damn good job at it. She's the most important person to him and LacMac absolutely considers Flips his daughter. He always did adore kids.
LacMac is not very verbal himself and speaks in broken English, but he's a very expressive gent. You can usually tell what's on his mind just by reading his face, eyes, or body posture alone. LacMac is prone to anxiety flare ups when faced with conflict between his friends. He will try to separate himself from these by either going out for a walk (Often taking Flips with him) or will grab his walkman and listen to music as the fight goes on.
LacMac makes his living as a street performer. He will perform tricks like juggling, bending cast iron bars into shapes that he'll give away to the audience. He doesn't make much, but he always seems to find a way to support himself and Flips by doing odd jobs around the city where they live when he's not performing. He has a stash he's set aside that is meant for Flips' needs in the future. Such as funds in case she needs glasses.
Cookie works as a tech/ IT guy / mechanic as his primary profession. He takes commissions to have something built or repaired like cars or computers.
Cookie knows how to use binary code and will use it to prank Rayman, such as sending him the entire rickroll song in full binary code. He knows it annoys the heck out of Rayman and he does it on purpose to get a reaction, especially if Rayman did something that upset one of the members of the friend group and Cookie hears about it.
While Tech and Mechanic jobs are his primary profession, cooking is a hobby he takes delight in. He loves preparing elaborate dishes. He will often call the friends over to taste test his latest creations. He prefers absolute honesty when he asks you how the dish is. If you tell him how it needs improvement, he'll listen and experiment. If your suggestion didn't work, he'll let you know but won't hesitate to try an ingredient that still applies with what you were suggesting with flavors. One thing that really puts a smile on his face is seeing someone really enjoy his cooking and walking away well fed. His tendency to prepare large, filling meals has made him a bit overweight.
Cookie deals with a lot of anxiety issues that lead to him having physical reactions to his health. Headaches, stomach cramps, physical fatigue. He does not seek a diagnosis for any anxiety disorders due to him having phobias of doctors. Therapists and mental health evaluations included.
Cookie can be quite clumsy. He is prone to tripping when he's running, and very accident prone in general. Things like banging his foot on furniture, bumping his knees, even falls. Because of his fear of doctors, he usually relies on patching himself up when he gets hurt, or resorts to calling one of the members of the friend group to come assist him. He prefers calling Raymona in these instances because she tends to Cookie as patiently and sweetly as possible. He's tried calling on Betina, but he doesn't like how she ridicules him or scolds him as she treats his injuries.
Betina often spends her time at the gym or practicing gymnastics. She has a few gold medals from gymnastic tournaments. She is a bit self centered and her comments can come off as mean, but to her friends, she means well. She's trying to curb the mean streak.
She is the one who is in contact with Rayman the most. They are very close as friends. They will even refer to each other as brother and sister. She is not afraid to help Rayman with things like putting on makeup, doing his nails, ect.
She will babysit Flips for LacMac when he needs it, though she'll try spoil her.
Rigatoni is a con man and scam artist. He is responsible for a lot of Scams, Fraud attempts, and Pyramid Schemes within the glade. He will go door to door trying to peddle "golden opportunities" that either steals your money, your identity, or even selling your life into slavery. He'll work with Razorbeard and will get him slaves this way.
Razorbeard has more power than Rigatoni, not the opposite compared to the animated series.
Detective Grubb is still part of the police force and is also a private investigator. He's working hard to get evidence gathered to put criminals like Rigatoni behind bars.
He's known to work with Murfy when it comes to certain matters of the law. Grubb will often take matters that are are a threat to the glade or world as a whole to the council. Once these cases are passed off to their hands, the police department are no longer involved unless called upon by the council members.
Grubb is friends with all the people in the circus friend group. Whenever he sees them while on duty, he has to say hello and ask how they are doing. He's like the uncle or father of that group. He looks out for all of them if he can. They will often go to him if they have problems or they just need a seasoned heart to listen. Even if it's not related to work, he's always willing to listen when they have problems going on with their lives and need a little encouragement or support. His home is open to them if they need a safe place to go. They have been his support and comfort since he's single and his mother has a severe mental illness that forced him to send her to psychiatric care full time.
He still visits his mother whenever he gets the chance. Her being committed to the psychiatric ward has not been easy on him. He knows his mother is not well and that she doesn't mean to be cruel towards him. He misses the days where her condition wasn't as progressed. If he could, he'd let her stay at home with him but due to his job having constantly being away from home, it was safer for his mother to stay at the ward. Sometimes members of the friend group or even Rayman himself would accompany Grubb on these visits for moral support.
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literal-sky-circus · 10 months
Sketch of the sillies
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itbe-jess · 4 months
Clark the giant is definitely a certified himbo!
He’s beefy, kind, and dumb!
What makes him dumb, you may ask? How about the fact that he ate something deadly that he knew had a cure for? If that doesn’t make him a himbo, I don’t know what does!
