popfizzles · 1 year
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Doing some cleaning and rebranding over on @cuppatrouble :3x
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sinnabee · 11 months
ALRIGHTY LADS. Stream tonight!!!! My ipad is doing an update right now (one thats LONG overdue) so while it does that, i'll be getting set up on my laptop ^^ look out for the reblog on this post with the twitch link!
the plans for tonight is to work on some more artfight attacks - namely.... a certain celestial sundown au :3c (shhhh nobody tell pillow! pillow if u see this post - no you didn't c;)
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puppy-pill · 4 months
finally they are gonna interact!
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thistownisstrange · 2 months
I'm almost converting all the clay hairs I've made for ts4 a long ass time ago and posting them here cause they are soooo good and I'm a clown for not having them for my ts2 now that I use clay hairs
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inkz123 · 1 year
Celebration Valentine's themed art raffle!🎉🎉🎉
I finally got this all arranged lol
Thank you for the support and enjoying the stuffs i make! Seeing y'all comments n stuff also makes me smile ;v;💕
If u wanna know more and join the raffle, read on below nvn👍✨
Important Bits!
-3 winners! 3rd is sketch+flat colors, 2nd is Flat colors, and 1st is fully shaded
-this is a Valentine's themed art raffle, so ship art is YES💕
-replies to join the raffle will be open for one week
-winners will be chosen by random
How to Join?
-raffle is open to both old and new followers
-comment on this post to join the art raffle, your answer to this question:
-whats your "love language" OR tell me your favorite food and why
What art to request?
-Ship art! Can be sona's, OCs, characters etc
-Can be from any fandom (reference pics are key!)
-ship art max of 3 characters
-SFW ship art (NSFW ship art tbd)
-no bashing of the winners ship preferences, or me for drawing their request!
-no rushing the finished piece!
-finished art will be "suprise" basis (no wips will be shared)
-cuz of above, be as specific with your requests as possible! (Ref pics, descriptions, etc)
Thats all! nwn💕
If you want a more sure way to get sum art u have in mind, i'll be opening sum slots for comms in a day or so ^^ thanks again for joining!
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jout--jout · 2 years
"well, hi! im Keyleth!"
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wazzappp · 9 days
- Quotes from tonight's DnD campaign
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anonymoosen · 1 month
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joooonbug · 2 months
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thesingingrevolution · 2 months
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minthy · 10 months
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happy birthday to me, yipee (aug 3)
I no longer can use BP's quote, im in tears
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giggle-bee · 11 months
Y’all I just got called a Chad lee
I’m a gigachad
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sinnabee · 4 months
Hey what kind of printer do you use for stickers?
HI NOOGIT!!! sorry i kind of. forgor. that i had an ask box and that people use it!!! this is super later B U T
i use an epson ecotank! it uses uhhh, i think ink with pigments? its one designed for printing photos, so it works better for art, too. honestly though, if you want the best quality, i'd use the printer @ranchdiip has - he just tends to have more vibrant colors in his stickers. my colors are always noticeably darker than my images (though obviously still bright enough for my stickers), especially oranges and yellows, for some reason.
Testing out different sticker papers is a good idea too! It took me a while to find some I liked. I don't recommend holographic sticker paper - it's usually silver instead of white, so it makes it harder to see the art. If you want holos, laminate is the way to go! And clear laminate is good too, keeps the ink from smearing or fading or being scratched off :D
I think I use a semi-glossy sticker paper because the colors turned out a little more vibrant than the matte paper did. But I know other people who prefer matte for theirs!
ANYWAY - here’s links to the printers if you wanna check them out! :D
My printer
Ranch's Printer
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slav-every-day · 1 year
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sawdusst · 10 months
The Rainmaker Heist Chapter 9 (Coroika Pirate AU) ⚓
Hiii!!! Sorry this update took so long. I spent a while working on the ending but I hope y'all like it :D Wowie, we're on chapter 9-- the second to last chapter :"
Anyways, enjoy! :D
Previous Chapter
Main Thread of All the Characters & Such :D
Word Count: 1,776 (+ some edits done)
====== [ ⚓ ] ======
[Wait for an opportunity]
After Half Rim and Straps showed up, the four of them decided to go to a cafe since there was still plenty of time before the auction. They ordered a few pastries, sitting at a table near the window. 
“So, the auction starts at sundown,” Gloves began, “Which means, they’ll probably present the Rainmaker later on in the night. Hopefully it’ll be dark enough that we could escape without making too much of a disturbance.” 
Everyone else nodded in agreement.
“I’m thinking Half Rim could try to splat at least one of them with the splatterscope,” he continued, “Then, I’ll go in, grab the Rainmaker, and start heading back towards the ship.”
“That might be easier said than done,” Half Rim objected.
“I could just make up the rest as I go!” Gloves replied with nonchalance, then grinned.
“Wow, you've really got it planned out,” Half Rim mumbled.
