#Kaiju Art
seru-jpg · 22 hours
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I watched Shin Godzilla, Godzilla '54, and Godzilla Minus One yesterday, in that order, and I loved all 3 of them, especially Minus One
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tabzdrawzstuff · 2 days
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Kaiju fan service! ^^
Their all in a poly relationship, don't st me ^^
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brookghaib-blog · 2 days
Kaiju n8 : The secret of Hoshina pt.2
pairing: hoshina soshiro x reader
summary: The beggining of the story between Y/N and Hoshina
an: pls be free to warn me about any mistakes in my writing
previous chapter
Years before Mina Ashiro assumed command of the Third Division, the unit thrived under the leadership of Captain Y/N. Known for her tactical brilliance and compassionate leadership, she was a beacon of hope and resilience for her team. Vice-Captain Hoshina Soshiro, a master swordsman and strategic genius, was her right-hand man, his loyalty to Y/N evident in every mission they undertook together.
Their relationship began strictly professional. Y/N admired Hoshina's dedication and his ability to remain calm under pressure, while Hoshina respected her leadership and the way she inspired everyone around her. As they worked together, their bond deepened, forged in the crucible of countless battles and shared hardships.
It was during a particularly harrowing battle with a massive kaiju that their feelings for each other began to surface. The kaiju had attacked a civilian area, and the Third Division was dispatched to neutralize the threat. Y/N and Hoshina led the charge, coordinating their team with precision and bravery. In the heat of battle, they moved in perfect sync, their trust in each other unwavering.
As the battle raged on, Y/N found herself in a precarious situation, surrounded by debris and with the kaiju bearing down on her. Hoshina, sensing her peril, fought his way to her side, his sword slicing through the enemy with lethal efficiency. Together, they managed to bring down the kaiju, but not without sustaining injuries.
In the aftermath, as they caught their breath amidst the ruins, their eyes met. For the first time, they allowed themselves to acknowledge the deeper connection that had been growing between them.
"Soshiro," Y/N said, her voice barely above a whisper, "I don't know what I would have done without you."
Hoshina stepped closer, his usually stoic expression softening. "You never have to find out. I'll always be here for you."
Their relationship blossomed in secret, hidden from the rest of the Division to protect their positions and avoid any potential distractions. They cherished their stolen moments together, finding solace in each other's arms amidst the chaos of their duties.
Months later, Y/N discovered she was pregnant. The news brought a wave of joy and hope for both of them. They began making plans for a future beyond the battlefield, dreaming of a life where they could raise their child in peace, where they eventually organized a very secretive wedding to celebrate their love and become official in the eye of heaven itself, hoping to be blessed with happiness and the health of their baby.
One evening, after a long day of training, they sat together in their secret haven, a small, secluded part of the base garden that few knew about. The stars were bright above them, and the air was filled with the scent of blooming flowers.
"Soshiro," Y/N said, leaning against him, "I've been thinking about names."
Hoshina smiled, wrapping an arm around her. "Oh? Do you have any favorites?"
She nodded, a soft smile playing on her lips. "If it's a boy, I was thinking of Kaito. And if it's a girl, maybe Aiko."
"Kaito and Aiko," Hoshina repeated, the names rolling off his tongue with warmth. "I love them."
Their happiness, however, was short-lived. During a routine patrol, a new and unusually aggressive kaiju attacked. The battle was fierce, and despite their best efforts, Y/N was gravely injured. In the chaos, she lost their baby, a devastating blow that left her physically and emotionally shattered.
Realizing she could no longer continue in her role, Y/N made the painful decision to resign from the Third Division. She needed time to heal, and the memories of what she had lost were too painful to bear in the place where it had all happened.
The night she told Hoshina of her decision was filled with tears and heartbreak. They sat together in their secret garden, the weight of their grief heavy between them.
"Soshiro," Y/N said, her voice trembling, "I can't stay here. Every corner of this place reminds me of what we lost. I need to leave."
Hoshina held her tightly, his own heart breaking. "I understand," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "I wish I could come with you, but the Division needs me. Promise me you'll stay safe."
"I promise," she whispered, clinging to him as if trying to imprint his presence into her memory.
Y/N's departure was a quiet affair, known only to a few trusted members of the Division. She left behind a legacy of strength and sacrifice, her absence felt deeply by those who had served under her. Hoshina, in particular, felt the void she left behind, her absence a constant reminder of their shared pain and the future they had lost.
Years passed, and Mina Ashiro took command of the Third Division. Hoshina continued his duties, carrying the weight of his loss in silence. He never forgot Y/N, cherishing the memories of their time together and the love they had shared. He often found himself in the secluded garden, looking up at the stars and remembering the nights they spent dreaming of a brighter future.
Despite the pain, their story was one of resilience and hope. It was a reminder that even in the darkest times, love could endure, giving strength to face the challenges ahead. And though they were apart, the bond between Hoshina and Y/N remained unbroken, a testament to the enduring power of their love.
Every year, on the anniversary of the battle where they lost their child, Hoshina would visit a small memorial he had built in the garden. He would lay a single white flower on the stone and stand in silent remembrance, his heart heavy with both sorrow and gratitude for the time they had shared.
And though being separated by distance only, the memory of their love continued to guide Hoshina, inspiring him to protect those who couldn't protect themselves, just as Y/N had always done. Their love story, was marked by both joy and tragedy, both hoping that their healing would allow them to be together again.
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tomatoo1 · 2 days
heehee pencil go brrrr
Ganji, Gaia and Goru belong to @dacrackerz
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mikesterreal · 2 days
Wanted to make something like this for awhile
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glorpmcgloople · 3 days
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Gigan Attacks!
Continuing Kaijune with the bladed monstrosity Gigan.
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jakud · 2 months
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If you like kaiju and mecha, read the first book in my MODERN CARAPACE series: O Bounty Of Thy Ribs. This 72-page graphic novel is the story of Esther, a park ranger who pilots the Tarantula Hawk, a prototype mecha, and uses it to protect desert-dwelling insectoid kaiju from poachers.
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kaliido-s · 3 months
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I don’t think he understands
The new clips coming out are hilarious, these guys are actual dumbasses god bless
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dernooks · 6 months
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The monster is back!
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asongkalyee · 3 months
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The king....!
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bornulhuu · 2 months
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Godzilla x Kong kaiju chilling and eating :3
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pumpkinlitost · 4 months
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Conservatives/homoph*bes bit my ass for this drawing on twitter, but you guys can get it right??
I really liked how it turned out, that's why I'm going to continue sharing it.
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el-pada · 2 months
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godzilla's urban life
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navalta-gfx · 2 months
I’ve gone ahead and translated that one scene
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ciderhoots · 5 months
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Queen of the Monsters, Guardian of the Earth ✨
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maxigart · 2 months
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