#Komaeda kin
tortadecereji · 2 years
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Saw some people drawing their kinsonas and wanted to try... I'm still a bit embarrassed to show him, be kind please!
Basically komaeda but emo and s.i.o fan
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I need to fuck a komaeda kinnie to make me worse
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canoncalled · 2 years
hey hey !! I'm Nagito Komaeda from Danagnronpa. I'm pretty canon compliant, so like if canon-me makes you uncomfy (which is pretty reasonable honestly), maybe it's best to skip this one, but I don't bite (anymore) (I think) (can you tell I like brackets yet)
I'm looking for quite literally ANYONE from danganronpa (except haiji. no haiji please.) since I more or less have memories/memory-hints for everyone, and one of my divergencies is that I seem to remember all 3 (4?) classes being in hope's peak at once. I'm not really looking for canonmates, just general sourcemates, so even if none of this sounds familiar, I'd be happy to talk with you! I love discussing mems and stuff. Doubles are rad too lol- Do keep in mind that I am a minor, though !
Sorry for the long post lol tldr im lonely and wanna talk with my classmates even if they werent directly my classmates
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endlessoceanic · 21 days
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Hahaha random brushes go burrrrrrrr also the lineart for the backround because I WORKED A LOT ON IT BUT NAGITOS FAT ASS COVERED IT UPPP jk bbg i love you-
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mrmiserymushroom · 2 years
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he deserves something good once in a while
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emberz7 · 6 months
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—f i g h t ! ! ! [end of chap. 1]
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pfpanimes · 2 years
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⌕ danganronpa • nagito komaeda.
like or reblog if you save/use.
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jayfangs · 9 months
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hajime: the one that asked to be bfs but is still embarrassed about pda
nagito: the one who thought they were dating already for a while but is happy that hajime acknowledges it now
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ghostingink · 4 months
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Guys if I started komahina posting in 2024 will you guys hate me 🥺🥺🥺
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etherealkins · 2 months
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nagito komaeda (danganronpa 2) with themes of beaches, isolation, and liminal spaces.
requested by: anon | made by: aziraphale
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diospore · 3 months
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I did something "cringe"
ANYWAYS i wonder how many of these are red flags. this is really funny to me. midoriya is just. there. someone get that boy outta there.
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A Hopeful Halloween ~ Yandere Nagito Komaeda
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“Hey Nagito, do you have your costume picked for this year?”
You found your white-haired classmate doing…something near the fountain. You made it an effort to try and interact with the more lonesome classmates. Specifically focusing on Nagito who still seemed to allude even the most friendly Ultimates. 
“Oh! (Y/n) (L/n)! What occasion have you come to grace me?!” 
You ignored the disturbing murkiness in his eyes as you repeated your question. He seemed confused for a moment before perking in recognition returning to his typical smile. 
“Oh yes I’ve relented to be a lowly vampire…” You nodded about to respond conversationally but he wasn’t finished. “Which will do nothing but pale in comparison to the glorious, hopeful costumes the ultimates will wear!” And there it was.
“Oh…that’s great…well I’ve gotta..go.”
You dismissed yourself hurriedly speed walking away before he could go into one of his rants about hope. Which you had endured many times before in your attempt to be his friend. While you were leaving the courtyard with chills of discomfort Nagito was reeling in ecstasy. You had spoken to him of your own volition!! All out of the mere kindness of your heart! He has to refrain from his…coping mechanism in order to retain a sense of normalcy. He continued to proceed with jarring the dirt he witnessed you touch with your hand when you were lounging nearby earlier in the day. Hurriedly scooping the dirt, he let the blood that had rushed to his face linger as he was still relishing just being in your presence. 
‘Nobody brings hope like (Y/n)!’
“I don’t know why you try that with him, he's such a creep!” 
You pouted as you let Junko hold your head moving it to the side as she continued to do your makeup. Deciding to be a character from a cartoon you used to watch you let Junko do your makeup as she had been bugging you about it for the longest time. You enjoyed hanging out with your underclassmen if anything as a mentor but students like Junko acted like your equal.
“B-but everyone deserves a friend and I hate to think that someone is being left out when I’m having fun…”
You stood up as Junko began to put away her various tools. Adjusting your costume you mulled at your reflection leaving you open for an attack. 
“(Y/n) you care too much and it’ll be ultra lame if you let that freak just drag you off because you’re too sweet to say ‘no’.” 
Grabbing you by your costume she pulled you into herself with a devious smirk on her face.
“Besides if you let yourself get sweeped up by him– I. Won’t. Forgive. You…!”
Tapping your nose with her manicured figure you found yourself making a promise to yourself. While you were almost certain she might have advised you in such a way so that you spent less time around someone she considered to be beneath her. She made a point about possibly being too kind…perhaps it was time you put some distance between you and Nagito. 
“And you two will be in charge of handing the candy out to all the reserve students and visiting family.”
Placed with none other than Nagito Komaeda you were expected to be in charge of trick or treaters. So much for distance…you weren’t unhappy with the job you were doing just who it was with. Planning for your department didn’t exactly have you needing to meet with your erratic classmate…but upon your class’ worried questioning you figured it wouldn’t be a bad idea to have someone to help practice. 