“We should get something to replace the Rainmaker with, it’ll cause some trouble if they find out it’s gone,” Straps interjected, “That way, we won’t disturb the auction, we just need to take care of the X Bloods.”
“Oh, that’ll be easy,” Gloves shrugged, “I say we wait for sundown then and head over to the auction stage. You guys hide backstage, let me take care of the Rainmaker just in case it goes wrong— you guys will still have a way out.”
“Sounds good to me, but what about you?” Half Rim asked, “How are you going to escape if you're caught?”
“I have my ways,” Gloves replied with a scoff, “I could just escape with my dualies and forget about the Rainmaker. Depends on how bad the situation is.”
Gloves then set his hands on the table, “Are you guys ready?”
The four of them nodded in agreement.
====== [ ⚓ ] ======
Once the sun had begun to disappear along the horizon, the four made their way back to the stage. Gloves held a golden statue of a lucky cat, hidden in his coat. The four of them had their weapons prepared, strapped to their backs. 
“Looks like we made it just in time,” Half Rim commented. 
As the auction proceeded, the X-Blood Pirates were abruptly called to the stage. 
“Now’s our chance,” Gloves whispered to himself, then looked over at his crew, “Let’s take our positions. Be prepared to run once I grab the Rainmaker.”
Everyone nodded. The four of them hurried to the backstage area. Half Rim ducked behind a stack of crates with the splatterscope propped on his shoulder. Straps and Clips hid behind some boxes of sound equipment. Gloves took a deep breath and followed after them. 
He looked around, ducking under a roped off section. The sunset was masking his presence. Most of the other patrons were too occupied with watching what was on stage to pay attention to him. Gloves could hear the announcer up on the stage. 
“Good evening all! And welcome to Hagglefish Market’s monthly auction!” 
The glass case was seemingly left unlocked. Gloves carefully lifted it up, trying not to make a sound. He set the glass case aside, taking another deep breath. Gloves waited for a split second before taking the red tarp off.
“We have plenty of exciting prizes from all around the world to showcase tonight!” 
Sure enough, the golden Rainmaker stood on the stand. Gloves looked at it for a split second in awe. 
Gloves slowly reached for the golden statue. 
“We also have a few special guests here with us today,” the announcer continued, “Captain Vintage and his crew recently returned from a bounty-hunting job. It looks like they've brought something to sell!"
Gloves cringed inside after hearing those words. He hesitated for a second.
“Would you please give them a warm welcome?” 
There was a round of applause from the audience, plus a few murmurs from the crowd. Gloves could hear the X Bloods saying something while they were on stage.
Gloves then seized this opportunity. He quickly grabbed the Rainmaker and replaced it with the golden cat from his coat pocket. Gloves then took off his coat, wrapping the Rainmaker in it to hide the shimmering gold. 
Gloves quickly covered the golden cat statue with the red cloth, grabbing the glass case and placing it back over it. He sighed a breath of relief. Gloves quickly hauled the Rainmaker onto his shoulder. Immediately, he staggered forward from how heavy the Rainmaker was.
He could hear the announcement that the auction would start soon. Gloves could hear footsteps steadily approaching the backstage area.
The auction was starting as it was supposed to, the first item was being presented with the audience making their bids. Gloves winced, trudging forward with the Rainmaker propped on his shoulder.
“Hey, didn’t I tell you hands off?” 
Gloves stopped for a second. He slowly turned around. Standing before him were four cyan inklings with dark red eyes. 
“Ah— You must be Captain Vintage,” Gloves said, nervousness creeping into his voice, “It’s so nice to finally meet you—”
He took a hesitant step back.
“It’s you from earlier,” Vintage began, “Just what do you think you’re doing?” 
“What? Me?” Gloves laughed, “Nothing at all! I have no idea what you’re talking abou—”
“The Rainmaker,” Vintage interrupted, “I know you took it. If you hand it over now, I’ll leave you and your crew alone, you might be able to get out of here alive. Your choice.”
“Shoot,” Gloves whispered, then took a deep breath. He looked behind him, seeing his crew still hidden behind a few boxes. There was a small opening he could take if he made it quickly enough. None of the X Bloods had their weapons with them.
Gloves swiftly turned around, “The jig is up! Let’s go!” 
Straps leapt out from the stack of boxes, raising the splat roller and slamming it into the ground. The X Bloods dashed out of the way, splashes of green ink staining their shirts.
Without hesitation, Gloves turned around and ran as fast as he could. He kept the Rainmaker under his arm as he ran through the crowd. He wove his way through the crowd, heading towards the back alley. The rest of his crew hurried after Gloves.
“Are you sure you know what you’re doing?!” Half Rim exclaimed as they ran.
“Trust me! I’ve got it all figured out!” Gloves responded with a wink, “I’m totally not making this up as I go! Don’t worry about it.” 
The four of them sprinted ahead, dashing past the shops from earlier. Gloves hauled the Rainmaker on his shoulder then glanced over his shoulder. 
“Straps! You go on ahead and get the ship’s anchor raised so we can get out of here!” Gloves ordered, “We’ll try to keep them away.”
