khuuyasounds · 7 years
Tagged by @bandagekinkedasshat (: Thankyouuuu
Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better.
Name: Khuuya Nicknames: Khuuya hAH gotcha there; it’s on some older posts I believe  Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius  Height: 5′1, ALMOST 5′2 Orientation: yes Ethnicity: Hispanic  Favorite fruit: Peach!!!  Favorite Season: the Fall Favorite Book: Bookwise, I have no idea, but my favorite poem is a long poem that’s about book length???  Favorite Flower: Roses  Favorite Scent: There’s a stress reliever hand sanitizer with Eucalyptus, shit is bomb  Favorite Color: Gray or Red  Favorite Animal: TURTLES AND DOGS OMG  Hot Chocolate, Tea, or Coffee: Coffee bc I can not function without my hourly coffees   Average Sleep Hours: there’s no solid answer but maybe 4 hours is my usual?? Sometimes I sleep 16 hours? Favorite Fictional Character: Wow um ok where do I start  loml Chuuya and Peter Pan (,: Cat or Dog Person? DOGS BC I DOGS Ideal number of blankets you sleep with: 2 Ideal Trip: off a bridge Blog Created: 2011??? It was for one direction 
Taggings~ Of course you lovely people do not have to do it if you don’t wish to
@callmehhrainbow @lounatist @synchroneyes (btw lets talk vrains bc omg) @koscatko @yuugi-muto @morganalefan @itsmebryana @surlie @rainmakerzen
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