“Aren’t you having a Happy Halloween?” You were glad you were optimistic! It seemed that Nagito did have a filter when it came to children; suspending his hope-worship for one day of the year to make some children happy!
“--After all you’ve been the spoils of the fountain of hope that is (Y/n) (L/n)! Have a Happy Halloween~!”
You smacked your hand to your face as the class groaned expectedly. There was only a day left before the day and everyone was discouraged by his typical temperament. The classes were already expecting him to ‘ruin’ all the work they put into their Halloween presentation experience. You had to do something.
“Hey Nagito, can you do something for me?”
You approached him after class without the prying ears and eyes of the judgemental classes. At this point they would probably be betting how many visitors would run off with Nagito would scare off more than the haunted attraction they had prepared.
“Whatever you wish for my brightest hope!”
“Then…can you only say ‘Happy Halloween’ for the trick or treaters?” 
He tilted his head in curiosity; for a moment looking cute enough for you to falter. You shook your head doubling down.
“Can you…maybe just…act like your character…uh a vampire on Halloween! Yeah, I think you’d spread the most hope if you stayed in character for the rest of the night!” 
You internally patted yourself on the back as you twisted your words; waiting anxiously for his reaction. Looking at you blankly for quite awhile you were worried he had seen your true intention about to avidly deny you and even buckle down on his testaments of hope. 
“You…you…want me to spread hope in costume…?”
You nodded your head, nervously clenching your fists as he still seemed hesitant; only for a complete turn around of his expression. Erupting in a concerning shade of red Nagito squeezed himself pulling aggressively at his hoodie as he buckled over beginning to drool. 
“You…asked me! Of all…to spread hope! Wordlessy! Ah~! (Y/n)~!” 
He continued to repeat your name eventually falling on his face to continue wriggling on the ground at your feet. Disturbed but feeling like you were successful you dismissed yourself once again joining the comfort of the crowd leaving Hope’s Peak Academy. 
The night of the Halloween Bash of Hope’s Peak was here and so far Nagito was holding up to your words. Acting in character he flashed his fake fangs and waved his cape mysteriously while dispersing candy. Your classmates and underclassmen were wonderfully surprised and actually happy that their efforts weren’t squandered by the hope-obsessed ultimate. 
“What did you promise to give him, (Y/n)!”
“Y-yeah (Y-y/n) d-did you p-promise t-to have a sexy r-rendevue under the s-stars!”
“Shut up, you perveted cow!” 
Much to Hiyoko and Tsumiki’s displeasure you denied their claims as well as many of your other classmates who suspected you to tame the oddball. You were just happy that you were successfully getting through the night so much so that you wanted to thank him. With decorations taken down and people heading home once again you were able to find the vampire-looking Nagito standing sullenly under the moon. Under the light, the rest of his body shrouded in the darkness of the building he was perfectly selling the vampire look.
“Hey, Nagito! Thanks for all your hard work today! I really appreciate you…staying in character!” 
You cheered at him, reminding yourself of your deception. He didn’t immediately look at you still moon gazing, unexpectedly giving you the side eye. The look had you halt in your steps allowing him to glide towards you, swiftly closing the distance between one another. 
“To meet with a vampire, secluded and completely unarmed, (Y/n)? That wasn’t very wise.”
He pressed his nose past yours, fully invading your vision with his entire face. Not to mention the intimate heat that emanated from his breath totally contradicting his vampire persona. Trying to laugh it off you lightly pushed at the arms that caged you against the school wall. 
“Ha-ha, Nagito you could’ve fooled me…now could you let me go?”
Curling his arms further around you with full intention to press his body into yours–leaving you flustered. He smiled looking particularly devious as he purposely grinded his pelvis against your own. Dragging his face against your own he made his way to nuzzle into your neck being sure to take a deep breath before speaking into your neck.
“But I’m supposed to stay in character, right (Y/n)? For hope…right?”
He spoke mockingly, letting his words cut into your pride as he let his lips trace against your neck. 
“Well yeah b-but it's over s-so you don’t have to-Ah~!” 
Stopping your plea at the searing pain of Nagito Komaeda who firmly held you against his body as he bit into your neck. All you could do was pull at his cape and costume as he continued to lick and bite at various spots on your necak and now exposed shoulder. 
Finally finished with his attack on your neck you melted into his arms. He continued to hold you against him as you tiredly huffed before once again trying to wrench yourself away. Failing once more, you resigned to staying put. You looked up at the shadowed blushing face of Nagito Komaeda with a look asking ‘why?’ With his only response to letting his blush intensify as he held you as close as humanly possible. 
“Happy Halloween (Y/n)! Let’s wordlessly spread our hope against one another, okay?” 
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dani-the-toad · 6 months
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bits of hope
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endlessoceanic · 22 days
It's genuinely concerning that this motherfucker is my 'literally me' character.
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kinniebloodbath · 1 year
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n1ghtmare-hajime · 1 year
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Me when Izuru
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