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the-eggplantblog · 7 months
I like to think Betina, Cookie, Lacmac and Flips does exist in the game canon. Like Rayman did come to the circus but only as a visitor and he did help them them escape after he found out they were imprisoned. But he couldn’t stay with them and they went their separate ways for a while.
interesting headcanon, I definitely love these characters, what a shame they canceled the series, it really had an interesting and fun premise, I would really like these characters to be canon.
I would really like to see more moments of this curious and fun family, the series and these characters deserve more love.
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titenoute · 6 months
One thing I head canon is that Rayman The Animated Series did occur in the main Rayman series. However, the show itself is actually Rayman telling the story to some kids and Baby Globoxes.
Any inconsistency that the show had is cause of Rayman’s narration. He did actually help Betina, Cookie, Lac-Mac and Flips escape but he did have to leave them soon but some things were exaggerated for comedic effect or to make it more interesting. Razorbeard was there because Rayman inserted him into the story to mock him.
Oh ! That is a good way to see it actually. Makes the lore wrangling a bit easier. Tbh when I started my comic with the Lacmac crew I took the events of the show as 100% canon. My twist being that all of the story was happening was prior to the Robo-Pirate war, with Rayman accidentally ending up in Aeropolis because of a Teensie portal, and Razorbeard scouting for himself at the circus.... Aw man,I should really make that timeline thingy I've promised to do a while back uh ?
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lonelimbless · 5 months
Aww Gnarr’s parents is one of Lacmac’s species I like that.
Yep, his mom is of the Lac-Mac species, making Gnarr a hybrid. She's super sweet and silly, and she loved her husband and son very much!...
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grandminimuses · 7 months
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titenoute-comics · 3 years
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Yeah good luck explaining that one. Also, sometimes, it’s best to not talk about bad memories. One day, I will show a timeline for this AU, and I will link it here.
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven
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spoocys-funhouse · 3 years
Rayman Head Canons: Lacmac
-I’ve said this before. i shall say it again. yes. aspects from the animated series do have a place in my future works projects. Aeropolis city is on the world map, and the circus friend group, detective grub, his mother AND love interest all make appearances sometime down the line in the stories. i just don’t use the same plot/storyline as the show did.
that is one of the reasons i tend to make head canon posts around these guys. because it also plays into how they work/act in my stories. i think my very first head canon post i did on this blog was around Cookie. so here’s one for lacmac. and i shall be doing others sometime in the future.-
Lacmac is far from stupid. People just get the impression he is due to the inability to speak proper sentences and his overly expressive emotions and sometimes child-like demeanor. 
Lacmac is probably the most visually perceptive guy out of the entire friend group. he was the guy that first caught eye in the show about the no parking sign, and was the ONLY one who knew flips was in the car when it got towed. 
Lacmac also knows when he doesn’t want something and will voice it, but when it say involves people he is close with, especially his friends. he just kind of puts what he wants on the back burner especially if he thinks it might lead to confrontation. (example being is when he saw flips go to the car, and went with cookie instead when cookie just went “help me or i won’t put you in my will.” and despite the smile he put on he still looked very conflicted and just went over to cookie. he just didnt want a fight breaking out)
when his friends fight, he gets really bad anxiety. often to the point where he just panics and will stand up, drop everything he’s doing and just go “Lacmac go for walk” and will try to go out for a walk to distance himself from that. the anxiety is bad enough to make him break out in sweats when he’s seeing this go on and will sometimes get him to just quietly cower in a corner, or he will put his headphones on to not only drown out the sounds of the fight, but the music will also help him calm down from his anxiety attacks. 
Despite the dislike of confrontation, he does understand when its unavoidable. he is a generally sweet guy that doesn’t like when things get heated. 
however, if he is ever placed in a situation where his friends are being threatened with harm/violence. it is the only time you see him act aggressive, especially if its around a child. in these rare instances. you will see his expression turn hostile. you will hear his voice attempt to crack as he goes “Lacmac angry” and he will not hesitate in kicking the attacker full force kangaroo style. 
and lacmac has been shown to have incredible physical strength, enough to easily bend cast-iron steel bars into shapes like lil balloon animals, so that kick is probably going to send you crashing through a wall. 
final one is strictly story related but when certain people talk to him they will refer to him frequently as “my fair lacmac” 
its a reference to the unfinished episode before the animated series got canned. i love making references such as this in my story stuff. you will see quite a few of em.
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rayman-chibi · 2 years
Oh my lums, FINALLY!
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You have NO idea how long this took us to make all of these-
Happy… uh, 30 followers, everyone! We tried to tag as many of the featured characters as possible. Too bad it filled up the tagbox. We’re also gonna be hosting a fanart challenge too! More on that later…
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THERE WE GO MADE EM thanks to @ardate @bravehero96 @heimkoheimkofan and the anons for sending stuff uwu
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purpleshinypotatoxx · 4 years
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Obscure animated buckteeth lads, pls put em into their respective games their animated series are based on. Thanks!!!
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