Straps nodded. Gloves stepped off to the side so Straps could run ahead of him. The four of them turned the corner, running into the alleyway. Gloves nearly tripped as he turned the corner. He steadied himself, running next to Half Rim.
Gloves vaulted over a crate that was propped in the street. Suddenly, there was a volley of ink bubbles launched at the four of them. Gloves jumped up with surprise as the cyan ink splashed the road beneath them.
“We’re not letting you get away that easily!” One of the cyan inklings exclaimed, she had a bloblobber in her hands. Another series of bright cyan bubbles were launched that dribbled towards them.
Clips and Half Rim jumped out of the way. Half Rim raised his splatterscope, aiming it at the cyan inklings in the distance from him. They stood in the alleyway, holding their weapons.
Vintage held a ballpoint splatling. He scoffed, “Take his crew down. The captain’s mine.” 
Half Rim quickly fired a shot from the splatterscope. Vintage ducked as the green ink flew over his head. He raised the splatling, taking a step forward. He had a bright red glint in his eye.
In a flash, all three of the crewmates standing next to him seemed like they disappeared. Gloves’ eyes widened with shock. Without a second to waste, the four of them turned around and began to run away again.
“Keep an eye out!” Gloves exclaimed, “They could be anywhere!” 
The four of them sprinted ahead. Their boots steadily beat the mossy cobblestone ground as they ran ahead. As they ran towards the end of the alleyway, an inkling with a nautilus 47 jumped out from a corner. 
A volley of ink was launched at the crew. Gloves took a hesitant step back, dashing to the side as bright cyan ink splattered the ground. 
Straps quickly dashed forward, raising the splat roller. She slammed the roller into the ground, creating a shockwave of green ink which launched at the other inkling.
The latter dodged, using her arm to block some of the green ink. She raised the nautilus again and launched another barrage of ink. 
“Captain! Let’s split up and take them one-on-one,” Clips suggested, “We won’t make it to the ship in time if we stay clumped up like this!” 
Gloves nodded. “I’ll see you guys on the ship! Be careful out there!”
They all nodded in agreement. Clips dashed to the side, firing a few rounds of ink at the cyan inkling. She dodged another series of rounds from the nautilus as she ran in another direction. 
As Clips kept the inkling occupied, the three of them charged forward, sprinting past the cyan inkling towards an intersection in the road. Straps sprinted forward, while Half Rim ran off to the left. 
Gloves sprinted off to the left, giving one last glance to the rest of his crew. He turned around, running with the Rainmaker still propped on his shoulder. He could hear footsteps chasing after him. As he looked down, he could see bright cyan ink staining the soles of his boots.
“I just have to get to the shore,” Gloves told himself, “Head in the same direction as everyone else— Do everything you did to get here, but backwards.” 
Gloves jumped to the side as bright cyan ink blasted past him and splashed his shoulder. He sighed a breath of relief. He could hear heavy footsteps hastily approaching him from behind. 
“Shoot, I can’t use my dualies while I’m holding this thing,” Gloves though as he hurried ahead. He turned the corner, hearing the footsteps from before slowly fade as he sprinted onwards.
Gloves then skidded to a stop, seeing there was a solid wall in front of him. There was a fork in the road, splitting the alleyway into two separate streets. 
“That can’t be right,” Gloves uttered, “I could’ve sworn I was heading the same direction as—”
Gloves looked behind him, seeing Vintage was no longer chasing him. There were still a few splats of cyan ink on the ground, but it seems Gloves was alone. He sighed a breath of relief, setting the Rainmaker down and brushing off his hands.
“Okay, okay, I need to think,” Gloves said, steadying his breathing, “Which way am I supposed to go? Was it left or right…?” 
• • •
Yayyyy thank you for reading! If you've made it this far, I really appreciate the support :"D I'm having fun working on this and I can't wait to finish off strong!
Sorry again for taking so long, the chase scene was a bit tedious to write but I still had fun.
Have a great day/night! <3
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dimensionalspades · 1 year
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. "Then we find something. Starfleet's database should be full of helpful somethings." He looked around the lift. "Lights are still on, turbolift is moving, so something's working in ops. We get there, search for something in the main computer, and keep on moving. Even better if we find survivors along the way." As unlikely as that was.
. Leon was only loosely part of Starfleet- the division was like a cousin to their security- but he knew their famed fleet of doctors and scientists most likely had a cure for everything short of dying by now. If they were lucky and something was in the system, they could get to the infirmary and synthesize a cure before they were overrun.
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. The turbolift doors opened, revealing a groaning husk wearing a tattered uniform, Leon aimed his paser and fired, the undead man stumbling, then collapsing in a heap on the ground. He looked around. The wardroom was closed tight, and he wondered if that was due to someone hiding in there. The only other person still moving here was another shuffling corpse that Leon shot down.
. "Comms are still down," he said from where he stood over a console.
continued from X for @fasciinating
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